Business Books from Stanford University Press - August 2022

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The College Devaluation Crisis

Market Disruption, Diminishing ROI, and an Alternative Future of Learning Jason Wingard The College Devalua�on Crisis makes the case that employers and other learning and development en��es are emerging to innovate new approaches to training talent that, at �mes, relies on the higher educa�on sector, but increasingly operates independently in order to sa�sfy talent needs more agilely and effec�vely. The book focuses on case studies from leading companies to illustrate their innova�ve strategies for talent development. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS July 2022 272pp 9781503627536 £24.99 HB

Interconnected Worlds

Global Electronics and Production Networks in East Asia Henry Wai-Chung Yeung Drawing on literature on the electronics industry, new empirical material comprising custom datasets, and extensive personal interviews, this book examines through a "network" approach the co-evolu�on of globalized electronics produc�on centered in East Asia across different na�onal economies and sub-na�onal regions. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Innova�on and Technology in the World Economy June 2022 480pp 9781503632226 £25.99 PB


the poten�al costs that giving extracts from Black communi�es."—Victor Ray, The University of Iowa STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Culture and Economic Life April 2022 240pp 9781503606777 £21.99 HB

Strategy as Leadership

Facing Adaptive Challenges in Organizations Roberto S. Vassolo & Natalia Weisz "The book uniquely combines strategic management insights with adap�ve leadership tools. It is a prac�cal guide to help organiza�ons navigate the changing environment, providing an in-depth overview of several of the most significant compe��ve shi�s companies face in the current world. The combina�on of robust theore�cal underpinning with relevant examples facilitates understanding the challenges of implemen�ng strategic changes. Essen�al to take into account when redirec�ng business strategy."–Krishna Palepu, Ross Graham Walker Professor of Business Administra�on, Harvard Business School STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS February 2022 232pp 9781503629134 £28.99 HB

The Future of Executive Development Mihnea C. Moldoveanu & Das Narayandas

The authors look at the future of execu�ve development programs in the era of self-refining algorithms (aka machine learning) and wearable sensors and computers. They offer a guide to execu�ve program design to op�mize the learning produc�on func�on for both skill acquisi�on and skill transfer. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

Distinction and Participation in Post-Hierarchy South Korea Michael Prentice

November 2021 224pp 9781503628724 £28.99 HB

What should South Korean offices look like in a post-hierarchical world? In Supercorporate, anthropologist Michael M. Pren�ce examines a central tension in visions of big corporate life in South Korea's twenty-first century: should corpora�ons be sites of fair dis�nc�on or equal par�cipa�on? STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

The Decarbonization Imperative

Series: Culture and Economic Life May 2022 248pp 9781503631878 £24.99 PB

Design Leadership Ignited

Transforming the Global Economy by 2050 Michael Lenox & Rebecca Duff

Bronze Medal (�e) in the 2022 Axiom Business Book Awards in the Economics category. Responding to the existen�al threat of climate change, Michael Lenox and Rebecca Duff propose a radical reconfigura�on of the industries contribu�ng the most, and most harmfully, to this planetary crisis. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

Elevating Design at Scale Eric Quint, Gerda Gemser & Giulia Calabretta

October 2021 288pp 9781503614789 £22.99 HB

"The most pragma�c, prac�cal and insigh�ul approach to understanding contemporary design leadership. Drawing on decades of knowledge in the field, this book is an essen�al read for aspiring design leaders and business leaders wishing to deliver excellence through design."—Rachel Cooper OBE, Dis�nguished Professor of Design Management and Policy, Lancaster University STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

Lead and Disrupt

February 2022 240pp 9781503613966 £24.99 HB

Black Culture, Inc.

How Ethnic Community Support Pays for Corporate America Patricia A. Banks "Black Culture, Inc. is a brilliant contribu�on to the burgeoning literature on how race shapes organiza�ons. Surveying a wide range of corporate giving to Black cultural ins�tu�ons—from the Na�onal Museum of African American History and Culture to Afropunk—Banks provides a balanced account of its benefits and

How to Solve the Innovator's Dilemma Second Edition Charles A. O’Reilly III & Michael L. Tushman Silver Medal in the 2022 Independent Publisher Book Awards (IPPYs) - Business/Career/Sales Category. "Lead and Disrupt is a must-read for any legacy company or startup. Disrup�on is a constant, and companies must have a passion for growth in a vola�le world. This book gives you a framework. The concepts around idea�on, incuba�on and scaling are fresh and well documented. More importantly, I have seen them work in companies large and small."—Jeff Immelt, former Chairman and CEO, General Electric STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS September 2021 312pp 9781503629523 £24.99 HB

