Landscapes of Inequity - University of Nebraska Press

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Introdu c t ion Barbara J. Fraser and Nicholas A. Robins

More than three decades after the murder of Chico Mendes, the Brazilian rubber tapper whose death in 1988 galvanized global support for rainforest conservation, defense of the environment remains a hazardous commitment. Between 2017 and 2018 more than sixty-­five people were killed because of their defense of the environment and land rights in Brazil, the highest number in Latin America, according to the nonprofit organization Global Witness, which tracks such murders worldwide. Colombia placed second in the Amazon region, with fifty-­five deaths in those two years.1 Such murders, in which the perpetrators often go unpunished or are only lightly sanctioned, highlight the threats Amazonian forest dwellers must confront as they continue to face encroaching economic interests backed by powerful politicians. The killings signal the high stakes at play in the quest for environmental justice in the region that stretches from the eastern slopes of the Andes Mountains, where Amazonian rivers originate, to the lowland plain with its flooded forests. The Amazon basin has come to the fore in discussions of climate change because of its role in regulating global processes related to hydrological cycles and greenhouse gases.2 The western Amazon is an area of particularly high biological diversity. A popular view of the Amazon as a vast, uninhabited wilderness, however, ignores the existence of indigenous groups that have occupied the region for millennia and have evolved together with the ecosystems they inhabit.


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As a result of this “co-­evolution of culture with nature,” as Porto-­ Gonçalves and Leff describe it, “these peoples hold an enormous legacy of knowledge welded in their traditional practices for living sustainably within their ecological conditions.”3 Nevertheless the Andes-­Amazon region remains a landscape of inequity for many of the communities that depend on its forests, rivers, lakes, and wetlands for their physical, cultural, and spiritual sustenance. Both the land and the people have been exploited for centuries in a cycle of commodity booms and busts. But while much has been written about the biology and ecology of the region, and although the struggle for territorial rights by indigenous Amazonians has become more visible in recent years, there has been little exploration of environmental justice issues focusing specifically on this region. This book examines environmental justice in the Andes-­Amazon region from diverse perspectives, reflecting legal, practical, historical, and spiritual approaches. All, however, are united by a field-­based perspective of the ongoing quest of victims of environmental injustice, and their advocates, to secure equitable treatment for their grievances, especially those related to extractive industries and large infrastructure projects. The struggles documented here underscore the challenges indigenous and marginalized groups in the region face in achieving environmental justice and protecting their cultural identity, health, and livelihoods. Those challenges are rooted in historical social, economic, and political exclusion and reflect contemporary power asymmetries, the nexus of patrimonial and neocolonial states and international capital, and a secular religion of development and consumerism. The concept of environmental justice emerged in the United States with the recognition that people who experience greater social and economic marginalization also suffer disproportionately from environmental hazards. It has since expanded geographically to consider the different forms those injustices take in different parts of the world. Carruthers notes that although “environmental justice in Latin America is not anchored in the hazardous siting inequities that fueled its rise in the United States, environmental concerns are deeply woven into the fabric of Latin American popular mobilization for social justice and equity.”4

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The quest for environmental justice in Latin America, especially in the Andes-­Amazon region, is multifaceted and evolving. As Newell points out, there is an environmental justice dimension to many conflicts in Latin America in which indigenous people and small farmers confront landholders or corporations seeking access to resource-­rich rural areas being opened for investment.5 Latin America’s growing environmental justice movement encompasses a wide range of issues, described by Martínez-­Alier and colleagues, including legacy contamination and ongoing pollution, territorial rights, “land grabbing,” seed preservation, food sovereignty, the co-­opting of traditional knowledge of plants through biopiracy, water justice, climate justice, citizen science, corporate accountability, and the criminalization of environmental and indigenous rights activists.6 The movement also encompasses a range of actors, including rubber tappers, small farmers, descendants of African slaves, and indigenous people, who sometimes form alliances around common interests. Porto-­ Gonçalves and Leff trace the rise of new movements of indigenous people and small farmers, including rubber tappers in Brazil, Mexico’s Zapatistas, and the Colombians of African descent who inhabit tropical forests on that country’s Pacific coast.7 The movement has also expanded to embrace nonhuman beings. As Schlosberg notes, “When we interrupt, corrupt, or defile the potential functioning of ecological support systems, we do an injustice not only to human beings, but also to all of those non-­humans that depend on the integrity of the system for their own functioning.”8 That understanding of the place of humans within nature, rather than apart from it or superior to it, is characteristic of indigenous worldviews and is fundamental to indigenous people’s relationship with the territory they inhabit. Such values are gradually being incorporated into legislation and jurisprudence in some countries. For example, Bolivia and Ecuador have enshrined the rights of nature in their constitutions, explicitly striving toward sumak kawsay, a more harmonious relationship between humans and nature. Sumak kawsay is a Quechua term that is usually translated into Spanish as buen vivir. The closest English translation, “living well,” does not reflect the underlying idea that to live well, people do not require

