Economics Subject Catalogue - Fall 2021

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Capturing Finance

Dirty Knowledge

August 2021 176pp 7 illus. 9781478014294 £17.99/ $23.95 PB 9781478013389 £72.00/ $89.95 HB

Provoca�ons January 2022 148pp 9781496221438 £14.99/ $20.00 PB

Arbitrage and Social Domination Carolyn Hardin

Academic Freedom in the Age of Neoliberalism Julia Schleck



A new way of understanding arbitrage —the trading practice that involves buying assets in one market at a cheap price and immediately selling them in another market for a profit— as a means of showing how its reliance upon taking on risk is fundamental to financial markets.

Explains how tradi�onal concep�ons of academic freedom, s�ll reflec�ve of the capitalist era in which they were conceived, fail to protect unrestricted inquiry in an academy radically altered by neoliberal economics.

England's Cross of Gold

Law, Economics, and Conflict

Keynes, Churchill, and the Governance of Economic Beliefs James Ashley Morrison

Edited by Kaushik Basu & Robert C. Hockett August 2021 216pp 5 charts, 15 graphs 9781501754821 £20.99/ $27.95 PB 9781501759383 £92.00/ $115.00 HB

Cornell Studies in Money September 2021 402pp 9781501758423 £48.00/ $59.95 HB



Brings together interna�onal experts to offer new perspec�ves on how to take analy�c tools from the realm of academic research out into the real world to address pressing policy ques�ons.

Offers a new perspec�ve on the struggles among elites in London to define and redefine the gold standard—from the first discussions during the Great War; through the �tanic ideological clash between Winston Churchill and John Maynard Keynes; to the final, ill-fated implementa�on of the "new gold standard."

Mediterranean Capitalism Revisited

Power, Participation, and Private Regulatory Initiatives

One Model, Different Trajectories Edited by Luigi Burroni, Emmanuele Pavolini & Marino Regini

Human Rights Under Supply Chain Capitalism Edited by Daniel Brinks, Julia Dehm, Karen Engle & Kate Taylor

Cornell Studies in Poli�cal Economy January 2022 324pp 11 charts 9781501761263 £24.99/ $32.95 PB 9781501761072 £92.00/ $115.00 HB

Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights September 2021 368pp 2 diagrams 9780812253313 £29.99/ $37.50 PB 9780812253214 £76.00/ $95.00 HB


Brings together leading experts on the poli�cal economies of southern Europe to closely analyze and explain the primary socioeconomic and ins�tu�onal features that define "Mediterranean capitalism" within the wider European context.


Seeks to enrich discussions of PRIs by bringing into the conversa�on concerns about distribu�ve jus�ce and poli�cal economy. 1

Precarious Asia

Surveillance Capitalism in America

Global Capitalism and Work in Japan, South Korea, and Indonesia Arne L. Kalleberg, Kevin Hewison & Kwang-Yeong Shin

Edited by Josh Lauer & Kenneth Lipartito

Hagley Perspec�ves on Business and Culture October 2021 288pp 7 b&w illus. 9780812253351 £52.00/ $65.00 HB

Emerging Fron�ers in the Global Economy


December 2021 248pp 9781503610255 £52.00/ $65.00 HB

Explores the historical development of commercial surveillance long before computers and suggests that a ubiquitous but o�en unseen surveillance infrastructure created by business and the state has been central to American capitalism since the na�on's founding.


Assesses the role of global and domes�c factors in shaping precarious work and reveals how precarious work increases inequality and condemns segments of the popula�on to chronic poverty.

The Bankers' Blacklist

The Many Futures of Work

Unofficial Market Enforcement and the Global Fight against Illicit Financing Julia C. Morse

Rethinking Expectations and Breaking Molds Edited by Peter A. Creticos, Larry Bennett, Laura Owen, Costas Spirou & Maxine Morphis-Riesbeck

Cornell Studies in Money January 2022 282pp 1 diagram, 10 charts 9781501761515 £40.00/ $49.95 HB

October 2021 389pp 9781439921449 £31.00/ $38.95 PB 9781439921432 £92.00/ $115.50 HB


In The Banker's Blacklist, Julia C. Morse demonstrates how the Financial Ac�on Task Force (FATF) has enlisted global banks in the effort to keep "bad money" out of the financial system, in the process dras�cally altering the domes�c policy landscape and transforming banking worldwide.


What will work eventually look like? Presents varied and prac�cal insights into both U.S. and global trends. Excludes Asia Pacific

The Neomercantilists

To the Brink of Destruction

A Global Intellectual History Eric Helleiner

America's Rating Agencies and Financial Crisis Timothy J. Sinclair

November 2021 414pp 9781501760129 £40.00/ $49.95 HB


At a �me when cri�ques of free trade policies are gaining currency, The Neomercan�lists helps make sense of the protec�onist turn, providing the first intellectual history of the genealogy of neomercan�lism. Helleiner iden�fies many pioneers of this ideology between the late eighteenth and early twen�eth centuries who backed strategic protec�onism and other forms of government economic ac�vism to promote state wealth and power.


Cornell Studies in Money November 2021 234pp 3 b&w line drawings 9781501760242 £32.00/ $39.95 HB



To the Brink of Destruc�on exposes how America's ra�ng agencies helped generate the global financial crisis of 2007 and beyond, surviving and thriving in the a�ermath. Despite widespread scru�ny, ra�ng agencies con�nued to operate on the same business model and wield extraordinary power, exer�ng extensive influence over public policy.

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