Economics S20

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ECONOMICS Spring 2020

Books stocked at Marston Book Services Tel: +44 (0)1235 465500

American Unemployment

Bank Notes and Shinplasters

Past, Present, and Future Frank Stricker

The Rage for Paper Money in the Early Republic Joshua R. Greenberg

June 2020 296pp 9780252085024 £15.99 PB 9780252043154 £103.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRESS

American Business, Politics & Society June 2020 264pp 28 illus. 9780812252248 £28.99 HB UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS

Aims to set the record straight on misinformation, willful deceptions, and popular myths about the history of unemployment that remain a mystery to many Americans. Written for non-economists, American Unemployment is a history and primer on vital economic topics that also provides a roadmap to better jobs and economic security.

Argues Americans, developed the ability to analyze the value of paper financial instruments, assess the strength of banking institutions, and track legislative changes that might alter the rules of currency circulation.

Brand New Nation

Capitalism’s Hidden Worlds

Capitalist Dreams and Nationalist Designs in TwentyFirst-Century India Ravinder Kaur

Edited by Kenneth Lipartito & Lisa Jacobson

Hagley Perspectives on Business & Culture January 2020 320pp 11 illus. 9780812251814 £47.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS

South Asia in Motion June 2020 328pp 9781503612594 £22.99 PB 9781503612242 £77.00 HB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

Examines economic activities that occur in the concealed corners of the formal economy. Challenges common conceptions of capitalism and reveals how capitalism depends upon, adapts to, and gains legitimacy from activities that occur outside the measured and the seen.

The early twenty-first century was an optimistic moment of global futures-making, the chief narrative being the emergence of the BRICS nations. Addresses this phenomenon as well as our understanding of the nation-state.

Cleft Capitalism

Cultural Values in Political Economy

The Social Origins of Failed Market Making in Egypt Amr Adly

Edited by J.P. Singh

May 2020 272pp 9781503612693 £24.99 PB 9781503612686 £77.00 HB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

Stanford Studies in Middle Eastern and Islamic Societies and Cultures June 2020 320pp 9781503612204 £24.99 PB 9781503608917 £77.00 HB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

The backlash against globlalization and the rise of cultural anxiety has led to considerable re-think among social scientists. Provides multiple theoretical, historical, and methodological orientations to examine these issues. Addressing the rise of populism worldwide, Provides explanations that cover periods of both cultural turbulence and stability.

Under the auspices of the IMF, the World Bank, USAID, and the European Commission the Egyptian economy fails to meet expectations. Finds the root causes in the underlying social and political conditions of economic development.


Dark Finance

Permanent Revolution

Illiquidity and Authoritarianism at the Margins of Europe Fabio Mattioli

Reflections on Capitalism Wyatt Wells March 2020 192pp 9781503612372 £11.99 PB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

June 2020 240pp 9781503612938 £21.99 PB 9781503611658 £73.00 HB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

Concisely describes the development and workings of capitalism and its influence on the broader society. Wells examines the development of economic innovation, the role of financial markets, the business cycle, the ways markets operate, and the position of labor in capitalist economies, as well as the effects of capitalism on law, politics, religion, and even the arts.

Offers one of the first ethnographic accounts of financial expansion and its political impacts in Eastern Europe. Shows financialization can empower authoritarian regimes by allowing a small group of oligarchs to monopolize access to international credit and promote a cascade of exploitative domestic debt relations.

Street Commerce

The Employee

The City in the Twenty-First Century May 2020 296pp 83 illus. 9780812252200 £34.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS

Politics and Culture in Modern America April 2020 304pp 9780812224689 £20.99 PB UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS

Creating Vibrant Urban Sidewalks Andres Sevtsuk

A Political History Jean-Christian Vinel

The Employee examines how American businesses dominated and influenced labor law as they pushed for an ever-narrower definition of “employee” and maneuvered to exclude workers from the right to organize. Sheds historical light on contemporary struggles for economic democracy and political power in the workplace.

Presents a comprehensive analysis of the issues involved in implementing successful street commerce. Drawing on economic theory, urban design principles, regulatory policies, and merchant organization models, offers innovative solutions. Presents an analysis of the issues involved in successful street commerce.

The Political Economy of Collective Action, Inequality, and Development

Working Alternatives

American and Catholic Experiments in Work and Economy Edited by John C. Seitz & Dr. Christine Firer Hinze

William D. Ferguson

May 2020 432pp 9781503604612 £65.00 HB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

Catholic Practice in North America July 2020 304pp 9780823288342 £27.99 PB 9780823288359 £103.00 HB FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS

This book examines how a society that is trapped in stagnation might initiate and sustain economic and political development. In this context, progress requires the reform of existing arrangements, along with the complementary evolution of informal institutions.

Explores economic life from a humanistic and multidisciplinary perspective, with a particular eye on religions’ implications in practices of work.


Books stocked at Marston Book Services Tel: +44 (0)1235 465500

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