Latin America S20

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Books stocked at Marston Book Services Tel: +44 (0)1235 465500

Abortion in Latin America and the Caribbean

An Ecology of Knowledges

Fear, Love, and Technoscience in Guatemalan Forest Conservation Micha Rahder

The Legal Impact of the American Convention on Human Rights Ligia De Jesús Castaldi

Experimental Futures May 2020 320pp 28 illus. 9781478006916 £22.99/$27.95 PB 9781478006107 £90.00/$104.95 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS

June 2020 520pp 9780268107659 £58.00/$75.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME PRESS

New and original study, the first major publication How ways of knowing the forest of Guatemala’s to analyze the abortion laws of Latin American Maya Biosphere Reserve shape conservation and Caribbean nations, parties to the American practice, local livelihoods, and landscapes. Convention on Human Rights.

Argentina in the Global Middle East

Digital Pirates

Policing Intellectual Property in Brazil Alexander Sebastian Dent

Lily Pearl Balloffet

June 2020 264pp 9781503613010 £24.99/$30.00 PB 9781503611740 £77.00/$90.00 HB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

July 2020 208pp 9781503612976 £21.99/$26.00 PB 9781503611443 £73.00/$85.00 HB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

Argentina in the Global Middle East connects modern Latin American and Middle Eastern history through their shared links to global migration systems. By following the mobile lives of individuals with roots in the Levantine Middle East, Lily Pearl Balloffet sheds light on the intersections of ethnicity, migrant-homeland ties, and international relations.

Digital Pirates examines the unauthorized creation, distribution, and consumption of movies and music in Brazil. Alexander Sebastian Dent offers a new definition of piracy as indispensable to current capitalism alongside increasing global enforcement of intellectual property.

Handbook of Latin American Studies Vol. 74

I Never Left Home

Poet, Feminist, Revolutionary Margaret Randall March 2020 336pp 30 illus. 9781478006183 £24.99/$29.95 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS

Humanities Edited by Katherine D. McCann

In I Never Left Home, poet and revolutionary Margaret Randall tells the moving, captivating, and astonishing story of her life. From her childhood in New York to joining the Sandanista movement in Nicaragua, from escaping political repression in Mexico to raising a family and teaching college; she also weaves political and social analyses and poetry into the narrative of her life.

May 2020 792pp 9781477320983 £129.00/$150.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PRESS

Handbook of Latin American Studies is the most comprehensive annual bibliography in the field. Volume 74 annotates works on Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, and South America, as well as covering Latin America as a whole.


Identity and Nationalism in Modern Argentina

Kissinger and Latin America

Intervention, Human Rights, and Diplomacy Stephen G. Rabe

Defending the True Nation Jeane DeLaney

June 2020 330pp 15 b&w halftones 9781501706295 £36.00/$41.95 HB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS

June 2020 486pp 9780268107901 £35.00/$45.00 PB 9780268107895 /$125.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME PRESS

Analyzes US policies toward Latin America during the Cold War. Except for the issue of Chile under Salvador Allende, historians have largely ignored inter-American relations during the presidencies of Richard M. Nixon and Gerald R. Ford. Excludes ANZ

Study explores the origins and development of Argentina’s two forms of nationalism by linking nationalist thought to ongoing debates over Argentine identity. Demonstrates that national identities are neither unitary nor immutable.

Landscapes of Inequity

Love in the Drug War

Environmental Justice in the Andes-Amazon Region Edited by Nicholas A. Robins & Barbara J. Fraser

Selling Sex and Finding Jesus on the Mexico-US Border Sarah Luna April 2020 280pp 9781477320501 £24.99/$29.95 PB 9781477320495 £77.00/$90.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PRESS

July 2020 414pp 6 maps, 7 tables 9781496208026 £56.00/$65.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESS

Sex, drugs, religion, and love are potent combinations in la zona, a regulated prostitution zone in the border city of Reynosa. Scrutinizes la zona, the people who work to survive there, and Reynosa itself—including the influence of the US—adding nuance and new understanding to the current US-Mexico border crisis.

Landscapes of Inequity examines a range of environmental justice issues in the Andes and western Amazon basin from the perspectives of Indigenous peoples and economic development in a global economy. Robins and Fraser explore the debate over rights to and use of resources.

