Latin American Studies Subject Catalogue - Spring 2022

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Latin American Studies spring 2022

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A Century of Brazilian Documentary Film

A Tyranny Against Itself

From Nationalism to Protest Darlene J. Sadlier

Intimate Partner Violence on the Margins of Bogota John I. B. Bhadra-Heintz

July 2022 328pp 9781477325230 £44.00 / $55.00 HB

March 2022 336pp 6 b&w 9780812224948 £24.99 / $32.50 PB 9780812253436 £80.00 / $99.95 HB


The first comprehensive study of Brazilian documentary filmmaking, offering a sweeping look at more than a century of cinema�c journalism, propaganda, and ar�stry. Sadlier iden�fies Brazilians’ unique contribu�ons to a diverse genre while exploring how that genre has, in turn, contributed to the making and remaking of Brazil.


An ethnographic explora�on of the perpetra�on of in�mate partner violence, as told through the narra�ves of survivors, designated responders, and most of all the perpetrators of that abuse. Taking place in Usme, a marginalized district of Bogotâa, Colombia, this book seeks out the lines of connec�on, and contradic�on, that �e these in�mate acts into broader systems of power.

Acts of Growth

After Stories

March 2022 280pp 9781503630949 £20.99 / $28.00 PB 9781503630215 £72.00 / $90.00 HB

August 2022 288pp 9781503632172 £20.99 / $28.00 PB 9781503609099 £72.00 / $90.00 HB



Development and the Politics of Abundance in Peru Eric Hirsch

Transnational Intimacies of Postwar El Salvador Irina Carlota Silber

Over the last decade, Peru has experienced a spectacular mining boom and astronomical economic growth. Yet, for villagers in Peru's southern Andes, few have felt the material benefits. With this book, Eric Hirsch considers what growth means—and importantly how it feels. Hirsch proposes an analysis of boom-�me capitalism that starts not from considera�ons of poverty, but from the premise that Peru is wealthy.

Examining the arcs of a Salvadoran "1.5 insurgent genera�on" and their migra�on to the United States, this book provides a compelling longitudinal ethnographic account of postwar reckoning. This book builds upon Irina Carlota Silber's nearly 25 years of ethnographic research centered in Chalatenango, El Salvador, to follow the trajectories—geographic, temporal, storied—of several extended Salvadoran families.

Bandits and Liberals, Rebels and Saints

Building Sustainable Worlds

Latin America since Independence Alan Knight

Latinx Placemaking in the Midwest Edited by Theresa Delgadillo, Ramon H. RiveraServera, Geraldo L. Cadava & Claire F. Fox

May 2022 456pp 1 illus., 1 table, index 9781496229786 £26.99 / $35.00 PB 9781496229427 £79.00 / $99.00 HB


La�nos in Chicago and Midwest June 2022 352pp 9780252086618 £20.99 / $28.00 PB 9780252044540 £100.00 / $125.00 HB

In seven substan�al essays, previously unpublished, Alan Knight offers a dis�nct perspec�ve on several overarching themes in La�n American history, spanning approximately two centuries, from 1800 to 2000. Knight’s approach is ambi�ous and compara�ve—some�mes ranging beyond La�n America and combining relevant social theory with robust empirical detail.



In this collec�on, an interdisciplinary group of contributors cri�cally examines the many ways that varied La�na/o/x communi�es cohere through cultural expression. Excludes SE Asia, Indian sc & ANZ

Children of the Revolution

Choreographing Mexico

Violence, Inequality, and Hope in Nicaraguan Migration Laura J. Enriquez

Festive Performances and Dancing Histories of a Nation Manuel R. Cuellar

Globaliza�on in Everyday Life April 2022 280pp 9781503631281 £20.99 / $28.00 PB 9781503613782 £72.00 / $90.00 HB

August 2022 372pp 9781477325162 £36.00 / $45.00 HB


Through an analysis of wri�en, photographic, choreographic, and cinematographic renderings of a fes�ve Mexico, Choreographing Mexico examines how bodies in mo�on both performed and cri�qued the na�on. Cuellar reminds us of the ongoing poli�cal significance of movement and embodied experience, as folklórico maintains an important and s�ll-contested place in Mexican and Mexican American iden�ty today.


Tracing the lives of four women as they came of age in revolu�onary-era Nicaragua and later immigrated to Italy, this book examines social agency and its limits in the context of present-day La�n America and Europe. Enríquez's compassionate account highlights the par�culari�es of each woman's narra�ve, and shows how their lives were shaped by social factors.

