The Express Newspaper 6th October 2021

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Delivering news across our region WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2021


aitlyn hadbolt as one o the any artists ho er or ed over the long ee end at avannah in the ound. B .

Fans revel during Australia’s country music event of the year Mareeba can now proudly say it’ s hosted another event ith a national ro le ollo ing the roaring success o its very o n avannah in the ound usic and ca ing estival. o e danced so e sung and others si ly s iled but everyone at erribee ar odeo rounds le t ith nothing but a a ing e ories ollo ing the inaugural staging o the our day event in areeba. ter t o ast avannah style lead u events in airns this ti e it as areeba s ti e to shine as the top acts across the country deliv ered their hits on three se arate stages throughout the estival. o attention has already turned to ne t year ith the ho e that the event ill secure to country acts li e an ric hurch or organ allen to oin the lineu .

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J O U RNALIS T Michael Warren

O FFICE MANAG ER Natasha Wainwright

P AP ER MANAG ER Natasha Srhoj

RU RAL J O U RNALIS T Sally Turley



CIRCU LAT IO N 1 3 , 0 0 0 The Express is published by Portasea Pty Ltd, 141 Constance St, Mareeba QLD 4880. ACN: 141 250 213 Printed by Townsville print centre, 623-645 Flinders St. Townsville QLD 4810

Josepheene celebrates 10 years of guiding life Since discovering her passion for the guiding life at just seven years of age, year 12 Atherton student, Josepheene McKendry last week celebrated 10 years as a Girl Guide ONE of the region' s most dedicated Girl Guides, Josepheene McKendry, celebrated 10 years of leadership, friendship and fun recently, with cake, owers and balloons from the Atherton Unit. From starting out in May 2011, a young seven-year old Josepheene found her passion in the “guiding life” and continues to attend at the age of 17. Josepheene has been described as a kind and compassionate girl who treasures the friendships she has made with the Atherton Ranger Guides Unit and has been awarded many badges. District Manager for Atherton Girl Guides Sylvia Lee Crompton said that watching Josepheene grow during her time has been the most rewarding.

“Josepheene' s always loved girl guides and she' s grown qui te a bit since starting out,” she said. “She' s developed and learnt a lot of skills and she embraces those activities, especially camping, abseiling, cooking, drama, songs, crafts and canoeing. “Her attendance is amazing and it gives you a sense of satisfaction to see the girls grow and become independent and have a bit of pride.” One of her biggest highlights from being in the Atherton Girl Guides is participating in fundraisers and when she attended a week-long state camp in 2017. Josepheene is now completing Grade 12 and will later be pursuing a future as a Guide leader.

Leaders K errielee Mather and S y lv ia Crompton and J osepheene celebrating 1 0 y ears as a girl guide.

Fellow Ranger guide and good friend Emma S tanden with J osepheene, they hav e been in G uides together for 9 y ears.

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Owned and Operated by the Chaffey Family since 1998. PAGE 2 The Express, Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Concerned residents push case to deny wind farm development BY MICHAEL WARREN

CONCERNED community members firmly against a po tential wind farm development in their local government area have come together again in a collective bid to deny the pro ect going ahead epresentatives from ain forest eserves Australia and the armers etwork believe the halumbin wind farm pro ect a wind turbine devel opment slated for a ,000 acre land parcel area 0km south of avenshoe would devastate local ora, fauna, pristine wil derness and endangered animal stocks in the area ust days ago around 2 lo cal eep halumbin ild advo cates attended a recent meeting to discuss their ongoing cam paign he ueensland renewable map was issued to all attend ees to highlight the enormous impacts that will affect the on going ecosystems for the indus trial wind and solar industry, ainforest eserves Australia arolyn mms told The Express. ne of the main discussions at the latest meeting involved learning about renewable energy ones have your say submissions an av enue members through written submissions, can voice their concerns about potential wind farm developments

Concerned community members met recently to v oice their concerns about the Chalumbin wind farm proj ect but felt unheard by Industrial renewable energy corporation Epuron.

eep hambulin ild advo cates had until eptember 0 to submit their views wanted to know what is important when developing s energy ones, how they can deliver meaningful ben efits for local communities and workers, views on renewable energy, benefits could provide to local communities and views on proposed benefit principles

he most recent get together follows a heated and at times controversial meeting on ep tember in avenshoe at the local own all in which 20 locals were in attendance here, locals believe ndus trial enewable energy corpora tion, puron and its community consultation meeting was mere ly a smokescreen with company representatives refusing to take uestions from the oor and

directing locals to instead fill out online feedback forms to express their concerns about the pro ect n addition, it s understood several irrabal and irrimay elders, raditional ustodians of the area, spoke up to state they hadn t been consulted about the decision to build the industrial wind development on halumbin but their concerns went unheard and unaddressed

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evelopers puron, main tain however, that the area is an excellent wind resource with measurements showing particu larly high night time speeds puron further claims wind farms generate significant eco nomic benefits for local and re gional communities and that the pro ect would be a boost to the local economy t s understood the eep hambulin group will look to

stage further emergency meet ings about the issue over the coming weeks in either Ather ton, Mareeba or airns n recent days concerned locals have also established a website page to keep communi ty members updated and across any developments regarding the matter hose interested can visit https stopchalumbinwind farm com

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The Express, Wednesday, October 6, 2021 PAGE 3

Local resident unhappy about removal of Malanda trees A CONCERNED Malanda resident has voiced her disproval about several trees being cut down in and around Malanda State School. The removal of trees around the educational facility prompted Terri Wilson to vent her concerns on social media. here are unconfirmed reports more than 60 trees have been felled during the process. “Why are the trees being cut down? ,” Ms Wilson publicly que stioned. “Our town is slowly being destroyed… what was once a beautiful country village in the rainforest is now just another statistic of government agendas. “I happen to think the school is a fantastic place to send your children but cutting down the natural shade these beautiful trees provide is so sad.

“I am sad for the future generations who won’t get to experience Malanda the way I remember it growing up.” The Express contacted Tablelands Regional Council for comment and was advised the matter was being handled by a separate body. “The decision to remove trees within the school boundary of George Street in Malanda was made by Education Queensland,” Councillor Bilney explained to The Express. “This is a Department of the State Government which Local Government, in this instance, Tablelands Regional Council, has no Jurisdiction over.” Just days ago the Department of Education Queensland responded to The Express’ s reque st for comment. “A number of trees have

been removed at Malanda State School in order to allow repairs and upgrades to the school basketball court which will create an enclosed all-weather space for school use,” a spokesperson from the Department of Education told The Express. “The removal of the trees and roots was necessary to remedy damage caused by the trees to the roof, guttering and concrete slab of the structure. “The Malanda State School P& C were consulted regarding tree removal and have supported the decision in line with the Department of Education regional facilities manager’s recommendations. “Once the upgrades to the all-weather space has been completed appropriate planting will replace the trees that have been removed.”

A local resident is dismay ed about the number of trees recently remov ed at Malanda S tate S chool.

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Health workers gathered outside the Atherton Hospital to v oice their right about not getting the CO VID

Atherton Hospital workers take stance against COVID jab

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PAGE 4 The Express, Wednesday, October 6, 2021

v accine.

