Geography - RAI 2020

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GEOGRAPHY 30% discount code: CSF20RAI Order online at

Break Up the Anthropocene STEVE MENTZ

We live in a new world: the Anthropocene. The Age of Man is defined in many ways, and most dramatically through climate change, mass extinction, and human marks in the geological record. Break Up the Anthropocene argues that this age should subvert imperial masculinity and industrial conquest by opening up the plural possibilities of Anthropocene debates of resilience, adaptation, and the struggle for environmental justice. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS Series: Forerunners: Ideas First May 2019 86pp 9781517908621 £8.00 PB now £5.60

Histories of Dirt

Media and Urban Life in Colonial and Postcolonial Lagos STEPHANIE NEWELL

In Histories of Dirt Stephanie Newell traces the ways in which urban spaces and urban dwellers come to be regarded as dirty, as exemplified in colonial and postcolonial Lagos. Newell conceives dirt as an interpretive category that facilitates moral, sanitary, economic, and aesthetic evaluations of other cultures under the rubric of uncleanliness. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS December 2019 14 illus. 272pp 9781478006435 £20.99 PB now £14.69

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Cloud Ethics

Algorithms and the Attributes of Ourselves and Others LOUISE AMOORE

In Cloud Ethics Louise Amoore examines how machine learning algorithms are transforming the ethics and politics of contemporary society. Conceptualizing algorithms as ethicopolitical entities that are entangled with the data attributes of people, Amoore outlines how algorithms give incomplete accounts of themselves, learn through relationships with human practices, and exist in the world in ways that exceed their source code.. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS May 2020 27 illus. 232pp 9781478008316 £20.99 PB now £14.69

Rock | Water | Life

Ecology and Humanities for a Decolonial South Africa LESLEY GREEN

In Rock | Water | Life Lesley Green examines the interwoven realities of inequality, racism, colonialism, and environmental destruction in South Africa, calling for environmental research and governance to transition to an ecopolitical approach that could address South Africa's history of racial oppression and environmental exploitation. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS March 2020 26 photos 320pp 9781478003991 £21.99 PB now £15.39

Radical Cartographies

The Invention of

Seeds of Control

Radical Cartographies critically explores the ways in which participatory mapping is being used by indigenous, Afro-descendant, and other traditional groups in Latin America to preserve their territories and cultural identities. The authors fundamentally rethink the role of maps and launch a unique dialogue about the radical edge of a new social cartography. UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PRESS September 2020 40 illus. 224pp 9781477320884 £36.00 HB now £25.20

Provides a fascinating history of a watershed moment when designers, government administrators, and residents sought to remake New York City in the image of a diverse, free, and democratic society. Brings together psychology, politics, and design to uncover a critical moment of transformation in our understanding of city life. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS August 2020 240pp 9781517905767 £23.99 PB now £16.79

In this wide-ranging study David Fedman explores Japanese imperialism through the lens of forest conservation in colonial Korea—a project of environmental rule that outlived the empire itself. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON PRESS Series: Weyerhaeuser Environmental Books July 2020 14 b&w illus., 4 maps, 3 charts 320pp 9780295747453 £32.00 HB now £22.40

Participatory Mapmaking from Public Space Latin America Designing for Inclusion in EDITED BY BJØRN SLETTO, JOE BRYAN, Lindsay’s New York ALFREDO WAGNER & CHARLES HALE MARIANA MOGILEVICH

Neoliberal Cities

The Remaking of Postwar Urban America EDITED BY ANDREW J. DIAMOND & THOMAS J. SUGRUE

Urban historians and sociologists trace the role that public policies have played in reshaping cities, with particular attention to labor, the privatization of public services, the collapse of welfare, the rise of gentrification, the expansion of the carceral state, and the politics of community control. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: NYU Series in Social and Cultural Analysis August 2020 240pp 9781479832378 £23.99 PB now £16.79

Japan’s Empire of Forestry in Colonial Korea DAVID FEDMAN FOREWORD & SERIES EDITED BY PAUL S. SUTTER

A Recipe for Regime of Obstruction Gentrification How Corporate Power Blocks Energy Democracy EDITED BY WILLIAM K. CARROLL

Regime of Obstruction aims to make visible the complex connections between corporate power and the extraction and use of carbon energy. This comprehensive volume provides hard data and empirical research that traces the power and influence of the fossil fuel industry through economics, politics, media, and higher education. ATHABASCA UNIVERSITY PRESS August 2020 40 b&w figures 576pp 9781771992893 £26.99 PB now £18.89

30% discount code: CSF20RAI

Food, Power, and Resistance in the City EDITED BY ALISON HOPE ALKON, YUKI KATO & JOSHUA SBICCA

