History and Archaeology New Titles Spring/Summer 2018 this season’s highlights
History Is a Contemporary Literature Manifesto for the Social Sciences ivan JabLonka transLatEd by nathan J. brachEr May 2018 272pp 9781501709876 HB £32.00 Cornell University Press
Offers highly innovative perspectives on the writing of history, the relationship between literature and the social sciences, and the way that both social-scientific inquiry and literary explorations contribute to our understanding of the world. Jablonka argues that the act and art of writing, far from being an afterthought in the social sciences, should play a vital role in the production of knowledge in all stages of the researcher’s work and embody or even constitute the understanding obtained. History (along with sociology and anthropology) can, he contends, achieve greater rigor and wider audiences by creating a literary experience through a broad spectrum of narrative modes.
Sediments of Time
On Possible Histories rEinhart kosELLEck EditEd by sEan FranzEL & stEFan-LudWig hoFFmann
May 2018 280pp 9781503605961 PB £21.99 9781503601512 HB £72.00 Cultural Memory in the Present Stanford University Press
Features the most important essays by renowned German historian Reinhart Koselleck not previously available in English, several of them essential to his theory of history. The volume sheds new light on Koselleck's crucial concerns, including his theory of sediments of time; his theory of historical repetition, duration, and acceleration; his encounters with philosophical hermeneutics and political and legal thought; his concern with the limits of historical meaning; and his views on historical commemoration. A critical preface addresses some of the challenges and potentials of Koselleck's reception in the Anglophone world.
The Long Gilded Age
American Capitalism and the Lessons of a New World Order LEon Fink March 2018 216pp 9780812224139 NIP £19.99 American Business, Politics, and Society University of Pennsylvania Press
Considers the interlocking roles of politics, labor, and internationalism in the ideologies and institutions that emerged at the turn of the twentieth century. Presenting a new twist on central themes of American labor and working-class history, Fink examines how the American conceptualization of free labor played out in iconic industrial strikes, and how "freedom" in the workplace became overwhelmingly tilted toward individual property rights at the expense of larger community standards. Fink offers a comparative look at a formative era in American political development, placing this period within a worldwide confrontation between the capitalist marketplace and social transformation.
Victorian Jamaica
EditEd by tim barringEr & WaynE modEst
May 2018 768pp 270 color illus. 9780822360681 PB £27.99 9780822360537 HB £103.00 Duke University Press
Explores the extraordinary surviving archive of visual representation and material objects to provide a comprehensive account of Jamaican society during Queen Victoria's reign over the British Empire, from 1837 to 1901. In their analyses of material ranging from photographs of plantation laborers and landscape paintings to cricket team photographs, furniture, and architecture, as well as a wide range of texts, the contributors trace the relationship between black Jamaicans and colonial institutions, contextualize race within ritual and performance, and outline how material and visual culture helped shape the complex politics of colonial society. This richly illustrated volume offers a complex and nuanced portrait of Jamaica.
Distribution via Marston Book Services* Call: +44 (0)1235 465500 Email: trade.orders@marston.co.uk Order direct from CAP online: www.combinedacademic.co.uk *From April 1st 2018 University of Minnesota Press will move distribution from NBN International to Marston** From March 1st 2018 Cornell University Press will move distribution from NBN International to Marston** (Before these dates you can continue to order from NBN. Call: +44 (0)1752 202301 Email: orders@nbninternational.com) **All recorded dues for University of Minnesota Press and Cornell University Press will be transferred from NBN to Marston after handover dates.
A Primer for Teaching African History Ten Design Principles trEvor r. gEtz
March 2018 184pp 9780822369820 PB £17.99 9780822371038 HB £68.00 Design Principles for Teaching History Duke University Press
A guide for college and high school teachers who are teaching African history for the first time, for experienced teachers who want to reinvigorate their courses, for those who are training future teachers to prepare their own syllabi.
