European & Russian Studies Subject Catalogue - Fall 2021

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A Civil Society

A Missionary Nation

The Public Space of Freemason Women in France, 1744-1944 James Smith Allen

Race, Religion, and Spain's Age of Liberal Imperialism, 1841– 1881 Scott Eastman

May 2022 420pp 2 photos, 8 illus., 1 map, 3 graphs, 1 table 9781496227782 £56.00/ $70.00 HB

October 2021 256pp 7 photos, 14 illus., 2 maps 9781496204165 £48.00/ $60.00 HB



Explores the two-hundred-year struggle to ini�ate women as full par�cipants in the masonic brotherhood that shared in the rise of France’s civil society and its “civic morality” on behalf of women’s rights.

Focuses on Spain’s crusade to resurrect its empire, beginning with the War of Africa. Interrogates the legacy of Hispanic iden��es from mul�ple axes, as former colonies were annexed and others were occupied, tying together strands of European, Mediterranean, and Atlan�c histories in the second age of global imperialism.

All Future Plunges to the Past

Apostles of Empire

The Jesuits and New France Bronwen McShea

James Joyce in Russian Literature José Vergara

France Overseas: Studies in Empire and Decoloniza�on January 2022 372pp 6 illus. 9781496229083 £22.99/ $30.00 NIP

NIU Series in Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies October 2021 270pp 9781501759901 £44.00/ $54.95 HB



A revisionist history of the French Jesuit mission to Indigenous North Americans in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, offering a comprehensive view of a transatlan�c enterprise with integral secular concerns. Contributes to ongoing research on the Jesuits, New France, and Atlan�c World encounters, as well as on early modern French society, print culture, Catholicism, and imperialism.

All Future Plunges to the Past explores how Russian writers from the mid-1920s on have read and responded to Joyce's work. Through contextually rich close readings, José Vergara uncovers the many roles Joyce has occupied in Russia over the last century, demonstra�ng how writers draw from Joyce's texts to address the vola�le ques�ons of lineages in their respec�ve Soviet, émigré, and post-Soviet contexts.

Atomic Steppe

Becoming Clara Schumann

How Kazakhstan Gave Up the Bomb Togzhan Kassenova

Performance Strategies and Aesthetics in the Culture of the Musical Canon Alexander Stefaniak

February 2022 392pp 9781503628465 £52.00/ $65.00 HB


November 2021 320pp 1 b&w illus, 6 b&w tables, 32 printed music items 9780253058287 £24.99/ $20.00 PB 9780253058294 £68.00/ $75.00 HB

With the fall of the Soviet Union, the marginalized Central Asian republic of Kazakhstan suddenly found itself with the world’s fourth largest nuclear arsenal on its territory. Atomic Steppe tells the untold true story of how this obscure country said no to the most powerful weapons in human history.



Well before she married Robert, Clara Schumann was already an interna�onally renowned pianist, and she concer�zed extensively for several decades a�er her husband's death. Guides readers through her en�re career, including performance, composi�on, edits to her husband's music, and teaching.

Between Two Millstones, Book 1

Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts in Houghton Library, Harvard University

Sketches of Exile, 1974–1978 Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Translated by Peter Constantine Foreword by Daniel J. Mahoney

Cornelius G. Buttimer

December 2021 490pp 9780268201012 £119.00/ $150.00 HB


The Center for Ethics and Culture Solzhenitsyn Series October 2021 480pp 9780268105020 £19.99/ $26.00 NIP

Harvard University has the largest collec�on of Irish-language codices in North America, held in Houghton Library, its rare book repository. This catalogue describes the collec�on in full for the first �me and will be an invaluable aid to research on Irish and Irish American cultural and literary output. The author’s introduc�on examines how the collec�on was formed.


The first of a two-volume memoir, Between Two Millstones, Book 1 explores Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn s exile from the Soviet Union and struggles to find a home in the West.

