Stanford Briefs - April 2022

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Lethal Injection and the False Promise of Humane Execution

The Future of Decline

Anglo-American Culture at Its Limits Jed Esty

Austin Sarat

The debate over the US's fading hegemony has raged and spu�ered for 50 years, glu�ng the market with prophecies about American decline. As the US becomes a second-place na�on, can it shed the superpower nostalgia that s�ll haunts the UK? STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

This book tells the story of lethal injec�on's earliest itera�ons in the United States, star�ng with New York state's rejec�on of that execu�on method almost a century and half ago. With a history marked by incompetence, poli�cal maneuvering, and secrecy, America's "most humane" execu�on method is anything but. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

May 2022 164pp 9781503633315 £10.99 Paperback

June 2022 152pp 9781503633537 £10.99 Paperback

Academic Outsider

How to Live at the End of the World

Stories of Exclusion and Hope Victoria Reyes

Theory, Art, and Politics for the Anthropocene Travis Holloway

Many enter the academy with dreams of doing good; this is a book about how the ins�tu�on fails them, especially if they are considered "outsiders." Reyes confronts the impossibility of success in the midst of compe�ng and contradictory needs—from naviga�ng coded language, to balancing professional expecta�ons with care-taking responsibili�es, to comba�ng the literal exclusions of outmoded and hierarchical rules. Her searing commentary takes on, with sensi�vity and fury, the urgent call for academic jus�ce. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

Assessing the dawn of the Anthropocene era, a poet and philosopher asks: How do we live at the end of the world? How to Live at the End of the World is a hopeful explora�on of how we might inherit the name "Anthropocene," renarrate it, and revise our way of life or thought in view of it. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS May 2022 138pp 9781503633339 £10.99 Paperback

July 2022 152pp 9781503632998 £10.99 Paperback



The Stadium as a Ritual of Intensity Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht “The masses” have long had a low reputa�on in poli�cs and culture. But literary cri�c and sports fan Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht offers powerful reasons to sing the praises of crowds, finding “a ritual of intensity” in the sports stadium. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS May 2021 138pp 9781503628830 £10.99 Paperback


Why Malthus Was Wrong and Why Environmentalists Should Care Giorgos Kallis This book reclaims, redefines, and makes an impassioned plea for limits—a no�on central to environmentalism. Giorgos Kallis rereads reverend-economist Thomas Robert Malthus and his legacy, separa�ng limits and scarcity, two no�ons that have long been conflated in both environmental and economic thought. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS August 2019 168pp 9781503611559 £10.99 Paperback

The Arc of Protection

Reforming the International Refugee Regime T. Alexander Aleinikoff and Leah Zamore The Arc of Protec�on adopts a revisionist and cri�cal perspec�ve that examines the original premises of the interna�onal refugee regime. This book offers a way out of the current interna�onal morass through refocusing on responsibilitysharing, seeing the humanitariandevelopment divide in a new light, and pu�ng refugee rights front and center. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS October 2019 184pp 9781503611412 £10.99 Paperback

The Biomedical Empire

Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic Barbara Katz Rothman We are all ci�zens of the Biomedical Empire, though few of us know it, and even fewer understand the extent of its power. In this book, Barbara Katz Rothman clarifies that cri�ques of biopower and the "medical industrial complex" have not gone far enough, and asserts that the medical industry is nothing short of an imperial power. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS June 2021 164pp 9781503628816 £10.99 Paperback

The Burnout Society Byung-Chul Han

Every epoch has its emblema�c illnesses, this book argues, and our society is undergoing a silent paradigm shi� that has led to the pathological exhaus�on commonly referred to as "burnout." Stress and exhaus�on are not just personal experiences, but social and historical phenomena as well. Denouncing a world in which every against-the-grain response can lead to further disempowerment, he draws on literature, philosophy, and the social and natural sciences to explore the stakes of sacrificing intermi�ent intellectual reflec�on for constant neural connec�on. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS August 2015 72pp 9780804795098 £10.99 Paperback

The Engaged Scholar

Expanding the Impact of Academic Research in Today’s World Andrew J. Hoffman This compelling book highlights the problem of academic insularity and argues for the emergence of a more publicly and poli�cally engaged scholar to mi�gate truth corrup�on in today’s society. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS March 2021 184pp 9781503614819 £10.99 Paperback


The Origins of COVID-19

Thinking Through Animals

Li Zhang shi�s debate away from narrow cultural, poli�cal, or biomedical frameworks, emphasizing that we must understand the origins of emerging diseases with pandemic poten�al (such as COVID-19) in the more complex and structural entanglements of state-making, science and technology, and global capitalism. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

In this manifesto, Byung-Chul Han denounces transparency as a false ideal, the strongest and most pernicious of our contemporary mythologies. It uses three rubrics—iden�ty, difference, and indis�nc�on—to differen�ate three major paths of thought about animals. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

China and Global Capitalism Li Zhang

August 2021 196pp 9781503630178 £10.99 Paperback

Identity, Difference, Indistinction Matthew Calarco

June 2015 88pp 9780804794046 £10.99 Paperback

Unlocking Leadership Mindtraps

The Power of Deserts

Climate Change, the Middle East, and the Promise of a Post-Oil Era Dan Rabinowitz The Power of Deserts surveys regional climate models and iden�fies the poten�al impact on socioeconomic dispari�es, popula�on movement, and poli�cal instability. Offering more than warning and fear, however, the book highlights a poten�ally brighter future—a recent shi� across the Middle East toward renewable energy. With his deep knowledge of the region and knack for presen�ng scien�fic data with clarity, Dan Rabinowitz makes a sober yet surprisingly op�mis�c inves�ga�on of opportunity arising from a looming crisis. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS August 2020 184pp 9781503609983 £10.99 Paperback

The Transparency Society Byung-Chul Han

Transparency is the order of the day. It is a term, a slogan, that dominates public discourse about corrup�on and freedom of informa�on. Considered crucial to democracy, it touches our poli�cal and economic lives as well as our private lives. Anyone can obtain informa�on about anything. In this manifesto, Byung-Chul Han denounces transparency as a false ideal, the strongest and most pernicious of our contemporary mythologies. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS August 2015 72pp 9780804794602 £10.99 Paperback


How to Thrive in Complexity Jennifer Garvey Berger

Complexity can be an overwhelming force, or it can be a source of new possibility—it all depends on your ability to escape the “mind traps” we fall into. Using her background in adult development, complexity theories, and consultancy, Garvey Berger discerns five pernicious and pervasive mind traps to frame the book. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS January 2019 168pp 9781503609013 £10.99 Paperback

What Is a Border? Manlio Graziano

The fact that borders have made a comeback, warns Graziano, in his analysis of the dangerous fault lines that have opened, does not mean that they will resolve problems. His geopoli�cal history and analysis of the phenomenon draws a�en�on to the shi�s in the present and allows us to speculate on the future. STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS February 2018 112pp 9781503605398 £10.99 Paperback

Permanent Revolution 9781503612372 £10.99

A Unified Theory of Cats on the Internet

Tyranny of Greed 9781503608504 £10.99

9781503604636 £10.99

We Are All Migrants 9780804789332 £10.99

How Culture Shapes the Climate Change Debate

Foreclosed America 9780804795135 £10.99

9780804794220 £10.99

Design of Insight

Whisper Tapes

Workers and Thieves

9780804794091 £10.99

9781503609860 £10.99

9780804798044 £10.99

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