INTERNATIONAL STUDIES 30% discount code: CSF20BISA Order online at
These Islands Are Ours The Social Construction of Territorial Disputes in Northeast Asia ALEXANDER BUKH
Why and how do territorial disputes that at one point mattered little, become salient? Focusing on non-state actors rather than political elites, Alexander Bukh explains how and why apparently inconsequential territories become central to national discourse in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. He challenges the conventional wisdom that disputes-related campaigns originate in a desire to protect national territory and traces their roots to times of crisis in the respective societies. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Studies in Asian Security February 2020 232pp 9781503611894 £58.00 HB now £40.60
History in Financial Times AMIN SAMMAN
Critical theorists of economy tend to understand the history of market society as a succession of distinct stages. This vision of history rests on a chronological conception of time whereby each present slips into the past so that a future might take its place. Pushing beyond linear accounts of economic history, Amin Samman instead argues that the past continually circulates through and shapes the present in unexpected ways. Paying particular attention to narrative and to notions of crisis, recurrence, and revelation, Amin Samman gives us a novel take on the relation between historical thinking and critique. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Currencies: New Thinking for Financial Times May 2019 232pp 9781503609457 £19.99 PB now £13.99
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Crimmigrant Nations
Resurgent Nationalism and the Closing of Borders EDITED BY ROBERT KOULISH & MAARTJE VAN DER WOUDE
This collection of essays analyzes nationalist state policies in countries that have criminalized migrants and categorized them as threats to national security. The book illustrates how anti-immigrant sentiments and nationalist discourse are on the rise in various Western liberal democracies and how these sentiments are being translated into punitive and cruel policies and practices. Contributors look beyond the local or the national to the relational dynamics between different actors on different levels and among different institutions. FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS March 2020 416pp 9780823287499 £26.99 PB now £18.89
The Politics of Operations
Excavating Contemporary Capitalism SANDRO MEZZADRA & BRETT NEILSON
In The Politics of Operations Sandro Mezzadra and Brett Neilson investigate how capital reshapes its relation with politics through operations that enable the extraction and exploitation of mineral resources, labor, data, and cultures. They show how capital—which they theorize as a direct political actor—operates through the logistical organization of relations between people, property, and objects as well as through the penetration of financialization into all realms of economic life. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS March 2019 312pp 9781478002833 £21.99 PB now £15.39
10% Less Democracy
Why You Should Trust Elites a Little More and the Masses a Little Less GARETT JONES
During the 2016 presidential election, both Trump and Sanders argued that elites were hurting the economy. But, drawing together evidence and theory, Garett Jones says otherwise. Accessible to political news junkies while firmly rooted and rigorous, this book will fuel debate about what optimal government looks like. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS February 2020 248pp 9781503603578 £21.99 HB now £15.39
Reflects on the future of the EU—and its potential lack of a future. As the UK plans for Brexit, the EU is in disarray and plagued by doubts. Nonetheless, Krastev concludes that although the union is as fragile as ever, its chances of enduring are much better than they were just a few years ago. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS January 2020 136pp 9780812252422 £16.99 HB now £11.89
expansion of human freedom. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS November 2019 216pp 9781503610996 £23.99 PB now £16.79
Border Policing
A History of Enforcement and Evasion in North America EDITED BY HOLLY M. KARIBO & GEORGE T. DÍAZ
An extensive history examining how North American nations have tried (and often failed) to police their borders. Díaz presents diverse scholarly Within days of taking office, President perspectives on attempts to regulate Trump published or announced changes to immigration law and policy. people and goods at borders, as well as Banned examines the tool of discretion, on the ways that individuals and communities have navigated, the choice a government has to contested, and evaded such regulation. protect, detain, or deport immigrants, UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PRESS and describes how the Trump April 2020 7 b&w images, 6 maps 304pp administration has wielded this tool in 9781477320679 £36.00 HB now £25.20 creating and executing its immigration policy. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS September 2019 216pp Dispatches from the Outskirts of 9781479857463 £23.99 HB now £16.79
