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Born with a Copper Spoon
Digital Relationships
Network Agency Theory and Big Tech Jason Davis
A Global History of Copper, 1830-1980 Edited by Robrecht Declercq, Duncan Money and Hans Otto Otto Frøland
February 2023 288pp 9780804791106 £60.00/ $70.00 HB
Why do so many organizations fail to mobilize the social networks of employees to respond to disruptions, innovate, and change? In Digital Relationships, Jason Davis argues that individual and organizational interests about networking can come out of alignment such that the network ties that individuals form are organizationally sub-optimal for achieving their most ambitious goals.
November 2022 328pp 17 tables, 17 charts, 4 b&w photos, 2 maps 9780774864855 £77.00/ $89.95 HB
Copper production has affected ecologies, states, and companies, while creating and even destroying local communities dependent on volatile commodity markets. This book delivers a global perspective on one of the world’s most important metals. Excludes Japan, SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ
No-Excuses Innovation
Problem Solver
Strategies for Small- and Medium-Sized Mature Enterprises Bruce Vojak and Walter Herbst
Maximizing Your Strengths to Make Better Decisions Cheryl Strauss Einhorn AREA Method Publications February 2023 180pp 9781501768033 £16.99/ $19.95 PB
September 2022 272pp 9781503627581 £24.99/ $30.00 HB
Rarely do we examine our decisions or even look inward to consider the psychology of our decision-making. Replete with real-life examples and replicable strategies to put new decision-skills to your immediate benefit, Problem Solver will do more than help you look out into a future; it will equip you to move forward, with confidence, into your future.
Offers the case for innovation and a clear, targeted strategy for planning and implementation that will help SMMEs thrive – through reinvention and renewal. No-Excuses Innovation makes the case to owners, advisors, executives, and leaders—as well as those in the trenches—of the value of innovation: why it's worthy of investment and what it can do for the health and longevity of a company.
Rooted Globalism
The Prepared Leader
Framing the Global October 2022 286pp 14 b&w illus. 9780253062543 £25.99/ $32.00 PB 9780253062536 £65.00/ $75.00 HB
September 2022 170pp 9781613631638 £15.99/ $18.99 PB 9781613631652 £23.99/ $28.99 HB
Arab–Latin American Business Elites and the Politics of Global Imaginaries Kevin Funk
Emerge from Any Crisis More Resilient Than Before Erika H. James and Lynn Perry Wooten
Unpacks dozens of ethnographic interviews Funk conducted with Latin America's urban-based, Arabdescendant elite class, some of whom also occupy positions of political power. Funk captures the emergence of classed intersectional identities that are simultaneously local, national, transnational, and global.
The Prepared Leader encapsulates more than two decades of the authors’ research to convey how it has positioned them to navigate through the distinct challenges of today and tomorrow. Their insights have implications for every leader in every industry and every worker at every level. 1
Building and Leading Resilient Teams Bradley L. Kirkman and Adam Stoverink
In the Nation’s Service The Life and Times of George P. Shultz Philip Taubman
February 2023 216pp 9781503629301 £24.99/ $30.00 HB
January 2023 496pp 9781503631120 £28.99/ $35.00 HB
An essential guide for managers and leaders on building resilient teams in turbulent times. Today more than ever before, work teams must demonstrate resilience. In the face of volatile, complex, and ambiguous business environments, all teams inevitably suffer setbacks. The authors provide in their new book the hands-on practical tips for building and leading resilient teams equipped to bounce back from those challenges.
Deftly solving critical but intractable national and global problems was the leitmotif of George Pratt Shultz's life. No one at did it better or with greater consequence in the last half of the 20th century, often against withering resistance. This book restores the modest Shultz to his central place in American history.
Poverty as Subsistence
The Columbian Orator
The World Bank and Pro-Poor Land Reform in Eurasia Mihai Varga
Edited by David W. Blight February 1998 296pp 9780814713235 £21.99/ $27.00 PB
Emerging Frontiers in the Global Economy February 2023 216pp 9781503633049 £60.00/ $70.00 HB
An 1797 publication of Enlightenment era thought, read by virtually every American schoolboy in the early 19th century. As America experiences a resurgence of interest in the art of debating and oratory, this book whether as historical artifact or contemporary guidebook--is one of those rare books to be valued for what it meant in its own time, and for how its ideas have endured.
Poverty as Subsistence explores the 'propertizing' land reform policy that the World Bank advocated throughout the transitioning countries of Eurasia, expecting poverty reduction to result from distributing property titles over agricultural land to local (rural) populations.
Excludes Taiwan, Japan, SE Asia & ANZ
The Dragon Roars Back
The Tropical Silk Road
Transformational Leaders and Dynamics of Chinese Foreign Policy Suisheng (Sam) Zhao
The Future of China in South America Edited by Paul Amar, Lisa Rofel, Fernando Brancoli, Maria Amelia Viteri and Consuelo Fernandez
November 2022 344pp 9781503634145 £24.99/ $30.00 PB 9781503630888 £77.00/ $90.00 HB
November 2022 432pp 9781503633803 £24.99/ $30.00 PB 9781503633193 £77.00/ $90.00 HB
This book provides a historically in-depth, conceptually comprehensive, and up-to-date analysis of the critical role of Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, and Xi Jinping in the transition of Chinese foreign policy, leading to the ascendance of China to global power.
Maps patterns of global investment, infrastructure transformation, and social-environmental struggle at the juncture of two of today's most transformative processes: China's "stepping out" into the global south and the disintegration of the Amazonian, Cerrado, and Andean biomes. 2