Pride 2022 Books stocked at Marston Book Services - Tel: +44 (0)1235 465500
Philosophy for Spiders
Bisexual, Pansexual, Fluid, and Nonbinary Youth Ritch C. Savin-Williams
On the Low Theory of Kathy Acker McKenzie Wark
"Bi is the book that we have all been wai�ng for. It reveals the inside story of the thoughts and feelings of Genera�on Z with respect to their iden��es, sexuali�es, genders, and rela�onships."– Niobe Way, author of Deep Secrets Drawing on interviews with bisexual youth from a range of racial, ethnic, and social class groups, Ritch C. Savin-Williams reveals to us how bisexuals define their own sexual orienta�on and experiences—in their own words. A �mely and much-needed insight into the complex, fascina�ng experiences of bisexual youth. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS
It's �me to recognize Kathy Acker as one of the great postwar American writers. Over the decades readers have found a punk Acker, a feminist Acker, a queer Acker, a kink Acker, and an avant-garde Acker. In Philosophy for Spiders, McKenzie Wark adds a trans Acker. Wark recounts her memories of Acker (with whom she had a passionate affair) and gives a comprehensive reading of her published and archived works. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS September 2021 216pp 9781478014683 £16.99 PB
October 2021 2 b&w illus. 328pp 9781479811434 £21.99 HB
Families We Keep
Sex Is as Sex Does
LGBTQ People and Their Enduring Bonds with Parents Rin Reczek & Emma Bosley-Smith
Governing Transgender Identity Paisley Currah
"Hands down, the best book on the history and func�on of sex classifica�ons—and the injus�ces that they produce— that has ever been wri�en." – Sonia K. Katyal, co-author of Property Outlaws Many transgender people find themselves in the bizarre situa�on of having different sex classifica�ons on different documents. This book reveals the hidden logics that have governed sex classifica�on policies in the United States and shows what the regula�on of transgender iden�ty can tell us about society’s approach to sex and gender writ large. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS
Why LGBTQ adults don’t end troubled �es with parents and why (perhaps) they should. Drawing on interviews with over seventy-five LGBTQ people and their parents, this book shines a light on the shi�ing importance of family in America, and how LGBTQ people navigate its complexi�es as adults. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS May 2022 2 b&w illus. 224pp 9781479813339 £20.99 PB
May 2022 2 b&w illus. 256pp 9780814717103 £20.99 HB
Hip Hop Heresies
Queer Aesthetics in New York City Shanté Paradigm Smalls This book transforms the landscape of hip hop scholarship, Black studies, and queer studies by bringing together these fields through the hermeneu�c of aesthe�cs. This book takes seriously the work that New York City hip hop cultural produc�on has done and will do, and advocates a form of hip hop that eschews authen�city in favor of performa�vity, bricolage, and pas�che. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Postmillennial Pop June 2022 11 b&w illus. 224pp 9781479808205 £20.99 PB
Public Faces, Secret Lives A Queer History of the Women's Suffrage Movement Wendy L. Rouse
Reveals that, contrary to popular belief, the suffrage movement included a variety of individuals who represented a range of genders and sexuali�es. This is the first work to truly recenter queer figures in the women’s suffrage movement, highligh�ng their immense contribu�ons as well as their numerous sacrifices, restoring queer suffragists to their righ�ul place in the history of the struggle for women’s right to vote NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS May 2022 17 b/w illus. 256pp 9781479813940 £20.99 HB
Queer Fire
Liberation and Abolition Edited by Marquis Bey & Jesse A. Goldberg Brings together scholars, ar�sts, and ac�vists working at the intersec�ons of queer theory, cri�cal race studies, and radical movements to consider prison aboli�on as a project of queer libera�on and queer libera�on as an aboli�onist project. The contributors offer fresh analy�cal lenses, personal reflec�ons, and unequivocal calls to ac�on. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS Special Issue Journal: GLQ Special Issue May 2022 4 illus. 162pp 9781478017332 £8.99 PB
Gay Liberation after May ‘68 Guy Hocquenghem
