Feminist Book Fortnight 2019

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feminist book fortnight

Spring| Summer 2019

Black Feminism Reimagined

Governance Feminism


After Intersectionality JENNIFER C. NASH

In Black Feminism Reimagined Jennifer C. Nash reframes black feminism’s engagement with intersec!onality, o#en celebrated as its primary intellectual and poli!cal contribu!on to feminist theory. Char!ng the ins!tu!onal history and contemporary uses of intersec!onality in the academy, Nash outlines how women’s studies has both elevated intersec!onality to the discipline’s primary program­building ini!a!ve and cast intersec!onality as a threat to feminism’s coherence. As intersec!onality has become a central feminist preoccupa!on, Nash argues that black feminism has been marked by a single affect— defensiveness—manifested by efforts to police intersec!onality’s usages and circula!ons. Jennifer C. Nash is Associate Professor of African American Studies and Gender and Sexuality Studies at Northwestern University and author of The Black Body in Ecstasy.

Governance Feminism: Notes from the Field brings together nineteen chapters from leading feminist scholars and ac!vists to cri!cally describe and assess contemporary feminist engagements with state and state­like power. Gathering examples from North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, it complements and expands on the companion volume Governance Feminism: An Introduc"on. Its chapters argue that governance feminism (GF) is ins!tu!onally diverse and globally distributed—emerging from tradi!onal sites of state power as well as from various forms of governance and opera!ng at the grassroots level, in the private sector, in civil society, and in interna!onal rela!ons. University of Minnesota Press April 2019 | 608pp | PB | 9780816698509 | £27.99

Duke University Press Next Wave: New Directions in Women’s Studies February 2019 | 184pp | PB | 9781478000594 | £18.99

Molecular Feminisms

Revenge of the ShePunks

Biology, Becomings, and Life in the Lab DEBOLEENA ROY

A Feminist Music History from Poly Styrene to Pussy Riot VIVIEN GOLDMAN

“Should feminists clone?” “What do neurons think about?” “How can we learn from bacterial wri!ng?” These and other provoca!ve ques!ons have long preoccupied neuroscien!st, molecular biologist, and intrepid feminist theorist Deboleena Roy, who takes seriously the capabili!es of lab “objects”—bacteria and other human, nonhuman, organic, and inorganic actants—in order to understand processes of becoming. In Molecular Feminisms, Roy inves!gates science as feminism at the lab bench, engaging in an interdisciplinary conversa!on between molecular biology, Deleuzian philosophies, posthumanism, and postcolonial and decolonial studies.

As an industry insider and pioneering post­ punk musician, Vivien Goldman’s perspec!ve on music journalism is unusually well­ rounded. In Revenge of the She­Punks, she probes four themes—iden!ty, money, love, and protest—to explore what makes punk such a libera!ng art form for women. With her visceral style, Goldman blends interviews, history, and her personal experience as one of Britain’s first female music writers in a book that reads like a vivid documentary of a genre defined by dismantling boundaries.

Deboleena Roy is associate professor and chair of the Department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and holds a joint appointment in the Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology Program at Emory University.

Born in London, Vivien Goldman has been a music journalist for more than forty years and was the trusted chronicler of Bob Marley and Fela Ku!. She was a member of the new­wave bands Chantage and The Flying Lizards; Resolu!onary, a retrospec!ve compila!on album of her work, was released in 2016.

University of Washington Press

University of Texas Press

Feminist Technosciences October 2018 | 282pp | PB | 9780295744100 | £23.99

May 2019* | 216pp | PB | 9781477316542 | £13.99 *may not arrive in time for FBF

Books stocked at Marston Book Services Tel: +44 (0)1235 465500 | enquiries@combinedacademic.co.uk | www.combinedacademic.co.uk

A Primer for Teaching Women, Gender, and Sexuality in World History Ten Design Principles MERRY E. WIESNER-HANKS & URMI ENGINEER WILLOUGHBY