Changing Land

Cheffes de Cuisine

The Glucksman Irish Diaspora Series December 2021 224pp 9781479809554 £22.99/ $30.00 HB

October 2021 248pp 9780252086052 £19.99/ $26.00 PB 9780252044007 £88.00/ $110.00 HB

Diaspora Activism and the Irish Land War Niall Whelehan

Women and Work in the Professional French Kitchen Rachel E. Black



The Irish Land War represented a social revolu�on that was part of a broader ideological moment when established ideas of land ownership were fundamentally challenged. Changing Land offers a new and original study of Irish emigrants’ ac�vism in the US, Argen�na, Scotland, and England and their mul�faceted rela�onships with Ireland.

Though women enter France's culinary professions at higher rates than ever, men s�ll receive the lion's share of the major awards and Michelin stars. Rachel Black looks at the experiences of women in Lyon— known for its female-led kitchens—to examine issues of gender inequality in France's culinary industry. Excludes SE Asia, Indian sc & ANZ

Excludes SE Asia & ANZ

Chinese Sympathies

Disenchanted Wanderer

Media, Missionaries, and World Literature from Marco Polo to Goethe Daniel Leonhard Purdy

The Apocalyptic Vision of Konstantin Leontiev Glenn Cronin

Signale: Modern German Le�ers, Cultures, and Thought October 2021 420pp 3 b&w hts. 9781501759741 £26.99/ $34.95 PB 9781501759734 £92.00/ $115.00 HB

NIU Series in Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies November 2021 282pp 10 b&w hts. 9781501760181 £40.00/ $49.95 HB



Analyzing key German literary texts, Chinese Sympathies examines how Europeans—and Germanspeaking writers and thinkers in par�cular—iden�fied with Chinese intellectual and literary tradi�ons following the circula�on of Marco Polo's Travels. 2

Disenchanted Wanderer is the first comprehensive English language study in over half a century of the life and ideas of Konstan�n Nikolaevich Leon�ev (1831–1891), one of the most important thinkers in nineteenth-century Russia on poli�cal, social, and religious ma�ers. This work gives the reader a broad overview of Leon�ev's life and varied career.

Fluid Russia

From Europe's East to the Middle East

Between the Global and the National in the Post-Soviet Era Vera Michlin-Shapir

Israel's Russian and Polish Lineages Edited by Kenneth B. Moss, Benjamin Nathans & Taro Tsurumi

NIU Series in Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies December 2021 258pp 9781501760549 £40.00/ $49.95 HB

Jewish Culture and Contexts November 2021 464pp 9780812253092 £60.00/ $75.00 HB


Fluid Russia offers a new framework for understanding Russian na�onal iden�ty by focusing on the impact of globaliza�on on its forma�on, something which has been largely overlooked. This approach sheds new light on the Russian case, revealing a dynamic Russian iden�ty that is developing along the lines of other countries exposed to globaliza�on.


From Europe's East to the Middle East reveals how profoundly Zionism and Israel were shaped by the assump�ons of Polish na�onalism, Russian radicalism, and Soviet Communism.

Galvanizing Nostalgia?

Global Finance, Local Control

Indigeneity and Sovereignty in Siberia Marjorie Mandelstam Balzer

Corruption and Wealth in Contemporary Russia Igor O. Logvinenko

January 2022 262pp 21 b&w hts., 1 b&w line drawing, 1 map 9781501761317 £23.99/ $31.95 PB 9781501759772 £92.00/ $115.00 HB

Cornell Studies in Money October 2021 258pp 5 charts 9781501759604 £40.00/ $49.95 HB



Explores cri�cal ques�ons for the survival of Russia in its nominally federal form. Will Russia fall apart along the lines of its internal republics, as did the Soviet Union? Based on cultural anthropology field and historical research in major republics of Eastern Siberia—Sakha (Yaku�a), Burya�a and Tyva (Tuva)— this book highlights Indigenous concerns about selfdetermina�on.

