Gender Studies Fall 2024 Subject Catalogue

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Gender Studies

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A Misrepresented People

Manhood in Black Religious Thought

Religion and Social Transformation

January 2025 216pp

9781479823291 £25.99/ $30.00 PB

£80.00/ $89.00 HB


Explores how African American men grapple with identity and masculinity in relation to Black religious thought. This book counters the dominant portrayal of Black men in American society as suspicious, morally defective, and irredeemable, and showcases the strength and relevance of Black religious thought in developing alternative notions of Black manhood.

All of Us or None

Migrant Organizing in an Era of Deportation and Dispossession

Monisha Das Gupta

October 2024 280pp 18 illus.

9781478030874 £23.99/ $27.95 PB

9781478026655 £94.00/ $104.95 HB


Tells the story of contemporary anti-deportation organizing in the United States by migrants and refugees labeled as criminal aliens. By highlighting this work, Monisha Das Gupta demonstrates the transformative promise offered by a dissident migrant-led politics working toward dismantling settler structures and logics.

Black Panther Woman


Political and Spiritual Life of Ericka Huggins

Mary Frances Phillips

Black Power

January 2025 320pp 16 b&w images

9781479802937 £29.99/ $35.00 HB


Phillips immerses readers in the life and legacy of Ericka Huggins, a revered Black Panther Party member, as well as a mother, widow, educator, poet, and former political prisoner. Transcending the traditional male-centric study of the Black Panther Party, Phillips offers an innovative analysis of Black political life at the intersections of gender, motherhood, and mass incarceration.

Abortion in Mexico

A History

Nora E. Jaffary

Engendering Latin America

October 2024 184pp

9781496240217 £21.99/ $25.00 PB

9781496239624 £89.00/ $99.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESS

Examines the long history of abortion from the early postcontact period through the present day in Mexico. Jaffary presents the first longue durée examination of this history from a variety of locations in Mexico, providing an overview of the practice of abortion and informing readers of just how much the debate has evolved.

November 2024 296pp

Black Feminist Anthropology, 25th Anniversary Edition

Theory, Politics, Praxis, and Poetics

Irma McClaurin

Foreword by Johnetta Betsch Cole

9781978843295 £25.99/ $29.95 PB 9781978843301 £134.00/ $150.00 HB


In this volume, McClaurin explored the role and contributions of black feminist anthropologists. She has asked her contributors to disclose how their experiences as black women have influenced their anthropological practices.

Blessings beyond the Binary

Transparent and the Queer Jewish Family

Edited by Nora Rubel & Brett Krutzsch

September 2024 266pp 27 b&w figures

9781978838796 £29.99/ $34.95 PB

9781978838802 £116.00/ $130.00 HB


This book brings together leading scholars to analyze and offer commentary on what scholar Josh Lambert calls, “the most important work of Jewish culture of the century.” The first book to focus on Transparent, Blessings Beyond the Binary offers a rich analysis of the groundbreaking series and its connections to contemporary queer, trans, and Jewish life.

Boy with the Bullhorn

A Memoir and History of ACT UP

New York

Ron Goldberg

September 2024 512pp 32 b&w illus.

9781531508074 £19.99/ $22.95 NIP


Winner, "Gold" Independent Publishing Award (IPPY) for LGBTQ+ Nonfiction

Winner, The Randy Shilts Award for Gay Nonfiction, 34th Annual Triangle Awards

2023 Lammy Finalist, Gay Memoir/Biography

A coming-of-age memoir of life on the front lines of the AIDS crisis with ACT UP New York.

Counting Matters

Policy, Practice, and the Limits of Gender Equality Measurement in Canada

December 2024 304pp

9780774870177 £34.00/ $37.95 PB


The book’s contributors pose critical questions of the ways in which measurement culture manifests within the field of gender equality, asking how it is measured in different policy areas, how we might improve existing practices, and what is revealed through the examination and critique of the “technical turn” in policies that purport to promote gender equality.

Digital Girlhoods

Katherine A. Phelps

January 2025 256pp

9781439925812 £27.99/ $32.95 PB

9781439925805 £99.00/ $110.50 HB


Phelps emphasizes tween girls’ agency on social media vis-à-vis identity formation, content creation, and community building.Featuring in-depth interviews with a cross section of tween girls, Phelps allows them to givemeanings to their relationships with social media and their peers in their own words.

Brazil's Sex Wars

The Aesthetics of Queer Activism in São Paulo

Jay Sosa

November 2024 224pp 7 b&w photos 9781477330111 £29.99/ $34.95 PB 9781477330104 £94.00/ $105.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PRESS

An analysis of LGBT+ activism in São Paulo during Brazil’s conservative turn from 2010 to 2018. Interpreting conflicts between advocates and opponents over LGBT+ autonomy as not just an ideological struggle but an aesthetic one, Brazil’s Sex Wars rethinks a style of politics that seems counterintuitive.


