History S19

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Spring| Summer 2019


Enduring Alliance

A History of NATO and the Postwar Global Order Timothy Andrews Sayle

April 2019 360pp 10 b&w halftones, 2 maps 9781501735509 £27.99 HB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS

Born from necessity, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has always seemed on the verge of collapse. Even now, some sixty years after its inception, some consider its foundation uncertain and its structure weak. At this moment of incipient strategic crisis, Timothy A. Sayle offers a sweeping history of the most critical alliance in the post-World War II era. In Enduring Alliance, Sayle recounts how the western European powers, along with the United States and Canada, developed a treaty to prevent encroachments by the Soviet Union and to serve as a first defense in any future military conflict. As the growing and unruly hodgepodge of countries, councils, commands, and committees inflated NATO during the Cold War, Sayle shows that the work of executive leaders, high-level diplomats, and institutional functionaries within NATO kept the alliance alive and strong in the face of changing administrations, various crises, and the flux of geopolitical maneuverings. Resilience and flexibility have been the true hallmarks of NATO.


The Necessity of a Modern Idea Gerald Izenberg

Intellectual History of the Modern Age March 2019 552pp 3 illus. 9780812224535 £25.99 PB UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS

Identity: The Necessity of a Modern Idea is the first comprehensive history of identity as the answer to the question, "who, or what, am I?" It covers the century from the end of World War I, when identity in this sense first became an issue for writers and philosophers, to 2010, when European political leaders declared multiculturalism a failure just as Canada, which pioneered it, was hailing its success. Along the way the book examines Erik Erikson's concepts of psychological identity and identity crisis, which made the word famous; the turn to collective identity and the rise of identity politics in Europe and America; varieties and theories of group identity; debates over accommodating collective identities within liberal democracy; the relationship between individual and group identity; the postmodern critique of identity as a concept; and the ways it nonetheless transformed the social sciences and altered our ideas of ethics.

The African Roots of Marijuana Chris S. Duvall

May 2019 352pp 40 illustrations 9781478003946 £21.99 PB 9781478003618 £87.00 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS

Arriving in East Africa from South Asia approximately 1000 years ago, cannabis quickly spread throughout the continent. European accounts of cannabis in Africa—often fictionalized and reliant upon racial stereotypes— shaped widespread myths about the plant and were used to depict the continent as a cultural backwater and blacks as predisposed to drug use. These myths continue to influence contemporary thinking about cannabis. In The African Roots of Marijuana Chris S. Duvall corrects common misconceptions while telling an authoritative history of cannabis as it flowed into, throughout, and out of Africa. Duvall shows how preexisting smoking cultures in Africa transformed the plant into a fast-acting and easily dosed drug, and how it later became linked with global capitalism and the slave trade. People often used cannabis to cope with oppressive working conditions under colonialism, as a recreational drug, and in religious and political movements. This expansive look at Africa's importance to the development of human knowledge about marijuana will challenge everything readers thought they knew about one of the world's most ubiquitous plants.

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Zoo Studies

A New Humanities Edited by Tracy McDonald & Daniel Vandersommers May 2019 360pp 9780773556911 £23.99 PB 9780773556904 £99.00 HB


Zoo Studies considers the modern zoo from a range of approaches and disciplines, united in a desire to blur the boundaries between human and nonhuman animals. The volume begins with an account of the first modern mental hospital, La Salpêtrière, established in 1656, and the first panoptical zoo, the menagerie at Versailles, created in 1662 by the same royal architect; the final chapter presents a choreographic performance that imagines the Toronto Zoo as a place where the human body can be inspired by animal bodies. From beginning to end, through interdisciplinary collaboration, this volume decentres the human subject and offers alternative ways of thinking about zoos and their inhabitants. This collection immerses readers in the lives of animals and their experiences of captivity and asks us to reflect on our own assumptions about both humans and animals. An original and groundbreaking work, Zoo Studies will change the way readers see nonhuman animals and themselves.

Cover image forthcoming

Archaeology Clues to Lower Mississippi Valley Histories Language, Archaeology, and Ethnography David V. Kaufman

August 2019 240pp 14 illus, 2 maps


Offers a stunning relational analysis of social, cultural, and linguistic change in the Lower Mississippi Valley from 500 to 1700. He charts how linguistic evidence aids the understanding of earlier cultural and social patterns, traces the diaspora of indigenous peoples, and uncovers instances of human migration.

Cover image forthcoming


The Accommodation of the British Army and the Coming of the American Revolution John Gilbert McCurdy

June 2019 312pp 20 b&w halftones, 3 maps 9781501736605 £37.00 HB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS

When Americans declared independence in 1776, they cited King George III “for quartering large bodies of armed troops among us.” In Quarters, John Gilbert McCurdy explores the social and political history behind charge, offering an authoritative account of the housing of British soldiers in America.

New Directions in Cypriot Archaeology

New Life for Archaeological Collections

April 2019 288pp 22 b&w halftones, 34 maps, 31 charts 9781501732690 £45.00 HB

Society for Historical Archaeology Series in Material Culture May 2019 444pp 30 figures, 6 maps, 14 tables, index 9781496212955 £66.00 HB

Edited by Catherine Kearns & Sturt Manning


New Directions in Cypriot Archaeology highlights current scholarship that employs a range of new techniques, methods, and theoretical approaches to questions related to the archaeology of the prehistoric and protohistoric periods on the island of Cyprus. It gathers together a new generation of scholars who challenge the big questions in Cypriot archaeology.