A NUMBER of Atherton nurses face losing their respective jobs in the coming weeks after taking a nation wide stance in their collective desire not to be forced to take the COVID jab to retain their positions with Queensland Health. Health workers in Atherton and Cairns rallied together outside their respective hospitals recently to firmly demonstrate their pro-choice liberty and right to remain unvaccinated against COVID. hese staff members are willing to give up long term careers rather than receive this,” a group spokesperson told The Express. “They stand for freedom of choice and do not recognise the coercive techniq ues used in place of informed consent.

Just days ago Queensland health workers including nurses received a mass email from Queensland Health Directoreneral r ohn akefield The email, obtained by The Express noted that from Friday October 1 all Queensland Health staff that work in or visit a facility where care is provided must have their first dose of vaccine in accordance with Health Employment directive 12/ 21. Mr akefield further went on to issue an ultimatum to ueensland ealth staffers “If you know you will not be compliant with the directive or HR policy you must inform your line manager by no later than 12.01am, Friday, October 1 including whether you have an exemption pending,” the email

read. “If you are not compliant you have two choices from 12.01am Friday, October 1. “You can access your leave from October 1, 2021 or if you do attend your workplace, as well as having informed your supervisor or manager in writing you must wear a surgical mask in the workplace at all times … in accordance with any workplace requi rements. taff who remain unvaccinated after October 31, 2021 without an approved exemption will be considered as failing to comply with the directive or HR policy and may be subject to the public service commission directive 14/ 20 discipline and Queensland Health HR policy E10 discipline.”

Trucks avoid main street crossings ABO VE: S ome of the damage to the J ohn D oy le Bridge, suspected to be caused by the increase in heavy traffic. LEFT : Heav y trucks hav e been av oiding Mareeba’ s main street and using side streets including Anza c Av enue going ov er the John Doyle Bridge.

BY RHYS T HO MAS TRUCKS travelling through Mareeba have been choosing alternate routes to bypass Byrnes Street in order to avoid the new wombat crossings. This issue was brought to light by concerned Mareeba residents who have put forward a petition to Mareeba Shire Council to lower the load limit on the John Doyle Bridge in a bid to stem the tide of trucks avoiding Byrnes Street. The petition was started by resident of Anzac Avenue, Gladys France and proposes lowering the current limit of 4 4 tons to 20 tons. In the petition Gladys states that the initial change of the load limit to 4 4 tons is “detrimental” to the health and safety of residents due to noise pollution, considerable traffic and heavy and oversized vehicles. 108 residents signed the petition before it was put before Council, during last month’s ordinary Council meeting. It was resolved that the petition be received by Council and that a report would need to be tabled. Mareeba local Denis McKinley said that the trucks have been using Anzac Avenue and Constance and Walsh Street to bypass the main street and the new wombat crossings. “The truck and trailers are now being forced to come down

Anzac Avenue over the John Doyle Bridge, into Constance Street, around Lloyd Street near the hospital and back onto Byrnes Street to go north across the Granite Bridge,” he said. “The reason why these trucks and trailers are doing this is because of the obstacle course they have to go through on the main street now that we have wombat crossings. “It is an absolute nightmare for them and a lot of them are taking other routes to get away from it, they have been forced to do this through the incompetence of what has happened in the main street.” It is suspected that this increase in heavy vehicles using the John Doyle Bridge and alternative routes has caused noticeable road damage to the bridge and the bitumen. While Council can put a load limit on the bridge or on the road they cannot enforce

Council has already put traffic counters on An ac Avenue to monitor if there has been an increase in traffic and the si e of the vehicles using the route, they will then use this date to compare to later years and determine a course of action. he traffic counters will then be moved to Constance and Walsh streets to determine if there has been an increase in traffic in these streets If there is an increase Council has plans to use the data they find to advocate even further for the Mareeba Bypass. “More than ever now if they really want to solve this problem they need to grab hold of that 5 0 year plan for the bypass to the west of Mareeba and put it in place,” Mr McKinley continued. “You only have to ask the truck drivers, they don’t want to come through the main street there is nowhere for them to

their contactors to get from point A to point B.” One of the original advocates for Mareeba’s heavy vehicle bypass and past Mareeba Mayor Mick Borzi said that the need for the bypass is only increasing. “As the town continues to grow the need to have necessary heavy vehicle traffic by pass the town has advantages,” he said. “I know there will be, and there are, shop owners who could be opposed to the bypass and I know of towns where the bypass has substantially reduced traffic through the town “We need to realise this town is not at a stage where heavy vehicle traffic of the si e and q uantity that we currently have going through town, needs to be redirected. “The trucks now are bypassing the main street and going

“It is an absolute nightmare for them and a lot of them are taking other routes to get away from it – they have been forced to do this through the incompetence of what has happened in the main street” these new limits, that responsibility falls on the Queensland Police Service.

pull up and purchase stuff out of the main street. “They’re on a schedule from

through what are still q uiet, relatively residential areas, that don t need that kind of traffic

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The Express, Wednesday, October 6, 2021 PAGE 5

Lifeline for Far North tourism businesses

FAR Northern tourism businesses have received a further boost to keep them a oat with the new $70 million support package being announced. The new jointly funded package will further support Cairns and Far North Queensland tourism and hospitality businesses. The money is targeted to businesses who have continued to face significant hardship due to state government-imposed lockdowns and border closures. The $ 70 million has been split between the second round of the Tourism and Hospitality Sector Hardship Program and the Iconic Tourism Grants. Federal Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch said he had been

working closely with TTNQ, Cairns Chamber of Commerce, AMPTO and Advance Cairns to secure this funding package for Cairns and Far North Queensland businesses. “I, along with TTNQ, Cairns Chamber of Commerce, AMPTO and Advance Cairns were not going to sit on our hands and watch Cairns and Far North Queensland businesses and people’s livelihoods be destroyed,” he said. “This is a very positive outcome for businesses across our city and region. “I want to thank those organisations for their leadership and the way they worked positively with me to secure this outcome.”

Mareeba S hire Council has reduced the price of land in the Mareeba Industrial P ark in a bid to entice dev elopment.

Council drops land price to attract development

Nominations open for excellence awards TABLELANDS Regional Council has thrown the invitation out for people to nominate worthy candidates for the annual business excellence awards. The awards showcase the region’s best business operators and not for profit entities by recognising their exceptional local service across the community. “The awards are an really important event to highlight the great work businesses and individuals do across the region,”

MAREEBA Shire Council has dropped the price on several lots of land in the Mareeba industrial park in a bid to entice more buyers and development to the area. The park is one of Mareeba hire s most significant investments in the economic development of the shire. It has slowly been developed in stages with five out of the current 28 lots up for sale being reduced in price dropping from the initial $ 6 5 per sq uare metre to $ 6 0.

Atherton Tablelands of Commerce president Bree Hargraves said. “It’s always a fun night to attend and to support.” Categories to nominate include customer champion, technology and innovation impact, visual standout business, employer of choice, sustainability contribution, new and emerging business/ service, champion business and peoples’ choice. Visit www.trc.ql for more information.

Tolga State School

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Mareeba Shire Mayor Angela Toppin said that the Mareeba industrial park is a great place to invest and has much more expansion on the cards. “Mareeba is a regional logistics and agricultural services hub, with the geographical benefit of bordering airns, the Gulf, Cape York and the Atherton Tablelands,” she said. “The Industrial Park is situated a mere 12 kilometres from the recently upgraded Mareeba Airport.