A Strange Autobiography

Frederics & Julie L. Abraham

The Cutting Edge: Lesbian Life and Literature Series

September 2024 282pp

9780814726358 £25.99/ $30.00 PB NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS

This is the unusual and compelling story of Diana, a tantalizingly beautiful woman who sought love in the strange by-paths of Lesbos. Fearless and outspoken, it dares to reveal that hidden world where perfumed caresses and half-whispered endearments constitute the forbidden fruits in a Garden of Eden where men are never accepted.

Eros and Empire

The Transnational Struggle for Sexual Freedom in the United States

Alexander Stoffel

February 2025 264pp

9781503641662 £63.00/ $70.00 HB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

The history of queer politics in the United States since 1968 is commonly narrated as either a progressive campaign or as a subcultural rejection of prevailing gender norms. By centering on the history of sexual rebellion, Eros and Empire provides an alternative view of US-based struggles for sexual freedom.

Feminist Pedagogy for Teaching Online

Issues in Distance Education

November 2024 304pp 12 b&w figures, 6 tables

9781771994286 £27.99/ $32.95 PB


This edited volume examines the experiences that interdisciplinary and global feminist educators have had in infusing feminist pedagogical tenets into their online teaching. By (re)imagining feminist pedagogy as a much-needed tool and providing advice for using technology in the classroom, this collection will empower educators and learners alike.

Gender Without Identity

Avgi Saketopoulou & Ann Pellegrini

July 2024 216pp

9781479836123 £80.00/ $89.00 HB


Challenges the argument widely embraced by rights activists and many members of the LGBTQ+ community that gender identity is innate and immutable. Saketopoulou and Pellegrini chart another path towards the flourishing of queer and trans life. Positing that the idea of an innate core gender identity is simplistic, problematic, and, even, potentially harmful to LGBTQ+ people.

Hell-Bent for Leather

Sex and Sexuality in the Weird Western

Postwestern Horizons

January 2025 441pp

9781496241900 £29.99/ $35.00 PB

9781496241542 £89.00/ $99.00 HB


This new collection takes a deep dive into the myriad ways sex and sexuality are imagined in weird western literature, film, television, and video games, paying special attention to portrayals of power and privilege. Explores how the western can reinforce existing gender and sexual paradigms or overturn them in delightful, terrifying, or unexpected ways.

Gender Play

Boys and Girls in School

Barrie Thorne

Introduction by Raewyn Connell& Michael A. Messner

Afterword by C.J. Pascoe

September 2024 360pp

9781978838253 £22.99/ $26.95 PB

9781978838260 £54.00/ $59.95 HB RUTGERS UNIVERSITY PRESS

When it first appeared in 1993, Barrie Thorne’s Gender Play: Girls and Boys in School became an instant classic in the budding fields of feminist sociology and childhood studies. Through detailed first-hand observations of fourth and fifth graders at play, she investigated questions like: Why do girls and boys tend to self-segregate in the schoolyard?

Grit and Ghosts

Following the Trail of Eight Tenacious Women across a Century

Robin Foster

November 2024 228pp 17 photos, 3 illus. 9781496238467 £22.99/ $26.95 PB


When faced with the anxious dread at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Foster began seeking stories of tenacious women of the American West who had survived their own hardships in a world that threw the unexpected at them. Grit and Ghosts tells the stories of eight women who speak to a shared human experience of struggle, and the grit required to move through it.

Hot Flash

How the Law Ignores Menopause and What We Can Do About It

Bridget J. Crawford, Naomi Cahn & Emily Gold Waldman

October 2024 200pp

9781503636606 £23.99/ $28.00 HB


Hot Flash explores the culturally specific stereotypes that surround menopause as well as how menopause is treated in law and medicine. Taking U.S. law regarding pregnancy and breastfeeding as an entry point, the authors suggest changes in existing legislation and workplace policies that would incorporate menopause as well.

How We Write Now

Living with Black Feminist Theory

Jennifer C. Nash

Black Feminism on the Edge

August 2024 152pp 1 illus.

9781478030461 £21.99/ $24.95 PB

9781478026235 £85.00/ $94.95 HB


Through her own beautiful writing, Jennifer C. Nash shows how Black feminism offers itself as a companion to readers to chart their own lives with and in loss, from devastating personal losses to organizing around the movement for Black lives.

I Know You Are, but What Am I?

On Pee-wee Herman

Forerunners: Ideas First

July 2024 92pp

9781517918286 £9.00/ $10.00 PB


Explores the cultural legacy of Pee-wee Herman, the cult television star of Pee-wee’s Playhouse. This children’s show—that was also for adults—ran on network TV from 1986 to 1990 and starred comedian Paul Reubens as Herman, a queer man-boy whose playhouse, the set for the show, was tricked out with a profusion of animate computational toys and technologies.

Indie Porn

Revolution, Regulation, and Resistance

Zahra Stardust a Camera Obscura book

October 2024 328pp 39 illus.

