LGBT History Month Wiley Distribu�on - Ordering Trade Customers (Europe, Middle East, Africa): Trade Customers (Asia Pacific): Telephone (EMEA & APAC): +44 (0)1243 843291
The Color of Desire
The Queer Politics of Race in the Federal Republic of Germany after 1970 Christopher Ewing The Color of Desire tells the story of how, in the a�ermath of gay libera�on, race played a crucial role in shaping the trajectory of queer, German poli�cs. Focusing on the Federal Republic of Germany, Christopher Ewing charts both the entrenchment of racisms within white, queer scenes and the forma�on of new, an�racist movements that contested overlapping marginaliza�ons. “In The Color of Desire, Christopher Ewing challenges three major stories of queer history—about 1970s radicalism, gay marriage, and homona�onalism. Looking at ac�vists of color and white women as well as white men, Ewing's history is a profound interven�on, not only in German history but in queer history broadly.” ––Laurie Marhoefer, University of Washington, author of Racism and the Making of Gay Rights CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS January 2024 330pp, 4 b&w hal�ones 9781501773365 £42.00 HB
The Bars Are Ours
Histories and Cultures of Gay Bars in America, 1960 and After Lucas Hilderbrand In The Bars Are Ours Lucas Hilderbrand offers a panoramic history of gay bars, showing how they served as the medium for queer communi�es, poli�cs, and cultures. Hilderbrand cruises from leather in Chicago and drag in Kansas City to ac�vism against gentrifica�on in Boston and racial discrimina�on in Atlanta; from New York City’s bathhouses, sex clubs, and discos and Houston’s legendary bar Mary’s to the alterna�ve scenes that reimagined queer nightlife in San Francisco and La�nx venues in Los Angeles. The Bars Are Ours explores these local sites (with addi�onal stops in Denver, Detroit, Sea�le, Philadelphia, Minneapolis, and Orlando as well as Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Texas) to demonstrate the intoxica�ng – even world-making – roles that bars have played in queer public life across the country. “The Bars Are Ours is a joy to read. Lucas Hilderbrand is able to insert himself into his narra�ve in ways that make it come alive and, at the same �me, steps back and analyzes. The stories are so compelling! Some made me laugh, some le� me teary-eyed, and some offered eye-opening insights into a history that is shamefully undertold and underappreciated.” ––John D’Emilio, author of Memories of a Gay Catholic Boyhood: Coming of Age in the Six�es DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS November 2023 464pp, 98 illus., including 16 page color insert 9781478024958 £27.99 PB
The Regulation of Desire, Third Edition Queer Histories, Queer Struggles Gary Kinsman
This third, expanded and updated edi�on of The Regula�on of Desire includes new chapters on the rise of neoliberal queerness and the mainstreaming of white-defined homosexuality since the late 1990s, along with a new introduc�on by the author examining how the COVID-19 pandemic, the housing and poverty crisis, and the necessity of Indigenous libera�on and police/ prison aboli�on intersect with and transform the poli�cs of queer libera�on. This new edi�on also features a foreword by OmiSoore Dryden and a�erword by Tom Hooper, plus updates to the text addressing topics such as the limita�ons of legal reform and same-sex marriage, and the emergence of transgender ac�vism and aboli�onist perspec�ves, moving far beyond limited rights approaches. CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY PRESS December 2023 480pp 9781988111476 £45.00 PB
Slapping Leather
Queer Cowfolx at the Gay Rodeo Elyssa Ford & Rebecca Scofield Campy and compe��ve, gay rodeo offers a community of refuge that straddles the urban and rural. Since the mid-1970s, gay rodeos have provided space to both embrace and challenge the idealized masculinity associated with the iconic cowboy of the US West. Slapping Leather traces the history and growth of gay rodeo over the decades, demonstra�ng how queer cowfolx have fought to build a community where LGBTQ+ people can escape discrimina�on in both mainstream rodeos and broader society. Yet not all LGBTQ+ groups have found full acceptance in gay rodeo. Originally formed by gay men for gay men, the rodeo has at �mes perpetuated historically problema�c ideas about the US West, the iconic cowboy, and the meaning of masculinity. Drawing from mul�ple archives and over seventy oral history interviews, historians Elyssa Ford and Rebecca Scofield demonstrate how amid these tensions, par�cipants, volunteers, and spectators con�nue to redefine the performance of the cowboy and na�onal belonging. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON PRESS November 2023 288pp, 1 map, 1 table, 25 b&w illus. 9780295752136 £25.99 PB
Queer Networks
Pakistan Desires
Once regarded as “New York’s most famous unknown ar�st,” Ray Johnson was a highly visible outlier in the art world, his mail art prac�ce reflec�ng the changing social rela�ons and poli�cs of queer communi�es in the 1960s. A vital contribu�on to the growing scholarship on this enigma�c ar�st, Queer Networks demonstrates how Ray Johnson’s correspondence art offers new ways of envisioning togetherness in today’s highly commodified and deeply networked world.
