Fall 2021 Publication Schedule
Monthly Review Press The Return of Nature John Bellamy Foster | 50
University of Regina Press Owóknage Jim Tanner, Tracey Tanner, David R. Miller, Peggy Martin McGuire | 61
Bi Ritch C. Savin-Williams | 7 Digital Media Distribution Paul McDonald, Courtney Brannon Donoghue, Timothy Havens | 14 Black Age Habiba Ibrahim | 15 Empire's Nursery Brian Rouleau | 18 Social Security Disability Law and the American Labor Market Jon C. Dubin | 22 The Government of Things Thomas Lemke | 23 Latinas in the Criminal Justice System Vera Lopez, Lisa Pasko | 24 New in Paperback Impostures al-Hariri | 37 New in Paperback White Christian Privilege Khyati Y. Joshi | 42
New Village Press How Spaces Become Places John F. Forester | 52
University of Regina Press Honouring the Declaration Don Schweitzer, Paul L. Gareau | 58
With Honor and Integrity Máel Embser-Herbert, Bree Fram | 6
Jazz Age Cocktails Cecelia Tichi | 4
Keywords for Gender and Sexuality Studies The Keywords Feminist Editorial Collective | 17
Kalīlah and Dimnah Ibn al-Muqaffaʿ| 36 The Identity Trade Nora A. Draper | 42 Monthly Review Press The Labor Guide to Retirement Plans James W. Russell | 47
The War on Drugs David Farber | 20
New Village Press Healing from Genocide in Rwanda Susan Viguers, Lily Yeh | 52
Truth and Evidence Melissa Schwartzberg, Philip Kitcher | 21
University of Regina Press The Unravelling Donna Besel | 56
Bodies in Evidence Heather R. Hlavka, Sameena Mulla | 23 Growing Up Latinx Jesica Siham Fernández | 26 The Color of Crime, Third Edition Katheryn Russell-Brown | 28 The Myth of Colorblind Christians Jesse Curtis | 34
• W W W. N Y U P R E S S . O R G
New in Paperback Hyper Education Pawan Dhingra | 43 NYU Press Classic Queer Theory Annamarie Jagose | 44 NYU Press Classic The Ethics of Liberty Murray N. Rothbard | 44 NYU Press Classic Sojourner Truth Carleton Mabee | 45 NYU Press Classic To Serve My Country, to Serve My Race Brenda L. Moore | 45 New Village Press Portraits of Racial Justice Robert Shetterly | 53 University of Regina Press #BlackInSchool Habiba Cooper Diallo | 57 University of Regina Press Bread & Water dee Hobsbawn-Smith | 58
DECEMBER "Let Us Vote!" Jennifer Frost | 10 Changing Land Niall Whelehan | 18 Law's Infamy Austin Sarat,Lawrence Douglas, Martha M. Umphrey | 21 The Complexities of Race Charmaine L. Wijeyesinghe | 25 The Colors of Love Melinda Mills | 27 Powers of Pilgrimage Simon Coleman | 32 Adopting for God Soojin Chung | 32 Studying Lived Religion Nancy Tatom Ammerman | 35 Monthly Review Press New Polarizations and Old Contradictions: The Crisis of Centrism Greg Albo, Colin Leys | 48