9781478031062 £24.99/ $28.95 PB

9781478026815 £97.00/ $107.95 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS

Against the backdrop of a global gig economy, Zahra Stardust, herself a porn performer and participant, documents the promises of indie porn to democratize content, revolutionize production, and redistribute wealth while outlining the fantasies of regulators, whose illusions of what porn is and does foreclose possibilities for transformation.

Human Rights Counterpublics in Perú

Sylvanna M. Falcón

Dissident Feminisms

September 2024 168pp 8 b&w photos; 1 line drawing; 4 tables 9780252088131 £21.99/ $26.00 PB 9780252046032 £99.00/ $110.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRESS

In 2003, Perú’s Comisión de la Verdad y Reconciliación (CVR) issued its report on the human rights abuses perpetuated by two revolutionary groups and police from 1980 to 2000. Falcón examines how oppositional communities in Lima have formed to challenge a status quo that erases Perú’s history of internal violence.

In Defense of Sex

Nonbinary Embodiment and Desire

Christopher Breu

November 2024 224pp 2 b&w illus. 9781531508777 £25.99/ $30.00 PB 9781531508760 £94.00/ $105.00 HB


Examines the need to recenter the category of sex–theorizing sex itself as nonbinary–in contemporary studies of gender and sexuality. Moving from critique to theorizing embodiment, desire, and forms of bioaccumulation, In Defense of Sex concludes by proposing the unabashedly utopian project of building a sexual and embodied commons.

Is It Racist? Is It Sexist?

Why Red and Blue White People Disagree, and How to Decide in the Gray Areas

Jessi Streib & Betsy LeondarWright

January 2025 248pp

9781503637917 £25.99/ $30.00 HB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

Is It Racist? Is It Sexist? In this book, Jessi Streib and Betsy Leondar-Wright offer a new way of understanding these questions and how inequalities persist by focusing on the individual judgment calls that lead us to decide what's racist, what's sexist, and what's not.

It's All in the Delivery

Pregnancy in American Film and Television Comedy

Victoria Sturtevant

December 2024 248pp 50 b&w photos

9781477330449 £29.99/ $34.95 PB

9781477330432 £94.00/ $105.00 HB


Pregnancy and the politics surrounding it are serious matters, but humor has been a revealing and transformative means of engaging the subject. This book argues that representational breakthroughs were enabled by comedy’s capacity to violate restrictive norms, introducing candor, courage, and critique into popular notions of pregnancy onscreen.

Jill Johnston in Motion

Dance, Writing, and Lesbian Life

Clare Croft

October 2024 264pp 17 illus.

9781478031055 £23.99/ $27.95 PB

9781478026808 £94.00/ $104.95 HB


Performer, activist, and writer Jill Johnston was a major queer presence in the history of dance and 1970s feminism. By bringing together Johnston’s criticism and activism, her writing and her physicality, Croft emphasizes the effect that the arts, particularly dance, had on Johnston’s feminist thinking and traces lesbian feminism’s roots in avant garde art practice.

Labs of Our Own Feminist Tinkerings with Science

Sig / Sara Giordano

February 2025 214pp 8 b&w images and 4 tables

9781978840362 £29.99/ $34.95 PB

9781978840379 £108.00/ $120.00 HB


From climate change to COVID-19 to reproductive justice, there has been deep political polarization around science. Labs of Our Own provides a unique entry point into these 21st century science wars by focusing on our affective relationships to science. The book delves into various sites where scientists, teachers, artists, and activists claim to create more democratic access to science.

Jane Austen and Masculinity

Edited by Michael Kramp

Transits: Literature, Thought & Culture, 1650-1850

November 2024 338pp 6 b&w images and 6 tables

9781684485437 £36.00/ $39.95 PB RUTGERS UNIVERSITY PRESS

Encompassing the novels, juvenilia, and popular adaptations of her work, Jane Austen and Masculinity makes an important intervention, building on established scholarship in masculinity studies and inviting further research on gender and sexuality within Austen’s corpus.

Jimmy's Faith

James Baldwin, Disidentification, and the Queer Possibilities of Black Religion

Christopher Hunt

November 2024 192pp

9781531508814 £23.99/ $28.00 PB

9781531508807 £88.00/ $98.00 HB


The relationship of James Baldwin’s life and work to Black religion is in many ways complex and confounding. What is he doing through his literary deployment of religious language and symbols?

Living West as Feminists

Conversations about the Where of Us

Krista Comer

November 2024 290pp 18 photos, 2 illus., index

9781496229533 £21.99/ $24.95 PB UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESS

In the aftermath of the 2020 U.S. presidential election, Krista Comer invited fifteen colleagues into a conversation about feminism and the U.S. West. From her travels comes a remarkable series of dialogues focusing on questions about the where of us—the places that we love or belong, or don’t belong, and who we are in them.

