MILITARY Spring 2020
Books stocked at Marston Book Services Tel: +44 (0)1235 465500
Information Technology and Military Power
Greek Warfare beyond the Polis
Jon R. Lindsay
Defense, Strategy, and the Making of Ancient Federal States David A. Blome
Cornell Studies in Security Affairs July 2020 296pp 3 b&w halftones, 12 b&w line drawings, 2 charts 9781501749568 £37.00/$42.95 HB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS
April 2020 168pp 5 maps 9781501747526 £34.00/$39.95 HB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS
Militaries with state-of-the-art information technology sometimes bog down in confusing conflicts. To understand why, it is important to understand the micro-foundations of military power in the information age, and this is exactly what Jon R. Lindsay's Information Technology and Military Power gives us. Excludes ANZ
Greek Warfare beyond the Polis assesses the nature and broader significance of warfare in the mountains of classical Greece. Based on detailed reconstructions of four military encounters. Excludes ANZ
Warfare and Culture in World History, Second Edition
Dying to Serve
Militarism, Affect, and the Politics of Sacrifice in the Pakistan Army Maria Rashid
Edited by Wayne E. Lee
August 2020 368 pp 9781479862436 £24.99/$30.00 PB 9781479800001 £77.00/$89.00 HB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS
South Asia in Motion April 2020 288pp 9781503611986 £22.99/$28.00 PB 9781503610415 £77.00/$90.00 HB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
An expanded edition of the leading text on military history and the role of culture on the battlefield. The Second Edition is a collection of some of the most compelling recent efforts to analyze warfare through a cultural lens. Excludes SE Asia and ANZ
A study of the affective relationships at the heart of war and violence. Certain regions, like parts of the rural Punjab, supplied the Pakistan Army. Rashid focuses on the men, their wives and mothers, and the military culture.
Learning the Lessons of Modern War
Canada 1919
A Nation Shaped by War Edited by Tim Cook & J.L. Granatstein
Edited by Thomas G. Mahnken
Studies in Canadian Military History June 2020 320pp 25 b&w photos 9780774864077 £22.99/$34.95 HB UBC PRESS
June 2020 344pp
9781503612501 £28.99/$35.00 PB 9781503612501 £90.00/$105.00 HB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
With compelling insight, Canada 1919 exposes the ways in which the First World War shaped and changed Canada – and the ways it did not. Examines the concerns of Canadians in the year following the Great War: the treatment of veterans, including nurses and Indigenous people. Excludes SE Asia, Indian sc & ANZ
Uses the study of the recent past to illuminate the future. More specifically, it examines the lessons of recent wars as a way of understanding continuity and change in the character and conduct of war. Brings together contributions from a group of well-known scholars.
Canada’s Mechanized Infantry
Making the Best of It
Women and Girls of Canada and Newfoundland during the Second World War Edited by Sarah Glassford & Amy J. Shaw
The Evolution of a Combat Arm, 1920–2012 Peter Kasurak
Studies in Canadian Military History February 2020 264pp 17 b&w photos
Studies in Canadian Military History May 2020 298pp 20 b&w photos 9780774862776 £60.00/$89.95 HB UBC PRESS
4 maps, 1 table 9780774862721 £60.00/$89.95 HB UBC PRESS
Examines the challenges facing the Canadian Army as it transformed its infantry from First World War foot soldiers to a twenty-first–century combat force integrating soldiers and technology. Excludes SE Asia, Indian sc, & ANZ
Examines the ways in which gender and other identities intersected to shape the experiences of female Canadians and Newfoundlanders during the Second World War. Excludes SE Asia, Indian sc, & ANZ
War Junk
Munitions Disposal and Postwar Reconstruction in Canada Alex Souchen
Military Veterans, Trauma, and Research-Based Theatre With Marv Westwood Edited by George Belliveau & Graham W. Lea
Studies in Canadian History May 2020 298pp 21 b&w photos
Studies in Canadian History May 2020 264pp 21 b&w photos 9780774862639 £22.99/$37.95 PB 9780774862622 £60.00/$89.95 HB UBC PRESS
6 tables, 2 charts 9780774862776 £60.00/$89.95 HB UBC PRESS
War Junk recounts the surprising history of leftover military munitions and supplies, revealing This important book explores an arts-based their complex political, economic, social, and therapeutic approach to mental health care. environmental legacies in postwar Canada. Excludes SE Asia, Indian sc, & ANZ Excludes SE Asia, Indian sc, & ANZ
Culture and the Soldier
For Home and Empire
Identities, Values, and Norms in Military Engagements H. Christian Breede
Voluntary Mobilization in Australia, Canada, and New Zealand during the First World War Steve Marti
April 2020 248pp 14 charts, 9 tables
9780774860864 £22.99/$37.95 NIP UBC PRESS
Culture and the Soldier offers a long-overdue examination of how culture – defined as reproduced identities, values, and norms – both shapes the military and can be wielded by it, informing the way armed forces operate around the world. Excludes SE Asia, Indian sc, & ANZ
Studies in Canadian History March 2020 216pp 12b&w photos, 2 illus., 3 maps 9780774861212 £19.19/$32.95 NIP UBC PRESS
Compares home-front mobilization during the First World War in three British dominions, using a settler colonial framework. Excludes SE Asia, Indian sc, & ANZ
No Bridges Blown
Friendly Enemies Soldier Fraternization throughout the American Civil War Lauren K. Thompson
Studies in War, Society, and the Military August 2020 228pp 4 photos, 8 illus. 9781496202451 £47.00/$55.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESS
Lauren K. Thompson analyzes the relations and fraternization of American soldiers on opposing sides of the Civil War and argues that these relations represented common soldiers’ efforts to fight the war on their own terms.
With the OSS Jedburghs in Nazi-Occupied France William B. Dreux
April 2020 350pp 9780268107987 £16.99/$22.00 PB 9780268107970 £108.00/$125.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME PRESS
A rediscovered classic of military history back in print for the 75th anniversary of World War II. William B. Dreux parachuted into France in 1944, the OSS infantry officer had cinematic visions of blood-and-guts heroics, of leading the French Maquis resistance forces in daring missions to blow up key bridges and delay the Germans.
Books stocked at Marston Book Services Tel: +44 (0)1235 465500