Jewish Studies spring 2022
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After the Black Death
America and the Holocaust
Plague and Commemoration Among Iberian Jews Susan L. Einbinder
A Documentary History Rafael Medoff
The Middle Ages Series March 2022 240pp 4 illus. 9780812225228 £20.99 / $27.50 PB
May 2022 352pp 41 figures, 2 tables, index 9780827615182 £22.99 / $30.00 PB
The first comprehensive volume to teach about America’s response to the Holocaust through visual media, America and the Holocaust: A Documentary History explores the complex subject through the lens of one hundred important documents that help illuminate and amplify key episodes and issues.
Uncovers Jewish responses to plague and violence in fourteenth-century Provence and Iberia, discovering a fundamental con�nuity in Jewish worldview and means of expression. Through elegant transla�ons and masterful readings, this book exposes the great diversity in Jewish experiences of the plague, shaped as they were by conven�on, geography, epidemiology, and poli�cs.
Biblical Women and Jewish Daily Life in the Middle Ages
Blood Inscriptions
Jewish Culture and Contexts May 2022 320pp 45 illus (color throughout) 9780812253580 £44.00 / $55.00 HB
Jewish Culture and Contexts April 2022 328pp 13 images 9780812253764 £52.00 / $65.00 HB
Science, Modernity, and Ritual Murder at Europe's Fin de Siecle Hillel J. Kieval
Elisheva Baumgarten
Although the Enlightenment had seemed to bring an end to the belief that Jews murdered Chris�an children for ritual purposes, charges of the so-called blood libel con�nued on either side of the turn to the twen�eth century. Kieval examines four cases to consider how discredited beliefs became plausible to educated European elites.
Examines how medieval Jewish engagement with the Bible—especially in the tellings, retellings, and illustra�ons of stories of women—offers a window onto aspects of the daily lives and cultural mentalités of Ashkenazic Jews in the High Middle Ages. More than forty vivid medieval illumina�ons help convey to modern readers what medieval people could have known visually about these biblical stories.
Boy with a Violin
Choosing Hope
A Story of Survival Yochanan Fein Translated by Penina Reichenberg
The Heritage of Judaism David Arnow JPS Essen�al Judaism March 2022 328pp 2 indexes 9780827615205 £22.99 / $30.00 PB
April 2022 344pp 26 b&w illus. 9780253060594 £14.99 / $20.00 PB 9780253060563 £40.00 / $50.00 HB
The first book to plumb the depths of Judaism’s abundant reservoir of hope, Choosing Hope journeys from biblical �mes to our day to explore nine fundamental sources of hope in Judaism. Choosing Hope can help us both affirm hope in �mes of trial and transmit our deepest hopes to the next genera�on.
Pays tribute to those who risked everything to save a life, and whose altruism crossed the boundaries of race and religion. Recounts the compelling story of child violin prodigy Yochanan Fein—from his miraculous survival in the Kaunas Ghe�o through his daring escape from Soviet Lithuania to Poland, before immigra�ng to Israeli in 1950. 1
Frontiers of Jewish Scholarship
Jewish Literary Eros
Between Poetry and Prose in the Medieval Mediterranean Isabelle Levy Foreword by Raymond P. Scheindlin
Expanding Origins, Transcending Borders Edited by Anne O. Albert, Noah S. Gerber & Michael A. Meyer
Sephardi and Mizrahi Studies June 2022 202pp 9780253060150 £36.00 / $45.00 HB
Jewish Culture and Contexts February 2022 296pp 9780812253641 £56.00 / $69.95 HB
Explores the originality and complexity of medieval Jewish wri�ngs. Inves�gates Jewish authors' treatments of love in prosimetra. Compares the mixed-form composi�ons by Jewish authors of the medieval Mediterranean with their Arabic and European counterparts to find the par�cular moments of innova�on among textual prac�ces by Jewish authors.