Civilization and Disease hEnry E. sigErist ForEWord by ELizabEth FEE July 2018 264pp 52 b&w halftones 9781501723438 PB £15.99 Messenger Lectures Cornell University Press
Originally published in 1943, this foundational text is a wide-ranging account of the important of social factors in illness and the impact that disease has had on societies throughout history. In a new foreword for this edition, Fee outlines Sigerist’s life, works, and legacy.
A Primer for Teaching Environmental History Ten Design Principles EmiLy WakiLd & michELLE k. bErry
May 2018 192pp 9780822371489 PB £18.99 9780822371373 HB £72.00 Design Principles for Teaching History Duke University Press
Offers design principles for creating syllabi that will help students navigate a wide range of topics, from food, environmental justice, and natural resources to animalhuman relations, senses of place, and climate change.
Colonial Complexions Race and Bodies in Eighteenth-Century America sharon bLock
April 2018 248pp 17 illus. 9780812250060 HB £36.00 Early American Studies University of Pennsylvania Press
Analyzes more than 4000 advertisements for fugitive servants and slaves in colonial newspapers alongside scores of trans-Atlantic sources to reveal how colonists transformed observable characteristics into racist reality.
Black Women’s Christian Activism
Seeking Social Justice in a Northern Suburb bEtty Livingston adams April 2018 240pp 9781479814817 NIP £19.99 New York University Press
Explores the role of non-elite black women in the growth of northern suburbs and American protestantism in the first half of the twentieth century. Tracking the resulting intersections of politics, religion, race, and gender, Adams offers new insights on northern racial oppression and civil rights protest.
Colonial Suspects
Suspicion, Imperial Rule, and Colonial Society in Interwar French West Africa kathLEEn kELLEr
April 2018 270pp 1 map, index 9780803296916 HB £44.00 France Overseas: Studies in Empire and Decolonization University of Nebraska Press
Looks at the surveillance set up by the French government as the empire slipped into crisis. The effect of this transformation was profound: a “culture of suspicion” became deeply ingrained in French West African society.
Christian Slavery
Conversion and Race in the Protestant Atlantic World katharinE gErbnEr March 2018 304pp 15 illus. 9780812250015 HB £31.99 Early American Studies University of Pennsylvania Press
Contends that religion was fundamental to the development of both slavery and race in the Protestant Atlantic. Shows how contentions between slave owners, enslaved people, and missionaries transformed the practice of Protestantism and the language of race in the early modern Atlantic world.
Connecting Continents
Archaeology and History in the Indian Ocean World EditEd by krish sEEtah June 2018 448pp 9780821423264 HB £60.00 Indian Ocean Studies Series Ohio University Press
Addresses two important issues: how best to promote collaborative research on the Indian Ocean world, and how to shape the research agenda for a region that has only recently begun to attract serious interest from historical archaeologists.
Constructing the Patriarchal City
Gender and the Built Environments of London, Dublin, Toronto, and Chicago, 1870s into the 1940s maurEEn a. FLanagan
May 2018 390pp 9781439915707 PB £29.99 9781439915691 HB £83.00 Urban Life, Landscape and Policy Temple University Press
Counter Jihad
America's Military Experience in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria brian gLyn WiLLiams
March 2018 400pp 24 illus. 9780812224207 NIP £20.99 Haney Foundation Series University of Pennsylvania Press
Flanagan investigates how ideas about gender shaped the patriarchal city as men used their expertise in architecture, engineering, and planning to fashion a built environment for male enterprise and to confine women.
The first history of America's military operations against radical Islamists. Williams provides the missing historical context for the rise of the terror group ISIS out of the ashes of Saddam Hussein’s secular Iraq, aruging we must explore the region’s recent past to understand the present.