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the fierce consumerism that drives resource extraction and destruction but rather a relationship with nature based on mutual benefit between humans and their surroundings. In Colombia, courts have recognized the Amazon River ecosystem as having legal rights, and the Inter-­American Court of Human Rights has upheld the right to a healthy environment, with the environmental protections that implies.9 These developments have been accompanied by increased recognition of indigenous people’s territorial rights, especially in international treaties and declarations, although they often are ignored by the very governments that have pledged to enforce them.10 Indigenous people, meanwhile, are taking action based on a “process of emancipation and decolonization” that revolves around territory as the space where cultural identities are rooted and reinvented.11 The indigenous worldview, which draws no sharp distinction between the human and nonhuman beings that coexist and interrelate in Amazonian ecosystems, presents a challenge to Western conservationists, whose approach is rooted in Western science. Increasingly, however, scientists are recognizing the importance of indigenous people’s territories and traditional knowledge for the protection of forests, and indigenous leaders are making their views known in international venues such as the United Nations climate summits and are taking their demands for territorial rights to international bodies such as the Inter-­American Commission on Human Rights. Although these efforts have yielded important legal precedents, full respect for those rights remains elusive. A History of Plunder From the time the first Europeans ventured across the Andes Mountains and into the Amazon lowlands, the region has been viewed as little more than a source of raw materials and humans to be exploited. Over the centuries, outside markets eagerly consumed the region’s gold and silver, wild game meat and animal skins, timber, oil and gas, rubber, and other commodities. Modern traffickers have added to the list drug crops and illegal trade in exotic pets and ornamental fish, while the illegal harvesting of timber and unregulated gold mining continue, with links to organized

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crime, money laundering, and even the governments to which they are putatively subject.12 Although the products have varied depending on market demand, this exploitation has often been characterized by coerced labor or bonded servitude. During colonial times, thousands of Andean natives provided forced labor in the mines of Potosí, in what is now Bolivia, and the Santa Bárbara cinnabar mine in Huancavelica, Peru, through a system that caused profound upheaval in indigenous communities and fed an ongoing cycle of colonial corruption.13 Even today the Amazon’s colonial legacy of coerced labor and debt peonage persists in remote logging and mining camps and on farms and ranches. Because of threats of violence, withheld wages, or the distance they would have to travel to return home, workers are sometimes unable to escape. Others may remain in the system for years simply because there are no other jobs in the remote areas where they live. The cruelest episode of this nature was the rubber boom, a relatively short but exceptionally brutal period in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth that led to the deaths of tens of thousands of indigenous people, especially along what was then a disputed border between Peru and Colombia.14 Although European experiences show that the recognition and repercussions of genocide echo down the generations, the impact of the violence of the rubber era in the Putumayo River basin has received scant attention. Shamans, healers, and elders died from disease, overwork, or persecution, taking with them knowledge that had been accumulated over generations. Entire communities were relocated to distant lands, sometimes displacing other indigenous populations. Some groups fled to more remote headwaters, where their seminomadic descendants still live, shunning contact with national society. Because these groups, which inhabit remote regions of seven South American countries, lack natural resistance to even the most common diseases, “initial contact” is often devastating.15 Meanwhile they are under increasing pressure from encroaching development and economic activities.16 With no direct representation and few ways to express and defend their own views except by their avoidance of contact, their future is largely shaped by debate among policymakers, indigenous rights activists, and anthropologists.

