Law S18

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Law New Titles Spring/Summer 2018 this season’s highlights

America's Jails

The Search for Human Dignity in an Age of Mass Incarceration DEREK JEFFREYS June 2018 256pp 9781479814824 PB £21.99 9781479838622 HB £71.00 Alternative Criminology New York University Press

Draws on sociology, philosophy, history, and Jeffrey’s personal experience volunteering in jails and prisons, to provide an understanding of jail experience from the inmates’ perspective, focusing on the stigma that surrounds incarceration. Using his research at Cook County Jail, the nation’s largest single-site jail, Jeffreys attests that jail inmates possess an inherent dignity that should govern how we treat them. Ultimately, fundamental changes in the U.S. jail system are necessary and this book provides specific policy recommendations for changing its poor conditions.

Complexity's Embrace

The International Law Implications of Brexit EDITED BY OONAGH E. FITZGERALD & EVA LEIN March 2018 256pp 9781928096634 PB £36.00 9781928096627 HB £88.00 McGill-Queen's University Press

After decades of strengthening European integration and independence, Brexit necessitates a deep understanding of its international law implications on both sides of the English Channel. In this volume, international law practitioners and academics move beyond the sensationalist rhetoric of the Brexiteers to explain the diverse legal challenges that need to be addressed. The authors in this volume articulate, with unvarnished clarity, the international law implications of Brexit, providing policy makers, commentators, the legal community, and civil society with critical information they need to participate in negotiating their future within or outside Europe.

Putting Trials on Trial

Wildlife Crime

March 2018 328pp 9780773552777 HB £27.99 McGill-Queen's University Press

July 2018 330pp 9781439914724 PB £29.99 9781439914717 HB £83.00 Temple University Press

Sexual Assault and the Failure of the Legal Profession ELAINE CRAIG

Provides an even-handed account of how the legal profession unnecessarily – and sometimes unlawfully – contributes to the trauma and re-victimization experienced by those who testify as sexual assault complainants. This book demonstrates that demonstrates that – despite prominent contestations – complainants are regularly subjected to abusive, humiliating, and discriminatory treatment when they turn to the law to respond to sexual violations. Gathering conclusive evidence, Craig makes serious, substantiated and necessary claims about the ethical and cultural failures of the Canadian legal profession.

From Theory to Practice WILLIAM D. MORETO

Examines topical issues from extinction to trafficking in order to understand the ecological, economic, political, and social consequences of these crimes. Drawing from theoretical perspectives, empirical and methodological developments, and on-the-ground experiences, this volume looks at how conservationists and law enforcement grapple with environmental crimes and the profitable market for illegal trade. Chapters cover criminological perspectives on species poaching, unregulated fishing, the trading of ivory and rhino horns, the adoption of conservation technologies, and ranger workplaces and conditions. The book includes firsthand experiences and research from across the globe.

Distribution via Marston Book Services* Call: +44 (0)1235 465500 Email: Order direct from CAP online: *From April 1st 2018 University of Minnesota Press will move distribution from NBN International to Marston** From March 1st 2018 Cornell University Press will move distribution from NBN International to Marston** (Before these dates you can continue to order from NBN. Call: +44 (0)1752 202301 Email: **All recorded dues for University of Minnesota Press and Cornell University Press will be transferred from NBN to Marston after handover dates.

A Family Matter

Citizenship, Conjugal Relationships, and Canadian Immigration Policy MEGAN GAUCHER April 2018 208pp 9780774836425 HB £71.00 UBC Press

Gaucher analyzes the government’s assessment of sexual-minority refugee claimants’ relationship history, common-law and married spousal sponsorship applications, and marriage fraud, concluding that this narrative of citizenship reinforces racialized, gendered, and sexualized assumptions about the “Canadian family.”


May 2018 288pp 9781479836369 HB £52.00 NOMOS - American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy New York University Press

Brings together a range of perspectives on representation, political morality, disagreement, negotiation, and various forms of compromise. Distingushed scholars across fields of political science, law, and philosophy reflect on the practice of compromise and its implications for social and political life in modern societies.

Ages of Anxiety

Historical and Transnational Perspectives on Juvenile Justice EDITED BY WILLIAM S. BUSH & DAVID S. TANENHAUS July 2018 224pp 9781479833214 HB £39.00 Youth, Crime, and Justice New York University Press

Provides an international perspective on the social history of idea of difference between children and adults, explaining how those differences affect the administration of justice. The book introduces a new theoretical model for interpreting historical research.