The Great Skills Gap

The Power of Being Divisive

Leading educators, prominent employers, and other illustrious thought leaders answer profound ques�ons about how business and higher educa�on can best collaborate in support of the twenty-first century workforce. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

Finalist in the 2021 George R. Terry Book Award, sponsored by the Academy of Management. "While not explicitly a management book, this is a fascina�ng study of the social-media fuelled and fast-changing landscape of public opinion, and the possible ways in which that might be beneficial."—Financial Times STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

Optimizing Talent for the Future of Work Edited by Jason Wingard & Christine Farrugia

June 2021 312pp 9781503613539 £28.99 HB

Pricing and Revenue Optimization Second Edition Robert L. Phillips

Bronze Medal (�e) in the 2022 Axiom Business Book Awards Business Reference category. "This book is a must-read for students and prac��oners of pricing modeling, offering a clear guide on where and how to apply which pricing model framework. With the updates made to the 2nd edi�on, its comprehensiveness in covering the pricing modeling topic is second to none!"—Wei Ke, Managing Partner at Simon-Kucher & Partners STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS May 2021 472pp 9781503610002 £60.00 HB

The AI Marketing Canvas

A Five-Stage Road Map to Implementing Artificial Intelligence in Marketing Raj Venkatesan & Jim Lecinski Bronze Medal (�e) in the 2022 Axiom Business Book Awards Emerging Trends/AI category. "Defini�ve reading for every marketer looking to grasp the modern tools of the trade. Raj and Jim have wri�en the textbook on Marke�ng AI. This book is chock full of easy-to-understand defini�ons to tools that help put AI in ac�on."—Thomas Ranese, Vice President of Global Marke�ng, Uber STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS May 2021 272pp 9781503613164 £22.99 HB

The Gift of Global Talent

How Migration Shapes Business, Economy & Society William R. Kerr Silver in Interna�onal Business / Globaliza�on in the 2019 Axiom Business Book Awards. The race for global talent is o�en mired in policy debate on immigra�on. The U.S. has been the top des�na�on for talented individuals, but its future role is uncertain. William R. Kerr gives voice to data that should drive future policies on high-skilled migra�on. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS March 2021 256pp 9781503628984 £17.99 PB

Management as a Calling Leading Business, Serving Society Andrew J. Hoffman

AOM Social Issues in Management Division Best Book Award 2022 "The world is deeply interconnected, and we need to act now to make sure it emerges from our current challenges to a be�er place. Hoffman offers us a framework for exactly that: from understandin STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS March 2021 192pp 9781503628779 £19.99 HB

Understanding Negative Social Evaluations Thomas J. Roulet

September 2020 224pp 9781503608207 £34.00 HB

The Quest for Attention

Nonprofit Advocacy in a Social Media Age Chao Guo & Gregory D. Saxton Winner of the 2021 PNP Best Book Award, sponsored by the Public and Non-Profit Division of the Academy of Management. Today, social media offers an alterna�ve broadcast and communica�on medium for nonprofit advocacy organiza�ons. At the same �me, social media ushers in a "noisy" informa�on era that renders it more difficult for nonprofits to make their voices heard. This book seeks to unpack the prevalence, mechanisms, and ramifica�ons of a new model for nonprofit advocacy in a social media age. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS July 2020 256pp 9781503613072 £21.99 PB

The Business Reinvention of Japan

How to Make Sense of the New Japan and Why It Matters Ulrike Schaede Silver Medal in the 2021 Axiom Business Book Awards Economics category. This book offers an in-depth explora�on of current Japanese business strategies that make Japan the world’s third largest economy, a chief contributor to many global supply chains, and an economic leader within Asia. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS June 2020 280pp 9781503612259 £24.99 HB

Dispute System Design

Preventing, Managing, and Resolving Conflict Lisa Blomgren Amsler, Janet Martinez & Stephanie E. Smith Winner of the 2022 IACM Outstanding Book Award, sponsored by the Interna�onal Associa�on of Conflict Management. Dispute System Design walks readers through the art of successfully designing a system for preven�ng, managing, and resolving conflicts and legally framed disputes. The authors draw on their decades of exper�se as instructors, experts, and consultants to show how dispute systems design can be used within all types of organiza�ons. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS June 2020 536pp 9780804771764 £60.00 HB