Cold War Paradise

Conjured Bodies

Settlement, Culture, and Identity-Making among U.S. Americans in Costa Rica, 1945–1980 Atalia Shragai

Queer Racialization in Contemporary Latinidad Laura Grappo July 2022 312pp 9781477325209 £22.99 / $29.95 PB


May 2022 330pp 15 photos, 1 illus., 1 map, 2 tables, index 9781496230799 £22.99 / $30.00 PB 9781496220301 £79.00 / $99.00 HB

This study argues that powerful authori�es and ins�tu�ons exploit the ambiguity of La�nidad in ways that obscure inequali�es in the United States. Grappo draws on case studies and controversies over the racial iden��es of public La�nx figures to show how media ins�tu�ons and state authori�es deploy the ambigui�es of La�nidad in ways that mys�fy the sources of La�nx poli�cal and economic disadvantage.


In the wake of the Cold War, a group of diverse U.S. immigrants flocked to Costa Rica, distancing themselves from undesirable U.S. policies. Shragai examines the mo�va�ons for immigra�on, pa�erns of movement, se�lements, and processes of iden�tymaking among U.S. Americans in Costa Rica from post–World War II to the late 1970s.

Contracting Freedom

Crossing Waters

Race, Empire, and U.S. Guestworker Programs Maria Quintana

Undocumented Migration in Hispanophone Caribbean and Latinx Literature & Art Marisel C. Moreno

Poli�cs and Culture in Modern America May 2022 328pp 11 b&w 9780812253887 £36.00 / $45.00 HB

La�nx: The Future is Now June 2022 304pp 9781477325605 £22.99 / $29.95 PB 9781477325599 £72.00 / $90.00 HB



The first rela�onal study of twen�eth-century U.S. guestworker programs from Mexico and the Caribbean, Contrac�ng Freedom explores how 1940s debates over labor programs elided race and empire while further legi�ma�ng and extending U.S. domina�on abroad in the post-World War II era.

An innova�ve study of the ar�s�c representa�ons of undocumented migra�on within the Hispanophone Caribbean. An untold story filled with beauty, possibility, and sorrow, Crossing Waters encourages us to rethink the geography and experience of undocumented migra�on and the role that the Caribbean archipelago plays as a border zone. 2

From the Grounds Up

Jobless Growth in the Dominican Republic

Building an Export Economy in Southern Mexico Casey Marina Lurtz

Disorganization, Precarity, and Livelihoods Christian Krohn-Hansen

May 2022 296pp 9781503632615 £20.99 / $28.00 PB 9781503603899 £52.00 / $65.00 HB

Emerging Fron�ers in the Global Economy May 2022 232pp 9781503632615 £20.99 / £28.00 PB 9781503630529 £56.00 / $70.00 HB


In the late nineteenth century, La�n American exports boomed. In southern Mexico's Soconusco district, the coffee trade would transform rural life. A regional history of the Soconusco as well as a study in commodity capitalism, From the Grounds Up places indigenous and mes�zo villagers, migrant workers, and local poli�cians at the center of our understanding of the export boom.


The Dominican Republic has posted impressive economic growth rates over the past thirty years. Despite this, the genera�on of new, good jobs has been remarkably weak. How have ordinary and poor Dominicans worked and lived in the shadow of the country's conspicuous growth rates?

Labor's Outcasts

Latina/o/x Education in Chicago

Migrant Farmworkers and Unions in North America, 1934-1966 Andrew J. Hazelton

Roots, Resistance, and Transformation Edited by Isaura Pulido, Angelica Rivera & Ann M. Aviles

Working Class in American History August 2022 256pp 9780252086700 £20.99 / $28.00 PB 9780252044632 £88.00 / $110.00 HB

La�nos in Chicago and Midwest August 2022 248pp 9780252086571 £18.99 / $25.00 PB 9780252044502 £88.00 / $110.00 HB


In the mid 1900s, corpora�ons consolidated control over agriculture on the backs of Mexican migrant laborers through a guestworker system — the Bracero Program. The Na�onal Agricultural Workers Union (NAWU) a�empted to organize these workers. Hazelton examines the NAWU's opposi�on to the Bracero Program. Excludes SE Asia, Indian sc & ANZ


This collec�on explores the history of Mexican American and Puerto Rican educa�on in the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) system. Excludes SE Asia, Indian sc & ANZ

