Sociology Fall 2024 Subject Catalogue

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A Displaced Nation

The 1954 Evacuation and Its Political Impact on the Vietnam Wars

Phi-Van Nguyen

Studies of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University

December 2024 306pp 8 b&w halftones, 6 maps

£29.99/ $34.95 PB

£116.00/ $130.00 HB


Argues that the displacement of eighty thousand mostly Roman Catholic evacuees from North Vietnam in 1954 had a profound impact on the war opposing Saigon on both Hanoi and on the evacuees themselves.

Beach Politics

Social, Racial, and Environmental Injustice on the Shoreline

January 2025 336pp 26 b&w figures

9781479821952 £29.99/ $35.00 PB

9781479821945 £89.00/ $99.00 HB


Examines how over the past forty years, privatization of public space has accelerated with the help of both local governments and national corporations. Focused on beaches, access to public space, and social justice, this book brings together powerful contributions illustrating how these issues are inextricably bound with socioeconomic status, racial segregation, and climate justice.

Christian Cosmopolitanism

Faith Communities Talk Immigration

Felipe Amin Filomeno

Religious Engagement in Democratic Politics

November 2024 216pp

9781439925997 £25.99/ $29.95 PB

9781439925980 £94.00/ $104.50 HB


Including practical tools for church leaders, Christian Cosmopolitanism promotes dialogue as a cultural practice that can help diverse communities overcome segregation and become socially cohesive.

Advancing Immigrant Rights in Houston

Els de Graauw and Shannon Gleeson

PLAC: Political Lessons from American Cities

October 2024 120pp


£12.99/ $14.95 PB

9781439924396 £53.00/ $59.50 HB


Recounts how local and multi-level contexts shape the creation, contestation, and implementation of immigrant rights policies and practices in Houston. The case study of Houston provides a bellwether for how other U.S. cities will deal with their growing immigrant populations and underscores the importance of public-private collaborations to advance immigrant rights.

Between Black and Brown Blaxicans and Multiraciality

in Comparative Historical Perspective

Rebecca Romo and J Sterphone

Borderlands and Transcultural Studies

October 2024 342pp 5 tables, index

9781496240552 £25.99/ $30.00 PB

9780803290181 £89.00/ $99.00 HB


How do individuals with one African American parent and one Mexican American parent identify racially and ethnically? In answer, the authors explore the experiences of Blaxicans, individuals with African American and Mexican American heritage, as they navigate American culture, which often clings to monoracial categorizations.

Collectivization Generation

Oral Histories of a Social Revolution in Uzbekistan

Marianne Kamp

December 2024 282pp 2 b&w halftones, 1 map, 2 charts

9781501779503 £32.00/ $36.95 PB

9781501777998 £116.00/ $130.00 HB


In Collectivization Generation, we meet Uzbeks who were driven from their homes by bandits, whose fathers disappeared in the Stalinist gulag, who suffered starvation and orphanhood. We also meet Uzbeks who told of embracing the project of collectivization, of feeling rewarded with dignity, recognition, pay, association with national triumphs, and with the progress represented by a tractor.

Cosmopolitan Scientists

How a Global Policy of Commercialization Became


Culture and Economic Life

September 2024 182pp

9781503640405 £21.99/ $25.00 PB


£90.00/ $100.00 HB


Drawing on vivid accounts from bioscientists who experienced and enacted the shift toward commercialization, the book offers an insider's view into the way scientists navigate the complex and shifting landscape of science, innovation, and economic policy.

Crisis by Design

Emergency Powers and Colonial Legality in Puerto Rico

Jose Atiles

November 2024 312pp

9781503641174 £27.99/ $32.00 PB

9781503640597 £116.00/ $130.00 HB


Devastating hurricanes, massive public debt, and a global pandemic make up the continuous plague on Puerto Rico. This disastrous escalation has placed the archipelago more centrally on politicians in the US, Atiles provides insight into the powers in colonized countries and how colonialism is the ongoing catastrophe.

