New York University Press - Fall 2021 Catalogue

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• W W W. N Y U P R E S S . O R G


The Mechanics of Extraction in Comparative Perspective Edited by JONATHAN VALK and IRENE SOTO MARÍN A collection of studies that explores the extractive systems of eleven ancient states and societies from across the ancient world

September 2021 400 pages • 6 x 9 6 black & white illustrations Cloth • $75.00X(£62.00) 9781479806195 Ancient History

The studies collected in Ancient Taxation: The Mechanics of Extraction in Comparative Perspective explore the extractive systems of eleven ancient states and societies from across the ancient world, ranging from Bronze Age China to Anglo-Saxon Britain. The contributors explore the challenges of taxation in predominantly agro-pastoral societies, including basic tax strategy (taxing goods vs. labor, in-kind vs. money taxes, etc.), assessment and collection, compliance, and negotiating the cooperation of social, economic, and political élites and other important social groups. In assembling a broad range of studies, this book sheds new light on the commonalities and differences between ancient taxation systems, and so on the broader fiscal and institutional practices of antiquity. Jonathan Valk is University Lecturer in Assyriology at the University of Leiden. Irene Soto Marín is Assistant Professor of Classical Studies and Assistant Curator in the Kelsey Museum at the University of Michigan.


ROGER S. BAGNALL, NICOLA ARAVECCHIA, RAFFAELLA CRIBIORE, PAOLA DAVOLI, OLAF E. KAPER, and SUSANNA McFADDEN Located in the Dakhla Oasis in Egypt's Western Desert, Amheida (ancient Trimithis) was an important regional center, reaching a peak in the Roman period. Excavations have revealed its urban layout and brought to light houses, streets, a bath, a school, and a church. Wall-paintings, temple reliefs, pottery, and texts all give a lively sense of its political, religious, economic, and cultural life. This book presents these aspects of the city’s existence and its close ties to the Nile valley, by way of long desert roads, in an accessible and richly illustrated fashion.

February 2016 256 pages • 6 x 9 16 black & white illustrations 128 color illustrations Cloth • $55.00X(£44.00) 9781479889228 Ancient History

Roger S. Bagnall is Leon Levy Director and Professor of Ancient History Emeritus at ISAW. Nicola Aravecchia is Assistant Professor of Classics at Washington University in Saint Louis. Raffaella Cribiore is Professor of Classics at NYU. Paola Davoli is Associate Professor of Egyptology at the University of Salento (Lecce). Olaf Kaper is Professor of Egyptology at Leiden University. Susanna McFadden is Assistant Professor of Art History at the University of Hong Kong.

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