European Studies Subject Catalogue - Spring 2022

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European Studies spring 2022

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A Civil Society

A Frail Liberty

May 2022 420pp 2 photographs, 8 illus., 1 map, 3 graphs, 1 table, 9781496227782 £56.00 / $70.00 HB

France Overseas: Studies in Empire and Decoloniza�on July 2022 468pp 14 illus., 1 map 9781496227294 £52.00 / $65.00 HB

The Public Space of Freemason Women in France, 1744-1944 James Smith Allen

Probationary Citizens in the French and Haitian Revolutions Tessie P. Liu



A Civil Society explores the struggle to ini�ate women as full par�cipants in the masonic brotherhood that shared in the rise of France’s civil society and its “civic morality” on behalf of women’s rights. As a vital component of the third sector during France’s moderniza�on, freemasonry empowered women in complex social networks, contribu�ng to a more liberal republic and a more open society.

By mapping the quandaries of racial equality in Atlan�c Revolu�ons, A Frail Liberty contrasts the treatment and status of two colonial popula�ons with African ancestry to document the link between excep�onalism and poli�cal inclusion.

At Kingdom's Edge

Blood Inscriptions

July 2022 258pp 5 b&w hal�ones, 1 map 9781501764219 £46.00 / $57.95 HB

Jewish Culture and Contexts April 2022 328pp 13 images 9780812253764 £52.00 / $65.00 HB

The Suriname Struggles of Jeronimy Clifford, English Subject Jacob Selwood

Science, Modernity, and Ritual Murder at Europe's Fin de Siecle Hillel J. Kieval



At Kingdom's Edge inves�gates how life in a conquered colony both revealed and shaped what it meant to be English outside of the Bri�sh Isles. Considering the case of Jeronimy Clifford, who rose to become one of Suriname's richest planters, Jacob Selwood examines the mutual influence of race and subjecthood in the early modern world.

Although the Enlightenment had seemed to bring an end to the belief that Jews murdered Chris�an children for ritual purposes, charges of the so-called blood libel con�nued on either side of the turn to the twen�eth century. Kieval examines four cases to consider how discredited beliefs became plausible to educated European elites.

Budapest's Children

Capitalism in Chaos

Worlds in Crisis: Refugees, Asylum, and Forced Migra�on July 2022 368pp 74 b&w photos 9780253062161 £31.00 / $39.00 PB 9780253062154 £72.00 / $90.00 HB

August 2022 366pp 34 b&w hal�ones, 4 maps 9781501764653 £36.00 / $44.95 HB

Humanitarian Relief in the Aftermath of the Great War Friederike Kind-Kovács

How the Business Elites of Europe Prospered in the Era of the Great War Máté Rigó



Reconstructs the responses of Western humanitarian organiza�ons to the mass migra�ons, hunger, and des�tu�on in Europe following World War I. Explores the intertwining of post–World War I na�onalism and interna�onalism and sheds light on the ways humanitarian relief programs created pa�erns of social and economic inequality that simultaneously benefi�ed children and also exploited them.

Explores an o�en-overlooked consequence and paradox of the First World War—the prosperity of business elites and bankers in service of the war effort during the destruc�on of capital and wealth by belligerent armies. This study of business life amidst war follows industrialists and policy makers in Central Europe as the region became crucially important for German and subsequently French plans of economic and geopoli�cal expansion. 1

Communist Pigs

Contesting Race and Citizenship

An Animal History of East Germany's Rise and Fall Thomas Fleischman Foreword by Paul S. Sutter

Youth Politics in the Black Mediterranean Camilla Hawthorne

Weyerhaeuser Environmental Books August 2022 296pp 19 b&w illus., 1 map 9780295750699 £22.99 / $30.00 NIP

July 2022 330pp 22 b&w hal�ones, 1 map, 1 chart 9781501762291 £21.99 / $28.95 PB 9781501762284 £100.00 / $125.00 HB



Fleischman chronicles East Germany’s journey from family farms to factory farms, explaining how communist principles shaped the adop�on of industrial agriculture prac�ces. More broadly, Fleischman argues that agriculture under communism came to reflect standard prac�ces of capitalist agriculture, and that the pork industry provides a clear illustra�on of this convergence.

