CSF22CTA Offer valid until 30th September 2022
Catholic Theology You Are Gods
Theological Territories
On Nature and Supernature David Bentley Hart Presents a series of medita�ons on the vexed theological ques�on of the rela�on of nature and supernature. The book also offers a vision of Chris�an thought that draws on tradi�ons (such as Vedanta) from which Chris�an philosophers and theologians, biblical scholars, and religious studies scholars s�ll have a great deal to learn. University of Notre Dame Press April 2022 158pp 9780268201944 £20.99 PB now £14.69
A David Bentley Hart Digest David Bentley Hart Publishers Weekly Best Book in Religion 2020 One of America's most eminent contemporary writers on religion, Hart reflects on the state of theology "at the borders" of other fields of discourse—metaphysics, philosophy of mind, science, the arts, ethics, and biblical hermeneu�cs in par�cular. Advances many of Hart's larger theological projects, developing and deepening numerous dimensions of his previous work. University of Notre Dame Press April 2020 414pp 9780268107185 £23.99 PB now £16.79
Alasdair MacIntyre An Intellectual Biography Émile Perreau-Saussine Translated by Nathan J. Pinkoski Foreword by Pierre Manent
“Alasdair MacIntyre is one of the most influen�al and widely read moral philosophers of the last three or four decades. This remarkably erudite and comprehensive book is an indispensable guide for anyone who has a serious interest in twen�eth-century moral and poli�cal philosophy.” —Richard Kraut, author of The Quality of Life University of Notre Dame Press September 2022 216pp 9780268203252 £34.00 HB now £23.80
Renewing Theology
Ignatian Spirituality and Karl Rahner, Ignacio Ellacuría, and Pope Francis J. Matthew Ashley “Renewing Theology makes the very persuasive case that academic theology and spirituality need one another and can indeed be connected in ways that are profoundly sa�sfying. At stake is nothing less than a healing of the Chris�an imagina�on through the forging of a more construc�ve rela�onship between our spirituality and our theology.” —Thomas Massaro, SJ, author of Mercy in Ac�on University of Notre Dame Press August 2022 432pp 9780268203177 £69.00 HB now £48.30
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Just War and Christian Traditions
The Whole Mystery of Christ
Edited by Eric Patterson & J. Daryl Charles Foreword by John Ashcroft
Creation as Incarnation in Maximus Confessor Jordan Daniel Wood
"Just War and Chris�an Tradi�ons is a rich, mul�-layered compendium of essays from a wide array of Chris�an thinkers. This is a treasure trove of just war history, thought and applica�on. Pa�erson and Charles should be commended for wri�ng such a �mely and necessary book." —David C. Iglesias, director of the Center for Faith, Poli�cs & Economics University of Notre Dame Press
“The Whole Mystery of Christ offers a brilliant interpreta�on . . . and both its novelty and its audacity will make for an intense and hopefully frui�ul theological discussion in the years ahead. This book offers a new paradigm for Maximus scholarship and does it superbly well.” — Hans Boersma, author of Embodiment and Virtue in Gregory of Nyssa University of Notre Dame Press
December 2022 1 table 340pp 9780268203825 £39.00 PB pre-order for £27.30
October 2022 384pp 9780268203474 £60.00 HB pre-order for £42.00
Martin Luther and the Council of Trent
The Bible and the Crisis of Modernism
“A book like this is very rare and very precious, for its content, for its unique method, and for its contribu�on not only to academic debates about ecumenical associa�ons but also in terms of nurturing real-life friendships across the denomina�onal divides.” —Kirsi Stjerna, author of Lutheran Theology University of Notre Dame Press
“While we have any number of good scholarly books on modernism, there has not been such a thorough account of its history in rela�on to the great debates about biblical hermeneu�cs as The Bible and the Crisis of Modernism.” —Lawrence Cunningham, editor of The Norton Anthology of World Religions: Chris�anity University of Notre Dame Press
October 2022 7 tables 346pp 9780268203290 £82.00 HB pre-order for £57.40
September 2022 432pp 9780268202897 £108.00 HB now £75.60
Retrieving Freedom
Disability's Challenge to Theology
The Battle over Scripture and the Doctrine of Justification Peter M. Folan SJ
The Christian Appropriation of Classical Tradition D. C. Schindler “Retrieving Freedom is an impressive volume that locates the nature of free will in the very depth of both history and metaphysics. This is a much-needed contribu�on that will situate the ques�ons of free will in the only horizon that can make them intelligible: a horizon in which we can get into view the very meaning and purpose of our freedom.” —Anselm Ramelow, OP, editor of God: Reason and Reality University of Notre Dame Press Series: Catholic Ideas for a Secular World October 2022 550pp 9780268203702 £52.00 HB pre-order for £36.40 30% DISCOUNT CODE: CSF22CTA
Catholic Criticism in the Twentieth Century Tomáš Petráček
Genes, Eugenics, and the Metaphysics of Modern Medicine Devan Stahl “Drawing on a rich tapestry of Catholic and Protestant sources, Devan Stahl demonstrates the need for metaphysics if Chris�an bioethics is to successfully confront the eugenic tempta�ons of gene�c technologies.” —Paul Scherz, coeditor of The Evening of Life University of Notre Dame Press August 2022 328pp 9780268202972 £65.00 HB now £45.50
Óscar Romero’s Theological Vision
Liberation and the Transfiguration of the Poor Edgardo Colón-Emeric Catholic Press Associa�on Book Award: Newly Canonized Saints "In an engaging and convincing way, the case is made that in Saint Óscar Romero we have a pastor and a martyr, but also something much more, a father of the church, who gives us a new, rich, and challenging way to speak about God in our �me." —Today's American Catholic University of Notre Dame Press July 2022 418pp 9780268104740 £28.99 PB now £20.29