Dealing with Dictators
Dispossessed Lives
October 2017 562pp 9780253033710 NIP £27.99 Indiana University Press
February 2018 232pp 8 illus. 9780812224184 NIP £19.99 Early American Studies University of Pennsylvania Press
The United States, Hungary, and East Central Europe, 1942-1989 LaszLo borhi transLatEd by JosEph vincz
Explores America’s efforts to make the dictatorships of Eastern Europe less tyrannical and more responsive to the country’s international interests during the Cold War era. US policies included a mix of economic and psychological warfare, subversion, cultural and economic penetration, and coercive diplomacy.
Enslaved Women, Violence, and the Archive marisa J. FuEntEs
Combining fragmentary sources with interdisciplinary methodologies that include black feminist theory and critical studies of history, Fuentes demonstrates the ongoing effects of white colonial power that constrain what can be known about these women, challenging how we write histories of vulnerable and invisible subjects.
Dagger John
Archbishop John Hughes and the Making of Irish America John LoughEry March 2018 420pp 16 b&w halftones, 1 map 9781501707742 HB £25.99 Cornell University Press
Loughery shows that to know “Dagger” John Hughes is to understand the United States during a painful period of growth as the nation headed towards civil war. His legacy provides context and layers of detail for the larger history of a modern culture unfolding in his wake.
Dominion of Race
Rethinking Canada’s International History EditEd by Laura madokoro, FrancinE mckEnziE & david mErEn February 2018 332pp 6 b&w photos, 2 illus. 9780774834445 PB £27.99 UBC Press
This collection demonstrates the necessity of placing race at the centre of the narratives of Canadian history. Destabilizing conventional understandings of Canada in the world, they expose how racethinking has informed policies and contributed to a global order rooted in racial beliefs.
Dark Age Nunneries
The Ambiguous Identity of Female Monasticism, 800–1050 stEvEn vandErputtEn May 2018 320pp 11 b&w halftones, 3 maps 9781501715952 PB £25.99 9781501715945 HB £76.00 Cornell University Press
Through a study of primary sources from forty female monastic communities in Lotharingia, Vanderputten reveals a remarkable adaptability among the women of these communities amid changing contexts and expectations on the part of the Church and secular authorities.
Entangled Empires
The Anglo-Iberian Atlantic, 1500-1830 EditEd by JorgE canizarEs-EsguErra
February 2018 368pp 2 illus. 9780812249835 HB £44.00 University of Pennsylvania Press
Reveals entanglement as a process that was constitutive to the development of colonies and empires. Bringing together a large geography and chronology, Entangled Empires sheds light on the importance of understanding connections, both intellectual and practical, between the English and Iberian imperial projects.
First Ladies of the Republic Martha Washington, Abigail Adams, Dolley Madison, and the Creation of an Iconic American Role JEannE E. abrams March 2018 328pp 9781479886531 HB £22.99 New York University Press
Explores how the three inaugural First Ladies fashioned the role for future generations, and carved a space for women in America. Abrams illustrates how these capable and path-breaking women shaped themselves as prominent Americans and “First Ladies,” and defined a role for women in American public and private life.
Frontiers of Labor
Comparative Histories of the United States and Australia EditEd by grEg patmorE & shELton stromquist
March 2018 392pp 9780252083457 PB £24.99 9780252041839 HB £79.00 Working Class in American History University of Illinois Press
A collection of innovative essays that use transnational and comparative analysis to explore the two nations’ differences. Examines the impact of World War I, the history of coerced labor, ethnic and class identification, collective action, and trade union politics.
Flight to the Top of the World
The Adventures of Walter Wellman david L. bristoW July 2018 392pp 18 photographs, 5 illus., 4 maps 9780803296787 HB £23.99 University of Nebraska Press
Forging a Laboring Race
The African American Worker in the Progressive Imagination pauL r.d. LaWriE April 2018 256pp 9781479851409 NIP £19.99 Culture, Labor, History New York University Press
From the Tricontinental to the Global South Race, Radicalism, and Transnational Solidarity annE garLand mahLEr
May 2018 352pp 14 illus. 9780822371250 PB £21.99 9780822371144 HB £84.00 Duke University Press
Wellman lived during a time of rapid social and technological change, when aviation promised to fulfill humanity’s greatest hopes and darkest fears. This book is a window into Wellman’s time and illuminates its dreams and contradictions.