From hipster coffee shops to upscale restaurants, a bustling local food scene is a commonly recognized harbinger of gentrification. Explores this phenomenon, showing the ways in which food and gentrification are deeply, and sometimes controversially, intertwined. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS July 2020 26 hts, 4 t, 4 figs, 6 m 384pp 9781479811373 £27.99 PB now £19.59

The Geological Unconscious

German Literature and the Mineral Imaginary JASON GROVES

The Geological Unconscious traces the withdrawal of the lithosphere as a reliable setting, unobtrusive backdrop, and stable point of reference for literature written well before the current climate breakdown. Through a series of careful readings of romantic, realist and modernist works, Grove elaborates a geological unconscious in European literature and environmental thought. FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS July 2020 208pp 9780823288090 £22.99 PB now £16.09

Anticipating Future Environments

Climate Change, Adaptive Restoration, and the Columbia River Basin SHANA LEE HIRSCH

Tells the story of restoration science in the Columbia River Basin, surveying its past and detailing the work of today’s salmon habitat restoration efforts. Offers critical insight into scientific practices, emerging approaches and ways of thinking, and the incorporation of future climate change scenarios into planning. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON PRESS July 2020 1 map 232pp 9780295747293 £22.99 PB now £16.09

Fields of Gold

Financing the Global Land Rush MADELEINE FAIRBAIRN

Fields of Gold critically examines the history, ideas, and political struggles surrounding the financialization of farmland. In particular, Fairbairn focuses on developments in two of the most popular investment locations, the US and Brazil, looking at the implications of financiers’ acquisition of land and control over resources for rural livelihoods and economic justice. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Cornell Series on Land: New Perspectives on Territory, Development, and Environment July 2020 5 b&w halftones, 1 b&w line drawing, 2 maps, 14 charts 234pp 9781501750083 £16.99 PB now £11.89

Street Commerce

Creating Vibrant Urban Sidewalks ANDRES SEVTSUK

Sevtsuk presents a comprehensive analysis of the issues involved in implementing successful street commerce. Drawing on economic theory, urban design principles, regulatory policies, and merchant organization models, he conceptualizes key problems and offers innovative solutions. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS Series: The City in the Twenty-First Century July 2020 83 illus. 296pp 9780812252200 £33.00 HB now £23.10

Communist Pigs


Fleischman chronicles East Germany’s journey from family farms to factory farms, explaining how communist principles shaped the adoption of industrial agriculture practices. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON PRESS Series: Weyerhaeuser Environmental Books June 2020 19 b&w illus., 1 map 296pp 9780295747309 £32.00 HB now £22.40

Fir and Empire

The Transformation of Forests in Early Modern China IAN M. MILLER FOREWORD & SERIES EDITED BY PAUL S. SUTTER

Uses the emergence of anthropogenic forests in south China to rethink both temporal and spatial frameworks for Chinese history and the nature of Chinese empire. Rectifies the omission of China’s forestry models and suggests that in some ways, China’s forest system may have worked better than the more familiar European institutions. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON PRESS Series: Weyerhaeuser Environmental Books June 2020 9 b&w illus., 4 maps, 5 tables 296pp 9780295747330 £32.00 HB now £22.40

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Shifting Livelihoods

Gold Mining and Subsistence in the Chocó, Colombia DANIEL TUBB FOREWORD & SERIES EDITED BY K. SIVARAMAKRISHNAN

Through an ethnography of gold that examines the movement of people, commodities, and capital, investigates how resource extraction reshapes a place. In the Chocó, gold enables forms of “shift” (rebusque)—a metaphor for the fluid livelihood strategy adopted by forest dwellers and migrant gold miners alike as they seek informal work amid a drug war UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON PRESS Series: Culture, Place, and Nature June 2020 16 b&w illus., 2 charts, 2 maps 250pp 9780295747538 £22.99 PB now £16.09

A City in Fragments

Urban Text in Modern Jerusalem YAIR WALLACH

A City in Fragments tells the modern history of a city overwhelmed by its religious and symbolic significance. Wallach offers a creative and expansive history of the city, a fresh take on modern urban texts, and a new reading of the Israel/Palestine conflict through its material culture. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS June 2020 344pp 9781503611139 £21.99 PB now £15.39

Geography of British Columbia People and Landscapes in Transition, 4th Edition BRETT MCGILLIVRAY

Geography of British Columbia is the essential textbook for courses in British Columbia geography at the undergraduate and college level. This extensively revised edition takes students on a journey from the origins of the region’s diverse and unique landscapes to its more recent history as a province being reshaped by the forces of globalization. UBC PRESS June 2020 47 illus., 38 tables, 30 maps, 12 b&w photos 320pp 9780774864329 £37.00 PB now £25.90