A Primer for Teaching Women, Gender, and Sexuality in World History is a guide for college and high school teachers who are teaching women, gender, and sexuality in history for the first !me, for experienced teachers who want to reinvigorate their courses, for those who are training future teachers to prepare their own syllabi, and for teachers who want to incorporate these issues into their world history classes. Merry E. Wiesner­Hanks and Urmi Engineer Willoughby present possible course topics, themes, concepts, and approaches while offering prac!cal advice on materials and strategies helpful for teaching courses from a global perspec!ve in today’s teaching environment for today’s students. Duke University Press Design Principles for Teaching History October 2018 | 168pp | PB | 9781478000969 | £17.99

Anthropocene Feminism

EDITED BY RICHARD GRUSIN What does feminism have to say to the Anthropocene? How does the concept of the Anthropocene impact feminism? This book is a daring and provoca!ve response to the masculinist and techno­norma!ve approach to the Anthropocene so o#en taken by technoscien!sts, ar!sts, humanists, and social scien!sts. By coining and, for the first !me, fully exploring the concept of “anthropocene feminism,” it highlights the alterna!ves feminism and queer theory can offer for thinking about the Anthropocene. Feminist theory has long been concerned with the anthropogenic impact of humans, par!cularly men, on nature. Consequently, the contributors to this volume explore not only what current interest in the Anthropocene might mean for feminism but also what it is that feminist theory can contribute to technoscien!fic understandings of the Anthropocene. Richard Grusin is professor of English at the University of Wisconsin– Milwaukee. He is author of Premedia"on: Affect and Mediality a$er 9/11 and Culture, Technology, and the Crea"on of America’s Na"onal Parks and editor of The Nonhuman Turn (Minnesota, 2015). University of Minnesota Press 21st Century Studies March 2017 | 248pp | PB | 9781517900618 | £21.99

Believing Women in Islam

A Brief Introduction ASMA BARLAS & DAVID RAEBURN FINN Is women’s inequality supported by the Qur’an? Do men have the exclusive right to interpret Islam’s holy scripture? In her best­ selling book Believing Women in Islam: Unreading Patriarchal Interpreta"ons of the Qur’an, Asma Barlas argues that, far from suppor!ng male privilege, the Qur’an actually encourages the full equality of women and men. She explains why a handful of verses have been interpreted to favor men and shows how these same verses can be read in an egalitarian way that is fully supported by the text itself and compa!ble with the Qur’an’s message that it is complete and self­consistent. Believing Women in Islam presents the arguments of Believing Women in a simplified way that will be accessible and invi!ng to general readers and undergraduate students. The authors focus primarily on the Qur’an’s teachings about women and patriarchy. They show how tradi!onal teachings about women’s inferiority are not supported by the Qur’an but were products of patriarchal socie!es that used it to jus!fy their exis!ng religious and social structures. University of Texas Press February 2019 | 120pp | PB | 9781477315880 | £15.99

Beyoncé in Formation Remixing Black Feminism OMISE’EKE NATASHA TINSLEY

Making headlines when it was launched in 2015, Omise’eke Tinsley’s undergraduate course “Beyoncé Feminism, Rihanna Womanism” has inspired students from all walks of life. In Beyoncé in Forma"on, Tinsley now takes her rich observa!ons beyond the classroom, using the blockbuster album and video Lemonade as a soundtrack for vital new­millennium narra!ves. Woven with candid observa!ons about her life as a feminist scholar of African studies and a cisgender femme married to a trans spouse, Tinsley’s “Femme­onade” mixtape explores myriad facets of black women’s sexuality and gender. Turning to Beyoncé’s “Don’t Hurt Yourself,” Tinsley assesses black feminist cri!ques of marriage and then considers the models of motherhood offered in “Daddy Lessons,” interspersing these passages with memories from Tinsley’s mul!racial family history. Her chapters on nontradi!onal bonds culminate in a discussion of contemporary LGBT poli!cs through the lens of the internet­breaking video “Forma!on,” underscoring why Beyoncé’s black femme­inism isn’t only for ciswomen. University of Texas Press November 2018 | 216pp | PB | 9781477318393 | £13.99

Bodies of Information

Constructing the Patriarchal City

Intersectional Feminism and the Digital Humanities EDITED BY ELIZABETH LOSH & JACQUELINE WERNIMONT