Making Immigrants in Modern Argentina

Making It at Any Cost

Aspirations and Politics in a Counterfeit Clothing Marketplace Matías Dewey

Julia Albarracín

May 2020 270pp 9780268107611 £42.00/$55.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME PRESS

Argues that modern Argentina’s selection of immigrants lies at the intersection of state decision-making processes and a number of economic, cultural, and international factors. Discusses how the current Macri administration, possibly emulating the Trump administration’s immigration policies, has rolled back some of the rights awarded to immigrants.

June 2020 272pp 9781477321058 £39.00/$45.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PRESS

Dives deep into the world of La Salada to examine how market exchanges function outside the law and how agreements and norms develop in the economy for counterfeit clothing. Argues that aspirations for a better future shape garment workers’ everyday practices.


Making Market Women

Matters of Justice

Gender, Religion, and Work in Ecuador Jill DeTemple

Pueblos, the Judiciary, and Agrarian Reform in Revolutionary Mexico Helga Baitenmann

March 2020 220pp 9780268107451 £42.00/$55.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME PRESS

The Mexican Experience May 2020 342pp 4 photos, 8 illus. 9781496219480 £28.99/$35.00 PB 9781496215581 £52.00/$60.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESS

Tells of the initial success, and later failure, of a liberationist Catholic women’s cooperative in central Ecuador. Argues that when gender and religious identities are capitalized, they are made vulnerable. Using archival and ethnographic methods, shares the story of the women involved in the cooperative, producing cheese and knitted goods for local markets.

Offers an original interpretation of Mexico’s revolutionary agrarian reform. From a judiciary takeover of land matters to villagers’ role in shaping the postrevolutionary state by siding with one branch of government over another.

Maya Bonesetters

Out of the Shadow

Manual Healers in a Changing Guatemala Written & Illustrated by Servando G. Hinojosa

Revisiting the Revolution from Post-Peace Guatemala Edited by Julie Gibbings & Heather Vrana

February 2020 256pp 9781477320297 £24.99/$29.95 PB 9781477320280 £77.00/$90.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PRESS

July 2020 336pp 9781477320853 £39.00/$45.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PRESS

Guatemala’s “Ten Years of Spring” began when citizens ushered in a period of social reform. The research of diverse anthropologists and historians offers a new examination of this pivotal chapter in Latin American history whilst also shedding light on the period’s atrocities.

Maya Bonesetters is the first book-length study of bonesetting in Guatemala and situates the manual healing tradition within the current cultural context—one in which a changing medical landscape threatens bonesetters’ work.

Parenting Empires

Pictured Politics

Class, Whiteness, and the Moral Economy of Privilege in Latin America Ana Yolanda Ramos-Zayas

Visualizing Colonial History in South American Portrait Collections Emily Engel

April 2020 304pp 13 illus. 9781478008217 £22.99/$27.95 PB 9781478007746 £90.00/$104.95 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS

March 2020 280pp 9781477320594 £52.00/$60.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PRESS

Explores how official portraiture originated and evolved to become an essential component in the construction of Ibero-American political relationships. Brings to light the historical relevance of political portraits in crafting the history of South American colonialism.

Ramos-Zayas focuses on the parenting practices of Latin American urban elites to analyze how everyday experiences of whiteness, privilege, and inequality reinforce national and hemispheric idioms of anti-corruption and austerity.


Pluriversal Politics

Politics of Temporalization

The Real and the Possible Arturo Escobar

Medievalism and Orientalism in Nineteenth-Century South America Nadia R. Altschul

Latin America in Translation May 2020 232pp 3 illus. 9781478008460 £20.99/$25.95 PB 9781478007937 £86.00/$99.95 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS

June 2020 288pp 9780812252279 £69.00/$79.95 HB UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS

Reflecting on the experience, philosophy, and practice of Latin American Indigenous and Afrodescendant activist-intellectuals who mobilize to defend their territories from large-scale extraction, is the key to addressing planetary crises is the creation of the pluriverse, a world of many epistemological and ontological worlds.

The alleged existence of medievality and Moorishness in the Ibero-American archive is not due to the existence of a past that continues to animate the present. Names aspects of the present as remnants of an imagined past.