Drawing on history, anthropology, literature, law, art, film, and performance studies, the contributors to Pakistan Desires invite reflec�on on what meanings adhere to queerness in Pakistan. They illustrate how amid condi�ons of straightness, desire can serve as a mode of queer future-making. From Kashmir to the 1947 Par��on to the resonances of South Asian gay subjec�vity in the diaspora, the contributors a�end to narra�ve and epistemological possibili�es for queer lives and loves. By embracing forms of desire elsewhere, ones that cannot correlate to or o�en fall outside dominant Western theoriza�ons of queerness, this volume gathers other ways of being queer in the world.
Ray Johnson's Correspondence Art Miriam Kienle
Queer Futures Elsewhere Edited by Omar Kasmani
DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS November 2023 288pp, 36 illus. 9781478025238 £23.99 PB
November 2023 296pp, 108 b&w illus. 9781517911638 £29.99 PB
Suffering Sappho!
Making No Compromise
Lesbian Camp in American Popular Culture Barbara Jane Brickman
RUTGERS UNIVERSITY PRESS November 2023 246pp, 15 b&w photos 9781978828254 £31.00 PB
Offering the first major considera�on of lesbian camp in American popular culture, Suffering Sappho! traces a larger-than-life lesbian menace across midcentury media forms to propose five prototypical queer icons—the sicko, the monster, the spinster, the Amazon, and the rebel. On the pages of comics and sensa�onal pulp fic�on and the dramas of television and drive-in movies, Barbara Jane Brickman discovers evidence not just of campy sexual deviants but of troubling female performers, whose failures could be epic but whose subversive poten�al could inspire.
Margaret Anderson, Jane Heap, and the "Little Review" Holly A. Baggett Holly A. Bagge� examines the roles of radical poli�cs, sexuality, modernism, and spirituality and suggests that Anderson and Heap's interest in esoteric ques�ons was evident from the early days of the Li�le Review. Making No Compromise tells the story of two women who played an important role in shaping modernism. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS October 2023 312pp, 21 b&w hal�ones 9781501771446 £32.00 HB
Words like Water
In Visible Archives
A�er China officially “decriminalized” same-sex behavior in 1997, both the visibility and public acceptance of tongzhi, an inclusive iden�ty term that refers to nonheterosexual and gender nonconforming iden��es in the People’s Republic of China, has improved. However, for all the posi�ve change, there are few opportuni�es for poli�cal and civil rights advocacy under Xi Jinping’s authoritarian rule. Words like Water explores the nonconfronta�onal strategies the tongzhi movement uses in contemporary China.
"Margaret Galvan asks all the right ques�ons about queer and feminist visual storytelling from the 1980s: Where were these works situated? How did communi�es use them? How have they been archived? Both commentary upon as well as an integral part of the ac�vist project begun by the creators themselves, In Visible Archives helps keep these remarkable works visible for us all."—Jus�n Hall, California College of the Arts, editor of No Straight Lines
Queer Mobilization and Social Change in China Caterina Fugazzola
TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PRESS October 2023 188pp 9781439921470 £21.99 PB
Queer and Feminist Visual Culture in the 1980s Margaret Galvan
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS September 2023 336pp, 65 b&w illus. 9781517903244 £23.99 PB
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Sexuality and the Rise of China
The Queer Art of History
The Post-1990s Gay Generation in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Mainland China Travis S. K. Kong
Travis S. K. Kong analyzes the changing condi�ons and meanings of same-sex iden��es, communi�es, and cultures in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and mainland China. Drawing on ninety life stories, Kong’s transna�onal queer sociological approach shows the complex interplay between personal biography and the drama�cally changing social ins�tu�ons in these three socie�es.
June 2023 256pp, 10 illus. 9781478019862 £21.99 PB
Queer Kinship after Fascism Jennifer V. Evans
Drawing on black feminism, queer of color cri�que, and trans studies, Evans examines postwar and contemporary German history to broadly argue for a queer history that moves beyond bounded concepts and narra�ves of iden�ty, showing how an analy�c of kinship more fully illuminates the work of solidarity and intersec�onal organizing across difference. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS April 2023 312pp, 50 illus. including 13 in color 9781478019794 £23.99 PB
Hidden Histories
Kids on the Street
Collects oral histories of Black lesbian religious leaders in the United States to show how their authen�city, social jus�ce awareness, spirituality, and collabora�ve leadership make them models of womanist ethical leadership. By examining their life histories, Moultrie frames queer storytelling as an ethical act of resistance to the racism, sexism, and heterosexism these women experience.
