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Acts of Care
Recovering Women in Late Medieval Health Sara Ritchey
In Acts of Care, Sara Ritchey recovers women's healthcare work by iden�fying previously overlooked tools of care: healing prayers, birthing indulgences, medical blessings, liturgical images, and peniten�al prac�ces. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS March 2021 11 b&w hal�ones, 1 map 330pp 9781501758324 £16.99 PB now £11.89
Bernard of Clairvaux An Inner Life Brian Patrick McGuire
A portrait of one of the most consequen�al men of the Middle Ages; shows what brought Bernard to monas�c life, how he founded Clairvaux Abbey, established a network of Cistercian monasteries across Europe, and intervened on behalf of his brethren monks and abbots, as well as in heresy trials, affairs of state, and the papal schism of 1130. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS October 2020 2 maps, 1 fron�spiec 376pp 9781501751042 £28.99 HB now £20.29
Celebrating Sorrow
Medieval Tributes to "The Tale of Sagoromo" Edited and translated by Charo B. D’Etcheverry
Celebra�ng Sorrow explores the medieval Japanese fascina�on with grief in tributes to The Tale of Sagoromo, the classic story of a young man whose unrequited love for his foster sister leads him into a succession of roman�c tragedies as he rises to the imperial throne. Charo B. D'Etcheverry translates a selec�on of Sagoromo-themed works, highligh�ng the diversity of medieval Japanese crea�ve prac�ce. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS August 2022 3 charts 156pp 9781501764776 £34.00 HB now £23.80
Forged in the Shadow of Mars
Chivalry and Violence in Late Medieval Florence Peter W. Sposato
Peter W. Sposato traces chivalry's powerful influence on the mentalitè and behavior of a sizeable segment of the elite in late medieval Florence. He finds that the strenuous knights and men-at-arms of the Floren�ne chivalric elite—a cultural community comprised of men from both tradi�onal and newly emerged elite lineages—embraced a chivalric ideology that was fundamentally mar�al and violent. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS March 2022 2 b&w hal�ones 246pp 9781501761898 £43.00 HB now £30.10
Invisible Weapons
Liturgy and the Making of Crusade Ideology M. Cecilia Gaposchkin
M. Cecilia Gaposchkin focuses on the ways in which La�n Chris�ans communicated their ideas and aspira�ons for crusade to God through liturgy, how public worship was deployed, and how prayers and masses absorbed the ideals and priori�es of crusading. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS April 2021 17 b&w hal�ones 378pp 9781501755286 £24.99 PB now £17.49
Living by the Sword
Weapons and Material Culture in France and Britain, 600– 1600 Kristen Brooke Neuschel
Draws on diverse sources from archaeology, military and social history, literature, and material culture studies to inspire students and educated lay readers (including collectors and reenactors) to stretch the boundaries of what they know as the "war and culture" genre. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS November 2020 18 b&w hal�ones, 4 color plates 240pp 9781501753336 £108.00 HB now £75.60
Medieval Song from Aristotle to Opera Sarah Kay
Focusing on songs by the troubadours and trouvères from the twel�h to the fourteenth centuries, Medieval Song from Aristotle to Opera contends that song is not best analyzed as "words plus music" but rather as a dis�nc�ve way of sounding words. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS July 2022 20 b&w hal�ones, 18 color hal�ones 296pp 9781501763885 £39.00 HB now £27.30
Obscene Pedagogies
Transgressive Talk and Sexual Education in Late Medieval Britain Carissa M. Harris
In Obscene Pedagogies, Carissa M. Harris inves�gates the rela�onship between obscenity, gender, and pedagogy in Middle English and Middle Scots literary texts from 1300 to 1580 to show how sexually explicit and defiantly vulgar speech taught readers and listeners about sexual behavior and consent. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS April 2021 306pp 9781501755293 £20.99 PB now £14.69
Souls under Siege
Stories of War, Plague, and Confession in FourteenthCentury Provence Nicole Archambeau
In Souls under Siege, Nicole Archambeau explores how the inhabitants of southern France made sense of the ravages of successive waves of plague, the depreda�ons of mercenary warfare, and the violence of royal succession during the fourteenth century. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS April 2021 4 b&w hal�ones, 2 maps 282pp 9781501753664 £43.00 HB now £30.10
Standing on Holy Ground in the Middle Ages Lucy Donkin
Standing on Holy Ground in the Middle Ages illuminates how the floor surface shaped the ways in which people in medieval western Europe and beyond experienced sacred spaces. The ground beneath our feet plays a crucial, yet o�en overlooked, role in our rela�onship with the environments we inhabit and the spaces with which we interact. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS February 2022 4 b&w hal�ones, 76 color hal�ones, 4 b&w line drawings 504pp 9781501751127 £60.00 HB now £42.00
Stolen Song
How the Troubadours Became French Eliza Zingesser
Stolen Song documents the act of cultural appropria�on that created a founding moment for French literary history: the rescrip�ng and domes�ca�on of troubadour song, a pres�ge corpus in the European sphere, as French. This book also documents the simultaneous crea�on of an alterna�ve point of origin for French literary history—a body of faux-archaic Occitanizing songs. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS March 2020 10 b&w hal�ones 258pp 9781501747571 £28.99 HB now £20.29
The Deeds of Philip Augustus
An English Translation of Rigord's "Gesta Philippi Augusti" Rigord Translated by Larry F. Field Edited by M. Cecilia Gaposchkin & Sean L. Field Foreword by Paul R. Hyams
The first full English transla�on of Rigord's Gesta Philippi Augus�, The Deeds of Philip Augustus makes available to Anglophone readers the most important narra�ve account of the reign of King Philip II of France (r. 1180–1223), a cri�cal source about this pivotal figure in the development of the medieval French monarchy and an intriguing window into many aspects of the broader twel�h century. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS June 2022 14 color hal�ones, 4 maps, 1 chart 208pp 9781501763151 £18.99 PB now £13.29
The Erotics of Grief
Emotions and the Construction of Privilege in the Medieval Mediterranean Megan Moore
The Ero�cs of Grief considers how emo�ons propagate power by exploring whose lives are grieved and what kinds of grief are valuable within and ero�cized by medieval narra�ves. Megan Moore argues that grief is not only rou�nely ero�cized in medieval literature but that it is a founda�onal emo�on of medieval elite culture. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS September 2021 5 b&w hal�ones, 2 charts 204pp 9781501758393 £43.00 HB now £30.10