Charts the history of an idea – race management – building on recent work in African American, labor, and disability history to analyze how ideas of race, work, and the “fit” or “unfit” body informed the political economy of early twentieth-century industrial America.
Traces the history and intellectual legacy of the understudied but influential global justice movement called the Tricontinental—an alliance of liberation struggles from eighty-two countries founded in 1966.
Geographies of an Imperial Power
Giuliano de' Medici
Incidental Archaeologists
The British World, 1688–1815 JErEmy bLack January 2018 328pp 9780253031587 PB £23.99 9780253031570 HB £64.00 Indiana University Press
From explorers tracing rivers to navigators hunting for longitude, spatial awareness and the need for empirical understanding were significantly linked to British strategy in the 1700s. In this examination of Britain in the 18th century, Black explores the interconnected roles of power and geography in the creation of a global empire.
Machiavelli’s Prince in Life and Art JosEphinE Jungic
April 2018 328pp 9780773553200 HB £36.00 McGill-Queen's University Press
A refreshing re-examination of Giuliano’s life. Jungic interprets works of art, books, and letters to construct a new narrative of Giuliano’s life, as a man who advocated restraint and rentention of republican traditions, who was loved and admired by some of the most talented and famous men of his day.
French Officers and the Rediscovery of Roman North Africa bonniE EFFros August 2018 384pp 42 b&w halftones, 1 map 9781501702105 HB £40.00 Cornell University Press
Demonstrates how the archaeological expeditions undertaken by the French in Algeria and the documentation they collected of ancient Roman military achievements reflected French confidence that they would learn from Rome’s technological accomplishments and succeed, where the Romans had failed, in mastering the region.
Intimate Violence
Anti-Jewish Pogroms on the Eve of the Holocaust JEFFrEy s. kopstEin & Jason WittEnbErg June 2018 184pp 2 maps, 4 graphs 9781501715259 HB £25.99 Cornell University Press
A social-scientific explanation of ethnic violence and the Holocaust, locating the roots of violence in efforts to maintain Polish and Ukrainian dominance rather than in anti-Semitic hatred or revenge for communism. Reveals the sources of mass ethnic violence and how such acts might be avoided.
Objects of War
The Material Culture of Conflict and Displacement EditEd by LEora ausLandEr & tara zahra May 2018 344pp 32 b&w halftones 9781501720079 HB £40.00 Cornell University Press
Illuminates how people use things to grapple with the upheavals wrought by war and forced displacement. Considers theft and pillaging as strategies of conquest; soldiers' relationships with their weapons; and the use of clothing and domestic goods to make claims of normalcy.
Jimmy Carter in Africa Race and the Cold War nancy mitchELL
April 2018 880pp 14 halftones, 2 maps 9781503606609 NIP £28.99 Stanford University Press
This book opens just after Henry Kissinger’s failed 1975 plot in Angola, as Carter launched his presidential campaign. Drawing on candid interviews an array of international archival sources, Mitchell offers a timely reevaluation of the Carter administration and of the man himself.
Other Englands
Utopia, Capital, and Empire in an Age of Transition sarah hogan May 2018 280pp 9781503605169 HB £48.00 Stanford University Press
Examines the rise of the early English utopia in the context of emergent capitalism. Above all, it asserts that this literary genre was always already an expression of social crisis and economic transition, a context refracted in the origin stories and imagined geographies common to its early modern form.
Laboratory of Socialist Development
Cold War Politics and Decolonization in Soviet Tajikistan artEmy kaLinovsky May 2018 320pp 16 b&w halftones, 2 maps 9781501715563 HB £34.00 Cornell University Press
Places Soviet development of central Asia in a global context, connecting high politics and intellectual debates with the life histories and experiences of workers, scholars and engineers. Kalinovsky pushes readers to consider similarities between socialist and capitalist development.