Making Men in the Age of Sail

Masculinity, Memoir, and the British Merchant Seafarer, 1860–1914

Graeme J. Milne

June 2024 270pp

9780228021308 £36.00/ $39.95 PB

9780228021292 £99.00/ $110.00 HB


Drawing on British seafaring memoirs from the latenineteenth century, and offering a gender analysis of the image of the seafarer, Making Men in the Age of Sail brings the history of British sailors into wider debates about modernity and masculinity.

Masculinity in American Politics

February 2025 352pp 57 b&w images

9781479830701 £29.99/ $35.00 PB

9781479830688 £89.00/ $99.00 HB


Little attention has been paid to the specific role of masculinity in politics beyond the conventional wisdom that it, rather than femininity, is the dominant force. The contributors push the field to look “beyond the binary” and illuminate a brave, new world of political conflict and possibility.

Menstruation Matters

Challenging the Law's Silence on Periods

Bridget J. Crawford & Emily Gold


October 2024 288pp

9781479835294 £18.99/ $22.00


Explores the burgeoning menstrual advocacy movement and analyzes how law should evolve to take menstruation into account. This book asks what the law currently says about menstruation (spoiler alert: not much) and provides a roadmap for legal reform that can move society closer to a world where no one is held back or disadvantaged by menstruation.

Masculinities and Representation

The Eroticized Male in Early Modern Italy and England

by Konrad Eisenbichler

October 2024 304pp 40 b&w illus. 9781487556976 £69.00/ $90.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO PRESS

In studies on premodern masculinities that have enriched scholarship in recent years, relatively little attention has been paid to the eroticizing of the male body. Masculinities and Representation seeks to fill this lacuna, illustrating how gender construction served to affirm but also diversify premodern masculinity.

Memorializing Violence

Transnational Feminist Reflections


Genocide, Political Violence, Human Rights

February 2025 224pp 15 b&w images

9781978843257 £36.00/ $39.95 PB

9781978843264 £116.00/ $130.00 HB


Memorializing Violence brings together feminist and queer reflections on the transnational lives of memorialization practices, asking what it means to grapple with grief, desires to remember–as well as urges to forget–in the face of disparate yet entangled experiences of racialized and gendered colonial, imperial, militarized, and state violence.

Mother Trouble

Mediations of White Maternal Angst after Second Wave


Miranda J. Brady

October 2024 136pp 4 b&w illus.

9781487556938 £27.99/ $37.50 HB


The book narrows in on popular media to think about white maternal angst as a manifestation of feminism’s unrealized possibilities and continued omissions since the second wave. Mother Trouble reveals how the unease around white motherhood in the media has become a proxy for the troubles faced by all mothers.

Nonbinary Jane Austen

Chris Washington

Forerunners: Ideas First

January 2025 106pp

9781517917586 £9.00/ $10.00 PB


Chris Washington reads Jane Austen differently than we have classically understood her: rather than the doyen of the cisheteronormative marriage plot, the author theorizes how Austen envisions a nonbinary future that traverses the two-sex model of gender that we can supposedly see solidifying in the eighteenth century.


Edited by Annabel Barry

June 2024 247pp 11 illus.

9781478029939 £9.99/ $12.00 PB


Topics covered include feminist applications of ordinary language philosophy; new interpretations of Ludwig Wittgenstein; the concept of the “ordinary” in Black studies; accounts of ordinary affects, such as failure, in affect theory; and non-philosophy and the critique of philosophy.

Postcolonial Hauntings

Play and Transnational Feminism

Sushmita Chatterjee

Dissident Feminisms

September 2024 208pp 6 b&w photos

9780252088087 £21.99/ $25.00 PB

9780252045981 £99.00/ $110.00 HB


Often examined separately, play and hauntings in fact act together to frame postcolonial issues. Chatterjee showcases their braided workings in social and political fabrics, going to the heart of conundrums within transnational postcolonial. Insightful and stimulating, this book centers play and hauntings as a braided ethics for postcolonial transnational struggles.

Open Admissions

The Poetics and Pedagogy of Toni Cade Bambara, June Jordan, Audre Lorde, and Adrienne Rich in the Era of Free College

Danica Savonick

August 2024 264pp 9781478030614 £23.99/ $27.95 PB 9781478026372 £94.00/ $104.95 HB


Traces the largely untold story of the teaching experience of Toni Cade Bambara, June Jordan, Audre Lorde, and Adrienne Rich at the City University of New York (cuny). Savonick shows how teaching in cuny’s free and open classrooms fundamentally altered their writing and, with it, the course of American literature and feminist criticism.