Offers new material and fresh approaches in a collec�on of essays examining how Wissenscha� des Judentums, a nineteenth-century movement to promote a scholarly approach to the study of Judaism and Jewish culture, extended beyond its original German intellectual contexts and was transformed into a diverse, global field.
Jews in Contemporary Visual Entertainment
Modern Musar
Contested Virtues in Jewish Thought Geoffrey D. Claussen Foreword by Louis E. Newman
Raced, Sexed, and Erased Carol Siegel
May 2022 260pp 13 b&w illus. 9780253060235 £18.99 / $25.00 PB 9780253060228 £60.00 / $75.00 HB
JPS Anthologies of Jewish Thought April 2022 518pp index 9780827613508 £26.99 / $35.00 PB
Drawing on a host of movies and television series from the 1970s to present day, Jews in Contemporary Visual Entertainment explores how the media sexualize and racialize American Jews. Insigh�ul and provoca�ve, this book disturbingly reveals the farreaching influence of popular visual media in shaping how American Jews are perceived today.
Modern Musar explores the diverse ways Jews understand ten virtues: honesty and love of truth; curiosity and inquisi�veness; humility; courage and valor; temperance and self-restraint; gra�tude; forgiveness; love, kindness, and compassion; solidarity and social responsibility; and jus�ce and righteousness.
Music and Jewish Culture in Early Modern Italy
My Second-Favorite Country
How American Jewish Children Think About Israel Sivan Zakai
New Perspectives Edited by Lynette Bowring, Rebecca Cypess & Liza Malamut
June 2022 272pp 8 b&w illus. 9781479808984 £18.99 / $25.00 PB 9781479808953 £71.00 / $89.00 HB
Music and the Early Modern Imagina�on March 2022 318pp 17 b&w illus., 17 printed music items 9780253060099 £31.00 / $39.00 PB 9780253060105 £72.00 / $90.00 HB
This book offers the first longitudinal study of how American Jewish children come to think and feel about Israel, tracking their evolving concep�ons from kindergarten to fi�h grade. This book provides a rich case study of how children more generally develop ideas and beliefs about self, community, na�on, and world.
Evaluates the social, cultural, poli�cal, economic, and religious circumstances that shaped this community. Highligh�ng the mul�faceted experience of music within Jewish communi�es, this book sheds new light on the place of music in complex environments.
Excludes Taiwan, Japan, SE Asia & ANZ
Night of Beginnings
Osnabrück Station to Jerusalem
A Passover Haggadah Marcia Falk
Hélène Cixous Translated by Peggy Kamuf Foreword by Eva Hoffman
March 2022 232pp Fully illus. in color 9780827615519 £14.99 / $19.95 PB
June 2022 144pp 13 b&w illus. 9780823299102 £14.99 / $19.95 NIP
Night of Beginnings is a groundbreaking new haggadah for the Passover seder from acclaimed poet, translator, and liturgist Marcia Falk, beau�fully designed and illustrated with original color drawings by the author. It presents the Exodus narra�ve in its en�rety, providing a direct connec�on to the ancient origins of the holiday.
An inven�ve literary account of Hélène Cixous’s remarkable journey to her mother’s birthplace and of the Jewish community of a German town that was wiped out in the Holocaust. Cixous recounts the tragedy of the one she calls the King Lear of Osnabrück, who followed his daughter to Jerusalem only to be sent away by her and to return to Osnabrück in �me to be deported to a death camp.
Poisoned Wells
Recording History
Accusations, Persecution, and Minorities in Medieval Europe, 1321-1422 Tzafrir Barzilay
Jews, Muslims, and Music across Twentieth-Century North Africa Christopher Silver June 2022 304pp 9781503631687 £19.99 / $26.00 PB 9781503630567 £68.00 / $85.00 HB
The Middle Ages Series February 2022 336pp 10 maps, 2 tables 9780812253610 £56.00 / $69.95 HB
With this book, Christopher Silver provides the first history of the music scene and recording industry across Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia, and offers striking insights into JewishMuslim rela�ons through the rhythms that animated them. He traces the path of hit-makers and their hit records, illumina�ng regional and transna�onal connec�ons.
