Wharton School Press - Business Books 2022

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The Prepared Leader

Emerge from Any Crisis More Resilient Than Before Erika H. James & Lynn Perry Wooten “Erika H. James and Lynn Perry Wooten’s The Prepared Leader is more than just a smart take on the lessons learned from the private sector during the COVID-19 pandemic. This book offers a wealth of insights and best prac�ces that empower managers at any level to successfully navigate whatever crisis comes their way. A must-read for managing the unexpected in an ever more complex and interconnected world.” –Alex Gorsky, Execu�ve Chairman, Johnson & Johnson WHARTON SCHOOL PRESS September 2022 170pp 9781613631638 £15.99 PB

The Shopping Revolution, Updated and Expanded Edition How Retailers Succeed in an Era of Endless Disruption Accelerated by COVID-19 Barbara E. Kahn

The retail industry was in the midst of unparalleled disrup�on. Then came COVID-19. In an updated and expanded edi�on of The Shopping Revolu�on, Wharton professor Barbara Kahn examines the companies that have been most successful during a tsunami of change in the industry. She offers fresh insights into what we can learn from them. WHARTON SCHOOL PRESS April 2022 210pp 9781613631140 £17.99 PB

The Leader's Checklist, 10th Anniversary Edition

remotely, and most at least want the ability to work occasionally from home. But for employers, the benefits of employees working from home or hybrid approaches are not so obvious. What should both groups do? WHARTON SCHOOL PRESS September 2021 108pp 9781613631539 £15.99 PB

The Platform Paradox

How Digital Businesses Succeed in an Ever-Changing Global Marketplace Mauro F. Guillén “Pla�orm business models have the power to restructure en�re industries, but they can be complex and difficult to manage. The Pla�orm Paradox is a useful how-to guide that is helping our team at Coursera be more inten�onal and strategic as we expand our pla�orm interna�onally.”—Jeff Maggioncalda, CEO, Coursera WHARTON SCHOOL PRESS May 2021 104pp 9781613631164 £15.99 PB

Beating Burnout at Work

Why Teams Hold the Secret to Well-Being and Resilience Paula Davis “Paula is a thought leader in the applica�on of the science of resilience to teams, and I’m excited that she has translated her incredible work into such a user-friendly guide for leaders and organiza�ons. As ques�ons about the future of work increase, her book opens the door for a much-needed conversa�on about burnout and how to create posi�ve cultures at work.”—Mary Shen O’Carroll, Director of Opera�ons, Technology & Strategy, Google WHARTON SCHOOL PRESS

16 Mission-Critical Principles Michael Useem

March 2021 140pp 9781613631126 £17.99 PB

In this illumina�ng guide, Useem offers a Leader's Checklist that will help you develop your ability to make good and �mely decisions in unpredictable and stressful environments—for those moments when leadership really ma�ers. WHARTON SCHOOL PRESS

Making Money Moral

October 2021 128pp 9781613631188 £15.99 PB

The Strategic Leader's Roadmap, Revised and Updated Edition 6 Steps for Integrating Leadership and Strategy Harbir Singh & Michael Useem

In The Strategic Leader's Roadmap, Wharton management professors Harbir Singh and Michael Useem offer a six-point checklist for today's leaders to follow. They explain how leading strategically will help managers strengthen their capacity to develop strategy and to lead its execu�on. WHARTON SCHOOL PRESS October 2021 108pp 9781613631218 £16.99 PB

The Future of the Office

Work from Home, Remote Work, and the Hard Choices We All Face Peter Cappelli A GLOBE & MAIL BEST BUSINESS BOOK OF 2021 The COVID-19 pandemic forced an unprecedented experiment that reshaped white-collar work and turned remote work into a kind of "new normal." Now comes the hard part. Many employees want to con�nue that normal and keep working

How a New Wave of Visionaries Is Linking Purpose and Profit Judith Rodin & Saadia Madsbjerg “Making Money Moral could not be more �mely. It will quickly become the go-to manual for anyone who wants to learn about impact inves�ng, including those already in the field who are watching it explode, from two authors who were there from the beginning.”—Anne-Marie Slaughter, CEO, New America WHARTON SCHOOL PRESS February 2021 182pp 9781613631102 £18.99 PB

Winning in China

8 Stories of Success and Failure in the World's Largest Economy Lele Sang & Karl Ulrich "As China’s strong post-COVID rebound recharges its magne�c a�rac�on for foreign firms, Winning in China provides invaluable, prac�cal and ac�onable lessons for anyone thinking of entering the massive but brutally compe��ve and poli�cally challenging Chinese market—based on fascina�ng, well-researched and easyto-read case studies of success and failure over the past two decades by some of the world’s iconic companies.”—Geoffrey Garre�, Dean, USC Marshall School of Business WHARTON SCHOOL PRESS January 2021 190pp 9781613631089 £17.99 PB