The Keys to Bread and Wine
Faith, Nature, and Infrastructure in Late Medieval Valencia Abigail Agresta
How did medieval people think about the environments in which they lived? In a world shaped by God, how did they treat environments marked by religious difference? The Keys to Bread and Wine explores the answers to these ques�ons in Valencia in the later Middle Ages. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS July 2022 6 maps, 1 graph 282pp 9781501764172 £49.00 HB now £34.30
Blog Post: A Conversation with Mahinder Kingra Scan the QR code to read the post online:
The Medieval Economy of Salvation Charity, Commerce, and the Rise of the Hospital Adam J. Davis
In The Medieval Economy of Salva�on, Adam J. Davis shows how the burgeoning commercial economy of western Europe in the twel�h and thirteenth centuries, alongside an emerging culture of Chris�an charity, led to the establishment of hundreds of hospitals and leper houses. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS April 2021 5 b&w hal�ones, 1 map 336pp 9781501755248 £22.99 PB now £16.09
Trafficking with Demons
Magic, Ritual, and Gender from Late Antiquity to 1000 Martha Rampton
Trafficking with Demons explores how magic was perceived, prac�ced, and prohibited in western Europe during the first millennium CE. Through the overlapping frameworks of religion, ritual, and gender, Martha Rampton connects early Chris�an reckonings with pagan magic to later doctrines and dogmas. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS January 2022 480pp 9781501702686 £56.00 HB now £39.20
Where Three Worlds Met
Sicily in the Early Medieval Mediterranean Sarah Davis-Secord
Inves�gates Sicily's place within the religious, diploma�c, military, commercial, and intellectual networks of the Mediterranean by tracing the pa�erns of travel, trade, and communica�on among Chris�ans (La�n and Greek), Muslims, and Jews. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS September 2020 318pp 9781501752162 £22.99 PB now £16.09
World of Echo
Noise and Knowing in Late Medieval England Adin E. Lears
Examines a range of literary genres to highlight the poe�c and social effects of adop�ng the concept of noise as a mode of lay understanding grounded in the body and the senses. With close readings of works by Chaucer and Langland, and the mys�cs Richard Rolle and Margery Kempe. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS September 2020 6 b&w hal�ones 248pp 9781501749605 £42.00 HB now £29.40
Witchcraft in Russia and Ukraine, 1000– 1900 A Sourcebook Edited by Valerie A. Kivelson & Christine D. Worobec
Provides the first systema�c overview of witchcra� laws and trials in Russia and Ukraine from medieval �mes to the late nineteenth century. Witchcra� in Russia and Ukraine weaves scholarly commentary with never before published primary source materials translated from Polish, Russian, and Ukrainian. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: NIU Series in Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies November 2020 13 b&w hal�ones, 2 maps 540pp 9781501750656 £26.99 PB now £18.89
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Medieval Societies, Religions, and Cultures from Cornell University Press With the intention of fostering the best historical scholarship that focuses on the medieval past as multidimensional, the new series Medieval Societies, Religions, and Cultures (MSRC) published by Cornell University Press will prioritize work that investigates the profound interconnectedness of religions, politics, cultures, social lives and contexts, ideologies, and materialities that shaped the human experience between 300 and 1500. As a way of framing new narratives of the past, series editors Cecilia Gaposchkin and Anne Lester will seek out and cultivate scholarship that breaks new historical ground by highlighting these relationships and that foregrounds links across methodological, disciplinary, evidentiary, and geographical divides. By cultivating a collection of books that define the period and place of the Middle Ages in broad, interdisciplinary, and multi-confessional terms, we would also be responding to, and taking part in, changes in the field exemplified by new work and critical questions related to the study of gender, race, global history, religious difference and hybridity, migration and mobility as agents of change, and a new interest in class and the material past. The series will be committed to the study of a new Middle Ages, one vibrant in its diversity, vigorous in its lived depth, and vital in its methodological engagements to shaping the discipline of history. Series Editors:
Acquiring Editor:
M. Cecilia Gaposchkin ( & Anne E. Lester (
Mahinder Kingra
Dynasties Intertwined
The Zirids of Ifriqiya and the Normans of Sicily Matt King
Traces the turbulent rela�onship between the Zirids of Ifriqiya and the Normans of Sicily during the eleventh and twel�h centuries. In doing so, it reveals the complex web of economic, poli�cal, cultural, and military connec�ons that linked the two dynas�es to each other and to other poli�es across the medieval Mediterranean. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Medieval Socie�es, Religions, and Cultures May 2022 2 b&w hal�ones, 4 maps 252pp 9781501763465 £47.00 HB now £32.90
Forthcoming: The Mystical Presence of Christ
The Exceptional and the Ordinary in Late Medieval Religion Richard Kieckhefer September 2022 4 b&w hal�ones 382pp 9781501765117
Pastoral Care and Community in Late Medieval Germany Albert of Diessen’s “Mirror of Priests” Deeana Copeland Klepper
December 2022 23 b&w hal�ones, 4 maps 258pp 9781501766152
The Salvation of Israel
Jews in Christian Eschatology from Paul to the Puritans Jeremy Cohen
Inves�gates Chris�anity's eschatological Jew, the role and characteris�cs of the Jews at the end of days in the Chris�an imagina�on. It explores the depth of Chris�an ambivalence regarding these Jews, from Paul's Epistle to the Romans, through late an�quity and the Middle Ages, to the Puritans of the seventeenth century. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Medieval Socie�es, Religions, and Cultures August 2022 17 b&w hal�ones, 8 color hal�ones 344pp 9781501764721 £40.00 HB now £28.00
The Wolf King
Ibn Mardanish and the Construction of Power in al-Andalus Abigail Krasner Balbale January 2023 64 b&w hal�ones, 4 maps, 1 chart 342pp 9781501765872
To Govern Is to Serve
An Essay on Medieval Democracy Jacques Dalarun, Translated by Sean L. Field February 2023 3 b&w hal�ones 240pp 9781501768354
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Biblical Women and Jewish Daily Life in the Middle Ages Elisheva Baumgarten