Exploring Russia's re-entry into global capital markets at the dawn of the twenty-first century, Global Finance, Local Control shows how economic integra�on became deeply entangled with a bareknuckled struggle for control over the ves�ges of the Soviet empire.

Go East!

Household Goods and Good Households in Late Medieval London

A History of Hungarian Turanism Balázs Ablonczy

Consumption and Domesticity After the Plague Katherine L. French

Studies in Hungarian History January 2022 296pp 13 b&w illus., 2 maps 9780253057419 £26.99/ $35.00 PB 9780253057402 £64.00/ $80.00 HB

The Middle Ages Series August 2021 416pp 40 hts., 20 graphs, 9 tables, 2 maps 9780812253054 £52.00/ $65.00 HB


For more than two centuries, Hungarians believed they shared an ethnic link with people of Japanese, Bulgarian, Estonian, Finnish, and Turkic descent. Known as "Turanism," this ideology impacts Hungarian poli�cs, science, and cultural and ethnic iden�ty even today. In Go East! Balázs Ablonczy examines the rise of Hungarian Turanism and its las�ng effect on the country's history.


This book looks at how increased consump�on in the a�ermath of the Black Death reconfigured long-held gender roles and changed the domes�c lives of London's merchants and ar�sans for years to come. 3

Incidental Archaeologists

Laboratory of Socialist Development

December 2021 392pp 42 b&w hts., 1 map 9781501761676 £26.99/ $34.95 NIP

November 2021 336pp 16 b&w hts. 9781501761720 £20.99/ $27.95 NIP

French Officers and the Rediscovery of Roman North Africa Bonnie Effros

Cold War Politics and Decolonization in Soviet Tajikistan Artemy M. Kalinovsky CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS


Inves�gates the Soviet effort to make promises of decoloniza�on a reality by looking at the poli�cs and prac�ces of economic development in central Asia between World War II and the collapse of the Soviet Union. Focusing on the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic, Kalinovsky places the Soviet development of central Asia in a global context.

Bonnie Effros examines the archaeological contribu�ons of nineteenth-century French military officers, who, raised on classical accounts of warfare and o�en trained as cartographers, developed an interest in the Roman remains they encountered when commissioned in the colony of Algeria.

Love for Sale

Luxury and the Ruling Elite in Socialist Hungary

Representing Prostitution in Imperial Russia Colleen Lucey

Villas, Hunts, and Soccer Games György Majtényi Translated by Thomas Cooper

NIU Series in Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies September 2021 270pp 30 b&w hts. 9781501758867 £40.00/ $49.95 HB

Studies in Hungarian History November 2021 366pp 25 b&w illus. 9780253055927 £24.99/ $32.00 PB 9780253055910 £68.00/ $85.00 HB


Love for Sale is the first study to examine the ubiquity of commercial sex in Russian literary and ar�s�c produc�on from the nineteenth century through the fin-de-siècle. Lucey explores how the figure of the sex worker cap�vated the public's imagina�on through depic�ons in fic�on and fine art, bringing to light how imperial Russians grappled with the issue of sexual commerce.


A�er World War II, a new community of elite emerged in Hungary, despite the communist principles espoused by the government. Luxury and the Ruling Elite in Socialist Hungary allows us a peek inside their affluence.

March 1917

Marianne Is Watching

The Center for Ethics and Culture Solzhenitsyn Series October 2021 720pp 9780268201708 £33.00/ $42.00 HB

Studies in War, Society, and the Military December 2021 342pp 6 photos, 5 illus. 9781496223722 £52.00/ $65.00 HB

The Red Wheel, Node III, Book 3 Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Translated by Marian Schwartz

Intelligence, Counterintelligence, and the Origins of the French Surveillance State Deborah Bauer



The first English-language book-length treatment of the history of French espionage and counterespionage services in the era of their professionaliza�on, arguing that the expansion of surveillance prac�ces reflects a change in understandings of how best to protect the na�on.