Care has re-entered the zeitgeist. In the aftermath of the 2016 U.S. presidential election, #selfcare exploded across media platforms. Situating discussions of care within a historical trajectory of feminist, queer, and Black activism, contributors to this special issue consider how individuals and communities receive and provide care in order to survive in environments that challenge their very existence. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS June 2020 7 illus. 170pp 9781478008781 £11.99 PB now £8.39

30% discount code: CSF20RAI

Against Sustainability

Reading Nineteenth-Century America in the Age of Climate Crisis MICHELLE NEELY

Against Sustainability responds to twenty-first century environmental crisis by unearthing the nineteenthcentury U.S. literary, cultural, and scientific contexts that gave rise to sustainability, recycling, and preservation. Through novel pairings of antebellum and contemporary writers, this book demonstrates that some of our most vaunted strategies to address ecological crisis in fact perpetuate environmental degradation. FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS May 2020 224pp 9780823288205 £22.99 PB now £16.09


Offers the original guide on modern housing from the premier expert and activist in the public housing movement. Originally published in 1934, Modern Housing is widely acknowledged as one of the most important books on housing of the twentieth century, introducing the latest developments in European modernist housing to an American audience. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS May 2020 400pp 9781517909062 £27.99 PB now £19.59

Changing Neighbourhoods

Social and Spatial Polarization in Canadian Cities EDITED BY JILL GRANT, ALAN WALKS & HOWARD RAMOS

Canadians have a right to live in cities that meet their basic needs in a dignified way, but in recent decades increased inequality and polarization have been reshaping the social landscape of Canada’s metropolitan areas. This book examines the dimensions and impacts of increased economic inequality and urban sociospatial polarization since the 1980s. UBC PRESS May 2020 26 maps, 20 charts, 7 colour photos, 21 tables 348pp 9780774862028 £74.00 HB now £51.80

Red Gold

The Managed Extinction of the Giant Bluefin Tuna JENNIFER E. TELESCA

With regulations to conserve these sea creatures in place for half a century, why have so many big bluefin tuna vanished from the Atlantic? Jennifer E. Telesca offers unparalleled access to ICCAT to show that the institution has faithfully executed the task assigned it by international law: to fish as hard as possible to grow national economies. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS May 2020 304pp 9781517908515 £19.99 PB now £13.99

Beijing from Below

Stories of Marginal Lives in the Capital’s Center HARRIET EVANS

In Beijing from Below Harriet Evans captures the last gasps of subaltern life in Dashalar. Drawing on oral histories that reveal memories and experiences of several neighborhood families, she reflects on the relationships between individual, family, neighborhood, and the state; poverty and precarity; gender politics and ethical living; resistance to and accommodation of party-state authority. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS May 2020 27 illus. 288pp 9781478008156 £20.99 PB now £14.69

The Government of Beans

Regulating Life in the Age of Monocrops KREGG HETHERINGTON

Kregg Hetherington uses Paraguay’s turn of the twenty-first century adoption of massive soybean production and the regulatory attempts to mitigate the resulting environmental degradation as a way to show how the tools used to drive economic growth exacerbate the very environmental challenges they were designed to solve. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS May 2020 1 illus. 296pp 9781478006893 £21.99 PB now £15.39


A Grand Tour through the Takenfor-Granted GUNNAR OLSSON

Gunnar Olsson’s tale follows an explorer from the oldest creation epics extant to the power struggles of today, an attempt to codify the takenfor-granted, a struggle with the invisible powers that make us so obedient and so predictable. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESS Series: Cultural Geographies + Rewriting the Earth May 2020 8 photos, 25 illus., 11 charts 228pp 9781496220295 £27.99 PB now £19.59

After the Blast

The Ecological Recovery of Mount St. Helens ERIC WAGNER

After the eruption of Mt. St. Helens in 1980, ecologists thought they would have to wait years, or even decades, for life to return to the mountain. When small plants and animals were found a couple of weeks later, scientists realized that the mountain was very much alive and not a dead zone. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON PRESS April 2020 20 color illus., 2 b&w illus., 1 map 264pp 9780295746937 £22.99 HB now £16.09

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Disturbed Forests, Fragmented Memories


Focuses on the ecological dimensions of social change and dispossession from the precolonial slave trade to the present moment of land grabs along a rapidly transforming resource frontier. Shows how the past lives on in the land. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON PRESS Series: Culture, Place, and Nature April 2020 21 b&w illus., 10 maps, 2 tables 280pp 9780295746906 £22.99 PB now £16.09