Edited by Rebecca Allen & Ben Ford

Arabs and Jews in Ottoman Palestine


Perspectives on Israel Studies March 2019 320pp 9780253038654 £54.00 HB

Two Worlds Collide Alan Dowty

Explores solutions to what archaeologists are calling the “curation crisis,” that is, too much stuff with too little research, analysis, and public interpretation. Drawing from the experience of various experts, this volume represents a unique commentary on education, research, and the archaeological community.

Traces the earliest roots of the ArabIsraeli conflict to the Ottoman Empire , arguing that this historical approach highlights constant clashes between religious and ethnic groups in Palestine. Dowty reveals how events that occurred over 125 years ago shaped the implacable conflict that dominates the Middle East today.

Beyond Versailles

Ottoman Dress and Design in the West


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Arc of Containment

Britain, the United States, and Anticommunism in Southeast Asia Wen-Qing Ngoei

The United States in the World May 2019 264pp 9781501716409 £37.00 HB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS

Arc of Containment recasts the history of American empire in Southeast and East Asia from World War II through the end of American intervention in Vietnam. Setting aside the classic story of anxiety about falling dominoes, Wen-Qing Ngoei articulates a new regional history premised on strong security and sure containment.

Sovereignty, Legitimacy, and the Formation of New Polities after the Great War Edited by Marcus Payk & Roberta Pergher May 2019 312pp 9780253040916 £27.99 PB 9780253040909 £62.00 HB INDIANA UNIVERSITY PRESS

This title offers a more nuanced look at the construction of the Treaty of Versailles. The authors consider how, in the wake of the Paris Peace Treaties, national and regional leaders sought to remake their states in accordance with international agreements while still responding to local preferences and needs.

A Visual History of Cultural Exchange Charlotte A. Jirousek March 2019 296pp 9780253042163 £24.99 PB 9780253042156 £68.00 HB INDIANA UNIVERSITY PRESS

This title is a richly illustrated exploration of the relationship between West and Near East through the visual culture of dress. Jirousek examines the history of dress and fashion in the broader context of western relationships with the Mediterranean world from the dawn of Islam through the end of the 20th century.

Second World, Second Sex

Socialist Women’s Activism and Global Solidarity during the Cold War Kristen Ghodsee February 2019 336pp 42 illustrations 9781478001812 £20.99 PB 9781478001393 £83.00 HB Duke University Press

Kristen Ghodsee recuperates the lost history of feminist activism from the so-called Second World, showing how women from state socialist Bulgaria and socialist-leaning Zambia created networks and alliances that challenged American women’s leadership of the global women’s movement.

Shattered Dreams

The Lost and Canceled Space Missions Colin Burgess Foreword by Don Thomas

Outward Odyssey: A People’s History of Spaceflight May 2019 296pp 25 photos, 4 tables 9781496206756 £25.99 HB

The Everyday Nationalism of Workers A Social History of Modern Belgium Maarten Van Ginderachter July 2019 288pp 9781503609693 £23.99 PB 9781503609051 £74.00 HB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

Shattered Dreams delves into the personal stories and recollections of several men and women who were in line to fly a space mission but lost that opportunity due to personal reasons, mission cancellations, or even tragedies. These are the human stories of competitive realists fired with an unquenchable passion.

Van Ginderachter upends assumptions about how European nationalism is lived and experienced by ordinary people—and the bottom-up impact these everyday expressions of nationalism exert on institutionalized nationalism writ large. This book sheds new light on how multilingual societies fared in the age of mass politics and ethnic nationalism.

A Frontier Made Lawless

A Scrap of Paper

A World Trimmed with Fur

Contemporary Chinese Studies February 2019 288pp 4 b&w photos, 4 tables, 2 maps 9780774833707 £27.99 NIP

May 2019 384pp 9781501735837 £21.99 NIP

Violence in Upland Southwest China, 1800-1956 Joseph Lawson


This book challenges misconceptions surrounding the reasons for violence in the region of Liangshan in southwest China, instead arguing that the conflict resulted from the lack of a common framework for dealing with property disputes, compounded by the repeated destabilization of the region by turmoil elsewhere in China.


Breaking and Making International Law during the Great War Isabel V. Hull

Wild Things, Pristine Places, and the Natural Fringes of Qing Rule Jonathan Schlesinger



In A Scrap of Paper, Isabel V. Hull compares wartime decision-making in Germany, Great Britain, and France, weighing the impact of legal considerations in each. Focusing on seven cases, she emphasizes the profound tension between international law and military necessity in time of war.

March 2019 288pp 9781503610118 £21.99 NIP

In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, booming demand for natural resources transformed China and its frontiers. Schlesinger uses Manchu and Mongolian archives to reveal how Qing rule witnessed not the destruction of unspoiled environments, but their invention. This resulting analysis provides a framework for rethinking the global invention of nature.

The Steppe and the Sea

Pearls in the Mongol Empire Thomas T. Allsen

Encounters with Asia March 2019 272pp 9 illus. 9780812251173 £37.00 HB


In The Steppe and the Sea, Allsen examines the importance of pearls in the Mongolian empire—from its origin in 1206 through its unprecedented expansion to its division and decline in 1320—in order to track the varied cultural and commercial interactions between the northern steppes and the southern seas.

Allied Encounters

The Gendered Redemption of World War II Italy Marisa Escolar

World War II: The Global, Human, and Ethical Dimension July 2019 248pp 9780823284498 £27.99 PB 9780823284504 £103.00 HB FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS

Informed by the historical context as well as their respective traditions, these texts uniquely explores AngloAmerican and Italian literary, cinematic and military representations of World War II Italy in order to trace, critique and move beyond the gendered paradigm of redemption that has conditioned understandings of the Allied-Italian encounter.

