Highlights Fall 2020
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A Bed for the King’s Daughter
March 1917
The Red Wheel, Node III, Book 1
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Translated by Marian Schwartz
Shahla Ujayli Translated by Sawad Hussain
The Center for Ethics and Culture Solzhenitsyn Series October 2020 688pp 9780268102661 £22.99 / $29.00 NIP UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME PRESS
January 2021 60pp 9781477322284 £11.99 / $16.00 PB UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PRESS
A groundbreaking collection of experimental short fiction by award-winning Syrian author and Booker International Prize for Arabic Fiction nominee Shahla Ujayli.
To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution, the University of Notre Dame Press is proud to publish Nobel Prize–winner Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s epic work March 1917, Node III, Book 1, of The Red Wheel.
A Unified Theory of Cats on the Internet
Are We the 99%?
The Occupy Movement, Feminism, and Intersectionality
E.J. White
June 2020 168pp 9781503604636 £10.99 / $14.00 PB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
Heather McKee Hurwitz
December 2020 200pp 9781439920220 £19.99 / $25.95 PB 9781439920213 £79.00 / $99.50 HB TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PRESS
Journalists and their readers seem to need no explanation for the line, "The internet is made of cats." Everyone understands the joke, but few know how it started. A Unified Theory of Cats on the Internet is the first book to explore the history of how the cat became the internet's best friend.
Considers how women, people of color, and genderqueer activists struggled to be heard and understood. Despite cries of “We are the 99%,” signaling solidarity, certain groups were unwelcome or unable to participate. Excludes Asia Pacific
Design, Control, Predict
Film and the Anarchist Imagination
Logistical Governance in the Smart City Aaron Shapiro
Expanded Second Edition Richard Porton
December 2020 344pp 15 b&w illus. 9781517908270 £21.99 / $28.00 PB 9781517908263 £93.00 / $112.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS
October 2020 352pp 9780252085246 £20.99 / $27.95 PB 9780252043338 £100.00/ $125.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRESS
Technology has fundamentally transformed urban life. But today’s “smart” cities look little like what experts had predicted. Aaron Shapiro shows us the true face of the revolution in urban technology, taking the reader on a tour of today’s smart city. Excludes Japan & ANZ
Offers the authoritative account of films featuring anarchist characters and motifs. Porton delves into the ways filmmakers have portrayed anarchism’s traditions of labor agitation and revolutionary struggle. Excludes SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ
Gaian Systems
Gestures of Concern Chris Ingraham
Lynn Margulis, Neocybernetics, and the End of the Anthropocene Bruce Clarke
a Cultural Politics book August 2020 272pp 18 illus. 9781478009511 £20.99 / $26.95 PB 9781478008583 £83.00 / $99.95 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS
Posthumanities September 2020 336pp 13 b&w illus. 9781517909123 £20.99 / $27.00 PB 9781517909116 £90.00 / $108.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS
Shows that gestures of concern, such as sharing or liking a post on social media, are central to establishing the necessary conditions for larger social or political change because they help to build the affective communities that orient us to one another with an imaginable future in mind.
Gaian Systems is a pioneering exploration of the dynamic and complex evolution of Gaia’s many variants, with special attention to Margulis’s foundational role in these developments. Excludes Japan & ANZ
Hamilton and the Law
Identity Capitalists
Reading Today’s Most Contentious Legal Issues through the Hit Musical Edited by Lisa A. Tucker
The Powerful Insiders Who Exploit Diversity to Maintain Inequality Nancy Leong
October 2020 336pp 4 b&w halftones 9781501753381 £15.99 / $19.95 PB 9781501752216 £32.00 / $39.95 HB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS
February 2021 256pp 9781503610132 £22.99 / $28.00 HB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
In Identity Capitalists, legal scholar Nancy Leong reveals how powerful people and institutions use diversity to their own advantage and how the rest of us can respond—and do better.
Offers a revealing look into the legal community’s response to Hamilton: An American Musical, which continues to resonate in a country still deeply divided about the reach of the law.
Keith Haring’s Line
Kill the Overseer!
Race and the Performance of Desire Ricardo Montez
July 2020 168pp 25 color illus. 9781478009535 £18.99 / $23.95 PB 9781478008606 £74.00 / $89.95 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS
One of the first book-length treatments of Haring’s artistry, Ricardo Montez traces the drawn and painted line that was at the center of Haring’s artistic practice and with which the artist marked canvases, subway walls, and even human flesh.