A wide­ranging, interconnected anthology presents a diversity of feminist contribu!ons to digital humani!esIn recent years, the digital humani!es has been shaken by important debates about inclusivity and scope—but what change will these conversa!ons ul!mately bring about? Can the digital humani!es complicate the basic assump!ons of tech culture, or will this body of scholarship and prac!ces simply reinforce preexis!ng biases? Bodies of Informa"on addresses this crucial ques!on by assembling a varied group of leading voices, showcasing feminist contribu!ons to a panoply of topics, including ubiquitous compu!ng, game studies, new materialisms, and cultural phenomena like hashtag ac!vism, hack!vism, and campaigns against online misogyny. Elizabeth Losh is associate professor of English and American studies at The College of William & Mary with a specializa!on in new media ecologies. Jacqueline Wernimont is assistant professor at Arizona State University, where she directs the Human Security Collaboratory and the Nexus Digital Research Co­op. University of Minnesota Press Debates in the Digital Humanities

Gender and the Built Environments of London, Dublin, Toronto, and Chicago, 1870s into the 1940s MAUREEN A. FLANAGAN In the Anglo­Atlan!c world of the late nineteenth century, groups of urban residents struggled to reconstruct their ci!es in the wake of industrializa!on and to create the modern city. New professional men wanted an orderly city that func!oned for economic development. Women’s vision challenged the men’s right to reconstruct the city and resisted the prevailing male idea that women in public caused the city’s disorder. Construc"ng the Patriarchal City compares the ideas and ac!vi!es of men and women in four English­speaking ci!es that shared similar ideological, professional, and poli!cal contexts. Historian Maureen Flanagan inves!gates how ideas about gender shaped the patriarchal city as men used their exper!se in architecture, engineering, and planning to fashion a built environment for male economic enterprise and to confine women in the private home. Temple University Press Urban Life, Landscape and Policy April 2018 | 390pp | PB | 9781439915707 | £31.00

January 2019 | 544pp | PB | 9781517906115 | £27.99

Emancipatory Thinking


Simone de Beauvoir and Contemporary Political Thought ELAINE STAVRO

Most scholars have focused on The Second Sex and Simone de Beauvoir’s fic!on, concentra!ng on gender issues but ignoring her broader emancipatory vision. Though Beauvoir’s poli!cal thinking is not as closely studied as her feminist works, it underpinned her ac!vism and helped her navigate the dilemmas raised by revolu!onary thought in the postwar period. In Emancipatory Thinking Elaine Stavro brings together Beauvoir’s philosophy and her poli!cal interven!ons to produce complex ideas on emancipa!on. Drawing from a range of work, including novels, essays, autobiographical wri!ngs, and philosophic texts, Stavro explains that for Beauvoir freedom is a movement that requires both personal and collec!ve transforma!on. Freedom is not guaranteed by world historical systems, material structures, wilful ac!on, or discursive prac!ces, but requires engaged subjects who are able to take crea!ve risks as well as synchronize with exis!ng forces to work towards collec!ve change. McGill-Queen’s University Press McGill-Queen’s Studies in the History of Ideas May 2018 | 392pp | PB | 9780773553552 | £33.00

Popular Feminism and Popular Misogyny SARAH BANET-WEISER In Empowered Sarah Banet­Weiser examines the deeply entwined rela!onship between popular feminism and popular misogyny as it plays out in adver!sing, online and mul!media pla%orms, and nonprofit and commercial campaigns. Examining feminist discourses that emphasize self­confidence, body posi!vity, and individual achievement alongside violent misogynist phenomena such as revenge porn, toxic geek masculinity, and men’s rights movements, Banet­Weiser traces how popular feminism and popular misogyny are co­cons!tuted. From Black Girls Code and the Always #LikeAGirl campaign to GamerGate and the 2016 presiden!al elec!on, Banet­ Weiser shows how popular feminism is met with a misogynis!c backlash of mass harassment, assault, and ins!tu!onal neglect. Sarah Banet­Weiser is Professor of Media and Communica!ons at the London School of Economics and author of Kids Rule! Nickelodeon and Consumer Ci"zenship, also published by Duke University Press, and Authen"cTM: The Poli"cs of Ambivalence in Brand Culture. Duke University Press 33 illus. November 2018 | 240pp | PB | 9781478002918 | £19.99

