PSA 2020 - Political Studies

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Why You Should Trust Elites a Little More and the Masses a Little Less GARETT JONES

During the 2016 presidential election, both Trump and Sanders argued that elites were hurting the economy. Drawing together evidence and theory, Garett Jones says otherwise. He argues that the richest, most democratic nations would benefit if they slightly reduced accountability to the voting public. Accessible to political news junkies while firmly rooted and rigorous, this book will fuel conversation about what optimal government looks like. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS February 2020 248pp 9781503603578 £21.99 HB now £15.39

Crimmigrant Nations

Resurgent Nationalism and the Closing of Borders EDITED BY ROBERT KOULISH & MAARTJE VAN DER WOUDE

Crimmigrant Nations examines the parallel rise of antiimmigrant sentiment and right-wing populism in the United States and Europe, and shows how these sentiments are being translated into punitive and cruel policies. The book offers an unprecedented perspective on this issue on an international level as contributors look beyond the local or the national to the relational dynamics between different actors on different levels and among different institutions. FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS March 2020 416pp 9780823287499 £26.99 PB now £18.89

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After Europe reflects on the future of the EU—and its potential lack of a future. As the UK plans for Brexit, the EU is in disarray and plagued by doubts. Europe currently faces serious problems: the political destabilization sparked by the more than 1.3 million migrants from the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia; the spread of right-wing populism; and the threat posed by Vladimir Putin's Russia. In a new afterword written in the wake of the 2019 EU parliamentary elections, Krastev concludes that although the union is as fragile as ever, its chances of enduring are much better than they were just a few years ago. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS January 2020 136pp 9780812252422 £16.99 HB now £11.89

Necropolitics ACHILLE MBEMBE

Achille Mbembe theorizes the genealogy of the contemporary world—one plagued by inequality, militarization, enmity, and terror as well as by a resurgence of racist, fascist, and nationalist forces. He outlines how democracy has begun to embrace its dark side, based on the desires, fears, affects, relations, and violence that drove colonialism. This shift has hollowed out democracy, eroding the very values, rights, and freedoms liberal democracy celebrates. Mbembe calls for a radical revision of humanism as the means to create a more just society. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Theory in Forms October 2019 224pp 9781478006510 £20.99 PB now £14.69


The Technologies and Politics of Justice Claims in Practice RONALD NIEZEN

Social media, artificial intelligence, and digital forensics are reshaping advocacy and compliance. Technicians, lawmakers, and advocates, sometimes in collaboration with the private sector, have gravitated toward the possibilities and dangers inherent in the nonhuman. #HumanRights examines how new technologies interact with older models of rights claiming and communication, influencing the modern-day pursuit of justice. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Stanford Studies in Human Rights July 2020 304pp 9781503612631 £21.99 PB now £15.39

Arguing about Alliances

The Art of Agreement in MilitaryPact Negotiations PAUL POAST

Why do some attempts to conclude alliance treaties end in failure? Poast sheds new light on the purpose of alliance treaties by recognizing that such treaties come from negotiations, and that negotiations can end in failure. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS November 2019 9 b&w line drawings, 3 maps, 3 charts 258pp 9781501740244 £41.00 HB now £28.70

Between Utopia and Realism

The Political Thought of Judith N. Shklar EDITED BY SAMANTHA ASHENDEN & ANDREAS HESS

This volume reflects on and refracts Shklar’s major preoccupations throughout a lifetime of thinking and demonstrate the ways in which her work illuminates contemporary debates across political theory, international relations, and law. Her thought continues to be a useful tool in addressing cruelty, limiting injustice, and combating cynicism. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS Series: Haney Foundation Series October 2019 1 illus. 304pp 9780812251661 £52.00 HB now £36.40

Climate Machines, Fascist Drives, and Truth WILLIAM E. CONNOLLY

In this new installation of his work, William E. Connolly examines entanglements between volatile earth processes and emerging cultural practices. He highlights relays between extractive capitalism, self-amplifying climate processes, migrations, democratic aspirations, and fascist dangers. Connolly takes up thinkers in the “minor tradition” of European thought who, unlike Cartesians and Kantians, cross divisions between nature and culture. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS September 2019 136pp 9781478006558 £17.99 PB now £12.59

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Constructing Allied Cooperation

Diplomacy, Payments, and Power in Multilateral Military Coalitions MARINA E. HENKE

How do states overcome problems of collective action in the face of human atrocities, terrorism and the threat of weapons of mass destruction? How does international burden-sharing in this context look like: between the rich and the poor; the big and the small? These are the questions Henke addresses here. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS October 2019 3 b&w line drawings, 4 charts 258pp 9781501739699 £40.00 HB now £28.00