“Council is positioning the Industrial Park as a prime opportunity for business, industry and investors.” Mayor Toppin encourages potential investors to consider the benefits of choosing to do business at the Mareeba industrial park. “This industrial park presents a real opportunity to business and industry, with some of the most exible land use in Queensland,” Mayor Toppin. “Council can accommo-

date a range of industries including biotechnology, fuels, chemicals, manufacturing, sales, logistics and storage to name a few. “Council views the Mareeba Industrial Park as the place to do business and, as Mayor, I encourage business and industry to consider Mareeba.” Information regarding the Mareeba Industrial Park is available on Council’s website.

Amendment to TRC Transport strategy TABLELANDS Regional Council made an amendment to its Transport Strategy at its latest ordinary meeting. The Transport Strategy ensures the design, construction, renewal and maintenance of controlled roads is fit for purpose and prioritised based on road criticality and condition. Amendments were made to the policy to allow for the consideration of dust when

prioritising upgrades, excluding Danbulla and Gunnawarra Roads from upgrading to sealed unless externally funded, and increasing the priority of school bus routes and roads servicing high value crops. In a short Council meeting TRC reported a net result of just 0.06 % to the adopted budget – a result Council was satisfied with Council said Revenue reects the first issue of rate no-

tices for the financial year and the underspend in expenditure was mostly due to current vacancies. Meantime, Girl Guides confirmed they have no interest in the ex-Herberton Girl Guides building so the building will be disposed of according to the Asset Disposal Policy. Council next meets in Herberton on Thursday, October 21, at 9.3 0am.

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Call 4089 5111 or PAGE 6 The Express, Wednesday, October 6, 2021


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Emerald Creek Falls features on new mural BY MICHAEL WARREN

MAREEBA’S Heritage Museum and Visitor Information Centre now has a fascinating drawcard after the recent unveiling of a new mural on the back deck that depicts a favourite local natural attraction. Visitors can enjoy a drink and some lunch while admiring a stunning new mural that encapsulates the stunning beauty of Emerald Creek Falls. The falls were hand painted by well-known Kuranda artist Tom Cosic. He began the works on August 20 and finished a few days ago – the mural is about four metres long, by close to five metres high. “We found a lot of tourists would come in and ask how to get to Emerald Creek Falls,” centre manager Janet Greenwood explained. “However, on some occasions, those asking how to get there had arrived in the area towing a caravan or they didn’t

Emerald Creek Falls is now depicted on a wall at the Mareeba Heritage Museum and Visitor Information Centre.

have the right transport to take on a dirt road in order to get to the falls. “So, we thought we’d recreate the falls at the centre so those who can’t get there can still see a version of them and really feel like they’ve been there.” The end product is a stunning replica of the real thing. “We’re really happy with how the mural turned out,” Ms Greenwood said. “Tom has done a great job and we’re really happy with the end product.” An official launch, which will include the attendance of local dignitaries and officials will take place in the coming weeks to celebrate the unveiling of the mural. The mural project is brought to the community by the Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF). RADF is a partnership between the Queensland government and Mareeba Shire Council to support local arts and culture in regional Queensland.

Mareeba visitor and history hub puts call out for more volunteers MAREEBA Heritage Centre manager Janet Greenwood has put the call out for more people to get involved and become a volunteer at the popular local venue. The tourism facility experienced record numbers in July with 10700 people enjoying a visit throughout the month. With state borders expected to loosen in coming months because of

increased double vaccination rates the centre needs more locals on deck to promote our beautiful region. Whether you only have an hour to spare on a Tuesday, or a bit of free time on weekends, it doesn’t matter, applications are open to all walks of life. The centre is particularly interested in attracting some younger volunteers to its books to be the next smiling pro-

moters of Mareeba and its surrounds. “We’re looking for people who have an interest in promoting our area and that are confident enough to work on their own and be able to make decisions without supervision,” Ms Greenwood told The Express. “We’re particularly looking for people who can do a few hours here or there over the weekend as well. “We have visitor information and

museum volunteer roles available.” The opportunity to develop new skills, improved employability, community involvement and the chance to make friends and meaningful connections are among the benefits of volunteering at the centre. You can put your interest forward by filling out an application form and having a chat with Ms Greenwood at the centre.

Meantime the centre has confirmed a strong 12 months, with several key projects still completed in the wake of the COVID pandemic. They include construction of a maintenance shed, updated coffee house furniture, a front garden landscape, a brochure shed revamp, the building of a magical tree, the removal of the tropical exhibit and the building of folding chair carts.

Member for Cook co-chairs regional forum COOK MP Cynthia Lui has cochaired a crucial regional forum to determine the ongoing priorities and projects needed to ensure the Far North’s and more broadly, the state’s, economic recovery. Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships Craig Crawford and Minister for the Environment and the Great Barrier Reef and Minister for Science and Youth Affairs Meaghan Scanlon joined Lui during the regional forum thinktank in Cairns. Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said Queensland’s strong health response has allowed the recovery to begin, with vaccinations the key to continuing along that path. “To help us do that, the focus

of the forums is to support local economic development ideas, and opportunities to further diversify local economies, using connections between regional people and their representatives in Government,” the Premier said. “Alongside discussions and panel sessions, these forums have given members the opportunity to visit local businesses, bear witness to innovative practices in regional industries, and hear directly from inspirational individuals, empowering regional and remote communities. “We have been encouraged by all that the forums have delivered, helping us to stay safe and grow economically despite COVID. “Since 2019, forums in Far

North Queensland have sought to bring the arts, health and education sectors together, to produce new mental health and aspirational messages for the region’s youth. “And they have shone a greater spotlight on issues in regional areas, including, Tablelands Regional Council, Yarrabah Shire Council, Cassowary Coast Shire and Douglas Shire. “I’m grateful for the energy, optimism and expertise that forum members bring to this program, and I look forward to the ideas and next steps identified in this seventh round of Regional Community Forums.” The forum included a site visit to the newly reopened Tjapukai Cultural Park, showcasing traditional food and

dancing, and featuring a presentation on plans for the facility. Key agenda items of the forum included local transport projects, the development of the CleanCo Barron Gorge Hydro Power Station, tourism and small business support including those in the Tablelands region. Upcoming regional community forums will also be held in North-North West Queensland, Western Queensland, MackayIsaac-Whitsunday, Central Queensland, Wide Bay-Burnett-Fraser Coast and Darling Downs-South West Queensland. The Regional Community Forums are part of the Queensland Government’s Advancing Queensland’s Regions strategy.


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Fans flock to music festival Rising country star James Johnston proved highly popular throughout the festival.

BY MICHAEL WARREN AUSTRALIA’S country music event of the year didn’t disappoint with thousands of fans lapping up every bit of the four-day spectacular at Mareeba’s Kerribee Park Rodeo Grounds. In extremely warm conditions the little event that could – and did – Savannah in the Round, played host to a swathe of top-class country music acts with patrons from across Queensland and interstate enjoying a range of performances at the bull bar, big top music hall and main stage. From top class acts like Casey Barnes and Brad Cox to local performers such as Jeremy Fletcher, fans dined on everything country and more as they lapped up every bit of the wonderful festival. In the wake of another difficult year, hampered by the ongoing impact of COVID, Savannah in the Round was just the tonic to bring a myriad of smiles to thousands of faces. “We couldn’t be happier with how things panned out,” proud festival director James Dein told The Express. “It was a complete celebration over the four days, and now, work continues on planning another similarly wonderful festival next year.” Shane Srhoj, one of a few locals who played a role in the event becoming a reality, was delighted with what took place. “How good has it been,” Srhoj said. “It’s something a lot of us wanted in Mareeba for a very, very long time – to see so many people enjoying themselves and country music and simply being together – was just magic.”

