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Debating Malthus
The Art, Architecture, and Media of Climate Change Edited by Nick Axel, Nikolaus Hirsch, Daniel Barber and Anton Vidokle
A Documentary Reader on Population, Resources, and the Environment Edited by Robert J. Mayhew, Foreword by Paul S. Sutter
February 2022 248pp 9 b&w illus. 9781517911515 £22.99 / $30.00 PB 9781517911508 £95.00 / $120.00 HB
Weyerhaeuser Environmental Classics March 2022 250pp 9780295749907 £22.99 / $30.00 PB 9780295749891 £79.00 / $99.00 HB
Images of accumula�on help open up the climate to cultural inquiry and poli�cal mobiliza�on and have formed a cultural infrastructure focused on the rela�onships between humans, other species, and their environments. The essays address this cultural infrastructure and the methodological challenges of its analysis. Excludes Japan & ANZ
This collec�on allows students to follow European and North American discussions about intertwined and evolving concepts of popula�on, resources, and the natural environment from early contexts.
Letting Play Bloom
Loving Orphaned Space
Designing Nature-Based Risky Play for Children Lolly Tai, Foreword by Teri Hendy
The Art and Science of Belonging to Earth Mrill Ingram
June 2022 247pp 9781439921791 £40.00 / $50.00 HB
May 2022 203pp 9781439921951 £18.99 / $24.95 PB 9781439921944 £79.00 / $99.50 HB
Analyzes five outstanding case studies of children's nature-based risky play spaces—in the US, the Netherlands and Australia. Provides detailed explana�ons of their background and design, and what visitors can experience at each site. Advocates for a though�ul landscape design process that incorporates the specific considera�ons children need to fully experience the thrill from playing in nature. Excludes Asia Pacific
A call to ac�on to claim and to cherish these neglected spaces and make orphaned space – voids, marginalia, empty spaces - a source of inspira�on through art and/or remunera�on. Ingram advocates not only for "urban greening" and "green planning," but also for "radical caring." Excludes Asia Pacific
Upland Geopolitics
Postwar Laos and the Global Land Rush Michael Dwyer, Series edited by K. Sivaramakrishnan, Foreword by K. Sivaramakrishnan
After the Blast
The Ecological Recovery of Mount St. Helens Eric Wagner
Culture, Place, and Nature August 2022 232pp 7 maps, 8 b&w illus. 9780295750491 £22.99 / $30.00 PB 9780295750484 £79.00 / $99.00 HB
April 2020 264pp 20 color illus., 2 b&w illus., 1 map 9780295750712 £14.99 / $19.95 NIP
A�er the erup�on of Mt. St. Helens in 1980, ecologists thought they would have to wait years, or even decades, for life to return to the mountain. When small plants and animals were found a couple of weeks later, scien�sts realized that the mountain was very much alive and not a dead zone.
Drawing on ethnographic and archival research, this book uses the case of Chinese agribusiness investment in northern Laos to study the unbalanced geography of the new global land rush. 1
Blue Architecture
Building Sustainable Worlds
Water, Design, and Environmental Futures Brook Muller
Latinx Placemaking in the Midwest Edited by Theresa Delgadillo, Ramon H. Rivera-Servera, Geraldo L. Cadava and Claire F. Fox
May 2022 216pp 9781477325100 £26.99 / $35.00 HB
Not content to merely work around sensi�ve ecology, Muller argues for genuinely climate-adapted urban landscapes in which buildings act as ecological infrastructure that actually improve watersheds while delivering func�onality and beauty for diverse communi�es. Rich in images and prac�cal examples, Blue Architecture will change the way we think about our designed world.