Predictable Pleasures

Radical Cartographies

Food and the Pursuit of Balance in Rural Yucatán Lauren A. Wynne

Participatory Mapmaking from Latin America Edited by Bjørn Sletto, Alfredo Wagner, Joe Bryan & Charles Hale

At Table May 2020 300pp 9 photos 9781496201317 £43.00/$50.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESS

August 2020 224pp 9781477320884 £39.00/$45.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PRESS

In Predictable Pleasures, Lauren A. Wynne examines the centrality of food in rural Yucatán and how residents practice care, as exercised through food, to negotiate anxieties, achieve desired bodily and social status, and maintain valued cultural forms.

Critically explores the ways in which participatory mapping is being used by Indigenous, Afrodescendant, and other traditional groups in Latin America to preserve their territories and cultural identities. Rethinks the role of maps.

Revolutionary Positions

Risking Immeasurable Harm

Sexuality and Gender in Cuba and Beyond Edited by Michelle Chase, Isabella Cosse, Melina Pappademos & Heidi Tinsman

Immigration Restriction and U.S.-Mexican Diplomatic Relations, 1924–1932 Benjamin C. Montoya

April 2020 360pp 9 tables, 1 graph 9781496201294 £47.00/$55.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESS

January 2020 234pp 16 illus. 9781478008774 £11.99/$14.00 PB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS

Demonstrates the correlation of immigration restriction and diplomacy, the ways racism can affect diplomatic relations, and how domestic immigration policy can have international consequences.

For the sixtieth anniversary of the Cuban Revolution, this special issue explores the impact of the revolution through the lens of sexuality and gender, and illuminates the global New Left.


Shifting Livelihoods

Silver Veins, Dusty Lungs

Gold Mining and Subsistence in the Chocó, Colombia Daniel Tubb Foreword & Series Editing by K. Sivaramakrishnan

Mining, Water, and Public Health in Zacatecas, 1835-1946 Rocio Gomez

The Mexican Experience July 2020 288pp 14 photos, 2 maps, 3 tables, 3 graphs 9781496221117 £24.99/$30.00 PB 9780803290891 £52.00/$60.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESS

Culture, Place, and Nature July 2020 264pp 16 b&w illus., 2 maps, 2 charts 9780295747538 £23.99/$30.00 PB 9780295747521 £79.00/$95.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON PRESS

Examines the detrimental effects of the silver mining industry on water resources and public health in the city of Zacatecas.

Effects on rural people, corporations, and politics due to domination by gold and cocaine.

Talking Books with Mario Vargas Llosa

The Adorned Body

Mapping Ancient Maya Dress Edited by Nicholas Carter, Stephen Houston & Franco Rossi

A Retrospective Edited by Raquel Chang-Rodríguez & Carlos Riobó

August 2020 264pp 9781477320709 £52.00/$60.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PRESS

New Hispanisms August 2020 258pp 15 photos 9781496220257 £52.00/$60.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESS

With contributions from a wide range of scholars, leading to the first in-depth study of Maya dress in Precolumbian times. Shedding new light on the art and archaeology of the ancient Americas, The Adorned Body investigates categories of dress, as well as popular styles and trends through times.

Celebrate Llosa’s visits to the City College of New York, an opportunity to learn about his body of work through his own perspective and those of key fiction writers and literary critics.

The Chicano Studies Reader

The Frontier Effect

State Formation and Violence in Colombia Teo Ballvé

An Anthology of Aztlán, 1970–2019 Edited by Chon A. Noriega, Eric Avila, Karen Mary Davalos, Chela Sandoval, Rafael Pérez-Torres & Charlene Villaseñor Black

Cornell Series on Land: New Perspectives on Territory, Development, and Environment March 2020 228pp 13 b&w halftones 3 b&w line drawings, 3 maps 9781501747540 £22.99/$27.95 PB 9781501747533 £99.00/$115.00 HB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS

February 2020 728pp 21 b&w illus., 32 tables 9780895511720 £21.99/$27.95 PB UCLA CHICANO STUDIES RESEARCH CENTER PRESS

Shows Urabá, Colombia’s violent condition is more than a case of Hobbesian political disorder. Excludes ANZ

This fourth edition of the Reader documents the foundation of Chicano studies.