Immigration Enforcement in the Time of Trump SHOBA SIVAPRASAD WADHIA
Borderline Citizen
Between Utopia and Realism
Robin Hemley wrestles with what it means to be a citizen of the world, taking readers on a singular journey The Political Thought of Judith N. through the hinterlands of national Shklar identity. Part travelogue, part memoir, EDITED BY SAMANTHA ASHENDEN & part reportage, Borderline Citizen ANDREAS HESS redefines notions of nationhood This volume reflects on and refracts through an exploration of the Shklar’s major preoccupations arbitrariness of boundaries and what it throughout a lifetime of thinking and means to belong. U.S. Foreign Assistance and State demonstrate the ways in which her UNVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESS work illuminates contemporary debates Series: American Lives Violence across political theory, international March 2020 3 photos, 3 maps 216pp JESSICA TRISKO DARDEN relations, and law. Her thought 9781496220417 £16.99 PB now £11.89 Drawing on four decades of data on continues to be a useful tool in U.S. economic and military aid, Jessica addressing cruelty, limiting injustice, Trisko Darden explores whether foreign and combating the cynicism of the aid does more harm than good. She present moment. encourages both advocates and critics UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS of foreign assistance to reconsider its Series: Haney Foundation Series political and social consequences by October 2019 1 illus. 304pp focusing international aid efforts on the 9780812251661 £52.00 HB now £36.40
Aiding and Abetting
30% discount code: CSF20BISA
Canada on the United Nations Security Council
A Small Power on a Large Stage ADAM CHAPNICK
This is the definitive history of the Canadian experience, both its successes and failures, on the world’s largest stage – the United Nations Security Council. UBC PRESS September 2019 320pp 9780774861618 £60.00 HB now £42.00
City of Black Gold
Oil, Ethnicity, and the Making of Modern Kirkuk ARBELLA BET-SHLIMON
Bet-Shlimon tells a story of oil, urbanization, and colonialism in Kirkuk, Iraq—and how these factors shaped the identities of Kirkuk’s citizens. She shows how contentious politics in disputed areas are not primordial traits of those regions, but are a modern phenomenon tightly bound to the society of urban life. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS May 2019 296pp 9781503609136 £20.99 PB now £14.69
promotes ungoverned space. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS April 2020 12 maps, 17 charts 264pp 9781501748363 £33.00 HB now £23.10
Defense Management Reform How to Make the Pentagon Work Better and Cost Less PETER LEVINE
In this book, Peter Levine addresses why, despite a long history of attempted reform, the Pentagon continues to struggle to reduce waste and inefficiency. At the heart of Defense Management Reform are three case studies covering civilian personnel, acquisitions, and financial management. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS March 2020 352pp 9781503611849 £27.99 PB now £19.59
Dying to Serve
Justice and Community in South Africa HANNAH E. BRITTON
South African women’s still-increasing presence in local, provincial, and national institutions has inspired sweeping legislation aimed at advancing women’s rights and opportunities. Yet the country remains plagued by sexual assault, rape, and intimate partner violence. Ending Gender-Based Violence examines the reasons gendered violence persists in relationship to social inequalities even after women assume political power. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRESS April 2020 232pp 9780252084966 £18.99 PB now £13.29
Full Spectrum Dominance
Militarism, Affect, and the Politics of Irregular Warfare and the War on Terror Sacrifice in the Pakistan Army MARIA RYAN MARIA RASHID
The Pakistan Army has deep roots in the colonial armed forces and relies heavily on certain regions to supply its soldiers, especially parts of rural Punjab, where men have served in the army for generations. These men, and How Foreign Subversion Weakens their wives and mothers, are the focus of Dying to Serve, which innovatively the State and sensitively addresses the question: MELISSA M. LEE how does the military thrive when so Policymakers worry that “ungoverned much of its work results in injury, spaces” pose dangers to security and debility, and death? development. Why do such spaces exist STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS beyond the authority of the state? In Series: South Asia in Motion this shrewd book, Melissa M. Lee April 2020 288pp argues that foreign subversion 9781503611986 £21.99 PB now £15.39 undermines state authority and
Crippling Leviathan
Ending Gender-Based Violence
This is the first sustained historical examination of the secondary fronts in the War on Terror and the irregular strategies that have left a deeply ambiguous global legacy. Maria Ryan explores whether irregular warfare has been effective in creating global stability or if new terrorist groups have emerged in response to the intervention. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS September 2019 328pp 9781503609990 £50.00 HB now £35.00