Contes�ng Race and Ci�zenship is an original study of Black poli�cs and varie�es of poli�cal mobiliza�on in Italy. Camilla Hawthorne focuses on the ways Italians of African descent have become entangled with processes of re-defining the legal, racial, cultural, and economic boundaries of Italy and by extension, of Europe itself.

Empire's Violent End

Fat Boy and the Champagne Salesman

Comparing Dutch, British, and French Wars of Decolonization, 1945–1962 Edited by Thijs Brocades Zaalberg & Bart Luttikhuis

Göring, Ribbentrop, and the Nazi Invasion of Poland Rush Loving, Jr. August 2022 160pp 5 b&w photos, 1 map 9780253061959 £14.99 / $19.00 PB 9780253061942 £48.00 / $60.00 HB

July 2022 240pp 20 b&w hal�ones 9781501764141 £36.00 / $44.95 HB



In Empire's Violent End, Thijs Brocades Zaalberg and Bart Lu�khuis, along with expert contributors, present compara�ve research focused specifically on excessive violence in Indonesia, Algeria, Vietnam, Malaysia, Kenya and other areas during the wars of decoloniza�on.

Offers a compelling behind-the-scenes explora�on of the road to World War II and the invasion of Poland by the Hitler's Third Reich. Focusing on the personal power plays within Hitler's inner circle, this book details the struggle for Hitler's approval, long before the ba�le for Poland had begun.

Feeling Feminism

Feminism's Empire

Activism, Affect, and Canada’s Second-Wave Edited by Lara Campbell, Michael Dawson & Catherine Gidney

Carolyn J. Eichner

June 2022 306pp 16 b&w hal�ones 9781501763816 £24.99 / $32.95 PB 9781501763809 £100.00 / $125.00 HB


Feminism's Empire inves�gates the complex rela�onships between imperialisms and feminisms in the late-nineteenth century and demonstrates the challenge of conceptualizing "proimperialist" and "an�-imperialist" as binary posi�ons. By intellectually and spa�ally tracing the era's first French feminists' engagement with empire, Carolyn J. Eichner explores how feminists opposed—yet employed— approaches to empire in wri�ng, speaking, and publishing.

March 2022 296pp 9 b&w photos 9780774866507 £72.00 / $89.95 HB


From beauty pageant protests to fire bombings of pornographic video stores, emo�ons are a powerful but o�en unexamined force underlying feminist ac�vism. Feeling Feminism examines the ways in which anger, rage, joy, and hopefulness shaped and nourished second-wave feminist theorizing and ac�on across Canada. Excludes SE Asia, Indian sc & ANZ


Fluid Jurisdictions

Forging Diasporic Citizenship

Colonial Law and Arabs in Southeast Asia Nurfadzilah Yahaya

Narratives from German-Born Turkish Ausländer Gül Çaliskan

March 2022 270pp 5 b&w hal�ones, 3 maps, 2 graphs 9781501764646 £22.99 / $29.95 NIP

March 2022 320pp 2 charts/diagrams 9780774866118 £72.00 / $89.95 HB



This wide-ranging, geographically ambi�ous book tells the story of the Arab diaspora within the context of Bri�sh and Dutch colonialism, unpacking the community's ambiguous embrace of European colonial authority in Southeast Asia. Nurfadzilah Yahaya looks at colonial legal infrastructure and discusses how it impacted, and was impacted by, Islam and ethnicity.

