Media Studies spring 2022
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A Century of Repression
Algorithms of Education
The Espionage Act and Freedom of the Press Ralph Engelman & Carey Shenkman
How Datafication and Artificial Intelligence Shape Policy Kalervo N. Gulson, Sam Sellar & P. Taylor Webb
History of Communica�on August 2022 336pp 9780252086632 £18.99 / $24.95 PB 9780252044557 £100.00 / $125.00 HB
May 2022 200pp 6 b&w illus. 9781517910259 £18.99 / $25.00 PB 9781517910242 £79.00 / $100.00 HB
While the science fic�on tales of ar�ficial intelligence eclipsing humanity are s�ll very much fantasies, in this text the authors tell real stories of how algorithms and machines are transforming educa�on governance, providing a fascina�ng discussion and cri�que of data and its role in educa�on policy. Excludes Japan & ANZ
Offers an unprecedented and panoramic history of the use of the Espionage Act of 1917 as the most important yet least understood law threatening freedom of the press in modern American history. Excludes SE Asia, Indian sc & ANZ
American Game Studies
Automation Is a Myth Luke Munn
Edited by Patrick Jagoda & Jennifer Malkowski
April 2022 176pp 9781503631427 £16.99 / $22.00 PB 9781503631113 £56.00 / $70.00 HB
February 2022 220pp 22 illus. 9781478017257 £10.99 / $14.00 PB
For some, automa�on will usher in a labor-free utopia; for others, it signals a disastrous age-tocome. Munn moves from machine minders in China to warehouse pickers in the United States to explore the ways that new technologies do (and don't) reconfigure labor. Combining this rich array of human stories with insights from media and cultural studies, Munn points to a more nuanced, localized, and racialized understanding of the "future of work."
Examines the role of video games in American culture, approaching games through the lenses of transpacific studies, queer historiography, cultural history, cri�cal race and ethnic studies, and border studies. These essays show how games can contribute to an expanded understanding of the United States and of the ways that cultural forms circulate na�onally and transna�onally.
Climatic Media
Cultural Netizenship
Elements April 2022 256pp 15 illus. 9781478017806 £19.99 / $25.95 PB 9781478015192 £80.00 / $99.95 HB
May 2022 278pp 50 b&w illus. 9780253060495 £32.00 / $40.00 PB 9780253060488 £72.00 / $90.00 HB
Transpacific Experiments in Atmospheric Control Yuriko Furuhata
Social Media, Popular Culture, and Performance in Nigeria James Yékú
Traces climate engineering from the early twen�eth century to the present, showing how a range of Japanese scien�sts, technicians, architects, and ar�sts developed technologies to monitor, condi�on, and modify climate. Furuhata’s transpacific analysis offers a novel take on the elemental condi�ons of media and climate change. 1
Proposes the concept of "cultural ne�zenship"—internet ci�zenship and its aesthe�cocultural dimensions—as a way of being on the social web and ar�cula�ng counter-hegemonic selfpresenta�ons through viral popular images. A fascina�ng look at the intersec�on of social media and popular culture performance, this book reveals the logic of remedia�on that is central to both the internet's remix culture and the genera�ve materialism of African popular arts.
Distressing Language
Engage in Public Scholarship!
Disability and the Poetics of Error Michael Davidson
A Guidebook on Feminist and Accessible Communication Alex D. Ketchum
Crip April 2022 256pp 24 b&w 9781479813841 £21.99 / $29.00 PB
May 2022 280pp 9781988111353 £32.00 / $39.95 PB
Engages the role of disability and deafness in contemporary aesthe�cs, exploring how physical and intellectual differences challenge our understanding of art and poetry. This book grows out of the author’s experience of hearing loss in which misunderstandings have become a daily occurrence.
Provides construc�ve guidance on how to translate research into inclusive public outreach while ensuring that such efforts are accessible for a range of abili�es as well as safer for those involved. Using an intersec�onal feminist lens, this book serves as a concise approach to the key challenges and benefits of feminist and accessible public scholarship by surveying debates and offering solu�ons.
Excludes Taiwan, Japan, SE Asia & ANZ
Excludes SE Asia, Indian sc & ANZ
Food Instagram
Identity, Influence, and Negotiation Edited by Emily J. H. Contois & Zenia Kish
Animals, Videogames, and Humanity Tom Tyler May 2022 224pp 25 b&w illus. 9781517910198 £18.99 / $25.00 PB 9781517910181 £79.00 / $100.00 HB
April 2022 320pp 9780252086540 £18.99 / $24.95 PB 9780252044465 £100.00 / $125.00 HB
Videogames conjure new worlds for those who play them, human or otherwise: they’ve been played by cats, orangutans, and pigs, and they let gamers experience life from the perspec�ve of a pet dog, a predator, or a prey animal. Tom Tyler provides the first sustained considera�on of videogames and animals and demonstrates how thinking about animals and games together can prompt fresh thinking about both.