La�nos in Chicago and Midwest June 2022 352pp 9780252086618 £20.99 / $28.00 PB 9780252044540 £100.00 / $125.00 HB
Contributors cri�cally examines the many ways that varied La�na/o/x communi�es cohere through cultural expression. Excludes SE Asia, Indian sc & ANZ
Climate Lyricism
A History of Batteries and Lessons for a Clean Energy Future James Morton Turner, Foreword by Paul S. Sutter, Series edited by Paul S. Sutter
Min Hyoung Song
February 2022 256pp 5 illus. 9781478017738 £19.99 / $25.95 PB 9781478015116 £80.00 / $99.95 HB
Ar�culates a climate changecentered reading prac�ce that foregrounds how literature, poetry, and essays help us to be�er grapple with our everyday encounters with climate change and its disastrous effects, which are inextricably linked to the legacies of racism, colonialism, and extrac�on.
Weyerhaeuser Environmental Books April 2022 264pp 11 b&w illus. 9780295750248 £26.99 / $34.95 HB
Unpacks the history of ba�eries to explore why solving “the ba�ery problem” is cri�cal to a clean energy transi�on. Considering the history of ba�eries offers a sharp reminder of what building a clean energy future will consume.
Climate Politics and the Power of Religion
Climatic Media
Transpacific Experiments in Atmospheric Control Yuriko Furuhata
Edited by Evan Berry
March 2022 298pp 1 b&w photo 9780253059062 £32.00 / $40.00 PB 9780253059055 £64.00 / $80.00 HB
Elements April 2022 256pp 15 illus. 9781478017806 £19.99 / $25.95 PB 9781478015192 £80.00 / $99.95 HB
An edited collec�on that explores the diverse ways that religion shapes climate poli�cs at the local, na�onal, and interna�onal levels. Drawing on case studies from across the globe, it stands at the intersec�on of religious studies, environment policy, and global poli�cs.
Traces climate engineering from the early twen�eth century to the present, showing how a range of Japanese scien�sts, technicians, architects, and ar�sts developed technologies to monitor, condi�on, and modify climate. Furuhata’s transpacific analysis offers a novel take on the elemental condi�ons of media and climate change. 2
Communist Pigs
Dark Scenes from Damaged Earth
An Animal History of East Germany's Rise and Fall Thomas Fleischman, Foreword by Paul S. Sutter, Series edited by Paul S. Sutter
The Gothic Anthropocene Edited by Justin D. Edwards, Rune Graulund, Johan Höglund July 2022 392pp 17 b&w illus. 9781517911232 £22.99 / $29.95 PB 9781517911225 £95.00 / $120.00 HB
Weyerhaeuser Environmental Books August 2022 296pp 19 b&w illus., 1 map 9780295750699 £22.99 / $30.00 NIP
This volume moves beyond longstanding perspec�ves on the Anthropocene—such as science fic�on and apocalyp�c narra�ves—to show that the Gothic offers a unique interpreta�on of events like climate change, diminished ecosystems, and mass ex�nc�on. Excludes Japan & ANZ
Chronicles East Germany’s journey from family farms to factory farms, explaining how communist principles shaped the adop�on of industrial agriculture prac�ces. More broadly, Fleischman argues that agriculture under communism came to reflect standard prac�ces of capitalist agriculture.
Dirt Persuasion
Engineering Vulnerability
Civic Environmental Populism and the Heartland's Pipeline Fight Derek Moscato
In Pursuit of Climate Adaptation Sarah E. Vaughn May 2022 272pp 23 illus. 9781478018100 £20.99 / $26.95 PB 9781478015482 £80.00 / $99.95 HB
June 2022 252pp 12 photos, 2 illus., 2 maps, 2 tables, 10 graphs, index 9781496208392 £48.00 / $60.00 HB
Examines climate adapta�on against the backdrop of ongoing processes of se�ler colonialism and the global climate change ini�a�ves that seek to intervene on the lives of the world’s most vulnerable. Analyzing the coproduc�on of race and vulnerability, Vaughn details why climate adapta�on has implica�ons for how we understand the past and the con�nued human se�lement of a place.