Focuses on San Francisco’s Tenderloin to explore the informal networks of economic and social support that enabled young people marginalized by gender and sexuality to survive in tenderloin districts across the United States. Plaster excavates a history of queer life that has been overshadowed by major narra�ves of gay progress and pride.
Faith and Black Lesbian Leadership Monique Moultrie
Queer Kinship and Religion in San Francisco's Tenderloin Joseph Plaster
April 2023 240pp, 19 illus. 9781478019114 £21.99 PB
February 2023 368pp, 53 illus. 9781478018957 £24.99 PB
Before Lawrence v. Texas
Wide-Open Desert
“[An] insigh�ul account...Scholarly yet accessible, this valuable history reveals that Lawrence v. Texas was less of a 'sudden explosion' than 'a raging fire fueled by the burning embers of several decades of ci�zen ac�vism.” –– Publishers Weekly
“Centering the voices of Pueblo, Navajo, Neuvomexicanx, and white LGBTQ people, the book offers significant new insights into the role that cultural ac�vism has played in the struggle for queer equality and should become required reading for anyone interested in U.S. queer history.” ––Southwestern Historical Quarterly
The Making of a Queer Social Movement Wesley G. Phelps
UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PRESS February 2023 304pp 9781477322321 £40.00 HB
A Queer History of New Mexico Jordan Biro Walters
UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON PRESS February 2023 304pp, 24 b&w illus. 9780295751023 £25.99 PB
Wiley Distribu�on - Ordering Trade Customers (Europe, Middle East, Africa): Trade Customers (Asia Pacific): Telephone (EMEA & APAC): +44 (0)1243 843291
Keith Haring's Line
The Stonewall Riots
In the thirty years since his death, Keith Haring—a central presence on the New York downtown scene of the 1980s—has remained one of the most popular figures in contemporary American art. In one of the first book-length treatments of Haring’s ar�stry, Ricardo Montez traces the drawn and painted line that was at the center of Haring’s ar�s�c prac�ce and with which the ar�st marked canvases, subway walls, and even human flesh. Keith Haring’s Line unites performance studies, cri�cal race studies, and queer theory in an explora�on of cross-racial desire in Haring’s life and art. Examining Haring’s engagements with ar�sts such as dancer and choreographer Bill T. Jones, graffi� ar�st LA II, and iconic superstar Grace Jones, Montez confronts Haring’s messy rela�onships to race-making and racial imaginaries, highligh�ng scenes of complicity in order to trouble both the posi�ve connota�ons of inter-racial ar�s�c collabora�on and the limited framework of appropria�on.
June 28, 1969, Greenwich Village: the NYPD, fueled by bigoted liquor licensing prac�ces and a backdrop of homophobia and transphobia, raided the neighborhood gay bar Stonewall Inn. Published on the event’s 50th anniversary, The Stonewall Riots explains how LGBTQ life has changed in the US, and how it has stayed the same. "[A] mosaic of the cultural and poli�cal reali�es before, during, and a�er the riots. The book reflects both the brilliance and contradic�ons of a mul�faceted history... Stein's reflec�ve cura�on is an important contribu�on to understanding what Stonewall was and what it represents... illumina�ng." –– Kirkus Reviews
Race and the Performance of Desire Ricardo Montez
DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS September 2020 168pp, 25 color illus. 9781478009535 £21.99 PB
A Documentary History Edited by Marc Stein
NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS May 2019 352pp, 9 b&w illus. 9781479816859 £29.99 PB
"Beyond the Law"
Ingredients for Revolution
In nineteenth-century England, sodomy was punishable by death. The last execu�ons for this private, consensual act were in 1835, but the law was not successfully changed un�l 1861. This groundbreaking book recounts the untold story of the poli�cal process through which the law was almost ended in 1841. "[A] comprehensive picture of the experience and poli�cs of same-sex desire in Britain in the first half of the nineteenth century. It should be of value to those generally interested in the history of sexuality in Britain, to historians of the queer past, and to scholars of Bri�sh poli�cs in a complex period of change."—History: Reviews of New Books
The first history of the more than 230 feminist and lesbian-feminist restaurants, cafes, and coffeehouses that existed in the United States from 1972 to the present. As key sites of cultural and poli�cal significance, this volume shows the essen�al role these ins�tu�ons served for mul�ple social jus�ce movements including women’s libera�on, LGBTQ equality, and food jus�ce, as well as for training women workers and entrepreneurs. Brimming with illumina�ng archival research, interviews with influen�al restaurateurs, and illustrated with photographs, menus, posters, and calendars, Ingredients for Revolu�on is a fundamental work of women’s history, food history, and cultural history.
