Religious Studies
Laughing at the Devil
Seeing the World with Julian of Norwich Amy Laura Hall August 2018 144pp 9781478000259 £13.99 PB 9781478000129 £53.00 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS
Laughing at the Devil is an invitation to see the world with a medieval visionary now known as Julian of Norwich, believed to be the first woman to have written a book in English. (We do not know her given name, because she became known by the name of a church that became her home.) Julian “saw our Lord scorn [the Devil's] wickedness” and noted that “he wants us to do the same.” In this impassioned, analytic, and irreverent book, Amy Laura Hall emphasizes Julian's call to scorn the Devil. Julian of Norwich envisioned courage during a time of fear. Laughing at the Devil describes how a courageous woman transformed a setting of dread into hope, solidarity, and resistance.
Saving Shame
Martyrs, Saints, and Other Abject Subjects Virginia Burrus
Divinations: Rereading Late Ancient Religion October 2018 208pp 9780812224276 £19.99 NIP UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS
Virginia Burrus explores one of the strongest and most disturbing aspects of the Christian tradition, its excessive preoccupation with shame. While Christianity has frequently been implicated in the conversion of ancient Mediterranean cultures from shame- to guilt-based and, thus, in the emergence of the modern West's emphasis on guilt, Burrus seeks to recuperate the importance of shame for Christian culture. Focusing on late antiquity, she explores a range of fascinating phenomena, from the flamboyant performances of martyrs to the imagined abjection of Christ, from the self-humiliating disciplines of ascetics to the intimate disclosures of Augustine. In conversation with an eclectic constellation of theorists, Burrus interweaves her historical argument with theological, psychological, and ethical reflections. She proposes, finally, that early Christian texts may have much to teach us about the secrets of shame that lie at the heart of our capacity for humility, courage, and transformative love.
The Book of Shem
On Genesis before Abraham David Kishik October 2018 136pp 9781503607347 £13.99 PB 9781503606760 £50.00 HB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
Can anyone say anything that has not already been said about the most scrutinized text in human history? In one of the most radical rereadings of the opening chapters of Genesis since The Zohar, David Kishik manages to do just that. The Book of Shem, a philosophical meditation on the beginning of the Bible and the end of the world, offers an unprecedented interpretation of the navel of world literature. The six parts of the primeval story—God's creation, the Garden of Eden, Cain and Abel, Noah's Ark, the first covenant, and the Tower of Babel—come together to address a single concern: how does one become the human being that one is? By closely analyzing the founding text of the Abrahamic religions, this short treatise rethinks some of their deepest convictions. With a mixture of reverence and violence, Kishik's creative commentary demonstrates the post-secular and post-human implications of a pre-Abrahamic position. A translation of the Hebrew source, included as an appendix, helps to peel away the endless layers of presuppositions about its meaning.
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Fall/Winter 2018
When God Was a Bird
Christianity, Animism, and the Re-Enchantment of the World Mark I. Wallace
Groundworks: Ecological Issues in Philosophy and Theology November 2018 240pp 9780823281312 £22.99 PB 9780823281329 £80.00 HB FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS
In a time of rapid climate change and species extinction, what role have the world’s religions played in ameliorating—or causing—the crisis we now face? One can point to Christianity’s otherworldly theologies, which privilege our spiritual aspirations over our natural origins, as bearing a disproportionate burden for creating humankind’s exploitative attitudes toward nature. And yet, buried deep within the Christian tradition are startling portrayals of God as the beaked and feathered Holy Spirit—the “animal God” of historic Christian witness. Through biblical readings, historical theology, continental philosophy, and personal stories of sacred nature, this book recovers the Christian God as a creaturely, avian being promiscuously incarnated within all things. This beautifully and accessibly written book shows that “Christian animism” is not a contradiction in terms but Christianity’s natural habitat.
