Sociology S19

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Spring| Summer 2019

Race, Disability Studies, Healthcare, Work

Social Poverty

Low-Income Parents and the Struggle for Family and Community Ties Sarah Halpern-Meekin June 2019 320pp 9781479816897 £23.99 PB 9781479891214 £74.00 HB NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS

Provides a much­needed window into the nature of social "es among low­ income, unmarried parents, highligh"ng their o#en­ignored forms of hardship. Drawing on in­depth interviews with thirty­one couples, collected during their par"cipa"on in a government­sponsored rela"onship educa"on program called Family Expecta"ons, she brings unprecedented a$en"on to the rela"onal and emo"onal dimensions of socioeconomic disadvantage. Poverty scholars typically focus on the economic use value of social "es—for example, how rela"onships enable access to job leads, informal loans, or a spare bedroom. However, Halpern­ Meekin introduces the important new concept of “social poverty,” iden"fying it not just as a deriva"ve of economic poverty, but as its own condi"on, which also perpetuates poverty. Through a careful and nuanced analysis of the strengths and limita"ons of rela"onship classes, she shines a light on the fundamental place of core socioemo"onal needs in our lives. Engaging and compassionate, Social Poverty highlights a new direc"on for policy and poverty research that can enrich our understanding of disadvantaged families around the country.


Origins, Contestations, Horizons Anna Carastathis

Expanding Fron!ers: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Studies of Women, Gender, and Sexuality May 2019 300pp 1 illus. 9781496212481 £23.99 NIP UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESS

While “intersec"onality” circulates as a buzzword, Anna Carastathis joins other cri"cal voices to urge a more careful reading. Challenging the narra"ves of arrival that surround it, Carastathis argues that intersec"onality is a horizon, illumina"ng ways of thinking that have yet to be realized; consequently, calls to “go beyond” intersec"onality are premature. A provisional interpreta"on of intersec"onality can disorient habits of essen"alism, categorial purity, and prototypicality and overcome dynamics of segrega"on and subordina"on in poli"cal movements. Through a close reading of cri"cal race theorist Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw’s germinal texts, published more than twenty­five years ago, Carastathis urges analy"c clarity, contextual rigor, and a poli"cized, historicized understanding of this widely traveling concept. Intersec"onality’s roots in social jus"ce movements and cri"cal intellectual projects—specifically Black feminism—must be retraced and synthesized with a decolonial analysis so its radical poten"al to actualize coali"ons can be enacted.

Prison Land

Mapping Carceral Power across Neoliberal America Brett Story March 2019 232pp 9781517906887 £15.99 PB 9781517906870 £66.00 HB


Offers a geographic excava"on of the prison as a set of social rela"ons— including property, work, gender, and race—enacted across various landscapes of American life. Prisons, Bre$ Story shows, are more than just buildings of incarcera"on bound to cycles of crime and punishment. Instead, she inves"gates the produc"on of carceral power at a range of sites, from buses to coalfields and from blighted ci"es to urban financial hubs, to demonstrate how the organiza"on of carceral space is ideologically and materially grounded in racial capitalism. Story takes an expansive view of what cons"tutes contemporary carceral space, interroga"ng the ways in which racial capitalism is reproduced and for which police technologies of containment and control are employed. By framing the prison as a set of social rela"ons, Prison Land forces us to confront the produc"on of new carceral forms that go well beyond the prison system. In doing so, it profoundly undermines both conven"onal ideas of prisons as logical responses to the problem of crime and a$achment to punishment as the relevant measure of a transformed criminal jus"ce system.

Books stocked at Marston Book Services Tel: +44 (0)1235 465500 | |

The Politics of Operations

Excavating Contemporary Capitalism Sandro Mezzadra & Brett Neilson March 2019 312pp 9781478002833 £20.99 PB 9781478001751 £83.00 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS

Sandro Mezzadra and Bre$ Neilson inves"gate how capital reshapes its rela"on with poli"cs through opera"ons that enable the extrac"on and exploita"on of mineral resources, labor, data, and cultures. They show how capital—which they theorize as a direct poli"cal actor—operates through the logis"cal organiza"on of rela"ons between people, property, and objects as well as through the penetra"on of financializa"on into all realms of economic life. Mezzadra and Neilson present a capacious analysis of a wide range of issues, from racial capitalism, the convergence of neoliberalism and na"onalism, and Marx's concept of aggregate capital to the financial crisis of 2008 and how colonialism, empire, and globaliza"on have shaped the modern state since World War II. In so doing, they illustrate the dis"nc"ve ra"onality and logics of contemporary capitalism while calling for a poli"cs based on collec"ve ins"tu"ons that exist outside the state.

A Contest without Winners

A New American Creed

March 2019 240pp 9781517904340 £19.99 PB 9781517904333 £83.00 HB

June 2019 288pp 9781503609532 £21.99 PB 9781503604964 £74.00 HB



Phillippo follows a diverse group of Chicago students through the process of applying to public high schools. From urban infrastructure to income inequality to racial segrega"on, Phillippo examines the factors that shape students policy enactment and interpreta"on, as policymakers and educators ask students to compete for access to public resources.

Drawing on and synthesizing an enormous array of materials, Kamens examines the cri"cal role of macro social changes, o#en in response to the emergence of globaliza"on. Beyond pain"ng a comprehensive picture of our current poli"cal landscape, Kamens offers an invaluable archive documen"ng the steps that got us here.

Civic Intimacies

Condo Conquest

How Students Experience Competitive School Choice Kate Phillippo

Black Queer Improvisations on Citizenship Niels van Doorn

Insubordinate Spaces June 2019 278pp 9781439918432 £33.00 PB 9781439918425 £86.00 HB TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PRESS

Black queer lives o#en exist outside conven"onal civic ins"tu"ons and therefore have to explore alterna"ve in"macies to experience a sense of belonging. Civic In"macies examines how—and to what extent—these different forms of in"macy catalyze the values, aspira"ons, and collec"ve flourishing of Black queer denizens of Bal"more.

