JEWISH Spring 2020
Books stocked at Marston Book Services Tel: +44 (0)1235 465500
Another Modernity
At Wit’s End
Elia Benamozegh’s Jewish Universalism Clémence Boulouque
The Deadly Discourse on the Jewish Joke Louis Kaplan
Stanford Studies in Jewish History and Culture June 2020 304pp 9781503612006 £56.00/$65.00 HB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
May 2020 352pp 9780823287567 £23.99/$30.00 PB 9780823287550 £87.00/$105.00 HB FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS
Explores the fascinating discourse on Jewish wit in the twentieth century when the Jewish joke became the subject of serious humanistic inquiry and inserted itself into the cultural and political debates among Germans and Jews against the ideologically-charged backdrop of anti-Semitism, the Jewish question, and the Holocaust.
Another Modernity is a rich study of the life and thought of Elia Benamozegh, a nineteenthcentury rabbi and philosopher whose work profoundly influenced Christian-Jewish dialogue in twentieth-century Europe.
Between Iran and Zion
Cain v. Abel
Jewish Histories of TwentiethCentury Iran Lior B. Sternfeld
A Jewish Courtroom Drama Dan Ornstein
April 2020 240pp Discussion and activity guide 9780827614673 £19.99/$23.95 PB THE JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY
March 2020 208pp 9781503613638 £19.99/$24.00 NIP STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
In this highly eclectic and gripping compilation of insights by Jewish commentators on the Cain and Abel story, courtroom scenes are juxtaposed with the author’s commentary, advancing novel insights and introspection. As each of us grapples with Cain’s actions, we confront our own darkest traits. Includes a discussion and activity guide.
Iran is home to the largest Jewish population in the Middle East, outside of Israel. At its peak in the twentieth century, the population numbered around 100,000; today about 25,000 Jews live in Iran. Offers the first history of this vibrant community over the course of the last century, from the 1905 Constitutional Revolution through the 1979 Islamic Revolution.
Forging Ties, Forging Passports
Identity Formation While Leaving Ultra-Orthodox Judaism Schneur Zalman Newfield
Migration and the Modern Sephardi Diaspora Devi Mays
April 2020 248pp 9781439918968 £27.99/$34.95 PB 9781439918951 £82.00/$99.50 HB TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PRESS
Stanford Studies in Jewish History and Culture August 2020 344pp 9781503613218 £24.99/$30.00 PB 9781503613201 £77.00/$90.00 HB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
Newfield, who went through the process of leaving his native religion , interviews 74 Lubavitch and Satmar ultra-Orthodox Hasidic Jews who left their communities. Excludes Asia Pacific
Traces the histories of Ottoman Sephardi Jews who emigrated to the Americas and the complex relationships they maintained to legal documentation as they migrated to new homes.
Degrees of Separation
Fritz Bauer
Genocide in the Carpathians
The Jewish Prosecutor Who Brought Eichmann and Auschwitz to Trial Ronen Steinke Translated by Sinead Crowe
Raz Segal
Series Stanford Studies on Central and Eastern Europe March 2020 232pp 9781503613607 £20.99/$26.00 PB 9780804796668 £56.00/$70.00 HB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
German Jewish Cultures April 2020 256pp 9780253046864 £24.99/$30.00 PB 9780253046857 £77.00/$90.00 HB INDIANA UNIVERSITY PRESS
Reorients our view of the Holocaust not simply as a German drive for continent-wide genocide, but as a truly international campaign of mass murder, related to violence against non-Jews unleashed by projects of state and nation-building. Tells of Hungary’s attack on Subcarpathian Rus’.
Tells the remarkable story of German Jewish judge and prosecutor Fritz Bauer (1903–1968) played a key role in the arrest of Adolf Eichmann.
German as a Jewish Problem
It Is Impossible to Remain Silent
The Language Politics of Jewish Nationalism Marc Volovici
Reflections on Fate and Memory in Buchenwald Jorge Semprún & Elie Wiesel Introduction by
Stanford Studies in Jewish History and Culture
July 2020 360pp 9781503612303 £52.00/$65.00 HB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
Ioanid Radu Translated by Margaret Frankston
German as a Jewish Problem tells the Jewish history of the German language, focusing on Jewish national movements in Central and Eastern Europe and Palestine/ Israel.