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Shifting Borders and Territorial Disputes NADAV G. SHELEF
Northeastern region. Sanjib Baruah offers a nuanced account of this impossibly complicated story, asking how democracy can be sustained, and deepened, in these conditions. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: South Asia in Motion February 2020 296pp 9781503611283 £23.99 PB now £16.79
Why are some territorial partitions accepted as the appropriate borders of a nation’s homeland, whereas in other places conflict continues despite or even because of division of territory? Nadav G. Shelef develops a theory of what homelands are that acknowledges Anxieties of Power in the Islamic both their importance in domestic and Republic international politics and their change NARGES BAJOGHLI over time. Iran Reframed offers unprecedented CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS access to those who wield power in July 2020 10 b&w halftones, 3 maps, 336pp Iran as they debate and define the 9780801479922 £23.99 PB now £16.79 future of the Republic. This book offers a multilayered story about what it means to be pro-regime in the Islamic Republic, challenging everything we think we know about Iran and Forging an Academic Discipline revolution. SARITA CARGAS STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Cargas argues that the time has come Series: Stanford Studies in Middle Eastern for human rights to be acknowledged and Islamic Societies and Cultures as an academic discipline. In an analysis September 2019 176pp of human-rights curricula, she identifies 9781503610293 £17.99 PB now £12.59 an informal consensus on the epistemological foundations of human rights and, most crucially, awareness and advocacy of the rights and freedoms detailed in the articles of the Strategic Targeting of Terrorist UDHR. Organizations UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS JENNA JORDAN Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights Jordan examines over a thousand December 2019 1 illus. 224pp instances of leadership targeting to 9780812251791 £56.00 HB now £39.20 identify the intended and unintended consequences of this strategy. As Jordan demonstrates, many factors play a role in determining how and why leadership decapitation succeeds or India and Its Northeast fails. Taking heed of these conditions is SANJIB BARUAH essential to an effective Offers a critical and much-needed contemporary historical account of the counterterrorism policy going forward. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS country’s troubled relations with this
Iran Reframed
Human Rights Education
Leadership Decapitation
In the Name of the Nation
30% discount code: CSF20BISA
Series: Studies in Violence and Terrorism November 2019 272pp 9781503608245 £33.00 HB now £23.10
Why Malthus Was Wrong and Why Environmentalists Should Care GIORGOS KALLIS
This book reclaims, redefines, and makes an impassioned plea for limits— a notion central to environmentalism. Giorgos Kallis rereads reverendeconomist Thomas Robert Malthus and his legacy, separating limits and scarcity, two notions that have long been conflated in both environmental and economic thought. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS August 2019 168pp 9781503611559 £10.99 PB now £7.69
Mapping Beyond Measure
Art, Cartography, and the Space of Global Modernity SIMON FERDINAND
Mapping Beyond Measure analyzes diverse map-based works of painting, collage, film, walking performance, and digital drawing, made in Britain, Japan, the Netherlands, Ukraine, the United States, and the former Soviet Union, arguing that together they challenge the dominant modern view of the world as a measurable and malleable geometrical space. UNVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESS Series: Cultural Geographies + Rewriting the Earth December 2019 pp 9781496217585 £27.99 PB now £19.59
Natural Law and Human Rights
This first English translation of Manet’s profound and strikingly original book La loi naturelle et les droits de l’homme is a reflection on the central question of the Western political tradition. It contemplates the steady displacement of the natural law by the modern conception of human rights UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME PRESS Series: Catholic Ideas for a Secular World February 2020 132pp 9780268107215 £22.99 HB now £16.09
Necropolitics ACHILLE MBEMBE
Theorizes the genealogy of the contemporary world—one plagued by inequality, militarization, enmity, and a resurgence of racist, fascist, and nationalist forces—and calls for a radical revision of humanism a the means to create a more just society. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS BOOKS Series: Theory in Forms October 2019 224pp 9781478006510 £20.99 PB now £14.69
On an Empty Stomach Two Hundred Years of Hunger Relief TOM SCOTT-SMITH
On an Empty Stomach examines the practical techniques humanitarians have used to manage and measure starvation, from Victorian “scientific” soup kitchens to space-age, highprotein foods.
CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS April 2020 13 b&w halftones 288pp 9781501748653 £27.99 HB now £19.59
Panic City
Crime and the Fear Industries in Johannesburg MARTIN J. MURRAY
Johannesburg remains haunted by its tortured history of racial segregation and burdened by enduring inequalities. Panic City is an exploration of urban fear and its impact on the city’s evolving siege architecture, the transformation of policing, and obsession with security that has fueled unprecedented private consumption of ‘protection services.’ STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS March 2020 392pp 9781503611269 £23.99 PB now £16.79
Paradoxes of the Popular
Crowd Politics in Bangladesh NUSRAT SABINA CHOWDHURY
Chowdhury offers insight into what she calls, “the paradoxes of the popular,” which encompass the so-called Bangladesh Paradox to include the constitutive contradictions of popular politics, making an original case for the crowd as a defining feature and a foundational force of democratic practices in South Asia and beyond. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: South Asia in Motion August 2019 264pp 9781503609471 £21.99 PB now £15.39
Pluriversal Politics The Real and the Possible ARTURO ESCOBAR
Reflecting on the experience, philosophy, and practice of Latin
American indigenous and Afrodescendant activist-intellectuals who mobilize to defend their territories from large-scale extraction, Arturo Escobar shows how the key to addressing planetary crises is the creation of the pluriverse—a world of many epistemological and ontological worlds. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS BOOKS Series: Latin America in Translation April 2020 3 illus 232pp 9781478008460 £20.99 PB now £14.69
Political Fallout
Nuclear Weapons Testing and the Making of a Global Environmental Crisis TOSHIHIRO HIGUCHI
Political Fallout is the story of one of the first human-driven, truly global environmental crises—radioactive fallout from nuclear weapons testing during the Cold War—and the international response. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS May 2020 328pp 9781503612891 £21.99 PB now £15.39
Political Ideology in Parties, Policy, and Civil Society
Interdisciplinary Insights EDITED BY DAVID LAYCOCK
Ideology is a ubiquitous, continuously innovating dimension of human experience, but its character and impact are notoriously difficult to pinpoint within political and social life. This book demonstrates that the reach and significance of political ideology can be most effectively understood by employing a multidisciplinary approach. UBC PRESS February 2020 2 charts 234pp 9780774861328 £22.99 PB now £16.09
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The Strange History of a Radical Idea BRADLEY C. S. WATSON, FOREWORD BY CHARLES R. KESLER
new approach to answering these enduring and hotly debated questions by shifting the focus away from the reputations of countries and instead examining the reputations of individual leaders. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Cornell Studies in Security Affairs April 2020 2 b&w line drawings, 5 charts 264pp 9781501747717 £41.00 HB now £28.70
Represents the author’s study of American progressivism as it formed in the twentieth century. Synthesizes the history of this idea and presents an intellectual history of American progressivism as a philosophicalpolitical phenomenon, focusing on how and with what consequences the academic discipline of history came to Guy Debord, Radical Democracy, accept and propagate it. and the Digital Age UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME PRESS DEVIN PENNER February 2020 260pp Rethinking the Spectacle re-examines 9780268106973 £37.00 HB now £25.90 the tension between spectacle and political agency using the ideas and practices of Guy Debord and the Sanctuary and Security in Canada Situationist International as a point of departure. and the United States UBC PRESS OBIORA CHINEDU OKAFOR February 2020 252pp Refugee Law after 9/11 undertakes a 9780774860512 £21.99 PB now £15.39 systematic examination of available
Rethinking the Spectacle
Refugee Law after 9/11
Rude Democracy
Civility and Incivility in American Politics SUSAN HERBST