The Politics of Ending the Death Penalty for Sodomy in Britain Charles Upchurch
TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Sexuality Studies October 2021 326pp, 20 hal�ones 9781439920343 £36.00 PB
A History of American Feminist Restaurants, Cafes, and Coffeehouses Alex D. Ketchum
CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY PRESS November 2022 360pp 9781988111414 £25.99 PB
Pink Triangle Legacies
Before Trans
Coming Out in the Shadow of the Holocaust William Jake Newsome
CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS September 2022 304pp, 17 b&w hal�ones, 1 chart 9781501765155 £29.99 HB
Pink Triangle Legacies traces the transforma�on of the pink triangle from a Nazi concentra�on camp badge and emblem of discrimina�on into a widespread, recognizable symbol of queer ac�vism, pride, and community. It illustrates the dangerous consequences of historical silencing and how the incorpora�on of hidden histories into the mainstream understanding of the past can contribute to a more inclusive experience of belonging in the present. There can be no jus�ce without acknowledging and remembering injus�ce. As Newsome demonstrates, if a marginalized community seeks a history that liberates them from the confines of silence, they must o�en write it themselves.
Three Gender Stories from Nineteenth-Century France Rachel Mesch
STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS May 2020 360pp 9781503606739 £27.99 HB
Before the term "transgender" existed, there were those who experienced their gender in complex ways. Before Trans examines the lives and wri�ngs of Jane Dieulafoy (1850–1916), Rachilde (1860– 1953), and Marc de Mon�faud (1845–1912), three French writers who expressed their gender in ways that did not conform to nineteenth-century no�ons of femininity. "Rachel Mesch adroitly walks the methodological �ghtrope of examining historical characters through the lens of transgender analysis, yet accep�ng their gender originality. Her wri�ng is theore�cally savvy without being academically ponderous. Mesch's detailed and textured survey of these women and their wri�ngs does full jus�ce to their unique talent and complex psyches." —Vernon Rosario, The Gay & Lesbian Review/ Worldwide
Wiley Distribu�on - Ordering Trade Customers (Europe, Middle East, Africa): Trade Customers (Asia Pacific): Telephone (EMEA & APAC): +44 (0)1243 843291
ALSO OF INTEREST Daddies of a Different Kind
Sex and Romance Between Older and Younger Adult Gay Men Tony Silva An in�mate look at gay and bisexual daddies and their younger partners. Based on interviews with self-described daddies and young adult men in rela�onships with older men, Tony Silva uncovers why it is more common for gay and bisexual men to have large age gaps in rela�onships than heterosexuals or LGBTQ women. These stories reveal that queer rela�onships with large age gaps are not consistent with a sugar daddy/gold digger stereotype. Instead, daddies mentor younger adult men and transmit knowledge intergenera�onally, including how to navigate homophobia, access gay communi�es, and have fulfilling sex. Silva shows that demographic research understates the commonality of age-gap pairings among gay and bisexual men, and illustrates how daddies shape gay and bisexual communi�es both culturally and sexually. A fascina�ng read, Daddies of a Different Kind breaks many commonly held stereotypes about gay and bisexual life. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS September 2023 248pp, 2 b&w illus. 9781479817030 £25.99 PB
Making Gaybies
Queer Reproduction and Multiracial Feeling Jaya Keaney Keaney explores queer family making as a site of racialized in�macy. Drawing on interviews with queer families in Australia, Keaney traces the lived experiences of choice and constraint as these families seek to cra� likeness with their future children and tell stories of chosen family made through love. Queer family building o�en involves mul�racial and mul�cultural encounters, as intending parents take part in the global fer�lity industry. Keaney follows queer family making through reproduc�ve technologies and highlights the confines of varied transna�onal reproduc�ve markets and policies as well as changing forma�ons of race, gender, sexuality, and kinship. Whether sharing the story of white gay men choosing Indian and Thai egg donors to make their surrogate-born children’s ethnici�es visually dis�nct from their own or that of an Aboriginal lesbian and her white partner choosing a Cherokee donor from the United States to ar�culate a global Indigeneity, Keaney foregrounds the entwinement of reproduc�on, race, and affect. By focusing on queer family making, Keaney demonstrates how reproduc�on fosters a queer mul�racial imaginary of kinship. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS November 2023 240pp, 7 illus. 9781478025368 £22.99 PB
Coloring into Existence