The Eclipse of Citizenship and Rise of Populism David Kamens

Urban Governance, Law, and Condoization in New York City and Toronto Randy Lippert

Law and Society January 2019 300pp 9780774860352 £74.00 HB UBC PRESS

Condo Conquest shows how the condo and its inner governance have been conquered by an assemblage of commercial interests. Lippert reveals how a growing reliance on commodified technologies, emergent forms of knowledge, and the exploita"on of renters are threatening the condo’s future and undermining the integrity of urban communi"es.

Beyond Accommodation

Everyday Narratives of Muslim Canadians Jennifer Selby, Amelie Barras & Lori G. Beaman March 2019 284pp 9780774838290 £28.99 NIP UBC PRESS

Problems around social par"cipa"on seem to dominate the research on minority Muslims in Western na"ons. Beyond Accommoda"on offers a different perspec"ve, showing how Muslim Canadians successfully navigate and nego"ate their religiosity. This book proposes an alterna"ve picture of how religious difference is woven into the fabric of Canadian society.

Civil Disabilities

Citizenship, Membership, and Belonging Edited by Nancy J. Hirschmann & Beth Linker Democracy, Ci!zenship, and Cons!tu!onalism February 2019 320pp 9780812224467 £23.99 NIP


Urges a reconceptualiza"on of disability and ci"zenship to secure a righ&ul place for disabled persons in society. By placing disability front and center in academic and civic discourse, this book tests the very no"on of ci"zenship and transforms our understanding of disability and belonging.

Courting the Community


June 2019 216pp 9781439917404 £23.99 PB 9781439917398 £76.00 HB

November 2018 208pp 16 illus. 9781478000907 £17.99 PB 9781478000716 £69.00 HB

Legitimacy and Punishment in a Community Court Christine Zozula

Time Management in the Knowledge Economy Melissa Gregg



Afascina"ng ethnography that goes behind the scenes to explore how quality­of­life discourses are translated into community court prac"ces. Zozula’s nuanced inves"ga"on of community courts can lead us to a deeper understanding of punishment and rehabilita"on and, by extension, the current state of the American court system.

Examining historical and archival material alongside popular self­help genres, Gregg shows how a focus on produc"vity isolates workers from each other and erases their collec"ve efforts to define work limits. Gregg's novel analysis conveys the fu"lity, pointlessness, and danger of seeking "me management as a salve for the always­on workplace.

Decolonizing Ethnography

Undocumented Immigrants and New Directions in Social Science Carolina Alonso Bejarano, Lucia López Juárez, Mirian A. Mijangos García & Daniel M. Goldstein May 2019 200pp 7 illus. 9781478003953 £18.99 PB 9781478003625 £74.00 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS

The coauthors integrate ethnography with ac"vist work in a New Jersey center for undocumented workers, showing how anthropology can func"on as a vehicle for ac"vism and as a tool for marginalized people to theorize their own experiences.

Fighting for NOW

Diversity and Discord in the National Organization for Women Kelsy Kretschmer

March 2019 200pp 9781517903169 £19.99 PB 9781517903152 £83.00 HB


Amid a new wave of feminist energy, an organiza"on declared dead or dying for thirty years—the Na"onal Organiza"on for Women—has seen a membership boom. This book seeks to be$er understand how bureaucra"c structures like NOW’s simultaneously provide stability and longevity, while crea"ng space for produc"ve and healthy conflict among members.

Disrupting Kinship

Transnational Politics of Korean Adoption in the United States Kimberly D. McKee

Asian American Experience March 2019 250pp 9780252084058 £20.99 PB 9780252042287 £82.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRESS

Since the Korean War began, Western families have adopted more than 200,000 Korean children. McKee examines the growth of the neo­ colonial, mul"­million dollar global industry that shaped these families and commodified children, building a market that allowed Americans to create families at the expense of loving, biological "es between Koreans.

Four Unruly Women

Stories of Incarceration and Resistance from Canada’s Most Notorious Prison Ted McCoy

March 2019 152pp 8 b&w photos 9780774838887 £16.99 PB 9780774838870 £74.00 HB UBC PRESS

McCoy tells the stories of four women in Canada’s most notorious prison in poignant detail. These women served sentences at different "mes over a century, but the inhumanity they suffered was consistent. This book presents profoundly disturbing evidence of the hidden costs of isola"on, punishment, and mass incarcera"on.

Enforcing Exclusion

Precarious Migrants and the Law in Canada Sarah Grayce Marsden Law and Society March 2019 248pp 9780774837743 £28.99 NIP UBC PRESS

People with precarious migra"on status face barriers in law, policy, and prac"ce, affec"ng their ability to address adverse working condi"ons and their access to public ins"tu"ons. Enforcing Exclusion recasts what migra"on status means to the state and to non­ci"zens, ques"oning the adequacy of human­rights­based responses in addressing its exclusionary effects.

Fight Like a Girl, Second Edition Megan Seely

August 2019 384pp 9781479810109 £21.99 PB 9781479877317 £74.00 HB NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS

Fight Like a Girl offers a vision of the past, present, and future of feminism. With an eye toward what it takes to create actual change and a deep understanding of women’s history and the key issues facing girls and young women today, Megan Seely offers a pragma"c introduc"on to feminism.

Global Borderlands

Globalizing the Caribbean

Culture and Economic Life June 2019 256pp 9781503609419 £23.99 PB 9781503607996 £74.00 HB

July 2019 350pp 9781439916544 £62.00 HB

Fantasy, Violence, and Empire in Subic Bay, Philippines Victoria Reyes


Drawing on archival and ethnographic data, Reyes describes the everyday experiences of people living and working in Subic Bay —a former U.S. military base, now a Freeport Zone— and makes a case for cri"cally examining similar spaces whilst demonstra"ng how colonialism is omnipresent in our modern world.

Political Economy, Social Change, and the Transnational Capitalist Class Jeb Sprague TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PRESS

This book offers a probing account of the Caribbean’s experience of economic globaliza"on while considering gendered and racialized social rela"ons and the frequent exploita"on of workers. Sprague shows how transna"onally oriented elites have come to rule the Caribbean, and how capitalist globaliza"on in the region occurs alongside shi#ing poli"cal and organiza"onal dynamics.

