52 Rights, Publicity, and Course Adoption
Rights, Publicity, and Course Adoption
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Desk copies:
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The Press is happy to provide desk copies of books adopted for courses with enrollments of 10 or more students. Requests for desk copies, which should be made on departmental letterhead, must note course title, estimated enrollment, and bookstore name. Visit www.upenn.edu/pennpress/review.html for more information.
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Examination copies: Instructors may request examination copies of books they wish to consider for course adoption. Up to three ebooks are available simultaneously for this purpose at no cost for a trial period of 60 days. Visit our digital exam copy portal (https://pennpress-einspections.eb20.com/Requests/Step2) to see whether the title that interests you is available in ebook form (we add daily to our digital offerings, so check there even if an ebook version isn’t listed on the book’s main webpage). Visit www.upenn.edu/pennpress/review.html for more information. Instructors in the U.S.: Please direct your requests to: Desk / Exam Copies University of Pennsylvania Press 3905 Spruce Street Philadelphia, PA 19104-4112 fax: (215) 898-0404 email: custserv@pobox.upenn.edu Instructors in Canada: Please contact Canadian Manda Group. Instructors in the United Kingdom, Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and the Pacific (including Australia and New Zealand): Please contact Combined Academic Publishers.