Energy's History

Toward a Global Canon

Edited by Daniela Russ and Thomas Turnbull

February 2025 232pp

9781503641501 £25.99/ $30.00 PB

9781503640863 £108.00/ $120.00 HB


Energy history is an approach to understanding the past that takes changes in the human exploitation of Earth's energies as its object of inquiry. This volume both presents visions of energydriven development beyond the Western capitalist model and provides an expansive account of how energy histories have made an impact.

Creative Instigation

The Art & Strategy of Authentic Community Engagement

Fern Tiger

October 2024 328pp 140 color images

9781613322512 £40.00/ $44.95 PB

9781613322529 £108.00/ $120.00 HB


These illustrated case stories in effective community engagement in the United States demonstrate how community participation in policymaking underpins democratic institutions. Describes outreach that is expansive, engagement that is more authentic, and research that delves deeply into qualitative areas to uncover the soul of a community.


The Right-Wing Politics of Digital Technology

David Golumbia

Foreword by George Justice

November 2024 480pp

9781517918149 £29.99/ $34.95 PB

9781517918132 £125.00/ $140.00 HB


Providing an incisive critique of the push for open access and open-source software and the legal battles over online censorship and net neutrality, Cyberlibertarianism details how the purportedly democratic internet has been employed as an organizing tool for terror and hate groups and political disinformation campaigns.

Fragments of Home

Refugee Housing and the Politics

of Shelter

Tom Scott-Smith

September 2024 250pp

9781503640283 £23.99/ $28.00 PB

9781503639782 £99.00/ $110.00 HB


This book focuses on seven examples of emergency shelter for refugees, from Germany to Jordan, which emerged after the great "summer of migration" in 2015. Drawing on detailed ethnographic research into these shelters, the book reflects on their political implications and opens up much bigger questions about humanitarian action.

Fraudulent Lives

Imagining Welfare Cheats from the Poor Law to

the Present

Steven King

States, People, and the History of Social Change

November 2024 368pp 13 diagrams, 1 table

9780228022800 £29.99/ $34.95 PB

9780228022794 £99.00/ $110.00 HB


Tracing a substantial underbelly of fraud from the seventeenth century to today, King finds remarkable continuities and historical parallels in public attitudes towards the honesty of welfare recipients –patterns that hold true across Western welfare states.

Hear Our Stories

Campus Sexual Violence, Intersectionality, and How We Build a Better University

Jessica C. Harris

November 2024 232pp

9781503641051 £21.99/ $26.00 PB

9781503635470 £94.00/ $105.00 HB


In Hear Our Stories, Harris demonstrates how preventive efforts on campus sexual violence fall short because they lack intersectional perspectives, and obscure how sexual violence is imbued with racial significance. This book challenges dominant approaches to campus sexual violence and response efforts that could offer transformative outcomes for all students.

Historieta Doble

A Graphic History of Participatory Action Research

Joanne Rappaport , Lina Flórez G. and Pablo Pérez “Altais” ethnoGRAPHIC

October 2024 208pp full-colour illus. throughout 9781487555177 £20.99/ $27.50 PB 9781487552855 £52.00/ $65.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO PRESS

Traces the roots of participatory action research to the Caribbean coast of Colombia, and to the work of visionary sociologist Orlando Fals Borda with the Colombian Peasant Movement. Beautifully illustrated, this graphic novel shows how Fals Borda combined research and theory with political participation and activism.

Goodbye Religion

The Causes and Consequences of Secularization

Ryan T. Cragun and Jesse M. Smith

Secular Studies

October 2024 352pp 45 b&w images

9781479825301 £29.99/ $35.00 PB



£89.00/ $99.00 HB

One of the largest changes in American culture over the last fifty years has been the increase in people exiting religion. At a time where more and more individuals are questioning the implications of our increasingly secular society, Goodbye Religion offers an engaging and fascinating analysis into what religious exiting—and secularization broadly— means for American society.

Historical Consciousness and Practical Life

A Theory and Methodology

Paul Zanazanian

December 2024 352pp 17 b&w tables 9781487503833 £52.00/ $65.00 HB


The book provides a glimpse at how humans enter historically embedded thinking problems, seeking to resolve them. Zanazanian draws on a study of the community leaders of English-speaking Quebec to illustrate the practical life methodology’s workings. He argues that community leaders who complicate and problematize their uses of history are the best positioned to make positive transformations for their group.