Cover image


God’s Internationalists

World Vision and the Age of Evangelical Humanitarianism David P. King

Haney Founda!on Series May 2019 384pp 15 illus. 9780812250961 £31.00 HB


God’s Interna!onalists is the first comprehensive study of World Vision—or any such religious humanitarian agency. In chronicling the organiza"on’s transforma"on from 1950 to the present, David P. King approaches World Vision as a lens through which to explore shi#s within post–World War II American evangelicalism as well as the complexi"es of faith­based humanitarianism.

High Time

The Legalization and Regulation of Cannabis in Canada Edited by Andrew Potter & Daniel Weinstock

March 2019 280pp 9780773556416 £17.99 PB 9780773556362 £91.00 HB


While the legaliza"on of marijuana in Canada begins with a straigh&orward change of the law, its ramifica"ons go far beyond this. The essays in this book address these outcomes from three main perspec"ves and brings together analysis by policy makers and scholars, providing a necessary overview of Canada’s Cannabis Act.

Imagining Queer Methods

Matt Brim Edited by Amin Ghaziani August 2019 336pp 9781479829484 £23.99 PB 9781479821020 £74.00 HB NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS

Imagining Queer Methods showcases the methodological renaissance unfolding in queer scholarship, bringing together emerging and esteemed researchers from all corners of the academy who are defining new direc"ons for the field. By bringing together diverse voices, the authors inspire us with new ways of thinking about methods and methodologies in queer studies.

In the Weeds

Demonization, Legalization, and the Evolution of U.S. Marijuana Policy Clayton J. Mosher & Scott Atkins February 2019 336pp 9781439913314 £33.00 PB 9781439913307 £86.00 HB TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PRESS

Mosher and Akins take a deep dive into marijuana policy reform, looking at the incremental developments and the historical, legal, social, and poli"cal implica"ons of these changes. This insigh&ul book traces the dis"nct paths to the legaliza"on of recrea"onal marijuana in many countries and the future of marijuana law.

Cover image forthcoming

Insubordinate Spaces

Improvisation and Accompaniment for Social Justice Barbara Tomlinson & George Lipsitz

Insubordinate Spaces March 2019 274pp 9781439916988 £25.99 PB 9781439916971 £78.00 HB TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PRESS

Explores the challenges facing people commi$ed to social jus"ce in an era where social ins"tu"ons increasingly conform to a market society. The authors draw on contemporary struggles to advance ideas about reciprocal recogni"on and co­crea"on as components in the construc"on of new egalitarian and democra"c social rela"ons, prac"ces, and ins"tu"ons.

Kids at Work

Latinx Families Selling Food on the Streets of Los Angeles Emir Estrada

La!na/o Sociology July 2019 224pp 9781479873708 £21.99 PB 9781479811519 £74.00 HB NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS

Street food markets have become wildly popular in Los Angeles—and behind the scenes, La"nx children have been instrumental in making these small informal businesses grow. Estrada shines a light on the surprising labor of these young workers, providing the first ethnography on the par"cipa"on of La"nx children in street vending.

Men in Place

Trans Masculinity, Race, and Sexuality in America Miriam J. Abelson March 2019 264pp 9781517903510 £19.99 PB 9781517903503 £83.00 HB


American masculinity is being cri"qued, ques"oned, and reinterpreted for a new era. Abelson makes an original contribu"on to this conversa"on through in­depth interviews with trans men in the U.S. West, Southeast, and Midwest, showing how the places and spaces men inhabit are fundamental to their experiences of race, sexuality, and gender.

Mercenaries and Missionaries

Capitalism and Catholicism in the Global South Brandon Vaidyanathan May 2019 300pp 8 b&w hal"ones 9781501736230 £23.99 PB 9781501736223 £79.00 HB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS

Mercenaries and Missionaries examines the rela"onship between rapidly diffusing forms of capitalism and Chris"anity in the Global South. Using more than 200 interviews in Bangalore and Dubai, Brandon Vaidyanathan explains how and why global corporate professionals straddle conflic"ng moral orienta"ons in the realms of work and religion.

New Media and Society Deana A. Rohlinger

February 2019 240pp 9781479845699 £21.99 PB 9781479897872 £74.00 HB NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS

Deana Rohlinger provides a sociological approach to understanding how new media shape our interac"ons, our experiences, and our ins"tu"ons. Using case studies and in­class exercises, Rohlinger explores how new media alter everything from our rela"onships with friends and family to our experiences in the workplace.

Our Rural Selves

Memory and the Visual in Canadian Childhoods Edited by Claudia Mitchell & April Mandrona

April 2019 272pp 9780773556997 £27.99 PB 9780773556980 £91.00 HB


Our Rural Selves interrogates and represents individual and collec"ve memories of childhood in rural landscapes and small towns. Innova"ve and revealing in its use of visual studies, autoethnography, and memory­work, Explores representa"on, imagina"on and the diverse stories that show what it means to grow up rural in Canada.

Paranoid Science

Putting Family First

April 2019 256pp 9781479856626 £21.99 NIP

May 2019 288pp 5 figures 9780774861267 £74.00 HB

The Christian Right’s War on Reality Antony Alumkal

Migration and Integration in Canada Edited by Harald Bauder



For decades, the Chris"an Right’s high­ profile clashes with science have made na"onal headlines. This "tle provides a comprehensive background on the war on science, exploring the Chris"an Right’s fierce oppoisiton to science and explaining how and why its leaders came to see scien"fic truths as their enemy.

Inves"gates the experience of immigrant families se$ling in the Toronto area, from newcomers’ ini"al recep"on to their deep involvement in and a$achment to their receiving society. Contributors explore a variety of themes to illustrate how the family context can be mobilized to facilitate the successful integra"on of newcomers.