Between 1348 and 1350, Jews throughout Europe were accused of having caused the spread of the Black Death by poisoning the wells from which the en�re popula�on drank. Poisoned Wells explains the origin of these allega�ons, how they gained popularity before and during the Black Death, and why they declined in the fi�eenth century.
The Archaeology of Ancient Israelite Knowledge
The Baron
Biblical Literature July 2022 280pp 9780253062123 £29.99 / $38.00 PB 9780253062116 £64.00 / $80.00 HB
Stanford Studies in Jewish History and Culture August 2022 360pp 9781503630307 £26.99 / $35.00 HB
Maurice de Hirsch and the Jewish Nineteenth Century Matthias B. Lehmann
Robert S. Kawashima
Baron Maurice de Hirsch was one of the emblema�c figures of the nineteenth century. Today Hirsch is less well known than the Rothschilds, or his gen�le counterpart Andrew Carnegie, yet he was, to his contemporaries, the very embodiment of the gilded age of Jewish philanthropy. Lehmann tells the story of this remarkable figure whose life and legacy provide a key to understanding the forces that shaped modern Jewish history.
Reconstructs in carefully researched detail the worldview of the ancient Israelites responsible for the Hebrew Bible. Kawashima argues that the ancient Israelites saw God in a radically different way than the peoples around them. Elegantly wri�en and powerfully argued, this book is essen�al reading for anyone wan�ng to grasp the Hebrew Bible and the ancient world that gave rise to it. 3
The Crucified Book
The Expulsion of Jews from Communist Poland
Sacred Writing in the Age of Valentinus Anne Starr Kreps
Memory Wars and Homeland Anxieties Anat Plocker
Divina�ons: Rereading Late Ancient Religion April 2022 224pp 9780812253870 £52.00 / $65.00 HB
The Modern Jewish Experience March 2022 240pp 9780253058652 £22.99 / $30.00 PB 9780253058669 £64.00 / $80.00 HB
Shows how the Gospel of Truth, a second-century text associated with the Chris�an Platonist Valen�nus, and its ideas about the nature of authorita�ve wri�ng engaged with Greco-Roman culture and cohered with Jewish and Chris�an ideas about books in an�quity. Demonstrates the usefulness of here�cal texts for discussions on the par�ng of the ways between the two tradi�ons.
Offers a new framework for understanding how this an�semi�c campaign was mo�vated by a genuine fear of Jewish influence and interna�onal power. Anat Plocker sheds new light on the internal dynamics of the communist regime in Poland.
The Golden Age of the Lithuanian Yeshivas
The Land Is Mine
Sephardi Jews and Bible Commentary in the Renaissance Andrew D. Berns
Ben-Tsiyon Klibansky Translated by Nahum Schnitzer
Jewish Culture and Contexts March 2022 264pp 9780812253696 £52.00 / $65.00 HB
May 2022 406pp 14 b&w illus., 6 b&w tables 9780253058508 £37.00 / $47.00 PB 9780253058492 £68.00 / $85.00 HB
Based on the biblical commentaries of rabbis and writers who were exiled from Spain in 1492, this book presents late medieval and early modern Iberian Jewish intellectuals as deeply concerned with ques�ons about human rela�onships to land. A work of intellectual history, Berns demonstrates that it is impossible to understand Jewish culture without considering the physical reali�es on which it depended.
The first book-length work on the modern history of the Lithuanian yeshivas published in English. Through exhaus�ve historical research of every yeshiva, Klibansky brings to light for the first �me the stories, lives, and inner workings of this long-lost world.