Dirt Persuasion examines a watershed moment in U.S. environmental poli�cs: the fight over the Keystone XL Pipeline. Moscato analyzes Bold Nebraska’s environmental campaign against TransCanada’s Keystone XL Pipeline to examine how this grassroots environmental movement changed the rules for na�onal environmentalism in the United States.
Environment, Power, and Justice
Global Burning
Rising Antidemocracy and the Climate Crisis Eve Darian-Smith
Southern African Histories Edited by Graeme Wynn, Jane Carruthers, Nancy J. Jacobs
April 2022 216pp 9781503631083 £16.99 / $22.00 PB
Series in Ecology and History May 2022 304pp 9780821424858 £27.99 / $36.95 PB 9780821424841 £64.00 / $80.00 HB
Recent years have seen out-ofcontrol wildfires rage across remote Brazilian rainforests, densely populated California coastlines, and major ci�es in Australia. Eve Darian-Smith contends that using fire as a symbolic and literal thread connec�ng different places around the world allows us to be�er understand the parallel, and related, trends of the growth of authoritarian poli�cs and climate crises and their interconnected global consequences.
This volume’s contributors track the global concept of environmental jus�ce to analyze its influence in South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Lesotho and to expand popular understandings of socialenvironmental harm. 3
In Defense of Farmers
In the Shadow of the Palms
The Future of Agriculture in the Shadow of Corporate Power Edited by Jane Gibson, Sara Alexander, Foreword by John K. Hansen
More-Than-Human Becomings in West Papua Sophie Chao July 2022 344pp 14 illus. 9781478018247 £21.99 / $28.95 PB 9781478015611 £84.00 / $104.95 HB
Our Sustainable Future June 2022 444pp 16 photographs, 4 maps, 7 tables, 3 graphs, index 9781496230546 £26.99 / $35.00 NIP
The palm oil sector has destruc�ve environmental impacts; it greatly contributes to tropical deforesta�on and is a major driver of global warming. Examines the mul�species entanglements of oil palm planta�ons in West Papua, Indonesia, showing how Indigenous Marind communi�es understand and navigate the social, poli�cal, and environmental demands of the oil palm plant.
In Defense of Farmers illuminates anew the cri�cal role farmers play in the future of agriculture and examines the social, economic, and environmental vulnerabili�es of industrial agriculture, as well as its adapta�ons and evolu�on.
Making Peace with Nature
Thinking with Deborah Bird Rose Edited by Thom van Dooren and Matthew Chrulew
Ecological Encounters along the Korean DMZ Eleana J. Kim
May 2022 248pp 28 illus. 9781478018056 £19.99 / $25.95 PB 9781478015420 £80.00 / $99.95 HB
July 2022 216pp 21 illus. 9781478018353 £18.99 / $24.95 PB 9781478015727 £76.00 / $94.95 HB
Draws on the work of anthropologist Deborah Bird Rose (1946–2018), a founda�onal voice in environmental humani�es, to examine the rela�onships of interdependence and obliga�on between human and nonhuman lives. The essays do more than pay tribute to Rose’s scholarship; they extend her ideas and underscore her ongoing cri�cal and ethical relevance to a world s�ll enduring and resis�ng ecocide and genocide.
Shows how a closer examina�on of the Demilitarized Zone area in South Korea reveals that the area’s biodiversity is inseparable from scien�fic prac�ces and geopoli�cal, capitalist, and ecological dynamics. In so doing, Kim reframes peace away from a human-oriented poli�cal or economic peace and toward a more-than-human, biological peace.
More City than Water
Our Shared Storm
May 2022 264pp 9781477325001 £32.00 / $39.95 HB
April 2022 224pp 2 b&w illus. 9780823299546 £14.99 / $19.95 PB 9780823299539 £56.00 / $70.00 HB
A Houston Flood Atlas Edited by Lacy M. Johnson and Cheryl Beckett
A Novel of Five Climate Futures Andrew Dana Hudson
This book brings together essays, conversa�ons, and personal narra�ves from climate scien�sts, marine ecologists, housing ac�vists, urban planners, ar�sts, poets, and historians as they reflect on the human geography of a region increasingly defined by flooding. Evoca�ve and unique, this is an atlas that uncovers the changing nature of living where the waters rise.
