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Balaam's Ass: Vernacular Theology Before the English Reformation
Biblical Women and Jewish Daily Life in the Middle Ages Elisheva Baumgarten
Volume 1: Frameworks, Arguments, English to 1250 Nicholas Watson
Jewish Culture and Contexts May 2022 320pp 45 illus 9780812253580 £44.00 / $55.00 HB
The Middle Ages Series May 2022 640pp 5 tables 9780812253726 £72.00 / $89.95 HB
Examines how medieval Jewish engagement with the Bible—especially in the tellings, retellings, and illustra�ons of stories of women—offers a window onto aspects of the daily lives and cultural mentalités of Ashkenazic Jews in the High Middle Ages. More than forty vivid medieval illumina�ons, most reproduced in color, help convey to modern readers what medieval people could have known visually about these biblical stories.
A�empts the first comprehensive overview of religious wri�ng in early England's vernacular languages—Old English, Insular French, and Middle English—between the 9th and 16th centuries.
Celebrating Sorrow
Cultures of Witnessing
Medieval Tributes to "The Tale of Sagoromo" Edited and translated by Charo B. D’Etcheverry
Law and the York Plays Emma Lipton
The Middle Ages Series April 2022 248pp 9780812253856 £52.00 / $65.00 HB
August 2022 183pp 3 charts 9781501764776 £32.00 / $39.95 HB
Considers the plays that were performed in the streets of York on the Feast of Corpus Chris� from the late fourteenth century un�l the third quarter of the sixteenth and shows how civic performance and the legal theory and prac�ce of witnessing promoted a shared sense of urban ci�zenship.
Celebra�ng Sorrow explores the medieval Japanese fascina�on with grief in tributes to The Tale of Sagoromo, the classic story of a young man whose unrequited love for his foster sister leads him into a succession of roman�c tragedies as he rises to the imperial throne. Charo B. D'Etcheverry translates a selec�on of Sagoromo-themed works, highligh�ng the diversity of medieval Japanese crea�ve prac�ce.
Curing Mad Truths
Dante's "Other Works"
Medieval Wisdom for the Modern Age Rémi Brague
Assessments and Interpretations Edited by Zygmunt G. Baranski & Theodore J. Cachey, Jr.
Catholic Ideas for a Secular World February 2022 152pp 9780268105709 £18.99 / $25.00 NIP
William and Katherine Devers Series in Dante and Medieval Italian Literature May 2022 pp 2 b&w illus. 9780268202392 £36.00 / $45.00 PB 9780268202385 £100.00 / $125.00 HB
In his first book composed in English, Rémi Brague maintains that there is a fundamental problem with modernity: we no longer consider the created world and humanity as intrinsically valuable. Curing Mad Truths, based on a number of Brague's lectures to English-speaking audiences, explores the idea that humanity must return to the Middle Ages.
Rather than speak of Dante’s “minor works,” this volume puts forward the designa�on “other works” both in light of their enhanced status and as part of a general effort to reaffirm their value as autonomous works. This volume will interest Dan�s�, medievalists, and literary scholars at every stage of their career.
Dynasties Intertwined
Embodying the Soul
Medieval Socie�es, Religions, and Cultures June 2022 264pp 2 b&w hal�ones, 4 maps 9781501763465 £44.00 / $54.95 HB
The Middle Ages Series May 2022 400pp 16 hal�ones, 2 maps 9780812253894 £72.00 / $89.95 HB
The Zirids of Ifriqiya and the Normans of Sicily Matt King
Medicine and Religion in Carolingian Europe Meg Leja
Explores the possibili�es and limita�ons of human interven�on in the body's health across the ninthcentury Carolingian Empire. This book argues that classical medicine was reconfigured as a sacred Chris�an art across the Carolingian Empire in the ninth century, becoming not simply a method of physical rehabilita�on but also a tool of spiritual transforma�on.
Dynas�es Intertwined traces the turbulent rela�onship between the Zirids of Ifriqiya and the Normans of Sicily during the eleventh and twel�h centuries. In doing so, it reveals the complex web of economic, poli�cal, cultural, and military connec�ons that linked the two dynas�es to each other and to other poli�es across the medieval Mediterranean.
Forged in the Shadow of Mars
Holy Digital Grail
A Medieval Book on the Internet Michelle R. Warren
Chivalry and Violence in Late Medieval Florence Peter W. Sposato
Stanford Text Technologies March 2022 304pp 9781503631168 £22.99 / $30.00 PB 9781503608009 £72.00 / $90.00 HB
March 2022 246pp 2 b&w hal�ones 9781501761898 £40.00 / $49.95 HB
Medieval books that survive today have been through a lot: singed by fire, mo�led by mold, eaten by insects, annotated by readers, cut into fragments, or damaged through well-inten�oned preserva�on efforts. In this book, Michelle Warren tells the story of one such manuscript— an Arthurian romance with textual origins in twel�h-century England now diffused across the twenty-first century internet.