Cover image forthcoming

Amilcar Cabral

Nationalist and Pan-Africanist Revolutionary Peter Karibe Mendy

Ohio Short Histories of Africa June 2019 252pp 9780821423721 £11.99 PB OHIO UNIVERSITY PRESS

Amilcar Cabral’s charismatic and visionary leadership, his pan-Africanist solidarity and internationalist commitment to “every just cause in the world,” remain relevant to contemporary struggles for emancipation and self-determination. This concise biography is an ideal introduction to his life and legacy.

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Anna Zieglerin and the Lion’s Blood Alchemy and End Times in Reformation Germany Tara Nummedal

Haney Foundation Series March 2019 352pp 17 illus. 9780812250893 £41.00 HB


Interweaving the history of science, gender, religion, and politics, Nummedal reconstructs the extraordinary career and historical afterlife of alchemist, courtier, and prophet Anna Zieglerin and recounts how her alchemical schemes touched some of the most consequential matters in Reformation Germany.

Apostles of Empire

The Jesuits and New France Bronwen McShea

France Overseas: Studies in Empire and Decolonization July 2019 378pp 6 illustrations, index 9781496208903 £50.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESS

This work is a revisionist history of the French Jesuit mission to indigenous North Americans, offering a comprehensive view of how their robust conceptions of secular spheres of Christian action informed their efforts from both sides of the Atlantic to build up a French and Catholic empire in North America.

Capital Gains

Business and Politics in Twentieth-Century America Edited by Richard R. John & Kim Phillips-Fein

Hagley Perspectives on Business and Culture March 2019 312pp 9780812224481 £21.99 PB UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS

Recent events have driven a tremendous surge of interest in the political power of business. Capital Gains collects some of the most innovative new work in the field, with each chapter explore the influence of business on American politics in the twentieth century at the federal, state, and municipal levels.

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Carnal Spirit

The Revolutions of Charles Peguy Matthew W. Maguire

May 2019 328pp 9780812250954 £58.00 HB


In Carnal Spirit, Maguire expertly delineates the historical origins of Péguy’s thinking, its unique trajectory, and its unusual position in his own time, and shows the ways in which Péguy anticipated the divisions that continue to trouble our contemporary moment.

Christian Slavery

Conversion and Race in the Protestant Atlantic World Katharine Gerbner

Early American Studies April 2019 296pp 15 illus. 9780812224368 £19.99 NIP


For slaveholders, Christianity was a sign of freedom, and most believed that slaves should not be eligible for conversion. Christian Slavery shows how the contentions between slave owners, enslaved people, and missionaries transformed the practice of Protestantism and the language of race in the early modern Atlantic world.

Colonial Fantasies, Imperial Realities

Race Science and the Making of Polishness on the Fringes of the German Empire, 1840–1920 Lenny A. Ureña Valerio

Polish and Polish-American Studies Series July 2019 336pp 9780821423738 £58.00 HB OHIO UNIVERSITY PRESS

Offers a transnational approach to Polish-German relations and nineteenth-century colonial subjectivities, as well as illuminating nested imperial and colonial relations using sources ranging from medical texts and state documents to travel literature and fiction.

Connecting Histories

Jews and Their Others in Early Modern Europe Edited by Francesca Bregoli & David B. Ruderman

Jewish Culture and Contexts April 2019 304pp 2 illus. 9780812250916 £58.00 HB


Exploring the ways in which early modern Jews related to Jews from different backgrounds and to the nonJews around them, the essays in Connecting Histories emphasizes not only the challenging nature and impact of these encounters but also the ambivalence experienced by Jews as they met their others.

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Early Modern Spectatorship Interpreting English Culture, 15001780 Edited by Ronald Huebert & David McNeil

Empire of Friends

Soviet Power and Socialist Internationalism in Cold War Czechoslovakia Rachel Applebaum

May 2019 448pp 9780773556775 £33.00 PB 9780773556768 £99.00 HB

April 2019 276pp 12 b&w halftones 9781501735578 £41.00 HB

England in the Age of Shakespeare

Everyday Crimes


While many early modern spectacles were designed to influence those who watched, the very presence of spectators and their behaviour could alter the conduct and the meaning of the event itself. A lucid exploration of subtle questions, this book identifies, imagines, and describes the spectator’s experience in early modern culture.

Jeremy Black

August 2019 312pp 9780253042316 £27.99 PB 9780253042309 £70.00 HB INDIANA UNIVERSITY PRESS

Jeremy Black takes readers on a tour of life in the streets, homes, farms, churches, and palaces of William Shakespeare’s era. Panning from play to audience and back again, Black shows how Shakespeare’s plays would have been experienced and interpreted by those who paid to see them.


The familiar story of Soviet power in Cold War Eastern Europe focuses on political repression and military force. But in Empire of Friends, Rachel Applebaum shows how the Soviet Union simultaneously promoted a policy of transnational friendship with its Eastern Bloc satellites to create a cohesive socialist world.

Violence and Civil Rights in Early America Kelly A. Ryan

August 2019 400pp 9781479869619 £32.00 HB NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS

In Everyday Crimes author Kelly A. Ryan tells the story of legally and socially dependent people—free and enslaved African Americans, married white women, and servants—who resisted violence in Massachusetts and New York despite lacking formal protection through the legal system.


