University of Nebraska Press - Fall 2021 Catalogue

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Index 9/12 50 Aleichem, Sholom 44 Allen, James Smith 77 Amazonian Cosmopolitans 64 Amazonian Kichwa of the Curaray River 65 Amble, John 49 Anderson, Donald 37 Anderson, Sheldon 18 Anesko, Michael 88 Antisemitism on the Rise 69 Apostles of Empire 101 Aranda Jr., José F. 85 As Long as the Earth Endures 93 Atkinson, Neil 19 The Author as Cannibal 89 Barajas, Frank P. 98 Barak-Gorodetsky, David 48 Barba, Paul 62 Bartholomay, Lyric 43 Bauer, Deborah 78 The Bear Doesn’t Know 7 Bissell, David 81 Black Cowboys of Rodeo 20 The Black Populations of France 76 Boarding School Voices 92 Bold They Rise 55 Borrowing from Our Foremothers 71 Bowman, Geoffrey 32 Boy Almighty 53 Bring In the Right-Hander! 57 Bristow, David L. 96 Brooks, Max 49 Brown, Wynne 12 Buffalo Soldiers in Alaska 21 The Burglar’s Christmas 31 Burning the Breeze 13 Burrow-Branine, Jon 66 Bushnell, Prudence 51 C’RONA Pandemic Comics 42 Camp, Bob 42, 43 Camuto, Robert V. 14 Cartwright, Keith Ryan 20 Cather, Willa 31 Cavallaro, Michael 43 Cavanaugh, ML 49 The Challenge to NATO 41 The Chalmers Race 57 Champagne Charlie 9 Chapman, Craig S. 39 Cinematic Comanches 90 A Civil Society 77 Claudot-Hawad, Hélène 24 Coburn, Robyn L. 8 Colonized through Art 99 Come Now, Let Us Argue It Out 66 Coming to Terms with America 45 Common Enemies 17 The Complete Letters of Henry James, 1884–1886 88 Conspiracy of Silence 56 Costa, David J. 93 Country of the Cursed and the Driven 62 A Country Strange and Far 80 Cree and Christian 95 Curious Unions 98 Darnell, Regna 67

Davis, G. Doug 41 de Villiers, Phillippa Yaa 25 Dear Diaspora 27 Death at the Edges of Empire 101 Death of the Senate 2 Deer Season 22 Dervish Dust 8 Deutsch, Sarah 60 DeWolf, Rebecca 70 Diabetes in Native Chicago 94 Diamond, Judy 42, 43 Dimas, Carlos S. 73 Dirty Knowledge 68 Disaster on the Spanish Main 39 Disruption 36 Drabelle, Dennis 6 Duram, Leslie A. 83 Eastman, Scott 74 Edholm, Mike 43 Environmental Geography 83 Erickson, Sara 43 Evans, Simon M. 82 Flanagan, Erin 22 The Forgotten Botanist 12 Forss, Amy Helene 71 French, Francis 33 The Front 23 Furlan, Laura M. 100 gaiashkibos, Judy M. 42 Galante, John Starosta 75 Gates, Jaym 49 Gendered Citizenship 70 A Geography of the Hutterites in North America 82 Gibson III, Ernest L. 97 Gloviczki, Peter Joseph 87 Goldman, Rob 1 Goodman, Audrey 84 Gorcheva-Newberry, Kristina G. 26 Go West, Young Man 10 Groner, William H. 50 Haas, Lawrence J. 52 Hall, Bob 42, 43 A Harp in the Stars 30 Harrison, Paul 81 Harry and Arthur 52 Hawad 24 A Hemisphere of Women 72 Hendrickson, Lisa 13 Herbeck, Journey 23 The History of Anthropology 67 Hitt, David 55 Hollars, B.J. 10 Horace Poolaw 99 Huhn, Rick 57 In the Net 23 Indigenous Cities 100 James, Henry 88 Jefferson, Alison Rose 98 The Jewish Family Ethics Textbook 46 Judah Magnes 48 Jump Shooting to a Higher Degree 18 Jurek, Richard 54 Kammen, Carol 11 Kim, Linda 100 Kladstrup, Don 9

