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A Cooperative Disagreement
A Liberal-Labour Lady
The Times and Life of Mary Ellen Spear Smith Veronica Strong-Boag
Canada–United States Relations and Revolutionary Cuba, 1959–93 John M. Dirks
August 2022 288pp 17 illus., 6 b&w photos 9780774867252 £29.99/ $35.95 NIP
The C.D. Howe Series in Canadian Poli�cal History August 2022 352pp 9780774865807 £77.00/ $89.95 HB
This authorita�ve biography of Mary Ellen Smith (1863–1933) – Bri�sh Columbia’s first female MLA, the Bri�sh Empire’s first female cabinet minister, and a BC suffragist – recovers from obscurity an audacious but imperfect champion and key figure in the struggle for greater democracy in early twen�eth-century Canada.
Covering the period from 1959 to the end of the Cold War, this book demonstrates how Canada and the United States successfully kept divergent policies on revolu�onary Cuba from damaging their bilateral rela�onship.
Excludes Japan, SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ
Excludes Japan, SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ
An Honourable and Impartial Tribunal
Building the Army’s Backbone
October 2022 454pp 9781771993197 £38.00/ $43.95 PB
Studies in Canadian Military History August 2022 300pp 22 tables, 12 b&w photos, 2 charts 9780774866972 £33.00/ $37.95 NIP
The Court Martial of Major General Henry Procter, Minutes of the Proceedings Guy St-Denis
Canadian Non-Commissioned Officers in the Second World War Andrew L. Brown
The minutes of Major General Henry Procter’s trial are transcribed and annotated here for the first �me, providing engrossing insights into Procter’s retreat from what is now southwestern Ontario in the early autumn of 1813.
Reveals how the crea�on of Canada’s Second World War corps of non-commissioned officers (NCOs) helped the force train, fight, and win. Uncovers the army’s two-track NCO produc�on system: locally organized training programs were run by units and forma�ons, while centralized training and talentdistribu�on programs were overseen by the army.
Excludes Japan, SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ
Excludes Japan, SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ
Canada's Place Names and How to Change Them
Canadian Labour Policy and Politics
October 2022 300pp 9781988111391 £28.99/ $34.95 PB
October 2022 216pp 1 map, 37 charts/ diagrams, 2 tables 9780774866057 £43.00/ $50.00 PB
Edited by John Peters & Don Wells
Lauren Beck UBC PRESS
Disentangles the dis�nct cultural, religious, and historical naming prac�ces and visual emblems in Canada’s First Na�ons, provinces, territories, municipali�es, and federal lands. This is the first book to demonstrate how inadequately place names and visual emblems represent the presence of women, people of colour, and people living with disabili�es.
Canadian Labour Policy and Poli�cs serves as essen�al reading for students seeking to understand the poli�cs of inequality in Canada’s labour market and the policy agenda needed for greater economic equality and a sustainable green recovery. This comprehensive textbook explores how globaliza�on, labour laws, employment standards, COVID-19, and other challenges affect Canadian workers.
Excludes Japan, SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ
Excludes Japan, SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ
Changing of the Guards
Constitutional Crossroads
Private Influences, Privatization, and Criminal Justice in Canada Edited by Alex Luscombe & Derek Silva
Reflections on Charter Rights, Reconciliation, and Change Edited by Kate Puddister & Emmett Macfarlane
January 2023 290pp 4 photos, 1 map, 4 charts 9780774866859 £33.00/ $37.95 NIP
Law and Society December 2022 464pp 13 tables; 4 charts 9780774867917 £85.00/ $99.00 HB
Provides a detailed assessment of priva�za�on and private influence across the twenty-first-century Canadian criminal jus�ce system. It illuminates the many consequences of public–private arrangements for law and policy, transparency, accountability, the administra�on of jus�ce, equity, and the public.