Lawful Sins

Planetary Longings

Abortion Rights and Reproductive Governance in Mexico Elyse Ona Singer

Mary Louise Pratt

Dissident Acts June 2022 336pp 26 illus. 9781478018292 £20.99 / $27.95 PB 9781478015666 £84.00 / $104.95 HB

May 2022 280pp 9781503631472 £20.99 / $28.00 PB 9781503615137 £69.00 / $90.00 HB


Tracing colonialism alongside the history of an�colonial struggles in the Americas, Pra� shows how the turn of the twenty-first century marks a catastrophic turning point in the human and planetary condi�on. Demonstrates that the changes on either side of the millennium have catalyzed new forms of worldmaking and knowledge-making in the face of an unknowable and catastrophic future.


Elyse Ona Singer argues that while pregnant women in Mexico today have op�ons that were unavailable just over a decade ago, they are also subject to the expanded reach of the Mexican state and the Catholic Church over their bodies and reproduc�ve lives. Lawful Sins offers a cri�cal account of the rela�onship among reproduc�ve rights, gendered ci�zenship, and public healthcare. 3

Racial Baggage

Risking a Somersault in the Air

Mexican Immigrants and Race Across the Border Sylvia Zamora

Conversations with Nicaraguan Writers (Revised edition) Margaret Randall

July 2022 208pp 9781503632240 £19.99 / $26.00 PB 9781503628526 £65.00 / $85.00 HB

June 2022 240pp 50 b&w illus. 9781613321829 £17.99 / $22.95 PB 9781613321836 £71.00 / $89.00 HB



Upon arrival to the United States, Mexican immigrants are racialized as simultaneously nonWhite and "illegal." This racializa�on process complicates no�ons of race that they bring with them, as the "pigmentocracy" of Mexican society collides with the American racial system. Racial Baggage examines how immigra�on reconfigures U.S. race rela�ons, illumina�ng how the immigra�on experience can transform understandings of race in home and host countries.

A dynamic collec�on of personal interviews with 14 prominent ac�vists whose wri�ngs influenced the 1979 Nicaraguan revolu�on and help us understand present-day Nicaragua. This revised first edi�on includes a new preface and addi�onal notes that frame the narra�ve in high relevance to the present day. Excludes Taiwan, Japan, SE Asia & ANZ

Scales of Captivity

Social Change, Industrialization, and the Service Economy in São Paulo, 1950-2020

Racial Capitalism and the Latinx Child Mary Pat Brady

Francisco Vidal Luna & Herbert S. Klein

April 2022 312pp 5 illus. 9781478017936 £20.99 / $27.95 PB 9781478015314 £84.00 / $104.95 HB

Social Science History July 2022 448pp 9781503631359 £60.00 / $75.00 HB


Traces the figure of the cap�ve and cast-off child over 150 years of La�nx/Chicanx literature as a cri�que of colonial modernity and the forms of confinement that underpin racialized ci�zenship. By showing how representa�ons of the cap�ve child cri�que the entrenched logic undergirding colonial power, Brady challenges racialized modes of ci�zenship while offering visions for living beyond borders.


In the 1950s–80s, Brazil built one of the most advanced industrial networks among the "developing" countries, ini�ally concentrated in the state of São Paulo. But from the 1980s, decentraliza�on of industry spread to other states. Documents the accelerated industrializa�on of the state and its subsequent shi� to a service economy.

Taking Form, Making Worlds

The Costs of the Gig Economy

Cartonera Publishers in Latin America Lucy Bell, Alex Ungprateeb Flynn & Patrick O'Hare

Musical Entrepreneurs and the Cultural Politics of Inequality in Northeastern Brazil Falina Enriquez

April 2022 360pp 9781477324950 £36.00 / $45.00 HB

August 2022 288pp 9780252086687 £22.99 / $30.00 PB 9780252044618 £88.00 / $110.00 HB



The first comprehensive study of cartonera, a vibrant publishing phenomenon born in La�n America. By showcasing such diverse authors and bookmakers, cartonera publishers have encouraged varied works while making a home for an aesthe�cs of resistance, for experimenta�on, and for those living on the fringes of capitalist socie�es in which poverty, eccentricity, and crea�vity itself, are suspect.