Ecosystem Edge

Sustaining Competitiveness in the Face of Disruption Peter J. Williamson & Arnoud De Meyer "Business ecosystems are redefining the rules of compe��on in today's digital economy. In this groundbreaking book, Arnoud De Meyer and Peter Williamson provide a comprehensive guide to execu�ves who are seeking to get their head around this new way of compe�ng. Based on detailed case studies of some of the ho�est companies in the world, such as Alibaba and Amazon Web Services, the authors show how our old ideas about compe��ve advantage are no longer relevant, and what the alterna�ve might look like. They provide excellent advice for any company that is seeking to gain an edge in this new digital world."—Julian Birkinshaw, London Business School STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS April 2020 224pp 9781503610217 £28.99 HB

Organizations for People

rather than being confusing or problema�c, can actually be the source of organiza�onal resilience and transforma�on. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

Caring Cultures, Basic Needs, and Better Lives Michael O'Malley & William F. Baker Winner of the 2020 Choice Award for Outstanding Academic Title "Organiza�ons are only as good as the people who work there. In Organiza�ons for People, Michael O'Malley and Bill Baker show once more that we need to treat people with respect and kindness—because they deserve it. If you do so, good things follow, such as superior economic results and sustainable and harmonious integra�on in the larger fabric of society. A really important topic and a must-read." ~Franz Heukamp, Dean, IESE Business School STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS October 2019 248pp 9781503602540 £28.99 HB

Strategic Execution

Driving Breakthrough Performance in Business Kenneth J. Carrig & Scott A. Snell Gold medal the 2020 Axiom Business Book Awards - Business Intelligence / Innova�on category. "Carrig and Snell have iden�fied the most cri�cal approaches to building truly great organiza�ons. This is a must-read for anyone wan�ng to know what bestin-class leadership should look like today."—Rob Katz, CEO, Vail Resorts STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS September 2019 240pp 9781503603592 £28.99 HB

From Stakeholder Trade-offs to Transformation Sarah Kaplan Finalist in the 2020 PROSE Awards: Business, Management & Finance This book offers guidance to leaders as they navigate the compe�ng demands of stakeholders. Sugges�ng that the shared-value mindset may actually get in the way of progress, bestselling author Sarah Kaplan shows how trade-offs,

Expanding the Impact of Academic Research in Today’s World Andrew J. Hoffman Dis�nguished Winner of the the 2022 Responsible Research in Management Award, sponsored by the Academy of Management Fellows and cosponsored by Responsible Research in Business and Management (RRBM). "Hoffman underscores most crucially how the role of engaged scholar needs to be integral for academic careers, for the relevance of the academy and the needs of society."—Philip J. Hanlon, President, Dartmouth College STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Stanford Briefs March 2021 184pp 9781503614819 £11.99 PB

Measuring Social Change

Performance and Accountability in a Complex World Alnoor Ebrahim Winner of the 2020 Terry McAdam Nonprofit Book Award, sponsored by the Alliance for Nonprofit Management. "[One] of the most impressive contribu�ons to the design and approach to social a decade or more....This book is an all-too-rare extremely important contribu�on to our field. It advances the organiza�on theory founda�on of performance and accountability research, its framework adds important new and clear thinking that advances our conceptualiza�on of social performance (and the framework opens up new vistas for follow-up work), and it provides solidly grounded illustra�ons of both NGO and nonprofit contexts where this strategy framework ma�ers deeply in prac�ce."—Raymond Dart, Voluntas STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS July 2019 320pp 9781503601406 £25.99 HB

Bubbles and Crashes

The Boom and Bust of Technological Innovation Brent Goldfarb & David A. Kirsch

The 360° Corporation

The Engaged Scholar

September 2019 232pp 9781503607972 £22.99 HB

Drawing on interviews and ethnographic observa�ons conducted in China, Canada, Singapore, and the China-Myanmar border from 2008-2015, this book brings together various migra�on experiences and na�onal contexts under the same analy�cal framework to create a rich portrait of the diversity of contemporary Chinese migra�on processes. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS February 2019 264pp 9780804793834 £28.99 HB

The Design of Insight

Negotiating Genuinely

"The Design of Insight is a tour de force in the cra� and discipline of problem solving. It points to both new solu�ons and new ways of genera�ng solu�ons—which is the crux of the problem solver's skill. Read it once for fun and insight, and a second and third �me for discipline and prac�ce."— Dominic Barton, Global Managing Director, McKinsey & Company STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