Examines how medieval Jewish engagement with the Bible— especially in the tellings, retellings, and illustra�ons of stories of women—offers a window onto aspects of the daily lives and cultural mentalités of Ashkenazic Jews in the High Middle Ages. More than forty vivid medieval illumina�ons, most reproduced in color, help convey to modern readers what medieval people could have known visually about these biblical stories. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS Series: Jewish Culture and Contexts June 2022 45 illus (color throughout) 288pp 9780812253580 £43.00 HB now £30.10
Meter and Modernity in English Verse, 1350-1650 Eric Weiskott
Weisko� examines the uses and misuses of allitera�ve verse, tetrameter, and pentameter, as markers of literary �me, "medieval" or "modern," though all three were in concurrent use both before and a�er 1500. Reversing the historical perspec�ve in which scholars conven�onally view these authors, Weisko� reveals Langland to be metrically precocious and Chaucer metrically nostalgic. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS January 2021 352pp 9780812252644 £69.00 HB now £48.30
Politics of Temporalization
Medievalism and Orientalism in Nineteenth-Century South America Nadia R. Altschul Contends that the alleged existence of medievality and Moorishness in the Ibero-American archive is not due to the existence of a past that con�nues to animate the present but instead to a form of temporalizing that names aspects of the present as remnants of an imagined past. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS
The Art of Allusion
Illuminators and the Making of English Literature, 14031476 Sonja Drimmer
Featuring more than one hundred illustra�ons, 27 of them in color, The Art of Allusion amply exhibits the cri�cal role book ar�sts played in the forma�on of the English literary canon. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS Series: Material Texts June 2021 27 color, 97 b&w illus. 352pp 9780812224849 £34.00 PB now £23.80
The Invention of Shakespeare, and Other Essays Stephen Orgel
In his own �me, Shakespeare was not a monument, but a man of the theater whose plays were less finished ar�facts than works in process. This book brings together twelve essays that consider the complex nature of Shakespearean texts, which o�en include errors or confusions, and the editorial and interpre�ve strategies for dealing with them in commentary or performance. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS April 2022 7 hal�ones 192pp 9780812253740 £34.00 HB now £23.80
The Visigothic Kingdom in Iberia Construction and Invention Santiago Castellanos
Castellanos reads documents of the period that are li�le known to many Anglophone scholars, including records of church councils, sermons, and le�ers, and u�lizes archaeological findings to determine how the poli�cal system of elites related to local communi�es, and how the documenta�on they created promoted an ideological agenda. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS November 2020 8 illus. 288pp 9780812252538 £69.00 HB now £48.30
June 2020 288pp 9780812252279 £69.00 HB now £48.30
Sonic Bodies
Text, Music, and Silence in Late Medieval England Tekla Bude Starts from a simple premise—that music requires a body to perform it—to rethink the rela�onship between music, ma�er, and the body in the late medieval period. Sonic Bodies argues that writers thought of "music" and "the body" as mutually dependent and historically determined processes that called each other into being. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS Series: Sound in History March 2022 11 bw hal�ones, 1 table 280pp 9780812253702 £60.00 HB now £42.00
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The Middle Ages Series from the University of Pennsylvania Press Books in the series examine the cultures of the European Middle Ages from their centers to their margins, and from the broadest possible range of disciplinary and methodological perspectives. Series Editor:
Staff Editorial Contact:
Roland Betancourt Professor of Art History, University of California, Irvine
Jenny Tan, Associate Editor
A Medieval Life
Cecilia Penifader and the World of English Peasants Before the Plague Judith M. Bennett A history of village life told through the experiences of Cecilia Penifader, a peasant woman who lived in the early fourteenth century, the second edi�on of A Medieval Life features an en�rely revamped illustra�on program and sidebars that reveal how medieval historians are able to reconstruct the past from sca�ered evidence. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS Series: The Middle Ages Series November 2020 25 illus. 192pp 9780812224696 £21.99 PB now £15.39
A Pious Belligerence
Dialogical Warfare and the Rhetoric of Righteousness in the Crusading Near East Uri Zvi Shachar Examines one of the most contested and ideologically loaded issues in medieval history, the clash between Chris�ans, Muslims, and Jews that we call the Crusades. Ideas about holy warfare, he contends, were not shaped along sectarian lines, but were dynamically coproduced among the three religions. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS Series: The Middle Ages Series December 2021 7 illus. 320pp 9780812253337 £56.00 HB now £39.20
Balaam's Ass: Vernacular Theology Before the English Reformation
Volume 1: Frameworks, Arguments, English to 1250 Nicholas Watson A�empts the first comprehensive overview of religious wri�ng in early England's vernacular languages—Old English, Insular French, and Middle English—between the ninth and sixteenth centuries. Argues not only that these texts comprise the oldest con�nuous tradi�on of European vernacular wri�ng, but that they are essen�al to our understanding of how Chris�anity shaped and informed the lives of individuals, communi�es, and poli�es in the Middle Ages. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS Series: The Middle Ages Series May 2022 5 tables 616pp 9780812253726 £77.00 HB now £53.90
Cistercian Stories for Nuns and Monks
The Sacramental Imagination of Engelhard of Langheim Martha G. Newman Shows how Engelhard of Langheim's late twel�h-century tales about Cistercian monks illuminate the religiosity of Cistercian nuns. Engelhard's wri�ngs locate a sacramental value in everyday objects and behaviors and teach a spiritual forma�on that nuns and monks could share. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS Series: The Middle Ages Series November 2020 5 illus. 320pp 9780812252583 £52.00 HB now £36.40
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Clare of Assisi and the ThirteenthCentury Church Religious Women, Rules, and Resistance Catherine M. Mooney