Silent Cells

Steeped in Blood

April 2019 184pp 9781517907440 £15.99 PB 9781517907433 £66.00 HB

May 2019 424pp 9780773556812 £27.99 PB 9780773556805 £99.00 HB

Cover image


Questioning the Super-Rich

Edited by Jennifer Smith Maguire & Paula Serafini

April 2019 164pp 2 illus. 9781478004929 £11.99 PB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS

This special issue of Cultural Poli"cs uses the super­rich as a lens for exploring the impact of wealth and power on class mentali"es, iden""es, and cultures. Topics examined include the media representa"ons and lived experiences of the super­rich, the spa"al distribu"on and concentra"on of wealth, and the discourses of (de)legi"miza"on surrounding wealth.

Redefining the Situation The Writings of Peter McHugh Peter McHugh Edited by Kieran Bonner & Stanley Raffel

May 2019 344pp 9780773556935 £27.99 PB 9780773556928 £99.00 HB


As the only collec"on of his sole­ authored wri"ngs, Acomprehensive yet surprising view of this McHugh’s influence in his field, tracing the development of Analysis and the tradi"on of social inquiry, whilst re­ establishing him as one of the leading intellectuals in the field of interpre"ve social theory.

The Secret Drugging of Captive America Anthony Ryan Hatch

Adoption, Identity, and the Meaning of Family Frances J. Latchford



In this cri"cal inves"ga"on into mass incacera"on in the United States, Hatch demonstrates that the pervasive use of psychotropic drugs has not only defined and enabled mass incarcera"on but has also become central to other forms of cap"vity, including foster homes, military and immigrant deten"on centers, and nursing homes.

At a "me when interest in DNA and ancestry is exploding, Latchford ques"ons the idea that knowing one’s bio­genealogy is integral to personal iden"ty or a sense of belonging, exposing how our desire for bio­ genealogical knowledge pathologizes adoptees by posing the biological "e as a necessary condi"on for normal iden"ty forma"on.

The Art of Collectivity

Social Circus and the Cultural Politics of a Post-Neoliberal Vision Edited by Jennifer Beth Spiegel & Benjamin Ortiz Choukroun May 2019 384pp 9780773557352 £19.99 PB 9780773557345 £99.00 HB


Many ar"s"c projects promote collec"vity and togetherness in naviga"ng challenges and construc"ng shared futures. This book is about how one such crea"ve social program deployed this approach in service of a post­neoliberal vision in a "mely contribu"on to the study of cultural policies, cri"cal pedagogies, collec"ve art­making, and community development.

The Subversive Evangelical

The Ironic Charisma of an Irreligious Megachurch Peter J. Schuurman

Advancing Studies in Religion Series May 2019 360pp 9780773557338 £25.99 PB 9780773557321 £99.00 HB MCGILL-QUEEN’S UNIVERSITY PRESS

This book shows how a growing group of “reflexive evangelicals” use irony to cri"que their own tradi"on and dis"nguish themselves from the stereotype of right­wing evangelicalism. Going behind the scenes, Schuurman reveals a playful and provoca"ve counterculture that distances itself from prevailing stereotypes while s"ll embracing a conserva"ve Chris"an faith.

The Immigrant Rights Movement

The Battle over National Citizenship Walter J. Nicholls

August 2019 304pp 9781503609327 £19.99 PB 9781503608887 £70.00 HB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

This "tle traces the history of the immigrant rights movement from its grassroots origins through its meteoric rise to the na"onal stage. Author Walter J. Nicholls tells the story of a vibrant movement to change the meaning of na"onal ci"zenship, that ul"mately became enmeshed in the system that it sought to transform.

The Third Sector

Community Organizations, NGOs, and Nonprofits Meghan Kallman & Terry Clark

March 2019 268pp 9780252084294 £19.99 NIP UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRESS

Looking at relief and welfare organiza"ons and many other kinds of groups, Kallman and Nichols Clark explore the func"ons, impacts, and composi"on of the nonprofit sector in six key countries. Insigh&ul and forward seeing, this book provides a rare interna"onal view of organiza"ons and agendas driving change in today’s interna"onal affairs.

The Public Work of Christmas

Difference and Belonging in Multicultural Societies Edited by Pamela E. Klassen & Monique Scheer

Advancing Studies in Religion Series April 2019 304pp 9780773556799 £23.99 PB 9780773556782 £99.00 HB MCGILL-QUEEN’S UNIVERSITY PRESS

A seasonal celebra"on that is inclusive and assimilatory, Christmas offers a clarifying lens for considering the historical and ongoing intersec"ons of mul"culturalism and the na"onalizing and racializing of religion. This book ar"culates a fresh reading of Christmas at a "me of renewed a$en"on to the fragility of belonging in diverse socie"es.

Transforming Comparative Education Fifty Years of Theory Building at Stanford Martin Carnoy March 2019 272pp 9781503608818 £20.99 PB 9781503608429 £69.00 HB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

Over the past 50 years, new theore"cal approaches to compara"ve and interna"onal educa"on have transformed it as an academic field. Transforming Compara"ve Educa"on takes the Stanford “collec"ve” as a framework for discussing major trends and contribu"ons to the field from the early 1960s to the present day, and beyond.

The Risk of Education

Discovering Our Ultimate Destiny Luigi Giussani February 2019 184pp 9780773557185 £12.99 PB 9780773557499 £54.00 HB


At a "me when young people are abandoning the church and ques"oning the value of faith, Giussani’s method of judging and verifying Chris"anity as an experience seems a necessary interven"on. In The Risk of Educa"on he argues that, ul"mately, educa"on and the Chris"an message reveal themselves through human freedom.

Unveiling the Nation

The Politics of Secularism in France and Quebec Emily Laxer April 2019 376pp 9780773556294 £27.99 PB 9780773556287 £99.00 HB


At a moment of heightened debate in the global poli"cs of religious diversity, Laxer sheds cri"cal light on the way party poli"cs and its related instabili"es shape the secular boundaries of na"onhood in diverse socie"es, tracing the struggle of poli"cal par"es for power and legi"macy in responses to Islamic signs.