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The rubber boom was followed in the twentieth century by greater extraction of the region’s underground wealth, as oil exploration and production and mining expanded throughout the region, accompanied by the construction of roads and pipelines for transport of commodities and dams to produce electricity for mines and processing facilities. These activities, along with farming and ranching, have driven relentless deforestation and triggered conflicts with local communities whose lands are affected by “development” projects whose benefits often bypass them. Amid pressure to extract resources from the Amazon’s forests and rivers, the region’s indigenous and nonindigenous inhabitants often are caught in the middle. Although they want to defend the ecosystems on which their livelihoods have historically depended, they need cash to purchase goods and pay for schooling for their children. As a result they often find themselves working for the same companies or intermediaries that are damaging or destroying their ecosystems. Meanwhile the revenues generated by the extraction of natural resources from the region rarely trickle down to the local communities, which often lack adequate schools and health care, as well as basic services such as clean water and sanitation. There remains a historical debt to Amazonian and Andean peoples who have suffered the injustices of slavery or forced labor and the degradation of their environment and who continue to face discrimination from societies that claim to be pluricultural but fail to value a worldview in which humans are set within, and not above, the rest of the natural world. The countries with the greatest biological diversity are also emerging from centuries of poverty. Irrespective of putative ideologies, most have chosen a development path fueled by resource extraction and raw materials exports. These have lowered poverty rates in the region and improved other indicators of well-­being, but those gains have come, in part, at the expense of Amazonian ecosystems that are important not only for local people’s livelihoods but for regulating the water cycle and climate of the planet.17 The coming years will be decisive in determining whether those countries will find a value in Andes-­Amazon ecosystems that goes beyond immediate economic revenues.

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The Quest for Environmental Justice: Making the “Invisible” Visible Speaking at a conference of environmental journalists in 2008, Robert Bullard, who first drew attention to the “environmental racism” affecting communities of color in the United States, used the term “invisible communities” to describe neighborhoods that suffer from pollution and inadequate living conditions in the urban industrial landscape and that are at a disadvantage because of their lack of economic and political power.18 It can be argued, however, that the communities suffering the greatest environmental injustice in places such as the Andes-­Amazon region are not invisible but lie in plain sight for anyone who makes the effort to look. Rather, they are invisibilizadas, or made invisible, by official neglect and by policies that value industrial-­scale extraction of natural resources over forests and the people whose livelihoods depend on them. Such policies explicitly or implicitly aim to absorb and deculturate those communities, whose traditions and lifestyles are often incomprehensible to residents of distant capital cities. The conventional view of the region as a vast forest devoid of people also “invisibilizes” the indigenous people who have lived for millennia in a region where biological and cultural diversity are closely intertwined, as humans have helped shape the ecosystems that sustain them. The myth of an empty Amazonia has a political corollary: a region of such great natural riches should not be left in the hands of relatively few people but should be exploited by those who can turn it into economic wealth. President Alan García of Peru made that argument bluntly in 2007 in an essay in the country’s largest-­circulation newspaper.19 In García’s view, indigenous communities opposed to the exploitation of natural resources not only failed to take advantage of resources for themselves but also impeded economic development for the entire country. As a result, he said, all of Peru suffered because of the whims of a small percentage of the population. Two years later García’s government attempted to fast-­track approval of a package of laws that indigenous groups feared would open up their lands to private economic interests. A protest in the northern Peruvian Amazon led to a violent crackdown in which thirty-­four people died and more than two hundred were injured.20 President Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil,

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who took office in January 2019, echoed García’s view that indigenous people held rights to excessive amounts of resource-­rich land. Backed by a congressional bloc aligned with large agricultural interests, Bolsonaro threatened to halt the constitutionally mandated demarcation of indigenous people’s territories and open up their lands to mining.21 One consequence of the expansion of oil and gas production, mining, dams, and other development projects in the Andes-­Amazon region has been the rise of indigenous movements throughout the region, including the creation in 1984 of a pan-­Amazonian umbrella group, the Coordinating Committee of Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin (Coordinadora de las Organizaciones Indígenas de la Cuenca Amazónica, coica ). These organizations have been increasingly visible in international climate negotiations, promoting the view that protecting indigenous territories provides a strong defense against the deforestation that is the main source of greenhouse gas emissions in Amazonian countries.22 They also have played a crucial role in promoting the idea of sumak kawsay or buen vivir. That concept was incorporated into Ecuador’s Constitution in 2008, in which Article 275 defines the country’s development regime as “the organized, sustainable and dynamic set of economic, political, socio-­ cultural and environmental systems that guarantee the fulfillment of Buen Vivir, of sumak kawsay.” That article goes on to explain that “Buen Vivir will require that individuals, communities, peoples and nationalities effectively enjoy their rights and exercise responsibilities within the framework of intercultural relations, respect for their diversities, and harmonious coexistence with Nature.”23 Article 71 of Ecuador’s Constitution recognizes the right of nature to exist and evolve and served as the basis of a court decision for the protection of the country’s Vilcabamba River.24 Recognition of nature as a legal entity with rights is also gradually coalescing into law in Latin America. Bolivia gave Mother Earth legal standing as a “collective subject of public interest” in 2010 and in 2012 outlined principles for environmental governance in a framework law on Mother Earth and Integral Development for Living Well. Both Bolivia and Ecuador have recognized the right of nature to have its waters protected, the former in 2010 and the latter in 2014.25