One of the masterpieces of world literature, The Red Wheel is Nobel prize–winner Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s mul�volume epic work about the Russian Revolu�on told in the form of a historical novel. March 1917— the third node—tells the story, day by day, of the Russian Revolu�on itself. Un�l recently, the final two nodes have been unavailable in English. 4

Mediterranean Capitalism Revisited

Migration and the Making of Ireland

One Model, Different Trajectories Edited by Luigi Burroni, Emmanuele Pavolini & Marino Regini

Bryan Fanning

November 2021 344pp 9780253059291 £26.99/ $35.00 PB 9780253059314 £68.00/ $85.00 HB


Cornell Studies in Poli�cal Economy January 2022 324pp 11 charts 9781501761263 £24.99/ $32.95 PB 9781501761072 £92.00/ $115.00 HB

From slave markets in Viking Dublin to social media use by modern asylum seekers, Migra�on and the Making of Ireland iden�fies the poli�cal, religious, and cultural factors that have influenced immigra�on to Ireland over the span of four centuries. A senior scholar of migra�on and social policy, Bryan Fanning offers a richer understanding of the lived experiences of immigrants.


Closely analyzes and explains the primary socioeconomic and ins�tu�onal features that define "Mediterranean capitalism" within the wider European context.

Morbid Undercurrents

Movement of the People

Medical Subcultures in Postrevolutionary France Sean M. Quinlan

Hungarian Folk Dance, Populism, and Citizenship Mary N. Taylor

September 2021 336pp 39 b&w hts. 9781501758331 £36.00/ $45.00 HB

New Anthropologies of Europe October 2021 310pp 21 b&w illus., 3 maps 9780253057839 £32.00/ $40.00 PB 9780253057815 £68.00/ $85.00 HB


Sean M. Quinlan follows the way that medical ideas, stemming from the so-called "birth of the clinic," zigzagged across the intellectual landscape of the French Revolu�on and its a�ermath. It was a remarkable "hotspot" in the historical �meline, when doctors and scien�sts pioneered a staggering number of fields and these innova�ons cap�vated the public imagina�on.


In Movement of the People, Mary N. Taylor takes readers inside the folk revival movement known as dancehouse (táncház) that sustains myriad events where folk dance is central and championed by interna�onal enthusiasts and UNESCO.

New World of Gain

On Pestilence

Europeans, Guaraní, and the Global Origins of Modern Economy Brian P. Owensby

A Renaissance Treatise on Plague Girolamo Mercuriale, Translated by Craig Martin December 2021 184pp 5 b/w 9780812224979 £20.99/ $27.50 PB 9780812253542 £56.00/ $69.95 HB

December 2021 400pp 9781503628335 £24.99/ $32.00 PB 9781503627512 £76.00/ $95.00 HB



Physician Girolamo Mercuriale pronounced in On Pes�lence that plague was characterized by its lethal nature and the rapidity with which it spread. His work appears here for the first �me in English, with an introduc�on that places the work within the context of the history of medicine, and our own responses to epidemic disease.

Brian P. Owensby uses the centuries-long encounter between Europeans and the indigenous people of South America to reframe the no�on of economic gain as a historical development rather than a ma�er of human nature.


On the Other Shore

Prague and Beyond

January 2022 276pp 12 photos, 28 illus., 2 table 9781496207913 £48.00/ $60.00 HB

Jewish Culture and Contexts August 2021 384pp 14 map2s, 24 tables, 28 hts. 9780812253115 £64.00/ $79.95 HB

The Atlantic Worlds of Italians in South America during the Great War John Starosta Galante

Jews in the Bohemian Lands Edited by Kateřina Capkova & Hillel J. Kieval



Explores the social history of Italian communi�es in South America and the transna�onal networks in which they were situated during and a�er World War I. Demonstrates pa�erns of social cohesion and division within the Italian communi�es of South America.