Periodization and Sovereignty
How Ideas of Feudalism and Secularization Govern the Politics of Time kathLEEn davis December 2017 200pp 9780812224122 NIP £19.99 The Middle Ages Series University of Pennsylvania Press
Traces the relationship between today’s often violent struggles over secular and religious politics, and the narrative of "secularization," which grounds itself in a divide between a "modern" historical consciousness and a theologically entrapped "Middle Ages.”
Mussolini's Children
Race and Elementary Education in Fascist Italy EdEn knudsEn mcLEan July 2018 354pp 6 illus., index 9781496206428 HB £44.00 University of Nebraska Press
Uses the lens of state-mandated youth culture to analyze the evolution of official racism in Fascist Italy. Eden K. McLean assembles evidence from state policies, elementary textbooks, pedagogical journals, and other educational materials to illustrate the contours of a Fascist racial ideology as it evolved over eighteen years.
Postcards from Auschwitz
Holocaust Tourism and the Meaning of Remembrance daniEL p. rEynoLds April 2018 336pp 9781479860432 HB £27.99 New York University Press
Argues that tourism to places associated with the Holocaust has become a vital component in the evolving collective remembrance of the Holocaust. Citing on-site observations, contributions from researchers, and observations from tourists, Reynolds reveals how tourism is an important part of efforts to comprehend and remember the Holocaust.
Quakers and Abolition
EditEd by brycchan carEy & gEoFFrEy pLank February 2018 280pp 9780252083471 NIP £19.99 University of Illinois Press
This collection of fifteen insightful essays examines the complexity and diversity of Quaker antislavery attitudes across three centuries, from 1658 to 1890. Focusing on Great Britain, France, and the United States, contributors show how Quaker antislavery actions and writings influenced revolutions and antislavery in those countries.
Slavery's Capitalism
A New History of American Economic Development EditEd by svEn bEckErt & sEth rockman December 2017 416pp 5 illus. 9780812224177 NIP £21.99 Early American Studies University of Pennsylvania Press
Sixteen scholars contribute to this volume which identifies slavery as the primary force driving American economic innovations that are too often attributed to the so-called free market.
Realm between Empires The Second Dutch Atlantic, 1680-1815 WiLLEm kLoostEr & gErt oostindiE
May 2018 308pp 9 b&w halftones, 4 maps, 3 charts 9781501705267 HB £32.00 Cornell University Press
Reveals the fragmented identity and interconnectedness of the Dutch in three Atlantic theaters: West Africa, Guinea, and the insular Caribbean, presenting a powerful revisionist history of the eighteenth-century Atlantic world.
Speaking of Slavery
Color, Ethnicity, and Human Bondage in Italy stEvEn a. EpstEin
May 2018 256pp 1 color plate 9781501725128 Paperback £19.99 Cornell University Press
In this first history of slavery in Italy, Epstein shows that the ways Italians process ideas of race and labor are affected by the language used in medieval Italy to sustain a system of slavery. For Epstein, language is crucial to understanding slavery, preserving the hidden conditions of that institution.
Risky Shores
Savagery and Colonialism in the Western Pacific gEorgE k. bEhLmEr July 2018 360pp 9781503605947 PB £21.99 9781503604926 HB £72.00 Stanford University Press
Why did the so-called "Cannibal Isles" of the Western Pacific fascinate Europeans for so long? Spanning three centuries, this book considers the category of "the savage" in the context of British Empire in the Western Pacific, reassessing the conduct of Islanders and the English-speaking strangers who encountered them.
Sugar, Cigars, and Revolution
Settler Anxiety at the Outposts of Empire
Colonial Relations, Humanitarian Discourses, and the Imperial Press kEnton storEy February 2018 312pp 4 figures, 6 maps 9780774829489 PB £29.99 UBC Press
Challenges the idea that colonial crises led to a decline in the popularity of humanitarianism across the British Empire. Instead, Storey demonstrates how colonial newspapers used humanitarian language to justify territorial expansion, promote segregation and allay fears of resistance.