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Colombia’s Supreme Court has explicitly recognized the Atrato River and the country’s Amazon region as having legal rights, making the state and its territorial jurisdictions responsible for their “protection, conservation, maintenance and restoration.”26 And in November 2017, in its decision on a case brought by Colombia regarding cross-­border environmental impacts of infrastructure projects, the Inter-­American Court of Human Rights noted, “[The] right to a healthy environment . . . is a matter of protecting nature and the environment not only in connection with its usefulness to human beings or because of the effects its degradation could have on other rights of persons, such as health, life or personal integrity, but because of its importance for the other living organisms with whom the planet is shared.”27 In recent years legal protection has been increasing for both the natural world and indigenous people, who are often the ones who are most dependent on forests and rivers and most likely to suffer the negative effects of resource extraction and environmental degradation. The inclusion of terms such as “pluricultural,” “intercultural,” “pluriethnic,” and “multiethnic” in national constitutions and legislation supposedly formalizes legal recognition of the cultural and territorial rights of indigenous peoples. Ironically, and hypocritically, the governments of those same countries continue to promote the exploitation of natural resources on indigenous lands and development projects that threaten indigenous people’s territories, livelihoods, and cultures, and the environment that sustains them. This has led some analysts to question whether such legislation and mechanisms such as free, prior, and informed consent are being used to create the illusion of defending indigenous people’s rights while in fact enabling governments and corporations to undermine those rights. Seen from that perspective, “multiculturalism—­both in its pre-­and ‘postneoliberal’ variants—­may be simply a new means of managing the ‘indigenous issue,’ as the region’s rulers have done since the onset of colonial rule.”28 At the same time, scientists warn that the Amazon basin is moving toward a “tipping point” at which it would become a net source of climate-­ warming greenhouse gas emissions, with potentially dire consequences

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not only for the people living in the region but for the planet as a whole.29 The next decades will be crucial for determining the fate of the Amazon’s forests and rivers and of the people who live in the basin and depend on its resources for their physical, cultural, social, and spiritual sustenance. The scale of the impacts of land-­use decisions in the Amazon has increased exponentially in recent decades. Extractive industries—­ particularly mining, oil and gas, and logging—­overlap or invade indigenous territories and protected areas. Industrial agriculture and land speculation drive deforestation in various parts of the basin, while infrastructure projects—­dams, transmission lines, ports, and roads—­also expand, often accompanied by corruption at the highest levels of government. The consequences reverberate around the planet, as deforestation changes local and regional rainfall patterns and affects the climate on a global scale. Amid these looming threats, the inhabitants of the Amazon basin are seeking justice in new and different ways. Indigenous people have organized and forged alliances with nongovernmental organizations, which help them advocate for their rights, and with scientists, who share their sense of urgency about preserving indigenous territories, which often are better buffered against deforestation than government-­designated protected areas, according to studies from several countries. Those allies have helped indigenous people gain access to international forums, such as the climate summits where government negotiators set targets for greenhouse gas emissions from various sources, including deforestation. When justice proves elusive in national courts, communities increasingly turn to international bodies. Decisions by the Inter-­American Commission on Human Rights and the Inter-­American Court of Human Rights and renewed emphasis on International Labor Organization Convention 169 on the rights of indigenous and tribal peoples are opening new avenues for indigenous communities to demand their rights. Communities and indigenous organizations are drawing on information technologies and a generation of young people trained in law and technical areas to help them evaluate new proposals for compensating them for conserving their lands. And community, indigenous, environmental, and human rights groups are joining forces in efforts to gain recognition for the