Urban Formalism

The Work of City Reading DAVID FAFLIK

Urban Formalism radically reimagines what it meant to “read” a brave new urban world during the transformative middle decades of the nineteenth century. Faflik posits a new form of urban history, comprised of the representative rituals of interpretation that have helped give meaningful shape to metropolitan life. FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS Polis: Fordham Series in Urban Studies April 2020 144pp 9780823287680 £22.99 PB now £16.09

Urbanism without Guarantees

The Everyday Life of a Gentrifying West Side Neighborhood CHRISTIAN M. ANDERSON

Offers a new perspective on urban dynamics and urban structural inequality based on an intimate ethnography of on-the-ground gentrification. Examines how residents are pulled into systems of gentrification and proposes new ways to think and act critically and organize for transformation of a place—in actions that local residents can start to do. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS Series: Diverse Economies and Livable Worlds April 2020 312pp 9781517907426 £21.99 PB now £15.39

Fermented Landscapes

Lively Processes of Socioenvironmental Transformation EDITED BY COLLEEN C. MYLES

Fermented Landscapes applies the concept of fermentation as a mechanism through which to understand and analyze processes of landscape change. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESS April 2020 23 photos, 5 illus., 11 maps, 8 tables, 1 graph, 3 recipes, 396pp 9781496207760 £45.00 HB now £31.50

30% discount code: CSF20RAI

Lessons from Walden Thoreau and the Crisis of American Democracy BOB PEPPERMAN TAYLOR

Presents a wide-ranging inquiry into the nature and implications of Henry David Thoreau’s thought in Walden and Civil Disobedience. “Walden is a central American text for addressing two of the central crises of our time: the increasingly alarming threats we now face to democratic norms, practices, and political institutions, and the perhaps even more alarming environmental dangers confronting us.” UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME PRESS March 2020 240pp 9780268107338 £22.99 HB now £16.09

Panic City

Crime and the Fear Industries in Johannesburg MARTIN J. MURRAY

Johannesburg remains haunted by its tortured history of racial segregation and burdened by enduring inequalities. Panic City is an exploration of urban fear and its impact on the city’s evolving siege architecture, the transformation of policing, and obsession with security that has fueled unprecedented private consumption of ‘protection services.’ STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS March 2020 392pp 9781503611269 £23.99 PB now £16.79

Wild Blue Media

Thinking through Seawater MELODY JUE

Melody Jue destabilizes terrestrialbased media theory frameworks and reorients the perception of the world by considering the ocean itself as a media environment—a place where the weight and opacity of seawater transforms how information is created, stored, transmitted, and perceived. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Elements February 2020 29 illus., incl. 8 in color 240pp 9781478006978 £20.99 PB now £14.69

The Buddha’s Footprint

An Environmental History of Asia JOHAN ELVERSKOG

The Buddha’s Footprint demonstrates how the spread of Buddhist teachings, the extension of Buddhist trading networks, and the increase of Buddhist state power were intimately connected to agricultural expansion, resource extraction, deforestation, urbanization, and the radical transformation and exploitation of Asia’s environment. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS Series: Encounters with Asia February 2020 32 illus. 192pp 9780812251838 £45.00 HB now £31.50

Assembling Moral Mobilities

Cycling, Cities, and the Common Good NICHOLAS A. SCOTT

Nicholas A. Scott presents novel ways of understanding how cycling and driving animate urban space, place, and society and investigates how cycling can learn from the ways in which driving has become invested with moral value. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA February 2020 38 photos 288pp 9781496217127 £41.00 HB now £28.70

The Digital City

Media and the Social Production of Place GERMAINE R. HALEGOUA

Every day, millions of people turn to small handheld screens to search for their destinations and to seek recommendations for places to visit. Critics have argued that digital media alienates users from space and place, but this book argues that the exact opposite is true: that we habitually use digital technologies to re-embed ourselves within urban environments. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Critical Cultural Communication January 2020 8 b&w illus. 288pp 9781479882199 £23.99 PB now £16.79

Blue Legalities


The contributors to Blue Legalities attend to the seas as a legally and politically conflicted space to analyze the conflicts that emerge where systems of governance interact with complex geophysical, ecological, economic, biological, and technological processes. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS January 2020 34 illus. 352pp 9781478006541 £22.99 PB now £16.09

The Ocean Reader

History, Culture, Politics EDITED BY ERIC PAUL ROORDA

Collecting texts from all corners of the world that span antiquity to the present, The Ocean Reader charts humans’ relationship to the ocean, treating it as a dynamic site of history, culture, and politics. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: The World Readers January 2020 82 illus., incl. 9 in color 552pp 9781478006961 £23.99 PB now £16.79

