Medieval Studies Subject Catalogue - Fall 2021

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A Pious Belligerence

Black Metaphors

Dialogical Warfare and the Rhetoric of Righteousness in the Crusading Near East Uri Zvi Shachar

How Modern Racism Emerged from Medieval Race-Thinking Cord J. Whitaker The Middle Ages Series September 2021 256pp 2 illus. 9780812225068 £18.99/ $24.95 NIP

The Middle Ages Series September 2021 320pp 7 illus. 9780812253337 £52.00/ $65.00 HB




In Black Metaphors, Cord J. Whitaker argues that rhetoric and theology establish blackness and whiteness as metaphors for sin and purity in medieval English and European wri�ng. Whitaker shows how these metaphors came to guide the development of no�ons of race in the centuries that followed.

Uri Zvi Shachar examines one of the most contested and ideologically loaded issues in medieval history, the clash between Chris�ans, Muslims, and Jews that we call the Crusades.

Clare of Assisi and the Thirteenth-Century Church

Guides to the Eucharist in Medieval Egypt Three Arabic Commentaries on the Coptic Liturgy Yūḥannā ibn Sabbā‘, Abū alBarakāt ibn Kabar & Gabriel V of Alexandria Edited & Translated by Ramez Mikhail

Religious Women, Rules, and Resistance Catherine M. Mooney The Middle Ages Series September 2021 312pp 3 illus. 9780812225075 £21.99/ $28.95 NIP

Chris�an Arabic Texts in Transla�on February 2022 240pp 1 b&w illus. 9780823298327 £22.99/ $30.00 PB 9780823298310 £84.00/ $105.00 HB


In a work based on a me�culous analysis of sources, many of them previously unexplored, Catherine M. Mooney upends the received account of Clare of Assisi's founding of the Order of San Damiano, or Poor Clares.


Presented for the first �me in English, excerpts from three key texts on the Cop�c liturgy by Abū al-Barakāt ibn Kabar, Yūḥannā ibn Sabbā‘, and Pope Gabriel V.

Household Goods and Good Households in Late Medieval London

Medieval Badges

Their Wearers and Their Worlds Ann Marie Rasmussen

Consumption and Domesticity After the Plague Katherine L. French

The Middle Ages Series September 2021 312pp 110 hts., 3 maps, 16-page 4-color insert 9780812253207 £52.00/ $65.00 HB

The Middle Ages Series August 2021 416pp 40 hts., 20 graphs, 9 tables, 2 maps 9780812253054 £52.00/ $65.00 HB


Mass produced of �n-lead alloys and cheap to purchase, medieval badges were brooch-like objects displaying familiar images. Sumptuously illustrated, Medieval Badges considers all badges, whether they originated in religious or secular contexts, and highlights the ways in which badges could confer meaning and iden�ty on their wearers.


Looks at how increased consump�on in the a�ermath of the Black Death reconfigured long-held gender roles and changed the domes�c lives of London's merchants and ar�sans for years to come. 1

Standing on Holy Ground in the Middle Ages

The Erotics of Grief

Emotions and the Construction of Privilege in the Medieval Mediterranean Megan Moore

Lucy Donkin

February 2022 488pp 5 b&w hts., 75 color hts., 4 b&w line drawings 9781501751127 £56.00/ $69.95 HB

September 2021 204pp 5 b&w hts., 2 charts 9781501758393 £40.00/ $49.95 HB



Standing on Holy Ground in the Middle Ages illuminates how the floor surface shaped the ways in which people in medieval western Europe and beyond experienced sacred spaces. The ground beneath our feet plays a crucial, yet o�en overlooked, role in our rela�onship with the environments we inhabit and the spaces with which we interact.

The Ero�cs of Grief considers how emo�ons propagate power by exploring whose lives are grieved and what kinds of grief are valuable within and ero�cized by medieval narra�ves. Megan Moore argues that grief is not only rou�nely ero�cized in medieval literature but that it is a founda�onal emo�on of medieval elite culture.

The Permeable Self

Trans Historical

Five Medieval Relationships Barbara Newman

Gender Plurality before the Modern Edited by Greta LaFleur, Masha Raskolnikov & Anna Klosowska

The Middle Ages Series September 2021 440pp 10 b&w hts., 1 table 9780812253344 £56.00/ $69.95 HB

October 2021 402pp 28 b&w hts. 9781501759505 £24.99/ $32.95 PB 9781501759086£92.00/ $115.00 HB


The Permeable Self offers medievalists new insight into the appeal and dangers of the ero�cs of pedagogy; the remarkable influence of courtly romance conven�ons on hagiography and mys�cism; and the unexpected ways that pregnancy—o�en devalued in mothers—could be posi�vely ascribed to men, virgins, and God.


Trans Historical explores the plurality of gender experiences that flourished before the modern era, from Late An�quity to the eighteenth century, across a broad geographic range, from Spain to Poland and Byzan�um to Boston.

Uncertain Refuge

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Sanctuary in the Literature of Medieval England Elizabeth Allen

Medieval Nonsense

Signifying Nothing in Fourteenth-Century England Jordan Kirk

The Middle Ages Series October 2021 376pp 10 hts. 9780812253443 £48.00/ $59.95 HB


Fordham Series in Medieval Studies May 2021 208pp 9780823294473 £22.99/ $30.00 PB 9780823294466£84.00/ $105.00 HB

Medieval felons could take sanctuary from prosecu�on in any church, but far from sta�c refuge, sanctuary staged dynamic ac�on, even violence. While sanctuary has usually been analyzed as part of legal history, in Uncertain Refuge Elizabeth Allen explores the symbolic consequences of sanctuary seeking in English literary works.



This book shows that the founda�onal object of study of medieval linguis�c thought was vox nonsignifica�va, the u�erance insofar as it means nothing whatsoever, and that this fact was not lost on medieval writers of various kinds.

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