Empires of Coal

Fueling China’s Entry into the Modern World Order, 1860-1920 Shellen Xiao Wu

Studies of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University March 2019 280pp 9781503610101 £19.99 NIP Stanford University Press

Ending the Civil War and Consequences for Congress

Edited by Paul Finkelman & Donald R. Kennon

Perspectives on the History of Congress, 1801–1877 May 2019 184pp 9780821423370 £27.99 HB

In Empires of Coal, Wu argues that the changes specific to the late Qing were part of global trends in the nineteenth century, when the rise of science and industrialization destabilized global systems and caused widespread unrest and the toppling of ruling regimes around the world.

In Ending the Civil War and the Consequences for Congress, contributors explore how the end of the American Civil War both continued the trauma of the conflict and enhanced the potential for the new birth of freedom that Lincoln promised in the Gettysburg Address.

Fighting with the Empire

Finding Dr. Livingstone

Canada, Britain, and Global Conflict, 1867-1947 Edited by Steven Louis Marti & William J. Pratt

Studies in Canadian Military History March 2019 220pp 9780774860406 £74.00 HB UBC PRESS

War forced Canadians to re-examine their relationship to Britain and to one another. Fighting with the Empire examines the paradox of a national contribution to an imperial war effort, finding middle ground between affirming the emergence of a nation through warfare and equating Canadian nationalism with British imperialism.


A History in Documents from the Henry Morton Stanley Archive Edited by Mathilde Leduc-Grimaldi & James L. Newman Foreword by Guido Gryseels & Dominique Allard July 2019 500pp 9780821423660 £70.00 HB OHIO UNIVERSITY PRESS

In 1870, journalist Henry M. Stanley began a search for the explorer Dr. David Livingstone. In 1872, Stanley returned with the story of how he had found Livingstone, restored his health, and resupplied his expedition. This collection of unpublished documents reveals how Stanley shaped the account of his journey.

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For God or Empire

Force and Freedom

June 2019 304pp 9781503609631 £23.99 PB 9780804793186 £74.00 HB

America in the Nineteenth Century February 2019 256pp 10 illus. 9780812251159 £33.00 HB

Sayyid Fadl and the Indian Ocean World Wilson Chacko Jacob


Sayyid Fadl, a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad, led a unique life—one that spanned much of the nineteenth century and connected India, Arabia, and the Ottoman Empire. This book tells his story, as his life and legacy afford a singular view on historical shifts of power and sovereignty, religion and politics.

Black Abolitionists and the Politics of Violence Kellie Carter Jackson


Carter Jackson takes readers beyond the honorable politics of moral suasion and the romanticism of the Underground Railroad and into an exploration of the agonizing decisions, strategies, and actions of the black abolitionists who, though lacking an official political voice, were nevertheless responsible for instigating monumental social and political change.

From the Grounds Up

Building an Export Economy in Southern Mexico Casey Marina Lurtz April 2019 328pp 9781503603899 £50.00 HB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

In the late 19th century, Latin American exporting boomed. A regional history of southern Mexico’s Soconusco district as well as a study in commodity capitalism, From the Grounds Up places indigenous and mestizo villagers, migrant workers, and local politicians at the center of our understanding of the export boom.

Globalizing Morocco

Transnational Activism and the PostColonial State David Stenner May 2019 304pp 9781503608993 £23.99 PB 9781503608115 £74.00 HB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

David Stenner tells the story of the Moroccan activists who managed to sway world opinion against the French and Spanish colonial authorities to gain independence, and in so doing illustrates how they contributed to the formation of international relations during the early Cold War.

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Gu Hongming’s Eccentric Chinese Odyssey Chunmei Du

Encounters with Asia March 2019 296pp 9780812251203 £58.00 HB


This is the first study in English of Gu Hongming, both the individual and the public cultural figure. It examines the controversial scholar’s intellectual and psychological journeys in new global contexts whilst shedding light on the contested notion of authenticity within the Chinese diaspora and the psychological impact of colonialism.

History in Financial Times Amin Samman

Currencies: New Thinking for Financial Times May 2019 232pp 9781503609457 £19.99 PB 9781503608900 £70.00 HB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

Critical theorists of economy tend to understand the history of market society as a succession of distinct stages. Pushing beyond linear accounts of economic history, author Samman instead argues in History in Financial Times that the past continually circulates through and shapes the present in unexpected ways.

History in the Age of Abundance?

How the Web Is Transforming Historical Research Ian Milligan April 2019 312pp 9780773556973 £25.99 PB 9780773556966 £99.00 HB


A wake-up call for historians of the twenty-first century, this book is an essential introduction to the way web archives work, what possibilities they open up, what risks they entail, and what the shift to digital information means for historians, their professional training and organization, and society as a whole.

Hope and History

A Memoir of Tumultuous Times William J. vanden Heuvel Foreword by Douglas Brinkley May 2019 296pp 21 b&w halftones 9781501738173 £22.99 HB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS

Hope and History is both a memoir and a call-to-action for the renewal of faith in democracy and America. US Ambassador William J. vanden Heuvel presents his most important public speeches and writings, compiled and presented over eight decades of adventure and public service.

Hunters on the Track

Inventing Exoticism

June 2019 536pp 9780773552838 £33.00 HB

Material Texts May 2019 448pp 24 color, 179 b/w illus. 9780812290349 £55.00 NIP

Fordham Series in Medieval Studies April 2019 304pp 9780823284146 £45.00 HB

Loving Justice

William Penny and the Search for Franklin W. Gillies Ross MCGILL-QUEEN’S UNIVERSITY PRESS

Using primary sources, notably private journals from each of the expeditions, this book describes and analyzes the efforts made by the William Penny to locate Franklin’s missing expedition, placing him at the forefront of a critical chapter of maritime history and the geographical exploration that began after Franklin disappeared.