Paths Made by Walking

The Work of Howzevi Women in Iran

Amina Tawasil

September 2024 342pp 21 b&w illus., 2 b&w tables

9780253070869 £40.00/ $45.00 PB

9780253070852 £85.00/ $95.00 HB


This groundbreaking ethnography on Iranian howzevi (seminarian) women reveals how ideologies of womanhood, institutions, and Islamic practices have played a pivotal role in religiously conservative women's mobility in the Middle East. Amina Tawasil invites readers to reconsider their conceptualizations of the women who support the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Postconflict Utopias

Everyday Survival in Chocó, Colombia

Tania Lizarazo

Dissident Feminisms

October 2024 272pp 20 b&w photos

9780252088346 £25.99/ $30.00 PB

9780252046278 £99.00/ $110.00 HB


Black women in the department of Chocó, Colombia, respond to the violence to their region with storytelling. Drawing on the life stories of COCOMACIA members, a Black farmers’ association that defends communities, Lizarazo explains how Chocó’s Black Colombian women answered firsthand experiences of violence with a dedication to activism.

Public Catastrophes, Private Losses

Introduction and edited by

The Feminist Bookshelf: Ideas for the 21st Century

January 2025 186pp 1 color photos, 1 color illus., 2 b&w illus.

9781978838758 £25.99/ $29.95 PB

9781978838765 £134.00/ $150.00 HB RUTGERS UNIVERSITY PRESS

This essay collection explores how the definition of catastrophe might be expanded to include many forms of large-scale structural violence on communities, species, and ecosystems.

Rachel Carson and the Power of Queer


Lida Maxwell

January 2025 168pp

9781503640535 £21.99/ $25.00 HB


In this moving new book, political theorist Lida Maxwell offers close readings that suggest Rachel Carson's relationship with Dorothy Freeman was central to her writing of Silent Spring—a work whose defense of vibrant nonhuman nature allowed love to flourish.

Queering the Domestic

Edited by Lauren Jae

& Stephen Vider

September 2024 205pp 18 illus.

9781478029977 £12.99/ $15.00 PB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS

Topics covered include queering the domestic by examining the diverse functionings of “home” for past and present LGBTQ+ and other marginalized groups; housing precarity and homelessness; LGBTQ+ social movements; kinship and caretaking; LGBTQ+ representation in literature and film; and ethnographies of everyday life.

Rainbow Cattle Co.

Liberation, Inclusion, and the History of Gay Rodeo

Nicholas Villanueva

November 2024 246pp 5 photos, 15 illus., index

9781496230195 £45.00/ $50.00 HB


Rainbow Cattle Co. reveals a history of gay liberation through rodeo, which from the mid-1970s provided a safe space where LGBTQ athletes could focus on their sport and evolved into a highly successful philanthropic organization by the end of the twentieth century.

Reading the Room

Lessons on Pedagogy and Curriculum from the Gender and Sexuality Studies Classroom

Edited by Natalie Kouri-Towe

November 2024 384pp

9781988111537 £29.99/ $34.95 PB


Working from a place of coalition building, this volume is a frank, insightful, and pragmatic invitation to share different pedagogical practices with educators in a range of academic disciplines, and shows how teachers and students can navigate the difficulty and discomfort of contentious topics and learn more from each other.

Reproductive Labor and Innovation

Against the Tech Fix in an Era of Hype

Jennifer Denbow

November 2024 232pp 3 illus.

9781478030997 £22.99/ $26.95 PB

9781478026785 £92.00/ $102.95 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS

By drawing connections between innovation discourse, the rise of neoliberalism, financialized capitalism, and the social and political degradation of reproductive labor, Denbow illustrates what needs to be done to destabilize the overvaluation of innovation and to offer collective support for reproduction.

Righteous Sisterhood

The Politics and Power of an AllWomen's Motorcycle Club

January 2025 193pp


£23.99/ $27.95 PB

9781439925928 £80.00/ $89.50 HB


Hoiland’s insightful ethnography about an all-women motorcycle club (MC). She recounts stories of women bikers for whom riding in an MC is “an act of rebellion” and “liberating” even as it constrains—a reactionary populist version of the American Dream dipped in “girl power.” Hoiland investigates why women choose to join, and why, in some cases, they exit or become exiled.

Seeking the Mothers in Ovid's "Heroides"

Simona Martorana

September 2024 294pp

9781501777066 £53.00/ $58.95 HB


Seeking the Mothers in Ovid's "Heroides" reveals how the irony, ambiguity, and polyphony intrinsic to Ovid's poetry are amplified by the heroines' poetic voices. Martorana breaks new ground by incorporating contemporary feminist theories within the analysis of the Heroides and provides an original comprehensive analysis of motherhood that encompasses other Ovidian works, Latin poetry, and classical literature more broadly.

Sex Work in Popular Culture

July 2024 400pp 33 color illus., 20 b&w illus.

9781487548636 £27.99/ $37.50 PB

9781487507862 £62.00/ $80.00 HB


Delves into provocative movies, TV shows, and documentaries about sex work produced in the last fifteen years – a period of debate and change around the meaning of sex work in North American society. The book reveals how sex work is being recognized as real work and an issue of human rights.