Combining fic�on and nonfic�on and employing specula�ve tools for scholarly purposes, Our Shared Storm explores not just one poten�al climate future but five possible outcomes dependent upon our ac�ons today. Wri�en by specula�ve fic�on writer and sustainability researcher Andrew Dana Hudson, Our Shared Storm features five overlapping fic�ons to employ a futurist technique called “scenarios thinking.” 4
Pipeline Populism
Plant Life
May 2022 248pp 9 b&w illus. 9781517911065 £20.99 / $27.00 PB 9781517911058 £86.00 / $108.00 HB
April 2022 264pp 15 b&w illus., 2 tables, 34 color plates 9781517912628 £22.99 / $30.00 PB 9781517912611 £95.00 / $120.00 HB
Grassroots Environmentalism in the Twenty-First Century Kai Bosworth
The Entangled Politics of Afforestation Rosetta S. Elkin
Stunning Indigenous resistance to the Keystone XL and the Dakota Access pipelines has made global headlines in recent years. Less remarked on are the crucial populist movements that have also played a vital role in pipeline resistance. Kai Bosworth explores the influence of populism on environmentalist poli�cs.
In Plant Life, Rose�a S. Elkin explores the procedures of afforesta�on, the large-scale plan�ng of trees in otherwise treeless environments, including grasslands, prairies, and drylands. Elkin reveals that plan�ng a tree can either be one of the ul�mate offerings to thriving on this planet, or one of the most extreme perversions of human agency over it. Excludes Japan & ANZ
Excludes Japan & ANZ
Plastic Matter
Slow Narrative and Nonhuman Materialities
Heather Davis
Elements May 2022 176pp 12 illus. 9781478017752 £17.99 / $23.95 PB 9781478015130 £72.00 / $89.95 HB
Marco Caracciolo
Fron�ers of Narra�ve March 2022 264pp 2 photos, 15 illus., index 9781496229090 £48.00 / $60.00 HB
Traces plas�c’s rela�ons to geology, media, race, and biology to show how plas�c and all other ma�er has come to be understood as pliable, disposable, and consumable. Davis provokes readers to reexamine their rela�onships to ma�er and life in light of plas�c’s satura�on.
Marco Caracciolo inves�gates how the experience of slowness in contemporary narra�ve prac�ces can create a vision of interconnectedness between human communi�es and the nonhuman world in an era marked by drama�cally shi�ing climate pa�erns.
Spawning Modern Fish
The Great Quake Debate
Transnational Comparison in the Making of Japanese Salmon Heather Anne Swanson, Foreword by K. Sivaramakrishnan
The Crusader, the Skeptic, and the Rise of Modern Seismology Susan Hough April 2022 328pp 18 b&w illus., 3 maps 9780295750729 £14.99 / $19.95 NIP
Culture, Place, and Nature August 2022 272pp 9 b&w illus., 2 maps 9780295750392 £22.99 / $30.00 PB 9780295750385 £79.00 / $99.00 HB
In the first half of the twen�eth century, when seismology was s�ll in in its infancy, renowned geologist Bailey Willis faced off with fellow highprofile scien�st Robert T. Hill in a debate with lifeor-death consequences for the millions of people migra�ng west. This book sheds light on enduring ques�ons surrounding the environmental hazards of our dynamic planet.