An Intimate Rebuke
Female Genital Power in Ritual and Politics in West Africa Laura S. Grillo
Religious Cultures of African and African Diaspora People November 2018 328pp 10 illus., incl. 4 in color 9781478001553 £19.99 PB 9781478001201 £76.00 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS
In this ethnography of female empowerment, Laura S. Grillo offers new perspectives on how elder West African women deploy an ancient ritual in which they dance naked and slap their genitals and bare breasts to protest abuses of state power, globalization, witchcraft, rape, and other social dangers.
In the Eye of the Animal
Zoological Imagination in Ancient Christianity Patricia Cox Miller
Divinations: Rereading Late Ancient Religion July 2018 336pp 11 illus. 9780812250350 £61.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS
Complicates the role of animals in early Christian thought by showing how textual and artistic images and interpretive procedures actually celebrated a continuum of human and animal life. Synthesizing early Christian studies, contemporary philosophy, animal studies, ethology, and modern poetry, Miller identifies two contradictory strands in early Christian thinking about animals.
Ancient Christian Ecopoetics Cosmologies, Saints, Things Virginia Burrus
Divinations: Rereading Late Ancient Religion December 2018 336pp 15 illus. 9780812250794 £50.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS
In our age of ecological crisis, what insights—if any—can we expect to find by looking to our past? Perhaps, suggests Virginia Burrus, the strange and alien character of early Christianity might yield usable ecological thought. Turning aside from the familiar specter of Christianity's human-centered theology of dominion, Burrus directs our attention to aspects of ancient Christian thought and practice that remain strange and alien.
Jesus Saved an Ex-Con
Political Activism and Redemption after Incarceration Edward Orozco Flores
Religion and Social Transformation October 2018 224pp 9781479864546 £22.99 PB 9781479884148 £68.00 HB NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS
Edward Orozco Flores profiles Community Renewal Society and LA Voice, two faith-based organizations which have actively waged community organizing campaigns to expand the rights of people with records. He illuminates how these groups help the formerly incarcerated re-enter broader communities through the expansion of citizenship rights and participation in civic engagement.
Convergent Knowing
Christianity and Science in Conversation with a Suffering Creation Simon Appolloni
Advancing Studies in Religion Series November 2018 376pp 9780773554443 £28.99 PB 9780773554436 £92.00 HB MCGILL-QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY PRESS
Proposes a new framework for ethical deliberation, blurring the epistemological lines between religion and science. Exploring the work of thinkers who have borrowed from the natural sciences to unite a liberationist agenda with an environmental ethics, this book assists Christian thinkers struggling to integrate science, environment, liberation, and their faith.
Moving In and Out of Islam Edited by Karin van Nieuwkerk
December 2018 408pp 9781477317488 £26.99 PB 9781477317471 £81.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PRESS
Sixteen empirical case studies trace the processes of moving in or out of Islam in Western and Central Europe, the United States, Canada, and the Middle East. Going beyond fixed notions of conversion or apostasy, the contributors focus on the ambiguity, doubts, and nonlinear trajectories of both moving in and out of Islam. They show how people shifting in either direction have to learn or unlearn habits and change their styles of clothing, dietary restrictions, and ways of interacting with their communities.
Elizabeth Seton
American Saint Catherine O'Donnell
September 2018 552pp 29 b&w halftones 9781501705786 £27.99 HB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS
The trove of correspondence, journals, and community records that O’Donnell weaves together throughout Elizabeth Seton provides deep insight into her life and her world. Each source enriches our understanding of women’s friendships and choices, illuminates the relationships within the often-opaque world of early religious communities, and upends conventional wisdom about the ways Americans of different faiths competed and collaborated during the nation’s earliest years.
New World A-Coming
Black Religion and Racial Identity during the Great Migration Judith Weisenfeld November 2018 368pp 9781479865857 £17.99 NIP NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS
Focusing on the Moorish Science Temple, the Nation of Islam, Father Divine’s Peace Mission Movement, and a number of congregations of Ethiopian Hebrews, Judith Weisenfeld argues that the appeal of these groups lay not only in the new religious opportunities membership provided, but also in the novel ways they formulated a religio-racial identity.