Forging Diasporic Ci�zenship explores the dynamics of everyday life for German-born Berliners of Turkish origin. These Ausländer (or "outsiders") are obliged to define themselves by their otherness, but it is their relatedness to German society that transgresses tradi�onal concepts of both German and Turkish iden�ty. Excludes SE Asia, Indian sc & ANZ

Intimate Bonds

Legalized Prostitution in Germany

Family and Slavery in the French Atlantic Jennifer L. Palmer

Inside the New Mega Brothels Annegret Staiger

The Early Modern Americas March 2022 280pp 6 illus. 9780812225211 £18.99 / $24.95 PB

February 2022 296pp 22 b&w illus., 3 b&w tables 9780253058935 £26.99 / $35.00 PB 9780253058966 £64.00 / $80.00 HB



Following the stories of families who built their lives and fortunes across the Atlan�c Ocean, In�mate Bonds shows how households anchored the French empire and shaped the meanings of race, slavery, and gender in the early modern period. This engagingly wri�en history reveals that personal choices and family strategies shaped larger cultural and legal shi�s.

By sharing the stories of sex workers, clients, and managers within the larger legal system—meant to provide dignity and safety through regula�on— Staiger skillfully frames the economic aspects of commercial sex work and addresses important ques�ons about sexual labor, in�macy, and rela�onships. Provides readers with a deeper understanding of the complexi�es of legalized pros�tu�on.

Making the Marvelous

Music and Jewish Culture in Early Modern Italy

Marie-Catherine d’Aulnoy, Henriette-Julie de Murat, and the Literary Representation of the Decorative Arts Rori Bloom

New Perspectives Edited by Lynette Bowring, Rebecca Cypess & Liza Malamut

Early Modern Cultural Studies June 2022 254pp 1 appendix, index 9781496222671 £52.00 / $65.00 HB

Music and the Early Modern Imagina�on March 2022 318pp 17 b&w illus., 17 printed music items 9780253060099 £31.00 / $39.00 PB 9780253060105 £72.00 / $90.00 HB


As France was coming to new prominence in the produc�on of furniture and fashion, the fairy tales of d’Aulnoy and de Murat gave pride of place to richly detailed descrip�ons of palaces, gardens, and clothing. Shows how these prac��oners made a major contribu�on as chroniclers and cri�cs of the decora�ve arts in Old Regime France.


Evaluates the social, cultural, poli�cal, economic, and religious circumstances that shaped this community, especially in light of the need to recognize individual experiences within minority popula�ons. 3

Osnabrück Station to Jerusalem

Poisoned Wells

Accusations, Persecution, and Minorities in Medieval Europe, 1321-1422 Tzafrir Barzilay

Hélène Cixous Translated by Peggy Kamuf Foreword by Eva Hoffman

The Middle Ages Series February 2022 336pp 10 maps, 2 tables 9780812253610 £56.00 / $69.95 HB

June 2022 144pp 13 b&w illus. 9780823299102 £14.99 / $19.95 NIP


An inven�ve literary account of Hélène Cixous’s remarkable journey to her mother’s birthplace and of the Jewish community of a German town that was wiped out in the Holocaust. Cixous recounts the tragedy of the one she calls the King Lear of Osnabrück, who followed his daughter to Jerusalem only to be sent away by her and to return to Osnabrück in �me to be deported to a death camp.


Between 1348 and 1350, Jews throughout Europe were accused of having caused the spread of the Black Death by poisoning the wells from which the en�re popula�on drank. Poisoned Wells explains the origin of these allega�ons, how they gained popularity before and during the Black Death, and why they declined in the fi�eenth century.

The Anarchist Inquisition

The Irish Revolution

A Global History Edited by Patrick Mannion & Fearghal McGarry

Assassins, Activists, and Martyrs in Spain and France Mark Bray

The Glucksman Irish Diaspora Series May 2022 368pp 1 b&w illustra�on 9781479808892 £26.99 / $35.00 HB

March 2022 344pp 18 b&w hal�ones, 2 maps 9781501761928 £27.99 / $36.95 HB



The Irish War of Independence is o�en understood as the culmina�on of centuries of poli�cal unrest between Ireland and the English. This book reassesses the conflict as an inherently transna�onal event, examining how circumstances and individuals abroad shaped the course Ireland’s struggle for independence.