Democracy is, by its very nature, often rude. In the 2010 edition of Rude Democracy, Susan Herbst explored the ways we discuss public policy, how we treat each other as we do, and how we can create a more civil national culture. In a new preface for this 2020 edition, the author connects her book to our current highly contentious politics and what it means for the future of democratic argument. TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PRESS April 2020 220pp 9781439903360 £10.99 PB now £7.69
Savage Ecology
War and Geopolitics at the End of the World JAIRUS VICTOR GROVE
Jairus Victor Grove offers an ecological theorization of geopolitics in which he contends that contemporary global legal, policy, and empirical evidence to crises are better understood when reveal a great irony: refugee rights were considered within the larger history of already so whittled down in both geopolitical practice, showing how countries before 9/11 that there was How Disruptive Technologies Open political violence is the principal force relatively little room for negative behind climate change, mass Opportunities for All change after the attacks. extinction, slavery, genocide, extractive UBC PRESS KATI SUOMINEN capitalism, and other catastrophes. February 2020 362pp Revolutionizing World Trade uses new DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS 9780774861465 £60.00 HB now £42.00 empirical evidence and policy August 2019 7 illus 368pp experiences to examine the clash between emerging possibilities in world 9781478004844 £22.99 PB now £16.09 trade and outdated policies and How Leaders Signal Determination institutions, offering several policy in International Politics recommendations for navigating these DANIELLE L. LUPTON obstacles to catalyze growth and How do reputations form in development around the world. international politics? What influence STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS do these reputations have on the Emerging Frontiers in the Global Economy conduct of international affairs? In November 2019 360pp Reputation for Resolve, Lupton takes a 9781503610712 £23.99 PB now £16.79
Revolutionizing World Trade
Reputation for Resolve
30% discount code: CSF20BISA
Sensitive Space
Fragmented Territory at the IndiaBangladesh Border JASON CONS
Enclaves along the India-Bangladesh border have posed conceptual and pragmatic challenges to both states since Partition in 1947. Sensitive Space examines how these areas mark a range of anxieties over territory and national survival and lead us to consider why certain places emerge as contentious spaces at the margins of nation and state. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON PRESS Series: Global South Asia February 2019 9 illus., 2 maps 224pp 9780295744247 £22.99 PB now £16.09
Taiwan in Dynamic Transition
Taiwan in Dynamic Transition provides an up-to-date assessment of contemporary Taiwan, highlighting Taiwan’s emergent nationhood and its significance for world politics. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON PRESS April 2020 3 b&w illus., 5 charts, 6 tables 256pp 9780295746807 £22.99 PB now £16.09
The Arc of Protection Reforming the International Refugee Regime T. ALEXANDER ALEINIKOFF & LEAH ZAMORE
The Arc of Protection adopts a revisionist and critical perspective that
examines the original premises of the international refugee regime. This book offers a way out of the current international morass through refocusing on responsibility-sharing, seeing the humanitarian-development divide in a new light, and putting refugee rights front and center. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS October 2019 184pp 9781503611412 £10.99 PB now £7.69
The Death of Asylum Hidden Geographies of the Enforcement Archipelago ALISON MOUNTZ
Investigates the global system of detention centers that imprison asylum seekers and conceal persistent human rights violations. Illustrates how authorities in the United States, the European Union, and Australia have created a new and shadowy geopolitical formation allowing them to externalize their borders to distant islands and deprive migrants of basic human rights. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS April 2020 28 304pp 9780816697113 £21.99 PB now £15.39
The Grip of Sexual Violence in Conflict Feminist Interventions in International Law KAREN ENGLE
As transnational feminists began to pay attention to sexual violence in conflict, they often did so at the cost of attention to other issues. This book offers a detailed examination of how these commitments were not merely deprioritized, but undermined, by efforts to address the sole issue of sexual violence.
STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Stanford Studies in Human Rights April 2020 304pp 9781503611245 £21.99 PB now £15.39
The Hijacked War
The Story of Chinese POWs in the Korean War DAVID CHENG CHANG
David Cheng Chang vividly portrays the experiences of Chinese prisoners in the dark, cold, and damp tents of Koje and Cheju islands in Korea and how their decisions derailed the high politics being conducted in the corridors of power in Washington, Moscow, and Beijing. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS January 2020 496pp 9781503604605 £33.00 HB now £23.10
The Hypocritical Hegemon
How the United States Shapes Global Rules against Tax Evasion and Avoidance LUKAS HAKELBERG
Lukas Hakelberg takes a close look at how US domestic politics affects and determines the course of global tax policy. Through an examination of recent international efforts to crack down on offshore tax havens and the role the US has played, Hakelberg uncovers how a seemingly innocuous technical addition to US law has had enormous impact around the world, particularly for individuals and corporations aiming to avoid and evade taxation. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Cornell Studies in Money March 2020 2 charts 210pp 9781501748011 £17.99 PB now £12.59
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The Myth of the Nuclear Revolution
Power Politics in the Atomic Age KEIR A. LIEBER & DARYL G. PRESS
Keir A. Lieber and Daryl G. Press tackle the central puzzle of the nuclear age: the persistence of intense geopolitical competition in the shadow of nuclear weapons. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Cornell Studies in Security Affairs June 2020 3 maps, 5 charts 180pp 9781501749292 £23.99 HB now £16.79
The Oil Wars Myth
Petroleum and the Causes of International Conflict EMILY MEIERDING
Do countries fight wars for oil? Given the resource’s exceptional military and economic importance, most people assume that states will do anything to obtain it. Challenging this conventional wisdom, The Oil Wars Myth reveals that countries do not launch major conflicts to acquire petroleum resources. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS May 2020 5 maps 256pp 9781501748288 £33.00 HB now £23.10
The Political Economy of Collective Action, Inequality, and Development WILLIAM D. FERGUSON
This book examines how a society that is trapped in stagnation might initiate and sustain economic and political development. In this context, progress requires the reform of existing arrangements, along with the complementary evolution of informal institutions.
STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS May 2020 448pp 9781503604612 £62.00 HB now £43.40
The Political Economy of Resource Regulation
An International and Comparative History, 1850-2015 EDITED BY ANDREAS R. DUGSTAD SANDERS, PÅL R. SANDVIK & ESPEN STORLI
These studies examine how the intersection of ideas, international institutions, and political systems gave birth to distinctive regulatory regimes at various times in the modern world. The contributors offer unique insights into why some resource-rich countries have flourished while others have been mired in poverty and corruption. UBC PRESS October 2019 6 graphs, 2 maps, 16 tables 376pp 9780774860611 £26.99 PB now £18.89
The Universal Enemy
Jihad, Empire, and the Challenge of Solidarity DARRYL LI
This book argues that transnational jihadists are engaged in their own form of universalism: these fighters struggle to realize an Islamist vision directed at all of humanity. Developed from more than a decade of research with former fighters, Li explores the relationship between jihad and American empire to shed critical light on both. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Stanford Studies in Middle Eastern and Islamic Societies and Cultures December 2019 384pp 9781503610873 £23.99 PB now £16.79
30% discount code: CSF20BISA
The Whole World Was Watching
Contributors examine Cold War rivalries through the lens of sporting activities and competitions across the world. This volume suggests that the analysis of sport provides a valuable lens for understanding both how individuals experienced the Cold War in their daily lives, and how sports culture in turn influenced politics and diplomatic relations. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Cold War International History Project December 2019 352pp 9781503610187 £54.00 HB now £37.80
The World Refugees Made
Decolonization and the Foundation of Postwar Italy PAMELA BALLINGER
Pamela Ballinger explores Italy’s remaking in light of the loss of a wide range of territorial possessions in Africa and the Balkans (colonies, protectorates, and provinces), the repatriation of Italian nationals from those territories, and the integration of these “national refugees” into a country devastated by war and overwhelmed by foreign displaced persons from Eastern Europe. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS March 2020 9 b&w halftones, 3 maps 336pp 9781501747588 £37.00 HB now £25.90
To Bring the Good News to All Nations
Evangelical Influence on Human Rights and U.S. Foreign Relations LAUREN FRANCES TUREK
Utilizing archival materials from both religious and government sources in the United States, Guatemala, and South Africa, Turek links the development of evangelical foreign policy lobbying to the overseas missionary agenda. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: The United States in the World May 2020 12 b&w halftones 312pp 9781501748912 £40.00 HB now £28.00
Violating Peace
Sex, Aid, and Peacekeeping JASMINE-KIM WESTENDORF
Jasmine-Kim Westendorf's discomforting book investigates sexual misconduct by military peacekeepers and abuses perpetrated by civilian peacekeepers and non-UN civilian interveners. Based on extensive field research in Bosnia, Timor-Leste, and with the UN and humanitarian communities, Violating Peace uncovers a brutal truth about peacebuilding as Westendorf investigates how such behaviors affect the capacity of the international community to achieve its goals related to stability and peacebuilding, and its legitimacy in the eyes of local and global populations. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS March 2020 232pp 9781501748059 £24.99 HB now £17.49
Warlord Survival
The Delusion of State Building in Afghanistan ROMAIN MALEJACQ
How do warlords survive and even thrive in contexts that are explicitly set up to undermine them? How do they rise after each fall? Warlord Survival answers these questions. Drawing on hundreds of in-depth interviews conducted in Afghanistan between 2007 and 2018, Romain Malejacq provides a full investigation of how warlords adapt and explains why weak states like Afghanistan allow it to happen. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS January 2020 10 b&w halftones, 2 maps 256pp 9781501746420 £34.00 HB now £23.80
When There Was No Aid War and Peace in Somaliland SARAH G. PHILLIPS
For all of the doubts raised about the effectiveness of international aid in advancing peace and development, there are few examples of developing countries that are even relatively untouched by it. Sarah G. Phillips’s When There Was No Aid offers us one such example. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS March 2020 1 map 256pp 9781501747151 £31.00 HB now £21.70
Whose Life Is Worth More?
Hierarchies of Risk and Death in Contemporary Wars YAGIL LEVY
Modern democracies face tough lifeand-death choices in armed conflicts. The first of its kind, this book reveals that how these decisions are made. By looking beyond the military to the cultural and political factors that shape policies, this book provides tools to understand how democracies really decide whose life is worth more. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS November 2019 328pp 9781503610330 £23.99 PB now £16.79
Why Containment Works
Power, Proliferation, and Preventive War WALLACE J. THIES
Why Containment Works examines the conduct of American foreign policy during and after the Cold War through the lens of applied policy analysis. Thies argues that the Bush Doctrine after 2002 was a theory of victory—a coherent strategic view that tells a state how best to transform scarce resources into useful military assets, and how to employ those assets in conflicts. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Cornell Studies in Security Affairs September 2020 244pp 9781501749483 £43.00 HB now £30.10
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