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The Snow Leopard and Playing Nature Ecology in Video Games the Goat Politics of Conservation in the Western Himalayas SHAFQAT HUSSAIN FOREWORD & SERIES EDITED BY K. SIVARAMAKRISHNAN

Examines the uneven distribution of costs and benefits involved in snow leopard conservation and shows that for the conservation of nature to be successful, the vision, interests, and priorities of those most affected by conservation policies—in this case, local farmers—must be addressed. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON PRESS Series: Culture, Place, and Nature January 2020 6 b&w illus., 2 maps, 1 chart, 5 tables 240pp 9780295746579 £22.99 PB now £16.09

Fair Trade Rebels

Coffee Production and Struggles for Autonomy in Chiapas LINDSAY NAYLOR

Is fair trade really fair? Who is it for, and who gets to decide? Fair Trade Rebels addresses such questions in a new way by shifting the focus from the abstract concept of fair trade— and whether it is “working”—to the perspectives of small farmers. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS Series: Diverse Economies and Livable Worlds December 2019 23 b&w illus., 2 maps 240pp 9781517905781 £20.99 PB now £14.69


A potent new book examines the overlap between our ecological crisis and video games. Arguing that games need to be understood as part of a cultural response to the growing ecological crisis, Playing Nature seeds conversations around key environmental science concepts and terms. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS Series: Electronic Mediations December 2019 34 b&w illus. 320pp 9781517906320 £20.99 PB now £14.69

Roses from Kenya

Labor, Environment, and the Global Trade inCut Flowers MEGAN A. STYLES FOREWORD & SERIES EDITED BY K. SIVARAMAKRISHNAN

Kenya supplies more than 35 percent of the fresh-cut roses and other flowers sold annually in the European Union. This industry is lucrative but enduringly controversial. In this rich portrait of Kenyan floriculture, Megan Styles presents the point of view of local workers and investigates how the industry shapes Kenyan livelihoods, landscapes, and politics. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON PRESS Series: Culture, Place, and Nature December 2019 7 b&w illus., 1 map, 2 charts 256pp 9780295746500 £22.99 PB now £16.09

30% discount code: CSF20RAI

Laid Waste!

The Culture of Exploitation in Early America JOHN LAURITZ LARSON

How did we come to endanger the very future of life on Earth in our heedless pursuit of wealth and happiness? Larson answers that question with a 350-year review of the roots of an American “culture of exploitation” that has left us without an honest sense of how this crisis came to be. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS Series: Early American Studies December 2019 312pp 9780812251845 £33.00 HB now £23.10

Mapping Beyond Measure

Art, Cartography, and the Space of Global Modernity SIMON FERDINAND Mapping Beyond Measure analyzes diverse map-based works of painting, collage, film, walking performance, and digital drawing, made in Britain, Japan, the Netherlands, Ukraine, the United States, and the former Soviet Union, arguing that together they challenge the dominant modern view of the world as a measurable and malleable geometrical space. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESS Series: Cultural Geographies + Rewriting the Earth December 2019 9781496217585 £27.99 PB now £19.59

Nomad’s Land

Pastoralism and French Environmental Policy in the Nineteenth-Century Mediterranean World ANDREA E. DUFFY

Andrea E. Duffy investigates the relationship between Mediterranean mobile pastoralism and nineteenthcentury French forestry through case studies in Provence, French colonial Algeria, and Ottoman Anatolia. building. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESS Series: France Overseas: Studies in Empire and Decolonization December 2019 3 photos, 2 illus., 1 map, 2 tables, 2 graphs 336pp 9780803290976 £45.00 HB now £31.50

Planning on the Edge

Vancouver and the Challenges of Reconciliation, Social Justice, and Sustainable Development EDITED BY PENNY GURSTEIN & TOM HUTTON

Vancouver is heralded around the world as a model for sustainable development. In Planning on the Edge, nationally and internationally renowned planning scholars, activists, and Indigenous leaders assess whether the city’s reputation is warranted. UBC PRESS December 2019 13 tables, 9 maps, 6 charts, 4 b&w photos 352pp 9780774861663 £67.00 HB now £46.90

Monument Lab

Creative Speculations for Philadelphia EDITED BY PAUL M. FARBER & KEN LUM

Food for All in Africa

Sustainable Intensification for African Farmers GORDON CONWAY, OUSMANE BADIANE & KATRIN GLATZEL

What is an appropriate monument for the current city of Philadelphia? That was the question posed by the curators, artists, scholars, and students who comprise the Philadelphia-based public art and history studio Monument Lab. This book is a fabulous compendium of the exhibition and a critical reflection of the proceedings, including contributions from interlocutors and collaborators. TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PRESS November 2019 336pp 9781439916063 £26.99 HB now £18.89