Kladstrup, Petie 9 Kohen, Ari 69 Kracht, Benjamin R. 91 Kruger, Mark 34 Krupat, Arnold 92 LaBrada, Lisa 91 Lamb, Chris 56 Lamentations 11 Lentis, Marinella 99 Leviant, Curt 44 Lewis, Alison 40 The Light of Earth 33 Living the California Dream 98 Long Rules 29 A Long Voyage to the Moon 32 Look 4 Loserville 16 MacCambridge, Michael 19 Making a Modern U.S. West 60 Malatino, Hil 97 Manfred, Frederick 53 Manfred, Freya 53 Marianne Is Watching 78 McKenzie, Michael C. 80 McNeese, Tim 38 McShea, Bronwen 101 Mediated Narration in the Digital Age 87 A Missionary Nation 74 Moshkeleh the Thief 44 Mosquitoes SUCK! 43 Narrative Truthiness 86 Nebraska History Moments 96 Negative Geographies 81 Nelson, Ben 2 Nguyen, Susan 27 Noble, Randon Billings 30 Oakdale, Suzanne 64 On the Other Shore 75 Pattieu, Sylvain 76 Payer, Henry 42 Peritz, Aki J. 36 Perry, Nathaniel 29 Phalafala, Uhuru Portia 25 Photographer of American Indian Modernity 99 Piehler, G. Kurt 79 The Places of Modernity in Early Mexican American Literature, 1848–1948 85 A Planetary Lens 84 Poisoned Eden 73 Pollak, Margaret 94 The Power of Scenery 6 Purvis, Diane J. 35 Quagmire 37 Queer Embodiment 97 Race Experts 100 Ragged Coast, Rugged Coves 35 Red Letters 19 Reeve, Mary-Elizabeth 65 A Religious History of the American GI in World War II 79 Reuss, Jerry 57 Reynolds, Felisa Vergara 89 Rhymes with Fighter 3 Richardson Bruna, Katherine 43 Rizzo-Martinez, Martin 61 Rose, Mitch 81

Ross, Rabbi Dennis S. 47 Saiser, Marjorie 28 Salvific Manhood 97 Sarna, Jonathan D. 45 Scars of War 63 Schaller, Thomas F. 17 Scheindlin, Rabbi Neal 46 Schleck, Julia 68 Schullery, Paul 7 A Second Reckoning 5 Seligman, Scott D. 5 The Settler Sea 59 Shellum, Brian G. 21 Sibeud, Emmanuelle 76 The Sisterhood 1 Slobodchikoff, Michael O. 41 Smith, Heather R. 55 Smith, Laura E. 99 Sommer, Katie 88 South of Somewhere 14 The St. Louis Commune of 1877 34 A State of Secrecy 40 Steinacher, Gerald J. 69 Stewart, Brandon 41 Stories from Saddle Mountain 91 Stovall, Tyler 76 Sukrungruang, Ira 15 Sutherlen, Aaron 42, 43 Tahmahkera, Dustin 90 Teicholz, Tom 50 Terrorism, Betrayal, and Resilience 51 This Jade World 15 Thomas, Sabrina 63 Time in the Wilderness 38 Tongkeamha, Henrietta 91 Tongkeamha, Raymond 91 The Track the Whales Make 28 Trutor, Clayton 16 The Ultimate Engineer 54 VanWormer, Liz 42 Voyles, Traci Brynne 59 Wamsley, E. Sue 72 We Are Not Animals 61 Weber, Joseph 3 Westman, Clinton N. 95 What Isn’t Remembered 26 Wiese, Annjeanette 86 Winning Westeros 49 Wise, Christopher 24 Worden, Al 33 Yarrow, Andrew L. 4 A Year with Martin Buber 47 Zacharias, Greg W. 88

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