Peter W. Sposato traces chivalry's powerful influence on the mentalitè and behavior of a sizeable segment of the elite in late medieval Florence. He finds that the strenuous knights and men-at-arms of the Floren�ne chivalric elite—a cultural community comprised of men from both tradi�onal and newly emerged elite lineages—embraced a chivalric ideology that was fundamentally mar�al and violent.
Inventing the Berbers
Inventing William of Norwich
History and Ideology in the Maghrib Ramzi Rouighi
Thomas of Monmouth and Literary Culture, 1150 - 1200 Heather Blurton
The Middle Ages Series March 2022 312pp 4 illus. 9780812225242 £22.99 / $29.95 NIP
The Middle Ages Series May 2022 296pp 3 bw hal�ones 9780812253924 £48.00 / $59.95 HB
Examines the emergence of the Berbers as a dis�nct category in early Arabic texts and probes the ways in which later Arabic sources, shaped by contemporary events, imagined the Berbers as a people and the Maghrib as their home.
Offers a revisionist reading of Thomas Monmouth's account of the saint's life that contains the earliest account of a Chris�an child ritually murdered by Jews. She demonstrates how innova�ons in literary forms in the twel�h century shaped the ar�cula�on of medieval an�semi�sm. 2
Medieval Song from Aristotle to Opera
Poisoned Wells
Accusations, Persecution, and Minorities in Medieval Europe, 1321-1422 Tzafrir Barzilay
Sarah Kay
July 2022 298pp 20 b&w hal�ones, 18 color hal�ones 9781501763885 £36.00 / $44.95 HB
The Middle Ages Series February 2022 336pp 10 maps, 2 tables 9780812253610 £56.00 / $69.95 HB
Focusing on songs by the troubadours and trouvères from the twel�h to the fourteenth centuries, Medieval Song from Aristotle to Opera contends that song is not best analyzed as "words plus music" but rather as a dis�nc�ve way of sounding words.
Between 1348 and 1350, Jews throughout Europe were accused of having caused the spread of the Black Death by poisoning the wells from which the en�re popula�on drank. Poisoned Wells explains the origin of these allega�ons, how they gained popularity before and during the Black Death, and why they declined in the fi�eenth century.
Remember the Hand
Sonic Bodies
Fordham Series in Medieval Studies August 2022 368pp 44 color & 22 b&w illus. 9780823298914 £52.00 / $65.00 HB
Sound in History March 2022 336pp 11 bw hal�ones 9780812253702 £56.00 / $69.95 HB
Manuscription in Early Medieval Iberia Catherine Brown
Text, Music, and Silence in Late Medieval England Tekla Bude
Remember the Hand studies a body of ar�culate manuscript books from Iberia in the tenth and eleventh centuries. These excep�onal, richly illuminated codices have in common an urgent sense of scribal presence—scribes name themselves, describe themselves, even paint their own portraits. While marginal notes, even biographical ones, are a common feature of medieval manuscripts, rarely do scribes make themselves so fully known.
Starts from a simple premise—that music requires a body to perform it—to rethink the rela�onship between music, ma�er, and the body in the late medieval period. Sonic Bodies argues that writers thought of "music" and "the body" as mutually dependent and historically determined processes that called each other into being.
The Deeds of Philip Augustus
The Etiquette of Early Northern Verse
An English Translation of Rigord's "Gesta Philippi Augusti" Rigord Translated by Larry F. Field Edited by M. Cecilia Gaposchkin and Sean L. Field Foreword by Paul R. Hyams
Roberta Frank
Conway Lectures in Medieval Studies May 2022 320pp 9780268202521 £52.00 / $65.00 HB
By declu�ering and stripping away excess, by drawing words through a �ght mesh of meter, allitera�on, and rhyme, the early northern poet filtered out dross and s�tched together a poe�cs of stark contrasts and forebodings. Poets and lovers of poetry of all periods and places will find much to enjoy here.
June 2022 210pp 14 color hal�ones, 4
maps, 1 chart 9781501763151 £17.99 / $22.95 PB 9781501763144 £100.00 / $125.00 HB
The Deeds of Philip Augustus makes one of the most important documents of twel�h-century France available to wide new readership. 3
The Invention of Shakespeare, and Other Essays
The Keys to Bread and Wine
Faith, Nature, and Infrastructure in Late Medieval Valencia Abigail Agresta
Stephen Orgel
March 2022 176pp 7 hal�ones 9780812253740 £32.00 / $39.95 HB
July 2022 276pp 6 maps, 1 graph 9781501764172 £45.00 / $56.95 HB
In his own �me, Shakespeare was not a monument, but a man of the theater whose plays were less finished ar�facts than works in process. This book brings together twelve essays that consider the complex nature of Shakespearean texts, which o�en include errors or confusions, and the editorial and interpre�ve strategies for dealing with them in commentary or performance.
How did medieval people think about the environments in which they lived? In a world shaped by God, how did they treat environments marked by religious difference? The Keys to Bread and Wine explores the answers to these ques�ons in Valencia in the later Middle Ages.