Image by image and hashtag by hashtag, Instagram has redefined the ways we relate to food. Emily J. H. Contois and Zenia Kish edit contribu�ons that explore the massively popular social media pla�orm as a space for self-iden�fica�on, influence, transforma�on, and resistance. Excludes SE Asia, Indian sc & ANZ
Excludes Japan & ANZ
Global Debates in the Digital Humanities
Holy Digital Grail
A Medieval Book on the Internet Michelle R. Warren
Edited by Domenico Fiormonte, Sukanta Chaudhuri & Paola Ricaurte
Stanford Text Technologies March 2022 304pp 9781503631168 £22.99 / $30.00 PB 9781503608009 £72.00 / $90.00 HB
March 2022 400pp 19 b&w illus., 3 tables 9781517913267 £26.99 / $35.00 PB 9781517913250 £111.00 / $140.00 HB
Medieval books that survive today have been through a lot: singed by fire, mo�led by mold, eaten by insects, annotated by readers, cut into fragments, or damaged through well-inten�oned preserva�on efforts. In this book, Michelle Warren tells the story of one such manuscript— an Arthurian romance with textual origins in twel�h-century England now diffused across the twenty-first century internet.
A necessary volume of essays working to decolonize the digital humani�es. O�en conceived of as an allinclusive “big tent,” digital humani�es has in fact been troubled by a lack of perspec�ves beyond Westernized and Anglophone contexts and assump�ons. This latest collec�on in the series seeks to address this deficit in the field. 2
Horn, or The Counterside of Media
How Machines Came to Speak
Henning Schmidgen Translated by Nils F. Schott
Media Technologies and Freedom of Speech Jennifer Petersen
Sign, Storage, Transmission February 2022 320pp 101 illus. 9781478017721 £20.99 / $27.95 PB 9781478015109 £84.00 / $104.95 HB
Sign, Storage, Transmission May 2022 296pp 11 illus. 9781478014522 £20.99 / $26.95 PB 9781478013600 £80.00 / $99.95 HB
We regularly touch and handle media devices. At the same �me, media devices, such as smart phones scan and touch us. Schmidgen reflects on the dynamic phenomena of touch in media, analyzing works by ar�sts, scien�sts, and philosophers ranging from Salvador Dalí to Walter Benjamin, who each explore the interplay between tac�lity and technological and biological surfaces.
Constructs a genealogy of the legal concep�ons of what counts as “speech” within free speech law, showing how changes in media technology influenced changing legal defini�ons of speech. The legal category of speech has varied considerably, evolving from a narrow category of oratory and print publica�on to a broad, abstract concep�on.
In Case of Emergency
Legal Spectatorship
April 2022 240pp 11 b&w 9781479811632 £20.99 / $28.00 PB 9781479811625 £71.00 / $89.00 HB
July 2022 256pp 12 illus. 9781478018346 £19.99 / $25.95 PB 9781478015703 £80.00 / $99.95 HB
How Technologies Mediate Crisis and Normalize Inequality Elizabeth Ellcessor
Slavery and the Visual Culture of Domestic Violence Kelli Moore
A much-needed look at the growth of emergency media and its impact on our lives. The first book to develop a typology of emergency media, this book opens a much-needed conversa�on around the larger cultural meanings of “emergency,” and what an ethical and care-based approach to emergency could entail.
Traces the poli�cal origins of the concept of domes�c violence through visual culture in the United States, showing how it is rooted in the archive of slavery. By posi�oning tes�mony on contemporary domes�c violence prosecu�on within the archive of slavery, Moore demonstrates that domes�c violence and its image are haunted by black bodies, black flesh, and black freedom.
Excludes Taiwan, Japan, SE Asia & ANZ
Lesbian Potentiality and Feminist Media in the 1970s
Listening in the Afterlife of Data
Aesthetics, Pragmatics, and Incommunication David Cecchetto
Rox Samer
a Camera Obscura book May 2022 312pp 49 illus. 9781478018025 £20.99 / $27.95 PB 9781478015383 £84.00 / $104.95 HB
Thought in the Act March 2022 184pp 3 illus. 9781478017912 £18.99 / $24.95 PB 9781478015291 £76.00 / $94.95 HB
Explores how 1970s feminists took up the figure of the lesbian in broad a�empts to reimagine gender and sexuality by studying feminist film, video, and science fic�on literature. Throughout, Samer embraces the perpetual reimagina�on of “lesbian” and the lesbian’s former futures for the sake of con�nued, radical world-building.