Searching for Feminist Superheroes

Gender, Sexuality, and Race in Marvel Comics

Sam Langsdale

World Comics and Graphic Nonfiction Series

September 2024 240pp 16 b&w illus.



£40.00/ $45.00 HB

This book recognizes that female-led superhero comics, with diverse casts of characters, exist on the margins of the mainstream superhero genre. But rather than focusing on these stories as marginalized, Sam Langsdale’s work on heroes locates the margins as a site of innovation and productivity.

Sex Is as Sex Does Governing Transgender Identity


September 2024 256pp 2 b&w illus.

9780814717097 £16.99/ $19.95


Many transgender people find themselves in the bizarre situation of having different sex classifications on different documents. This book reveals the hidden logics that have governed sex classification policies in the United States and shows what the regulation of transgender identity can tell us about society’s approach to sex and gender writ large.

Shadow of My Shadow

Jennifer Doyle

August 2024 184pp

9781478030669 £21.99/ $25.95 PB

9781478026426 £90.00/ $99.95 HB


Working across autobiography, literary criticism, an analysis of the Larry Nassar Title IX case, and larger institutional critique of harassment administration, Doyle shows that harassment is both intimate, dynamic, and intensely social, flourishing in neglected social spaces. In her own case, it profoundly reshaped her relationship to her work, writing, and ultimately to herself.

Sonia Johnson

A Mormon Feminist

Christine Talbot

Foreword by Matthew Bowman & Joseph M. Spencer

Introductions to Mormon Thought

August 2024 136pp

9780252088179 £12.99/ $14.95 PB

9780252046063 £99.00/ $110.00 HB


Few figures in the history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints provoke such visceral responses as Sonia Johnson due to her unrelenting public support of the Equal Rights Amendment. Talbot tells the story of Sonia’s historic confrontation with the Church and its engagement with feminism.

The Bonds of Kinship in Dahomey

Portraits of West African Girlhood, 1720–1940

Jessica Catherine Reuther

November 2024 280pp 10 b&w photos

9780253071439 £31.00/ $36.00 PB

9780253071422 £76.00/ $85.00 HB


Drawing upon oral tradition, historic images, and collective memories, Jessica Reuther pieces together the fragmentary glimpses of Dahomean girls' lives contained in colonial archives within the framework of traditional understandings about entrustment, bringing to light their core contributions to local and global political economies.

The Essential Jill Johnston Reader


Edited by Clare Croft

October 2024 296pp 1 illus.

9781478030904 £23.99/ $27.95 PB

9781478026679 £94.00/ $104.95 HB


From personal essays, travel writing, and artist profiles to dance and visual art reviews as well as her infamous series of columns in the 1960s for the Village Voice in which she came out as a lesbian, this collection brings a fascinating and brilliant voice of American arts criticism, radical feminism, and gay liberation back to contemporary audiences.

Survival of a Perverse Nation

Morality and Queer Possibility in Armenia

Tamar R. Shirinian

November 2024 304pp 4 illus. 9781478031116 £23.99/ $27.95 PB

9781478026877 £94.00/ $104.95 HB


Traces two widespread rhetorics of perversion— sexual and moral—in postsocialist Armenia, showing how they are tied to anxieties about the nation’s survival. Detailing how the language of perversion offers trenchant critiques of capitalism as a perversion of life, Shirinian presents a new queer theory of political economy.

The Claremont Run Subverting Gender in the X-Men

Andrew Deman

Introduction by Jay Edidin

World Comics and Graphic Nonfiction Series

September 2024 176pp 14 b&w illus. 9781477330753 £29.99/ $34.95 NIP


A data-driven deep dive into a legendary comics author’s subversion of gender norms within the bestselling comic of its time. The Claremont Run compares several hundred issues of Uncanny X-Men with a thousand other Marvel comics to provide a comprehensive account of Claremont’s sophisticated and progressive gender politics.

The Grounds of Gaming

Nicholas Taylor

Digital Game Studies

December 2024 272pp 23 b&w illus.

9780253071231 £25.99/ $30.00 PB

9780253071224 £76.00/ $85.00 HB


Despite attempts to expand games beyond their conventional audience of young men, the physical contexts of game play and production remain off-limits and unsafe for so many. Nicholas Taylor explores the physical places where games are played and how they contribute to the persistence of gaming's problematic politics.

The Inaugural Issue

June 2024 153pp 10 illus.

9781478029946 £11.99/ $14.00 PB


Topics covered include queer worldmaking among Orthodox Jewish gays and lesbians in Israel; the religious lives of Latina and Black trans activists; the importance of engaging trans and queer studies in religion during a time of antitrans and antiqueer legislation; nonsecular transfeminism in Turkey; and the role of Jewishness in John Boswell’s historiography.