“An immense gi� to queer theory, Gay Libera�on a�er May ’68 promises to bring a new genera�on of English-language readers to Guy Hocquenghem; these readers can use this text as a blueprint for ac�vism to interrupt and hopefully dismantle the gross structural inequi�es that shape our present world.”--Benjamin Kahan, author of, Celibacies: American Modernism and Sexual Life DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS April 2022 200pp 9781478018087 £18.99 PB
Queer Country
Shana Goldin-Perschbacher
The t4t Issue
Edited by Cameron Awkward-Rich & Hil Malatino Origina�ng in Craigslist personals to indicate a trans person seeking another trans person, the term “t4t” has come to describe not only circuits of desire and a�rac�on but also prac�ces of trans solidarity and mutual aid. Inves�gates the mul�ple meanings associated with t4t, considering both its poten�al and its shortcomings. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS Special Issue Journal: Transgender Studies Quarterly May 2022 5 illus. 148pp 9781478017516 £8.99 PB
Though frequently ignored by the music mainstream, queer and transgender country and Americana ar�sts have made essen�al contribu�ons as musicians, performers, songwriters, and producers. Queer Country blends ethnographic research with analysis and history to provide the first in-depth study of these ar�sts and their work. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRESS Series: Music in American Life March 2022 41 b&w photos 288pp 9780252086335 £18.99 PB
Keywords for Gender and Sexuality Studies
Long Term
Keywords for Gender and Sexuality Studies introduces readers to a set of terms that will aid them in understanding the central methodological and poli�cal stakes currently energizing feminist and queer studies. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS
The contributors to Long Term use the tension between the popular embrace and legaliza�on of same-sex marriage and the queer cri�que of homonorma�vity as an opportunity to examine the myriad forms of queer commitments and their dura�onal aspect. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS
Edited by The Keywords Feminist Editorial Collective
Series: Keywords December 2021 320pp 9781479808151 £20.99 PB
Essays on Queer Commitment Edited by Scott Herring & Lee Wallace
August 2021 8 illus. 296pp 9781478014232 £20.99 PB
"Beyond the Law"
Trans Medicine
In nineteenth-century England, sodomy was punishable by death. The last execu�ons for this private, consensual act were in 1835, but the law was not successfully changed un�l 1861. This groundbreaking book recounts the untold story of the poli�cal process through which the law was almost ended in 1841. TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PRESS
Surfacing in the mid-twen�eth century, yet shrouded in social s�gma, transgender medicine is now a rapidly growing medical field. In Trans Medicine, stef shuster makes an important interven�on in how we understand the development of this field and how it is being used to “treat” gender iden�ty today. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS
Series: Sexuality Studies October 2021 20 hal�ones 326pp 9781439920343 £32.00 PB
June 2021 224pp 9781479899371 £20.99 PB
The Politics of Ending the Death Penalty for Sodomy in Britain Charles Upchurch
The Emergence and Practice of Treating Gender Stef M. Shuster
Q19: The Queer American Nineteenth Century "Ethel's Love-Life" and Other Writings Margaret J. M. Sweat Edited by Christopher Looby Introduction by Christopher Looby In a series of lengthy le�ers, the unse�led and unruly Ethel Sutherland writes to an ini�ally unnamed and ungendered correspondent, and pa�ently discloses the troubled history of her past roman�c a�achments to both men and women. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS December 2020 344pp 9780812252491 £21.99 PB
"The Man Who Thought Himself a Woman" and Other Queer NineteenthCentury Short Stories Edited by Christopher Looby
The stories gathered here are wri�en by a diverse assortment of writers—women and men, obscure and famous. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS January 2017 344pp 9780812223668 £19.99 PB
Cecil Dreeme
Theodore Winthrop Edited by Christopher Looby Issued posthumously in 1861, Cecil Dreeme was the first published novel of Theodore Winthrop, who has the unfortunate dis�nc�on of being one of the first Union officers killed in the line of duty during the Civil War. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS October 2016 256pp 9780812223651 £16.99 PB
Jack Halberstam Jack Halberstam, also known as Judith Halberstam, is a tenured Professor in the Department of English and Comparative Literature and the Institute for Research on Women, Gender, and Sexuality at Columbia University.