Race & Ethnicity

Spring| Summer 2019

Cover image forthcoming


An Introduction Alex Zamalin

March 2019 224pp 9781479822638 £15.99 PB 9781479849284 £74.00 HB NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS

The most theore!cally genera!ve and poli!cally valuable source of an!racist thought has been the black American intellectual tradi!on. While other forms of racial oppression—for example, an!­Semi!sm, Islamophobia, and an!­La!no racism—have been and con!nue to be present in American life, an!black racism has always been the primary focus of American an!racist movements. From an!slavery aboli!on to the an!lynching movement, black socialism to feminism, the long Civil Rights movement to the contemporary Movement for Black Lives, An!racism examines the way the black an!racist tradi!on has thought about domina!on, exclusion, and power, as well as freedom, equality, jus!ce, struggle, and poli!cal hope in dark !mes. An!racism is an accessible introduc!on to the poli!cal theory of black American an!racism, through a study of the major figures, texts, and poli!cal movements across US history. Zamalin argues that an!racism is a powerful tradi!on that is crucial for energizing American democracy.

Boundaries of Love

Interracial Marriage and the Meaning of Race Chinyere K. Osuji May 2019 320pp 9781479831456 £24.99 PB 9781479878611 £74.00 HB NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS

Based on individual interviews with forty­seven black­white couples in two large, mul!cultural ci!es—Los Angeles and Rio de Janeiro—the book explores how partners in these rela!onships ul!mately reproduce, nego!ate, and challenge the “us” versus “them” mentality of ethno­racial boundaries. By centering marriage, Osuji reveals the family as a primary site for understanding the social construc!on of race. She challenges the naive but widespread belief that interracial couples and their children provide an an!dote to racism in the twenty­first century, instead highligh!ng the complexi!es and contradic!ons of these rela!onships. Featuring black husbands with white wives as well as black wives with white husbands, Boundaries of Love sheds light on the role of gender in naviga!ng life married to a person of a different color. Osuji compares black­white couples in Brazil and the United States, the two most populous post–slavery socie!es in the Western hemisphere. These se$ngs, she argues, reveal the impact of contemporary race mixture on racial hierarchies and racial ideologies, both old and new.

Racism Postrace

Edited by Roopali Mukherjee, Sarah Banet-Weiser & Herman Gray June 2019 376pp 11 illus. 9781478001805 £21.99 PB 9781478001386 £87.00 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS

With the elec!on of Barack Obama, the idea that American society had become postracial—that is, race was no longer a main factor in influencing and structuring people’s lives—took hold in public consciousness, increasingly accepted by many. The contributors to Racism Postrace examine the concept of postrace and its powerful history and allure, showing how proclama!ons of a postracial society further normalize racism and obscure structural an!blackness. They trace expressions of postrace over and through a wide variety of cultural texts, events, and people, from sports (LeBron James’s move to Miami), music (Pharrell Williams’s “Happy”), and television (The Voice and HGTV) to public policy debates, academic disputes, and technology industries. Outlining how postrace ideologies confound struggles for racial jus!ce and equality, the contributors open up new cri!cal avenues for understanding the powerful cultural, discursive, and material condi!ons that render postrace the racial project of our !me.

Books stocked at Marston Book Services Tel: +44 (0)1235 465500 | |

The Palestinian Idea

Film, Media, and the Radical Imagination Greg Burris

Insubordinate Spaces March 2019 298pp 9781439916742 £27.99 PB 9781439916735 £86.00 HB TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PRESS

Is there a link between the coloniza!on of Pales!nian lands and the enclosing of Pales!nian minds? The Pales!nian Idea argues that it is precisely through film and media that hope can occasionally emerge amidst hopelessness, emancipa!on amidst oppression, freedom amidst apartheid. Greg Burris employs the work of Edward W. Said, Jacques Rancière, and Cedric J. Robinson in order to locate Pales!nian utopia in the heart of the Zionist present.He analyzes the films of prominent directors Annemarie Jacir (Salt of This Sea, When I Saw You) and Hany Abu­ Assad (Paradise Now) to inves!gate the emergence and forma!on of Pales!nian iden!ty. Looking at Mais Darwazah's documentary My Love Awaits Me By the Sea, Burris considers the counterhistories that make up the Pales!nian experience—stories and memories that have otherwise been obscured or denied. He also examines Pales!nian (in)visibility in the global media landscape, and how issues of Black­Pales!nian transna!onal solidarity are illustrated through social media, staged news spectacles, and hip hop music.

Daily Labors

Marketing Identity and Bodies on a New York City Street Corner Carolyn Pinedo-Turnovsky March 2019 238pp 9781439917435 £23.99 PB 9781439917428 £76.00 HB TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PRESS

Daily Labors reveals how ideologies about race, gender, na!on, and legal status operate on American street corners and the vulnerabili!es, discrimina!on, and exploita!on workers face in this labor market. Pinedo­Turnovsky sheds light on belonging, community, and what a “good day laborer” for these workers really is.

Fearing the Black Body

The Racial Origins of Fat Phobia Sabrina Strings May 2019 304pp 9781479886753 £21.99 PB 9781479819805 £74.00 HB NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS

An important and original work, Fearing the Black Body weaves together an eye­opening historical narra!ve ranging from the Renaissance to the current moment, arguing that fat phobia isn’t about health at all, but rather a means of using the body to validate race, class, and gender prejudice.

Producers, Parasites, Patriots

Race and the New Right-Wing Politics of Precarity Daniel Martinez HoSang & Joseph E. Lowndes April 2019 208pp 9781517903596 £15.99 PB 9781517903589 £66.00 HB


Mar!nez HoSang and Lowndes show that while racial subordina!on is an enduring feature of U.S. poli!cal history, it con!nually changes in response to shi#ing economic and poli!cal condi!ons, interests, and structures. This book brings to light the changing role of race in right­wing poli!cs.

Reclaiming Community

Race and the Uncertain Future of Youth Work Bianca J. Baldridge May 2019 240pp 9781503607897 £20.99 PB 9781503606975 £72.00 HB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

Approximately 2.4 million Black youth par!cipate in a#er school programs, which offer a range of support and a space to develop strategies and tools for organizing and ac!vism. Baldridge tells the story of one such community­ based program, Educa!onal Excellence, shining a light on the invaluable role youth workers play in these spaces.