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rights of nature. These efforts have not been entirely successful, but they are gaining traction in ways that seemed unimaginable a decade ago. By exploring these issues from both conceptual and empirical standpoints, this book seeks to illuminate the divergent challenges marginalized groups face in the Andes-­Amazon region and highlight the various forms that the quest for justice is taking, thereby contributing to the debate on these complex and interrelated issues. Landscapes of Inequity: An Overview In the deep history of the Andes-­Amazon region, humans coexisted and interacted with their environment in a way that does not reflect the duality that arrived with the Europeans. The following chapters highlight the evolving nature of people’s relationship with their environment in this region, the differences between Eurocentric and indigenous Amazonian views of nature and culture, and the role of economic and political forces in this process. These dynamics are approached from three field-­based perspectives. Part 1, “Extracting Resources, Imposing Inequity,” traces the colonial and neocolonial roots of some modern injustices, examining the ways in which extractive policies have created and perpetuated environmental, social, economic, and political inequities. The extraction of raw materials for export is often accompanied by infrastructure to provide energy and facilitate transport. The environmental impacts of these projects disproportionately threaten the material, cultural, and spiritual survival of forest-­dwelling peoples. In part 2, “Macro-­Development and Marginalization,” the focus shifts to the myriad and interlocking effects of macro-­development projects on indigenous communities and the responses they provoke. Among those are a renewed recognition and reassertion of territorial claims. Part 3, “Territorial Rights, Ecocosmology, and the Quest for Environmental Justice,” explores facets of this trend, including the use of Western legal mechanisms to advance territorial rights, even though they reflect the Eurocentric nature/culture dichotomy. In part 1 the historical roots of environmental injustices in the region are explored through the lens of legacy contamination from colonial-­ era mining and toxic discharges from oil operations that began in the

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mid-­twentieth century. Both occurred before environmental regulations were in force and have resulted in multigenerational degradation of the land, water, and food supplies. In “A Toxic Reckoning: Legacy Contamination in Huancavelica, Peru,” Nicholas A. Robins examines the continuing environmental effects of colonial mercury refining in Huancavelica, Peru. Mercury refined from the Santa Bárbara cinnabar mines was transported throughout the Andes, where it was used to extract silver from ore. The expanded silver production made possible by this process spurred an unprecedented expansion and integration of international commerce, which fueled the Industrial Revolution and, ultimately, modern globalism. The city of Huancavelica, however, was left with soil contaminated with mercury, lead, and arsenic as a result of cinnabar-­refining operations, making it one of the world’s most mercury-­contaminated urban areas. Approximately nineteen thousand people are exposed to those toxics daily in homes built of adobe bricks made from contaminated soil. Robins examines the nature and origins of polymetallic contamination in the city, highlights the associated public health risks, charts a course for remedial action, and explores accountability for such legacy contamination. Contamination by commodity is also a central theme of “When the Rivers Run Black: Oil and Inequity in the Western Amazon,” in which Barbara J. Fraser traces the trajectory of oil exploration in the Amazonian regions of Peru and Ecuador, highlighting the ironic and dialectical nature of development in the region, where the few options for paid employment are in industries that tend to damage the environment on which local communities have traditionally depended for their livelihood. When oil exploration and production began in the region in the 1930s, it was carried out without regard for environmental concerns, resulting in pollution that contaminated both the land and the rivers, streams, and lakes where people bathed and obtained their drinking water and fish. After decades of neglect by policymakers, indigenous communities began to organize to fight for the right to a healthy environment and pursue justice in national and international courts. And despite the lingering legacy of a polluted past, indigenous peoples have successfully blocked new operations in some areas.