The Control Agenda
The Making of Cuban New York Lisandro pérEz
A History of the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks matthEW J. ambrosE
Brings vividly to life the Cuban community of nineteenth-century New York City. Analyzes the major forces that shaped the community, but also tells the stories of individuals and families that made up the fabric of a little-known immigrant world representing the origins of New York City’s dynamic Latino presence.
Examines the interplay of diplomacy, domestic politics, and technology, and finds that the SALT process was a key point of reference for arguments regarding all forms of Cold War decision making. Ambrose argues that elite U.S. decision makers used SALT to manage domestic populations, and control nuclear arsenals.
July 2018 400pp 9780814767276 HB £27.99 New York University Press
April 2018 280pp 9781501713743 HB £36.00 Cornell University Press
The Inconvenient Indian
A Curious Account of Native People in North America thomas king
February 2018 304pp 9781517904463 Paperback £12.99 University of Minnesota Press
The Operation Reinhard Death Camps, Revised and Expanded Edition Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka yitzhak arad
April 2018 560pp 9780253025418 PB £23.99 9780253025302 HB £64.00 Indiana University Press
Offers a deeply knowing, darkly funny, unabashedly opinionated, and utterly unconventional account of Indian–White relations in North America since initial contact. Both timeless and timely, the book rejects the pessimism and cynicism with which Natives and Whites regard one another to chart a way forward for Indians and non-Indians alike.
Includes new material on the history of the Jews under German occupation in Poland; the execution and timing of Operation Reinhard; information about the ghettos in Lublin, Warsaw, Krakow, Radom, and Galicia; and updated numbers of the victims who were murdered.
Twilight of the Titans
Under Siege
Great Power Decline and Retrenchment pauL k. macdonaLd & JosEph m. parEnt
April 2018 278pp 3 tables, 2 charts, 2 graphs 9781501717093 HB £34.00 Cornell Studies in Security Affairs Cornell University Press
Examines the behavior of declining states from 1870. Illuminates what policy options, how rising states respond to decline, and what conditions reward which strategies. The authors provide a comprehensive rethink power transition and hegemonic war theories.
The Independent Labour Party in Interwar Britain ian buLLock December 2017 428pp 9781771991551 PB £36.00 Athabasca University Press
Drawing on contemporary sources, as well as on ILP publications and internal party documents, Bullock examines the ideological battles of the ILP during the interwar period. He argues that the ILP made a lasting contribution to British politics, by preserving the values of democratic socialism during the interwar period.
The Scots Irish of Early Pennsylvania
Turbulent Empires
July 2018 158pp 9781932304329 PB £15.99 Temple University Press
May 2018 368pp 9780773553217 HB £27.99 McGill-Queen's University Press
A Varied People Judith a. ridnEr
A History of Global Capitalism since 1945 mikE mason
Ridner provides a much-overdue synthesis and reassessment of this immigrant group, tracing a century of Scotch-Irish migration from 1720 to 1820. These people brought their version of Ulster to the colonies in their fierce commitments to family, community, entrepreneurship, Presbyterianism, republican politics, and education.
Analyzes the struggles for postcolonial sovereignty and economic domination, and how these competing forces led to conflicts and shifting alliances around the postwar world. Mason provides an insightful, sweeping analysis of world political and economic history that is an ideal introduction to postwar political science, history, and development studies.
Undercurrents of Power
Venice's Intimate Empire
Aquatic Culture in the African Diaspora kEvin daWson
Family Life and Scholarship in the Renaissance Mediterranean Erin magLaquE
Moving away from the plantation fields that have dominated the history of slavery, Dawson examines the significance of waterways and water culture. He builds his analysis around a discussion of African traditions and the way in which similar traditions emerged within African diasporic communities.
Mining private writings and humanist texts, Maglaque explores the lives of two Venetian noblemen, Giovanni Bembo and Pietro Coppo. Through these men and their families, Maglaque explores the relationship between humanism, empire, and family.