Liberty’s Prisoners

Carceral Culture in Early America Jen Manion

Early American Studies May 2019 296pp 10 illus. 9780812224375 £20.99 NIP


Liberty’s Prisoners is the first book to bring to life the experience of African American, immigrant, and poor white women imprisoned in early America. Manion chronicles how the penitentiary quickly became a repository for those who attempted to lay claim to the new nation’s promise of liberty.

Geography, Globalism, and Europe’s Early Modern World Benjamin Schmidt


Inventing Exoticism draws on a vast range of sources to describe the energetic and sustained international engagements that gave birth to our modern conceptions of exoticism and globalism. Schmidt shows how Europeans came to see and understand the world at an especially critical juncture of imperial imagination.

Legal Emotions in William Blackstone’s England Kathryn D. Temple

June 2019 280pp 9781479895274 £37.00 HB NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS

Most legal historians regard William Blackstone’s masterpiece Commentaries on the Laws of England (1765–1769) as a brilliant application of Enlightenment reasoning to English legal history. Loving Justice contends that Blackstone’s work extends beyond making sense of English law to invoke emotions such as desire, disgust, sadness, embarrassment, terror, tenderness, and happiness.

King Alfonso VIII of Castile

Land Wars

Government, Family, and War Edited by Damian J. Smith, Kyle C. Lincoln & Miguel Gómez

The Story of China’s Agrarian Revolution Brian J. DeMare


This book brings together a diverse group of scholars whose work concerns the events and challenges of the reign of Alfonso VIII of Castile, the Spanish King whose kingdom was at the epicenter of many of the most dramatic events of the era and reflected its challenging dynamics.


Mackenzie King in the Age of the Dictators

Making a World after Empire

Canada’s Imperial and Foreign Policies Roy MacLaren April 2019 360pp 9780773557147 £27.99 HB


MacLaren leads readers through the political labyrinth that led to Canada’s involvement in the Second World War and its awakening as a forceful nation on the world stage. A focused view of an important period in Canadian history, this book shows Canada under King’s cautious eye and ultimately ineffective guiding hand.

June 2019 240pp 9781503609518 £18.99 PB 9781503608498 £66.00 HB

Uniquely weaving narrative and historical accounts, DeMare draws on new archival research to offer an updated and comprehensive history of Mao Zedong’s land reform campaigns. This corrective retelling ultimately sheds new light on the contemporary legacy of land reform, fraught with inequality and resentment, but also hope.

The Bandung Moment and Its Political Afterlives Edited by Christopher J. Lee, Foreword by Vijay Prashad, Preface by Christopher J. Lee

Research in International Studies, Global and Comparative Studies May 2019 436pp 9780896803220 £25.99 PB OHIO UNIVERSITY PRESS

In April 1955, 29 countries from Africa, Asia, and the Middle East came together for a diplomatic conference in Bandung, Indonesia, intending to define the direction of the postcolonial world. The essays collected here explore the diverse repercussions of this event.

Making Space for the Dead Catacombs, Cemeteries, and the Reimagining of Paris, 1780–1830 Erin-Marie Legacey

April 2019 228pp 16 b&w halftones, 1 map 9781501715594 £28.99 HB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS

Making Space for the Dead describes how revolutionaries during the French Revolution placed the dead at the center of their republican project of radical reinvention of French society, envisioning a future where graveyards would do more than safely contain human remains - they would serve to educate and inspire the living.

Military Education and the British Empire, 1815–1949 Edited by Douglas E. Delaney, Robert C. Engen & Meghan Fitzpatrick

March 2019 268pp 19 b&w photos, 6 tables, 3 charts 9780774837545 £31.00 NIP UBC Press

The first major scholarly work to address the role of military education in maintaining the empire throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Bringing together the top scholars on the subject, this book places distinct national narratives – Canadian, Australian, South African, British, and Indian – within a comparative context.

Nothing to Write Home About

British Family Correspondence and the Settler Colonial Everyday in British Columbia Laura Ishiguro March 2019 372pp 9780774838436 £74.00 HB UBC PRESS

This book uncovers the significance of British family correspondence sent between the United Kingdom and British Columbia between 1858 and 1914. Ishiguro draws on thousands of letter to highlight the critical role they played in laying the foundations of a powerful settler order that continues to structure the province today.

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Paradise Destroyed

Material Texts June 2019 272pp 6 illus. 9780812251296 £54.00 HB

France Overseas: Studies in Empire and Decolonization June 2019 324pp 3 photographs, 9 illustrations, 5 maps, 15 graphs 9781496213921 £27.99 NIP

Fallon charts the striking rise, at the turn of the seventeenth century, of a new species of textual being: the serial, semi- fictional persona. In seeking to understand the phenomenon of “paper monsters”, Fallon looks to the rapid expansion of the London book trade in the years of their ascendancy.

Townsend Lectures Series/Cornell Studies in Classical Philology April 2019 208pp 10 b&w halftones 9781501735110 £19.99 NIP CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS

Was religious practice in ancient Rome cultic and hostile to individual expression? Or was there considerable latitude for individual initiative and creativity? Jörg Rüpke, a world leading authority on Roman religion, demonstrates that it was a lived religion with individual appropriations evident at the heart of such rituals as praying, dedicating, making vows, and reading.