Homegrown Radicals

A Story of State Violence, Islamophobia, and Jihad in the Post-9/11 World

Youcef Soufi

February 2025 272pp 9781479832262 £27.99/ $32.00 HB NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS

Offers a case study of the complex entanglements of the radical and moderate Muslim in post-9/11 North America. Highlights how post-9/11 Islamophobia has operated through the conceptual blurring of the line between “moderate” and “radical” Muslims, and asks what alternative forms of solidarity may transcend the violent boundaries of the nation-state.

Icons Axed, Freedoms Lost

Russian Desecularization and a Ukrainian Alternative

Vyacheslav Karpov and Rachel L. Schroeder

January 2025 260pp 1 table

9781978822221 £29.99/ $34.95 PB

9781978822238 £112.00/ $125.00 HB


Vyacheslav Karpov and Rachel L. Schroeder demonstrate how Russia went from persecuting believers to jailing critics of religion, and why, in contrast, religious pluralism and tolerance have solidified in Ukraine. Icons Axed, Freedoms Lost offers original theoretical and methodological perspectives on desecularization applicable far beyond the cases of Russia and Ukraine.

Is It Racist? Is It Sexist?

Why Red and Blue White People Disagree, and How to Decide in the Gray Areas

Jessi Streib and Betsy Leondar-Wright

January 2025 248pp

9781503637917 £25.99/ $30.00 HB


How can the judgment calls we make in everyday life create or help eradicate social inequality? In this book, Jessi Streib and Betsy Leondar-Wright offer a new way of understanding these questions and how inequalities persist by focusing on the individual judgment calls that lead us to decide what's racist, what's sexist, and what's not.

Love Across Difference

Mixed Marriage in Lebanon

Lara Deeb

October 2024 296pp

9781503640757 £25.99/ $30.00 PB

9781503640054 £108.00/ $120.00 HB


Drawing on two decades of interviews and research, Lara Deeb shows how mixed couples in Lebanon confront patriarchy, social difference, and sectarianism. Through the example of Lebanon, we can learn about our own social worlds, and about how people react when forced to change their ideas of who can be made kin through marriage.

Imprisoned Minds

Lost Boys, Trapped Men, and Solutions from Within the Prison

Erik S. Maloney and Kevin A. Wright

Foreword by Shadd Maruna

Critical Issues in Crime and Society

December 2024 244pp

9781978837263 £25.99/ $29.95 PB

9781978837270 £108.00/ $120.00 HB


In Imprisoned Minds, Erik Maloney tells the stories of men in prison that few people ever hear. Six gripping, first-person narratives of incarcerated men form his imprisoned mind concept: the men’s unimaginable childhood trauma and neglect set them on a pathway for prison or death.

Laboring in the Shadow of Empire

Race, Gender, and Care Work in Portugal

Celeste Vaughan Curington

Inequality at Work: Perspectives on Race, Gender, Class, and Labor

September 2024 236pp 7 b&w figures and 1 table

9781978827950 £36.00/ $39.95 PB

9781978827967 £108.00/ $120.00 HB


Examines the everyday lives of an African descendant care service workforce that labors in an ostensibly “anti-racial” Europe and against the backdrop of the Portuguese colonial empire.

Mainstreaming Porn

Sexual Integrity and the Law


Elaine Craig

September 2024 392pp

9780228022398 £29.99/ $34.95 HB


An unflinching, carefully balanced perspective on a divisive topic. Without demonizing pornography or its consumption, Craig makes a powerful argument for applying legal mechanisms to corporate-owned online platforms while offering a sober evaluation of the limits of the law in governing pervasive cultural norms and social understandings of sexuality.