Swanson explores how efforts to make Hokkaido more legibly “modern” have shaped the course of the island’s agricultural development, its fish, and the lives of people living there. 5
The Nature of the Religious Right
The Riviera, Exposed
An Ecohistory of Postwar Tourism and North African Labor Stephen L. Harp, Foreword by Eric G. E. Zuelow
The Struggle between Conservative Evangelicals and the Environmental Movement Neall W. Pogue
Histories and Cultures of Tourism May 2022 305pp 20 b&w hal�ones, 4 maps 9781501763014 £37.00 / $46.95 HB
April 2022 256pp 10 b&w plates 9781501762000 £34.00 / $42.95 HB
Through analysis of rhetoric, poli�cal expediency, and theological impera�ves The Nature of the Religious Right explains how ideas of nature played a role in construc�ng the conserva�ve evangelical poli�cal movement, why Chris�an environmental stewardship was supported by the community for so long, and why they turned against it so decidedly beginning in the 1990's.
This book illuminates profound changes to the physical space that we know as the quintessen�al European tourist des�na�on. Harp uncovers the behind-the-scenes impact of tourism following World War II, both on the environment and on the people living and working on the Riviera, par�cularly North African laborers.
The Urban Climate Insurgency
Under Prairie Skies
The Plants and Native Peoples of the Northern Plains C. Thomas Shay
Edited by Ashley Dawson, Marco Armiero, Ethemcan Turhan, Roberta Biasillo
July 2022 332pp 52 color photos, 5 b&w photos, 14 illus., 11 maps, 1 table, 1 graph, glossary, appendix, index 9781496223388 £22.99 / $29.95 PB
February 2022 174pp 9 illus. 9781478017509 £11.99 / $15.00 PB
According to the United Na�ons, ci�es are responsible for up to 75 percent of contemporary carbon emissions, with transport and buildings being among the largest contributors. Explores the rise of grassroots movements that advocate for radical climate change poli�cs and jus�ce in ci�es affected by the intensifying climate emergency.
In Under Prairie Skies, C. Thomas Shay asks and answers the ques�on: What role did plants play in the lives of early inhabitants of the northern Great Plains? Since humans arrived at the end of the Ice Age, plants played important roles as Na�ve peoples learned which were valuable foods, which held medicinal value, and which were best for cra�s.
Governing Water in India
Inequality, Reform, and the State Leela Fernandes
Colonization Through Design
August 2022 288pp 2 b&w illus., 6 maps, 1 chart, 4 tables 9780295750439 £22.99 / $30.00 PB 9780295750422 £79.00 / $99.00 HB
Gavin Renwick
February 2022 120pp Colour images throughout 9780929112787 £35.00 / $43.95 PB
Coloniza�on Through Design explores the extent to which housing, and ideas of home and domes�city, were fundamental to the coloniza�on of Indigenous people in Canada, tracing the historic conflict between agricultural Chris�an society and Indigenous ways of knowing, and the ongoing assimila�ve prac�ces of the contemporary se�ler state. Excludes SE Asia, Indian sc & ANZ
Drawing on historical records, an analysis of postliberaliza�on developments, and fieldwork in the city of Chennai, Fernandes traces the configura�on of colonial historical legacies, developmental-state policies, and economic reforms that strain water resources and intensify inequality.
Grammars of the Urban Ground
Justice at Work
The Rise of Economic and Racial Justice Coalitions in Cities Marc Doussard and Greg Schrock
Edited by Ash Amin and Michele Lancione August 2022 264pp 8 illus. 9781478018339 £20.99 / $26.95 PB 9781478015710 £80.00 / $99.95 HB
May 2022 248pp 14 b&w illus., 4 tables 9781517913052 £18.99 / $25.00 PB 9781517913045 £79.00 / $100.00 HB
The contributors to Grammars of the Urban Ground develop a new conceptual framework and vocabulary for capturing the complex, ever-shi�ing, and interac�ve processes that shape contemporary ci�es, offering a founda�on for be�er understanding the connec�ve and aggrega�ve forces of city-making and the entanglements and rela�ons that cons�tute ci�es and their everyday poli�cs.
