Essential Reads - Fall & Winter 2022-23

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Essential Reads from Combined Academic Publishers Fall/Winter 2022-23 African Meditations

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Felwine Sarr Translated by Drew S. Burk Foreword by Souleymane Bachir Diagne

Beau�fully wri�en and thought-provoking, African Media�ons weaves together autobiography, journal entries, fic�on, aphorisms, humour and Zen reflec�ons in one short mesmerising volume. This book is deeply enriching with its blend of subtle imagery and universal wisdom which accompanied this unique and fascina�ng portrait of an influen�al thinker on a spiritual quest. An absolute joy to read, a beguilingly simple book which takes root and grows. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS Series: Univocal January 2023 112pp 9781517913892 £16.99 PB

The Companies That Control and Monopolize Our Information Sarah Lamdan


As we are all too aware, in today’s digital world, data is power. This book gives a vast insight into the depths of the, largely anonymous, data industry. They can control data, prevent free flow of informa�on, exploit outdated informa�on or distribute private informa�on to predatory en��es - all perfectly legally. Lamdan explains just how pervasive this industry is, and even more scarily, how this is ac�vely affec�ng democracy around the world. While it can seem scary, with Lamdan's exper�se, this is definitely a hopeful look at how we can make this industry be�er.

November 2022 224pp 9781503633711 £21.99 PB


How to Live at the End of the World

The Telling Life of Ellen O'Hara Vona Groarke

Herea�er is the story of Ellen O'Hara, a young emigrant from Ireland at the end of the nineteenth century who, with courage and resilience, made a life for herself in New York while financially suppor�ng her family at home. Her story is told by Vona Groarke, her greatgranddaughter and one of Ireland's most revered poets. It is also the story of the writer's quest to piece together a narra�ve of a life about which so few records are available. It is a beau�ful blend of poetry, prose and history. The wri�ng is wonderful and the playful concepts capture the dilemmas involved in both wri�ng biography and communica�ng an historical experience. For all this it feels authen�c and has an integrity in how it presents an individual experience as universal. We found reading Herea�er to be really immersive and absolutely fascina�ng in both subject ma�er and how it relates to the fallout and a�erlife of colonialism, and its stylis�c approach. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: The Glucksman Irish Diaspora Series November 2022 28 b&w illus. 224pp 9781479817511 £18.99 HB

Theory, Art, and Politics for the Anthropocene Travis Holloway

How to Live at the End of the World is a hopeful explora�on of how to rethink "Anthropocene," the period during which human ac�vity has been the dominant influence on climate and the environment, and revise our way of life. and thought. In this book, Holloway, a poet and philosopher, takes up difficult, unanswered ques�ons in recent work including those by Donna Haraway, Kathryn Yusoff, and Isabelle Stengers, and inves�gates a radical form of democracy for all of the living. The book has three parts focusing on �me, art and poli�cs which address the current era, which Holloway explains, is marked not just by mel�ng glaciers or epic droughts, but by the near universal disappearance of shared social enterprise.The irony of the Anthropocene era is that we are now being forced to consider ourselves as a collec�ve again. We cannot recommend this �mely and hopeful book enough. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS May 2022 138pp 9781503633339 £11.99 PB

In the Name of Wild

One Family, Five Years, Ten Countries, and a New Vision of Wildness Phillip Vannini & April Vannini With Autumn Vannini

The Vannini family took a 5-year trip to try and fully understand what it means to be "wild" and whether this is the same across different cultures in the world. What follows is an upli�ing study of kinship and connec�on, with not just the people, but the land itself too. This is a fascina�ng, o�en thought-provoking part travelogue, part ethnography exploring the meaning of “wilderness.” It's also worth keeping an eye out for the beau�fully filmed supplementary documentary coming out too! UBC PRESS

October 2022 16-page full-colour insert, 20 b&w photos 288pp 9780774890403 £21.99 PB