HIGHLIGHTS Without doubt a clear highlight over the four days was a subtle, but poignant moment that probably went unnoticed by the masses but not by those who reali ed the significance of the exchange. Late on Thursday night when Caitlyn Shadbolt was playing her set under the big top, the firepits were in full swing and the crowd were getting their groove on, Savannah in the Round festival director James Dean, could be qui etly observed watching proceedings close to the stage. Moments later he turned and made a beeline for “Nipper” Brown, who was standing just metres behind him. There, Dean, looking understandably tired after months and months of planning, simply said to Brown,” we did it”,

before gently patting Brown on the back and offering a big smile. That moment in time, that brief 40 second exchange, was years in the making. Four years ago Brown, along with hane rho oated the idea of Mareeba hosting a top class country music festival. On September 30, under the stars of a beautiful clear Mareeba night, those dreams became a reality. Just 24 hours later, as the sun was rising at Kerribee Park after a spectacular opening night, Brown and Dean could be viewed back at it, wiping tables and unpacking chairs at 6a m under the big top music hall, in readiness of another day of country music action. Just magic. Ironically, while Brown and Dean qui etly celebrated a suc-

cessful opening night, another man instrumental in the event materializing was just metres away, beer in hand, with a smile as wide as the Sydney Harbour Bridge on his face as well. There, wearing his proud Ringers Western cap leaning against a gate was Shane Srhoj, who can also take a lot of credit for his involvement in this wonderful event taking place. It’s very important to recognise and pay credit to these local people, who without their passion, vision and foresight, Savannah in the Round would have simply remained an unrealistic pipedream. One band that stole the show over the four days, was the highly popular Tony Q Band. Performing an array of covers, such as “Chicken

Fried”, and others Johnny Ringo’s house band blew the crowd away with their electric energy and positive on stage vibes. What a marvellous site it proved to see a wave of caravans and a completely packed campground still hours before things unofficially kicked off on Thursday night. While event organisers expected a strong showing of three-day ticket holders to enjoy the early concert they didn’t anticipate the large walkup crowd that surged into the facility to catch the likes of Casey Barnes, Tony Q Band and others, still 24 hours before the official festival kicked off the following morning. Not only did the festival deliver the goods on stage, but off it, it demonstrated that it was wholly focused on delivering a

COVID safe and fun event for everyone. Many patrons took the chance to take a COVID jab at a specially constructed tent within the rodeo grounds. It was only a small part of the festival but it shows, clearly, that event organisers and their attention to detail to provide this outlet, was second to none. It was a groundbreaking piece of planning by Dean. Over at the Bull Bar, it was a wonderful site, when a large group of patrons started taking their seats ahead of Mareeba’s own Jeremy Fletcher and his early morning performance. There cheering him on was his mother Melissa and the rest of his family. The local favourite started his set with his personal rendition of Garth Brooks’ “Friends in Low Places”. Midway through his performance the crowd had grown large enough that there were people watching him from afar, and outside of the Bull Bar as well. Fletcher left the stage to a large round of applause. Police had their hands full on Friday night at the festival but it wasn’t the revellers causing the concern. A large snake had taken the liberty to wrap itself under a police bus. A snake man was called in to have the offending snake removed Remember this name – James Johnston. If there was one artist who stole the show throughout the festival, it was this man. erforming at his first ever festival, Johnston – the voice behind the massive breakout hit – “Raised like that”, was exceptional during his main stage performance on Friday afternoon. This is a man going places. Make no mistake – this man is headed for a career in Nashville.


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Light refreshments will be served.

For catering purposes, RSVP to Tanya Smith by Friday 1 October 2021. 4042 2571 |

PAGE 8 The Express, Wednesday, October 6, 2021

SUCCESS LO CAL ARTISTS As an event, Savannah meant just as much to the lower profile artists, as it did to the more well-known artists. The event provided an opportunity to showcase their talent and take the next small tentative steps in their careers. “I truly never thought I’d have the opportunity to perform at a country music festival in my own backyard, so it’s an absolute dream come true,” local artist Jeremy Fletcher told The Express moments before he took to the stage. “To see so many people in front of me during my first ull bar performance, was something that will stick with me for a long time to come.”

Another local artist was just as delighted to perform at the festival. “It just felt wonderful to play live music and perform in front of people again,” Aurelle Brunjes told The Express. “It was wonderful to look out during my performance at the Bull Bar on Saturday morning and see so many smiling faces.” CRO WD It was the festival that had something, for everyone. Whether fans booked their tickets to see Lee Kernaghan or the unbelievable vocal of rad ox those in attendance simply lapped up every bit of music they could. veryone had different rea-

Australian country singer Brad Cox on the main stage. P HO TO BY P ETER RO Y.

sons for attending the festival. For some, it was a way to enjoy a long weekend, for others, it was a finally chance to embrace live country music. For a local trio, a girls’ weekend was good enough reason as any to put the jeans on and soak up the action over the three days. “This is a fantastic girls’ weekend for us,” Bron Burton, of Atherton, told The Express. “It’s a great chance to camp, party and simply enjoy country music. “We came last year and absolutely loved it, so we’re back again,” Tolga’s Kim Stout said. “This is a great event for the region.”

Volunteers help make festival a community success BUSY attending to their respective duties over the four days, what a warming site it proved watching local event volunteers go about their business throughout the festival. From parking marshalls, to fire pit deliveries, the hardworking volunteers ensured the inaugural festival at Kerribee rodeo grounds as a complete success. It was wonderful to see event volunteers from Paddy’s reen fire service, Mareeba Men s hed, rimestoppers,

the local country music club, and Mareeba eritage entre, among others, all contribute to a truly wonderful and community orientated event. “Savannah has proven itself to be a real community event, firepit volunteer usan ealy told The Express. “I’m really happy to be a part of it all and to contribute some time. Our sales have been steady since the start of the event.”



Contact your local builder Susan Healy and Shirley Leo k indly volunteered their time throughout the festival to help mak e it the success it w as.

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Senator Susan MacDonald & Senator James McGrath BOOKINGS & PAYMENT ESSENTIAL by October 6, 2021 $35 Members & $45 Non Members (two course lunch) E:


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The Express, Wednesday, October 6, 2021 PAGE 9


Camping and music festival – October 1-3 at Mareeba Rodeo Gounds

Pamagirri dancers performed a welcome to country.

Brisbane based band Sheppard got the crowd pumped on Saturday night.

Bron Burton, Kim Stout and Carol Gibson enjoyed the action from the Bull Bar.

Frankie Robbins-Hill, Kelly Pollock, Bevan Bingarape, Ellie Leszczewicz from Queensland Health were on site to administer COVID jobs to patrons at Savannah in the Round.

The crowd got in early to enjoy proceedings from the Big Top music hall on Friday morning.