Presen�ng a new and accessible history of the Jews of what is now the Czech Republic, Prague and Beyond revises conven�onal understandings of Central Europe's Jewish past and present and fully captures the diversity and mul�valence of life in the Bohemian Lands.

Radical Resilience

Romania's Holy War

February 2022 210pp 6 b&w hts. 9781501761447 £20.99/ $26.95 PB 9781501761430 £92.00/ $115.00 HB

Ba�legrounds: Cornell Studies in Military History November 2021 360pp 12 b&w hts., 4 maps 9781501759963 £36.00/ $45.00 HB

Athenian Topographies of Precarity and Possibility Othon Alexandrakis

Soldiers, Motivation, and the Holocaust Grant T. Harward



Radical Resilience relates narra�ves of Athenians struggling to survive the impoverishment of relentless austerity measures, compounding emergencies and human disasters of successive na�onal crises in Greece since 2010. Drawing on eight years of fieldwork, Othon Alexandrakis examines the effects of injury, erosion and upheaval on individuals already pushed beyond their limits but holding on against all odds.

Romania's Holy War rights the widespread myth that Romania was a reluctant member of the Axis during World War II. In correc�ng this fallacy, Grant T. Harward shows that, of an es�mated 300,000 Jews who perished in Romania and Romanian-occupied Ukraine, more than 64,000 were, in fact, killed by Romanian soldiers.

Russian Composers Abroad

Scandinavia in the Age of Vikings

Russian Music Studies October 2021 382pp 7 b&w tables, 89 printed music items 9780253057785 £27.99/ $36.00 PB 9780253057778 £72.00/ $90.00 HB

December 2021 224pp 18 b&w hts., 8 maps 9781501760471 £24.99/ $32.95 HB

How They Left, Stayed, Returned Elena Dubinets

Jon Vidar Sigurdsson Translated by Thea Kveiland


In Scandinavia in the Age of Vikings, Jón Vi∂ar Sigur∂sson returns to the Viking homeland, Scandinavia, highligh�ng such key aspects of Viking life as power and poli�cs, social and kinship networks, gi�s and feas�ng, religious beliefs, women's roles, social classes, and the Viking economy, which included farming, iron mining and metalworking, and trade.


As waves of composers migrated from Russia in the 20th century, they grappled with the complex struggle between their own tradi�ons and those of their adopted homes. Russian Composers Abroad explores the self-iden�ty of these émigrés, especially those who le� from the 1970s on, and how aspects of their diasporic iden��es played out in their music.


Singing Like Germans

Soundscapes of Liberation

Black Musicians in the Land of Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms Kira Thurman

African American Music in Postwar France Celeste Day Moore

October 2021 368pp 28 b&w hts., 1 chart, 1 printed music item 9781501759840 £24.99/ $32.95 HB

Refiguring American Music October 2021 312pp 40 illus. 9781478014690 £20.99/ $27.95 PB 9781478013761 £84.00/ $104.95 HB


In Singing Like Germans, Kira Thurman tells the sweeping story of Black musicians in German-speaking Europe over more than a century. Thurman brings to life the incredible musical interac�ons and transna�onal collabora�ons between people of African descent and white Germans and Austrians.


Celeste Day Moore traces the popularity of African American music in postwar France to outline how it came to signify both state power and libera�on for Francophone audiences throughout the world.

South of Somewhere

Spatial Revolution

Wine, Food, and the Soul of Italy Robert V. Camuto

Architecture and Planning in the Early Soviet Union Christina E. Crawford

At Table October 2021 320pp 22 photos 9781496225962 £18.99/ $24.95 PB

February 2022 432pp 70 b&w hts., 21 b&w line drawings, 40 maps, 2 charts, 28 color plates 9781501759192 £26.99/ $35.00 HB



South of Somewhere begins and ends in American writer Robert Camuto’s maternal ancestral town of Vico Equense, Italy—a �ny paradise south of Naples on the Sorrento Peninsula. Camuto’s fine-grained storytelling in this series of portraits takes us beyond the usual objec�ve views of viniculture and into the elusive and magical world of Italian “South-ness.”