March 2020 64pp 9780253045287 £9.99/$12.00 HB INDIANA UNIVERSITY PRESS
Discover Elie Wiesel and Jorge Semprún in conversation, whose destinies were unparalleled.
Jesuit Kaddish
Jewish Autonomy in a Slave Society
Jesuits, Jews, and Holocaust Remembrance James Bernauer, S.J.
March 2020 210pp 9780268107017 £42.00/$55.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME PRESS
Examines Jesuit hostility toward Judaism, and examines the development of a new understanding of the Catholic Church’s relation to Judaism that culminated with Vatican II’s landmark decree Nostra aetate. Historically accurate and spiritually ambitious in its telling of how the Jesuits’ relation to Jews and Judaism contribute to interreligious reconciliation.
Suriname in the Atlantic World, 1651-1825 Aviva Ben-Ur
The Early Modern Americas May 2020 392pp 21 illus. 9780812252118 £47.00/$55.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS
Explores the political and social history of the Jews of Suriname. Iberian in origin, the most privileged Jewish community in the Americas, enjoyed religious liberty, trade, owned slaves, and had a say in colonial governance.
Jewish Forced Labor in Romania, 1940–1944
Jewish New York
The Remarkable Story of a City and a People Deborah Dash Moore, Jeffrey S. Gurock, Annie Polland, Howard B. Rock & Daniel Soyer With Diana L. Linden
Dallas Michelbacher
May 2020 224pp 9780253047434 £29.99/$36.00 PB 9780253047380 £65.00/$75.00 HB INDIANA UNIVERSITY PRESS
Between Romania’s entry into World War II in 1941 and the ouster of dictator Ion Antonescu three years later, over 105,000 Jews were forced to work in internment and labor camps, labor battalions, government institutions, and private industry. Explores the ideological and legal background of this system of forced labor, its purpose, and its evolution.
April 2020 512pp 94 b&w illus. 9781479802647 £15.99/$18.95 NIP NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS
Reveals the multifaceted world of one of the city’s most important ethnic and religious groups. Excludes SE Asia & ANZ
Jewish Radical Feminism
Jews and the Mediterranean
Voices from the Women’s Liberation Movement Joyce Antler
Edited by Matthias B. Lehmann & Jessica M. Marglin
Indiana Series in Sephardi and Mizrahi Studies June 2020 280pp 9780253047984 £24.99/$30.00 PB 9780253047939 £69.00/$80.00 HB INDIANA UNIVERSITY PRESS
Goldstein-Goren Series in American Jewish History March 2020 464pp 64 black and white illus. 9781479802548 £16.99/$19.95 NIP NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS
Contributes to the study of the Mediterranean studies and our knowledge of Jewish history. Considers the historical potency and uniqueness of what happens when Sephardi, Mizrahi, and Ashkenazi Jews meet in the Mediterranean.
Illuminates impact Jewishness and second-wave feminism had on each other. Features compelling biographies of Jewish radical feminists. Jewish Excludes SE Asia & ANZ
Missionaries, Converts, and Rabbis
Osnabrück Station to Jerusalem
Hélène Cixous Translated by Peggy Kamuf Foreword by Eva Hoffman
The Evangelical Alexander McCaul and Jewish-Christian Debate in the Nineteenth Century David B. Ruderman
March 2020 144pp 13 b&w illus. 9780823287628 £19.99/$24.95 HB FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS
An inventive literary account of Cixous’s remarkable journey to her mother’s birthplace and of the Jewish community of a German town that was wiped out in the Holocaust. Drawn from the stories told to Cixous by her mother and grandmother, this literary work reimagines fragments of their stories.
Jewish Culture and Contexts April 2020 280pp 7 illus. 9780812252149 £47.00/$55.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS
Prominent evangelical missionary Alexander McCaul, who was sent to Warsaw for the promotion of Christianity amongst the Jews.