Memorializing Violence

Transnational Feminist Reflections

Edited by Alison Crosby and Heather Evans

Genocide, Political Violence, Human Rights

February 2025 224pp 15 b&w images

£36.00/ $39.95 PB

9781978843264 £116.00/ $130.00 HB


Brings together feminist and queer reflections to ask what it means to grapple with loss, mourning, grief, and desires to collectively remember and commemorate–as well as urges to forget–in the face of racialized and gendered colonial, imperial, militarized, and state violence.

Misery beneath the Miracle in East Asia

Arvid J. Lukauskas and Yumiko Shimabukuro

Studies of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University

December 2024 300pp 1 chart, 3 graphs

9781501778742 £29.99/ $34.95 PB 9781501778735 £116.00/ $130.00 HB


Misery Beneath the Miracle in East Asia challenges prevailing views of the East Asian economic miracle. Existing scholarship has overlooked the severity, persistence, and harmful consequences of the social welfare crises affecting the region. Arvid J. Lukauskas and Yumiko Shimabukuro fill this gap and put a major asterisk on its economic record.

More-than-Human Aging

Animals, Robots, and Care in Later Life

Cristina Douglas and Andrew Whitehouse

Global Perspectives on Aging

October 2024 208pp 28 b&w images

9781978840935 £36.00/ $39.95 PB

9781978840942 £108.00/ $120.00 HB


So far, aging has been investigated in the social sciences in purely human terms. This is the first collection of original work that considers aging as taking place in relation to other species. This volume aims to start a conversation about aging by taking its more-than-human participants seriously.

Millennial North Korea

Forbidden Media and Living Creatively with Surveillance

Suk-Young Kim

October 2024 256pp

9781503640870 £23.99/ $28.00 PB

9781503614918 £99.00/ $110.00 HB


Combining a close reading of North Korean state media with original interviews with defectors, Kim explores how the tensions between millennial North Korea and North Korean millennials leads to a more nuanced understanding of a fractured and fragmented society that has been frequently perceived as an unchanging, monolithic entity.

Mobilizing in Uncertainty

Collective Identities and War in Abkhazia

Anastasia Shesterinina

November 2024 258pp 5 b&w halftones, 5 b&w line drawings, 5 maps, 6 charts 9781501778964 £28.99/ $33.95 NIP


How do ordinary people navigate the intense uncertainty of the onset of war? Different individuals mobilize in different ways—some flee, some pick up arms, and some support armed actors as civil war begins. Drawing on nearly two hundred in-depth interviews with participants and nonparticipants in the Georgian-Abkhaz war of 1992–1993, Shesterinina explores Abkhaz mobilization decisions during that conflict.

Narrating Justice and Hope

How Good Stories Counter Crime and Harm

Edited by Lois Presser, Jennifer Fleetwood and Sveinung Sandberg

Foreword by Shadd Maruna

February 2025 288pp 9781479824502 £27.99/ $32.00 PB 9781479824496 £80.00/ $89.00 HB


his volume asks: How do people produce good stories in the context of interpersonal harm and the devastating social conditions of the present moment–including climate crisis, political polarization, and interconnected systems of inequality? What types of narratives will create lasting social change?

New Citizenship Studies

Edited by Carrie Hyde and Derrick R. Spires

November 2024 270pp 6 illus.

9781478029991 £12.99/ $15.00 PB


Topics covered include the violent histories and imaginative possibilities of citizenship; theories of citizenship from the perspectives of groups who cannot presume the state’s protections; citizenship at the intersection of Indigenous Studies, Black Studies, and multiethnic U.S. literatures; and the forms of worldmaking and community that writers build as practitioners of political poiesis.

Private Violence

Latin American Women and the Struggle for Asylum

Carol Cleaveland and Michele Waslin

Latina/o Sociology

October 2024 288pp

9781479824335 £25.99/ $30.00 PB

9781479824328 £80.00/ $89.00 HB


Examines how immigration laws and policies shape the lives of Latin American women who seek safety in the United States. Paints a damning portrait of America’s broken asylum system. This volume illustrates the difficulties experienced by Latin American women who rely on this broken system for protection in the United States.

Public Catastrophes, Private Losses

The Feminist Bookshelf: Ideas for the 21st Century

January 2025 186pp 1 color photo, 1 color and 2 b&w illus.