In a work based on a me�culous analysis of sources, many of them previously unexplored, Catherine M. Mooney upends the received account of Clare of Assisi's founding of the Order of San Damiano, or Poor Clares. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS Series: The Middle Ages Series November 2021 3 illus. 312pp 9780812225075 £23.99 PB now £16.79
Conversion, Circumcision, and Ritual Murder in Medieval Europe Paola Tartakoff
Inspired by one fascina�ng and unusual historical case, Conversion, Circumcision, and Ritual Murder in Medieval Europe explores the ways religious conversion fueled JewishChris�an tensions. In the process, it elucidates how the interplay of fact and fantasy shaped Chris�an views of Jews as agents of Chris�an apostasy to Judaism. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS Series: The Middle Ages Series January 2020 3 illus. 304pp 9780812251876 £56.00 HB now £39.20
Cultures of Witnessing Law and the York Plays Emma Lipton
Considers the plays that were performed in the streets of York on the Feast of Corpus Chris� from the late fourteenth century un�l the third quarter of the sixteenth and shows how civic performance and the legal theory and prac�ce of witnessing promoted a shared sense of urban ci�zenship. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS Series: The Middle Ages Series May 2022 208pp 9780812253856 £56.00 HB now £39.20
Dead Voice
Law, Philosophy, and Fiction in the Iberian Middle Ages Jesús D. Rodríguez-Velasco Explores how the 13th century law code known as Siete Par�das introduced canon and ecclesias�cal law in the vernacular for explicitly secular purposes and embraced intellectual disciplines and fic�onal techniques that normally lie outside legal science. Presents case studies beyond the Siete Par�das demonstra�ng the incorpora�on of philosophical and fic�onal elements. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS Series: The Middle Ages Series January 2020 256pp 9780812251869 £60.00 HB now £42.00
Embodying the Soul
Medicine and Religion in Carolingian Europe Meg Leja Explores the possibili�es and limita�ons of human interven�on in the body's health across the ninth-century Carolingian Empire. This book argues that classical medicine was reconfigured as a sacred Chris�an art across the Carolingian Empire in the ninth century, becoming not simply a method of physical rehabilita�on but also a tool of spiritual transforma�on. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS Series: The Middle Ages Series April 2022 16 hal�ones, 2 maps 392pp 9780812253894 £77.00 HB now £53.90
From Eden to Eternity
Creations of Paradise in the Later Middle Ages Alastair Minnis Examines accounts of the origins of the human body and soul to illustrate the ways in which the schoolmen thought their way back to Eden to discover fundamental truths about humanity. Demonstrates how theologians sought certainty in ma�ers of orthodox Chris�an thought and also engaged in specula�on about ma�ers not suscep�ble to firm proof. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS Series: The Middle Ages Series December 2020 32 color illus. 384pp 9780812224658 £22.99 PB now £16.09
History and the Written Word
Documents, Literacy, and Language in the Age of the Angevins Henry Bainton Drawing on the perspec�ves of modern and medieval narratology, medieval mul�lingualism, and cultural memory, History and the Wri�en Word argues that members of an administra�ve elite demonstrated their mastery of the rules of literate poli�cal behavior by producing and consuming historywri�ng and its documents. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS Series: The Middle Ages Series January 2020 2 illus. 272pp 9780812251906 £60.00 HB now £42.00
Household Goods and Good Households in Late Medieval London Consumption and Domesticity After the Plague Katherine L. French
Household Goods and Good Households in Late Medieval London looks at how increased consump�on in the a�ermath of the Black Death reconfigured long-held gender roles and changed the domes�c lives of London's merchants and ar�sans for years to come. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS Series: The Middle Ages Series October 2021 40 hal�ones, 20 graphs, 9 tables, 2 maps 416pp 9780812253054 £56.00 HB now £39.20
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Iberian Moorings
Making Love in the Twelfth Century
In Iberian Moorings Ross Brann traces how al-Andalus and Sefarad were invested with special poli�cal, cultural, and historical significance across the Middle Ages. This is the first work to analyze the tropes of Andalusi and Sefardi excep�onalism in compara�ve perspec�ve. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS
Can the Le�ers of Two Lovers be the previously lost love le�ers of Abelard and Heloise? Making Love in the Twel�h Century presents a new literary transla�on of the collec�on, along with a full commentary and two extended essays that parse its literary and intellectual contexts and chart the course of the doomed affair. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS
Al-Andalus, Sefarad, and the Tropes of Exceptionalism Ross Brann
Series: The Middle Ages Series May 2021 240pp 9780812252880 £43.00 HB now £30.10
In the Manner of the Franks
Hunting, Kingship, and Masculinity in Early Medieval Europe Eric J. Goldberg Featuring more than sixty illustra�ons, In the Manner of the Franks traces the long history of early medieval hun�ng from the fourth through the tenth centuries. Eric J. Goldberg focuses chiefly on elite men and the changing role that hun�ng played in ar�cula�ng kingship, status, and manhood in the post-Roman world. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS Series: The Middle Ages Series October 2020 63 illus. 384pp 9780812252354 £77.00 HB now £53.90
Inventing the Berbers
History and Ideology in the Maghrib Ramzi Rouighi Examines the emergence of the Berbers as a dis�nct category in early Arabic texts and probes the ways in which later Arabic sources, shaped by contemporary events, imagined the Berbers as a people and the Maghrib as their home. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS Series: The Middle Ages Series February 2022 4 illus. 272pp 9780812225242 £24.99 PB now £17.49
Inventing William of Norwich
Thomas of Monmouth, Antisemitism, and Literary Culture, 1150–1200 Heather Blurton Offers a revisionist reading of Thomas Monmouth's account of the saint's life that contains the earliest account of a Chris�an child ritually murdered by Jews. She demonstrates how innova�ons in literary forms in the twel�h century shaped the ar�cula�on of medieval an�semi�sm. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS Series: The Middle Ages Series May 2022 3 bw hal�ones 248pp 9780812253924 £52.00 HB now £36.40
"Letters of Two Lovers" in Context Edited and translated by Barbara Newman
Series: The Middle Ages Series April 2020 392pp 9780812224665 £22.99 PB now £16.09