Stepchildren of the Shtetl
Creative Mitzvah Living Danny Siegel & Neal Gold Foreword by Joseph Telushkin
The Destitute, Disabled, and Mad of Jewish Eastern Europe, 1800-1939 Natan M. Meir
May 2020 416pp 9780827615021 £21.99/$26.95 PB THE JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY
Stanford Studies in Jewish History and Culture June 2020 320pp 9781503613058 £24.99/$30.00 PB 9781503611832 £77.00/$90.00 HB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
This first anthology of Siegel’s most important writings spanning and renewing 50 years of his insights. Intersperses soulful Jewish texts with innovative Mitzvah ideas to rouse individuals and communities to transform our lives, communities, Tells the story of the marginalized Jewish figures in the East European shtetl (poor house). neighborhoods, and world.
The Biblical Hero
The Converso’s Return
Portraits in Nobility and Fallibility Elliott Rabin
Conversion and Sephardi History in Contemporary Literature and Culture Dalia Kandiyoti
March 2020 336pp 9780827613249 £24.99/$29.95 PB THE JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY
Stanford Studies in Jewish History and Culture August 2020 320pp 9781503612433 £21.99/$26.00 PB 9781503612297 £73.00/$85.00 HB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
Focuses on six major Biblical characters - Moses, Samson, David, Esther, Abraham, and Jacob - and their resemblance to hero types found in other literatures. Analyses why the Bible depicts its heroes less gloriously than do the texts of other cultures. Excavates how the Bible perspective on heroism addresses our own need for human-scale heroes.
Explores the cultural politics and literary impact of the reawakened interest in converso and crypto-Jewish history, ancestry, and identity, and asks what this fascination with heritage is about.
The Light of the Eyes
Thinking about God
Homilies on the Torah Rabbi Menachem Nahum, of Chernobyl Translated by Arthur Green
Jewish Views Kari H. Tuling
JPS Essential Judaism August 2020 440pp 9780827613010 £26.99/$32.95 PB THE JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY
June 2020 856pp 9781503609853 £65.00/$75.00 HB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
Addresses the genuinely intertextual nature of evolving Jewish God One of the great classics of early Hasidism, is a concepts. Just as in Jewish thought the Bible and collection of homilies on the Torah, reading the other historical texts are living documents, still entire Five Books of Moses as a guide to spiritual present and relevant to the conversation awareness and cultivation of the inner life. This is unfolding now. A highly accessible resource for the first English translation of any major work introductory students, makes challenging, from Hasidism’s earliest and most creative period. important theological texts understandable.
Unbinding Isaac
Vladimir Jabotinsky’s Russian Years
The Significance of the Akedah for Modern Jewish Thought Aaron Koller
Brian J. Horowitz
Jews in Eastern Europe June 2020 264pp 9780253047687 £28.99/$35.00 PB 9780253047670 £77.00/$90.00 HB INDIANA UNIVERSITY PRESS
July 2020 282pp 3 illus. 9780827614734 £34.00/$40.00 HB THE JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY
Takes readers on a trek of discovery for our times into the binding of Isaac story. Examines and critiques Kierkegaard’s view of the story as teaching suspension of ethics for the sake of faith, on textual, religious, and ethical grounds. Explores the current of criticism of Abraham in Jewish thought, from ancient poems and midrashsim to comtemporary Israel thought.
Vladimir Yevgenyevich (Ze’ev) Jabotinsky (1880– 1940) was a Revisionist Zionist leader and Jewish Public intellectual. Horowitz focuses on his commitments to antisemitism, Zionism, and Palestine as he embraced radicalism and fought against the suffering brought upon Jews through pogroms, poverty, and victimization.
Feasting and Fasting
Making the Absent Rebbe Present in Messianic Chabad Yoram Bilu
The History and Ethics of Jewish Food Edited by Aaron S. Gross, Jody Myers & Jordan D. Rosenblum
Spiritual Phenomena July 2020 312pp 9781503612419 £22.99/$28.00 PB 9781503608344 £77.00/$90.00 HB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
December 2019 384pp 3 b&w illus. 9781479827794 £24.99 / $30.00 PB 9781479899333 £77.00 / $89.00 HB NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS
Combining ethnographic fieldwork and cognitive science with nuanced analysis, Bilu documents the birth and development of a new religious faith, describing the emergence of new spiritual horizons, a process common to various religious movements old and new.