Rising artist Talitha Jae performs on stage during Savannah in the Round.

Mareeba’s Jeremy Fletcher performed to an appreciative crowd at the Bull Bar.

“Nipper” Brown and his friends enjoying some down time inbetween acts at Savannah.

Jarrod Olivero and his crew enjoying a cold one during the festival. Olivero, pictured front right, and his friends spent two days getting to the festival from Mt Isa.

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Call 4035 5449 PAGE 10 The Express, Wednesday, October 6, 2021


Rising Australian country music singer James Johnston performed at Savannah in the Round.

One hit really can change a life

IN 2018 Morgan Wallen recorded a little song about whiskey glasses that catapulted the Tennessee native to country music superstardom. Two years later Texas star Cody Johnson released a tune about his love of the Rodeo life and became instantly revered by country music fans across the Lone Star state. And now rising Australian country performer James Johnston has found his own magic dust after releasing a track that’s gone viral and captured the immediate attention of thousands of fans. Since debuting the highly catchy “Raised like that”, a song about his recollections and memories of growing up in the country, ohnston s profile has risen exponentially. Aussie country radio stations have clamored to play the hit, while morning TV shows have lined up to have the rising star perform it on their programs. More broadly, across the sea in Music City, producers and in uences there in ashville

have quietly made contact with Johnston’s manager to learn more about the artist who on first glances has a sound that hits between Michael Ray and Travis Denning. Over the past few days Johnston rocked the Savannah stage during performances which showcased his twangy, US style vocal abilities and cool approach to delivering country music. Express journalist Michael Warren sat down for this exclusive one-on-one interview with the rising country artist.

Let’s start with the monumental success that is – “Raised like that”; you could never have dreamt the song would strike accord with so many fans? Seeing the song take on its own life is incredible. One really interesting thing in recent times is that a guy in the UK created a dance to “Raised like that”. Then suddenly people in Malaysia were doing the same thing, then out of nowhere the song started to gain traction in

the USA. I’m getting sent videos of people in a room, line dancing in Chicago, literally, to “Raised like that”, and other places like San Diego. It is truly incredible that the song continues to radiate with so many people both here and abroad. Let’s move to your goals, ambitions and dreams. What does success look like for you? What’s the true vision of who you want to be as an artist? I have a really clear ambition and that is to sell out an arena in America. In between there are several milestones I wish to potentially achieve along the way. One of my goals was to have a song that achieved a million streams. It’s beyond amazing that happened so quickly. The second goal was and is to play CMC (Rocks) and create my festival shows and play great festivals with my band here in Australia. Then more long term I’d love to get signed in Nashville. Ultimately success for me is

getting to do what I love to do every day. I know that sounds cliché but it’s true. I have goals and dreams but don t want to be defined as someone, who, if I don’t achieve those things, I’m not happy. I have a great family, a great partner, a great child, with another on the way, that’s what makes me happy. I feel if you can get your foundation right, that’s the right starting point.

When people listen to your music what do you want them to feel? I want to represent joy for people. Every time I write a song, I quite often write the word ‘joy’ at the top of my song. I want to share joy. I love to tell my story, but one that other people can plug themselves in to. When I look back I always think ‘I’m sharing my story, but is this someone else’s (story) too’?… I want my songs to be personal, to feel personal and to be relatable. I want people,

when they’re having parties on a Friday night, to feel my songs help them reminisce and provide a real upbeat vibe. Who is someone you look up to and model yourself on? I look up to the Chris Staple-

ton’s of the world and people like Kip Moore. I hope some day I’m seen as a great singer. or me, singing came first, performing came second and songwriting came third, which is often the other way around for a lot of artists.

Better Together Community Support is proud to launch the Children’s Contact Centre. We provide a safe environment for contact arrangements between children and their parents experiencing separation in the Atherton Tablelands. Our services: • Supervised visits for children with non-residential parents (on and off-site) • Supervised changeovers between parents sharing care of children • Family Law Court Reports • Referrals for clients to appropriate support services • Warm and professional staff focused on the child’s wellbeing and safety Facilities: • Welcoming and private age-appropriate rooms • Secure facilities and play areas • Art and craft activities for children • Outdoor area with vegetable gardens • Flexible scheduling of appointments available We accept referrals from: • Family Law Court • Solicitors • Support services • Parents and care-givers Both parties of the family unit must contact the Centre before any services can be provided.

A: 38 Mabel St, Atherton Q.4883 P: 4091 3850 W: E:

Better Together Website QR Code

An initiative of Better Together Community Support.

The Express, Wednesday, October 6, 2021 PAGE 11

Heal country at Mareeba NAIDOC Day celebrations MAREEBA Racecourse saw hundreds of people gather together in celebration of the Mareeba community 202 A ay with traditional dancers, face painting, arts and crafts and a sausage sizzle. his year s theme heal country calls for Australians to continue seeking greater protection of the land, waters, sacred sites and cultural heritage from exploitation, desecration and destruction.

Rayzara Creed. Tablelands Patrol Group held a closed ceremony last W ednesday for National Police Remembrance Day.

With honour they served

Rebekah Tran and W endy Rutherford with kids A nnalise and Leilani.

Z agareb Island Dancers.

Birra-Li W arner and Kymahna Punch.

officers paused last ednesday to remember and honour their brothers and sisters in blue who have been killed in the line of duty ational olice emembrance ay is a special day is held annually and is regarded as

one of the most important days on the policing calendar, a day dedicated to remembering, honouring and thanking past and present police officers ue to restrictions in many areas across the country the usual marches and ceremo-

nies were closed to the public, including in locally nstead, the ablelands atrol roup hosted a small ceremony at the police station in Mareeba, with serving olice officers and family members of past officers attending.

Douglas Council rejects $300 million development CELEBRATING OUR SENIORS

SENIORS MONTH MORNING TEA Friday, 15 October 2021 10:00 am Mareeba International Club Join us for morning tea & entertainment Bookings are essential RSVP by 12 October 2021 Phone 1300 308 461

PAGE 12 The Express, Wednesday, October 6, 2021

A $300 million development in ort ouglas has been knocked on the head by ouglas hire ouncil as they resolved to refuse the development application at their recent ordinary council meeting The new development was for a six story 2 room resort complex that was to house food and drink outlets, function facilities, basement car parking and recreation facilities. Council noted that the development was refused due to significant non compliance with the bulk, scale, facilities provision and character of the

proposal when assessed against their 2018 pl anning scheme. This development would have been Australia s first airmont branded resort however Council deemed the development over-scaled and unsuited to the character of the local area. ouglas hire Mayor Michael Kerr said Council would continue to encourage suitable development that complied with the planning scheme. ur planning staff are currently working closely with a number of developers to get some amazing projects across the line in ouglas, he said

ltimately this proposal is currently too far outside re uirements of the lanning cheme and community expectations My message to this developer is clear – we want to work with you ou only need to look at the great work done at angley d development, Craiglie subdivision and plans for a retirement facility on ort ouglas d to see it can be done in ouglas eveloper of the resort aul Chiodo is now expected to be taking the matter to the lanning and Environment Court.