Medieval Badges
Their Wearers and Their Worlds Ann Marie Rasmussen Mass produced of �n-lead alloys and cheap to purchase, medieval badges were brooch-like objects displaying familiar images. Sumptuously illustrated, Medieval Badges considers all badges, whether they originated in religious or secular contexts, and highlights the ways in which badges could confer meaning and iden�ty on their wearers. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS Series: The Middle Ages Series September 2021 110 hal�ones, 3 maps, 16-page 4-color insert 312pp 9780812253207 £56.00 HB now £39.20
Poisoned Wells
Accusations, Persecution, and Minorities in Medieval Europe, 1321-1422 Tzafrir Barzilay Between 1348 and 1350, Jews throughout Europe were accused of having caused the spread of the Black Death by poisoning the wells from which the en�re popula�on drank. Poisoned Wells explains the origin of these allega�ons, how they gained popularity before and during the Black Death, and why they declined in the fi�eenth century. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS Series: The Middle Ages Series March 2022 10 maps, 2 tables 312pp 9780812253610 £60.00 HB now £42.00
Pure Filth
Ethics, Politics, and Religion in Early French Farce Noah D. Guynn Engaging with cultural history, poli�cal anthropology, and cri�cal, feminist, and queer theories, Pure Filth focuses on the overlooked and occluded content in late medieval French farce farce, arguing that apparently coarse jokes conceal finely drawn, and some�mes quite radical, perspec�ves on ethics, poli�cs, and religion. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS Series: The Middle Ages Series February 2022 2 illus. 272pp 9780812251685 £60.00 HB now £42.00
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That Most Precious Merchandise
The Corrupter of Boys
Reading notarial registers, tax records, law, merchants’ accounts, travelers’ tales and le�ers, sermons, slave-buying manuals, and literary works as well as trea�es governing the slave trade and crusade propaganda, Barker gives a rich picture of the context in which merchants traded and enslaved people met their fate in the Black Sea slave trade. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS
Dyan Ellio� demonstrates how scandal-averse policies in conjunc�on with the requirement of clerical celibacy resulted in the widespread sexual abuse of boys from late an�quity through the later Middle Ages, and argues that the same clerical preroga�ves and strategies for the cover-up of abuse remain in place today. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS
Series: The Middle Ages Series July 2022 18 illus. 328pp 9781512823660 £24.99 PB now £17.49
Series: The Middle Ages Series November 2020 448pp 9780812252521 £39.00 HB now £27.30
The Bride of Christ Goes to Hell
The Permeable Self
Following a long trajectory from late an�quity to the high Middle Ages, Dyan Ellio� offers a provoca�ve analysis of the changing religious, emo�onal, and sexual meanings of the metaphor of the sponsa Chris� and of the increasing anxiety surrounding the soma�za�on of female spirituality. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS
The Permeable Self offers medievalists new insight into the appeal and dangers of the ero�cs of pedagogy; the remarkable influence of courtly romance conven�ons on hagiography and mys�cism; and the unexpected ways that pregnancy—o�en devalued in mothers—could be posi�vely ascribed to men, virgins, and God. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS
The Mediterranean Trade in Black Sea Slaves, 1260-1500 Hannah Barker
Metaphor and Embodiment in the Lives of Pious Women, 200-1500 Dyan Elliott
Sodomy, Scandal, and the Medieval Clergy Dyan Elliott
Five Medieval Relationships Barbara Newman
Series: The Middle Ages Series October 2020 480pp 9780812224764 £28.99 PB now £20.29
Series: The Middle Ages Series September 2021 8 b/w hal�ones, 1 table 384pp 9780812253344 £60.00 HB now £42.00
The Christian Jew and the Unmarked Jewess
Thou Art the Man
The Polemics of Sameness in Medieval English AntiJudaism Adrienne Williams Boyarin
Focuses on how medieval Chris�ans could iden�fy with Jews and even think of themselves as Jewish—posi�vely or nega�vely, historically or figurally. Iden�fies and explores polemics of sameness through a broad range of theological, historical, and literary works from medieval England. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS Series: The Middle Ages Series November 2020 12 illus. 352pp 9780812252590 £69.00 HB now £48.30
The Clerical Proletariat and the Resurgence of Medieval English Poetry Kathryn Kerby-Fulton
The first study of the poe�cs of voca�onal crisis in Langland, Hoccleve, and Audelay, and many una�ributed works, The Clerical Proletariat and the Resurgence of Medieval English Poetry discusses class, meritocracy, the gig economy, precarity, and the breaking intellectual elites, speaking to both past and present employment urgencies. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS Series: The Middle Ages Series May 2021 54 hal�ones 432pp 9780812252637 £77.00 HB now £53.90
The Masculinity of David in the Christian and Jewish Middle Ages Ruth Mazo Karras Exploring the different configura�ons of David in biblical and Talmudic commentaries, in La�n, Hebrew, and vernacular literatures across Europe, in liturgy, and in the visual arts, Ruth Mazo Karras offers a rich case study of how ideas and ideals of masculinity could bend to support a variety of purposes within and across medieval cultures. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS Series: The Middle Ages Series April 2021 28 hal�ones 368pp 9780812253023 £52.00 HB now £36.40
Uncertain Refuge
Sanctuary in the Literature of Medieval England Elizabeth Allen Medieval felons could take sanctuary from prosecu�on in any church, but far from sta�c refuge, sanctuary staged dynamic ac�on, even violence. While sanctuary has usually been analyzed as part of legal history, in Uncertain Refuge Elizabeth Allen explores the symbolic consequences of sanctuary seeking in English literary works. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS Series: The Middle Ages Series October 2021 10 hal�ones 376pp 9780812253443 £52.00 HB now £36.40
Discount Code: CSF22IMC
Journals from the University of Pennsylvania Press Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft A rigorously peer-reviewed scholarly journal, Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft draws from a broad spectrum of perspectives, methods, and disciplines, offering the widest possible geographical scope and chronological range, from prehistory to the modern era and from the Old World to the New. In addition to original research, the journal features book reviews, editorials, and lists of newly published work.