Queer of Color Worldmaking in Children’s Literature Isabel Millán Fusing literary cri�cism and close readings with historical analysis and interviews, Isabel Millán documents the emergence of a North American queer of color children’s literary archive. In doing so, she considers the sociopoli�cal circumstances out of which queer of color children’s literature emerged; how a queer and trans of color aesthe�c translates to picture books; and how the acts of imagina�on and worldmaking inspired by picture books produce a realm of freedom, healing, and transforma�on for queer and trans of color children and adults. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS December 2023 352pp, 41 b&w illus. 9781479816989 £25.99 PB
Unseen Flesh
Gynecology and Black Queer Worth-Making in Brazil Nessette Falu Falu explores how Black lesbians in Brazil define and sustain their well-being and self-worth against persistent racial, sexual, class, and gender-based prejudice. Focusing on the trauma caused by interac�ons with gynecologists, Falu draws on in-depth ethnographic work among the Black lesbian community to reveal their profoundly nega�ve affec�ve experiences within Brazil’s deeply biased medical system. In the face of such entrenched, intersec�onal in�mate violence, Falu’s informants ac�vely pursue well-being in ways that channel their struggle for self-worth toward broader goals of social change, self care, and communal ac�on. Demonstra�ng how the racist and heteronorma�ve underpinnings of gynecology erase Black lesbian subjecthood through mental, emo�onal, and physical traumas, Falu explores the daily resistance and aboli�onist prac�ces of worth-making that claim and sustain Black queer iden�ty and living. Falu rethinks the medicaliza�on of race, sex, and gender in Brazil and elsewhere while offering a new perspec�ve on Black queer life through well-being grounded in rela�onships, socioeconomic struggles, the ero�c, and freedom strivings. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS September 2023 216pp, 10 illus. 9781478025184 £21.99 PB
Wiley Distribu�on - Ordering Trade Customers (Europe, Middle East, Africa): Trade Customers (Asia Pacific): Telephone (EMEA & APAC): +44 (0)1243 843291
Who Needs Gay Bars?
Bar-Hopping through America's Endangered LGBTQ+ Places Greggor Mattson Jarred by the closing of his favorite local watering hole in Cleveland, Ohio, Ma�son embarks on a journey across the country to paint a much more complex picture of the cultural significance of these spaces. The ques�on that frames this story is not asking whether these spaces are needed, but for whom, earnestly exploring the diversity of folks and purposes they serve today. "[one of] the best queer American travelogues since Edmund White's States of Desire was published way back in 1980." —Passport STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS May 2023 448pp 9781503629202 £25.99 HB
Between Banat
Queer Arab Critique and Transnational Arab Archives Mejdulene Bernard Shomali In Between Banat Mejdulene Bernard Shomali sxamines homoero�cism and nonnorma�ve sexuali�es between Arab women in transna�onal Arab literature, art, and film to show how women, femmes, and nonbinary people disrupt stereotypical and Orientalist representa�ons of the “Arab woman.” Shomali uses what she calls queer Arab cri�que to locate queer desire amid heteronorma�ve impera�ves. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS February 2023 9 illus. 224pp 9781478019275 £21.99
Male Femininities
Edited by Dana Berkowitz, Elroi J. Windsor & C. Winter Han What counts as “male femininity”? Is it simply men behaving in effeminate ways or is it the absence of masculinity? Male Feminini�es presents a nuanced, cri�cal collec�on of essays that explore how men perform femininity and what femininity looks like without women. "Rigorously and playfully complica�ng its core concepts, Male Feminini�es takes a sociological tour through the spaces where male bodies and male subjec�vi�es encounter, embrace, disavow, and inhabit the feminine. Expansive in its empirical and theore�cal scope, this book is a must-have for scholars and students of gender studies." ––Jane Ward, author of The Tragedy of Heterosexuality NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS February 2023 368pp.20 b&w illus. 9781479808786 £29.99 PB Also of interest: Female Masculinity 9781478001621 £25.99
Banning Transgender Conversion Practices A Legal and Policy Analysis Florence Ashley
Survivors of conversion prac�ces – interven�ons meant to stop gender transi�on – have likened the process to torture. Florence Ashley rethinks and pushes forward the banning of these prac�ces by surveying these bans in different jurisdic�ons, and addressing key issues around their legal regula�on. Ashley also inves�gates the advantages and disadvantages of legisla�ve approaches to regula�ng conversion therapies, and provides guidance for how prohibi�ons can be improved. "Rigorously and playfully complica�ng its core concepts, Male Feminini�es takes a sociological tour through the spaces where male bodies and male subjec�vi�es encounter, embrace, disavow, and inhabit the feminine. Expansive in its empirical and theore�cal scope, this book is a must-have for scholars and students of gender studies." ––Jane Ward, author of The Tragedy of Heterosexuality UBC PRESS Series: Law and Society December 2022 220pp 9780774866934 £31.00 PB