Etheridge shire searches for citizen of the year Shire Council is looking amongst their residents for nominations as the Citizen of the Year awards draw closer. The awards are given out annually at their Australia ay

celebrations with a host of categories to be nominated in. These include Citizen of the Year, Junior Citizen of the Year, ommunity rganisation of the Year, Senior Sports Medallion

and Junior Sports Medallion. orms for entry can be found of the Etheridge Shire Council ebsite or you can give enee a call on 0 0 0 for a copy

Cook CEO announces retirement AFTER over two decades of service in local government Linda Cardew will no longer be the Cook Shire Council CEO as she officially announced her intention to retire at the end of uly in 2022. Ms Cardew broke the news

in a letter addressed to Cook hire Mayor eter cott at the start of September. It is her intention to permanently retire from her position but she asked for a three-month extension to her current contract which was approved.

This was done so she could complete several major projects still left on her list, help develop the 2022-23 budget and facilitate a succession plan and handover schedule for the succeeding CEO.

May origami butterflies surround you BY ELLIE F INK A childhood and a cancer diagnosis in her later life never stopped erberton local ucy Mc vor from pursuing her passion in the uni ue art of origami uring chemotherapy, the now year old would often experience nausea and anxiety and doing origami was a way to keep her calm ow freshly discharged from the ncology department after five years of ongoing treatment, ucy sells her creations to the public, hoping their new owners will feel an emotional connection with her art er passion for origami stems from her grandfather, who used to teach her origami whenever they were together started doing origami as a kid, my grandfather taught me and he inspired me to get into it, she said rimarily at the start really ust liked the paper, all the different patterns, colours and tones and then kind of ust kept doing it as relaxation hen m doing origami it is so simple but each fold, from the first until the last, you have to concentrate and get it perfect so it s awesome for mindfulness hroughout ucy s ourney, she said that over time she felt more aware and more connected with the people around her, giving her the will power to get through her treatment hen had cancer felt really aware of how many

Mungalli Creek D airy is set to open its ow n ice creamery and milk b ar in Cairns this w eek end.

The Dairy hits the city Stage 3 B O varian cancer survivor Lucy McIvor has found peace in her origami creations and created them to give b ack to the community.

people were involved in my ourney, from the doctors and nurses to the cashier at oolies, she said rior to that time, had difficult circumstances growing up and didn t really feel that connected with the world, but through the experience with cancer became aware of all the people who became involved in my day to day life started to feel like really wanted to make stuff for other people and have something for people as an expression of love with an emotional connection with it he leaves with a message

for women who have a gut feeling to get checked for reproductive cancer early, as it may save your life as it did hers ith my origami go by gut feeling ask myself what am going to make today, a swan or a heart and what colours and tones am going to use, she said My gut has been important in my ourney with ovarian cancer and wouldn t have been diagnosed in time and if hadn t followed my gut had been having pain for a while and saw some people about it and was incredibly

lucky that various people conspired and helped me to get the diagnosis ow recovering from a long five years in treatment, ucy will continue creating her origami hearts, swans and butter ies from home and selling them at Artistree allery in ungaburra very one of ucy s origami gifts come with a special message with a different variation ierce and powerful is the swan s smooth glide across the water, you are enfolded in my heart, may origami butter ies surround you

THE ablelands finest dairy producers, Mungalli reek airy, has travelled 0 kilometres down the hill to airns to open their brand new he airy ice creamery and milk bar on the splanade he well loved dairy business will be opening its ice creamery will officially open on ctober , with a range of ice creams, coffees, smoothies, toasties, and croissants for the en oyment of the public Manager eth atson, daughter and niece of the owners of Mungalli reek airy, will be in charge of he airy on hield treet and said it is a great opportunity to source local organic products from the ablelands and reach the airns community e released the ice cream a year ago and the support we gained was incredible and we wanted a presence in airns, she said

e also thought it would be really great if we got an ice cream shop and great to highlight the rest of our products e want to support local produce and baked goods as much as possible Ms atson said she is encouraging people to come along with a friend to the official opening on ctober , with a buy one get one free opportunity e encourage everyone to bring a dairy loving friend for our buy one get one free on the opening day, she said e would really like people to come and say hello and get to know us and build that community nature in our little business he official opening day for he airy will take place at their store at hield treet, adacent to Mc onalds, and will be open from am until 0pm daily

Councillor Update Mareeba Shire Councillor Kevin Davies Welcome to the Councillor Column, an opportunity for Councillors to share updates and information relevant to the Mareeba Shire. Firstly, I’d like to commend the businesses and traders in the Mareeba Shire who have continued to offer their services during these challenging times and to the many event organisers who have adjusted and brought many fantastic COVID safe events back to our communities. The economic recovery in the Shire is underway, with a significant increase in consumer spending over the last 12 months. Data from by Geografia (2021), software which reports on consumer transactions within the Local Government area, shows that resident and visitor consumer spending of $19.21m in June 2020 has increased to $24.2m in June 2021, which is even higher than pre-COVID spending. This is heartening to see and evidence that the COVID recovery is underway, albeit slowly. There are, however, many changes to be faced by businesses in the Shire, including regulatory ones

required by the State and Federal governments which will impact on the entire community. Single Use Plastic Items Ban On 1 September 2021, the State government’s single-use plastics ban was implemented, and Councillors are aware that businesses across the Shire are making the changes necessary to comply. This is a major change for many, and the Queensland Government has made a point of providing information and support to those affected. This is available online at, search ‘single use plastic items ban’ or by phoning the National Retail Association on 1800 844 946. I encourage all businesses impacted to connect with the support available. Waste Tyre Export Ban Also, on 1 December 2021, the Commonwealth will implement a waste export ban on used tyres. Mareeba Shire Council will continue to monitor for illegal dumping, storage or collection of passenger tyres. Each year, Australia generates 450,000 tonnes of end-

of-life tyres, of which 75% is from passenger cars, buses and trucks. We encourage all tyre retailers, recyclers and collectors to become familiar with the requirements for end-of-life tyres well ahead of the waste tyre export ban. Tyre Stewardship Australia may be able to provide information, assistance and potentially support with end markets for tyres. Further information is available online at: Mareeba Shire Council will continue to investigate and take compliance action, including issuing fines, to those who illegally dump tyres and we encourage the community to report any illegal dumping activity.

The Express, Wednesday, October 6, 2021 PAGE 13

Wood craft at 2021 Torimba Festival of The Forest – 50 Years in the Forest A port cannon entry.

F estival V olunteer Lyn Rank ine w ith the Grand Champion entry a chest of draw s made from b lack w attle/ silk y oak and entered b y Nicholas Aeb erhard. A past champion festival entry.

9.30am–2.00pm Saturday 9 October Merriland Hall, Atherton Showgrounds Doors Open at 9.15am

Presentations include: TRC Inclusive Community Project Navigating the Aged Care System presented by COTA Enduring Powers Of Attorney presented by Cairns Community Legal Centre Men's Health Queensland Health

Mental Health Guest Speaker Internationally renowned presenter, cartoonist and author

Andrew Matthews 10.00am and 12.30pm

Activities include: Zumba Gold warm up session Bodyweight workout Beautiful Chaos Dance Theatre

O ld maple b oots. A highly commended entry.

Laughing Chair Yoga

For full list of presenters, exhibitors and times go to

PAGE 14 The Express, Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Local mum releases new book

Mareeba’s Kiara Cabassi pictured with Paul Ettore Tabone after receiving the Paul Tabone Most Promising Voice for Musical Theatre award.