In this boldly optimistic book, Sir Gordon Conway, Ousmane Badiane, and Katrin Glatzel describe the key challenges faced by Africa’s smallholder farmers and present the concepts and practices of Sustainable Intensification (SI) as opportunities to sustainably transform Africa’s agriculture sector and the livelihoods of millions of smallholders. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS November 2019 3 b&w halftones, 1 b&w line drawing, 10 maps, 38 charts 342pp 9781501743887 £19.99 PB now £13.99


From Mobility to Accessibility

Green Media and the Dilemma of Environmental Virtue SARAH MCFARLAND TAYLOR

Ecopiety offers an absorbing examination of the intersections of environmental sensibilities, contemporary expressions of piety and devotion, and American popular culture. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Religion and Social Transformation November 2019 10 b&w illus. 368pp 9781479891313 £23.99 PB now £16.79

Transforming Urban Transportation and Land-Use Planning JONATHAN LEVINE, JOE GRENGS & LOUIS A. MERLIN

Argues for an "accessibility shift" whereby transportation planning, and the transportation dimensions of landuse planning, would be based on people's ability to reach destinations, rather than on their ability to travel fast. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS November 2019 4 maps, 25 charts 240pp 9781501716089 £24.99 PB now £17.49

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Repowering Cities

Governing Climate Change Mitigation in New York City, Los Angeles, and Toronto SARA HUGHES

Focuses on the specific issue of reducing urban greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and develops a new framework for distinguishing analytically and empirically the policy agendas city governments develop for reducing GHG emissions, the governing strategies they use to implement these agendas, and the direct and catalytic means by which they contribute to climate change mitigation. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS November 2019 5 charts 224pp 9781501740411 £35.00 HB now £24.50


Proceeding from the notion that the dominant Western cultures lack the terms and concepts needed to describe or respond to our environmental crisis, An Ecotopian Lexicon is a collaborative volume of essays that offer ecologically productive terms—drawn from other languages, science fiction, and subcultures of resistance—to envision and inspire responses and alternatives to fossil-fueled neoliberal capitalism. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS October 2019 336pp 9781517905903 £19.99 PB now £13.99

Power, Participation, and Protest in Flint, Michigan

Sea Level Rise

A Slow Tsunami on America’s Shores ORRIN H. PILKEY & KEITH C. PILKEY

Unpacking the Policy Paradox of Municipal Takeovers ASHLEY E. NICKELS

Acknowledging the impending worldwide catastrophe of rising seas in the twenty-first century, Orrin H. Pilkey and Keith C. Pilkey outline the impacts on the United States’ shoreline and argue that the only feasible response along much of the U.S. shoreline is an immediate and managed retreat. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS September 2019 34 color illus., 1 map 208pp 9781478006374 £19.99 PB now £13.99

Coffee Is Not Forever

Self-Devouring Growth

In Power, Participation, and Protest in Flint, Michigan, Ashley Nickels addresses the ways residents, groups, and organizations were able to participate politically—or not—during the city's municipal takeovers in 2002 and 2011. TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PRESS October 2019 252pp 9781439915677 £24.99 PB now £17.49

A Global History of the Coffee Leaf Rust STUART MCCOOK

The global coffee industry, which fuels the livelihoods of farmers, entrepreneurs, and consumers around the world, rests on fragile ecological foundations. Stuart McCook explores the transnational story of this essential crop through a history of one of its most devastating diseases, the coffee leaf rust. OHIO UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Series in Ecology and History October 2019 306pp 9780821423875 £26.99 PB now £18.89

30% discount code: CSF20RAI

A Planetary Parable as Told from Southern Africa JULIE LIVINGSTON

Under capitalism, economic growth is seen as the key to collective wellbeing. In Self-Devouring Growth Julie Livingston upends this notion, showing that while consumptiondriven growth may seem to benefit a particular locale, it produces a number of unacknowledged, negative consequences that ripple throughout the wider world. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Critical Global Health: Evidence, Efficacy, Ethnography September 2019 20 illus. 176pp 9781478006398 £18.99 PB now £13.29

The Battles of Germantown

Climate Machines, Fascist Drives, and Truth

Known as America’s most historic neighborhood, the Germantown section of Philadelphia (established in 1683) has distinguished itself by using public history initiatives to forge community. The Battles of Germantown considers what these efforts can tell us about public history’s practice and purpose in the United States. TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: History and the Public September 2019 286pp 9781439915554 £22.99 PB now £16.09