Wiley Distribu�on - Ordering Trade Customers (Europe, Middle East, Africa): Trade Customers (Asia Pacific): Telephone (EMEA & APAC): +44 (0)1243 843291
Bisexual, Pansexual, Fluid, and Nonbinary Youth Ritch C. Savin-Williams What bisexual youth can tell us about today’s gender and sexual iden��es Despite the increasing visibility of LGBTQ people in American culture, our understanding of bisexuality remains superficial, at best. Yet, five �mes as many people iden�fy as bisexual than as gay or lesbian, and as much as 25 percent of the popula�on is es�mated to be bisexual. In Bi, noted scholar of youth sexuality, Ritch Savin-Williams, brings bisexuality to centerstage at a moment when Gen Z and millennial youth and young adults are increasingly rejec�ng tradi�onal labels altogether. Drawing on interviews with bisexual youth from a range of racial, ethnic, and social class groups, he reveals to us how bisexuals define their own sexual orienta�on and experiences—in their own words. Savin-Williams shows how and why people might iden�fy as bisexual as a result of their biology or upbringing; as a bridge or transi�on to something else; as a consequence of their curiosity; or for a range of other equally valid reasons. With an understanding that sexuality and roman�c a�achments are o�en influx, Savin-Williams offers us a way to think about bisexuality as part of a con�nuum. He shows that many of the young people who iden�fy as bisexual o�en defy tradi�onal views, dispute false no�ons, and reimagine sexuality with regard to both prac�ce and iden�ty. Broadly speaking, he shows that many young people experience a complex, nuanced existence with mul�ple sexual and roman�c a�rac�ons as well as gender expressions, which are seldom sta�c but fluctuate over their lives. Savin-Williams provides an important new understanding of bisexuality as an orienta�on, behavior, and iden�ty. Bi shows us that bisexuality is seen and embraced as a valid sexual iden�ty more than ever before, giving us �mely and muchneeded insight into the complex, fascina�ng experiences of bisexual youth themselves.
NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS June 2023 256pp, 2 b&w illus. 9781479825875 £16.99 PB
"Bi is the book that we have all been wai�ng for. It reveals the inside story of the thoughts and feelings of Genera�on Z with respect to their iden��es, sexuali�es, genders, and rela�onships. Ritch Savin-Williams explains in the lucid and passionate language of adolescents and young adults why they want to disrupt the binaries of their parents' genera�on and create their own ways of understanding themselves and each other. I learned a tremendous amount about adolescence and about humans, especially how they and we are driven by our desires to be seen, heard, taken seriously, and loved. Bi will change how you think and feel. Read it!" ––Niobe Way, author of Deep Secrets: Boys' Friendships and the Crisis of Connec�on "Plenty of people s�ll doubt that bisexuality really exists, and others assume that bisexuals are closeted gays, curious heterosexuals, or maladjusted people who can’t decide what they want. No one can hold on to these outmoded stereotypes a�er reading Ritch C. Savin-Williams’ powerful book. By le�ng the voices of so many diverse individuals speak their own truths, in all of their individuality and complexity, he provides one of the clearest and most compelling portraits available of the phenomenon of plural a�rac�ons. Savin-Williams brings us right inside their experiences, and allows us to share his empathy, his curiosity, his admira�on for their strength and courage, and his celebra�on of their dazzling diversity." ––Lisa M. Diamond, author of Sexual Fluidity: Understanding Women's Love and Desire "Ritch C. Savin-Williams shows all of the ways bisexuality has been misunderstood. Through the stories and voices of people who themselves experience their sexuality in this way, he shows that bisexuality is real, measurable, and valuable to understand." ––Mary Robertson, author of Growing Up Queer: Kids and the Remaking of LGBTQ Iden�ty "Savin-Williams offers a necessary, nuanced, and accessible book that foregrounds contemporary uses and understandings of sex, gender, and sexuality … an essen�al book for ac�vists, prac��oners, and scholars of youth and sexuality." ––Choice
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Lindsey A. Freeman In Running, former NCAA Division I track athlete Lindsey A. Freeman presents the feminist and queer handbook of running that she always wanted but could never find. For Freeman, running is full of joy, desire, and indulgence in the pleasure and weirdness of having a body. It allows for a space of freedom—to move and be moved. Through tender storytelling of a life�me wearing running shoes, Freeman considers injury and recovery, what it means to run as a visibly queer person, and how the release found in running comes from a desire to touch something that cannot be accessed when s�ll. Running invites us to run through life, legging it out the best we can with heart and style.