Wri�ng at a cultural moment in which data has never been more ubiquitous or less convincing, Cecche�o theorizes sound, communica�on, and data by analyzing them in the contexts of computa�on, wearable technologies, and digital artwork. Cecche�o demonstrates that data is never quite what it seems. 3
Media and the Affective Life of Slavery
Media of the Masses
March 2022 192pp 3 b&w illus. 9781517910402 £19.99 / $26.00 PB 9781517910396 £82.00 / $104.00 HB
Stanford Studies in Middle Eastern and Islamic Socie�es and Cultures April 2022 288pp 9781503631441 £22.99 / $30.00 PB 9781503629431 £72.00 / $90.00 HB
Cassette Culture in Modern Egypt Andrew Simon
Allison Page
Amid fervent conversa�ons about an�racism and police violence, Media and the Affec�ve Life of Slavery delivers vital new ideas about how our feelings about race are governed and normalized by our media landscape. Allison Page analyzes how U.S. media from the 1960s to today instructs viewers to act and feel in accordance with new racial norms created for an era supposedly defined by an end to legal racism. Excludes Japan & ANZ
Media of the Masses inves�gates the social life of an everyday technology—the casse�e tape—to offer a mul�sensory history of modern Egypt. Over the 1970s and 1980s, casse�es became a ubiquitous presence in Egyp�an homes and stores. Audiocasse�e technology gave an opening to ordinary individuals, from singers to smugglers, to challenge state-controlled Egyp�an media.
Mediating Alzheimer's
My Life as an Artificial Creative Intelligence
Cognition and Personhood Scott Selberg
A Speculative Fiction Mark Amerika
May 2022 352pp 15 b&w illus. 9781517902292 £22.99 / $30.00 PB 9781517902285 £95.00 / $120.00 HB
Sensing Media: Aesthe�cs, Philosophy, and Cultures of Media May 2022 320pp 9781503631700 £19.99 / $26.00 PB 9781503631076 £68.00 / $85.00 HB
With no known cause or cure despite a century of research, Alzheimer’s disease is a true medical mystery. In Media�ng Alzheimer’s, Sco� Selberg examines the nature of this enduring na�onal health crisis by looking at the disease’s rela�onship to media and representa�on.
My Life as an Ar�ficial Crea�ve Intelligence is an improvisa�onal call-and-response wri�ng performance conducted by a language ar�st and an AI language model and is arranged as a series of intellectual provoca�ons that inves�gate the crea�ve process across the human-nonhuman spectrum.
Excludes Japan & ANZ
Projecting Spirits
Re-Understanding Media
Speculation, Providence, and Early Modern Optical Media Pasi Väliaho
Feminist Extensions of Marshall McLuhan Edited by Sarah Sharma & Rianka Singh
June 2022 280pp 9781503631939 £22.99 / $30.00 PB 9781503630857 £72.00 / $90.00 HB
June 2022 280pp 39 illus. 9781478017875 £20.99 / $26.95 PB 9781478015253 £80.00 / $99.95 HB
The history of projected images at the turn of the seventeenth century reveals a changing percep�on of chance and order, con�ngency and form. Väliaho maps how the leading op�cal media of the period—the camera obscura and the magic lantern—developed in response to, and framed, the era's key intellectual dilemma of whether the world fell under God's providen�al care, or was subject to chance and open to specula�ng.
Advances a feminist version of Marshall McLuhan’s key text, Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, repurposing his insight that “the medium is the message” for feminist ends. Showcases essays, experimental wri�ngs, and interviews from media studies scholars, ar�sts, ac�vists, and those who work with and create technology. 4
Remapping Cold War Media
The Digital Border
Migration, Technology, Power Lilie Chouliaraki & Myria Georgiou
Institutions, Infrastructures, Translations Edited by Alice Lovejoy & Mari Pajala
Cri�cal Cultural Communica�on June 2022 272pp 8 b&w 9781479873401 £21.99 / $29.00 PB 9781479844319 £71.00 / $89.00 HB
August 2022 360pp 22 b&w illus. 9780253062208 £27.99 / $36.00 PB 9780253062192 £68.00 / $85.00 HB
As the numbers of people fleeing war, poverty, and environmental disaster reach unprecedented levels, states also step up their mechanisms of border control. The authors’case studies from the biggest migra�on event of the twenty-first century in the West, the 2015 European migra�on “crisis”, tell a story of exclusion, but also of care and solidarity.