This book brings together an impressive assembly of established and rising stars of poli�cal science and law, who not only provide a robust account of the 1982 cons�tu�onal reform but also analyze the ensuing scholarship that has shaped our understanding of the cons�tu�on.
Excludes Japan, SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ
Excludes Japan, SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ
Constitutionalizing Criminal Law
Disability Injustice
Confronting Criminalization in Canada Edited by Kelly Fritsch, Jeffrey Monaghan & Emily van der Meulen
Colton Fehr
November 2022 266pp 9780774867672 £33.00/ $37.95 NIP
Disability Culture and Poli�cs October 2022 352pp 9780774867139 £33.00/ $37.95 NIP
Explains why the Supreme Court of Canada’s jurisprudence considering the cons�tu�onality of criminal laws fails to strike a principled balance between the need to increase the coherency of the criminal law while maintaining the legi�macy of judicial review. This book calls for an overhaul of the way the Supreme Court has developed the rela�onship between criminal and cons�tu�onal law.
Ableism is embedded in Canadian criminal jus�ce ins�tu�ons, policies, and prac�ces. Disability Injus�ce examines disability in contexts that include policing and surveillance, sentencing and the courts, prisons and alterna�ves to confinement.
Excludes Japan, SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ
Excludes Japan, SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ
Fearing the Immigrant
Feeling Feminism
Racialization and Urban Policy in Toronto Parastou Saberi
Activism, Affect, and Canada’s Second Wave Edited by Lara Campbell, Michael Dawson & Catherine Gidney
August 2022 304pp 13 b&w illus. 9781517909840 £23.99/ $29.00 PB 9781517909833 £100.00/ $116.00 HB
December 2022 336pp 9 b&w photos 9780774866514 £33.00/ $37.95 NIP
Parastou Saberi argues that Toronto’s urban policies are influenced by a territorialized and racialized security agenda—one that parallels the “War on Terror.” Focusing on the figure of the immigrant and so-called immigrant neighborhoods as the targets of urban policy, Saberi offers an innova�ve, mul�disciplinary approach to the poli�cs of racializa�on and the governing of alterity through space in contemporary ci�es. Excludes Japan & ANZ
A groundbreaking collec�on of interdisciplinary scholarship on second-wave feminist history and feminist social movements in Canada that puts emo�ons at the centre of the story. Contributors reveal its full impact on contemporary Canada and highlight the contested, some�mes exclusionary nature of the movement itself. Excludes Japan, SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ
Fragments of Truth
Inside the Local Campaign
Residential Schools and the Challenge of Reconciliation in Canada Naomi Angel Edited by Dylan Robinson & Jamie Berthe
Constituency Elections in Canada Edited by Alex Marland & Thierry Giasson
October 2022 240pp 54 illus. 9781478018575 £20.99/ $25.95 PB 9781478015932 £86.00/ $99.95 HB
Communica�on, Strategy, and Poli�cs July 2022 456pp 42 b&w photos, 2 figures 9780774868198 £38.00/ $43.95 PB
Analyzes the visual culture of reconcilia�on and memory in rela�on to the Truth and Reconcilia�on Commission that Canada established in 2008 to review the history of the Indian Residen�al School system, a brutal colonial project that killed and injured many Indigenous children.
Inside the Local Campaign reveals what goes on in cons�tuency campaigns during a Canadian elec�on. Contributors discuss local-level campaigning in electoral districts across the country and disclose hidden details about how local campaigns are run. Excludes Japan, SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ
Lessons in Legitimacy
Liquor and the Liberal State
Colonialism, Capitalism, and the Rise of State Schooling in British Columbia Sean Carleton
Drink and Order before Prohibition Dan Malleck
September 2022 294pp 30 b&w photos, 4 maps 9780774868075 £77.00/ $89.95 HB
December 2022 416pp 6 tables, 4 illus., 3 graphs, 1 map 9780774867177 £33.00/ $37.95 NIP
Lessons in Legi�macy examines the rela�onship between se�ler capitalism, state schooling, and the making of Bri�sh Columbia. This important study reveals how an understanding of the historical uses of schooling can inform contemporary discussions about the role of educa�on in reconcilia�on and improving Indigenous–se�ler rela�ons.