Digital Media and Democratic Futures


This collection of essays focuses on a variety of information and communication technologies, politically relevant actors, substantive issues, and digital political practices from distinct theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches. Collectively, the essays show that there is no single outcome for democracy in the digital age, only a range of possible futures. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS Series: Democracy, Citizenship, and Constitutionalism April 2019 21 illus. 352pp 9780812251166 £56.00 HB now £39.20

Ending the Civil War and Consequences for Congress EDITED BY PAUL FINKELMAN & DONALD R. KENNON

Contributors explore how the end of the American Civil War both continued the trauma of the conflict and enhanced the potential for the new birth of freedom that Lincoln promised in the Gettysburg Address. OHIO UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Perspectives on the History of Congress, 1801–1877 April 2019 172pp 9780821423370 £26.99 HB now £18.89

Feminist PostLiberalism JUDITH A. BAER

Feminism and liberalism need each other, argues Judith Baer. Her provocative book, Feminist PostLiberalism, refutes both conservative and radical critiques. Baer rejects classical liberalism in favor of a welfare—and possibly socialist—postliberalism that will prevent capitalism and a concentration of power that reinforces male supremacy. Together, feminism and liberalism can better elucidate controversies in American politics, law, and society. TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PRESS January 2020 214pp 9781439917282 £26.99 PB now £18.89


Security Aesthetics and the Management of Life EDITED BY D. ASHER GHERTNER, HUDSON MCFANN & DANIEL M.


The contributors to Futureproof examine the affective and aesthetic dimensions of security infrastructures and technology with studies ranging from Jamaica and Jakarta to Colombia and the US-Mexico border. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Global Insecurities January 2020 36 llustrations 312pp 9781478006909 £21.99 PB now £15.39

Globalization and Liberalism

Montesquieu, Tocqueville, and Manent TREVOR SHELLEY

Engages the topic of globalization through philosophical exegesis of great texts. Defends the idea that at the heart of the human world is the antinomy of the universal and the particular. Traces a tradition of French liberal political thinkers who attempt to take account of both sides of the antinomy: Montesquieu, Tocqueville, and Manent. UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME PRESS April 2020 300pp 9780268107291 £50.00 HB now £35.00

intersection of power politics and international justice. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS Series: Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights December 2019 5 illus. 280pp 9780812251760 £56.00 HB now £39.20

Lessons from Walden

Thoreau and the Crisis of American Democracy BOB PEPPERMAN TAYLOR

A wide-ranging inquiry into the nature and implications of Thoreau’s thought. As Taylor says in his introduction, “Walden is a central American text for addressing two of the central crises of our time: the increasingly alarming threats we now face to democratic norms, practices, and political institutions, and the perhaps even more alarming environmental dangers confronting us." UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME PRESS March 2020 240pp 9780268107338 £22.99 HB now £16.09


Why Malthus Was Wrong and Why Environmentalists Should Care GIORGOS KALLIS

This book reclaims, redefines, and makes an impassioned plea for limits— a notion central to environmentalism. Power Politics Meets International Giorgos Kallis rereads reverendeconomist Thomas Robert Malthus and Justice his legacy, separating limits and scarcity, WILLIAM H. MEYER Meyer defines global governance as the two notions that have long been conflated in both environmental and management of global issues within a economic thought. political space that has no single STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS centralized authority. Employing a combination of historical, quantitative, August 2019 168pp 9781503611559 £10.99 PB now £7.69 normative, and policy analyses, he presents a series of case studies at the

Human Rights and Global Governance

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Living with Oil and Coal


Playing Politics with

The 19th-century discovery of oil in the eastern Himalayan foothills continues to have a profound impact on life in the region. Anthropologist Dolly Kikon uses ethnographic accounts to address the complexity of this region in Northeast India, an area between Southeast Asia and China where boundaries and borders are made, disputed, and maintained. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON PRESS Series: Culture, Place, and Nature March 2019 13 b&w illus., 2 maps 204pp 9780295743950 £22.99 PB now £16.09

Arabia is necessary to stabilize the market; and that these assumptions provide Washington with leverage over Europe and Asia. Vitalis debunks the myths to reveal “oilcraft,” magical thinking closer to witchcraft than statecraft. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS July 2020 240pp 9781503600904 £18.99 HB now £13.29

the immediate crisis of Hurricane Agnes in June 1972 and managed long-term recovery. The book explains how political decisions by local, state, and federal officials shaped state and national disaster policy and continue to hamper preparedness and response to this day. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS April 2020 24 b&w halftones 248pp 9781501748530 £28.99 HB now £20.29