Drawing on methods in media and literary history, this book offers new perspec�ves on the transna�onal aspects of Cold War media. Contributors analyze countries around the world, including Cuba, Finland, Italy, and more, to provide a fuller picture of a significant and complex media culture.
Excludes Taiwan, Japan, SE Asia & ANZ
The Digital Evangelicals
The Horror of Police Travis Linnemann
Contesting Authority and Authenticity After the New Media Turn Travis Warren Cooper
July 2022 272pp 16 b&w illus. 9781517905927 £18.99 / $24.95 PB 9781517905910 £79.00 / $100.00 HB
Year a�er year the crisis churns: gra� and corrup�on, violence and murder, riot cops and armored vehicles claim city streets. Despite promises of reform, police operate with impunity, unaccountable to law. Travis Linnemann asks why, with this open record of violence and corrup�on, policing remains for so many the best, perhaps only means of security in an insecure world.
August 2022 384pp 4 b&w illus., 9 b&w tables 9780253062260 £29.99 / $38.00 PB 9780253062253 £68.00 / $85.00 HB
Social media, podcasts and digital Bibles cons�tute new arenas for debate about social and religious boundaries, theological and ecclesial orthodoxy, and the internet's inherent danger and value. This book reveals how Protestant metaphors and discourses shaped the emergence of the internet.
Excludes Japan & ANZ
The Sunday Paper
Tyrants on Twitter
History of Communica�on July 2022 328pp 9780252086564 £22.99 / $29.95 PB 9780252044496 £100.00 / $125.00 HB
Stanford Studies in Law and Poli�cs April 2022 296pp 9781503628441 £20.99 / $28.00 HB
A Media History Paul Moore & Sandra Gabriele
Protecting Democracies from Information Warfare David L. Sloss
Pullout sec�ons, poster supplements, contests, puzzles, and the funny pages--the Sunday newspaper once delivered a parade of informa�on, entertainment, and spectacle for just a few pennies each weekend. Paul Moore and Sandra Gabriele return to an era of experimenta�on in early twen�eth-century news publishing to chart how the Sunday paper became an essen�al part of American leisure. Excludes SE Asia, Indian sc & ANZ
Provides first detailed analysis of how Chinese and Russian agents weaponize social media pla�roms to subvert the liberal interna�onal order. In addi�on to examining the 2016 U.S. elec�on, Sloss explores Russia's use of foreign influence opera�ons to threaten democracies in Europe, as well as China's use of social media to meddle in Western ones. 5
Visual Archives of Sex
Visualizing Black Lives
Edited by Heike Bauer, Melina Pappademos, Katie Sutton & Jennifer Tucker
Ownership and Control in AfroBrazilian Media Reighan Gillam
December 2021 190pp 35 illus. 9781478017486 £10.99 / $14.00 PB
April 2022 160pp 9780252086489 £19.99 / $26.00 PB 9780252044410 £88.00 / $110.00 HB
Studies the visual histories of sex by examining symbols, images, film, and other visual forms ranging from medieval religious icons to twenty-first-century selfies. Contributors argue that engaging BIPOC, an�racist, queer, and feminist perspec�ves of the past is vital to understanding the complex historical rela�onships between sex and visual culture and how these rela�onships con�nue to shape sexual lives, bodies, myths, and desires.
A new genera�on of Afro-Brazilian media producers have emerged to challenge a mainstream that frequently excludes them. The text explores the dynamic alterna�ve media landscape developed by Afro-Brazilians in the twenty-first century. With works that confront racism, these ar�sts iden�fy, challenge, or break with entrenched racist prac�ces structures. Excludes SE Asia, Indian sc & ANZ
What If?
Women's Voices in Digital Media
Twenty-Two Scenarios in Search of Images Vilém Flusser Translated by Anke Finger & Kenneth Kronenberg
The Sonic Screen from Film to Memes Jennifer O'Meara April 2022 320pp 9781477324448 £22.99 / $29.95 PB 9781477324431 £72.00 / $90.00 HB
March 2022 120pp 9781517913663 £14.99 / $20.00 PB 9781517913656 £63.00 / $80.00 HB
An examina�on of the sound and silence of women in digital media. Dives into new and well-established media formats to show how contemporary screen media and cultural prac�ces police and fe�shize women’s voices, but also provide exci�ng new ways to amplify and empower them.
Two years a�er his Vampyroteuthis Infernalis, Vilém Flusser has engaged in another thought experiment: a collec�on of twenty-two “scenarios for the future” to be produced as computer-generated media that would break the imagina�ve logjam in conceiving the social, poli�cal, and economic future of the universe. Excludes Japan & ANZ
Books stocked at Marston Book Services Tel: +44 (0)1235 465500 6