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The disproportionate and multifaceted impact of macro-­development projects on invisibilized communities in the Andes-­Amazon region is the focus of part 2. In “Environmental Justice and Brazil’s Amazonian Dams,” Philip M. Fearnside analyzes historical and current processes and conflicts concerning hydroelectric projects in Brazil, underscoring the legal, political, and structural obstacles to justice for affected residents. Indigenous and river-­dwelling peoples not only are the most severely affected by dam construction, but they also receive the fewest benefits. The electricity generated by Brazil’s hydroelectric dams is largely destined for export industries, especially aluminum production, and urban consumers in distant cities. Fearnside details the challenges that both affected people and environmentalists face in influencing policy, noting that development decisions are commonly made without input from stakeholders or the preparation of adequate impact studies. Even when civil society actors succeed in halting a project, their victory is often short-­lived. Besides advocating the development of wind and solar energy, Fearnside calls for substantive reforms, including the rigorous evaluation of technical data, along with meaningful consultation with stakeholders and the integration of their interests, prior to project approval. The interrelationships among infrastructure, development, and conflict are the focus of “When ‘Plurinational’ States Undermine Indigenous Territories: tipnis in Bolivia.” In this chapter Carwil Bjork-­James highlights differing concepts of Bolivian indigenous identity and competing visions of the role of and relationship between natural resources and development. Bjork-­James explores how such tensions are expressed through an analysis of the conflict over construction of a highway through Bolivia’s Isiboro Sécure National Park and Indigenous Territory (tipnis in Spanish). While the government of President Evo Morales has consistently supported the project, it has encountered unrelenting opposition from lowland indigenous people and organizations, who fear massive deforestation, increased production of drug crops, illegal logging, and other illicit activities. The tipnis conflict is a microcosm of the larger debate over differing concepts of development and relationships among indigenous peoples, natural resources, and local and global markets.

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Juan Pablo Sarmiento Barletti and Anne M. Larson explore other contradictions in development policy in “Environmental Justice in the redd + Frontier: Experiences from the Amazon and Beyond.” Programs for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (redd +) aim to decrease greenhouse gas emissions from by providing incentives for the conservation, sustainable management, and expansion of forests and their carbon stocks. Although redd + appears to be a win-­win way of compensating communities while helping countries control land-­use change, which is the greatest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the Amazon basin, implementation has been accompanied by a number of unintended, and sometimes undesirable, consequences. These include the exclusion of affected groups from effective consultation, the implementation of policies without their consent, and even the removal of indigenous groups from ancestral lands in order to protect the forests on which they have relied for millennia. At the same time, however, it has created channels for affected groups to express their grievances on an international level. In examining how such policies play out on the “frontier,” Sarmiento and Larson highlight the contradictions in redd +, while emphasizing the potential for integrating environmental justice issues. While megaprojects and extractive and agro-­industries have brought upheaval to many Amazonian communities, their effects have also led to a reassertion of cultural identities that are closely tied to place. Historically, Amazonian indigenous groups were mobile, but the Western concept of property rights, combined with incentives to settle in communities that offer public services such as education and health care, have limited the space they can occupy. This has created social problems, while also spurring demands for territory. The dynamic and evolving relationships between indigenous peoples, their ancestral territories, and their ongoing quest for environmental justice is the focus of part 3. The situation is especially complex in the case of seminomadic, isolated indigenous groups that shun contact with wider national society. Who represents them if they choose isolation? And how can a state that promotes the very development that threatens their way of life also

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safeguard their interests? Barbara Arisi and Felipe Milanez examine those issues in “Indigenism, Isolation, and Socioenvironmental Conflicts in the Javari River Valley” by weaving together the divergent and conflicting strands that condition relations between the Brazilian state and the Korubo and Matis people in the Javari Valley Indigenous Land in northeastern Brazil. A violent encounter between an isolated group of Korubo people and Matis villagers who are considered to be in “recent contact,” analyzed in this chapter, highlights contradictions that are often overlooked in studies of state-­indigenous relations. Arisi and Milanez introduce the concept of “political isolation,” noting that although they shun contact with outsiders, isolated groups are still deeply affected by government policies and are neither completely uncontacted nor isolated from the consequences of wider contact. Government policies toward indigenous peoples are also the topic of “We Are Here: The State of Community-­Based Landscapes in Peru,” in which Richard Chase Smith explores the contentious issue of indigenous land rights. In many ways the chapter is a case study of one of the defining themes of Latin American history: the forced integration of native peoples into the global economic system. Within a historical framework, Smith explores how these dynamics and trends have continued in the late twentieth century and early twenty-­first, through laws that have weakened the ability of indigenous communities and groups to confront the expansion of foreign and domestic capital. In the final section of the chapter, Smith details the immense labor of several nongovernmental organizations that have successfully developed a register of indigenous communities and their lands, using georeferencing not only to catalogue these communities but also to show how mining, hydrocarbon, and timber concessions occupy the same space. The result helps to explain many of Peru’s current social conflicts, while foreshadowing future disputes. As they struggle for stronger legal standing and for the right to make decisions about their territories, indigenous peoples call for governments to respect their right to be consulted about projects affecting them. The controversies over this right, and impediments facing peoples in Bolivia,

