creative writing 2022
Books stocked at Marston Book Services - Tel: +44 (0)1235 465500
Voice First
The Ethics of Narrative
A Writer's Manifesto Sonya Huber
Essays on History, Literature, and Theory, 1998–2007 Hayden White, Edited by Robert Doran, Foreword by Judith Butler
Wri�en to address the vague and problema�c advice given to writers to “find their voice,” Voice First: A Writer’s Manifesto recasts the term in the plural to give writers op�ons, movement, and a way to understand the development of voice over �me. Voice First offers writers and teachers of wri�ng an opportunity not only to engage their voices but to understand and experience how developing their range of voices strengthens their wri�ng. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESS
Hayden White is widely considered to be the most influen�al historical theorist of the twen�eth century. The Ethics of Narra�ve brings together nearly all of White's uncollected essays from the last two decades of his life, revealing a lesser-known side of White: that of the public intellectual. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS
September 2022 Index 280pp
August 2022 278pp 9781501764745 £23.99 Paperback
9781496231314 £20.99 Paperback
Morphology of the Folktale
Every Day I Write the Book
Second Edition V. Propp, Translated by Laurence Scott, Edited by Louis A. Wagner
Notes on Style Amitava Kumar
A wri�ng manual as well as a manifesto, Every Day I Write the Book combines Amitava Kumar's prac�cal wri�ng advice with interviews with prominent writers, offering guidance and inspira�on for academic writers at all levels. Amitava Kumar's Every Day I Write the Book is for academic writers what Annie Dillard's The Wri�ng Life and Stephen King's On Wri�ng are for crea�ve writers. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS
The classic work on forms of the folktale. “Propp's work is seminal...[and], now that it is available in a new edi�on, should be even more valuable to folklorists who are direc�ng their a�en�on to the form of the folktale, especially to those structural characteris�cs which are common to many entries coming from even different cultures.” UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PRESS
March 2020 24 illus. 256pp 9781478006275 £21.99 Paperback
Series: American Folklore Society Bibliographical and Special Series January 1968 184pp 9780292783768 £18.99 Paperback
cornell university press
Narrative Discourse
An Essay in Method Gerard Genette, Translated by Jane E. Lewin, Foreword by Jonathan Culler
"This book is generally considered one of the most- significant contribu�ons to literary cri�cism in the 1970's, and it is almost essen�al or anyone doing serious study of narra�ve…It is well organized and systema�c, a good example of what Robert Pirsig called the classical manner, a whole divided into its subordinate parts, those parts being further subdivided.” — Lawrence J. Gorman CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS August 1983 288pp 9780801492594 £21.99 Paperback
The Ethics of Life Writing Edited by Paul John Eakin
Our lives are increasingly on display in public, but the ethical issues involved in presen�ng such revela�ons remain largely unexamined. How can life wri�ng do good, and how can it cause harm? The eleven essays here explore such ques�ons. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS April 2004 288pp 9780801488337 £24.99 Paperback
university of minnesota press
The Art of Writing Peter Schwenger Pioneered in the work of creators such as Henri Michaux, Roland Barthes, and Cy Twombly, asemic wri�ng consolidated as a movement in the 1990s. Schwenger first covers these “asemic ancestors” before moving to current prac��oners such as Michael Jacobson and Rosaire Appel, exploring how asemic wri�ng has evolved and gained importance in the contemporary era. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS December 2019 51 b&w illus., 9 color plates 192pp 9781517906979 £21.99 Paperback
Theory and History of Folklore Vladimir Propp
Since Morphology of the Folktale was translated to English, in 1958, it has become an interna�onal bestseller and is well known as a major theore�cal work in oral literature. Now, Liberman has selected seven essays and three chapters from his later books which together reveal the full range of Propp’s thought in this book. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS Series: Theory and History of Literature August 1984 336pp 9780816611829 £21.99 Paperback
The Limits of Autobiography
Trauma and Testimony Leigh Gilmore
Memoirs in which trauma takes a major— or the major—role challenge the limits of autobiography. Leigh Gilmore presents a series of "limit-cases"—texts that combine elements of autobiography, fic�on, biography, history, and theory while represen�ng trauma and the self—and demonstrates how and why their authors swerve from the formal constraints of autobiography when the representa�on of trauma coincides with self-representa�on. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS
In the five short pieces collected in this volume, she explores experiences that had an emo�onal impact on her and that inspired her to write. Both autobiographical and fic�onal, Wri�ng displays Duras’s unique worldview and sensi�ve insight in her simple and poe�c prose. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS
January 2001 176pp 9780801486746 £24.99 Paperback
Marguerite Duras, Translated by Mark Polizzotti
duke university press
university of pennsylvania press
The Hundreds
Postmodern Fairy Tales
The Hundreds—comprised of pieces one hundred or mul�ples of one hundred words long—is Lauren Berlant and Kathleen Stewart's collabora�ve experimental wri�ng project in which they strive toward sensing and capturing the resonances that operate at the ordinary level of everyday experience. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS
Postmodern Fairy Tales seeks to understand the fairy tale not as children's literature but within the broader context of folklore and literary studies. It focuses on the narra�ve strategies through which women are portrayed in four classic stories: "Snow White," "Li�le Red Riding Hood," "Beauty and the Beast," and "Bluebeard." Bacchilega traces the oral sources of each tale, offers a provoca�ve interpreta�on of contemporary versions by Angela Carter, Robert Coover, Donald Barthelme, Margaret Atwood, and Tanith Lee, and explores the ways in which the tales are transformed in film, television, and musicals. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS
Lauren Berlant and Kathleen Stewart
February 2019 184pp 9781478002888 £21.99 Paperback
The Political Test Claude Lefort, Translated by David Ames Curtis In Wri�ng: The Poli�cal Test, France’s leading poli�cal philosopher, Claude Lefort, illuminates the process by which writers nego�ate difficult path to free themselves from the ideological and contextual traps that would doom their a�empts to ar�culate a new vision. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Post-Contemporary Interven�ons July 2000 360pp 9780822325208 £24.99 Paperback
Writing Anthropology
Essays on Craft and Commitment Edited by Carole McGranahan In Wri�ng Anthropology, fi�y-two anthropologists reflect on scholarly wri�ng as both cra� and commitment. These short essays cover a wide range of territory, from ethnography, genre, and the poli�cs of wri�ng to affect, storytelling, authorship, and scholarly responsibility. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS May 2020 12 illus. 320pp 9781478008125 £23.99 Paperback
August 2011 128pp 9780816677535 £14.99 Paperback
Gender and Narrative Strategies Cristina Bacchilega
March 1999 208pp 9780812216837 £21.99 Paperback
Fairy Tales and Society
Illusion, Allusion, and Paradigm Edited by Ruth B. Bottigheimer This collec�on of exemplary essays by interna�onally recognized scholars examines the fairy tale from historical, folkloris�c, literary, and psychoanaly�cal points of view. For genera�ons of children and adults, fairy tales have encapsulated social values, o�en through the use of fixed characters and situa�ons, to a far greater extent than any other oral or literary form. In many socie�es, fairy tales func�on as a paradigm both for understanding society and for developing individual behavior and personality. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS April 1989 4 illus. 336pp 9780812212945 £15.99 Paperback
university of illinois press
The Challenge of Feminist Biography
Writing the Lives of Modern American Women Edited by Sara Alpern, Joyce Antler, Elisabeth Israels Perry and Ingrid Winther Scobie This path-breaking anthology illuminates the lives of ten influen�al twen�ethcentury American women and looks at the challenges experienced by the women who have wri�en about them. Exploring the frequently complicated dialogue between writer and subject, the contributors discuss tools appropriate to wri�ng women's biography while their rive�ng accounts reveal how feminist scholarship led them to approach the study of women's lives in unconven�onal ways. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRESS
indiana university press
To Write Like a Woman
A Dictionary of Narratology
The Shell Game
Classic essays on science fic�on and feminism by Nebula and Hugo awardwinning Joanna Russ. Here she ranges from a considera�on of the aesthe�c of science fic�on to a reading of the lesbian iden�ty of Willa Cather. To Write Like a Woman includes essays on horror stories and the supernatural, feminist utopias, popular literature for women (the "modern gothic"), and the feminist educa�on of graduate students in English. INDIANA UNIVERSITY PRESS