The Salvation of Israel
Translating Christ in the Middle Ages
Jews in Christian Eschatology from Paul to the Puritans Jeremy Cohen
Gender, Authorship, and the Visionary Text Barbara Zimbalist
Medieval Socie�es, Religions, and Cultures August 2022 334pp 17 b&w hal�ones, 8 color hal�ones 9781501764721 £37.00 / $46.95 HB
February 2022 350pp 9780268202200 £40.00 / $50.00 PB 9780268202194 £100.00 / $125.00 HB
Explores how women’s visionary transla�on of Christ’s speech ini�ated larger transforma�ons of gendered authorship and religious authority within medieval culture. In transla�ng their visionary conversa�ons with Christ into vernacular text, medieval women turned themselves into authors and devo�onal guides.
The Salva�on of Israel inves�gates Chris�anity's eschatological Jew, the role and characteris�cs of the Jews at the end of days in the Chris�an imagina�on. It explores the depth of Chris�an ambivalence regarding these Jews, from Paul's Epistle to the Romans, through late an�quity and the Middle Ages, to the Puritans of the seventeenth century.
Visual Translation
recent highlights
Illuminated Manuscripts and the First French Humanists Anne D. Hedeman
Black Metaphors
How Modern Racism Emerged from Medieval Race-Thinking Cord J. Whitaker
Conway Lectures in Medieval Studies April 2022 480pp 183 color illus, 1 table 9780268202279 £64.00 / $80.00 HB
The Middle Ages Series September 2021 256pp 2 illus. 9780812225068 £18.99 / $24.95 NIP
Breaks new ground in the study of French manuscripts, contribu�ng to the fields of French humanism, textual transla�on, and the recep�on of the classical tradi�on in the first half of the fi�eenth century. With over 180 color images, this will appeal to students and scholars of French, compara�ve literature, art history, history of the book, and transla�on studies.
In Black Metaphors, Cord J. Whitaker argues that rhetoric and theology establish blackness and whiteness as metaphors for sin and purity in medieval English and European wri�ng. Whitaker shows how these metaphors came to guide the development of no�ons of race in the centuries that followed.
Guides to the Eucharist in Medieval Egypt
Household Goods and Good Households in Late Medieval London
Three Arabic Commentaries on the Coptic Liturgy Yūḥannā ibn Sabbā‘, Abū alBarakāt ibn Kabar & Gabriel V of Alexandria Edited & translated by Ramez Mikhail
Consumption and Domesticity After the Plague Katherine L. French The Middle Ages Series August 2021 416pp 40 hal�ones, 20 graphs, 9 tables, 2 maps 9780812253054 £52.00 / $65.00 HB
Chris�an Arabic Texts in Transla�on February 2022 240pp 1 b&w illus. 9780823298327 £22.99 / $30.00 PB 9780823298310 £84.00 / $105.00 HB
Household Goods and Good Households in Late Medieval London looks at how increased consump�on in the a�ermath of the Black Death reconfigured long-held gender roles and changed the domes�c lives of London's merchants and ar�sans for years to come.
Presented for the first �me in English, excerpts from three key texts on the Cop�c liturgy.
Medieval Badges
Their Wearers and Their Worlds Ann Marie Rasmussen
Standing on Holy Ground in the Middle Ages
The Middle Ages Series September 2021 312pp 110 hal�ones, 3 maps, 16-page 4-color insert 9780812253207 £52.00 / $65.00 HB
Lucy Donkin
February 2022 488pp 5 b&w hal�ones, 75 color hal�ones, 4 b&w line drawings 9781501751127 £56.00 / $69.95 HB
Standing on Holy Ground in the Middle Ages illuminates how the floor surface shaped the ways in which people in medieval western Europe and beyond experienced sacred spaces. The ground beneath our feet plays a crucial, yet o�en overlooked, role in our rela�onship with the environments we inhabit and the spaces with which we interact.
Mass produced of �n-lead alloys and cheap to purchase, medieval badges were brooch-like objects displaying familiar images. Sumptuously illustrated, Medieval Badges considers all badges, whether they originated in religious or secular contexts, and highlights the ways in which badges could confer meaning and iden�ty on their wearers.
Trans Historical
Uncertain Refuge
Gender Plurality before the Modern Edited by Greta LaFleur, Masha Raskolnikov & Anna Klosowska
Sanctuary in the Literature of Medieval England Elizabeth Allen The Middle Ages Series October 2021 376pp 10 hal�ones 9780812253443 £48.00 / $59.95 HB
October 2021 402pp 28 b&w hal�ones 9781501759505 £24.99 / $32.95 PB 9781501759086 £92.00 / $115.00 HB
Medieval felons could take sanctuary from prosecu�on in any church, but far from sta�c refuge, sanctuary staged dynamic ac�on, even violence. While sanctuary has usually been analyzed as part of legal history, in Uncertain Refuge Elizabeth Allen explores the symbolic consequences of sanctuary seeking in English literary works.
Trans Historical explores the plurality of gender experiences that flourished before the modern era, from Late An�quity to the 18th century, across a broad geographic range, from Spain to Poland and Byzan�um to Boston. Refu�ng arguments that transgender people, experiences, and iden��es were non-existent prior to the 12th century. 5
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