The Myths of Scarcity and Security Natural Disaster Resource Politics and Militarization That Haunt U.S. Energy Policy Hurricane Agnes, the 1972 ROBERT VITALIS in Northeast India Election, and the Origins of FEMA There is a conventional wisdom about DOLLY KIKON, SERIES EDITED BY K. TIMOTHY W. KNEELAND oil—that the U.S. military presence in SIVARAMAKRISHNAN, FOREWORD BY K. the Persian Gulf guarantees access; that Playing Politics with Natural Disaster narrates how authorities responded to SIVARAMAKRISHNAN the “special” relationship with Saudi

Natural Law and Human Rights

Paleolithic Politics

and artifacts, using his background in political theory and philosophical anthropology. Inspired by Eric Voegelin, the author takes up the enterprise of applying Voegelin’s ideas to an analysis of portable and cave art. This first English translation of Manet’s UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME PRESS profound and strikingly original book La Series: The Beginning and the Beyond of loi naturelle et les droits de l’homme is Politics April 2020 468pp a reflection on the central question of 9780268107147 £37.00 PB now £25.90 the Western political tradition. Contemplates the steady displacement of the natural law by the modern conception of human rights UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME PRESS Series: Catholic Ideas for a Secular World February 2020 132pp 9780268107215 £22.99 HB now £16.09


Political Fallout

The Human Community in Early Art Nuclear Weapons Testing and the BARRY COOPER Making of a Global Environmental Cooper is the first political scientist to propose new interpretations of some of Crisis TOSHIHIRO HIGUCHI the most famous extant Paleolithic art

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Political Fallout is the story of one of the first human-driven, truly global environmental crises—radioactive fallout from nuclear weapons testing during the Cold War—and the international response. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS May 2020 328pp 9781503612891 £21.99 PB now £15.39

Political Ideology in Parties, Policy, and Civil Society Interdisciplinary Insights EDITED BY DAVID LAYCOCK

Ideology is a ubiquitous, continuously innovating dimension of human experience, but its character and impact are notoriously difficult to pinpoint within political and social life. Political Ideology in Parties, Policy, and Civil Society demonstrates that the reach and significance of political ideology can be most effectively understood by employing a multidisciplinary approach. UBC PRESS February 2020 2 charts 234pp 9780774861328 £22.99 PB now £16.09


How the Arts Think the Political MICHAEL J. SHAPIRO

Michael J. Shapiro examines how the use of punctuation—conceived not as a series of marks but as a metaphor for the ways in which artistic genres engage with intelligibility—in art opens pathways for thinking through the possibilities for oppositional politics. DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS November 2019 32 illustrations, incl. 3 in color 224pp 9781478006565 £20.99 PB now £14.69

Rebel Politics

A Political Sociology of Armed Struggle in Myanmar’s Borderlands DAVID BRENNER

Rebel Politics analyzes the changing dynamics of the civil war in Myanmar, one of the most entrenched armed The Strange History of a Radical conflicts in the world. Drawing on Idea Political Sociology, Rebel Politics BRADLEY C. S. WATSON, FOREWORD explains how revolutionary elites capture and lose legitimacy within their BY CHARLES R. KESLER own movements and how these Represents the author’s study of American progressivism as it formed in internal contestations drive the the twentieth century. Synthesizes the strategies of rebellion in unforeseen ways. history of this idea and presents an CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS intellectual history of American October 2019 8 b&w halftones, 2 maps progressivism as a philosophicalpolitical phenomenon, focusing on how 162pp 9781501740091 £19.99 PB now £13.99 and with what consequences the academic discipline of history came to accept and propagate it. UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME PRESS February 2020 260pp 9780268106973 £37.00 HB now £25.90


Reimagining Democracy

Lessons in Deliberative Democracy from the Irish Front Line DAVID M. FARRELL & JANE SUITER

The story of how Irish political scientists promoted the idea that citizens could be brought “into the room” to be at the heart of discussions about making Ireland fit for the 21st century. What followed has been a series of government-sponsored deliberative mini-publics that have resulted in major constitutional and policy reforms, most notably in the areas of abortion and marriage equality. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Brown Democracy Medal September 2019 72pp 9781501749322 £6.99 PB now £4.89

Reputation for Resolve

How Leaders Signal Determination in International Politics DANIELLE L. LUPTON

How do reputations form in international politics? What influence do these reputations have on the conduct of international affairs? In Reputation for Resolve, Lupton takes a new approach to answering these enduring and hotly debated questions by shifting the focus away from the reputations of countries and instead examining the reputations of individual leaders. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Cornell Studies in Security Affairs April 2020 2 b&w line drawings, 5 charts 264pp 9781501747717 £41.00 HB now £28.70