Feminist Accountability Disrupting Violence and Transforming Power ANN RUSSO

What does it take to build communi!es to stand up to injus!ce and create social change? How do we work together to transform, without reproducing, systems of violence and oppression? In an age when feminism has become increasingly mainstream, noted feminist scholar and ac!vist Ann Russo asks feminists to consider the ways that our own behavior might contribute to the interlocking systems of oppression that we aim to dismantle. Feminist Accountability offers an intersec!onal analysis of three main areas of feminism in prac!ce: an!­racist work, community accountability and transforma!ve jus!ce, and US­based work in and about violence in the global south. Russo explores accountability as a set of frameworks and prac!ces for community­ and movement­ building against oppression and violence. Rather than evading the ways that we are implicated, complicit, or ac!vely engaged in harm, Russo shows us how we might cul!vate accountability so that we can contribute to the feminist work of transforming oppression and violence. New York University Press December 2018 | 280pp | PB | 9780814777152 | £23.99

Feminist, Queer, Crip ALISON KAFER

In Feminist, Queer, Crip Alison Kafer imagines a different future for disability and disabled bodies. Challenging the ways in which ideas about the future and !me have been deployed in the service of compulsory able­bodiedness and able­mindedness, Kafer rejects the idea of disability as a pre­ determined limit. She juxtaposes theories, movements, and iden!!es such as environmental jus!ce, reproduc!ve jus!ce, cyborg theory, transgender poli!cs, and disability that are typically discussed in isola!on and envisions new possibili!es for crip futures and feminist/queer/crip alliances. This bold book goes against the grain of normaliza!on and promotes a poli!cal framework for a more just world. Alison Kafer is Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Feminist Studies at Southwestern University. Indiana University Press May 2013 | 276pp | PB | 9780253009340 | £20.99

Feminist Manifestos A Global Documentary Reader EDITED BY PENNY A. WEISS

Feminist Manifestos is an unprecedented collec!on of 150 documents from feminist organiza!ons and gatherings in over 50 countries over the course of three centuries. In the first book of its kind, the manifestos are shown to contain feminist theory and recommend ac!ons for change, and also to expand our very concep!ons of feminist thought and ac!vism. Covering issues from poli!cal par!cipa!on, educa!on, religion and work to reproduc!on, violence, racism, and environmentalism, the manifestos together challenge simplis!c defini!ons of gender and feminist movements in exci!ng ways. In a wide­ranging introduc!on, Penny Weiss explores the value of these documents, especially how they speak with and to each other. In addi!on, an introduc!on to each individual document contextualizes and enhances our understanding of it. Penny A. Weiss is Professor and Chair of the Women’s and Gender Studies Department at Saint Louis University. She is the author of numerous books, including Gendered Community: Rousseau, Sex, and Poli"cs, Canon Fodder: Historical Women Poli"cal Thinkers, and Conversa"ons with Feminism: Poli"cal Theory and Prac"ce. New York University Press April 2018 | 704pp | PB | 9781479837304 | £37.00

Governance Feminism

An Introduction JANET HALLEY, PRABHA KOTISWARAN, RACHEL REBOUCHÉ & HILA SHAMIR Governance Feminism: An Introduc"on shows how some feminists and feminist ideas—but by no means all—have entered into state and state­like power in recent years. Being a feminist can qualify you for a job in the United Na!ons, the World Bank, the Interna!onal Criminal Court, the local prosecutor’s office, or the child welfare bureaucracy. Feminists have built ins!tu!ons and par!cipate in governance.The authors argue that governance feminism is ins!tu!onally diverse and globally distributed. It emerges from grassroots ac!vism as well as statutes and trea!es, as crime control and as immanent bureaucracy. Conflicts among feminists—global North and South; le#, center, and right—emerge as struggles over governance. This volume collects examples from the United States, Israel, India, and from transna!onal human rights law. Janet Halley is Royal Professor of Law at Harvard Law School. Prabha Ko"swaran is reader in law and social jus!ce at the Dickson Poon School of Law, King’s College London. Rachel Rebouché is professor of law at Temple University Beasley School of Law. Hila Shamir is associate professor of law at Tel Aviv University Buchman Faculty of Law. University of Minnesota Press March 2018 | 304pp | PB | 9780816698479 | £21.99