Cover image forthcoming

South Central Is Home

Surrogate Humanity

Stanford Studies in Compara!ve Race and Ethnicity June 2019 264pp 9781503609556 £19.99 PB 9780804799812 £70.00 HB

Perverse Moderni!es: A Series Edited by Jack Halberstam and Lisa Lowe March 2019 264pp 30 illus. 9781478003861 £20.99 PB 9781478003175 £83.00 HB



Rosas inves!gates the development of rela!onal community forma!on and highlights how communi!es of color like South Central experience racism and discrimina!on—and how in the best of situa!ons, they are energized to improve their condi!ons together. Rosas offers findings indispensable to our understandings of race, community, and place in U.S. society.

Atanasoski and Vora trace the ways in which robots, ar!ficial intelligence, and other technologies serve as surrogates for human workers within a labor system that is entrenched in and reinforces racial capitalism and patriarchy.

Community, Race, and Everyday Activism in Los Angeles Abigail Rosas

Race, Robots, and the Politics of Technological Futures Neda Atanasoski & Kalindi Vora

The Racial Politics of Division

Unsettled Solidarities

Interethnic Struggles for Legitimacy in Multicultural Miami Monika Gosin

Asian and Indigenous CrossRepresentations in the Américas Quynh Nhu Le



Gosin deconstructs antagonis!c discourses that circulated in local Miami media between African Americans, “white” Cubans, and “black” Cubans during the 1980 Mariel Boatli# and the 1994 Balsero Crisis, challenging the exclusionary arguments pi%ng these groups against one another.

Examines contemporary Asian and Indigenous cross­representa!ons within different se&ler states in the Américas. Le looks at literary works by both groups alongside public apologies, interviews, and hemispheric race theories to trace cross­ community tensions and possibili!es for solidari!es amidst the uneven imposi!on of racializa!on and se&ler coloniza!on.

June 2019 276pp 2 charts 9781501738241 £23.99 PB 9781501738234 £79.00 HB

June 2019 248pp 9781439916278 £33.00 PB 9781439916261 £82.00 HB

Disability Studies

Medicine Stories

Essays for Radicals Aurora Levins Morales April 2019 232pp 9781478003090 £17.99 PB 9781478001904 £70.00 HB DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS

In this revised and expanded edi!on of Medicine Stories, Aurora Levins Morales weaves together insights and lessons learned over a life!me of ac!vism to offer a new theory of social jus!ce. Calling for a poli!cs of integrity that recognizes the complicated wholeness of individual and collec!ve lives, Levins Morales delves among the interwoven roots of mul!ple oppressions, exposing connec!ons, cra#ing strategies, and uncovering the wellsprings of resilience and joy. Throughout these twenty­eight essays—twenty­one of which are new or extensively revised—she exposes the structures and mechanisms that silence voices and divide movements. The result is a medicine bag full of techniques and perspec!ves to build a universal solidarity that is flexible, nuanced, and strong enough to fundamentally shi# our world toward jus!ce. In!mately personal and globally relevant, Medicine Stories brings clarity and hope to tangled, emo!onally charged social issues in beau!ful and accessible language.

Politics of Empowerment

Spring| Summer 2019

Sexuality, Disability, and Aging

Disability Rights and the Cycle of American Policy Reform David Pettinicchio

Queer Temporalities of the Phallus Jane Gallop



August 2019 256pp 9781503609761 £23.99 PB 9781503600874 £74.00 HB

Despite the progress of decades­old disability rights policy, including the landmark Americans with Disabili!es Act, threats con!nue to undermine the wellbeing of this popula!on. The U.S. is, thus, a policy innovator and laggard in this regard. In Poli!cs of Empowerment, David Pe%nicchio offers a historically grounded analysis of the singular case of U.S. disability policy, countering long­held views of progress that privilege public demand as its primary driver. By the 1970s, a group of legislators and bureaucrats came to act as "poli!cal entrepreneurs." Mo!vated by personal and professional commitments, they were seen as experts leading a movement within the government. But as they increasingly faced obstacles to their legisla!ve inten!ons, nascent disability advocacy and protest groups took the cause to the American people forming the basis of the contemporary disability rights movement. Drawing on extensive archival material, Pe%nicchio redefines the rela!onship between grassroots advocacy and ins!tu!onal poli!cs, revealing a cycle of progress and backlash embedded in the American poli!cal system.

January 2019 152pp 9781478001614 £17.99 PB 9781478001263 £70.00 HB

Drawing on her own experiences with late­onset disability and its impact on her sex life, along with her exper!se as a cultural cri!c, Jane Gallop explores how disability and aging work to undermine one's sense of self. She challenges common concep!ons that equate the decline of bodily poten!al and ability with a permanent and irretrievable loss, arguing that such a loss can be both temporary and posi!vely transforma!ve. With Sexuality, Disability, and Aging, Gallop explores and celebrates how sexuality transforms and becomes more queer in the lives of the no longer young and the no longer able while at the same !me demonstra!ng how disability can generate new forms of sexual fantasy and ero!c possibility.

Books stocked at Marston Book Services Tel: +44 (0)1235 465500 | |

Vulnerable Constitutions

Queerness, Disability, and the Remaking of American Manhood Cynthia Barounis May 2019 282pp 9781439915073 £33.00 PB TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PRESS

Barounis explores the way American writers have fashioned alterna!ve epistemologies of queerness, disability, and masculinity. She seeks to understand the way perverse sexuality, physical damage, and bodily contamina!on have s!mulated— rather than created a crisis for—masculine characters in twen!eth­ and early twenty­first­ century literature. She introduces the concept of "an!­prophylac!c ci!zenship"—a mode of poli!cal belonging characterized by vulnerability, recep!vity, and risk—to examine counternarra!ves of American masculinity. Inves!ga!ng the work of authors including London, Faulkner, Baldwin & Eli Clare, she presents an evolving narra!ve of medicalized sexuality and an!­ prophylac!c masculinity. Her literary readings interweave queer theory, disability studies, and the history of medicine to demonstrate how evolving scien!fic conversa!ons around deviant genders and sexuali!es gave rise to a new model of na!onal belonging—ul!mately rewri!ng the story of American masculinity as a story of queer­crip rebellion.