Indispensable to writers, cri�cs, and scholars in many fields, A Dic�onary of Narratology provides quick and reliable access to terms and concepts that are defined, illustrated, and cross-referenced. All entries are keyed to ar�cles or books in which the terms originated or are exemplified. This revised edi�on contains addi�onal entries and updates some exis�ng ones. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESS
The Shell Game contains a carefully chosen selec�on of beau�fully wri�en, thoughtprovoking hybrid essays tackling a broad range of subjects, including the secrets of the human genome, the intractable pain of growing up black in America, and the gorgeous glow residing at the edges of the au�sm spectrum. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESS
Essays in Feminism and Science Fiction Joanna Russ
June 1995 200pp 9780253209832 £16.99 Paperback
Today, the surprisingly elas�c form of the memoir embraces subjects that include dying, illness, loss, rela�onships, and selfawareness. In his book-length essay Spirituality and the Writer, Larson surveys the literary insights of authors old and new who have shaped religious autobiography and spiritual memoir. OHIO UNIVERSITY PRESS March 2019 182pp 9780804012126 £22.99 Hardback
The Creative Journal
The Art of Finding Yourself: 35th Anniversary Edition Lucia Capacchione Using more than fi�y prompts and vibrantly illustrated examples, The Crea�ve Journal—a classic in the fields of art therapy, memoir and crea�ve wri�ng, art journaling, and crea�vity development— guides readers through drawing and wri�ng exercises to release feelings, explore dreams, and solve problems crea�vely. OHIO UNIVERSITY PRESS September 2015 200pp 9780804011648 £24.99 Paperback
December 2003 Table, 9 diagrams 126pp 9780803287761 £16.99 Paperback
An Anthology of Lyric Essays Edited by Randon Billings Noble
ohio university press
A Personal Inquiry Thomas Larson
Revised Gerald Prince
A Harp in the Stars
Series: Women, Gender, and Sexuality in American History September 1992 224pp 9780252062926 £25.99 Paperback
Spirituality and the Writer
university of nebraska press
In A Harp in the Stars, Randon Billings Noble has collected lyric essays wri�en in four different forms—flash, segmented, braided, and hermit crab—from a range of diverse writers. And because lyric essays can be so difficult to pin down, each contributor has supplemented their work with a short medita�on on this boundarybreaking form. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESS
Writers Play with Borrowed Forms Edited by Kim Adrian
April 2018 3 illustra�ons 276pp 9780803296763 £21.99 Paperback
The Writing of the Disaster Maurice Blanchot, Translated by Ann Smock
How can we write or think about disaster when by its very nature it defies speech and compels silence, burns books and sha�ers meaning? The Wri�ng of the Disaster reflects upon efforts to abide in disaster’s infinite threat. First published in French in 1980, it takes up the most serious tasks of wri�ng: to describe, explain, and redeem when possible, and to admit what is not possible. Neither offers consola�on. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESS
October 2021 17 illus. 310pp 9781496217745 £21.99 Paperback
May 1995 153pp 9780803261204 £16.99 Paperback
So You Want to Write About American Indians?
Writing Brave and Free
A Guide for Writers, Students, and Scholars Devon A. Mihesuah
Encouraging Words for People Who Want to Start Writing Ted Kooser and Steve Cox
This book is the first of its kind—an indispensable guide for anyone interested in wri�ng and publishing a novel, memoir, collec�on of short stories, history, or ethnography involving the Indigenous peoples of the United States. In clear language illustrated with examples, this book explains the basic steps involved with wri�ng about American Indians. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESS
Unlike “how to write” books that dwell on the angst and the agony of the trade, Wri�ng Brave and Free is upbeat and accessible. The focus here is the work itself: how to get started and how to keep going, and never is heard a discouraging word such as “no,” “not,” or “never.” Because of the wealth of their experience, the authors can offer the sort of prac�cal publishing advice that novices need and yet rarely find. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESS
April 2005 164pp 9780803282988 £16.99 Paperback
March 2006 178pp 9780803278325 £12.99 Paperback
Writing Together/ Writing Apart Collaboration in Western American Literature Linda K. Karell
In this study of collabora�ve wri�ng in western American literature, Linda K. Karell asks broad and frui�ul ques�ons about how wri�ng in general is produced. By examining "collabora�on" both as a process and as a product, she challenges the defini�on of an author as an individual genius who creates original works of art in isola�on. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESS May 2008 219pp 9780803218345 £16.99 Paperback
Books stocked at Marston Book Services Tel: +44 (0)1235 465500 6