How to Suppress Women’s Writing

In the Name of Women’s Rights

The Rise of Femonationalism SARA R. FARRIS

JOANNA RUSS FOREWORD BY JESSA CRISPIN Are women able to achieve anything they set their minds to? In How to Suppress Women’s Wri"ng, award­winning novelist and scholar Joanna Russ lays bare the subtle—and not so subtle—strategies that society uses to ignore, condemn, or beli'le women who produce literature. As relevant today as when it was first published in 1983, this book has mo!vated genera!ons of readers with its powerful feminist cri!que. Hugo and Nebula award–winning author Joanna Russ (1937–2011) was a widely respected feminist science fic!on writer best known for the novel The Female Man. She was also a professor of English at the University of Washington who published several collec!ons of essays and literary cri!cism. Jessa Crispin is the founder and editor of Bookslut.com. She is the author of The Dead Ladies Project and Why I Am Not a Feminist: A Feminist Manifesto. University of Texas Press April 2018 | 224pp | PB | 9781477316252 | £15.99

Sara R. Farris examines the demands for women’s rights from an unlikely collec!on of right­wing na!onalist poli!cal par!es, neoliberals, and some feminist theorists and policy makers. Focusing on contemporary France, Italy, and the Netherlands, Farris labels this exploita!on and co­opta!on of feminist themes by an!­Islam and xenophobic campaigns as “femona!onalism.” She shows that by characterizing Muslim males as dangerous to western socie!es and as oppressors of women, and by emphasizing the need to rescue Muslim and migrant women, these groups use gender equality to jus!fy their racist rhetoric and policies. This prac!ce also serves an economic func!on. Farris analyzes how neoliberal civic integra!on policies and feminist groups funnel Muslim and non­western migrant women into the segrega!ng domes!c and caregiving industries, all the while claiming to promote their emancipa!on. Sara R. Farris is Senior Lecturer in Sociology at Goldsmiths, University of London, and the author of Max Weber’s Theory of Personality: Individua"on, Poli"cs, and Orientalism in the Sociology of Religion. Duke University Press April 2017 | 272pp | PB | 9780822369745 | £20.99


Jezebel Unhinged

Origins, Contestations, Horizons ANNA CARASTATHIS

Loosing the Black Female Body in Religion and Culture TAMURA LOMAX

A 2017 Choice Outstanding Academic Title Intersec"onality intervenes in the field of intersec!onality studies: the integra!ve examina!on of the effects of racial, gendered, and class power on people’s lives. While “intersec!onality” tends to circulate merely as a buzzword, Anna Carastathis joins other cri!cal voices in urging a more careful reading. Challenging the narra!ves of arrival that surround it, Carastathis argues that intersec!onality is a horizon, illumina!ng ways of thinking that have yet to be realized; consequently, calls to “go beyond” intersec!onality are premature. A provisional interpreta!on of intersec!onality can disorient habits of essen!alism, categorical purity, and prototypicality and overcome dynamics of segrega!on and subordina!on in poli!cal movements. Anna Carastathis is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Social Anthropology at Panteion University in Athens, Greece. University of Nebraska Press Expanding Frontiers: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Studies of Women, Gender, and Sexuality 1 illus. May 2019 | 300pp | PB | 9781496212481 | £23.99

Tamura Lomax traces the use of the jezebel trope in the black church and in black popular culture, showing how it is pivotal to reinforcing men’s cultural and ins!tu!onal power to discipline and define black girlhood and womanhood. Drawing on wri!ng by medieval thinkers and travelers, Enlightenment theories of race, the commodifica!on of women’s bodies under slavery, and the work of Tyler Perry and Bishop T. D. Jakes, Lomax shows how black women are wri'en into religious and cultural history as sites of sexual devia!on. She iden!fies a contemporary black church culture where figures such as Jakes use the jezebel stereotype to suggest a divine approval of the “lady” while condemning girls and women seen as “hos.” The stereotype preserves gender hierarchy, black patriarchy, and heteronorma!vity in black communi!es, cultures, and ins!tu!ons. Tamura Lomax is an independent scholar, CEO and founder of The Feminist Wire, and coeditor of Womanist and Black Feminist Responses to Tyler Perry’s Produc"ons. Duke University Press October 2018 | 288pp | PB | 9781478001072 | £20.99

Living a Feminist Life

On Infertile Ground

Population Control and Women’s Rights in the Era of Climate Change JADE S. SASSER