9781978838758 £25.99/ $29.95 PB

9781978838765 £134.00/ $150.00 HB


This essay collection explores how the definition of catastrophe might be expanded to include many forms of large-scale structural violence on communities, species, and ecosystems. Using feminist methodologies, the contributors trace the connections between seemingly unrelated forms of violence such as structural racism, environmental degradation, and public health crises.

People, Places, and Belonging

Deepening Our Sense of Community and Identity

William Marsiglio

October 2024 416pp 10 b&w illus., 4 b&w figures

9781487551452 £25.99/ $32.50 HB


With an eye on our rapidly changing world, this book explores how social realities at every level are affected by the places we collectively forge across various social domains. The book shows how placerelated circumstances can promote personal empowerment, civic engagement, and social and environmental justice.

Prohibition in Turkey

Alcohol and the Politics of Identity

Emine Ö. Evered

December 2024 288pp 20 b&w illus.

9781477330319 £49.00/ $55.00 HB


Historian Evered’s account uniquely chronicles how the Turko-Islamic Ottoman Empire developed strategies for managing its communities’ rights to alcohol. The first author to reveal this experience’s connections with American Prohibition, she demonstrates how drinking practices reflected many of the changes that were underway.

Queering Professionalism

Pitfalls and Possibilities

Edited by Adam Davies and Cameron Greensmith

December 2024 368pp 1 b&w illus.

9781487550929 £31.00/ $39.95 PB

9781487552510 £62.00/ $80.00 HB


With a focus on neoliberalism and its intersection with systems of oppression, inequalities, and the regulation of queer knowledge and subjectivities, this book provides a distinct contribution to the emerging literature on the regulation and professionalization of 2SLGBTQIA+ individuals and others marginalized by cisheteronormativity within the helping and social service professions.


Remittance as Belonging

Global Migration Transnationalism, and the Quest for Home

Hasan Mahmud

October 2024 210pp

9781978840409 £34.00/ $37.95 PB

£108.00/ $120.00 HB


Drawing on three and a half years of ethnographic fieldwork with Bangladeshi migrants in Tokyo and Los Angeles, Hasan Mahmud demonstrates that while migrants go abroad for various reasons, they move abroad essentially as members of their family and community and maintain their belonging to home through transnational practices, including remittance-sending.

Righteous Sisterhood

The Politics and Power of an All-Women's Motorcycle Club

Sarah L. Hoiland

January 2025 193pp

9781439925935 £23.99/ $27.95 PB

9781439925928 £80.00/ $89.50 HB


Hoiland’s insightful ethnography about an all-women motorcycle club (MC). She recounts stories of women bikers for whom riding in an MC is “an act of rebellion” and “liberating” even as it constrains—a reactionary populist version of the American Dream dipped in “girl power.” Hoiland investigates why women choose to join, and why, in some cases, they exit or become exiled.

Sociology Meets Memoir


Exploration of


and Method

Margaret K. Nelson

December 2024 208pp


£23.99/ $28.00 PB

9781479827312 £80.00/ $89.00 HB


Beyond entertainment value, Margaret K. Nelson argues that memoirs hold potential as powerful resources for sociologists to engage with, analyze, and teach. A short and accessible guide to the significance of memoirs for the field of sociology, from their many possible uses to the numerous challenges they pose.

Restorative Justice and Lived Religion

Transforming Mass Incarceration in Chicago

Jason A. Springs

Religion and Social Transformation

September 2024 272pp

9781479823789 £25.99/ $30.00 PB

9781479823772 £80.00/ $89.00 HB


Frames restorative justice as a form of moral and spiritual practice with the capacity to transform injustice. Looking to Chicago’s restorative justice network as a model, the volume showcases real-life examples of the kinds of initiatives needed to shift the entrenched dynamics that fuel the prisonindustrial complex across the United States.

Sanctuary Everywhere

The Fugitive Sacred in the Sonoran Desert

Barbara Andrea Sostaita

September 2024 216pp 29 illus.