An expansive look at how Judaism and food have been intertwined, both historically and today. Reflects how food choices define Jewish values. Excludes SE Asia & ANZ
Gulag Literature and the Literature of Nazi Camps
Hebrew Gothic
History and the Poetics of Persecution Karen Grumberg
An Intercontexual Reading Leona Toker
Jewish Literature and Culture September 2019 328pp 9780253042262 £28.99/$35.00 PB 9780253042255 £73.00/$85.00 HB INDIANA UNIVERSITY PRESS
Jewish Literature and Culture October 2019 344pp 9780253043535 £34.00/$40.00 PB 9780253043511 £77.00/$90.00 HB INDIANA UNIVERSITY PRESS
Gulag Literature and the Literature of the Nazi Camps analyses the ways in which Holocaust literature and Gulag literature provide contexts for each other, shows how the prominent features of one shed light on the veiled features and methods of the other.
Reading a selection of works by Hebrew authors together with central British and American gothic texts, illustrates that modern Hebrew literature has regularly appropriated key gothic ideas to help conceptualize the Jewish relationship to the past and, more broadly, to time.
With Us More Than Ever
Memory Passages
Reading Israel, Reading America
Holocaust Memorials in the United States and Germany Natasha Goldman
The Politics of Translation between Jews Omri Asscher
February 2020 280pp 9781439914236 £41.00 / $49.50 HB TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PRESS
Stanford Studies in Jewish History and Culture November 2019 272pp 9781503610934 £24.99 / $30.00 PB 9781503610057 £77.00 / $90.00 HB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
Analyzes both previously-overlooked and internationally- recognized Holocaust memorials in the United States and Germany from the postwar period to the present, drawing on many historical documents for the first time. Examines changing attitudes toward the Holocaust and the artistic choices that respond to it. Excludes Asia Pacific
Explores the politics of translation as it shapes the understandings and misunderstandings of Israeli literature in the United States and American Jewish literature in Israel.
The Jewish Bible
The Jews Should Keep Quiet
A Material History David Stern
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, and the Holocaust Rafael Medoff
Samuel and Althea Stroum Lectures in Jewish Studies July 2019 320pp 83 color illus. 9780295746173 £27.99/$34.95 NIP UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON PRESS
September 2019 416pp Index 9780827614703 £24.99/$29.95 HB THE JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY
In The Jewish Bible: A Material History, David Stern explores the Jewish Bible as a material object—the Bibles that Jews have actually held in their hands—from its beginnings in the Ancient Near Eastern world through to the Middle Ages to the present moment. Drawson the most recent scholarship on the history of the book.
Reassesses the hows and whys behind the Roosevelt administration’s fateful policies about European Jewry during the Holocaust. Weighs the administration’s options for rescue action, which, if taken, would have saved many lives.
Yellow Star, Red Star
Yiddish in Israel
December 2019 256pp 8 b&w halftones, 3 maps 9781501742408 £24.99/$29.95 HB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS
Perspectives on Israel Studies January 2020 280pp 9780253045157 £34.00/$40.00 PB 9780253045140 £82.00/$95.00 HB INDIANA UNIVERSITY PRESS
Holocaust Remembrance after Communism Jelena Subotić
A History Rachel Rojanski
Challenges the commonly held view that Yiddish was suppressed or even banned by Israeli authorities for ideological reasons, offering instead a radical new interpretation of the interaction between Yiddish and Israeli Hebrew cultures. Tells the story of how Yiddish, fared in Zionist Israel, the land of Hebrew.
Asks why Holocaust memory continues to be so deeply troubled—ignored, appropriated, and obfuscated—throughout Eastern Europe, even though it was in those lands that most of the extermination campaign occurred. Tells how the EU contributes to the Western established Excludes ANZ
Books stocked at Marston Book Services Tel: +44 (0)1235 465500