Ins�tu�ons in Recife, Brazil, have restructured subsidies in favor of encouraging musicians to become more entrepreneurial. The text explores how contemporary and tradi�onal musicians in the fabled musical city have nego�ated these intensified neoliberal cultural policies and economic uncertain�es. Excludes SE Asia, Indian sc & ANZ 4

The Grammar of Civil War

The Impasse of the Latin American Left

A Mexican Case Study, 1857-61 Will Fowler

Franck Gaudichaud, Massimo Modonesi & Jeffery R. Webber

July 2022 342pp 11 photos, 4 maps, 3 tables, index 9781496230461 £52.00 / $65.00 HB

Radical Américas June 2022 192pp 9781478018216 £18.99 / $24.95 PB 9781478015581 £76.00 / $94.95 HB


Will Fowler examines the origin, process, and outcome of civil war. Using the Mexican Civil War of 1857–61 (or the War of the Reform, the poli�cal and military conflict that erupted between the compe�ng liberal and conserva�ve visions of Mexico’s future), Fowler seeks to understand how civil wars come about and, when they do, how they unfold and why.


Explores the La�n American Pink Tide as a poli�cal, economic, and cultural phenomenon, showing how it failed to transform the underlying class structures of their socie�es or challenge the imperial strategies of the United States and China.

The Joys and Disappointments of a German Governess in Imperial Brazil

The Mexico Reader

History, Culture, Politics Edited by Gilbert M. Joseph & Timothy J. Henderson

Ina von Binzer Edited by Linda Lewin Translated by Gabriel Trop

The La�n America Readers August 2022 832pp 93 illus. 9781478018360 £23.99 / $31.95 PB 9781478015734 £99.00 / $124.95 HB


February 2022 200pp 23 b&w illus., 1 b&w map 9780268201777 £44.00 / $55.00 HB

An expansive and comprehensive guide to the many varied histories and cultures of Mexico, from preColumbian �mes to the twenty-first century. Unparalleled in scope, it covers pre-Columbian �mes to the present, from the extraordinary power and influence of the Roman Catholic Church to Mexico’s uneven postrevolu�onary moderniza�on, from chronic economic and poli�cal instability to its rich cultural heritage.


Provides a rare view of three very different elite family households during the twilight years of Brazil’s Second Empire. Binzer’s own insights into their opinions and behaviours make for a fascina�ng insider’s view of a world about to disappear.

The Small Matter of Suing Chevron Suzana Sawyer

The Southern Cone and the Origins of Pan America, 1888-1933

July 2022 416pp 63 illus. 9781478017950 £22.99 / $29.95 PB 9781478015338 £88.00 / $109.95 HB

Mark J. Petersen


March 2022 344pp 7 b&w illus. 9780268202019 £52.00 / $65.00 HB


Traces Ecuador’s lawsuit against the Chevron corpora�on for the environmental devasta�on resul�ng from its oil drilling prac�ces, showing how dis�nct legal truths were rela�onally composed of, with, and through crude oil. Holding the paradoxes of complicity in suspension, Sawyer de�ly demonstrates how crude ma�ers, technoscience, and liberal legality configure how risk and reward, depriva�on and disavowal, suffering and surfeit become legally and unevenly distributed.

Traces the history of Argen�ne and Chilean pan-Americanism and asks why panAmericanism came to define inter-American rela�ons in the twen�eth century. A nuanced and comprehensive account of how Southern Cone policy makers used pan-American coopera�on as a vehicle for various agendas, transforming pan-Americanism from a tool of U.S. interests to a framework for mul�lateral coopera�on that persists to this day. 5

Visualizing Black Lives

Workers Like All the Rest of Them

Ownership and Control in AfroBrazilian Media Reighan Gillam

Domestic Service and the Rights of Labor in Twentieth-Century Chile Elizabeth Quay Hutchison

April 2022 160pp 9780252086489 £19.99 / $26.00 PB 9780252044410 £88.00 / $110.00 HB

March 2022 228pp 27 illus. 9781478014898 £19.99 / $25.95 PB 9781478013952 £80.00 / $99.95 HB



A new genera�on of Afro-Brazilian media producers have emerged to challenge a mainstream that o�en excludes them. Delves into the dynamic alterna�ve media landscape developed by Afro-Brazilians in the 1900s. With works that confront racism and focus on Black characters, these ar�sts iden�fy, challenge, or break with entrenched racist prac�ces and ideologies. Excludes SE Asia, Indian sc & ANZ

Recounts the long struggle for domes�c workers’ recogni�on and rights in Chile across the twen�eth century, revealing how and under what condi�ons they mobilized for change and traces the legal and social history of domes�c workers and their rights, outlining their transi�on from slavery to servitude.

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