Contemporary Slavery

The Rhetoric of Global Human Rights Campaigns EDITED BY ANNIE BUNTING & JOEL QUIRK May 2018 384pp 9781501718762 PB £23.99 Cornell University Press

Explores how the history and iconography of slavery has been invoked to support government interventions, activist projects, legal instruments, and rhetorical performances. Reveals the practices that have been concealed beneath popular human rights rhetoric, and establish new conversations between scholars across disciplines.

Ancient Greek Law in the 21st Century EDITED BY PAULA PERLMAN

March 2018 204pp 9781477315217 HB £36.00 University of Texas Press

This edited volume charts new directions for the study of Greek law in the twenty-first century through contributions from eleven leading scholars. Covers central debates in the field, redefines substantives areas of law, and evaluates a number of methdological approaches to the study of Ancient Greek law.

Criminology and Public Policy Putting Theory to Work EDITED BY SCOTT H. DECKER & KEVIN A. WRIGHT August 2018 386pp 9781439916582 PB £29.99 9781439916575 HB £79.00 Temple University Press

The editors and contributors to this second edition of Criminology and Public Policy highlight the recent development of "translational criminology" to address the growing movement in criminology to use the results of criminological research and theory to better inform policy and practice.

Colonial Lives of Property

Law, Land, and Racial Regimes of Ownership

Brenna Bhandar May 2018 272pp 9780822371465 PB £20.99 9780822371397 HB £80.00 Global and Insurgent Legalities Duke University Press

Examines how modern property law contributed to the development of racial capitalism. Focusing on settler colonialism in Canada, Australia, and Israel and Palestine, Bhandar shows how the colonial appropriation of indigenous lands depends upon ideologies of European superiority.

Dangerous Leaders

How and Why Lawyers Must Be Taught to Lead ANTHONY C. THOMPSON August 2018 216pp 9780804799256 HB £27.99 Stanford University Press

Exposes the risks and results of leaving lawyers unprepared to lead. This book provides leadership tools and models to build a better foundation of leadership acumen. Thompson draws from his fifteen years of experience for Fortune 100 companies and his experience as a law professor to chart a path forward for better leadership instruction.

Gay Priori

A Queer Critical Legal Studies Approach to Law Reform LIBBY ADLER

April 2018 288pp 9780822371496 PB £20.99 9780822371182 HB £80.00 Duke University Press

Offers a comprehensive critique of mainstream LGBT legal agendas in the United States and a new direction for LGBT law reform. Adler shows how LGBT equal rights discourse drives legal advocates toward a narrow array of reform objectives— namely, same-sex marriage, antidiscrimination protections, and hate crimes statutes.

Multiracials and Civil Rights

Mixed-Race Stories of Discrimination TANYA KATERÍ HERNÁNDEZ August 2018 224pp 9781479830329 HB £32.00 New York University Press

Demonstrates that mulitracials face the same types of discrimination as other racial groups. Hernández argues that multiracial people are primarily targeted for discrimination due to their non-whiteness, demonstrating how cases of discrimination against multiracials highlight the need to support existing legal structures and traditional civil rights laws.

How to Be Sort of Happy in Law School KATHRYNE M. YOUNG

August 2018 280pp 9780804799768 PB £15.99 Stanford University Press

Smart, compelling, and highly readable. Combining her own observations and experiences with the results of her study and the latest sociological research on law schools, Young offers a very different take from previous books about law school survival.

Must We Defend Nazis?

Why the First Amendment Should Not Protect Hate Speech and White Supremacy JEAN STEFANCIC & RICHARD DELGADO January 2018 176pp 9781479857838 PB £11.99 9781479887712 HB £74.00 New York University Press

Calls for a system of free speech that takes into account the harms that hate speech can inflict upon disempowered, marginalized people. Putting aside clichés that clutter First Amendment thinking, the book offers a concise, nuanced argument against total, unchecked freedom of speech.

Letters to the Contrary

A Curated History of the UNESCO Human Rights Survey MARK GOODALE FOREWORD BY SAMUEL MOYN

April 2018 392pp 9781503605343 PB £21.99 9780804799003 HB £72.00 Stanford Studies in Human Rights Stanford University Press

Uncovers a record filled with responses that were omitted, polite refusals to respond, and outright rejections of the universal human rights ideal. This volume collects these neglected survey responses, including letters by T. S. Eliot, Gandhi, Auden, and more.