The Gamification of Slave Resistance Sarah Juliet Lauro
Forerunners: Ideas First June 2020 100pp 9781517911003 £8.00 / $10.00 PB UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS
Explores the representation of slave revolt in video games—and the trouble with making history playable. Kill the Overseer! profiles and problematizes digital games that depict Atlantic slavery and “gamify” slave resistance. Excludes Japan & ANZ
My Life in the Purple Kingdom
Olav Audunssøn
I. Vows Sigrid Undset, Translated by Tiina Nunnally
BrownMark Contributions by Cynthia M. Uhrich Foreword by Questlove
November 2020 336pp 1 map 9781517910488 £13.99 / $17.95 PB UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS
Presents a richly imagined world split between pagan codes of retribution and the constraints of Christian piety—all of which threaten to destroy the lives of two young people torn between desires of the heart and the dictates of family and fortune. Excludes Japan & ANZ
September 2020 144pp 18 color plates
9781517909277 £17.99 / $22.95 HB UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS
Prince Bassist BrownMark’s memoir of coming of age in the musical orbit of one of the most visionary artists of his generation. Excludes Japan & ANZ
Protecting Whiteness
Sex, Love, and Letters
Whitelash and the Rejection of Racial Equality Edited by Cameron D. Lippard, J. Scott Carter & David G. Embrick, Foreword by Eduardo Bonilla-Silva
Writing Simone de Beauvoir Judith G. Coffin
September 2020 334pp 4 b&w hts. 9781501750540 £25.99 / $32.95 HB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS
Looks at virtually unexplored letters to Simone de Beauvoir from her international readers. Traces the relationship between Beauvoir and her audience, from the publication of The Second Sex to the release of the last volume of her memoirs, offering an unfamiliar perspective on one of the most magnetic and polarizing philosophers of the twentieth century.
December 2020 304pp 4 charts, 3 tables 9780295747996 £22.99 / $30.00 PB 9780295747989 £76.00 / $95.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON PRESS
In this incisive volume, twenty-four leading sociologists assess contemporary shifts in white attitudes about racial justice in the US.
The Dark Fantastic
The Evening of Life
Race and the Imagination from Harry Potter to the Hunger Games Ebony Elizabeth Thomas
The Challenges of Aging and Dying Well Edited by Joseph E. Davis & Paul Scherz
Postmillennial Pop September 2020 240pp 1 b&w illus. 9781479806072 £12.99 / $16.95 PB NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS
September 2020 210pp 9780268108021 £27.99 / $35.00 PB 9780268108014 £83.00 / $100.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME PRESS
The Dark Fantastic is an engaging and provocative exploration of race in popular youth and young adult speculative fiction. Excludes SE Asia & ANZ
Although philosophy, religion, and civic cultures used to help people prepare for aging and dying well, this is no longer the case. Today, aging is frequently seen as a problem to be solved and death as a harsh reality to be masked.
The Evolution of the Chinese Internet
The Huawei Model
The Rise of China’s Technology Giant Yun Wen
Creative Visibility in the Digital Public Shaohua Guo
The Geopolitics of Information November 2020 248pp 9780252085338 £18.99 / $25.00 PB 9780252043437 £88.00 / $110.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRESS
December 2020 344pp 9781503614437 £23.99 / $30.00 PB 9781503613775 £77.00 / $90.00 HB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
In 2019, the United States’ trade war with China expanded to blacklist Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Yun Wen uses the Huawei story to understand China’s evolving digital economy and the global rise of the nation’s corporate power. Excludes SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ
The Evolution of the Chinese Internet traces the emergence and maturation of one of the most creative digital cultures in the world, through four major technological platforms that have marked trends in internet use over the past two decades.
The Power of Deserts
The Truth Society
Climate Change, the Middle East, and the Promise of a PostOil Era Dan Rabinowitz
Science, Disinformation, and Politics in Berlusconi’s Italy Noelle Molé Liston
Expertise: Cultures and Technologies of Knowledge November 2020 228pp 14 b&w hts. 9781501750793 £20.99 / $25.95 PB 9781501750786 £95.00 / $115.00 HB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS
August 2020 152pp 9781503609983 £10.99 / $14.00 PB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
The Power of Deserts surveys regional climate models and identifies the potential impact on Seeks to understand how a period of Italian socioeconomic disparities, population movement, political spectacle, which regularly blurred fact and political instability. and fiction, has shaped how people understand truth, mass-mediated information, scientific knowledge, and forms of governance.
Tyranny of Greed
Unlikely Angel
July 2020 144pp 9781503608504 £10.99 / $14.00 PB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
Women Composers October 2020 296pp 9780252085420 £14.99 / $19.95 PB 9780252043529 £100.00/ $125.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRESS
Trump, Corruption, and the Revolution to Come Timothy K. Kuhner
The Songs of Dolly Parton Lydia R. Hamessley
Democracy is being destroyed by an ancient evil, and modernity is in denial. In the Tyranny of Greed, Timothy K. Kuhner reveals the United States to be a government by and for the wealthy, with Trump—the spirit of infinite greed—at its helm.