The Lamentations

A Requiem for Queer Suicide

Patrick Anderson

September 2024 272pp

9781531508289 £21.99/ $24.95 PB

9781531508272 £79.00/ $88.00 HB


Accessible to a broad readership, the book transcends academic boundaries to address themes of love, loss, and the human spirit. It’s a compelling read for anyone interested in queer studies or anyone seeking to understand human experience through the lens of loss and legacy.

The Intimate Life of Computers

Digitizing Domesticity in the 1980s

Reem Hilu

November 2024 240pp 15 b&w illus. 9781517916657 £22.99/ $27.00 PB 9781517916640 £97.00/ $108.00 HB


Shows how the widespread introduction of home computers in the 1980s was purposefully geared toward helping sustain heteronormative middleclass families by shaping relationships between users. This book emphasizes the neglected history of feminist critique on the development of personal computing despite women’s underrepresentation in the industry.

The Location of Experience

Victorian Women Writers, the Novel, and the Feeling of Living

Adela Pinch

Lit Z

October 2024 224pp 4 b&w illus. 9781531508616 £27.99/ $32.00 PB 9781531508609 £99.00/ $110.00 HB


We tend to feel that works of fiction give us special access to lived experience. But how do novels cultivate that feeling? Where exactly does experience reside? The Location of Experience argues that, paradoxically, novels create experience for us not by bringing reality up close, but by engineering environments in which we feel constrained from acting.

The New Sex Wars

Sexual Harm in the #MeToo Era

Brenda Cossman

December 2024 280pp

9781479835300 £16.99/ $20.00 PB


Brenda Cossman revisits the sex wars of the 1970s and ’80s, examining their influence on how we think about sexual harm in the #MeToo era. Thoughtful and compelling, this book explores what can been learned from these stories, what pitfalls to avoid, and where to begin to make law work.

The Politics of Love

Gender and Nation in NineteenthCentury Poland

Natalie Cornett

September 2024 234pp 4 b&w hfts

9781501776649 £46.00/ $50.95 HB


The Politics of Love describes the history of Polish intellectual and cultural life, which covertly flourished at home and abroad despite imperial repression between Poland's two great uprisings in 1830–1831 and 1863.

The Promise of Beauty

Mimi Thi Nguyen

October 2024 312pp 5 illus.

9781478030973 £24.99/ $28.95 PB

9781478026761 £97.00/ $107.95 HB


Mimi Thi Nguyen explores the relationship between the concept of beauty and narratives of crisis and catastrophe. Drawing widely from aesthetic and critical theories, Nguyen outlines how beauty—or its lack—points to the conditions that must exist for it to flourish.

The Story of What Is Broken Is Whole

An Aurora Levins Morales Reader

Aurora Levins Morales

November 2024 448pp

9781478030935 £27.99/ $31.95 PB

9781478026686 £106.00/ $117.95 HB


Collects for the first time fifty years of writing by Puerto Rican Jewish feminist and radical thinker Aurora Levins Morales. Combining wellknown excerpts from her books with out of print and harder to find ephemeral works and unpublished pieces, this collection weaves together stories of bodies, ecologies, indigeneity, illness, travel, sexuality, and more.

The Twelfth of February

Canadian Aid for Gender Equality during the Rise of Violent Extremism in Pakistan

Rhonda Gossen

McGill-Queen's/Brian Mulroney Institute of Government Studies in Leadership, Public Policy, and Governance

September 2024 276pp 21 photos, 3 diagrams, 1 map 9780228022527 £29.99/ $34.95 PB


Rhonda Gossen addresses a problem that is all too timely: given violent extremism’s devastating impact on development gains including women’s rights, security, and the elimination of gender-based violence, what is the future role for international development?

The Sexual Economy of Capitalism


Currencies: New Thinking for Financial Times

October 2024 240pp 9781503640733 £23.99/ $28.00 PB 9781503630277 £99.00/ $110.00 HB


Economics has long modeled its theories on bakers and butchers rather than husbands, wives, lovers, and prostitutes. This book argues that exchanges involving sex and intimacy, far from being external or exceptional in relation to the workings of the economy, come closest to the reality of capitalist money.

The Taste of Nostalgia

Women, Race, and Culinary Longing in Peru

Amy Cox Hall

November 2024 224pp 33 b&w illus. 9781477330289 £29.99/ $34.95 PB

9781477330272 £94.00/ $105.00 HB


This book uses taste as a thematic and analytic thread to examine the ways that women, race, and the kitchen were foundational to Peruvian longings for modernity, during the Cold War and today. Cox Hall considers how elite, European-descended women helped set the stage for a Peruvian food nationalism.

Tinker Belles and Evil Queens

The Walt Disney Company from the Inside Out

Sean P. Griffin

February 2000 292pp 9780814731239 £25.99/ $30.00 PB


Griffin traces the evolution of the interaction between the the Walt Disney Company. Armed with first-person accounts from Disney audiences, Griffin demonstrates how Disney animation, live-action films, television series, theme parks, and merchandise provide varied motifs and characteristics that readily lend themselves to use by gay culture.