Reimagining Equality

A New Deal for Children of Color NANCY E. DOWD June 2018 256pp 9781479893355 HB £32.00 New York University Press

Examines the disproportionate inequalities faced by children of color by tracing the life course of black boys from birth to age 18 to create an affirmative system of rights and support for all children. Concludes with a comprehensive set of policies to dismantle what harms children, and maximize their development.

Making Habeas Work

A Legal History ERIC M. FREEDMAN

June 2018 208pp 9781479870974 HB £36.00 New York University Press

Examining primary sources from colonial and early national periods, Freedman shows how the writ of habeas corpus has been just one part of an intricate machinery for securing freedom under law, and explores its implications for some of today’s most pressing problems including terrorism, Brexit, and domestic violence.

Remote Freedoms

Politics, Personhood, and Human Rights in Aboriginal Central Australia SARAH E. HOLCOMBE July 2018 320pp 9781503606470 PB £24.99 9781503605107 HB £74.00 Stanford Studies in Human Rights Stanford University Press

Explores the tensions of localized human rights work in indigenous communities. Based on four years of intensive fieldwork with the Anangu of Central Australia, Holcombe investigates how universal human rights are understood, practiced, negotiated, and challenged in concert and in conflict with indigenous rights.

Responding to Human Trafficking

Stories from Trailblazing Women Lawyers

February 2018 256pp 4 illus. 9780812224214 NIP £22.99 Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights University of Pennsylvania Press

May 2018 304pp 9781479865963 HB £24.99 New York University Press

Sex, Gender, and Culture in the Law ALICIA W. PETERS

Traces the Trafficking Victims Protection Act over the course of nearly a decade, Peters reveals the profound gaps in understanding that pervade its implementation as service providers and authorities strive to perform their duties.

The Securitization of Society

Crime, Risk, and Social Order MARC SCHUILENBURG INTRODUCTION BY DAVID GARLAND TRANSLATED BY GEORGE HALL November 2017 368pp 9781479876594 PB £20.99 Alternative Criminology New York University Press

Establishes a new critical perspective for examining the dynamic nature of security and its governance, exploring the structural and cultural changes that have impacted security in Western society from the 19th century to the present.

Lives in the Law JILL NORGREN

Curates the oral histories of one hundred extraordinary American women lawyers who changed the profession of law. Norgren uses these interviews to describe the profound changes that began in the late 1960s, interweaving social and legal hiatory with the women’s experiences.


Strategies of Compliance with the European Court of Human Rights

Rational Choice Within Normative Constraints ANDREAS VON STADEN

June 2018 376pp 3 illus. 9780812250282 HB £74.00 Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights University of Pennsylvania Press

Details how governments, legislators, and domestic judges in Germany and the United Kingdom have responded to ECHR judgements.

Unfit for Democracy

The Collision of Political and Legal Time

Foreign Affairs and the Supreme Court's Transformation of Executive Authority KIMBERLEY L. FLETCHER June 2018 296pp 9781439914922 PB £33.00 9781439914915 HB £82.00 Temple University Press

How does the U.S. Supreme Court shape constitutional and political development? Fletcher responds by analyzing the key role the Court has played in interpreting presidential decision-making in the area of foreign affairs since 1936.

Wars of Law

An Expert's Confrontation with an Everyday Evil MANFRED NOWAK

The Roberts Court and the Breakdown of American Politics STEPHEN E. GOTTLIEB

Unintended Consequences in the Regulation of Armed Conflict TANISHA M. FAZAL

Now available in an expanded and updated paperback edition. Included for the first time is a broad and disturbing selection of documents charting the historical practice of torture from the ancient Romans to the Khmer Rouge.

Gives a comparative examination of the Roberts Court in light of global constitutional politics, calling for an interpretation of the Constitution that takes the future of democracy seriously. Contends that the Roberts Court’s decisions have aggravated potentially destabilizing factors in democratic governments, hurting ordinary Americans.

After a brief history of the codification of international humanitarian law (IHL), Fazal addresses three main questions: how the laws of war have favored belligerents and how this has changed, the growing divide between lawmakers and those who must comply with IHL, and how rebel groups receive these laws.

February 2018 208pp 9780812249910 HB £58.00 Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights University of Pennsylvania Press

May 2018 416pp 9781479823147 NIP £20.99 New York University Press

May 2018 322pp 1 figure, 16 graphs 9781501719813 HB £33.00 Cornell University Press

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