High honours for Mareeba’s theatre star BY RHY S THOMA S MAREEBA’S Kiara Cabassi is one step closer to realising her dream of being a star on the musical theatre stage, being awarded a highly prestigious award by the renowned Paul Ettore Tabone. Kiara was awarded the Paul Tabone Most Promising Voice for Musical Theatre, something she would never have dreamed of receiving in a million years. Theatre has been in Kiara’s future since she was ust five years old where she first discovered her love for the arts. With a supportive family behind her Kiara started form-

ing the beginnings of her career, performing in Mareeba and the surrounding communities. In 2017 Kiara graduated from Mareeba State High School and immediately got to work on her dream and career, moving to Mackay to study a Bachelor of Musical Theatre at CQUniversity at the Central Queensland’s Conservatorium of Music. Kiara said that receiving this award was a testament to her hard work and diligence, proving to her that she can make it despite being from a small country town. “I was very shocked, never in a million years you would

think that you’d be a recipient of such a prestigious award especially from Paul himself,” she said. “This award is going to open up many doors for me and Paul is going to help mentor me through my journey and make my dream a reality. “Receiving this award has taught me that anything is possible with hard work and believing in yourself.” Just like Kiara, Mr Tabone was born in a small rural Australian town and made his way onto the big stage including Broadway, the pinnacle for musical theatre. Kiara graduated from university last year and landed a

gig at the local radio station where she runs her own segment. However her artistic talent couldn’t be contatined for long as she has recently released her first ever single called “Covid Angels” alongside Sean Kelly. This amongst a line-up of future projects is all going to help Kiara develop her portfolio and image, with dreams of one day being centre stage in a major musical theatre production. Kiara has plans to travel back home with Mr Tabone to perform in Mareeba with dates yet to be announced.


New books courtesy of RSL Sub Branch THE Mareeba RSL Sub-Branch has celebrated the opening of Mareeba’s new library their own way by donating a set of books written by a well-known children’s author. The three books, written by author Gina Dawson include Next Door’s Dog is a Veteran’s Dog and Next Door’s Dog is a Therapy Dog. These sensitively written, unique children’s books have many messages and lessons for kids to learn. This includes education around PTSD and anxiety, invis-

ible disability, the work of veterans and first responders, correct behaviour around Assistance Dogs and most of all the unique bond between people and their dogs. We Can Deal With Bullying! Is the third book being donated to the library and it’s theme is just as the title suggests. Teaching kids that it is not ok to bully and to not be ashamed of asking for help and helps kids maintain self-esteem, develop resilience and manage their reactions.

Local mother Crystal Leonardi has released a book which documents her life since her young son was diagnosed with brain cancer.

Mareeba RSL Sub Branch Secretary Cheryl Emmerson handing over books to Mareeba Library A ssistant Delphine Brunjes.

A LOCAL woman has documented the heartbreaking circumstances around her son being diagnosed with a debilitating brain cancer in the wake of the ongoing pandemic in a newly released book. Crystal Leonardi who resides in Julatten spent months compiling “Boy of Steel” – Little Sebastian’s big miracle, a painstaking recount of the life journey she has found herself on since she learned of her twoyear old’s diagnosis last January. “Throughout the book I share my struggle with the guilt, mental health challenges, loneliness and trauma I’ve experienced since I found out the news about my son,” Ms Leonardi told The

Express. “Each chapter shares simple messages of hope, resilience and love. “Through the release of my memoir, I hope to bring awareness but also hope and encouragement to families faced with adversity of any kind.” In its most purest form “Boy of Steel” is Ms Lenonardi’s story of survival through her son’s diagnosis during the COVID pandemic as both a farmer and a wife to four children that live in a rural, community setting. Ms Leonardi will hold book launches at mithfield library on October 15 from 10.3 0am and Mossman library October 20 from 1pm. You can learn more about the book at

­ ­

Volunteers Sought - Interested persons please visit:

The Express, Wednesday, October 6, 2021 PAGE 15

ENTERTAINMENT New Joe Bell true story drama hits the big screen

THERE is an exciting mix of great movies showing at the Majestic big screen this weekend with something for everyone. First up is the new dramatic biography JOE BELL


starring Mark Wahlberg, Reid Miller and Connie Britton. It based on true events. Next is the new drama TIME IS UP, which about learning to live in the present after an accident.

Back by popular demand is the excellent action thriller SNAKE EYES. The family animation DOGTANIAN AND THE THREE MUSKEHOUNDS.a lovely family movie cre-

ated by the writers of Puss in Boots and Kung Fu Panda, with a story loosely based on the Three Musketeers is back this weekend. Remember you can find all the session times and



LIVE BAND information on the Majestic website


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Returns To The Carrington Friday Night October 22 @ 8pm



T IME IS U P An accident will force 'Vivien' and Royan to come to a stop and reclaim their lives, one minute at the time, and finally start living in a present that perhaps will prove to be more exciting than any predefined. J O E BELL The true story of a small town, working class father who embarks on a solo walk across the U.S. to crusade against bullying after his son is tormented in high school for being gay. S NAK E EYES

Snake Eyes,

a tenacious loner who is welcomed into an ancient Japanese clan called the Arashikage after saving the life of their heir apparent. he Franklin's career from a child singing in her father's church's choir to D O G T ANEAN AND T HE T HREE MU S K EHO U ND S Dogtanian is an ambitious young swordsman who dreams of becoming a hero and joining the legendary Muskehounds. After proving his skills and earning their trust, he and the three Muskehounds must defend the King from the villainous Cardinal Richelieu's secret plot to seize power.

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For Lunch and Dinner 7 DAYS 11.30am till 9.00pm




77 Main St, Atherton • 4091 1139 We take responsible service of alcohol seriously. It is an offence to sell or supply liquor to a person under the age of 18 years.

PAGE 16 The Express, Wednesday, October 6, 2021

ENTERTAINMENT Malanda Theatre presents new play – Calandar Girls ticket. Bookings and proof of theatre tickets are essential. Do not delay to book your

CALANDAR GIRLS is the next play to be presented in Malanda by the Malanda Theatre Co (MTC). It is a spectacular romp based on a true story of a modest Women’s Institute (the British equivalent of our CWA) from a small Yorkshire town. One of their members lost her husband to cancer and the ladies decided to raise money for a garden seat in memoriam. Much to the disapproval of the o cer o the . ., they decided to produce a ‘nude’ calendar of all the middleaged ladies involved after re ecting the u ual, boring calendar material e.g. local churche , pub and pet . This turned out to be a stroke

of genius. Although no actual nude ‘’bits’’ were on show. the calendar sold world-wide and made a tidy fortune’ which the good ladies decided would go to cancer charities. Directed by Gill Harrington, thi ell no n film will be delivered with a talented cast well known to our local audience ill irch, race hapman, ucy orri , enny cott, icola ali bury aul ner, arg roctor and many other amiliar faces. MTC is also producing a calendar showing the cast and cre , apparently nude, but well obscured by a variety o prop ith un o er a feature in all photo shoots at local businesses and icon-

ic scenes. These will sell for each and the profit ill be donated to the Atherton Friends of the FNQ Hospital Foundation. Don’t miss this wonderful show. It opens on Friday 5th November with Opening Night ticket price of $20. Other per ormance th , th, and Thursday 11th to Sunday th co t . R ten or more, all boo ed together are $20 per ticket. Sunday performances start at pm, all other . pm. Re taurant ur lace, ungaburra, Re taurant 1911 Malanda Hotel and ic le and mo e alanda odge are o ering a meal discount for bookings on the date of the theatre

theatre tickets to see Calandar Girls. Book online at www. or in

person at Bendigo Bank Malanda or Tablelands Books Atherton.