In the 2010s ci�es and coun�es across the United States witnessed long-overdue change as they engaged more than ever before with ques�ons of social, economic, and racial jus�ce. This book examines the mutually reinforcing roles of economic and racial jus�ce organizing and policy entrepreneurship in building power and support for policy changes. Excludes Japan & ANZ
Places of Tenderness and Heat
The Common Camp
Architecture of Power and Resistance in Israel–Palestine Irit Katz
The Queer Milieu of Fin-de-Siècle St. Petersburg Olga Petri
May 2022 376pp 100 b&w illus., 6 maps 9781517907174 £26.99 / $35.00 PB 9781517907167 £111.00 / $140.00 HB
June 2022 300pp 10 b&w hal�ones, 2 maps, 1 graph 9781501763779 £39.00 / $48.95 HB
The Common Camp underscores the role of the camp as a spa�al instrument employed for reshaping, controlling, and struggling over specific territories and popula�ons. Focusing on the geopoli�cal complexity of Israel–Pales�ne, this book explores the region’s extensive networks of camps and their existence as both a tool of colonial power and a makeshi� space of resistance.
Places of Tenderness and Heat is a ground-level explora�on of queer St. Petersburg at the fin-desiècle. Olga Petri takes us through busy shopping arcades, bathhouses, and public urinals to show how queer men rou�nely met and socialized. She reconstructs the milieu that enabled them to navigate a city full of risk and opportunity.
Excludes Japan & ANZ
The Concrete Plateau
The Right to Be Counted
Urban Tibetans and the Chinese Civilizing Machine Andrew Grant
The Urban Poorand the Politics of Resettlement in Delhi Sanjeev Routray
Studies of the Weatherhead East Asian Ins�tute, Columbia University July 2022 228pp 16 b&w hal�ones, 2 maps 9781501764097 £27.99 / $36.95 HB
South Asia in Mo�on July 2022 336pp 9781503632134 £22.99 / $30.00 PB 9781503630840 £72.00 / $90.00 HB
The Concrete Plateau examines the ways that urbaniza�on has extended into the Tibetan Plateau. Grant pushes back against the no�on that urbaniza�on can only erode essen�al aspects of Tibetan culture through his in-depth explora�on of Tibetans' experiences with urban life in the growing city of Xining, the largest city on the Tibetan Plateau.
In the last 30 years, Delhi, the capital of India, has displaced over 1.5 million poor people. This book examines how Delhi's urban poor, in an effort to gain visibility from the local state, incrementally stake their claims to a house and life in the city. 7
The Sanctuary City
The Surrounds
Immigrant, Refugee, and Receiving Communities in Postindustrial Philadelphia Domenic Vitiello
Urban Life within and beyond Capture AbdouMaliq Simone Theory in Forms June 2022 176pp 12 illus. 9781478018131 £17.99 / $23.95 PB 9781478015505 £72.00 / $89.95 HB
August 2022 306pp 10 b&w hal�ones, 6 maps 9781501764806 £20.99 / $26.95 PB 9781501764691 £100.00 / $125.00 HB
Working at the intersec�on of urban theory, Black studies, and decolonial and Islamic thought, Simone offers a new theoriza�on of the interface of the urban and the poli�cal. The author centers the surrounds—those urban spaces beyond control and capture that exist as a locus of rebellion and inven�on.
In The Sanctuary City, Domenic Vi�ello argues that sanctuary means much more than the limited protec�ons offered by city governments or churches sheltering immigrants from deporta�on. It is a wider set of protec�ons and humanitarian support for vulnerable newcomers.
Turning Land into Capital
recent highlights
Development and Dispossession in the Mekong Region Edited by Philip Hirsch, Kevin Woods, Natalia Scurrah and Michael Dwyer
Ecoart in Action
Activities, Case Studies, and Provocations for Classrooms and Communities Edited by Amara Geffen, Ann Rosenthal, Chris Fremantle and Aviva Rahmani
Culture, Place, and Nature August 2022 273pp 2 maps, 5 charts, 3 tables 9780295750460 £22.99 / $30.00 PB 9780295750453 £79.00 / $99.00 HB
February 2022 320pp 45 b&w illus. 9781613321461 £26.99 / $34.95 PB
Through the lens of land capitaliza�on, this book examines the contradic�ons produced by superimposing twenty-first-century neoliberal projects onto diverse landscapes etched by decades of war and state socialism.