Jacket image forthcoming
Reformation of the Senses
The Paradox of Religious Belief and Practice in Germany Jacob M. Baum
Studies in Sensory History November 2018 344pp 9780252083990 £26.99 PB 9780252042195 £84.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRESS
Baum plumbs a wealth of primary source material from the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries to offer the first systematic study of the senses within the religious landscape of the German Reformation. Concentrating on urban Protestants, Baum details the engagement of Lutheran and Calvinist thought with traditional ritual practices.
Jacket image forthcoming
Remembering Wolsey
A History of Commemorations and Representations J. Patrick Hornbeck, II
February 2019 320pp 13 color and 4 b/w illus. 9780823282173 £103.00 HB FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS
Hornbeck surveys a wide range of representations of Cardinal Wolsey, from those contemporary with his death to recent mass-market appearances on television and historical fiction, to go beyond previous scholarship that has examined Wolsey only in an early modern context.
Revelation 1-3 in Christian Arabic Commentary
John's First Vision and the Letters to the Seven Churches Būlus al-Būshī & Ibn Kātib Qayṣar Edited by Stephen J. Davis, Thomas Schmidt & Shawqi Talia Christian Arabic Texts in Translation January 2019 192pp 9780823281831 £18.99 PB 9780823281848 £65.00 HB FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS
The first publication in a new series— Christian Arabic Texts in Translation, edited by Stephen Davis—this book presents English-language excerpts from thirteenth-century commentaries on the Apocalypse of John by two Egyptian authors, Būlus al-Būshī and Ibn Kātib Qaysar.
Roman Catholicism in the United States A Thematic History Edited by Margaret M. McGuinness & James T. Fisher
Catholic Practice in North America February 2019 384pp 9780823282777 £31.00 PB 9780823282760 £108.00 HB FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS
A collection of essays examining Catholicism in the United States from a variety of perspectives. The volume is divided into three sections: “Beyond the Parish,” “Presence in the World,” and Prophetic Catholicism.” Essay topics include: anti-Catholicism, women religious, Latino/a Catholicism, Catholicism and Popular Culture, and Rural Catholcism.
Jacket image forthcoming
Sacred Shelter
Journeys of Homelessness and Healing Susan Greenfield
December 2018 400pp 9780823281190 £22.99 PB 9780823281206 £80.00 HB FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS
Thirteen formerly homeless New Yorkers tell their life stories. At a time when homelessness is on the rise, and when the discriminatory and punitive social conditions that create it are getting worse, Greenfield celebrates the personal dignity of individual and insists on our communal need to listen to each other.
Saint Marks
Words, Images, and What Persists Jonathan Goldberg
December 2018 240pp 24 color and 4 b/w illus. 9780823282074 £24.99 PB 9780823282081 £84.00 HB FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS
A study based on the multiple representations of St. Mark, with a focus on Venetian Renaissance paintings and the gospel attributed to him, and theoretical work by philosophers and art historians who consider the afterlives of art works and our attachments to them. The life studied in this book is a materiality that exceeds human mortality.
The Apocalypse of Empire
Imperial Eschatology in Late Antiquity and Early Islam Stephen J. Shoemaker
Divinations: Rereading Late Ancient Religion August 2018 312pp 9780812250404 £46.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS
Scholarship on apocalyptic literature in early Judaism and Christianity frequently maintains that the genre is decidedly anti-imperial in its very nature. While it may be that early Jewish apocalyptic literature frequently displays this tendency, Shoemaker demonstrates that this quality is not characteristic of apocalypticism at all times and in all places.
The Cruelest of All Mothers
Marie de l'Incarnation, Motherhood, and Christian Tradition Mary Dunn
Catholic Practice in North America December 2018 224pp 9780823282722 £18.99 PB FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS
A complex analysis of Marie de L’Incarnation’s decision to abandon her son for religion. Marie framed her decision as a sacrifice in the imitation of Christ and in submission to God’s will. Dunn sets this explanation against the background of 17th century Catholic spirituality and grounds her analysis in rich primary sources.