No Machos or Pop Stars

When the Leeds Art Experiment Went Punk Gavin Butt

No Machos or Popstars is an engaging and fascina�ng insight into an under-documented music and arts scene, the post-punk scene in Leeds during the late 1970s and early 1980s. Art school students broke down boundaries in the art and music establishments to bring their art to stages and dancefloors across the country, and in some cases, the world. The book is based on original interviews with members of bands including Scri� Poli�, So� Cell, Gang of Four, Delta 5, Fad Gadget, the Mekons, Three Johns and others. The book is a valuable and insigh�ul piece of social history, documen�ng the tail-end of an era when students had access to a state-funded educa�on. At a �me when the arts have become less accessible for most people, this book is a �mely reflec�on on a period of crea�vity and innova�on, what it took to allow this to happen and what’s at stake now. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS September 2022 118 illus. 312pp 9781478018636 £23.99 PB

On the Inconvenience of Other People

Reader's Block

Lauren Berlant's On the Inconvenience of Other People argues that, being social animals, what we’re really looking for, is inconvenience. A really insigh�ul book on how we can use our modern-day a�achments (but more importantly, the mechanism in which the a�achments are made) to make the world a be�er place in the future. Both challenging and sa�sfying, this is Berlant offering us not only a new way to see the world, but advice for living life with others in it. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS

What does "reading" mean? From literature, film, life wri�ng, social media, medical case studies, and more, Ma�hew Rubery contends that there is no single ac�vity known as reading. When coming to terms with a more neurodiverse world, we are seeing more and more that the way things currently are, don't always work for everyone. Mee�ng neurodiverse readers where they are, this book extends a hand (and book) to everyone who doesn’t always read in the way they "should” STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

Series: Wri�ng Ma�ers! September 2022 18 illus. 256pp 9781478018452 £21.99 PB

October 2022 288pp 9781503632493 £21.99 HB

The Architecture of Disability

The Color Pynk

A History of Reading Differences Matthew Rubery

Lauren Berlant

Buildings, Cities, and Landscapes beyond Access David Gissen

A complete reshaping of how we view the development and crea�on of architecture. David Gissen uses his own experiences to demonstrate how we can change the way that disability is conceptualised in architecture and, be�er s�ll, provides ways in which we can mould our spaces around physical capacity, as a star�ng point rather than as an a�erthought. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS January 2023 26 b&w illus. 224pp 9781517912505 £21.99 PB

Black Femme Art for Survival Omise'eke Natasha Tinsley

The first full-length study of Black queer, cis-, and trans-femininity, this is a well-wri�en, crucial study of how crea�ve work offers a challenge to power. Including the music of Janelle Monáe and Kelsey Lu, Janet Mock’s wri�ng for the television show Pose, the fashion of Indya Moore and (F)empower, and the films of Tourmaline and Juliana Huxtable, as well as poetry and novels, Omise’eke Nathasha Tinsley shows how Black femmes, sidelined by liberal feminists and invisible to mainstream civil rights movements, spent the Trump years doing what they so o�en do best: crea�ng poli�cally engaged art, entertainment, and ideas. This is a passionate and important read. UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PRESS November 2022 280pp 9781477326442 £21.99 PB

The Ink in the Grooves

What Is Extinction?

Conversations on Literature and Rock 'n' Roll Edited by Florence Dore

A Natural and Cultural History of Last Animals Joshua Schuster

A fascina�ng collec�on of essays and interviews with writers and musicians which explore the rela�onships between Music and Literature. Contributors include Michael Chabon, Bob Dylan, Laura Cantrell, Roddy Doyle, Steve Earle, William Ferris, Rhiannon Giddens, Dave Grohl, Jonathan Lethem, Greil Marcus, Rick Moody, Lorrie Moore, The John Prine Band, Richard Thompson, Colson Whitehead and many more. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS October 2022 320pp 9781501766206 £16.99 PB


At a �me when interest in mul�-species coexistence has never been so crucial and, thankfully, interest in the topic is growing, What is Ex�nc�on? offers �mely interpreta�ons of how defini�ons and visions of ex�nc�on have changed in the past and con�nue to change in the present. Examles covered in this important cri�cal theory (of species in cri�cal danger) range from the study of the rise of extreme biopoli�cs in the Third Reich that a�empted to change the meaning of ex�nc�on, to the current pursuit of de-ex�nc�on technologies.

February 2023 16 b&w illus. 304pp 9781531501655 £25.99 PB


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