Female Masculinity
The Queer Art of Failure
Twen�eth Anniversary Edi�on with a new preface
“Because Halberstam uses pop-culture examples, The Queer Art of Failure is an ideal text for introducing queer theory to beginners.”–Chase Dimock, Lambda Literary Review DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS
Jack Halberstam
Jack Halberstam
“In this landmark study, Halberstam consolidates her posi�on as a key theorist within Queer scholarship. Female Masculinity is an immensely persuasive, powerfully-wri�en text that imparts exci�ng and important theore�cal ideas. It cons�tutes a valuable ini�al challenge to those in feminism and cultural studies who conflate masculinity with maleness, and offers an inspiring start for ongoing study.”–Maria Antoniou, Feminist Theory DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS
Series: a John Hope Franklin Center Book September 2011 37 illus, incl. 14 in color 224pp 9780822350453 £19.99 PB
In a Queer Time and Place
Transgender Bodies, Subcultural Lives Jack Halberstam
January 2019 38 illus. 360pp 9781478001621 £21.99 PB
Wild Things
"This small seduc�ve book pours warmth as Halberstam confesses and connects movements of pop culture and high art to a deeper understanding of the poten�als of the body. She includes us in her world and its privileged understanding of her subject."–Pop Ma�ers NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS
The Disorder of Desire Jack Halberstam “Through Halberstam’s examina�on of pop culture and poli�cal projects, his analysis is consistently brought back to racial tropes that define the socio-poli�cal state of colonialism today.... Wild Things is a reminder that cri�cal scholarship’s penchant for world-making and unmaking is a poli�cal impera�ve to thinking beyond our hegemonic constraints.”–Jake Kyer Townsend, Cultural Studies With Wild Things, Halberstam opens new possibili�es for queer theory and for wild thinking more broadly. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS
Series: Sexual Cultures January 2005 213pp 9780814735855 £19.99 PB
Skin Shows
Gothic Horror and the Technology of Monsters Jack Halberstam
Series: Perverse Moderni�es: A Series Edited by Jack Halberstam and Lisa Lowe October 2020 7 illus. 240pp 9781478011088 £19.99 PB
Invoking Foucault, Halberstam describes the history of monsters in terms of its shi�ing rela�on to the body and its representa�ons. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS August 1995 6 b&w photos 232pp 9780822316633 £19.99 PB
Bestsellers Crip Theory
Cultural Signs of Queerness and Disability Robert McRuer Foreword by Michael Bérubé A bold and contemporary discourse of the intersec�on of disability studies and queer studies. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Cultural Front June 2006 304pp 9780814757130 £20.99 PB
This book explores the making and experience of Killjoy’s Kastle: A Lesbian Feminist Haunted House, an immersive walk-through installa�on and performance artwork (by Allyson Mitchell and Deirdre Logue) that materializes the frigh�ully acrimonious past for today. UBC PRESS September 2019 80 colour photos, 17 b&w photos, 3 colour inserts 280pp 9780774861571 £32.00 PB
My Butch Career A Memoir Esther Newton
Cruising Utopia
The Then and There of Queer Futurity José Esteban Muñoz Foreword by Joshua Chambers-Letson, Tavia Nyong'o & Ann Pellegrini A 10th anniversary edi�on of this field defining work—an intellectual inspira�on for a genera�on of LGBTQ scholars . NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Sexual Cultures April 2019 8 Illus, color, 23 b&w illus 280pp 9781479874569 £18.99 PB
Glitter Up the Dark
Esther Newton—a pioneer figure in gay and lesbian studies—tells the compelling and disarming story of her struggle to write, teach, and find love, all while coming to terms with her lesbian iden�ty during one of the worst periods of homophobic persecu�on in the twen�eth century. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS April 2020 25 illus. 288pp 9781478008330 £17.99 PB
Not Gay
Sex between Straight White Men Jane Ward
How Pop Music Broke the Binary Sasha Geffen