Sara Ahmed shows how feminist theory is generated from everyday life and the ordinary experiences of being a feminist at home and at work. Building on legacies of feminist of color scholarship in par!cular, Ahmed offers a poe!c and personal medita!on on how feminists become estranged from worlds they cri!que—o#en by naming and calling a'en!on to problems—and how feminists learn about worlds from their efforts to transform them. Ahmed also provides her most sustained commentary on the figure of the feminist killjoy introduced in her earlier work while showing how feminists create inven!ve solu!ons—such as forming support systems—to survive the sha'ering experiences of facing the walls of racism and sexism. Sara Ahmed is a feminist writer, scholar, and ac!vist. She is the author of Willful Subjects, On Being Included, The Promise of Happiness, and Queer Phenomenology, all also published by Duke University Press. Duke University Press

Since the turn of the millennium, American media, scien!sts, and environmental ac!vists have insisted that the global popula!on crisis is “back”—and that the only way to avoid catastrophic climate change is to ensure women’s universal access to contracep!on. Did the popula!on problem ever disappear? What is bringing it back—and why now? In On Infer"le Ground, Jade S. Sasser explores how a small network of interna!onal development actors, including private donors, NGO program managers, scien!sts, and youth advocates, is bringing popula!on back to the center of public environmental debate. While these narra!ves never disappeared, Sasser argues, histories of human rights abuses, racism, and a conserva!ve backlash against abor!on in the 1980s drove them underground—un!l now. Jade S. Sasser is Assistant Professor of Gender and Sexuality Studies at University of California, Riverside. New York University Press

3 illus. February 2017 | 312pp | PB | 9780822363194 | £20.99

November 2018 | 224pp | PB | 9781479899357 | £20.99

Queer Feminist Science Studies

Reconsidering Radical Feminism


Queer Feminist Science Studies takes a transna!onal, trans­species, and intersec!onal approach to this cu(ng­edge area of inquiry between women’s, gender, and sexuality studies and science and technology studies (STS). The essays here “queer”—or denaturalize and make strange—ideas that are taken for granted in both areas of study. Reimagining the meanings of and rela!ons among queer and feminist theories and a wide range of scien!fic disciplines, contributors foster new cri!cal and crea!ve knowledge­ projects that a'end to shi#ing and uneven opera!ons of power, privilege, and dispossession, while also highligh!ng poten!ali!es for uncertainty, subversion, transforma!on, and play. Theore!cally and rhetorically powerful, these essays also take seriously the materiality of “natural” objects and phenomena: bones, voles, chromosomes, medical records and more all help substan!ate answers to ques!ons such as, What is sex? How are race, gender, sexuality, and other systems of differences co­cons!tuted? University of Washington Press Feminist Technosciences 2 b&w illus. October 2017 | 352pp | PB | 9780295742588 | £23.99

Affect and the Politics of Heterosexuality JESSICA JOY CAMERON

What’s the right way to be a feminist? Reconsidering Radical Feminism is not only a clear, precise summary of late­twen!eth­ century feminist debates about the poli!cs of heterosexuality. It’s also an examina!on of how we become invested in arguments that posi!on us as par!cular kinds of feminists – and as gendered subjects. Through the lens of poststructuralism, queer theory, and affect theory, Jessica Joy Cameron inves!gates the legacy of the passionate dispute between radical feminism and sex­posi!ve feminism. In doing so, she reveals the !meliness of her subject as contemporary policies about sexual assault, consent, and safe spaces come under scru!ny. Jessica Joy Cameron is a feminist theorist and visual ar!st. Her video and performance art has been exhibited across Canada and in the United States and Europe. She is currently exploring subjec!vity and nega!ons of self in a new fibre and pain!ng series. This is her first monograph. UBC Press Sexuality Studies October 2018 | 160pp | PB | 9780774837293 | £23.99