Liquor and the Liberal State explores government approaches to drink and drinking in the late nineteenth and early twen�eth centuries. It also explores how no�ons of individual freedom, equality, and property rights were debated, challenged, and modified in response to an ac�ve prohibi�onist movement and equally ac�ve liquor industry.
Excludes Japan, SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ
Excludes Japan, SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ
People of the Saltwater
People, Politics, and Purpose
An Ethnography of Git lax m'oon Charles R. Menzies
Biography and Canadian Political History Edited by Greg Donaghy & P. Whitney Lackenbauer
December 2022 198pp 5 photos, 2 maps, 1 table 9781496232625 £20.99/ $25.00 NIP
The C.D. Howe Series in Canadian Poli�cal History October 2022 236pp 9780774866804 £77.00/ $89.95 HB
People of the Saltwater is an explora�on of an ancient community of the Gitxaała Na�on and how its members relate socially, poli�cally, and economically to the rest of the world. Menzies’s firsthand account describes the group’s place within cultural anthropology and the importance of its lifeways, tradi�ons, and histories in nontradi�onal society today.
People, Poli�cs, and Purpose inves�gates the roles and reputa�ons of a wide array of poli�cal actors, offering insight into Canada’s place in the world and s�mula�ng fresh thinking about poli�cal biography. Excludes Japan, SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ
Pivot or Pirouette?
Religion at the Edge
The 1993 Canadian General Election Tom Flanagan Foreword by R. Kenneth Carty
Nature, Spirituality, and Secularity in the Pacific Northwest Edited by Paul Bramadat, Patricia O'Connell Killen & Sarah Wilkins-Laflamme
Turning Points October 2022 232pp 5 b&w photos, 3 figures, 2 maps 9780774866835 £22.99/ $27.95 PB
November 2022 276pp 1 b&w photo, 2 maps, 5 charts, 6 tables 9780774867634 £33.00/ $37.95 NIP
You can’t understand modern Canadian poli�cs without understanding the 1993 elec�on. This book covers both the backstory and the a�ermath of the 1993 Canadian General Elec�on.
Religion at the Edge shows how the dis�nc�ve social and physical landscape of the Pacific Northwest proves fer�le ground for an expansive explora�on of contemporary spirituality and secularity.
Excludes Japan, SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ
Excludes Japan, SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ
Scandalous Conduct
Screening Out
Studies in Canadian Military History November 2022 276pp 20 b&w photos, 10 tables, 2 charts 9780774867597 £29.99/ $35.95 NIP
December 2022 304pp 9780774867481 £29.99/ $35.95 NIP
Canadian Officer Courts Martial, 1914–45 Matthew Barrett
HIV Testing and the Canadian Immigration Experience Laura Bisaillon UBC PRESS
This is the first-ever inquiry into how the Canadian immigra�on medical program works in prac�ce to screen out people with HIV. This ethnographic inquiry into the medico-legal and administra�ve prac�ces governing the Canadian immigra�on system shows how it works from the perspec�ve of the very people toward whom this exclusionary health policy is directed.
Inves�gates the complex meanings of honour and dishonour as revealed by general courts mar�al and dismissal sentences in the Canadian officer corps during the First and Second World Wars. Drawing on fascina�ng court cases never before studied, Scandalous Conduct concludes that military honour was not a stable concept; instead it depended on social circumstances and disciplinary requirements.