For the Win, Revised and Updated Edition The Power of Gamification and Game Thinking in Business, Education, Government, and Social Impact Kevin Werbach & Dan Hunter

“Video games now have the dubious honour of having inspired their own management craze. Called ‘gamifica�on,’ it aims to take principles from video games and apply them to serious tasks. The latest book on the subject, For the Win, comes from Kevin Werbach and Dan Hunter, from the Wharton Business School and the New York Law School respec�vely….[T]heir central idea—that the world might be a be�er place if work was less of a necessary drudge and more of a rewarding experience in itself—is hard to argue with.”—The Economist WHARTON SCHOOL PRESS November 2020 152pp 9781613631058 £15.99 PB

The Leader's Brain

Enhance Your Leadership, Build Stronger Teams, Make Better Decisions, and Inspire Greater Innovation with Neuroscience Michael Platt “If you’re looking for an expert who can help you understand how the flourishing field of neuroscience can boost your business, Michael Pla� is that person. His book, The Leader’s Brain, is a must-read for anyone who is looking to use the latest brain science to improve their leadership, and it is a must-use guide for those leaders tasked with building a be�er future.”— Murali Doraiswamy, Professor, Duke University; Former Chair, World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on Brain Researc WHARTON SCHOOL PRESS October 2020 150pp 9781613630990 £15.99 PB

The Unicorn's Shadow

Combating the Dangerous Myths that Hold Back Startups, Founders, and Investors Ethan Mollick In The Unicorn's Shadow, Wharton School professor Ethan Mollick takes us to the forefront of an empirical revolu�on in entrepreneurship. New data and be�er research methods have overturned the conven�onal wisdom behind what a successful founder looks like, how they succeed, and how the startup ecosystem works. WHARTON SCHOOL PRESS June 2020 116pp 9781613630969 £14.99 PB

Customer Centricity

Focus on the Right Customers for Strategic Advantage Peter Fader A powerful call to ac�on, Wharton professor Peter Fader's book, Customer Centricity, upends some of our most fundamental beliefs about customer service, customer rela�onship management, and customer life�me value. Fader advocates that in the world of customer centricity, there are good customers … and then there is pre�y much everybody else. WHARTON SCHOOL PRESS May 2020 150pp 9781613631027 £14.99 PB

Leading Successful Change, Revised and Updated Edition 8 Keys to Making Change Work Gregory P. Shea & Cassie A. Solomon

“In Leading Successful Change, Greg Shea and Cassie Solomon have produced a wonderfully concise outline which will enable leaders to meaningfully engage in the visioning and execu�on of such changes within an organiza�on. While the hard work of ar�cula�ng the vision and implementa�on remain, the reader will have a strong leg up in the journey u�lizing the tools provided. My thanks to them for publishing this book.”—Richard J. Green, Vice Chairman and CEO, Firstrust Bank WHARTON SCHOOL PRESS February 2020 108pp 9781613630945 £15.99 PB

The Customer Centricity Playbook

Implement a Winning Strategy Driven by Customer Lifetime Value Peter Fader & Sarah E. Toms 2019 AXIOM BUSINESS BOOK AWARD WINNER “I read The Customer Centricity Playbook by Peter Fader and Sarah Toms in a single si�ng—so much value packed into about 100 pages. Everyone talks about ‘customer centricity,’ but this book is the first one I’ve read that takes the trouble to define the terms: customer centricity, expected life�me customer value (ELCV), and what it means to be a ‘good customer.’ I recommend The Customer Centricity Playbook to anyone who has read my book The Membership Economy and who wants to understand, in a holis�c and prac�cal way, how to build deeper, more valuable rela�onships with the people they serve.”—Robbie Kellman Baxter, Consultant, Peninsula Strategies, and Author, The Membership Economy WHARTON SCHOOL PRESS October 2018 136pp 9781613630907 £16.99 PB

Go Long

Why Long-Term Thinking Is Your Best Short-Term Strategy Dennis Carey, Brian Dumaine, Michael Useem & Rodney Zemmel AN 800-CEO-READ BESTSELLER & WINNER OF 2019 E-LIT BOOK AWARD “Considering the enormous harm that short-term inves�ng has done not only to companies, but to countries as well, this book should be required reading in boardrooms everywhere. A concise, powerful call for responsible, long-term business prac�ces.”—Kirkus Reviews WHARTON SCHOOL PRESS May 2018 140pp 9781613630884 £15.99 PB

Crack the C-Suite Code

How Successful Leaders Make It to the Top Cassandra Frangos & Cassra Frangos 2018 DIGITAL BOOK AWARD FINALIST FOR BEST BUSINESS BOOK Covered in Forbes, Fast Company, and Harvard Business Review, Crack the C-Suite Code is “a true insider’s guide,” according to Harvard Business School professor Boris Groysberg. WHARTON SCHOOL PRESS March 2018 134pp 9781613630846 £14.99 PB

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