February 2018 384pp 29 illus. 9780812249897 HB £36.00 The Early Modern Americas University of Pennsylvania Press
June 2018 232pp 5 b&w halftones, 2 line drawings, 1 map 9781501721656 HB £44.00 Cornell University Press
West Ham and the River Lea
A Social and Environmental History of London’s Industrialized Marshland, 1839–1914 Jim cLiFFord
March 2018 244pp 21 maps, 15 b&w photos, 7 graphs 9780774834247 NIP £28.99 Nature | History | Society UBC Press
Explores the environmental and social history of London’s most populous independent suburb and its second largest river. Maps the migration of industry into West Ham and reveals the consequences for the working-class people who lived among the factories.
Excavating Nauvoo
The Mormons and the Rise of Historical Archaeology in America bEnJamin c. pykLEs
ForEWord by robErt L. schuyLEr March 2018 416pp 24 photos, 1 illustration, 1 map 9781496202246 NIP £23.99 Critical Studies in the History of Anthropology University of Nebraska Press
This account weaves together multiple viewpoints in examining the many contentious issues surrounding the archaeology and restoration of Nauvoo, providing a picture of the early days of professional historical archaeology.
When the War Came Home The Ottomans' Great War and the Devastation of an Empire yiğit akin March 2018 288pp 9781503604902 PB £21.99 9781503603639 HB £72.00 Stanford University Press
This book reveals the catastrophic impact of World War I on ordinary Ottomans. Drawing on a wide range of sources—from petitions, diaries, and newspapers to folk songs and religious texts—Akın examines how Ottoman men and women experienced war on the home front as government authorities intervened ruthlessly in their lives.
Glory, Trouble, and Renaissance at the Robert S. Peabody Museum of Archaeology EditEd by maLinda staFFord bLustain & ryan WhEELEr
April 2018 270pp 54 illus., 1 map, 1 table, index 9781496204158 HB £40.00 Critical Studies in the History of Anthropology University of Nebraska Press
Chronicles the contributions, tumultuous history, and recent renaissance of the Robert S. Peabody Museum of Archaeology.
ARCHAEOLOGY Before Yellowstone
Native American Archaeology in the National Park dougLas h. macdonaLd January 2018 240pp 125 color illus., 7 maps 9780295742205 PB £23.99 University of Washington Press
Early Rock Art of the American West The Geometric Enigma EkkEhart maLotki & ELLEn dissanayakE
June 2018 288pp 200 color illus. 9780295743615 PB £27.99 9780295743608 HB £72.00 University of Washington Press
Since 1872, visitors have flocked to Yellowstone. Yet archaeological research shows that the wild landscape has a long history of human presence. Native American people have hunted bison and gathered here for at least 11,000 years, and twenty-six tribes claim cultural association with Yellowstone.
The earliest rock art—in the Americas as elsewhere—is geometric or abstract. Until Early Rock Art in the American West, however, no booklength study has been devoted to the deep antiquity and amazing range of geometrics and the fascinating questions that arise from their ubiquity and variety.
Lookout Cave
Ornaments and Other Ambiguous Artifacts from Franchthi
The Archaeology of Perishable Remains on the Northern Plains John h. brumLEy May 2018 280pp 80 b&w photos, 15 colour figures 9781771991797 PB £37.00 OPEL Athabasca University Press
Lookout Cave, located in north central Montana, created excellent conditions for preservation. This fully illustrated volume examines these more than one thousand artifacts and sheds new light on Plains culture and the centuries old use of this well-hidden space.
Volume 1, The Paleolithic and the Mesolithic cathErinE pErLès January 2018 325pp 9780253031846 PB £40.00 Excavations at Franchthi Cave, Greece Indiana University Press
This volume focuses on the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic ornaments and ornamental species found in the Franchthi cave, which constitute one of the largest collections in Europe for these periods combined.