APT 2024

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Political Theory and the Displacement of Politics


The Strange History of a Radical Idea Bradley C. S. Watson, Foreword by Charles R. Kesler

Bonnie Honig

Foundations of Political Theory Section First Book Award In this book, Bonnie Honig rethinks that established relation between politics and political theory. Drawing on Nietzsche and Arendt, as well as Machiavelli and Derrida, Honig explores an alternative politics of virtù, which treats the disruptions of political order as valued sites of democratic freedom and individuality. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS

ISI Conservative Book of the Year Finalist Represents the author’s study of American progressivism as it formed in the twentieth century. Synthesizes the history of this idea and presents an intellectual history of American progressivism as a philosophicalpolitical phenomenon, focusing on how and with what consequences the academic discipline of history came to accept and propagate it. UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME PRESS

Series: Contestations March 2023 300pp 9781501768446 £27.99 PB now £19.59

February 2023 260pp 9780268106980 £25.99 PB now £18.19

Uncanny Rest

Trading Futures

For Antiphilosophy

A Theological Critique of Financialized Capitalism

In Uncanny Rest Alberto Moreiras offers a meditation on intellectual life under the suspension of time and conditions of isolation. Focusing on his personal dayto-day experiences of the “shelter-in-place” period during the first months of the coronavirus pandemic, Moreiras engages with the limits and possibilities of critical thought in the realm of the infrapolitical—the conditions of existence that exceed average understandings of politics and philosophy.

In Trading Futures Filipe Maia offers a theological reflection on hope and the future, calling for escape routes from the debt economy. Drawing on Marxism, continental philosophy, and Latin American liberation theology, Maia provides a critical portrayal of financialization as a death-dealing mechanism that colonizes the future in its own image. Maia elaborates a Christian eschatology of liberation that offers a subversive mode of imagining future possibilities.

Alberto Moreiras

Filipe Maia



November 2022 11 illus. 208pp 9781478019022 £21.99 PB now £15.39

October 2022 224pp 9781478018780 £21.99 PB now £15.39



Cruelty as Citizenship

Winner of the French Voices Translation Award This book, a crossover hit in France, offers a fresh genealogy of our neoliberal moment. Offering a lucid account of sophisticated material, Barbara Stiegler uncovers the prehistories of today’s ubiquitous rhetoric in Darwinism and American liberalism, while, at the same time, recovering powerful resistances to the rhetoric of adaptation across the twentieth century. FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS

Situating the contemporary debate on immigration within America’s history of indigenous dispossession, chattel slavery, the Mexican-American War, and Jim Crow, Cristina Beltrán reveals white supremacy to be white democracy—a participatory practice of racial violence, domination, and exclusion that gave white citizens the right to both wield and exceed the law. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS

On a New Political Imperative Barbara Stiegler, Translated by Adam Hocker

May 2022 208pp 9780823299294 £25.99 PB now £18.19

Anarchist Prophets

Disappointing Vision and the Power of Collective Sight James R. Martel James R. Martel juxtaposes anarchism with what he calls archism—a centralized and hierarchical political form based in ancient Greek and Hebrew prophetic traditions—in order to theorize the potential for a radical democratic politics. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS September 2022 368pp 9781478018414 £24.99 PB now £17.49

Criticism and Politics

How Migrant Suffering Sustains White Democracy Cristina Beltrán

Series: Forerunners: Ideas First October 2020 136pp 9781517911928 £9.00 PB now £6.30

Dissenting Traditions

Essays on Bryan D. Palmer, Marxism, and History Edited by Sean Carleton, Ted McCoy and Julia Smith The work of Bryan D. Palmer, one of North America’s leading historians, has influenced the fields of labour history, social history, discourse analysis, communist history, and Canadian history, as well as the theoretical frameworks surrounding them. This book gathers Palmer’s contemporaries, students, and sometimes critics to examine and expand on the topics and themes that have defined Palmer’s career, from labour history to Marxism and communist politics. UBC PRESS June 2021 520pp 9781771993111 £38.00 PB now £26.60

A Polemical Introduction Bruce Robbins

Re-examining theorists from Matthew Arnold to Walter Benjamin, to Fredric Jameson, Stuart Hall, and Hortense Spillers, Criticism and Politics explores the animating contradictions that have long propelled literary studies: between pronouncing judgment and engaging in philosophical critique, between democracy and expertise, between political commitment and aesthetic autonomy. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS September 2022 272pp 9781503633209 £20.99 PB now £14.69

Elementary Aspects of the Political Histories from the Global South Prathama Banerjee

Prathama Banerjee moves beyond postcolonial and decolonial critiques of European political philosophy to rethink modern conceptions of "the political" from the perspective of Indian and Bengali practices and philosophies from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Theory in Forms December 2020 11 illus. 288pp 9781478010906 £22.99 PB now £16.09