Excludes Japan, SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ
Excludes Japan, SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ
The High North
The Political Party in Canada
Cannabis in Canada Edited by Andrew D. Hathaway & Clayton James Smith McCann
William P. Cross, Scott Pruysers & Robin Matthew Currie-Wood October 2022 338pp 55 tables, 6 charts/ diagrams 9780774868235 £39.00/ $45.00 HB
December 2022 356pp 16 tables, 4 charts, 1 b&w photo 9780774866712 £29.99/ $35.95 NIP
The Poli�cal Party in Canada provides a comprehensive explora�on of contemporary Canadian poli�cal party composi�on and organiza�on and draws on rich original data to consider where power lies and how it is exercised. This comprehensive examina�on opens a window on a fundamental ins�tu�on that makes modern democracy possible.
The High North brings together, for the first �me, ac�vists, advocates, and academics to evaluate the opaque origins and muddled legacy of cannabis legaliza�on in Canada. Featuring contribu�ons from cannabis scholars and “prac��oners,” ac�vists and advocates, these pieces examine public policy on cannabis, assess consumer percep�ons, and revisit the history of the legaliza�on movement. Excludes Japan, SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ
Excludes Japan, SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ
Twice Migrated, Twice Displaced
Unsettling Colonialism in the Canadian Criminal Justice System
Indian and Pakistani Transnational Households in Canada Tania Das Gupta
Edited by Vicki Chartrand & Josephine Savarese
August 2022 214pp 14 tables 9780774865678 £29.99/ $35.95 NIP
November 2022 340pp 9781778290039 £29.99/ $35.95 PB
Explores the lives of Gulf South Asians who arrived in Canada from India and Pakistan via Persian Gulf countries. Tania Das Gupta reveals the mul�ple migra�on pa�erns of this group, analyzing themes such as gender, racial, and religious discrimina�on; class mobility; the forma�on of transna�onal families; and iden��es in a post-9/11 context.
By examining the ways in which the Canadian jus�ce system con�nues to sanc�on overtly discriminatory and racist prac�ces, the authors in this collec�on demonstrate clearly how historical pa�erns of privilege and domina�on are extended and reinforced. Excludes Japan, SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ
Excludes Japan, SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ
Violence, Imagination, and Resistance
What Nudism Exposes An Unconventional History of Postwar Canada Mary-Ann Shantz
Socio-Legal Interrogations of Power Edited by Mariful Alam, Patrick Dwyer & Katrin Roots
October 2022 288pp 24 b&w photos 9780774867207 £77.00/ $89.95 HB
October 2022 204pp 9781778290022 £26.99/ $32.95 PB
What Nudism Exposes offers a convincing new perspec�ve on postwar Canada by revealing how nudist clubs navigated the social and cultural changes of the 1950s, ’60s, and ’70s. What nudism ul�mately exposes is how the body figures at the intersec�on of nature and culture, the individual and the social, the private and the public.
Through the explora�on of how to deconstruct law’s power, how to expose the violence the law produces, and finally how to iden�fy modes of resistance that have transforma�ve poten�al, these essays contribute to the ongoing interroga�on of se�ler colonialism, racism, and structural violence in Canada.
Excludes Japan, SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ
Excludes Japan, SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ
Making and Breaking Settler Space
recent highlights
Five Centuries of Colonization in North America Adam J. Barker
Breaking Barriers, Shaping Worlds
Canadian Women and the Search for Global Order Edited by Jill CampbellMiller, Greg Donaghy & Stacey Barker
May 2022 312pp 2 photos, 7 diagrams, 1 map 9780774865418 £33.00/ $34.95 NIP
Explores how se�ler spaces have developed and diversified from contact to the present. Traces the trajectory of se�ler colonialism, drawing out details of its opera�on that are embedded not only in imperialism but also in contemporary contexts.
May 2022 240pp 23 photos 9780774866415 £29.99/ $32.95 NIP
Where are the women in Canada's interna�onal history? This book answers this ques�on in a comprehensive volume that explores the role of women in Canadian interna�onal affairs. Excludes Japan, SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ
Excludes Japan, SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ
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