Paper Monsters


Lived Religion and the Individual in Ancient Rome Jörg Rüpke

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Persona and Literary Culture in Elizabethan England Samuel Fallon

On Roman Religion

Catastrophe and Citizenship in the French Caribbean Christopher M. Church


Explores the impact of natural and man-made disasters in the turn-ofthe-century French Caribbean, examining the social, economic, and political implications of shared citizenship in times of civil unrest. Church shows how France’s “old colonies” laid claim to a definition of tropical French-ness amid the sociopolitical and cultural struggles.

Political Survivors

The Resistance, the Cold War, and the Fight against Concentration Camps after 1945 Emma Kuby March 2019 312pp 9781501732799 £25.99 HB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS

In 1949, as Cold War tensions in Europe mounted, former Buchenwald inmate David Rousset called upon fellow concentration camp survivors to denounce the Soviet Gulag as a “hallucinatory repetition” of Nazi Germany’s most terrible crime. In Political Survivors, Emma Kuby tells the riveting story of what followed his appeal.

Poppies, Politics, and Power

Afghanistan and the Global History of Drugs and Diplomacy James Tharin Bradford

June 2019 300pp 8 b&w halftones, 1 map, 1 chart 9781501739767 £21.99 PB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS

Historians have long neglected Afghanistan’s broader history when portraying the opium industry. But in Poppies, Politics, and Power, James Tharin Bradford rebalances the discourse, showing that it is not the past forty years of lawlessness that makes the opium industry what it is, but the sheer breadth of the 20thcentury Afghanistan experience.

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Presumed Criminal

Black Youth and the Justice System in Postwar New York Carl Suddler July 2019 256pp 9781479847624 £37.00 HB NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS

A stark disparity exists between black and white youth experiences in the justice system today. Black youths are perceived to be older and less innocent than their white peers. This book brings to light a much longer history of the policies and strategies that tethered the lives of black youths to the justice system indefinitely.

Properties of Empire

Indians, Colonists, and Land Speculators on the New England Frontier Ian Saxine

Early American Places April 2019 320pp 9781479832125 £27.99 HB NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS

Properties of Empire is a fascinating history of a contested frontier, where struggles over landownership brought Native Americans and English colonists together in surprising ways to preserve Indigenous territory. Author Iane Saxine shows how so many colonists came to believe their prosperity depended on acknowledging Indigenous land rights.

Race, Nation, History

Anglo-German Thought in the Victorian Era Oded Y. Steinberg

Intellectual History of the Modern Age June 2019 296pp 9780812251371 £54.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS

Steinberg examines the way a series of nineteenth-century scholars in England and Germany first constructed and then questioned the periodization of history into ancient, medieval, and modern eras, shaping the way we continue to think about the past and present of Western civilization at a fundamental level.


The Black Imagemakers Who Reimagined African American Citizenship Brenna Wynn Greer

American Business, Politics, and Society June 2019 336pp 61 illus. 9780812251432 £27.99 HB UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS

Represented argues that visualizing African Americans as exemplary citizens was not only good politics but also good business and reminds us that the path to civil rights involved commercial endeavors as well as activism. Greer chronicles how capitalists made the market work for racial progress on their way to making money.

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Scandal in the Parish

Priests and Parishioners Behaving Badly in Eighteenth-Century France Karen E. Carter

McGill-Queen’s Studies in the History of Religion May 2019 328pp 9780773556614 £25.99 PB 9780773556607 £99.00 HB MCGILL-QUEEN’S UNIVERSITY PRESS

In fascinating detail, Carter considers French lay people’s relationship with their parish curé in an engaging venture into the world of the parish that highlights the centrality of the priest-parishioner relationship and revealing the attitudes and practices of ordinary people who were active agents in their religious and spiritual lives.

Scripture, Skepticism, and the Character of God The Theology of Henry Mansel Dane Neufeld

June 2019 336pp 9780773557505 £91.00 HB


Neufeld explores the life and thought of the now forgotten nineteenthcentury theologian, Henry Mansel. Examining the ideological differences between this philosopher and his contemporaries, Neufeld makes a case for the coherence of Mansel’s position and traces the vestiges of his thought through the generations that followed him.

Smugglers, Pirates, and Patriots

Smyllie’s Ireland

Early American Studies June 2019 368pp 15 illus. 9780812251388 £37.00 HB

Irish Culture, Memory, Place June 2019 224pp 9780253041241 £27.99 PB 9780253041234 £70.00 HB

Free Trade in the Age of Revolution Tyson Reeder


This book delineates the differences between the British and Portuguese Empires in their approaches to tumult during the Age of Revolution, contending with those who sought to trade outside the confines of imperial law. Reeder shows how Brazil and the United States became fellow slave powers rather than fellow republics.

Protestants, Independence, and the Man Who Ran the Irish Times Caleb Wood Richardson


As Irish republicans sought to rid the country of British influence in the early 20th century, the influential Irish Times editor R. M. Smyllie navigated the painful experience of being made to feel an outsider in his own homeland. In this title Richardson offers a way of seeing Smyllie as representative of the larger Anglo-Irish experience.

Statecraft by Stealth

Secret Intelligence and British Rule in Palestine Steven B. Wagner July 2019 342pp 3 b&w halftones, 3 maps, 2 charts 9781501736476 £33.00 HB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS

Britain relied upon secret intelligence operations to rule Mandatory Palestine. Emphasizing the role of the Anglo-Zionist partnership, which began during World War I and ended in 1939, Statecraft by Stealth sheds light on a time in history when the murky triad of intelligence, policy, and security supported colonial governance.