Volume 16, Number 3, Fall 2021 available now The journal continually accepts submissions. If you have an a idea for a special issue, review essay, or book forum, please contact any of the editors; Claire Fanger,, Michael Ostling, or Laurel Zwissler
Manuscript Studies Manuscript Studies is a new journal that embraces the full complexity of global manuscript studies in the digital age. It has been conceived with four main goals in mind. First, to bridge the gaps between material and digital manuscript research; second, to break down the walls which often separate print and digital publication and serve as barriers between academics, professionals in the cultural heritage field, and citizen scholars; third, to serve as a forum for scholarship encompassing many pre-modern manuscripts cultures—not just those of Europe; and finally to showcase methods and techniques of analysis in manuscript studies that can be applied across different subject areas.
Volume 7.1, Spring 2022 available now
The journal is now accepting submissions on a rolling basis. Email the editors at for more information
Spiritual Grammar
Genre and the Saintly Subject in Islam and Christianity F. Dominic Longo
Longo iden�fies a genre of religious literature that un�l now has not been recognized as such. In this surprising and theore�cally nuanced study, Longo reveals how gramma�cal structures addressed in two medieval texts, from dis�nct religious tradi�ons, offer a metaphor for how the self is embedded in spiritual reality. FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Compara�ve Theology: Thinking Across Tradi�ons June 2019 256pp 9780823283699 £20.99 PB now £14.69
The Singular Voice of Being
Guides to the Eucharist in Medieval Egypt
Three Arabic Commentaries on the Coptic Liturgy Edited and translated by Arsenius Mikhail By Yūḥannā ibn Sabbā‘, Abū al-Barakāt ibn Kabar & Gabriel V of Alexandria
Presented for the first �me in English, excerpts from three key texts on the Cop�c liturgy by Abū al-Barakāt ibn Kabar, Yūḥannā ibn Sabbā‘, and Pope Gabriel V. Plus a scholarly introduc�on to the works, their authors, and the Cop�c liturgy, as well as a detailed explanatory apparatus. FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Chris�an Arabic Texts in Transla�on February 2022 1 b&w illus. 240pp 9780823298327 £24.99 PB now £17.49
John Duns Scotus and Ultimate Difference Andrew T. LaZella
Reconsiders John Duns Scotus’ well-studied theory of the univocity of being in light of his less explored discussions of ul�mate difference. This systema�c study opens new dimensions for understanding Scotus’ dense thought with respect to not only univocity, but also individua�on, cogni�on, and acts of the will. FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Medieval Philosophy: Texts and Studies May 2019 304pp 9780823284573 £56.00 HB now £39.20
Colonizing Christianity
Greek and Latin Religious Identity in the Era of the Fourth Crusade George E. Demacopoulos
By offering a close reading of a handful of texts from the early thirteenth century, this book illuminates mechanisms by which Western Chris�ans authorized and exploited the Chris�an East and, concurrently, the ways in which Eastern Chris�ans understood and responded to the drama�c shi� in poli�cal and religious fortunes. FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Orthodox Chris�anity and Contemporary Thought March 2019 272pp 9780823284436 £28.99 PB now £20.29
A Reader in Early Franciscan Theology
Subscribe to the Combined Academic Publishers mailing list to hear about the latest titles in Medieval Studies
The Summa Halensis Edited by Oleg Bychkov & Lydia Schumacher
Key passages from the Summa Halensis, one of the first major installments in the Summa genre for which scholas�cism became famous, in English for the first �me. Essen�al reading to understand the ways medieval thinkers employed philosophical concepts in a theological context as well as the evolu�on of Franciscan thought. FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Medieval Philosophy: Texts and Studies January 2022 288pp 9780823298846 £28.99 PB now £20.29
Form and Foreskin
Medieval Narratives of Circumcision A. W. Strouse
A.W. Strouse excavates a poe�cs of the foreskin, uncovering how Patris�c theologies of circumcision came to structure medieval European literary aesthe�cs. FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS April 2021 144pp 9780823294756 £20.99 PB now £14.69
Sign up before the 4th August to be entered into a prize draw to win a £25.00 gift card to spend in the CAP website
Fordham Series in Medieval Studies from Fordham University Press The Fordham Series in Medieval Studies publishes innovative studies utilizing interdisciplinary methods, especially cross-cultural studies. The series offerings include original studies, translations, multiauthor volumes, and source materials on late antique and medieval culture.
Ecstasy in the Classroom
Trance, Self, and the Academic Profession in Medieval Paris Ayelet Even-Ezra Analyzes the early thirteenth century theological discourse about Paul’s rapture and other modes of cognizing God. It reconstructs the percep�ons of transforma�on and self they imply, and demonstrate their role in establishing the peculiar professional iden�ty of scholas�c theologians compared with other seers of God. FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Fordham Series in Medieval Studies December 2018 312pp 9780823281916 £28.99 PB now £20.29
King Alfonso VIII of Castile
Government, Family, and War Edited by Miguel Gómez, Kyle C. Lincoln & Damian J. Smith
This book brings together a diverse group of scholars whose work concerns the events and challenges of the reign of Alfonso VIII of Cas�le, the Spanish King whose kingdom was at the epicenter of many of the most drama�c events of the era and reflected its challenging dynamics. FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Fordham Series in Medieval Studies April 2019 9 304pp 9780823284146 £47.00 HB now £32.90
Medieval Nonsense
Signifying Nothing in Fourteenth-Century England Jordan Kirk
Jordan Kirk illustrates how fourteenth-century writers recognized the possibili�es inherent in the accounts of language transmi�ed to them from an�quity, and transformed those accounts into new ideas, forms, and prac�ces of nonsignifica�on. FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Fordham Series in Medieval Studies May 2021 208pp 9780823294473 £24.99 PB now £17.49
Remember the Hand
Manuscription in Early Medieval Iberia Catherine Brown
The French of Outremer
Communities and Communications in the Crusading Mediterranean Edited by Laura K. Morreale & Nicholas L. Paul
The establishment of feudal principali�es in the Levant a�er the First Crusade saw the beginning of conquest and coloniza�on of the eastern Mediterranean by French-speaking Europeans. This book examines the literary culture of this francophone society, and is the first study of the crusades to bring language and culture so in�mately into conversa�on. FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Fordham Series in Medieval Studies April 2018 26 b&w and colour illus. 320pp 9780823278169 £52.00 HB now £36.40
Viking Mediologies
A New History of Skaldic Poetics Kate Heslop
Offering both new readings of both canonical works such as Ynglingatal, Ragnarsdrápa and Há�atal, and examina�ons of lesser known texts like Glymdrápa, Líknarbraut and Sturla Þórðarson’s Hákonarkviða, Viking Mediologies explores the powers and limits of poe�c media�on. FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Fordham Series in Medieval Studies March 2022 10 color illus. 288pp 9780823298259 £28.99 PB now £20.29
Whose Middle Ages?