Unlikely Angel covers the full arc of Dolly Parton’s career and offers an unprecedented look at the creative force behind the image. Excludes SE Asia, Indian SC & ANZ
Virulent Zones
When Birds Are Near
Animal Disease and Global Health at China’s Pandemic Epicenter Lyle Fearnley
Dispatches from Contemporary Writers Edited by Susan Fox Rogers October 2020 296pp 5 b&w halftones 9781501750915 £17.99 / $22.95 PB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS
Experimental Futures October 2020 296pp 22 illus. 9781478011057 £20.99 / $26.95 PB 9781478009993 £86.00 / $99.95 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS
Writers explore and celebrate their lives with and love for birds—detailing experiences from Alaska to Bermuda, South Dakota to Panama. More than just field notes, the essays expand as the authors reflect on love, loss, and family, engaging a broad array of emotions from wonder to humor.
Situates the production of ecological facts about the likely epicenter of viral pandemics inside the shifting cultural landscapes of agrarian change and the geopolitics of global health.
The Disorder of Desire Jack Halberstam
Black Popular Culture in the Twenty-First Century Edited by Simone C. Drake & Dwan K. Henderson
Perverse Modernities: A Series Edited by Jack Halberstam and Lisa Lowe October 2020 240pp 7 illus. 9781478011088 £20.99 / $25.95 PB 9781478010036 £86.00 / $99.95 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS
February 2020 336pp 19 illus. 9781478006787 £21.99 / $27.95 PB 9781478005179 £87.00 / $104.95 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS
Offers an alternative history of sexuality by tracing the ways in which the wild—a space located beyond normative borders of sexuality— offers sources of opposition to knowing and being that transgress Euro-American notions of the modern subject.
In this collection on topics ranging from music and dance to Black Twitter and the NBA’s dress code, the contributors consider what culture and Blackness mean in the twenty-first century’s digital consumer economy.
Avian Reservoirs
Comics and Stuff Henry Jenkins
Virus Hunters and Birdwatchers in Chinese Sentinel Posts Frédéric Keck
April 2020 352pp 104 full color 9781479800933 £24.99 / $32.00 PB 9781479852741 £74.00 / $89.00 HB NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS
Experimental Futures January 2020 256pp 14 illus. 9781478006985 £20.99 / $26.95 PB 9781478006138 £83.00 / $99.95 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS
Moves through anthropology, material culture, literary criticism, and art history to resituate comics in the cultural landscape. With over 100 hundred illustrations, explores how comics depict stuff and exposes the central role that stuff plays in how we curate our identities, sustain memory, and make meaning. Excludes SE Asia & ANZ
Traces how the anticipation of bird flu pandemics has changed relations between birds and humans in Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan, showing that humans’ reliance on birds is key to mitigating future pandemics.
Recent highlights
Are You Entertained?
Wild Things
Glitter Up the Dark
How To Be Depressed George Scialabba
How Pop Music Broke the Binary Sasha Geffen
March 2020 224pp 9780812252019 £21.99 / $27.50 HB UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS
American Music Series April 2020 264pp 9781477318782 £14.99 / $18.95 PB UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PRESS
In How to Be Depressed, essayist George Scialabba collects decades of his own mental health records—along with an Starting with early blues and the Beatles and introduction, an interview, and a glossary of continuing with performers such as David Bowie, terms—to form an unusual, searching, and Prince, Missy Elliot, and Frank Ocean, Geffen explores how artists have used music, fashion and poignant hybrid of essay and memoir that strives to make sense of the baffling disease that is language to break out of the confines mandated by gender essentialism and establish the voice as clinical depression. the primary expression of gender transgression.
Long Overdue
The Politics of Racial Reparations Charles P. Henry
The Myths of Scarcity and Security That Haunt U.S. Energy Policy Robert Vitalis
September 2009 268pp 9780814737415 £20.99 / $27.00 PB 9780814736920 £74.00 / $89.00 HB NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS
July 2020 240pp 9781503600904 £18.99 / $24.00 HB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
Long Overdue provides a must-read survey of the political and legislative efforts made toward reparations over the course of American history, and offers a new path toward establishing equality for all Black Americans. Excludes SE Asia & ANZ
A bracing corrective to the myths that have shaped economic, military, and diplomatic policy, dispelling our oil-soaked fantasies of dependence.
Things Worth Keeping
Subcultural Survival Kimberly Kattari
The Value of Attachment in a Disposable World Christine Harold
June 2020 262pp 9781439918609 £24.99 / $32.95 PB 9781439918593 £79.00 / $99.50 HB TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PRESS
August 2020 256pp 10 b&w photos 9780816677245 £19.99 / $24.95 PB 9780816677238 £83.00 / $100.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS
The outsider musical genre known as psychobilly, which began in 1980s Britain, fuses punk, heavy metal, new wave, and shock rock with carnivalesque elements. This title is Kimberly Kattari’s fascinating, decade-long study of this little-known anti-mainstream genre. Excludes Asia Pacific
Examines the attachments we form to objects and how they might be used to reduce waste. Consumer psychology and empathetic design can transform our perception of consumer products from disposable to interconnected. An urgent call for rethinking consumerism. Excludes Japan & ANZ
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