Incomprehensible Certainty Metaphysics and Hermeneutics of the Image Thomas Pfau
This study of images and visual experience is a tour de force linking Platonic metaphysics to modern phenomenology and probing literary, philosophical, and theological accounts of visual experience from Plato to Rilke. With over fi�y illustra�ons, the book will interest students and scholars of philosophy, theology, literature, and art history. University of Notre Dame Press June 2022 15 b&w, 36 color illus. 812pp 9780268202484 £69.00 HB now £48.30
The Eucharistic Form of God Hans Urs von Balthasar's Sacramental Theology Jonathan Martin Ciraulo
This study presents Hans Urs von Balthasar’s theology of the Eucharist and shows its significance for contemporary sacramental theology. Demonstra�ng that Balthasar is a eucharis�c theologian of the highest caliber, and that his contribu�ons to sacramental theology, although li�le acknowledged today, have enormous poten�al to reshape many discussions in the field. University of Notre Dame Press March 2022 312pp 9780268202231 £43.00 HB now £30.10
Eight Enduring Questions C. Stephen Layman Explores a wide range of philosophical issues in their connec�on with theism, including views of free will, ethical theories, theories of mind, naturalism, and karma-plus-reincarna�on. Presents the arguments cogently and simply, yet without oversimplifying the issues. Professional philosophers will find significant, novel arguments in many of the chapters. University of Notre Dame Press March 2022 310pp 9780268202064 £28.99 PB now £20.29
A Reader in Early Franciscan Theology The Summa Halensis Edited by Oleg Bychkov & Lydia Schumacher
Key passages from the Summa Halensis, one of the first major installments in the Summa genre for which scholas�cism became famous, in English for the first �me. Essen�al reading to understand the ways medieval thinkers employed philosophical concepts in a theological context as well as the evolu�on of Franciscan thought. Fordham University Press Series: Medieval Philosophy: Texts and Studies January 2022 288pp 9780823298846 £28.99 PB now £20.29
Political Theology on Edge Ruptures of Justice and Belief in the Anthropocene Edited by Clayton Crockett & Catherine Keller
In Poli�cal Theology on Edge, the discourse of poli�cal theology is seen as situated on an edge—that is, on the edge of a world that is grappling with global warming, a brutal form of neoliberal capitalism, protests against racism and police brutality, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Fordham University Press Series: Transdisciplinary Theological Colloquia December 2021 288pp 9780823298129 £28.99 PB now £20.29
From Default Atheism to the Surprise of Revelation William Desmond In Godsends, Desmond’s newest addi�on to his ambi�ous masterwork, he presents an original reflec�on on what he calls the “companioning” of philosophy and religion. Throughout the book, he follows an i�nerary that has something of an Augus�nian likeness: from the exterior to the interior, from the inferior to the superior. University of Notre Dame Press November 2021 326pp 9780268201579 £56.00 HB now £39.20
What Is Theology?
Christian Thought and Contemporary Life Adam Kotsko Kotsko makes the case for the con�nued relevance of Chris�an theology for contemporary intellectual life, demonstra�ng its vibrancy as a crea�ve and construc�ve pursuit outside the church, rethinking its o�en rivalrous rela�onship with philosophy, and tracing the theological roots of modern models of governance and racial oppression. Fordham University Press Series: Perspec�ves in Con�nental Philosophy September 2021 192pp 9780823297825 £22.99 PB now £16.09
Gregory Mellema Most of the scholarly literature on sin has focused on theological issues, making book-length philosophical treatments of the topic hard to find. Sin, the newest contribu�on by Gregory Mellema, fills the gap by providing a short and lively summary of what contemporary philosophers are saying about the rela�onship between the tradi�onal theological category of sin and contemporary philosophical ethics. University of Notre Dame Press August 2021 130pp 9780268201333 £24.99 HB now £17.49
Creation ex nihilo
Origins, Development, Contemporary Challenges Edited by Gary A. Anderson & Markus Bockmuehl Crea�on ex nihilo presents the findings of a joint research project at Oxford University and the University of Notre Dame in 2014– 2015. The doctrine of crea�on ex nihilo has met with cri�cism and revisionary theories in recent years from the worlds of science, theology, and philosophy. This volume concentrates on several key areas including the rela�onship of the doctrine to its purported biblical sources and how the doctrine emerged in the first several centuries of the Common Era. University of Notre Dame Press July 2021 430pp 9780268102548 £28.99 PB now £20.29
In Search of Radical Theology
Expositions, Explorations, Exhortations John D. Caputo Unlike modernist dismissals of religion, radical theology does not debunk but reinvents the theological tradi�on. Radical theology, Caputo says, is a double deconstruc�on—of supernatural theology on the one hand and of transcendental reason on the other, and therefore of the se�led dis�nc�ons between the religious and the secular. Caputo also addresses the challenge for radical theology to earn a spot in the curriculum, given that the “radical” makes it suspect among the confessional seminaries while the “theology” renders it suspect among university seminars. Fordham University Press Series: Perspec�ves in Con�nental Philosophy October 2020 256pp 9780823289196 £22.99 PB now £16.09