Teachable Moments for an Ill-Used Past Edited by Andrew Albin, Mary C. Erler, Thomas O'Donnell, Nicholas L. Paul & Nina Rowe Introduction by David Perry Afterword by Geraldine Heng By communica�ng consensus posi�ons within the academy, Whose Middle Ages? gives non-specialists access to the richness of our historical knowledge while debunking damaging misconcep�ons about the medieval past. This collec�on a�acks these myths directly by addressing the condi�ons, ac�ons, and materials of the Middle Ages on their own terms. FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Fordham Series in Medieval Studies October 2019 35 240pp 9780823285563 £16.99 PB now £11.89
Remember the Hand studies a body of ar�culate manuscript books from Iberia in the tenth and eleventh centuries. These excep�onal, richly illuminated codices have in common an urgent sense of scribal presence—scribes name themselves, describe themselves, even paint their own portraits. While marginal notes, even biographical ones, are a common feature of medieval manuscripts, rarely do scribes make themselves so fully known. FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Fordham Series in Medieval Studies September 2022 44 color and 22 b&w illus. 368pp 9780823298914 £56.00 HB now £39.20
30% discount code: CSF22IMC
Curing Mad Truths
Rivalrous Masculinities
Curing Mad Truths, based on a number of Brague's lectures to English-speaking audiences, explores the idea that humanity must return to the Middle Ages. Not the Middle Ages of purported backwardness and barbarism, but rather a Middle Ages that understood crea�on—including human beings—as the product of an intelligent and benevolent God. UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME PRESS
Bringing together the work of both leading and emerging scholars in the field of medieval gender studies, the essays in Rivalrous Masculini�es advance our understanding of medieval masculinity as a pluralized category and as an intersec�onal category of gender. UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME PRESS
Medieval Wisdom for the Modern Age Rémi Brague
Series: Catholic Ideas for a Secular World February 2022 152pp 9780268105709 £20.99 PB now £14.69
Dante and Violence Domestic, Civic, Cosmic Brenda Deen Schildgen
This ambi�ous overview of violence in Dante’s literary works and his world examines cases of violence in the domes�c, communal, and cosmic spheres while taking into account medieval legal approaches to rights and human freedom that resonate with the economy of jus�ce developed in the Commedia. UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME PRESS April 2021 Black and white artwork 344pp 9780268200640 £52.00 HB now £36.40
Dante's "Other Works"
Assessments and Interpretations Edited by Zygmunt G. Baranski & Theodore J. Cachey, Jr.
Rather than speak of Dante’s “minor works,” this volume puts forward the designa�on “other works” both in light of their enhanced status and as part of a general effort to reaffirm their value as autonomous works. This volume will interest Dan�s�, medievalists, and literary scholars at every stage of their career. UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME PRESS Series: William and Katherine Devers Series in Dante and Medieval Italian Literature June 2022 2 b&w illus. 474pp 9780268202392 £39.00 PB now £27.30
Festive Enterprise
The Business of Drama in Medieval and Renaissance England Jill P. Ingram
Jill P. Ingram merges the history of economic thought with studies of theatricality and spectatorship to examine how English Renaissance plays employed forms and prac�ces from medieval and tradi�onal entertainments to signal the expecta�on of giving from their audiences. UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME PRESS March 2021 260pp 9780268109097 £43.00 PB now £30.10
Liturgical Song and Practice in Dante's Commedia Helena Phillips-Robins
Explores for the first �me the ways in which the rela�onship between humanity and divinity is shaped through the performance of liturgy in the Commedia. The study draws on largely untapped thirteenth-century sources to reconstruct how the songs and prayers performed in the Commedia UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME PRESS Series: William and Katherine Devers Series in Dante and Medieval Italian Literature April 2021 5 b&w illustra�ons 324pp 9780268200688 £52.00 HB now £36.40
New Directions in Medieval Gender Studies Edited by Ann Marie Rasmussen
April 2019 19 hal�ones 286pp 9780268105570 £52.00 HB now £36.40
The Etiquette of Early Northern Verse Roberta Frank
By declu�ering and stripping away excess, by drawing words through a �ght mesh of meter, allitera�on, and rhyme, the early northern poet filtered out dross and s�tched together a poe�cs of stark contrasts and forebodings. Poets and lovers of poetry of all periods and places will find much to enjoy here. UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME PRESS Series: Conway Lectures in Medieval Studies May 2022 296pp 9780268202521 £56.00 HB now £39.20
Translating Christ in the Middle Ages Gender, Authorship, and the Visionary Text Barbara Zimbalist
Explores how women’s visionary transla�on of Christ’s speech ini�ated larger transforma�ons of gendered authorship and religious authority within medieval culture. In transla�ng their visionary conversa�ons with Christ into vernacular text, medieval women turned themselves into authors and devo�onal guides, and formed their readers into textual communi�es shaped by gendered visionary experiences and spoken imita�o Chris�. UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME PRESS February 2022 330pp 9780268202200 £43.00 PB now £30.10
Visual Translation
Illuminated Manuscripts and the First French Humanists Anne D. Hedeman
Breaks new ground in the study of French manuscripts, contribu�ng to the fields of French humanism, textual transla�on, and the recep�on of the classical tradi�on in the first half of the fi�eenth century. With over 180 color images, this will appeal to students and scholars of French, compara�ve literature, art history, history of the book, and transla�on studies. UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME PRESS Series: Conway Lectures in Medieval Studies April 2022 183 color illustra�ons, 1 table 394pp 9780268202279 £69.00 HB now £48.30
Wisdom's Journey
Continental Mysticism and Popular Devotion in England, 1350–1650 Steven Rozenski Rozenski examines the forms and strategies of late medieval transla�on, of early modern engagement with Con�nental medieval devo�on, and of the la�er’s literary a�erlives in English-speaking communi�es. UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME PRESS July 2022 7 b&w illus. 344pp 9780268202767 £100.00 HB now £70.00
