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Mare Nostrum Group what’s on?
A “Jewish Marshall Plan”
Antisemitism on the Rise
The American Jewish Presence in Post-Holocaust France Laura Hobson Faure
The 1930s and Today Edited by Ari Kohen & Gerald J. Steinacher
The Modern Jewish Experience February 2022 320pp 16 b&w photos, 3 b&w tables 9780253059680 £22.99/ $30.00 PB 9780253059666£68.00/ $85.00 HB
Contemporary Holocaust Studies October 2021 276pp 6 photos, 1 illus., index 9781496226044 £26.99/ $35.00 PB
A collec�on of historical and contemporary research and essays by some of the world’s leading experts, looking at an�semi�sm in the interwar period and today in Europe and the US. Provides examples for how to effec�vely teach about an�semi�sm.
The seldom-told story of how American Jewish individuals and organiza�ons mobilized to reconstruct Jewish life in France a�er the Holocaust, commi�ng hundreds of millions of dollars to bring aid to their French coreligionists.
Comprehensive English-Yiddish Dictionary
Contending with Antisemitism in a Rapidly Changing Political Climate
Revised and Expanded Edited by Gitl SchaechterViswanath & Paul Glasser
Edited by Alvin H. Rosenfeld
Studies in An�semi�sm November 2021 410pp 4 b&w illus. 9780253058126 £22.99/ $30.00 PB 9780253058119£64.00/ $80.00 HB
This second edi�on of the award-winning work offers even more entries for anyone working with Yiddish on a personal or professional level. Based on the work of the late Dr. Mordkhe Schaechter, Execu�ve Director of the League for Yiddish, the dic�onary emphasizes Yiddish as a living language that is spoken in many places around the world.
Against a backdrop of rising na�onalism and illiberalism on the right, new forms of intolerance and an�-liberal movements on the le�, and militant deeds and demands by Islamic extremists, the contributors seek to be�er understand and effec�vely contend with today’s an�semi�sm.
September 2021 864pp 9780253058843 £26.99/ $35.00 HB
Emmanuel Levinas’s Talmudic Turn
Jews and Journeys
Travel and the Performance of Jewish Identity Edited by Joshua Levinson & Orit Bashkin
Philosophy and Jewish Thought Ethan Kleinberg Cultural Memory in the Present October 2021 216pp 9781503629592 £20.99/ $28.00 PB 9781503629448£72.00/ $90.00 HB
Jewish Culture and Contexts August 2021 408pp 9 hal�ones 9780812252958 £56.00/ $69.95 HB
In this rich intellectual history of the French-Jewish philosopher Emmanuel Levinas’s Talmudic lectures in Paris, Ethan Kleinberg addresses Levinas’s Jewish life and its rela�on to his philosophical wri�ngs while making an argument for the role and importance of Levinas’s Talmudic lessons. 1
What happens when Jewish authors—whether by force or of their own free will, whether in reality or in the imagina�on—travel from one place to another? Jews and Journeys explores what it is about travel wri�ng that enables it to become a central mechanism for exploring the reali�es and fic�ons of individual and collec�ve iden�ty.
Judah Magnes
No One’s Witness
The Prophetic Politics of a Religious Binationalist David Barak-Gorodetsky Translated by Merav Datan
A Monstrous Poetics Rachel Zolf
Black Outdoors: Innova�ons in the Poe�cs of Study August 2021 192pp 15 illus. 9781478014249 £18.99/ $24.95 PB 9781478013334£76.00/ $94.95 HB
November 2021 402pp index 9780827615168 £26.99/ $35.00 PB
This intellectual biography of Judah Magnes—the Reform rabbi, American Zionist leader, and inaugural Hebrew University chancellor—analyzes how theology and poli�cs intertwined to drive Magnes’s wri�ngs and ac�vism, especially his championing of a bina�onal state against all odds.
Rachel Zolf ac�vates the last three lines of a poem by Jewish Nazi holocaust survivor Paul Celan—“No one / bears witness for the / witness”—to theorize the poe�cs and im/possibility of witnessing. Drawing on black studies, con�nental philosophy, queer theory, and experimental poe�cs, Zolf asks what it means to witness from the excessive, incalculable posi�on of No One.
Prague and Beyond
Romania’s Holy War
Jewish Culture and Contexts August 2021 384pp 14 maps, 24 tables, 28 hal�ones 9780812253115 £64.00/ $79.95 HB
Ba�legrounds: Cornell Studies in Military History November 2021 360pp 12 b&w hal�ones, 4 maps 9781501759963 £36.00/ $45.00 HB
Jews in the Bohemian Lands Edited by Kateřina Capkova & Hillel J. Kieval
Soldiers, Motivation, and the Holocaust Grant T. Harward
Romania’s Holy War rights the widespread myth that Romania was a reluctant member of the Axis during World War II. In correc�ng this fallacy, Grant T. Harward shows that, of an es�mated 300,000 Jews who perished in Romania and Romanianoccupied Ukraine, more than 64,000 were, in fact, killed by Romanian soldiers.
Presen�ng a new and accessible history of the Jews of what is now the Czech Republic, Prague and Beyond revises conven�onal understandings of Central Europe’s Jewish past and present and fully captures the diversity and mul�valence of life in the Bohemian Lands.
Unsettled Heritage
Years of Glory
February 2022 312pp 30 b&w hal�ones 9781501761744 £36.00/ $45.00 HB
Worlding the Middle East November 2021 272pp 9781503628458 £22.99/ $30.00 HB
Living next to Poland’s Material Jewish Traces after the Holocaust Yechiel Weizman
Nelly Benatar and the Pursuit of Justice in Wartime North Africa Susan Gilson Miller
The compelling true story of Nelly Benatar—a hero of the an�-Fascist North African resistance and humanitarian who changed the course of history for the “last million” escaping the Second World War.
In Unse�led Heritage, Yechiel Weizman explores what happened to the thousands of abandoned Jewish cemeteries and places of worship that remained in Poland a�er the Holocaust, asking how postwar society in small, provincial towns perceived, experienced, and interacted with the physical traces of former Jewish neighbors. 2