A Political Philosophical History Zachary R. Goldsmith Zachary R. Goldsmith investigates a timely topic: the reemergence of fanaticism. Tracing this history through the Reformation and the Enlightenment to our present moment of political extremism run amok, Goldsmith offers a novel account of fanaticism, detailing its transformation from a primarily religious to a political concept around the time of the French Revolution. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS July 2022 208pp 9780812254037 £45.00 HB now £31.50

Far-Right Vanguard

How to Live at the End of the World Theory, Art, and Politics for the Anthropocene Travis Holloway

A hopeful exploration of how we might inherit the name "Anthropocene," renarrate it, and revise our way of life or thought in view of it. In his book on time, art, and politics in an era of escalating climate change, Holloway takes up difficult, unanswered questions in recent work by Donna Haraway, Kathryn Yusoff, Bruno Latour, Dipesh Chakrabarty, and Isabelle Stengers, sketching a path toward a radical form of democracy—a zoocracy, or, a rule of all of the living. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS May 2022 138pp 9781503633339 £11.99 PB now £8.39

The Radical Roots of Modern Conservatism John S. Huntington Far-Right Vanguard chronicles the history of the ultraconservative movement, its national network, its influence on Republican Party politics, and its centrality to America's rightward turn during the second half of the twentieth century. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS Series: Politics and Culture in Modern America October 2021 312pp 9780812253474 £31.00 HB now £21.70

Gramsci in the World

Edited by Roberto M. Dainotto and Fredric Jameson The contributors to Gramsci in the World examine the varying receptions and uses of Antonio Gramsci's thought in diverse geographical, historical, and political contexts, highlighting its possibilities and limits for understanding and changing the social world. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS August 2020 280pp 9781478008491 £22.99 PB now £16.09

Hypocrisy and the Philosophical Intentions of Rousseau The Jean-Jacques Problem Matthew D. Mendham

Why did Rousseau fail—often so ridiculously or grotesquely—to live up to his own principles? In Hypocrisy and the Philosophical Intentions of Rousseau, Matthew D. Mendham is the first to systematically analyze Rousseau's normative philosophy and self-portrayals in view of the yawning gap between them. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS March 2021 296pp 9780812252835 £67.00 HB now £46.90

Plant Life

The Entangled Politics of Afforestation Rosetta S. Elkin In Plant Life, Rosetta S. Elkin explores the procedures of afforestation, the large-scale planting of trees in otherwise treeless environments, including grasslands, prairies, and drylands. Elkin reveals that planting a tree can either be one of the ultimate offerings to thriving on this planet, or one of the most extreme perversions of human agency over it. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS May 2022 15 b&w illus., 2 tables, 34 color plates 264pp 9781517912628 £25.99 PB now £18.19



Reason and Politics

The Deconstruction of Sex

Mark Blitz examines the central phenomena of political life in order to clarify their meaning, source, and range. He gives particular attention to the notions of freedom, rights, justice, virtue, power, property, nationalism, and the common good. UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME PRESS

Jean-Luc Nancy and Irving Goh discuss how a deconstructive approach to sex helps us negotiate discourses about sex and foster a better understanding of how sex complicates our everyday existence in the age of #MeToo. Throughout their conversation, Nancy and Goh engage with topics ranging from relation, penetration, and subjection to touch, erotics, and jouissance. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS

The Nature of Political Phenomena Mark Blitz

March 2021 202pp 9780268109127 £40.00 HB now £28.00

Solidarity in Conflict A Democratic Theory Rochelle DuFord

Series: a Cultural Politics book November 2021 120pp 9781478014355 £19.99 PB now £13.99

Ugly Freedoms

Democracy has become disentangled from our ordinary lives. How did democracy become something that is done only at ballot boxes and what role can solidarity play in reviving it? Rochelle DuFord presents a theory of solidarity fit for developing democratic life and a complementary theory of democracy that emerges from a society typified by solidarity. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS March 2022 216pp 9781503628885 £58.00 HB now £40.60

Surging Democracy

Notes on Hannah Arendt’s Political Thought Adriana Cavarero In this provocative new work, Adriana Cavarero weighs in on contemporary debates about the relationship between democracy, happiness, and dissent, drawing upon Hannah Arendt's understanding of politics as a participatory experience. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS August 2021 136pp 9781503628137 £18.99 PB now £13.29


Jean-Luc Nancy and Irving Goh


Elisabeth R. Anker

Reckons with the complex legacy of freedom offered by liberal American democracy, identifying modes of “ugly freedom” that can lead to domination or provide a source of emancipatory potential. Anker shifts our perspective of freedom by contesting its idealized expressions and expanding the visions for what freedom can look like, who can exercise it, and how to build a world free from domination. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS January 2022 16 illus. 256pp 9781478017783 £21.99 PB now £15.39

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