"I found Lindsay A. Freedman’s li�le queer book Running absolutely deligh�ul and surprisingly valida�ng, as I think many queer sportspersons will. In par�cular, Freedman talks about how running as a sport of individualism and triumph over one’s own fears or limita�ons has both mirrored and supported her journey in coming out as queer in ways that made me go 'Oh yes, that.'" ––Xtra - S. Bear Bergman
Series: Prac�ces March 2023 160pp, 20 illus. 9781478019657 £13.99 PB
“Freeman serves fresh thinking as she applies the specula�ve energy of queer theory to her own lifelong running journey.” ––Wall Street Journal - Knox Robinson
McKenzie Wark What is an art of life for what feels like the end of a world? In Raving McKenzie Wark takes readers into the undisclosed loca�ons of New York’s thriving underground queer and trans rave scene. Techno, first and always a Black music, invites fresh sonic and temporal possibili�es for this era of diminishing futures. Raving to techno is an art and a technique at which queer and trans bodies might be par�cularly adept but which is for anyone who lets the beat seduce them. Extending the rave’s sensa�ons, situa�ons, fog, lasers, drugs, and pounding sound systems onto the page, Wark invokes a trans prac�ce of raving as a �mely aesthe�c for dancing in the ruins of this collapsing capital.
DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Prac�ces March 2023 136pp, 26 illus. 9781478019381 £13.99 PB
"Part autofic�on, part ethnography, Raving mirrors the complex and collec�ve aspects of rave experiences. Like a prac�ced deejay, Wark blends genres to take us on a larger journey. Some cri�cs who shared their thoughts with Wark when she was dancing and researching appear momentarily and nudge us gently toward something new." ––Craig Jennex, Gay and Lesbian Review "Wark is the professor of the rave, reimagining the philosophical framework for understanding raving as a means of temporary freedom. With her quirky encyclopedia of made-up vocabulary and cheeky anecdotes from her experiences on the dance floor, Raving is at once theore�cal and personal, sweet and nihilis�c." ––Alessandra Schade, Alterna�ve Press
Wiley Distribu�on - Ordering Trade Customers (Europe, Middle East, Africa): Trade Customers (Asia Pacific): Telephone (EMEA & APAC): +44 (0)1243 843291
BEST SELLERS Sexual Cultures Series Now celebrating its 20th anniversary, the Sexual Cultures series has always sought to expand the potential of queer theory by unfixing the subjects of LGBTQ studies. Taking our cue from women of color feminisms and queer of color critique, the series seeks projects that offer alternative mappings of queer life in which questions of race, class, gender, temporality, religion, and region are as central as sexuality. Such multi-focused and open-ended explorations are even more vital today, when the mainstreaming of lesbian and gay lives and cultures risks foreclosing other possible ways of being in, and relating to, the world.
Cruising Utopia, 10th Anniversary Edition
The Then and There of Queer Futurity José Esteban Muñoz | Foreword by Joshua ChambersLetson, Tavia Nyong'o & Ann Pellegrini Cruising Utopia arrived in 2009 to insist that queerness must be reimagined as a futuritybound phenomenon, an insistence on the poten�ality of another world that would crack open the pragma�c present. On the anniversary of its original publica�on, this edi�on includes two essays that extend and expand the project of Cruising Utopia. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Sexual Cultures April 2019 280pp, 8 illus., color, 23 b&w illus. 9781479874569 £23.99 PB
In a Queer Time and Place
Times Square Red, Times Square Blue, 20th Anniversary Edition
Transgender Bodies, Subcultural Lives J. Jack Halberstam In her first book since the cri�cally acclaimed Female Masculinity, Judith Halberstam examines the significance of the transgender body in a provoca�ve collec�on of essays on queer �me and space. She presents a series of case studies focused on the meanings of masculinity in its dominant and alterna�ve forms’ especially female and transmasculini�es as they exist within subcultures, and are appropriated within mainstream culture. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Sexual Cultures January 2005 213pp 9780814735855 £21.99 PB
Samuel R. Delany Foreword by Robert F. Reid-Pharr This is the 20th anniversary edi�on of the landmark book that cataloged a vibrant but disappearing neighborhood in New York City. It includes a new foreword by Robert ReidPharr that traces the importance and con�nued resonances of Samuel R. Delany’s groundbreaking Times Square Red, Times Square Blue. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Sexual Cultures April 2019 240pp, 18 b&w illus. 9781479827770 £21.99 PB
Histories of the Transgender Child Jules Gill-Peterson