Winner of the 2016 IACM Outstanding Book Award, sponsored by the Interna�onal Associa�on of Conflict Management (IACM) "All nego�ators should read this li�le gem, which advocates, and provides guidance for, being yourself and mindfully managing your emo�ons in nego�a�on. While 'nego�a�on' o�en connotes an arms-length, compe��ve ac�vity, this book shows you how to genuinely navigate 'strategic conversa�ons.'"—Dean Prui�, School for Conflict Analysis and Resolu�on, George Mason University STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

How to Solve Any Business Problem Mihnea Moldoveanu & Olivier Leclerc

Series: Stanford Briefs May 2015 160pp 9780804794091 £11.99 PB

Being Yourself in Business Shirli Kopelman

Series: Stanford Briefs April 2014 104pp 9780804790697 £11.99 PB

Jennifer Garvey Berger Jennifer Garvey Berger has helped thousands of leaders around the world thrive in complexity. Founder and CEO of Cultivating Leadership, she is the author of Unlocking Leadership Mindtraps and Changing on the Job: Developing Leaders for a Complex World.

Unleash Your Complexity Genius Growing Your Inner Capacity to Lead Jennifer Garvey Berger & Carolyn Coughlin

"The arrival of Unleash Your Complexity Genius is perfectly �med to help us navigate the moment. Compassionate and ac�onable, this wonderful book can help you access and use your innate genius for handling the complexity all of us find ourselves confron�ng today. I promise that you will find yourself taking a calming deep breath within the first few pages. But don't stop there, or you'll miss valuable �ps for naviga�ng your most perplexing challenges with humility and grace."—Amy C. Edmondson, Professor at Harvard Business School; author of The Fearless Organiza�on There is a complexity paradox that we all need to understand. We humans have a natural inclina�on towards connec�on, engagement, and crea�vity – all necessary skills to thrive in complexity. The problem is that the stress caused by uncertainty and ambiguity makes it difficult to tap into this inclina�on when we need it the most. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Stanford Briefs August 2022 168pp 9781503630475 £11.99 PB

Unlocking Leadership Mindtraps How to Thrive in Complexity Jennifer Garvey Berger

"I don't know how Garvey Berger has managed to capture so much wisdom in such a small compass, but I do know we are all the beneficiaries!" –Robert Kegan, Harvard University "In this book, Jennifer explains key skills: listening to learn, disagreeing to expand, resolu�on to deepen rela�onships. I wish that every leader, and every person, would read this in today's increasingly interconnected yet polarized world!" –Diane Tang, Vice President, Google Complexity can be an overwhelming force, or it can be a source of new possibility—it all depends on your ability to escape the “mind traps” we fall into. Using her background in adult development, complexity theories, and consultancy, Garvey Berger discerns five pernicious and pervasive mind traps to frame the book. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Series: Stanford Briefs January 2019 168pp 9781503609013 £11.99 PB

Simple Habits for Complex Times

Changing on the Job

Powerful Practices for Leaders Jennifer Garvey Berger & Keith Johnston

"Faced with drama�c change, leaders in all sectors must boldly think anew. As a woman from the global south, leading a large global non-government organiza�on, I need new models and approaches to leading in this new world. Keith and Jennifer offer me s�mula�ng and refreshing advice on how I can think and act differently to achieve enduring change."— Winnie Byanyima, Execu�ve Director, Oxfam Interna�onal "Three cheers!!! This book doesn't just tell you how. It shows you how to become a more effec�ve leader in condi�ons of complexity and vulnerability—in other words, circumstances that we face all the �me. Rather than a simple recipe that fits some adolescent dream of perfec�on, it's an invita�on into lifelong learning that will transform you and your organiza�on. Welcome! All aboard?" ~William R. Torbert, Boston College and Principal, Ac�on Inquiry Associates STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS March 2016 272pp 9780804799430 £17.99 PB

Developing Leaders for a Complex World Jennifer Garvey Berger "In increasingly complex �mes, it really ma�ers that more people are able to think in complex ways. Jennifer Garvey Berger shows how we can change and grow, as adults and leaders, to be�er handle complexity in all aspects of our lives and work. The ideas in this book are cri�cally important and Jennifer presents them as a compelling story."—Robyn Baker, CEO, New Zealand Council for Educa�onal Research "What are the three hardest things in the world to do? How about: 1) transform the culture you're part of; 2) transform a mee�ng or conversa�on you're in; and 3) transform your own mind? Want to learn how? A great way to begin is to read Jennifer Garvey Berger's Changing on the Job and begin looking at your own work/life through the lenses she provides."–Bill Torbert, Boston College Leadership Professor Emeritus and Director of Research, Harthill Consul�ng Ltd. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS February 2013 224pp 9780804786966 £17.99 PB

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