Spa�al Revolu�on is the first compara�ve parallel study of Soviet architecture and planning to create a narra�ve arc across a vast geography. The narra�ve binds together three cri�cal industrial-residen�al projects in Baku, Magnitogorsk, and Kharkiv, built during the first fi�een years of the Soviet project and followed a�en�vely worldwide a�er the collapse of capitalist markets in 1929.

Stalin's Quest for Gold

The Author as Cannibal

The Torgsin Hard-Currency Shops and Soviet Industrialization Elena Osokina

Rewriting in Francophone Literature as a Postcolonial Genre, 1969–1995 Felisa Vergara Reynolds

September 2021 348pp 29 b&w hts. 9781501758515 £36.00/ $45.00 HB

January 2022 306pp 1 photograph, 4 illus. 9781496218421 £48.00/ $60.00 HB


Stalin's Quest for Gold tells the story of Torgsin, a chain of retail shops established in 1930 with the aim of raising the hard currency needed to finance the USSR's ambi�ous industrializa�on program. At a �me of desperate scarcity, Torgsin had access to the country's best foodstuffs and goods.


A�er French colonial rule ended, Francophone authors began rewri�ng narra�ves from the colonial literary canon. Reynolds presents these textual revisions as figura�ve acts of cannibalism and examines how these literary cannibaliza�ons cri�que colonialism and its legacy in each author’s homeland. 7

The Border Within

The Carpathians

February 2022 184pp 9781503630147 £20.99/ $28.00 PB 9781503630062 £72.00/ $90.00 HB

NIU Series in Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies October 2021 288pp 13 b&w hts., 5 maps 9781501759673 £26.99/ $34.95 HB

Vietnamese Migrants Transforming Ethnic Nationalism in Berlin Phi Hong Su

Discovering the Highlands of Poland and Ukraine Patrice M. Dabrowski



Dabrowski narrates how three highland ranges of the mountain system found in present-day Poland, Slovakia, and Ukraine were discovered for a broader regional public. This is a story of how the Tatras, Eastern Carpathians, and Bieszczady Mountains went from being terra incognita to becoming the popular tourist des�na�ons they are today.

When the Berlin Wall fell, the city was home to two groups of Vietnamese migrants—some refugees from socialism, others working in East Berlin in the name of socialist solidarity. Phi Hong Su paints a vivid portrait of these disparate migrants' encounters with each other in the post-socialist city.

The Future of the Soviet Past

The Image of Christ in Russian Literature

The Politics of History in Putin's Russia Edited by Anton WeissWendt & Nanci Adler

Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Bulgakov, Pasternak John Givens

NIU Series in Orthodox Chris�an Studies November 2021 288pp 9781501761669 £22.99/ $29.95 NIP

October 2021 270pp 13 b&w photos 9780253057624 £33.00/ $42.00 PB 9780253057594 £40.00/ $50.00 HB



This first study in English of the image of Christ in Russian literature highlights the importance of apopha�cism as a theological prac�ce and a literary method in understanding the Russian Christ. It also emphasizes the importance of skep�cism in Russian literary a�tudes toward Jesus.

In post-Soviet Russia, there is a persistent trend to repress, control, or even co-opt na�onal history. While Pu�n's regime has acquired nearly complete control over interpreta�ons of the past, The Future of the Soviet Past reveals that Russia's inability to fully rewrite its Soviet history plays an essen�al part in its current poli�cal agenda.