A different look at heterosexuality in the 21st century. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS
Star�ng with early blues and the Beatles and con�nuing with performers such as David Bowie, Prince, Missy Elliot, and Frank Ocean, Geffen explores how ar�sts have used music, fashion, language, and technology to break out of the confines mandated by gender essen�alism and establish the voice as the primary expression of gender transgression. UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PRESS
Series: Sexual Cultures July 2015 240pp 9781479825172 £18.99 PB
Series: American Music Series April 2020 264pp 9781477318782 £14.99 PB
Inside Killjoy’s Kastle
Dykey Ghosts, Feminist Monsters, and Other Lesbian Hauntings Edited by Allyson Mitchell & Cait McKinney 5
Old Futures
Speculative Fiction and Queer Possibility Alexis Lothian Finalist, 2019 Locus Award for Nonfic�on, presented by the Locus Science Fic�on Founda�on Traverses the history of imagined futures from the 1890s to the 2010s, interweaving specula�ve visions of gender, race, and sexuality from literature, film, and digital media. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Postmillennial Pop September 2018 40 b&w illus. 352pp 9781479825851 £22.99 PB
Sexual Hegemony
Statecraft, Sodomy, and Capital in the Rise of the World System Christopher Chitty Edited by Max Fox Introduction by Christopher Nealon “[Sexual Hegemony] is extraordinary, even singular—and my hope is that it will change the way we think about sexuality and an�capitalist struggle alike.”– Christopher Nealon, from the Introduc�on DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Theory Q August 2020 5 illus. 240pp 9781478009580 £19.99 PB
Terrorist Assemblages
Homonationalism in Queer Times Jasbir K. Puar Tenth Anniversary Expanded Edi�on DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Next Wave: New Direc�ons in Women's Studies December 2017 29 illus. 392pp 9780822371502 £22.99 PB
The New Mutants
Superheroes and the Radical Imagination of American Comics Ramzi Fawaz Winner of the 2012 CLAGS Fellowship Award for Best First Book Project in LGBT Studies How fantasy meets reality as popular culture evolves and ignites postwar gender, sexual, and race revolu�ons. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Postmillennial Pop January 2016 15 b&w illus, 28 Illus, color 368pp 9781479823086 £22.99 PB
The Stonewall Riots
Times Square Red, Times Square Blue Samuel R. Delany Foreword by Robert F. Reid-Pharr
This is the 20th anniversary edi�on of the landmark book that cataloged a vibrant but disappearing neighborhood in New York City. It includes a new foreword by Robert Reid-Pharr that traces the importance and con�nued resonances of Samuel R. Delany’s groundbreaking Times Square Red, Times Square Blue. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Sexual Cultures April 2019 18 b&w illus 240pp 9781479827770 £18.99 PB
True Sex
The Lives of Trans Men at the Turn of the Twentieth Century Emily Skidmore In True Sex, Emily Skidmore uncovers the stories of eighteen trans men who lived in the United States between 1876 and 1936. Despite their “unexcep�onal” quality, their lives are surprising and moving, challenging much of what we think we know about queer history. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS October 2019 10 b&w illus 272pp 9781479895687 £14.99 PB
A Queer History of Modeling Elspeth H. Brown Elspeth H. Brown traces modeling's history from the advent of photographic modeling in the early 20h century to the rise of the supermodel in the 1980s, showing how it is both the quintessen�al occupa�on of a modern consumer economy and a prac�ce that has been shaped by queer sensibili�es. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS May 2019 79 illustra�ons, incl. 71 in color 368pp 9781478000334 £21.99 PB
A Documentary History Edited by Marc Stein
Published on the event’s 50th anniversary, The Stonewall Riots explains how LGBTQ life has changed in the US, and how it has stayed the same. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS May 2019 9 b&w illus 352pp 9781479816859 £26.99 PB
Books stocked at Marston Book Services Tel: +44 (0)1235 465500