The Anarchist Inquisi�on explores the groundbreaking transna�onal human rights campaigns that emerged in response to a brutal wave of repression unleashed by the Spanish state to quash anarchist ac�vi�es at the turn of the twen�eth century.

Excludes Taiwan, Japan, SE Asia & ANZ

The Man Who Had Been King

The Politics of Imperial Memory in France, 1850–1900

The American Exile of Napoleon's Brother Joseph Patricia Tyson Stroud

Christina B. Carroll

May 2022 282pp 6 b&w hal�ones 9781501763083 £40.00 / $49.95 HB

March 2022 296pp 11 color, 48 b&w 9780812225167 £24.99 / $32.50 PB



By highligh�ng the connec�ons between domes�c poli�cal struggles and overseas imperial structures, The Poli�cs of Imperial Memory in France, 1850–1900 explains how and why French Republicans embraced colonial conquest as a central part of their poli�cal pla�orm.

Drawing on unpublished Bonaparte family le�ers, this book provides a rich account of the life of Napoleon's brother Joseph Bonaparte in the United States, detailing how his pala�al estate, gardens, and art collec�on made him a key figure in the importa�on of European taste to America.


The Swedish Theory of Love

The Wretched of France

Individualism and Social Trust in Modern Sweden Henrik Berggren & Lars Trägårdh Translated by Stephen Donovan

The 1983 March for Equality and Against Racism Abdellali Hajjat Translated by Andrew Brown Public Cultures of the Middle East and North Africa March 2022 276pp 10 b&w illus., 2

New Direc�ons in Scandinavian Studies August 2022 392pp 19 b&w illus. 9780295750552 £22.99 / $30.00 PB 9780295750545 £79.00 / $99.00 HB

maps 9780253059871 £26.99 / $35.00 PB 9780253059888 £64.00 / $80.00 HB



The English edi�on of the Swedish bestseller Är svensken människa?, examines a poli�cal culture that stresses individual autonomy on the one hand and trust in the state on the other.

Contemplates the 1983 protest's las�ng significance in France as well as its impact within the context of larger and comparable movements for civil rights, par�cularly in the US.

Visual Translation

Yiddish Paris

Conway Lectures in Medieval Studies April 2022 480pp 183 color illus., 1 table 9780268202279 £64.00 / $80.00 HB

The Modern Jewish Experience March 2022 266pp 4 b&w illus. 9780253059796 £26.99 / $35.00 PB 9780253059789 £68.00 / $85.00 HB

Illuminated Manuscripts and the First French Humanists Anne D. Hedeman

Staging Nation and Community in Interwar France Nick Underwood



Breaks new ground in the study of French manuscripts, contribu�ng to the fields of French humanism, textual transla�on, and the recep�on of the classical tradi�on in the first half of the fi�eenth century. With over 180 color images, this will appeal to students and scholars of French, compara�ve literature, art history, history of the book, and transla�on studies.

In this me�culously researched and first full-length study of interwar Yiddish culture in France, Underwood explores how Yiddish-speaking emigrants from Eastern Europe in Paris in the 1920s and 1930s created a Yiddish diaspora na�on in Western Europe and how they presented that na�on to themselves and to others in France.

On Pestilence

recent highlights

A Renaissance Treatise on Plague Girolamo Mercuriale Translated by Craig Martin

Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts in Houghton Library, Harvard University

December 2021 184pp 5 b&w 9780812224979 £20.99 / $27.50 PB 9780812253542 £56.00 / $69.95 HB


Cornelius G. Buttimer December 2021 490pp 9780268201012 £119.00 / $150.00 HB

Physician Girolamo Mercuriale pronounced in On Pes�lence that plague was characterized by its lethal nature and the rapidity with which it spread. His work appears here for the first �me in English, with an introduc�on that places the work within the context of the history of medicine, and our own responses to epidemic disease.


Harvard University has the largest collec�on of Irishlanguage codices in North America, held in Houghton Library, its rare book repository. This catalogue describes the collec�on in full for the first �me and will be an invaluable aid to research on Irish and Irish American cultural and literary output. 5

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