The Redemption of Things

Through Words and Deeds

Collecting and Dispersal in German Realism and Modernism Samuel Frederick

Polish and Polish American Women in History Edited by John Bukowczyk

Signale: Modern German Le�ers, Cultures, and Thought January 2022 336pp 5 b&w hts. 9781501761560 £26.99/ $34.95 PB 9781501761553 £92.00/ $115.00 HB

August 2021 354pp 9780252086236 £20.99/ $28.00 PB


Though o�en overlooked in conven�onal accounts, women with myriad backgrounds and countless talents have made an impact on Polish and Polish American history. John J. Bukowczyk gathers ar�cles from the journals Polish Review and Polish American Studies to offer a fascina�ng cross-sec�on of readings about the lives of these women.


Collec�ng is usually conceived as an ac�vity that bestows permanence, unity, and meaning on otherwise sca�ered and ephemeral objects. The Redemp�on of Things emphasizes that collec�ng things, however, necessarily involves displacing, immobilizing, and poten�ally disfiguring them, too.

Excludes SE Asia, Indian sc & ANZ


Viking Mediologies

recent highlights

A New History of Skaldic Poetics Kate Heslop

Captives of Conquest Slavery in the Early Modern Spanish Caribbean Erin Woodruff Stone

Fordham Series in Medieval Studies January 2022 288pp 10 color illus. 9780823298259 £26.99/ $35.00 PB 9780823298242 £100.00/ $125.00 HB

The Early Modern Americas June 2021 288pp 9780812253108 £40.00/ $49.95 HB


Offering both new readings of both canonical works such as Ynglingatal, Ragnarsdrápa and Há�atal, and examina�ons of lesser known texts like Glymdrápa, Líknarbraut and Sturla Þórðarson’s Hákonarkviða, Viking Mediologies explores the powers and limits of poe�c media�on.


Cap�ves of Conquest is one of the first books to examine the earliest indigenous slave trade in the Spanish Caribbean. Erin Woodruff Stone shows that the indigenous popula�on of the region did not simply collapse from disease or warfare.

Colonial Fantasies, Imperial Realities

Empire and Catastrophe

Race Science and the Making of Polishness on the Fringes of the German Empire, 1840–1920 Lenny A. Ureña Valerio

Decolonization and Environmental Disaster in North Africa and Mediterranean France since 1954 Spencer D. Segalla

Polish and Polish-American Studies Series February 2021 320pp 9780821424537 £26.99/ $34.95 PB


France Overseas: Studies in Empire and Decoloniza�on May 2021 306pp 3 maps 9781496219633 £52.00/ $65.00 HB

Lenny Ureña Valerio offers a transna�onal approach to Polish-German rela�ons and nineteenth-century colonial subjec�vi�es, as well as illumina�ng nested imperial and colonial rela�ons using sources ranging from medical texts and state documents to travel literature and fic�on.

Examines natural and anthropogenic disasters during the years of decoloniza�on in Algeria, Morocco, and France and explores how environmental catastrophes both shaped and were shaped by struggles over the dissolu�on of France’s empire in North Africa.


Hungary between Two Empires 1526–1711

Indian Soldiers in World War I

Géza Pálffy

Race and Representation in an Imperial War Andrew T. Jarboe

Studies in Hungarian History June 2021 318pp 49 b&w illus., 15 maps, 3 b&w tables 9780253054654 £31.00/ $39.00 PB 9780253054630 £68.00/ $85.00 HB

Studies in War, Society, and the Military July 2021 334pp 11 tables 9781496206787 £48.00/ $60.00 HB



In this sweeping historical survey, Géza Pálffy takes readers through a crucial period of upheaval and revolu�on in Hungary, which had been the site of a flowering of economic, cultural, and intellectual progress—but ba�les with the O�omans lead to over a century of war and devasta�on.

More than one million Indian soldiers were deployed during World War I, serving in the Indian Army as part of Britain’s imperial war effort. Jarboe follows these Indian soldiers—or sepoys—across the ba�lefields, examining the contested representa�ons Bri�sh and Indian audiences drew from the soldiers’ war�me experiences. 9

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