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Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, are the focus of “In Search of Justice and Power: Contentious Experiences of Free, Prior, and Informed Consent in Latin America” by Roger Merino. Communities increasingly turn for backing to supranational instruments, particularly International Labor Organization Convention 169 on the rights of indigenous and tribal peoples and the un Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Those treaties and legislation stemming from them should be a major step in protecting territorial rights, but, as the author explains, implementation falls short. Relations between citizens and government and divergent concepts of development are also the focus of the final chapter of this volume, “Indigenous Amazonian Peoples and the Struggle for Environmental Justice in Lowland South America,” in which the anthropologist Jonathan D. Hill probes the origins and nature of the conflicts stemming from government efforts to integrate lowland indigenous peoples into the global economy. Policies designed to protect these peoples’ cultures and lifeways often were poorly implemented or ignored as demands from powerful economic interests dominated policy debates. Lowland indigenous groups also grappled with a new threat, as their ancestral lands were swallowed up by infrastructure projects. This was a double affront, for their lands had profound ecocosmological importance to them. Hill details these connections, which are based on the concept of the intrinsic integration of people with natural elements, and the integration of such elements into humans and their history. He also examines the varied forms that indigenous resistance can take, including street protests, multisectoral mobilizations, and even academic activism. The chapters that follow span a diversity of topics and time frames, but they all pose similar questions: How can new paths to environmental justice and development be nurtured? How can historical injustices be redressed so that those who have been historically excluded from political and economic power can participate as equals and on their own terms in decisions that affect them, their territory, and their children’s future? It is our hope that this volume contributes to this rich, complex, and multifaceted debate.

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Notes 1. Watts, “Almost 4 Environmental Defenders.” For 2017 figures see Global Witness, “2017 Defenders Annual Report”; for 2018 figures see Global Witness, “Enemies of the State?” 2. Marengo, “On the Hydrological Cycle,” 1. 3. Porto-­Gonçalves and Leff, “Political Ecology in Latin America,” 74. 4. Carruthers, Environmental Justice, 7. 5. Newell, “The Politics of Environmental Justice,” 51. 6. Martínez-­Alier et al., “Between Activism and Science,” 27–­33, 35–­38, 46. 7. Porto-­Gonçalves and Leff, “Political Ecology in Latin America,” 73. 8. Schlosberg, “Theorising Environmental Justice,” 44. 9. On the rights of nature in Bolivia and Ecuador, see Lalander, “Rights of Nature,” 150; on Colombia’s recognition of the Amazon as being subject to rights, see Gómez Rojas, “Corte Suprema”; on the inter-­American system’s recognition of the right to a safe environment, see Inter-­American Court of Human Rights, Opinión Consultiva oc -­23/17. 10. See United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, “United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.” 11. Porto-­Gonçalves and Leff, “Political Ecology in Latin America,” 86. 12. See Dizard, “Gold Is the New Cocaine.” See also Kishor and Damania, “Crime and Justice.” 13. See Quiroz, Corrupt Circles, 31. 14. Hemming, Tree of Rivers, 211–­19. 15. Shelton et al. Pueblos Indígenas, 7–­8. 16. Fraser, “Maps Reveal.” 17. See United Nations, “We Can End Poverty.” 18. Remarks by Robert Bullard during a panel discussion on environmental justice and the poor on October 18, 2008, at the annual conference of the Society of Environmental Journalists in Roanoke va . An audio recording of the full panel discussion is available at http://​sej2008​.typepad​.com​/sej2008​/2008​/12​/saturday​-october​-18​-robert​-bullard​ -rep​-nick​-rahall​-james​-burger​-biofuels​-much​-more​-​.html. 19. García, “El síndrome del perro del hortelano.” 20. Cavero, “Después del Baguazo,” 7. 21. Borges and Branford, “Bolsonaro Draws Battle Lines.” 22. Walker et al., “Forest Carbon in Amazonia.” 23. Acosta, El Buen Vivir, 6. 24. See Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature, “Celebran el primer caso.” 25. D’Andrea, “Can the River Spirit.” 26. Gómez Rojas, “Corte Suprema.” 27. Inter-­American Court of Human Rights, Opinión Consultiva oc -­23/17 28. Sieder and Barrera Vivero, “Legalizing Indigenous Self-­Determination,” 21. 29. Lovejoy and Nobre, “Amazon Tipping Point.”

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