The Image of Elizabeth I in Early Modern Spain

Edited by Eduardo Olid Guerrero & Esther Fernández Foreword by Susan Doran

New Hispanisms March 2019 420pp 29 illus., index 9781496208446 £54.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESS

Explores the many representations of Elizabeth I and their impact on the Spanish collective imagination. This edited volume revives and questions these images of Elizabeth I as a means of exploring how her persona has shaped the ways in which we understand Anglo-Spanish relations during this critical era.

The Disaffected

The Dutch Moment

Britain’s Occupation of Philadelphia During the American Revolution Aaron Sullivan Early American Studies

War, Trade, and Settlement in the Seventeenth-Century Atlantic World Wim Klooster



May 2019 328pp 7 illus. 9780812251265 £33.00 HB

June 2019 432pp 7 halftones, 4 maps, 5 tables 9781501735868 £19.99 NIP

In The Disaffected, Sullivan explores the British occupation of Philadelphia to chronicle the experiences of a group of people who were pursued, pressured, and, at times, persecuted, not because they chose the wrong side of the Revolution, but because they tried not to choose a side at all.

In The Dutch Moment, author Wim Klooster shows how the Dutch built and eventually lost an Atlantic empire that stretched from the homeland in the United Provinces to the Hudson River and from Brazil and the Caribbean to the African Gold Coast.

The Kindertransport

The Moral Witness

Contesting Memory Jennifer Craig-Norton

Studies in Antisemitism August 2019 360pp 9780253042217 £33.00 PB 9780253042200 £74.00 HB INDIANA UNIVERSITY PRESS

In this book Craig-Norton sets out to challenge celebratory narratives of the Kindertransport that have dominated popular memory as well as literature on the subject. She reveals that many children experienced difficulties with settlement: they were treated inconsistently by refugee agencies and their caregivers had a variety of motives for taking them in.

Trials and Testimony after Genocide Carolyn J. Dean

Corpus Juris: The Humanities in Politics and Law April 2019 276pp 7 b&w halftones 9781501735073 £18.99 PB 9781501735066 £79.00 HB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS

The Moral Witness is the first cultural history of the “witness to genocide” in the West. Carolyn J. Dean shows how the witness became a protagonist of twentieth-century moral culture by tracing the emergence of this figure in courtroom battles from the 1920s to the 1960s.

The Empire on the Western Front The British 62nd and Canadian 4th Divisions in Battle Geoffrey Jackson

Studies in Canadian Military History February 2019 378pp 11 b&w photos, 11 maps 9780774860147 £79.00 HB UBC PRESS

In August 1914, Great Britain and its dominions were faced with the formidable challenge of transforming masses of untrained citizen-soldiers into competent, coordinated fighting divisions. Focuses on the development of two such divisions to show how the British Expeditionary Force rose to this challenge.

The Paradox of Ukrainian Lviv

A Borderland City between Stalinists, Nazis, and Nationalists Tarik Cyril Amar July 2019 368pp 14 halftones 9781501735806 £20.99 NIP CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS

In The Paradox of Ukrainian Lviv, author Tarik Cyril Amar reveals the local and transnational forces behind the 20th-century transformation of one of East Central Europe’s most important multiethnic borderland cities into a Soviet and Ukrainian urban center.

The Revolution from Within

Cuba, 1959–1980 Edited by Michael J. Bustamante & Jennifer L. Lambe March 2019 344pp 21 illustrations 9781478002963 £21.99 PB 9781478001706 £87.00 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS

Drawing on previously unexamined archives, the contributors to The Revolution from Within examine the Cuban Revolution from a Cuba-centric perspective by foregrounding the experience of everyday Cubans in analyses of topics ranging from agrarian reform and fashion to dance and the Mariel Boatlift.

The Strange Careers of the Jim Crow North

Segregation and Struggle outside of the South Edited by Brian Purnell With Komozi Woodard & Jeanne Theoharis

April 2019 352pp 9781479820337 £23.99 PB 9781479801312 £74.00 HB NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS

An inquiry into the system of institutionalized racism created by Northern Jim Crow. Liberalism, rather than lighting the way to vanquish the darkness of the Jim Crow North gave racism new and complex places to hide. The 12 essays in this anthology unveil Jim Crow’s many strange careers in the North.

The Scholems

A Story of the German-Jewish Bourgeoisie from Emancipation to Destruction Jay Howard Geller

March 2019 344pp 26 b&w halftones, 1 map 9781501731563 £23.99 HB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS

The evocative and riveting stories of four brothers—Gershom the Zionist, Werner the Communist, Reinhold the nationalist, and Erich the liberal— weave together in The Scholems, a biography of an eminent middle-class Jewish Berlin family and a social history of the Jews in Germany in the decades leading up to World War II.

The White Lotus War

Rebellion and Suppression in Late Imperial China Yingcong Dai

June 2019 616pp 1 chart, 9 tables, 14 maps 9780295745459 £50.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON PRESS

The White Lotus War in central China marked the end of the Qing dynasty’s golden age and the fatal weakening of the imperial system itself. Acomprehensive investigation by Yingcong Dai which reveals that the White Lotus rebels would have remained a relatively minor threat, if not for the Qing’s ill-managed response.