9781478030607 £21.99/ $25.95 PB

9781478026365 £90.00/ $99.95 HB


Understanding sanctuary to be a set of fugitive practices that escape the everyday, Barbara Andrea Sostaita shows us how, in the wake of extreme violence and loss, migrants create sanctuaries of their own to care for the living and the dead.

Technoskepticism Between Possibility and Refusal

DISCO Network

Sensing Media: Aesthetics, Philosophy, and Cultures of Media

February 2025 216pp

9781503640634 £13.99/ $16.00 PB


From Munchausen by Tiktok to wellness apps to online communities to AI, the DISCO Network explores the possibilities that technoskepticism can create and how refusal of new technologies is an especially powerful mode, particularly for those who have historically not been given the option to say no.


The Borders of Privilege

1.5-Generation Brazilian Migrants Navigating Power Without Papers

Articulations: Studies in Race, Immigration, and Capitalism

January 2025 248pp

£23.99/ $28.00 PB

9781503637177 £99.00/ $110.00 HB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

Tells the stories of a group of 1.5 generation Brazilians to show how their ability to be perceived as white—their power without papers—shaped their everyday interactions.


The Future of Youth Violence Prevention

A Mixtape for Practice, Policy, and Research

December 2024 292pp 11 b&w images and 1 table

9781978833777 £29.99/ $34.95 PB


This book features scholars anchored in applied practices who can ground these forward-thinking strategies in the substantive base of research and theory that has produced successful interventions across multiple disciplines. The scholarship and cutting-edge thinking assembled in this volume could produce new-era youth violence prevention coordinators prepared to serve in any setting.

The Green New Deal from Below

How Ordinary People Are Building a Just and Climate-Safe Economy

November 2024 208pp 13 b&w photos, 2 charts

9780252088278 £18.99/ $21.95 PB

9780252046186 £99.00/ $110.00 HB


A visionary program for national renewal, the Green New Deal aims to protect the earth’s climate while creating good jobs, reducing injustice, and eliminating poverty. Brecher goes beyond the national headlines and introduces readers to the efforts advancing the Green New Deal across the United States.

The Cancel Culture Panic

How an American Obsession Went Global

Adrian Daub

September 2024 224pp

9781503640849 £15.99/ $18.00 PB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

In this incisive new work, Daub compares the global spread of cancel culture discourse to moral panics past, showing that talk of cancel culture in global media has become a preoccupation of an embattled liberalism.


The Great Right North


Far-Right Activism in Canada

Stéphane Leman-Langlois, Samuel Tanner and Aurélie Campana Carleton Library Series

October 2024 288pp 8 tables, 1 photo

9780228022848 £25.99/ $29.95 PB

£99.00/ $110.00 HB


Most politicians have been quiet about the phenomenon of far-right extremism in Canada, insisting it is imported activism financed elsewhere. This book provides an essential primer – for journalists, those working in policy institutes and think tanks, and students and scholars – for understanding its vast and urgent homegrown challenges.

The Life and Death of Freedom of Expression

Richard Moon

July 2024 358pp

9781487527822 £34.00/ $45.00 PB 9781487527815 £83.00/ $105.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO PRESS

The book considers a range of issues, including the regulation of advertising, hate speech, pornography, blasphemy, and public protest. Makes the case that the principal threat to public discourse may no longer be censorship, but it is rather the spread of disinformation, which undermines public trust in traditional sources of information.

The Man in the Dog Park

Coming Up Close to Homelessness

Cathy A. Small with Jason Kordosky and Ross Moore

September 2024 200pp 1 b&w line drawing

9781501779046 £14.99/ $16.95 NIP


The Man in the Dog Park offers the reader a rare window into homeless life. Spurred by a personal relationship with a homeless man who became her co-author, Cathy A. Small takes a compelling look at what it means and what it takes to be homeless.

The Sexual Economy of Capitalism

Noam Yuran

Currencies: New Thinking for Financial Times

October 2024 240pp

9781503640733 £23.99/ $28.00 PB

9781503630277 £99.00/ $110.00 HB


Economics has long modeled its theories on bakers and butchers rather than husbands, wives, lovers, and prostitutes. This book argues that exchanges involving sex and intimacy, far from being external or exceptional in relation to the workings of the economy, come closest to the reality of capitalist money.