EcoArt in Ac�on provides models for ecoart prac�ce that are adaptable for use within a variety of classrooms, communi�es, and contexts. Excludes SE Asia & ANZ
Extinction and the Human
For a New Geography
Milton Santos, Translated by Archie Davies
Four American Encounters Timothy Sweet
November 2021 272pp 9781517909086 £20.99 / $28.00 PB 9781517909079 £89.00 / $112.00 HB
Alembics: Penn Studies in Literature and Science October 2021 224pp 5 b&w hal�ones 9780812253429 £29.99 / $37.50 HB
Originally published in 1978 in Portuguese and appearing now for the first �me in English, For a New Geography is a milestone and key work in the history of cri�cal geography. It marked the emergence of its author, Milton Santos (1926–2001), as a major interpreter of geographical thought, a prominent Afro-Brazilian public intellectual, and one of the foremost global theorists of space.
In Ex�nc�on and the Human Timothy Sweet ponders the reali�es of animal ex�nc�on and endangerment and the o�en divergent Na�ve American and Euro-American narra�ves that surround them, focusing especially on the force of human impact on megafauna—mammoths, whales, and the North American bison.
Excludes Japan & ANZ
Loss and Wonder at the World’s End
Negative Geographies Exploring the Politics of Limits Edited by David Bissell, Mitch Rose and Paul Harrison
Laura A. Ogden
October 2021 200pp 56 illus., incl. 1 in color 9781478014560 £18.99 / $24.95 PB 9781478013631 £76.00 / $94.95 HB
Cultural Geographies + Rewri�ng the Earth November 2021 372pp 1 chart, index 9781496227829 £26.99 / $35.00 PB 9781496226785 £79.00 / $99.00 HB
Laura A. Ogden considers a wide range of people, animal, and objects together as a way to catalog the ways environmental change and colonial history are entangled in the Fuegian Archipelago of southernmost Chile and Argen�na.
The first edited collec�on to chart the poli�cal, conceptual, and ethical consequences of how the underexplored problem of the nega�ve might be posed for contemporary cultural geography.
The Carpathians
The Nature of Space
NIU Series in Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies October 2021 288pp 13 b&w hal�ones, 5 maps 9781501759673 £26.99 / $34.95 HB
La�n America in Transla�on September 2021 304pp 1 illus. 9781478014409 £20.99 / $27.95 PB 9781478013488 £80.00 / $104.95 HB
Discovering the Highlands of Poland and Ukraine Patrice M. Dabrowski
Milton Santos, Translated by Brenda Baletti, Introduction by Susanna Hecht
In The Nature of Space, pioneering Afro-Brazilian geographer Milton Santos a�ends to globaliza�on writ large and how local and global orders intersect in the construc�on of space. Santos offers a theory of human space based on rela�onships between �me and ontology.
Patrice M. Dabrowski narrates how three highland ranges of the mountain system found in presentday Poland, Slovakia, and Ukraine were discovered for a broader regional public. This is a story of how the Tatras, Eastern Carpathians, and Bieszczady Mountains went from being terra incognita to becoming the popular tourist des�na�ons they are today.
Understanding Global Migration
Edited by James F. Hollifield and Neil Foley March 2022 624pp 9781503629578 £32.00 / $40.00 PB 9781503614772 £96.00 / $120.00 HB
Leading scholars of migra�on provide a truly global look at the dilemmas of migra�on governance: Will migra�on be destabilizing, or will it lead to greater openness and human development? The answer depends on the capacity of states to manage migra�on, especially their willingness to respect migrants’ rights.
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