Discount Code: CSF22IMC
ReFormations: Medieval and Early Modern from the University of Notre Dame Press ReFormations: Medieval and Early Modern interrogates and challenges the ways in which the academy has divided the study of early English literature and its history into two separate, almost incommensurate realms, medieval and early modern. The series is reforming this practice by publishing a range of literary, historical, and cultural works that will move easily across old divisions. Series Editors: David Aers, Duke University, Sarah Beckwith, Duke University, James Simpson, Harvard University
Sheds new light on medieval construc�ons of the self as they emerge from within a deeply sacramental culture. The book examines the medieval morality play, a genre that explicitly addresses the ques�on of what it means to be human and takes up the ritual tradi�ons of confession and penance, long associated with medieval interiority, as its primary subjects. UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME PRESS
Chaucer and Religious Controversies in the Medieval and Early Modern Eras Nancy Bradley Warren
Adopts a compara�ve, boundary-crossing approach to consider one of the most canonical of literary figures, Geoffrey Chaucer. This book presents a nuanced analysis of the high stakes religiopoli�cal struggle inherent in the crea�on of the canon of English literature, a struggle that par�cipates in the complex processes of na�onal iden�ty forma�on in Europe and the New World alike. UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME PRESS Series: ReForma�ons: Medieval and Early Modern April 2019 4 hal�ones 228pp 9780268105822 £39.00 PB now £27.30
Series: ReForma�ons: Medieval and Early Modern April 2019 240pp 9780268104627 £39.00 PB now £27.30
Versions of Election
From Langland and Aquinas to Calvin and Milton David Aers
With me�culous a�en�on to the texts of medieval and early modern theologians, poets, and popular writers, this book argues that we can understand the full complexity of the history of various teachings on the doctrine of elec�on only through a study that takes account of mul�ple periods and disciplines. UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME PRESS Series: ReForma�ons: Medieval and Early Modern November 2020 330pp 9780268108663 £39.00 PB now £27.30
Fifteenth-Century Lives Writing Sainthood in England Karen A. Winstead
Explores how, star�ng in the 1410s and ’20s, hagiography became more character-oriented, more morally complex, more deeply embedded in history, and more poli�cally and socially engaged. Winstead argues that the values promoted by fi�eenth-century hagiography helped to shape the reformist impulses that eventually produced the Reforma�on. UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME PRESS
Series Spotlight: ReFormations Scan the QR code to read the blog post:
Series: ReForma�ons: Medieval and Early Modern November 2020 220pp 9780268108540 £39.00 PB now £27.30
Theater of the Word
Selfhood in the English Morality Play Julie Paulson
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Recent Highlights Healing with Poisons
Potent Medicines in Medieval China Yan Liu
Yan Liu explores the ways physicians, religious figures, court officials, and laypersons used poisons to both relieve acute illnesses and enhance life in China’s forma�ve era of pharmacy (200–800 CE). UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON PRESS June 2021 7 b&w illus., 1 map, 3 tables 276pp 9780295748993 £24.99 PB now £17.49
Holy Digital Grail
A Medieval Book on the Internet Michelle R. Warren
Medieval books that survive today have been through a lot: singed by fire, mo�led by mold, eaten by insects, annotated by readers, cut into fragments, or damaged through wellinten�oned preserva�on efforts. In this book, Michelle Warren tells the story of one such manuscript— an Arthurian romance with textual origins in twel�h-century England now diffused across the twenty-first century internet. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Stanford Text Technologies March 2022 360pp 9781503631168 £24.99 PB now £17.49
How Not to Make a Human
Pets, Feral Children, Worms, Sky Burial, Oysters Karl Steel
By collec�ng beliefs and prac�ces outside the mainstream of medieval thought, How Not to Make a Human connects contemporary concerns with ecology, animal life, and rethinkings of what it means to be human to uncanny materials that emphasize ma�ers of death, violence, edibility, and vulnerability. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS December 2019 9 b&w illus. 280pp 9781517905279 £21.99 PB now £15.39
Medieval Jewish Philosophy and Its Literary Forms
Edited by Aaron W. Hughes & James T. Robinson
The contributors consider Jewish philosophy in the medieval period, when new genres and forms of wri�en expression were flourishing in the wake of renewed interest in ancient philosophy. They explore the connec�ons that medieval Jewish thinkers made between the literary, the exege�cal, the philosophical, and the mys�cal to shed light on the crea�vity and diversity of medieval thought. INDIANA UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: New Jewish Philosophy and Thought July 2019 376pp 9780253042521 £39.00 PB now £27.30
The Missing Pages
The Modern Life of a Medieval Manuscript, from Genocide to Justice Heghnar Zeitlian Watenpaugh The Missing Pages is the biography of a manuscript that is at once art, sacred object, and cultural heritage. Its tale mirrors the story of its sca�ered community as Armenians have struggled to redefine themselves a�er genocide and in the absence of a homeland. Reconstruc�ng the path of the pages, Watenpaugh uncovers the rich tapestry of an extraordinary artwork and the people touched by it. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS April 2022 436pp 9781503632608 £19.99 PB now £13.99
Women and Community in Medieval and Early Modern Iberia Edited by Michelle Armstrong-Partida, Alexandra Guerson & Dana Wessell Lightfoot
Women and Community in Medieval and Early Modern Iberia draws on recent research to underscore the various ways Iberian women influenced and contributed to their communi�es, engaging with a broader academic discussion of women’s agency and cultural impact in the Iberian peninsula. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESS Series: Women and Gender in the Early Modern World June 2020 4 tables, index 306pp 9781496205117 £47.00 HB now £32.90
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