Health & Healthcare

Spring| Summer 2019

Cover image



Reframing the Vaccination Controversy Bernice L. Hausman

The Culture and Poli!cs of Health Care Work April 2019 288pp 2 b&w hal"ones 9781501735622 £23.99 HB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS

Argues that the heated debate about vaccina!ons and whether to get them or not is most o"en fueled by accusa!ons and vilifica!ons rather than careful a#en!on to the real concerns of many Americans. She wants to set the record straight about vaccine skep!cism and show how the issues and ideas that mo!vate it—like suspicion of pharmaceu!cal companies or the belief that some illness is necessary to good health— are commonplace in our society. Hausman wants to engage public health officials, the media, and each of us in a public dialogue about the rela!on of individual bodily autonomy to the state's responsibility to safeguard ci!zens' health. We need to know more about the posi!on of each side in this important stand­off so that public decisions are made through understanding rather than stereotyped percep!ons of scien!fically illiterate an!vaxxers or faceless bureaucrats. Hausman reveals that vaccine skep!cism is, in part, a cri!que of medicaliza!on and a warning about the dangers of modern medicine rather than a glib and gullible reac!on to scaremongering and misunderstanding.

Caring for the Low German Mennonites

How Religious Beliefs and Practices Influence Health Care Judith Kulig

January 2019 152pp 9780774880169 £25.99 NIP UBC PRESS

What happens when health care providers meet pa!ents whose religious views contrast with mainstream health prac!ces? This book focuses on a unique religious group, the Low German Mennonites, to examine ways in which beliefs and prac!ces influence members’ interac!ons with the health care system. Drawing on nearly twenty years of research, Judith Kulig presents a me!culous account and vivid illustra!on of the influence of religion on a community’s concep!ons of health and illness, women’s health, death and dying, and mental health. She argues that health care providers must acknowledge and respec'ully inquire about a pa!ent’s beliefs in order to implement care and treatment. Kulig shows that trust and understanding are key to providing appropriate and equitable health care.

Managing Diabetes

The Cultural Politics of Disease Jeffrey A. Bennett Biopoli!cs June 2019 272pp 9781479835287 £23.99 PB 9781479830435 £74.00 HB NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS

Over twenty­nine million people in the United States, more than nine percent of the popula!on, have some form of diabetes. Benne# focuses on how the disease is imagined in public culture. He argues that popular anecdotes, media representa!on, and communal myths are as meaningful as medical and scien!fic understandings of the disease. Benne# looks at health campaigns and promo!ons as well as the debate over public figures like Sonia Sotomayor and her management of type 1 diabetes. Benne# examines the confusing and contradictory public depic!ons of diabetes to demonstrate how management of the disease is not only clinical but also cultural. Benne# also has type 1 diabetes and speaks from personal experience about the many misunderstandings and myths that are alive in the popular imagina!on. Ul!mately, Managing Diabetes offers a fresh take on how disease is understood in contemporary society and the ways that s!gma, fatalism, and health can intersect to shape diabetes’s public character. This disease has dire health implica!ons, and rates keep rising. Benne# argues that un!l it is be#er understood it cannot be be#er treated.

Books stocked at Marston Book Services Tel: +44 (0)1235 465500 | |

Rethinking Diabetes

Entanglements with Trauma, Poverty, and HIV Emily Mendenhall Foreword by Mark Nichter July 2019 240pp 4 b&w hal"ones, 5 charts 9781501738432 £22.99 PB 9781501738302 £79.00 HB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS

Focuses on the stories of women living with diabetes near or below the poverty line in urban se(ngs in the United States, India, South Africa, and Kenya. Mendenhall shows how women's experiences of living with diabetes cannot be dissociated from their social responsibili!es of caregiving, demanding family roles, expecta!ons, and gendered experiences of violence that o"en displace their ability to care for themselves first. From case studies, Rethinking Diabetes clearly provides some important parallels for scholars to consider: significant social and economic inequali!es, health systems that are a mix of public and private (with substandard provisions for low­ income pa!ents), and rising diabetes incidence and prevalence. At the same !me, Mendenhall asks us to unpack how social, cultural, and epidemiological factors shape people's experiences and why we need to take these differences seriously when we think about what drives diabetes and how it affects the lives of the poor.


Spring| Summer 2019

From Migrant to Worker

Getting Away from It All

April 2019 216pp 1 map, 2 charts 9781501735141 £41.00 HB

May 2019 272pp 9781439918753 £27.99 PB 9781439918746 £82.00 HB

Global Unions and Temporary Labor Migration in Asia Michele Ford CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS

From Migrant to Worker builds our understanding of the role the interna!onal labor movement and local unions have had in developing a movement for migrant workers' labor rights. Ford examines the rela!onship between different kinds of labor movement actors and the constraints imposed on those actors by resource flows, con!ngency, and local context. Her conclusions show that in countries—Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Thailand—where resource flows and local factors give the Global Union Federa!ons more influence local unions have become much more engaged with migrant workers. But in countries—Japan and Taiwan, for example—where they have li#le effect there has been li#le progress. While much has changed, Ford forces us to see that labor migra!on in Asia is s!ll fraught with complica!ons and hardships, and that local unions are not always able or willing to act.

Vacations and Identity Karen Stein


Vaca!ons are a delimited period during which social rules and responsibili!es are eased, removed, or shi$ed, and people have increased autonomy over what they choose to do. Recent trends in the travel industry emphasize the appeal of vaca!ons for voluntary iden!ty changes—when bankers can become bikers for a week or when "Momca!ons" allow mothers to leave their families behind. But how do our vaca!ons allow us to shape our iden!ty? This is a study of individuality and flexibility and the intersec!on of self­defini!on and social constraint. Stein interviews vaca!oners about their travels and down !me, focusing on "iden!ty transi!ons." She shows how objects, se&ngs, temporal environments and social interac!ons limit or facilitate iden!ty shi$s, and how we arrange our vaca!ons to achieve the shi$s we desire. Stein also looks at the behavior, values, a&tudes, and worldview of individuals to illuminate how people engage in either iden!ty work or iden!ty play. Vaca!ons say a lot about individuals. They signal class and economic standing and reveal aspira!ons and goals. The book insists that vaca!ons are about more than just taking !me off to relax and rejuvenate—they are about having some !me to work on the person one wants to be.