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Rethinking the Spectacle

Guy Debord, Radical Democracy, and the Digital Age DEVIN PENNER

Rethinking the Spectacle re-examines the tension between spectacle and political agency using the ideas and practices of Guy Debord and the Situationist International as a point of departure. UBC PRESS February 2020 252pp 9780774860512 £21.99 PB now £15.39

disinterring the forgotten stories of those who died “unnatural deaths” during this period and the work of the Siamese state to assert their rights in a pluralistic legal arena. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS March 2020 8 b&w halftones 252pp 9781501740152 £41.00 HB now £28.70

March 2020 3 b&w illus., 5 charts, 6 tables 256pp 9780295746807 £22.99 PB now £16.09

Talkative Polity

Radio, Domination, and Citizenship in Uganda FLORENCE BRISSET-FOUCAULT

Talkative Polity offers the first major study of ebimeeza, the Ugandan radio debates that were banned in 2009, complicating our understandings of political speech in restrictive contexts and forcing us to move away from the When #BlackLivesMatter went viral in simplistic binary of an authoritarian 2013, it shed a light on the urgent, daily state and a liberal civil society. struggles of black Americans to combat OHIO UNIVERSITY PRESS racial injustice. Yet many institutions Series: Cambridge Centre of African Studies War and Geopolitics at the End of are still embedded with racist policies Series the World and practices that devalue black lives. May 2019 344pp JAIRUS VICTOR GROVE Stay Woke directly addresses these 9780821423776 £64.00 HB now £44.80 Grove offers an ecological theorization stark injustices and builds on the of geopolitics in which he contends that lessons of racial inequality and contemporary global crises are better intersectionality the Black Lives Matter understood when considered within Reforming the International movement has challenged its fellow the larger history of geopolitical Refugee Regime citizens to learn. practice, showing how political violence NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS T. ALEXANDER ALEINIKOFF & LEAH is the principal force behind climate September 2019 288pp change, mass extinction, slavery, ZAMORE 9781479836482 £14.99 PB now £10.49 genocide, extractive capitalism, and A revisionist and critical perspective other catastrophes. examining the original premises of the DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS international refugee regime. This book August 2019 7 illustrations 368pp offers a way out of the current 9781478004844 £22.99 PB now £16.09 international morass through Nation Building and refocusing on responsibility-sharing, Democratization seeing the humanitarian-development EDITED BY RYAN DUNCH & ASHLEY divide in a new light, and putting The Politics of Death in SemiESAREY, FOREWORD BY THOMAS B. refugee rights front and center. Colonial Siam STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS GOLD TRAIS PEARSON Taiwan in Dynamic Transition provides October 2019 184pp By the 1890s, Siam (Thailand) was the 9781503611412 £10.99 PB now £7.69 an up-to-date assessment of last holdout against European contemporary Taiwan, highlighting imperialism in Southeast Asia. Taiwan’s emergent nationhood and its Sovereign Necropolis offers new insight significance for world politics. into turn-of-the-century Thai history by UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON PRESS

Stay Woke

A People’s Guide to Making All Black Lives Matter TEHAMA LOPEZ BUNYASI & CANDIS WATTS SMITH

Savage Ecology

The Arc of Protection

Taiwan in Dynamic Transition

Sovereign Necropolis

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The Consequences of Humiliation

Anger and Status in World Politics JOSLYN BARNHART

Explores the nature and impact of national humiliation. Barnhart demonstrates that Germany’s reaction to humiliation at the end of World War I is part of a broader pattern: states that experience humiliating events are more likely to engage in international aggression aimed at restoring the state’s image in its own eyes and in the eyes of others. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS May 2020 6 b&w line drawings, 14 charts 270pp 9781501748042 £40.00 HB now £28.00

The Death of Asylum Hidden Geographies of the Enforcement Archipelago ALISON MOUNTZ

Investigates the global system of detention centers that imprison asylum seekers and conceal persistent human rights violations. Illustrates how authorities in the US, the EU, and Australia have created a shadowy geopolitical formation allowing them to externalize their borders to distant islands and deprive migrants of basic human rights. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS April 2020 304pp 9780816697113 £21.99 PB now £15.39

The Hypocritical Hegemon

How the United States Shapes Global Rules against Tax Evasion and Avoidance


A close look at how US domestic politics affects and determines the course of global tax policy. Through an examination of recent international efforts to crack down on offshore tax havens and the role the US has played, Hakelberg uncovers how a seemingly innocuous technical addition to US law has had enormous impact around the world, particularly for individuals and corporations aiming to avoid and evade taxation. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Cornell Studies in Money March 2020 2 charts 210pp 9781501748011 £17.99 PB now £12.59

