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Bucknell University Press

Bucknell University Press has been publishing books in the arts, humanities, and humanistic social sciences since 1968, and today curates internationally distinguished lists in Iberian studies, Latin American studies, and interdisciplinary eighteenth-century studies. Our subject areas extend to philosophy, French theater, Africana studies, and cultural and intellectual history. With authors from around the globe, Bucknell University Press extends the reach and in uence of its home institution nationally and internationally, and is a member of the Association of University Presses.

Bucknell University Press titles published since July 2018 are distributed worldwide by Rutgers University Press. The new ISBN pre x for Bucknell University Press is 978-1-68448. All books bearing this pre x are available from Rutgers. Orders may be combined with any Rutgers titles. See the full list at: www.bucknelluniversitypress.org.

(Please note that titles published by Bucknell University Press before July 2018 are still available from Rowman & Little eld. In the U.S., order by phone at 1-800-462-6420 or on the web at www.rowman.com. This applies to 13-digit ISBNs bearing the pre xes 978-0-83875 and 978-1-61148.)

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