The Future of Change

The Government of Beans

How Technology Shapes Social Revolutions Raymond H. Brescia

Regulating Life in the Age of Monocrops Kregg Hetherington

April 2020 240pp 9781501748110 £23.99/$28.95 HB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS

May 2020 304pp 1 illus. 9781478006893 £22.99/$27.95 PB 9781478006060 £90.00/$104.95 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS

Identifying US history’s "social innovation moments"—during which social movements have embraced advances in communications technologies—illuminates the complicated, dangerous, innovative, and exciting relationship between these technologies, social movements, and social change themselves. Excludes ANZ

Shows how the tools used to drive economic growth exacerbate the very environmental challenges they were designed to solve, with Paraguay’s adoption of massive soybean production as an example.

The Last Good Neighbor

The Spirit of Hispanism

Mexico in the Global Sixties Eric Zolov

Commerce, Culture, and Identity across the Atlantic, 1875–1936 Diana Arbaiza

American Encounters/Global Interactions May 2020 432pp 34 illus. 9781478006206 £25.99/$30.95 PB 9781478005438 £99.00/$114.95 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS

March 2020 302pp 9780268106935 £42.00/$55.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME PRESS

Examines how Spanish authors, economists, and entrepreneurs of various ideological backgrounds strove to reconcile the construction of Hispanic cultural identity with discourses of political economy and commercial interests surrounding the movement.

Eric Zolov prevents a revisionist account of Mexican domestic politics and international relations during the long 1960s, tracing how Mexico emerged from the shadow of FDR’s Good Neighbor policy to become a geopolitical player in its own right during the Cold War.

The Woman Who Turned Into a Jaguar, and Other Narratives of Native Women in Archives of Colonial Mexico


Narcoculture in Mexico and the United States Hector Amaya May 2020 280pp 7 illus. 9781478008040 £21.99/$26.95 PB 9781478007647 £86.00/$99.95 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS

Lisa Sousa

March 2020 424pp 9781503613621 £24.99/$30.00 NIP STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

In Trafficking Hector Amaya examines how the dramatic escalation of drug violence in Mexico in 2008 transformed how people discussed violence and prompted new forms of participation in public culture in Mexico and the United States. It also altered assumptions about freedom of expression.

This book is an ambitious and wide-ranging social and cultural history of gender relations among indigenous peoples of New Spain, from the Spanish conquest through the first half of the eighteenth century.


Vital Decomposition


April 2020 248pp 42 illus., incl. 8 in color 9781478008163 £20.99/$25.95 PB 9781478007692 £86.00/$99.95 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS

Presents an ethnography of human-soil relations and follows state soil scientists and peasant farmers in the Putumayo region. Shows relationship with soil is key to care of the forest and growing non-illicit crops with violence, militarism, and environmental destruction.

A Social and Political History of Latin America’s Global Comic Isabella Cosse Translated by Laura Pérez Carrara

Latin America in Translation December 2019 320pp 56 illustrations 9781478006381 £23.99/$26.95 PB 9781478005070 £88.00/$99.95 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS BOOKS

Examines the history, political commentary, and influence of the comic character Mafalda from her Argentine origins in 1964 to the 1990s.

The Florentine Codex

An Encyclopedia of the Nahua World in SixteenthCentury Mexico Edited by Jeanette Favrot Peterson & Kevin Trerraciano

September 2019 256pp 122 color and 9 b&w photos, 1 map 9781477318409 £47.00/$55.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PRESS

Explores the most significant trove of Nahua culture and language. This illustrated work ultimately yields new perspectives on the Nahua world several decades after the fall of the Aztec.

The Value of Aesthetics

Oaxacan Woodcarvers in Global Economies of Culture Alanna Cant

September 2019 232pp 8-page color insert, 1 b&w map 9781477318812 £24.99/$29.95 PB 9781477318805 £77.00/$90.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PRESS

A study of the economic and cultural impact of aesthetics, focusing on an internationally renowned workshop where Oaxacan woodcarvings, or alebrijes, are highly profitable. Shows how aesthetic practices produce and redefine social and political relationships.

Books stocked at Marston Book Services Tel: +44 (0)1235 465500


Soil Practitioners and Life Politics Kristina M. Lyons

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