Third World Studies

Theorizing Liberation

Gary Y. Okihiro

August 2024 328pp 4 illustrations

9781478030676 £24.99/ $28.95 PB

9781478026440 £97.00/ $107.95 HB


In this revised and expanded second edition, Gary Y. Okihiro emphasizes the work of Third World intellectuals such as M. N. Roy, José Carlos Mariátegui, and Oliver Cromwell Cox, foregrounds the importance of Bandung and the Tricontinental, and adds discussions of eugenics, feminist epistemologies, and religion.

The Modern Israeli and Palestinian Diasporas A Comparative Approach

December 2024 344pp 6 b&w illus. 9781477330401 £49.00/ $55.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PRESS

The collected essays cover such topics as the experiences of Palestinian exiles within Israel, today’s Israeli diaspora, Israeli Jews in the United States, literatures of Palestinian transnationals, and Berlin as a queer Israeli-Jewish immigrant enclave. The Modern Israeli and Palestinian Diasporas challenges the very notion of a homeland.

The Verbal Art of Mobility in West Africa

Nikolas Sweet

November 2024 216pp 10 b&w illus., 11 b&w tables

9780253071477 £27.99/ $32.00 PB

9780253071460 £72.00/ $80.00 HB


Through ethnographic research on social interaction, verbal creativity, and mobility in southeastern Senegal, Nikolas Sweet reveals how migrants use language to build social networks and mitigate risk amid socioeconomic and environmental precarity.

Unsettled Families

Refugees, Humanitarianism, and the Politics of Kinship

Sophia Balakian Ph.D.

Stanford Studies in Human Rights

February 2025 248pp

9781503641198 £23.99/ $28.00 PB

9781503639652 £99.00/ $110.00 HB


Against the backdrop of the global refugee crisis and based on long-term fieldword, Unsettled Families investigates the parameters that Global North governments and international humanitarian organizations use to classify most displaced families as ineligible for resettlement, and often as fraudulent.



Until We're Seen

Public College Students Expose the Hidden Inequalities of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Contemporary Ethnography

August 2024 320pp

£25.99/ $29.95 PB

£108.00/ $120.00 HB


Through firsthand accounts by college students at Brooklyn College and California State University Los Angeles, this book chronicles COVID-19’s devastating, disproportionate effects on workingclass communities of color. This is as the US has declared the pandemic over and looks away from its impacts.

Who Is Antiracist?

Beliefs, Motivations, and Politics

George Yancey and Hayoung Oh

December 2024 222pp

9781439925690 £25.99/ $29.95 PB

9781439925683 £89.00/ $99.50 HB


Provides a systematic approach to understanding the motivations and intentions of racial progressives as well as the impact of political ideology on antiracism. Who Is Antiracist? enlightens us about the continuing racial conflict in our society and warns against the risk of antiracism becoming just a proxy for ordinary party politics.



Where the Wild Things Were

Boyhood and Permissive Parenting in Postwar America

Henry Jenkins

Postmillennial Pop

February 2025 368pp 32 b&w and 9 color images

£29.99/ $35.00 PB

£89.00/ $99.00 HB


From Peanuts comic strips to Dennis the Menace, the book reveals how childhood and the stories about it became central to Cold War concerns with democracy, citizenship, globalization, the space race, science, race relations, gender, and sexuality. Jenkins demonstrates, the era’s emblematic child was the boy in the striped shirt: white, male, suburban, middle class, Christian, and above all, American.

Why the Church? Self-Optimization or Community of Faith

Hans Joas

Cultural Memory in the Present October 2024 200pp

9781503640795 £23.99/ $28.00 PB

9781503638037 £99.00/ $110.00 HB


In this accessible and questioning new work, Hans Joas traverses theological, church-historical, sociological, and ethical territory in search of a viable conception of the church adequate to contemporary globalized societies. This book considers the relation of a community of faith to contemporary ideas about the optimization of life.

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