Reshaping Women’s History

Second World, Second Sex

Voices of Nontraditional Women Historians EDITED BY BARBARA WINSLOW & JULIE A. GALLAGHER AFTERWORD BY NUPUR CHAUDHURI Award­winning women scholars from nontradi!onal backgrounds have o#en nego!ated an academic track that leads through figura!ve—and some!mes literal—minefields. Their life stories offer inspira!on, but also describe heartrending struggles and daun!ng obstacles. Reshaping Women’s History presents autobiographical essays by eighteen accomplished scholar­ac!vists who persevered through poverty or abuse, medical malprac!ce or family disownment, civil war or genocide. As they illuminate their own unique circumstances, the authors also address issues all­too­familiar to women in the academy: financial instability, the need for mentors, explaining gaps in resumes caused by outside events, and coping with gendered family demands, biases, and expecta!ons. Eye­opening and candid, Reshaping Women’s History shows how adversity, and the triumph over it, enriches scholarship and spurs extraordinary efforts to affect social change. University of Illinois Press Women, Gender, and Sexuality in American History September 2018 | 292pp | PB | 9780252083693 | £23.99

Socialist Women’s Activism and Global Solidarity during the Cold War KRISTEN GHODSEE

Women from the state socialist countries in Eastern Europe—what used to be called the Second World—once dominated women’s ac!vism at the United Na!ons, but their contribu!ons have been largely forgo'en or deemed insignificant in comparison with those of Western feminists. In Second World, Second Sex Kristen Ghodsee rescues some of this lost history by tracing the ac!vism of Eastern European and African women during the 1975 United Na!ons Interna!onal Year of Women and the subsequent Decade for Women (1976­1985). Focusing on case studies of state socialist Bulgaria and nonaligned but socialist­leaning Zambia, Ghodsee examines the feminist networks that developed between the Second and Third Worlds and shows how alliances between socialist women challenged American women’s leadership of the global women’s movement. Kristen Ghodsee is Professor of Russian and East European Studies at the University of Pennsylvania. Duke University Press 42 illus. February 2019 | 328pp | PB | 9781478001812 | £20.99

Staying with the Trouble

The Oocyte Economy

The Changing Meaning of Human Eggs CATHERINE WALDBY

Making Kin in the Chthulucene DONNA J. HARAWAY In the midst of spiraling ecological devasta!on, mul!species feminist theorist Donna J. Haraway offers provoca!ve new ways to reconfigure our rela!ons to the earth and all its inhabitants. She eschews referring to our current epoch as the Anthropocene, preferring to conceptualize it as what she calls the Chthulucene, as it more aptly and fully describes our epoch as one in which the human and nonhuman are inextricably linked in tentacular prac!ces. The Chthulucene, Haraway explains, requires sym­poiesis, or making­with, rather than auto­poiesis, or self­making. Learning to stay with the trouble of living and dying together on a damaged earth will prove more conducive to the kind of thinking that would provide the means to building more livable futures. Donna J. Haraway is Dis!nguished Professor Emerita in the History of Consciousness Department at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and the author of several books, most recently, Manifestly Haraway. Duke University Press Experimental Futures 31 illus., incl. 2 in color September 2016 | 312pp | PB | 9780822362241 | £20.99

In recent years increasing numbers of women from wealthy countries have turned to egg dona!on, egg freezing, and in vitro fer!liza!on to become pregnant, especially later in life. This trend has created new ways of using, exchanging, and understanding oocytes—the reproduc!ve cells specific to women. In The Oocyte Economy Catherine Waldby draws on 130 interviews—­with scien!sts, clinicians, and women who have either donated or frozen their oocytes or received those of another woman—­to trace how the history of human oocytes’ perceived value intersects with the biological and social life of women. Demonstra!ng how oocytes have come to be understood as discrete and scarce biomedical objects open to valua!on, management, and exchange, Waldy examines the global market for oocytes and the power dynamics between recipients and the o#en younger and poorer donors. Catherine Waldby is Director of the Research School of Social Sciences at Australian Na!onal University and the author and coauthor of several books, including Clinical Labor: Tissue Donors and Research Subjects in the Global Bioeconomy, also published by Duke University Press. Duke University Press May 2019 | 248pp | PB | 9781478004721 | £19.99

Transnational Testimonios

The Politics of Collective Knowledge Production PATRICIA DEROCHER The ac!vist storytelling prac!ce of tes!monio, long associated with La!n American struggles for jus!ce, forges coali!ons across social differences for the purpose of social change. Beyond Central and South America, Patricia DeRocher examines tes!monios from a wide range of geopoli!cal sites, including Argen!na, Egypt, Hai!, India, Jamaica, and Trinidad, as well as the United States, and suggests that feminist tes!monios offer a model for cross­border feminist alliance building. Transna"onal Tes"monios focuses on the ques!ons of transla!on, knowledge, and power that characterize the crea!on and recep!on of these life wri!ngs. DeRocher demonstrates how these stories can mobilize social ac!vism and intervene in epistemological impasses between the Global North and South, offering vital tools for reimagining transna!onal feminist poli!cs.