Searching for Work

Small-Scale Mobility and Unskilled Labor in Southeast Asia Edited by Silvia Vignato & Matteo Carlo Alcano March 2019 312pp 16 illus. 9786162151439 £33.00 PB


Small­scale, work­related mobility has become a cons!tu!ve feature of modern local Southeast Asian socie!es. This unique volume traces the lives of low­paid, mostly young, unskilled migrants who have moved away from their villages of origin in search of a job: contractual farmers in Laos; miners, young urban service workers, and construc!on workers in Indonesia; shoemakers in the Philippines; and factory workers in Vietnam. The case studies show how ill­defined work leads to lives of structural and symbolic precariousness and reshapes the migrants’ own moral visions of work, iden!ty, and belonging.

Books stocked at Marston Book Services Tel: +44 (0)1235 465500 | |

The Everyday Nationalism of Workers A Social History of Modern Belgium Maarten Van Ginderachter July 2019 288pp 9781503609693 £23.99 PB 9781503609051 £74.00 HB STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

Upends assump!ons about how European na!onalism is lived and experienced by ordinary people—and the bo#om­up impact these everyday expressions of na!onalism exert on ins!tu!onalized na!onalism writ large. Drawing on sources from the major urban and working­class centers of Belgium, Van Ginderachter uncovers the everyday na!onalism of the rank­ and­file of the socialist Belgian Workers Party between 1880 and World War I, a period in which Europe experienced the concurrent rise of na!onalism and socialism as mass movements. Analyzing sources from ordinary workers, Van Ginderachter reveals the limits of na!on­building from above and the poten!al of agency from below. With a rich and diverse base of sources, the book covers a variety of experiences of, and responses to, na!onhood – showing all the complexity of socialist workers' ambivalent a&tudes towards and engagement with na!onhood, patrio!sm, ethnicity and language. By comparing the Belgian case with the rise of na!onalism across Europe, Van Ginderachter sheds new light on how mul!lingual socie!es fared in the age of mass poli!cs and ethnic na!onalism.

Cover image


A Field in Flux

Sixty Years of Industrial Relations Robert B. McKersie Foreword by Thomas A. Kochan May 2019 296pp 32 b&w plates 9781501740015 £33.00 HB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS

A Field in Flux chronicles the extraordinary journey of industrial and labor rela!ons expert Robert McKersie. One of the most important industrial rela!ons scholars of our !me, McKersie pioneered the study of labor nego!a!ons, helping to formulate the concepts of distribu!ve and integra!ve bargaining.

Commuter Spouses

New Families in a Changing World Danielle Lindemann

March 2019 198pp 9781501731181 £15.99 PB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS

What can we learn from looking at married partners who live apart? Based on the personal stories of almost 100 commuter spouses, Danielle Lindemann explores how couples cope when they live apart to meet the demands of their dual professional careers.

Cover image forthcoming

Everyday Transgressions

Domestic Workers’ Transnational Challenge to International Labor Law Adelle Blackett

April 2019 288pp 9781501715754 £18.99 PB 9781501736315 £79.00 HB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS

Adelle Blacke" tells the story behind the Interna!onal Labour Organiza!on’s Decent Work for Domes!c Workers Conven!on No. 189, and its accompanying Recommenda!on No. 201 which in 2011 created the first comprehensive interna!onal standards to extend fundamental protec!ons and rights to the millions of domes!c workers laboring in other peoples’ homes throughout the world.

The Politics of Social Inclusion and Labor Representation

Immigrants and Trade Unions in the European Context Heather Connolly, Stefania Marino & Miguel Martínez Lucio Foreword by Richard Hyman

May 2019 228pp 2 charts 9781501736575 £45.00 HB CORNELL UNIVERSITY PRESS

Compares trade union responses to immigra!on & the related poli!cal and labour market developments in the Netherlands, Spain, & the UK. Examines social inclusion and how trade unions are adap!ng to the need to support immigrant workers.

Dying to Work

Equality on Trial

March 2019 264pp 9781501735844 £19.99 NIP

Poli!cs and Culture in Modern America April 2019 296pp 11 illus.



Death and Injury in the American Workplace Jonathan D. Karmel

Dying to Work raises our awareness of unsafe working condi!ons with accounts of workers who were needlessly injured or killed on the job. Based on interviews conducted across the USA, the stories are introduced in a way that helps place them in a historical and poli!cal context and represent a wide survey of the American workplace.

Gender and Rights in the Modern American Workplace Katherine Turk

In 1964, Congress aimed to outlaw workplace discrimina!on on the basis of such personal a"ributes as sex, race, and religion. Turk examines how this law inspired a genera!on of Americans to dispatch expansive no!ons of sex equality, forging the contemporary meanings of feminism, fairness, and labor rights in the process.

Cover image forthcoming

The World in a City

Multiethnic Radicalism in Early Twentieth-Century Los Angeles David M Struthers

Working Class in American History May 2019 296pp 9780252084256 £21.99 PB 9780252042478 £82.00 HB UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRESS

Struthers draws on the anarchist concept of affinity to explore the radicalism of Los Angeles’s interracial working class from 1900 to 1930. What emerges is an untold history of Los Angeles and a revolu!onary movement that, through myriad successes and failures, produced powerful examples of racial coopera!on.

Thursdays and Every Other Sunday Off

A Domestic Rap by Verta Mae Vertamae Smart-Grosvenor Foreword by Premilla Nadasen October 2018 176pp 9781517906078 £12.99 PB


An explora!on of the lives of African American domes!c workers in ci!es throughout the U.S. during the mid­ twen!eth century. With dry wit and honesty, Vertamae Smart­Grosvenor intersperses musings and tes!monials with historical references, quota!ons, and personal anecdotes, making this account all the more in!mate, heartbreaking, and relevant.

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