The Lives of Jessie Sampter
The Return of the Absent Father
Queer, Disabled, Zionist Sarah Imhoff
A New Reading of a Chain of Stories from the Babylonian Talmud Haim Weiss & Shira Stav Translated by Batya Stein
June 2022 264pp 9781478018063 £20.99 / $26.95 PB 9781478015437 £80.00 / $99.95 HB
Divina�ons: Rereading Late Ancient Religion February 2022 192pp 0 illus 9780812253634 £40.00 / $49.95 HB
Tells the story of the queer, disabled, Zionist writer Jessie Sampter (1883–1938), whose body and life did not match typical Zionist ideals and serves as an example of the complex rela�onships between the body, queerness, disability, religion, and na�onalism.
Offers a new reading of stories from tractate Ketubot in the Babylonian Talmud in which sages abandon their homes and families to study. The authors reveal a complex tension between mundane domes�city and the sphere of spiritual learning. 4
The Salvation of Israel Jews in Christian Eschatology from Paul to the Puritans Jeremy Cohen
Medieval Socie�es, Religions, and Cultures August 2022 334pp 17 b&w hal�ones, 8 color hal�ones 9781501764721 £37.00 / $46.95 HB
The Salva�on of Israel inves�gates Chris�anity's eschatological Jew, the role and characteris�cs of the Jews at the end of days in the Chris�an imagina�on. It explores the depth of Chris�an ambivalence regarding these Jews, from Paul's Epistle to the Romans, through late an�quity and the Middle Ages, to the Puritans of the seventeenth century.
The Yeshiva and the Rise of Modern Hebrew Literature Marina Zilbergerts
Jews in Eastern Europe April 2022 184pp 9780253059437 £26.99 / $35.00 PB 9780253059444 £64.00 / $80.00 HB
Depar�ng from the conven�onal interpreta�on of the origins of Hebrew literature in secular culture, Zilbergerts points to the prac�ces and metaphysics of Talmud study as its essen�al anima�ng forces. Focusing on the early works and personal histories of founding figures of Hebrew literature,it reveals the las�ng engagement of modern Jewish le�ers with the hallowed tradi�on of rabbinic learning.
Yiddish Paris
Staging Nation and Community in Interwar France Nick Underwood The Modern Jewish Experience March 2022 266pp 4 b&w illus. 9780253059796 £26.99 / $35.00 PB 9780253059789 £68.00 / $85.00 HB
In this me�culously researched and first full-length study of interwar Yiddish culture in France, Underwood explores how Yiddish-speaking emigrants from Eastern Europe in Paris in the 1920s and 1930s created a Yiddish diaspora na�on in Western Europe and how they presented that na�on to themselves and to others in France.
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Encyclopedia of Camps and Ghettos, 1933–1945, Volume IV Camps and Other Detention Facilities Under the German
Armed Forces Edited by Geoffrey P. Megargee March 2022 808pp 9780253060891 £64.00 / $80.00 HB
Provides lots of basic informa�on about individual camps and other deten�on facili�es.
Wartime North Africa A Documentary History, 1934–1950 Edited by Aomar Boum & Sarah Abrevaya Stein
July 2022 336pp 9781503631991 £22.99 / $30.00 PB 9781503611511 £72.00 / $90.00 HB
The first-ever collec�on of primary documents on North African history and the Holocaust. Translated from French, Arabic, North African Judeo-Arabic, Spanish, Hebrew, Moroccan Darija, Tamazight (Berber), Italian, and Yiddish, or transcribed from their original English, these wri�ngs shed light on how war, occupa�on, race laws, internment, and Vichy French, Italian fascist, and German Nazi rule were experienced day by day across North Africa.
recent highlights
Comprehensive English-Yiddish Dictionary
Revised and Expanded Edited by Gitl SchaechterViswanath & Paul Glasser September 2021 864pp 9780253058843 £26.99 / $35.00 HB
This second edi�on of the award-winning Comprehensive English-Yiddish Dic�onary offers even more entries for anyone working with Yiddish on a personal or professional level. Emphasizes Yiddish as 5 a living language that is spoken in many places.
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