Jacket image forthcoming
The Fathers Refounded
Protestant Liberalism, Roman Catholic Modernism, and the Teaching of Ancient Christianity in Early Twentieth-Century America Elizabeth A. Clark
Divinations: Rereading Late Ancient Religion December 2018 512pp 9780812250718 £61.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS
In the twentieth century, a new generation of liberal professors sought to prove Christianity's compatibility with currents in philosophy, scientific discovery, historical study, and democracy. Clark provides the first critical analysis of these figures' lives, scholarship, and lasting contributions.
Theology Christian Flesh Paul J. Griffiths
Encountering Traditions September 2018 192pp 9781503606746 £18.99 PB 9781503606258 £61.00 HB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
A theological reflection on the idea that being a Christian is, first and last, a matter of the flesh, this book argues that no single fleshly activity is forbidden and offers extended case studies of what is for Christians to eat, clothe themselves, and engage in physical intimacy.
Jacket image forthcoming
The Fetish Revisited
Marx, Freud, and the Gods Black People Make J. Lorand Matory
October 2018 368pp 51 illus., incl. 9 in color 9781478001058 £20.99 PB 9781478000754 £80.00 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS
Drawing on thirty-six years of fieldwork in Africa, Europe, and the Americas, Matory casts an AfroAtlantic eye on European theory to show how Marx’s and Freud’s conceptions of the fetish both illuminate and misrepresent Africa’s human-made gods.
Crucified Wisdom
Theological Reflection on Christ and the Bodhisattva S. Mark Heim
Comparative Theology: Thinking Across Traditions December 2018 336pp 9780823281237 £23.99 PB 9780823281244 £84.00 HB FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS
This work provides the first systematic discussion of the Bodhisattva path and its importance for constructive Christian theology. It examines specific Buddhist traditions, texts, and practices not as phenomena whose existence requires an apologetic justification but as wells of tested wisdom that invite theological insight.
The Guide to Gethsemane
Anxiety, Suffering, Death Emmanuel Falque Translated by George Hughes
Perspectives in Continental Philosophy October 2018 192pp 9780823281954 £26.99 PB 9780823281961 £96.00 HB
Turning to the World
Social Justice and the Common Good since Vatican II Edited by Carl N. Still & Gertrude Rompré November 2018 280pp 9780773555273 £26.99 PB 9780773555266 £84.00 HB
Falque explores the Passion with a radical emphasis on the physicality and corporeality of Christ’s suffering and death, and on continuities with the mortality of our bodies. Written in the wake of a friend’s death, Falques’s study is theologically and philosophically rigorous, yet engagingly written and deeply humane.
Reflecting on the vision and reception of the Second Vatican Council, this book explores the Vatican II’s impact on interreligious dialogue, peacebuilding, and care for the environment. Focusing on Canadian and Latin American experiences, diverse contributors examine developments in the Catholic Church's understanding of freedom, conscience, and the common good.
Believing Women in Islam
Decolonial Love
A Brief Introduction Asma Barlas & David Raeburn Finn January 2019 120pp 9781477315880 £14.99 PB UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PRESS
A Brief Introduction presents the arguments of Believing Women in a simplified way that will be accessible and inviting to general readers and undergraduate students. The authors focus primarily on the Qur’an’s teachings about women and patriarchy. They show how traditional teachings about women’s inferiority are not supported by the Qur’an but were products of patriarchal societies that used it to justify their existing religious and social structures.
Salvation in Colonial Modernity Joseph Drexler-Dreis December 2018 208pp 9780823281879 £18.99 PB 9780823281886 £69.00 HB FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS
Interrogates colonial frameworks that shape Christian thought and legitimize structures of oppression and violence within Western modernity. In response to the historical situation of colonial modernity, the book offers a decolonial mode of theological reflection and names a historical instance of salvation that stands in conflict with Western modernity.