The Spanish Caribbean and the Atlantic World in the Long Sixteenth Century Edited by Ida Altman & David Wheat

June 2019 336pp 9780803299573 £33.00 PB


The Spanish Caribbean and the Atlantic World in the Long Sixteenth Century breaks new ground in articulating the early Spanish Caribbean as a distinct and diverse group of colonies loosely united under Spanish rule for roughly a century prior to the establishment of other European colonies.

Thinking in Public

Strauss, Levinas, Arendt Benjamin Aldes Wurgaft

Intellectual History of the Modern Age May 2019 312pp 9780812224344 £21.99 NIP UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS

Thinking in Public examines the ambivalence that the ideas of “the public” and “the intellectual” provoked in the generation of European Jewish thinkers born around 1900. By comparing their lives and works of Arendt, Levinas, and Strauss, Wurgaft offers a strikingly new perspective on the relationship between philosophers and politics.

The Stonewall Riots

A Documentary History Marc Stein

May 2019 352pp 9781479816859 £27.99 PB 9781479858286 £82.00 HB NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS

June 28, 1969, Greenwich Village: the NYPD, fueled by bigoted liquor licensing practices and a backdrop of homophobia and transphobia, raided the neighborhood gay bar Stonewall Inn. Published on the event’s 50th anniversary, The Stonewall Riots explains how LGBTQ life has changed in the US, and how it has stayed the same.

Thought Crime

Ideology and State Power in Interwar Japan Max M. Ward

Asia-Pacific: Culture, Politics, and Society March 2019 312pp 11 illustrations 9781478001652 £20.99 PB 9781478001317 £83.00 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS

Max Ward explores the Japanese state’s efforts to suppress political radicalism in the 1920s and 1930s through the enforcement of what it called thought crime, providing a window into understanding how modern states develop ideological apparatuses to subject their respective populations.

Cover image


Times Square Red, Times Square Blue

Translating Nature

Sexual Cultures June 2019 240pp 9781479827770 £19.99 PB 9781479887361 £74.00 HB

The Early Modern Americas April 2019 400pp 36 illus. 9780812250930 £45.00 HB

Unmooring the Komagata Maru

Vichy France and the Jews

20th Anniversary Edition Robert F. Reid-Pharr & Samuel R. Delany


This is the 20th anniversary edition of the landmark book that cataloged a vibrant but disappearing neighborhood in New York City. It includes a new foreword by Robert Reid-Pharr that traces the importance and continued resonances of Samuel R. Delany’s groundbreaking Times Square Red, Times Square Blue.

Charting Colonial Trajectories Edited by Rita Dhamoon, Davina Bhandar, Renisa Mawani & Satwinder Kaur Bains

June 2019 316pp 6 b&w photos, 1 map 9780774860659 £74.00 HB UBC PRESS

In 1914, the SS Komagata Maru arrived in Vancouver Harbour and was detained for two months. Most of itspassengers were forcibly returned to India. This book challenges conventional Canadian historical accounts by considering the international colonial dimensions of the incident. A century later, the voyage has yet to reach its conclusion.

Cross-Cultural Histories of Early Modern Science Edited by Jaime Marroquin Arredondo & Ralph Bauer


In Translating Nature, the contributors recasts the era of early modern science as an age not of discovery but of translation. The essays in this volume explore the crucial role that the translation of philosophical and epistemological ideas played in European scientific exchanges with American Indians.

Updated Edition Michael R. Marrus & Robert O. Paxton

August 2019 392pp 9781503609815 £23.99 PB 9781503609808 £74.00 HB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

When Vichy France and the Jews was first published in France in 1981, the reaction was explosive. This new edition integrates over thirty years of subsequent scholarship, and incorporates research on French public opinion and the diversity of responses by French civilians to the campaign of persecution they witnessed around them.


Students’ Rights and Racial Justice in the Long 1960s Kathryn Schumaker July 2019 288pp 9781479875139 £37.00 HB NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS

In the late 1960s, protests led by students roiled high schools across the country. Troublemakers traces the history of black and Chicano student protests, showcasing the stories of individual protesters and demonstrating how their actions contributed to the eventual recognition of the constitutional rights of all students.

Whose Bosnia?

Nationalism and Political Imagination in the Balkans, 1840–1914 Edin Hajdarpasic April 2019 288pp 11 halftones, 3 maps 9781501735813 £21.99 NIP CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS

As the site of the assassination that triggered WWI and the place where the term “ethnic cleansing” was invented during the Yugoslav Wars of the 1990s, Bosnia has become a symbol of nationalist conflict and ethnic division. Whose Bosnia? reveals the political pressures and arguments that made this land a prime target of escalating nationalist activity.

Unlikely Heroes

The Place of Holocaust Rescuers in Research and Teaching Edited by Ari Kohen & Gerald J. Steinacher

Contemporary Holocaust Studies May 2019 270pp 19 photos, 2 maps, 1 table, index 9781496208927 £23.99 PB UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESS

Stories of rescuers occupy a prominent space in Holocaust teaching, even though they constituted less than 1 percent of the population in Nazioccupied Europe. Unlikely Heroes traces the evolution of the humanitarian hero, looking at the ways in which the efforts of individual rescuers and humanitarian organizations have been treated.

Writing the Lives of the English Poor, 1750s-1830s Steven King

States, People, and the History of Social Change February 2019 480pp 9780773556492 £27.99 PB 9780773556485 £99.00 HB MCGILL-QUEEN’S UNIVERSITY PRESS

King reveals colourful stories of poor people and the officials with whom they engaged during the 1750s-1830s. At a time when the western European welfare model is under sustained threat, this book takes us back to its deepest roots to demonstrate that the signature of a strong welfare system is malleability.

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