With transgender rights front and center in American media, the pervasive myth exists that today’s transgender children are a new genera�on—this �tle sha�ers this myth, uncovering a previously unknown twen�eth-century history when transgender children preexisted the term transgender and its predecessors, playing a central role in the medicaliza�on of trans people. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS October 2018 1 288pp 9781517904678 £21.99 PB
Queers Of Color And The Performance Of Politics José Esteban Muñoz There is more to iden�ty than iden�fying with one’s culture or standing solidly against it. José Esteban Muñoz looks at how those outside the racial and sexual mainstream nego�ate majority culture—not by aligning themselves with or against exclusionary works but rather by transforming these works for their own cultural purposes. Muñoz calls this process “disiden�fica�on,” and through a study of its workings, he develops a new perspec�ve on minority performance, survival, and ac�vism. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS Series: Cultural Studies of the Americas May 1999 248pp 9780816630158 £19.99 PB
Wild Things
The Disorder of Desire Jack Halberstam In Wild Things Jack Halberstam offers an alterna�ve history of sexuality by tracing the ways in which wildness has been associated with queerness and queer bodies throughout the twen�eth century. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Perverse Moderni�es: A Series Edited by Jack Halberstam and Lisa Lowe October 2020 7 illus. 240pp 9781478011088 £22.99 PB
Wiley Distribu�on - Ordering Trade Customers (Europe, Middle East, Africa): Trade Customers (Asia Pacific): Telephone (EMEA & APAC): +44 (0)1243 843291
Theory Q Series Theory Q aims to publish works that keep queerness and theory in productively transformative relation to each other. The series treats both as unsettled questions that are open to unexpected connections. Encouraging a wide spectrum of critical approaches, Theory Q invites the rethinking of disciplinary logics, social life, aesthetic form, political and cultural practices, and criticism itself. It presupposes little about what constitutes sexuality except that norms are not laws. Most importantly, it seeks to cultivate bold and rigorous scholarship whose modes of thought aspire to enlarge what queerness and theory can do. Lee Edelman is Fletcher Professor of English Literature at Tufts University.
Bad Education
Why Queer Theory Teaches Us Nothing Lee Edelman Making queer theory controversial again, Lee Edelman’s Bad Educa�on proposes a queerness without posi�ve iden�ty—a queerness understood as a figural name for the void, itself unnamable, around which the social order takes shape. Like Blackness, woman, incest, and sex, queerness, as Edelman explains it, designates the antagonism, the structuring nega�vity, preven�ng that order from achieving coherence. But when certain types of persons get read as literalizing queerness, the nega�on of their nega�vity can seem to resolve the social antagonism and totalize community. By transla�ng the nothing of queerness into the something of “the queer,” the order of meaning defends against the senselessness that undoes it, thus mirroring, Edelman argues, educa�on’s response to queerness: its sublima�on of irony into the meaningfulness of a world. Pu�ng queerness in rela�on to Lacan’s “ab-sens” and in dialogue with feminist and Afropessimist thought, Edelman reads works by Shakespeare, Jacobs, Almodóvar, Lemmons, and Haneke, among others, to show why queer theory’s engagement with queerness necessarily results in a bad educa�on that is des�ned to teach us nothing. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Theory Q January 2023 105 illus. 368pp 9781478018629 £24.99 PB
No Future
Queer Theory and the Death Drive Lee Edelman In this searing polemic, Lee Edelman outlines a radically uncompromising new ethics of queer theory. His main target is the all-pervasive figure of the child, which he reads as the linchpin of our universal poli�cs of “reproduc�ve futurism.” Edelman argues that the child, understood as innocence in need of protec�on, represents the possibility of the future against which the queer is posi�oned as the embodiment of a relentlessly narcissis�c, an�social, and future-nega�ng drive. He boldly insists that the efficacy of queerness lies in its very willingness to embrace this refusal of the social and poli�cal order. In No Future, Edelman urges queers to abandon the stance of accommoda�on and accede to their status as figures for the force of a nega�vity that he links with irony, jouissance, and, ul�mately, the death drive itself. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Theory Q December 2004 61 illus. 208pp 9780822333692 £21.99 PB
Wiley Distribu�on - Ordering Trade Customers (Europe, Middle East, Africa): Trade Customers (Asia Pacific): Telephone (EMEA & APAC): +44 (0)1243 843291