The Last Card


An unprecedented look into the process by which President Bush overruled much of the military leadership and many of his trusted advisors, and authorized the deployment of roughly 30,000 additional troops to the warzone in a bid to save Iraq from collapse in 2007. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS September 2019 4 maps, 2 charts 416pp 9781501715181 £27.99 HB now £19.59

The Last Years of Karl Marx

neglected writings, many of which remain unavailable in English. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS June 2020 216pp 9781503612525 £17.99 PB now £12.59

The Motivation to Vote Explaining Electoral Participation ANDRÉ BLAIS & JEAN-FRANÇOIS DAOUST

Elections are at the heart of our democracy. Understanding citizens’ decisions to vote or to abstain in elections is crucial, especially when turnout in many democracies is declining. Blais and Daoust provide an original and elegant model explaining why people vote. UBC PRESS March 2020 14 charts, 20 tables 156pp 9780774862677 £22.99 HB now £16.09

The Myth of the Nuclear Revolution

Power Politics in the Atomic Age KEIR A. LIEBER & DARYL G. PRESS

Keir A. Lieber and Daryl G. Press tackle the central puzzle of the nuclear age: the persistence of intense geopolitical competition in the shadow of nuclear weapons. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Cornell Studies in Security Affairs June 2020 3 maps, 5 charts 180pp 9781501749292 £23.99 HB now £16.79


With The Last Years of Karl Marx, Marcello Musto claims a renewed relevance for the late work of Marx, highlighting unpublished or previously

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The Oil Wars Myth

Petroleum and the Causes of International Conflict EMILY MEIERDING

Do countries fight wars for oil? Given the resource’s exceptional military and economic importance, most people assume that states will do anything to obtain it. Challenging this conventional wisdom, The Oil Wars Myth reveals that countries do not launch major conflicts to acquire petroleum resources. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS May 2020 5 maps 256pp 9781501748288 £33.00 HB now £23.10

The Picky Eagle

How Democracy and Xenophobia Limited U.S. Territorial Expansion RICHARD W. MAASS

The Picky Eagle explains why the United States stopped annexing territory by focusing on annexation’s domestic consequences, both political and normative. It describes how the US rejection of further annexations, despite its rising power, set the stage for twentieth-century efforts to outlaw conquest. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS May 2020 1 map, 2 charts 312pp 9781501748752 £33.00 HB now £23.10

The Political Economy of Collective Action, Inequality, and Development WILLIAM D. FERGUSON

This book examines how a society that is trapped in stagnation might initiate and sustain economic and political

development. In this context, progress requires the reform of existing arrangements, along with the complementary evolution of informal institutions. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS May 2020 448pp 9781503604612 £62.00 HB now £43.40

The Political Economy of Resource Regulation An International and Comparative History, 1850-2015 EDITED BY ANDREAS R. DUGSTAD SANDERS, PÅL R. SANDVIK & ESPEN STORLI

These studies examine how the intersection of ideas, international institutions, and political systems gave birth to distinctive regulatory regimes at various times in the modern world. The contributors offer unique insights into why some resource-rich countries have flourished while others have been mired in poverty and corruption. UBC PRESS October 2019 6 graphs, 2 maps, 16 tables 376pp 9780774860611 £26.99 PB now £18.89

The Roots of Resilience

Party Machines and Grassroots Politics in Southeast Asia MEREDITH L. WEISS

The Roots of Resilience examines governance from the ground up in the world’s two most enduring electoral authoritarian or “hybrid” regimes— regimes that blend politically liberal and authoritarian features to evade substantive democracy. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS August 2020 288pp

9781501750045 £36.00 HB now £25.20

Violating Peace

Sex, Aid, and Peacekeeping JASMINE-KIM WESTENDORF

Jasmine-Kim Westendorf’s discomforting book investigates sexual misconduct by military peacekeepers and abuses perpetrated by civilian peacekeepers and non-UN civilian interveners. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS March 2020 232pp 9781501748059 £24.99 HB now £17.49

Warlord Survival

The Delusion of State Building in Afghanistan ROMAIN MALEJACQ

How do warlords survive and even thrive in contexts that are explicitly set up to undermine them? How do they rise after each fall? Warlord Survival answers these questions. Drawing on hundreds of in-depth interviews in Afghanistan between 2007 and 2018, Romain Malejacq provides a full investigation of how warlords adapt and explains why weak states like Afghanistan allow it to happen. CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS January 2020 10 b&w halftones, 2 maps 256pp 9781501746420 £34.00 HB now £23.80

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