Trans Philosophy

September 2024 320pp 1 b&w illus.


£25.99/ $29.95 PB

9781517917036 £108.00/ $120.00 HB


Trans Philosophy defines this burgeoning and polymorphous discipline as philosophical work that is accountable to and illuminative of cross-cultural and global trans experiences, histories, and cultural productions. Across language and politics, feminism and phenomenology, and decolonial theory, it addresses trans worldmaking in all its beauty and mundanity.

Unmentionable Madness

Gender, Disability, and Shame in the Malaria Treatment of Neurosyphilis

Christin L. Hancock

Disability Histories

January 2025 192pp 9 b&w photos

9780252088223 £21.99/ $26.00 PB

9780252046148 £99.00/ $110.00 HB


In 1930, neurosyphilis struck an unsuspecting patient. Doctors at the Central State Hospital for the Insane in Indianapolis turned to malaria therapy--a radical treatment that they believed might work. Hancock looks through the lens of feminist disability to examine the popular but ethically suspect treatment and its consequences.

Unsettling Sexuality

Queer Horizons in the Long Eighteenth Century

October 2024 196pp 6 color and 5 b&w images

9781644533482 £36.00/ $39.95 PB

9781644533499 £108.00/ $120.00 HB


Drawing from recent and emerging criticisms in Middle-Eastern and Asian studies, Black studies, and Native American and Indigenous studies, the collected authors perform intersectional queer readings, reimagine queer historiographic methods, and spearhead new citational models that can invigorate the field.

Transnational Feminist Vistas

September 2024 277pp 1 illus.

9781478029960 £16.99/ $20.00 PB


Topics covered include feminist perspectives about the realities of grappling with colonial legacies within global south communities in North America, Asia, and Africa; the impacts of colonial logic in shaping community identity and boundaries; complex entanglements with neo-colonialism while striving for decolonial praxis; and memory and trauma within communities disrupted by U.S. colonial interests.

Unsettled Labors

Migrant Care Work in Palestine/ Israel

Rachel H. Brown

August 2024 328pp

9781478030591 £24.99/ $28.95 PB 9781478026358 £97.00/ $107.95 HB


Rachel H. Brown draws from interviews with caretakers, public statements, court documents, and first-hand fieldwork to explore the overlooked labor of migrant workers in Israel’s eldercare industry. Brown argues that live-in eldercare in Palestine/Israel is an often invisible area where settler colonialism is reproduced culturally, economically, and biologically.

Veiled Threats

Women and Global Jihad

February 2025 222pp 2 charts

9781501777820 £24.99/ $28.95 PB 9781501777813 £116.00/ $130.00 HB


Explores the range of roles of the women involved in Jihad—not only across secular and religious groups, but within affiliated religious groups—and how these extremist groups have used rape as a weapon of war. Bloom explains how women are used and abused, deployed and destroyed, and the many ways in which their roles in terrorism have evolved over the past three decades.

Waves of Belonging

Indigeneity, Race, and Gender in the Surfing Lineup


December 2024 2 tables


£25.99/ $30.00 PB

9780295753409 £94.00/ $105.00 HB


The surf zone offers a powerful space to reflect on the politics of our worlds. Waves of Belonging challenges the histories of exclusivity associated with surfing and demonstrates how Black, Indigenous, and LGBTQ+ people have drawn on surfing’s counterculture reputation to construct new spaces of hope.

Womanism Rising

by Layli Maparyan

Foreword by AnaLouise Keating

Introduction by Layli Maparyan

Transformations: Womanist studies

January 2025 288pp 8 color photos, 1 table

9780252088315 £23.99/ $27.95 PB

9780252046230 £99.00/ $110.00 HB


Womanism Rising concludes Maparyan’s three-book exploration of womanist studies. The collection showcases new work around five key ideas by emerging womanist authors who expand the womanist idea while extending womanism to new sites, new problems, and new audiences.

When Monsters Speak

A Susan Stryker Reader

Susan Stryker

Edited by McKenzie Wark


July 2024 208pp

9781478030478 £21.99/ $25.95 PB 9781478026259 £90.00/ $99.95 HB


Showcases the development of Susan Stryker’s writing from the 1990s to the present. The volume includes an introduction by editor McKenzie Wark, who highlights Stryker’s connections to developments in queer theory, media studies, and autotheory while foregrounding Stryker’s innovative writing style and scholarly methods.

Women's Transborder Cinema

Authorship, Stardom, and Filmic Labor in South Asia

Esha Niyogi De

Women’s Media History Now! December 2024 320pp 24 b&w photos

9780252088285 £27.99/ $32.00 PB

9780252046209 £112.00/ $125.00 HB


Can we write women’s authorial roles into the history of industrial cinema in South Asia? Esha Niyogi De draws on rare archival and oral sources to explore this, delving into examples of women holding influential positions as stars, directors, and producers across the film industries in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.

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