Effective Public History in America DAVID W. YOUNG

The Birth of Energy

Fossil Fuels, Thermodynamics, and the Politics of Work CARA NEW DAGGETT

Cara New Daggett traces the genealogy of the idea of energy from the Industrial Revolution to the present, showing how it has informed fossil fuel imperialism, the governance of work, and our relationship to the Earth. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Elements September 2019 7 illus. 280pp 9781478006329 £20.99 PB now £14.69

In this new installation of his work, William E. Connolly examines entanglements between volatile earth processes and emerging cultural practices. He highlights relays between extractive capitalism, selfamplifying climate processes, migrations, democratic aspirations, and fascist dangers. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS September 2019 136pp 9781478006558 £17.99 PB now £12.59

Everyday Equalities

Making Multicultures in Settler Colonial Cities RUTH FINCHER, KURT IVESON, HELGA LEITNER & VALERIE PRESTON

If city life is a “being together of strangers,” what forms of being together should we strive for in cities with ethnic and racial diversity? Everyday Equalities seeks evidence of progressive political alternatives to racialized inequality that are emerging from everyday encounters in settler colonial cities including Los Angeles, Melbourne, Sydney, and Toronto. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS August 2019 15 b&w illus., 2 tables 264pp 9780816694648 £20.99 PB now £14.69

Savage Ecology

War and Geopolitics at the End of the World JAIRUS VICTOR GROVE

Jairus Victor Grove offers an ecological theorization of geopolitics in which he contends that contemporary global crises are better understood when considered within the larger history of geopolitical practice, showing how political violence is the principal force behind climate change, mass extinction, slavery, genocide, extractive capitalism, and other catastrophes. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS August 2019 7 illus. 368pp 9781478004844 £22.99 PB now £16.09


A Brief History STEPHEN J. PYNE

In this concise yet wide-ranging book, Stephen J. Pyne—named by Science magazine as “the world’s leading authority on the history of fire”— explores the surprising dynamics of fire before humans, fire and human origins, aboriginal economies of hunting and foraging, agricultural and pastoral uses of fire, fire ceremonies, fire as an idea and a technology, and industrial fire. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON PRESS Series: Weyerhaueser Cycle of Fire August 2019 10 b&w illus., 5 maps, 18 charts 240pp 9780295746180 £18.99 PB now £13.29

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Seismic City

An Environmental History of San Francisco’s 1906 Earthquake JOANNA L. DYL FOREWORD & SERIES EDITED BY PAUL S. SUTTER

In this study of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, Joanna L. Dyl examines the decades leading up to the catastrophic event and the city’s recovery from it. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON PRESS Series: Weyerhaeuser Environmental Books August 2019 41 b&w illus., 1 map 376pp 9780295746098 £18.99 PB now £13.29


Why Malthus Was Wrong and Why Environmentalists Should Care GIORGOS KALLIS

This book reclaims, redefines, and makes an impassioned plea for limits—a notion central to environmentalism. Giorgos Kallis rereads reverend-economist Thomas Robert Malthus and his legacy, separating limits and scarcity, two notions that have long been conflated in both environmental and economic thought. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS August 2019 168pp 9781503611559 £10.99 PB now £7.69

Condo Conquest

Urban Governance, Law, and Condoization in New York City and Toronto RANDY K. LIPPERT

Condo Conquest shows how the condo and its inner governance have been conquered by an assemblage of commercial interests. Lippert reveals how a growing reliance on commodified technologies, emergent forms of knowledge, and the exploitation of renters are threatening the condo’s future and undermining the integrity of urban communities. UBC PRESS Series: Law and Society July 2019 300pp 9780774860369 £21.99 PB now £15.39

Affective Ecocriticism Emotion, Embodiment, Environment EDITED BY KYLE BLADOW & JENNIFER LADINO

Ecocriticism scholars have long tried to articulate emotional relationships to environments. Affective Ecocriticism covers how ecocritical scholarship has much to gain from the rich work on affect and emotion happening across multiple disciplines. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESS November 2018 9 photos 360pp 9781496207562 £27.99 PB now £19.59

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Migrants and CityMaking

Dispossession, Displacement, and Urban Regeneration AYSE ÇAGLAR & NINA GLICK SCHILLER

In a comparative ethnography of three cities struggling to retain their former standing – Mardin Turkey; Manchester, New Hampshire; and Halle/Saale, Germany – the authors challenge common assumptions about migrants existing on society’s periphery, highlighting how citymaking invariably involves engaging with far-reaching forces. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS September 2018 17 illus. 296pp 9780822370567 £20.99 PB now £14.69

Atmospheric Things

On the Allure of Elemental Envelopment DEREK P. MCCORMACK

In Atmospheric Things Derek P. McCormack explores how atmospheres are imagined, understood, and experienced through experiments with a deceptively simple object: the balloon.atmospheres. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Elements July 2018 34 illus. 304pp 9780822371236 £21.99 PB now £15.39

