• W W W. N Y U P R E S S . O R G
HOW SPACES BECOME PLACES Place Makers Tell Their Stories JOHN F. FORESTER Useful and inspiring cases illustrate participatory placemaking practices and strategies These are stories of community members acting together to transform edgy, empty, contested, or unsafe spaces into functional, safe, convivial places. A diverse set of place makers, from activists to architects, spanning four countries and ten U.S. locales tell their stories in their own words.
October 2021 320 pages • 6 x 9 Paper • $30.00S(£23.99) 9781613321423 Cloth • $89.00X(£71.00) 9781613321430 Sociology
The complex and challenging cases range from building affordable housing to community building in the aftermath of racial violence. After grappling with issues like immigration, climate change, conflict resolution, and coalition-building, place makers recount how they worked alongside once-suspicious community residents, city and state transportation engineers, local youth and religious congregations, and other members of the public to enhance and enrich the places in which they live. John F. Forester is a professor of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University, whose work focuses on participatory planning, practical improvisation, and dealing with differences.
HEALING FROM GENOCIDE IN RWANDA Rugerero Survivors Village, an Artist Book SUSAN VIGUERS and LILY YEH A testimony to responsive community process in a highly sensitive environment and the power of art in the service of healing This work immerses readers in the stories of two Rwandans who as small children experienced the 1994 Genocide. It tells of the horrific tragedy each survived, the courage necessary for surviving, and the humanity they embody. Their stories are framed by two chapters chronicling the transformation, in the Rugerero Survivors’ Village, of a concrete burial slab into a powerful Genocide Memorial with its bone chamber, designed by artist Lily Yeh and built by the villagers.
November 2021 144 pages • 7.5 x 9.25 Full color picture book Paper • $40.00S(£33.00) 9781613321348 Cloth • $89.00X(£71.00) 9781613321355 Art |Anthropology
The book evokes its world through images (photographs, drawings, paintings, pattern, and color from Lily Yeh's multifaceted Rwandan Healing Project) as well as words. It is not limited to the literature of the 1994 Rwandan Genocide, but belongs to the world as part of the collective human experience. An essential theme is the importance of the dead for the living, of honoring the dead, of remembrance. Susan Viguers has taught literature and directed the University Writing Program at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia. Lily Yeh is an internationally celebrated artist known for founding the Village of Arts and Humanities in North Philadelphia, a national model in creative placemaking and participatory community building through the arts.