Vexy Thing

On Gender and Liberation IMANI PERRY Even as feminism has become increasingly central to our ideas about ins!tu!ons, rela!onships, and everyday life, the term used to diagnose the problem— “patriarchy”—is used so loosely that it has lost its meaning. In Vexy Thing Imani Perry resurrects patriarchy as a target of cri!que, recentering it to contemporary discussions of feminism through a social and literary analysis of cultural ar!facts from the Enlightenment to the present. Drawing on a rich array of sources— from nineteenth­century slavery court cases and historical vigne'es to wri!ngs by Toni Morrison and Audre Lorde and art by Kara Walker and Wangechi Mutu—Perry shows how the figure of the patriarch emerged as part and parcel of modernity, the na!on­state, the Industrial Revolu!on, and globaliza!on. She also outlines how digital media and technology, neoliberalism, and the security state con!nue to prop up patriarchy.

Patricia DeRocher is assistant professor of interdisciplinary studies at Champlain College in Burlington, Vermont.

Imani Perry is Hughes­Rogers Professor of African American Studies at Princeton University and author of Prophets of the Hood: Poli"cs and Poe"cs in Hip Hop, also published by Duke University Press.

University of Washington Press

Duke University Press

Decolonizing Feminisms October 2018 | 280pp | PB | 9780295743912 | £23.99

Vulnerability in Resistance


1 illus. September 2018 | 304pp | PB | 9781478000815 | £20.99

Women Have Always Worked A Concise History ALICE KESSLER-HARRIS

Vulnerability and resistance have o#en been seen as opposites, with the assump!on that vulnerability requires protec!on and the strengthening of paternalis!c power at the expense of collec!ve resistance. Focusing on poli!cal movements and cultural prac!ces in different global loca!ons, including Turkey, Pales!ne, France, and the former Yugoslavia, the contributors to Vulnerability in Resistance ar!culate an understanding of the role of vulnerability in prac!ces of resistance. They consider how vulnerability is constructed, invoked, and mobilized within neoliberal discourse, the poli!cs of war, resistance to authoritarian and securitarian power, in LGBTQI struggles, and in the resistance to occupa!on and colonial violence.

A classic since its original publica!on, Women Have Always Worked brought much­needed insight into the ways work has shaped female lives and sensibili!es. Beginning in the colonial era, Alice Kessler­ Harris looks at the public and private work spheres of diverse groups of women—housewives and trade unionists, immigrants and African Americans, professionals and menial laborers, and women from across the class spectrum. She delves into issues ranging from the gendered nature of the success ethic to the social ac!vism and the meaning of ci!zenship for female wage workers. This second edi!on adds artwork and features significant updates.

The essays offer a feminist account of poli!cal agency by exploring occupy movements and street poli!cs, informal groups at checkpoints and barricades, prac!ces of self­defense, hunger strikes, transgressive enactments of solidarity and mourning, infrastructural mobiliza!ons, and aesthe!c and ero!c interven!ons into public space that mobilize memory and expose forms of power.

Alice Kessler­Harris is the R. Gordon Hoxie Professor of American History Emerita at Columbia University and a professor at the Ins!tute for Research on Women and Gender. Her many books include In Pursuit of Equity: Women, Men and the Quest for Economic Ci"zenship in Twen"eth­Century America and A Woman’s Wage: Historical Meanings and Social Consequences.

Duke University Press

University of Illinois Press

29 illus.

Working Class in American History

November 2016 | 352pp | PB | 9780822362906 | £21.99

October 2018 | 254pp | PB | 9780252083587 | £15.99

Books stocked at Marston Book Services Tel: +44 (0)1235 465500 | enquiries@combinedacademic.co.uk | www.combinedacademic.co.uk

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