The Geopolitics of Spectacle

Market Cities, People Cities

Focuses on Astana, Kazakhstan to consider how autocratic rulers use “spectacular” projects to shape statesociety relations, drawing attention to the unspectacular “others.” The contrasting views of those from the poorest regions toward these new national capitals help her develop a geographic approach to spectacle. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS June 2018 20 b&w halftones 210pp 9781501720918 £37.00 HB now £25.90

Analyzes the practices and policies of cities with two separate foci, markets or people, demonstrating that these have substantial implications both for everyday residents and future urban planning and city development. Examines these diverging trends through extended case studies of Houston and Copenhagen. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS April 2018 256pp 9781479800261 £23.99 PB now £16.79

On Decoloniality

Thinking Big Data in Geography

Space, Synecdoche, and the New Capitals of Asia NATALIE KOCH

Concepts, Analytics, Praxis WALTER D. MIGNOLO & CATHERINE E. WALSH

In On Decoloniality Walter D. Mignolo and Catherine E. Walsh explore the hidden forces of the colonial matrix of power, its origination, transformation, and current presence, while asking the crucial questions of decoloniality´s how, what, why, with whom, and what for. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: On Decoloniality June 2018 304pp 9780822371090 £21.99 PB now £15.39



Thinking Big Data in Geography offers a practical state-of-the-field overview of big data as both a means and an object of research, with essays from prominent and emerging scholars such as Rob Kitchin, Renee Sieber, and Mark Graham. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESS April 2018 324pp 9781496204981 £23.99 PB now £16.79

Designs for the Pluriverse

Radical Interdependence, Autonomy, and the Making of Worlds ARTURO ESCOBAR

Escobar presents a new vision of design theory and practice aimed at channeling design’s world-making capacity toward ways of being that are deeply attuned to the Earth. Noting that most design—from consumer goods and to built environments— currently serves capitalist ends, Escobar argues for the development of an “autonomous design” that eschews commercial aims. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: New Ecologies for the Twenty-First Century March 2018 312pp 9780822371052 £21.99 PB now £15.39


What comes after extinction? Including both prominent and unusual voices from debates around the Anthropocene, this collection asks authors to address this very question. Grusin looks at the future of humans and nonhumans, exploring how the scale of risk posed by extinction has changed this century. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS Series: 21st Century Studies March 2018 272pp 9781517902896 £19.99 PB now £13.99

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The fact that borders have made a comeback, warns Graziano, in his analysis of the dangerous fault lines that have opened, does not mean that they will resolve problems. His geopolitical history and analysis of the phenomenon draws attention to the shifts in the present and allows us to speculate on the future. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS February 2018 112pp 9781503605398 £10.99 PB now £7.69

Cities That Think like Planets

Complexity, Resilience, and Innovation in Hybrid Ecosystems MARINA ALBERTI

Cities That Think like Planets advances strategies for planning a future that may look very different from the present, as rapid urbanization could tip the Earth toward abrupt, nonlinear change. Alberti’s analyses of hybrid ecosystems may help humans participate in guiding the Earth away from collapse and toward an era of planetary co-evolution. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON PRESS July 2016 64 b&w illus., 4 tables 304pp 9780295996660 £48.00 HB now £33.60

The Geographies of Social Movements

Afro-Colombian Mobilization and the Aquatic Space ULRICH OSLENDER

In The Geographies of Social Movements Ulrich Oslender proposes a critical place perspective to examine the activism of black communities in the lowland rain forest of Colombia’s Pacific Coast region. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: New Ecologies for the Twenty-First Century March 2016 23 illus. 304pp 9780822361220 £21.99 PB now £15.39


Keywords for Environmental Studies analyzes the central terms and debates currently structuring the most exciting research in and across environmental studies, including the environmental humanities, environmental social sciences, sustainability sciences, and the sciences of nature. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Keywords February 2016 240pp 9780814760833 £21.99 PB now £15.39

Inequality, Democracy, and the Environment LIAM DOWNEY

Inequality, Democracy, and the Environment sheds light on the structural causes of the social and environmental crises that the world is facing today, highlighting in particular the key role that elite-controlled organizations, institutions, and networks play in creating them. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS December 2015 336pp 9781479843794 £23.99 PB now £16.79

How Culture Shapes the Climate Change Debate ANDREW J. HOFFMAN

This brief examines what causes people to reject or accept the scientific consensus on climate change. Synthesizing evidence from sociology, psychology, and political science, Andrew J. Hoffman lays bare the opposing cultural lenses through which science is interpreted. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS March 2015 120pp 9780804794220 £10.99 PB now £7.69

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