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4pm Saturday Afternoon

The Express, Wednesday, October 6, 2021 PAGE 17


Ag visa to help grow regional Australia New grant for soil extension programs THE Australian Government’s National Landcare Program Smart Farms Small Grants has released their latest round of funding for soil extension activities. The grant will help farmers across the region protect, conserve and provide for the soil and the ecosystems they interact with. $100, 000 will be dedicated over two financial years from February 2022 until June 30 2023 to assist in programs to promote management practises

that lead to better soil health. Extension activities must be provided by a suitably qua lified person, with ualifications in soil science or a similar field, demonstrated experience in soil management, or in the process of attaining ualifications or ex perience. For more information and to check if you are eligible go to au/ grants/ smart-farms-smallgrants. Grant applications close on October 12, 2021.

ne nation


AUSTRALIAN farmers have let out a sigh of relief after the Agricultural Worker visa regulations were recently created, responding to ongoing workforce shortages in the industry. This new visa will allow farmers access to workers well into the future to work on banana, avocado, mango farms and many more including fish eries. Minister for Agriculture and Northern Australia, David Littleproud said the new visa will bring the next generations of migrants to not just grow agriculture but regional Australia. “The Ag Visa will be the biggest structural change to agricul-

Drought support


visa is set to el la ou s o ta e ac oss ust alia

tural workforce in our nation’s history,” he said. “It will provide a long-term, reliable workforce for our critical industries while solving one of regional Australia’s greatest challenges in recent history. “It will be open to applicants from a range of countries and we are already in talks with a number of countries in our region who are eager to participate.” Mareeba farmer and Chair of FNQ Growers Joe Moro said that the new visa will not immediately create an increase in workers until COVID restrictions are lifted. his means that there is fi nally a visa we can use to attract

workers from south-east Asia and it gives us the opportunity to attract another bunch of people that have never been able to be brought into the country through a visa premise,” he said. “Unfortunately, it won’t be until some of the health issues are resolved but it is good news that we have. “There are some restrictions where the visa will only be able to be used by those that have approved supplier programs, which means only the bigger players will probably have access to these workers, second stage it will open up more.” The regulation provides a new Australian Agriculture

Worker stream which will provide for the entry and temporary stay of workers across primary industries sectors. This provides the pathway for workers to arrive with first worker arrivals once partner country negotiations are complete. Any workers will also need to meet necessary Federal and State qua rantine requi rements. The new visa stream came into effect on eptember 0 and will be available to workers from countries where there is a bilateral agreement, providing for their entry and stay across primary industry sectors.

MORE money is set to be injected into drought-prone rural and regional areas with the second round of the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal’s (FRRR) drought resilience program. The Future Drought Fund’s Networks to Build Drought Resilience Program aims to ensure that community-led initiatives and rural not for profits in ag ricultural dependant communities have resilience to future droughts. It focuses on strengthening social connectedness, building social capital and funding transformative local initiatives that will enable agricultural communities to be more prepared for the impacts of drought. These grants support a wide range of initiatives includ-

ing events, projects, activities, training and small-scale infrastructure. CEO of FRRR Natalie Egleton said that the Future Drought Fund’s Networks to Build Drought Resilience program focuses on supporting locallyled drought initiatives that build and strengthen connections in agricultural communities that are vulnerable to drought. “Each community faces its own unique set of stressors and challenges, and is starting from a different place when it comes to building drought resilience,” she said. “That’s why this program funds projects that local communities have identified will help their community better prepare for the future impacts of climate change.

“We’re particularly keen to see proactive initiatives that bring communities together, to create and strengthen social networks to engage in meaningful collaboration. “This is a critical part of making sure remote, rural and regional communities can thrive in the future.” There are a wide range of tiers of funding available for groups to apply for including between $20,000 and $50,000 for relevant projects. For more information about the Future Drought Fund’s Networks to Build Resilience program, visit networks Applications close 15 November, with funds announced late February. Activities must be completed by 29 August 2022.





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PAGE 18 The Express, Wednesday, October 6, 2021

CCS For Week: 12.25 CCS Average To Date: 12.06


Key transport route funding welcomed $ 4 .2 MILLION has been announced to widen sections of one of the regions key freight routes, the Mareeba-Dimbulah Road. This news has been welcomed by horticulture group, FNQ Growers. Chair Joe Moro said upgrading projects that contributed to a safer, efficient and reliable transport network are always welcome. “Mareeba-Dimbulah Road carries a large number of heavy vehicles, many of which service the booming horticulture industry in the Dimbulah area along with cattle properties further west,” Mr Moro said. “This road forms part of a critical freight link for the region’s produce bound for southern markets, as it connects to Ootan Road and roads south.” FNQ Growers is seeking more information on the parameters of the project.

Funding has been announced for the Mareeba- D imbulah Road.

S pecialist prov ider of technical adv ice and expertise across: Pumping I rrigation F iltration ll a pect ater a d u d ma a eme t Mareeba (07) 4092 1622 8 Reynolds Street, MAREEBA Q.4880 Serving Mareeba, Far North QLD, Northern Territory & Torres Strait since 1978.

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Calls for education on illegal dumping THE region’s leading horticultural group is calling on the Queensland Government to reinstate a media education campaign on illegal dumping. FNQ Growers chair Joe

Moro said grower-members had raised concerns about an increase in incidents of illegal dumping in Mareeba Shire. “We appreciate policing of this issue is a major challenge,

education remains a key driver to change behaviour,” Mr Moro said. “There has been a television advertising campaign run in the past, and we’d like to see this

run again to help educate the community and discourage this ant-social behaviour.” FNQ Growers has written to the Queensland Government on the matter.

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The Express, Wednesday, October 6, 2021 PAGE 19

! y a s r u o y e e v h a t LETTERSto EDITOR H EMAIL: editorial@ theex pressnew

Australia should decide WHOOPEE. The guy in the north on the other side of the big water to the east of us in the White House contacted the young bloke from down under, and pointed out that he had a pretty poor story to present in Glasgow in ovember, and offered him a wonderful solution. Scomo can now tell the world that Australia is going strongly on abandoning fossil hydrocarbon fuel in our submarine eet So by 205 0 Australia will have some 8 nuclear powered subs. The power plants coming from the USofA – and will of course not be touched by any Australian either during the operational stage or during the construction of the vessels. Indeed, the whole process will be closely guarded by US Marines to ensure that no non-US eyes ever see any part of the power plants. The other problem is that Australia has now dropped the French (nuclear subs) redesigned for diesel engines and lead acid batteries. Certainly we couldn’t even consider a more modern battery technology as any battery is anathema to our Liberal Government. o now we are looking to find buy a Nuclear sub design and somehow modify redesign it to suit Australia s needs – not forgetting that the US Navy and Marine members of the crew will have to be paid, by Australia, at over the US rates, and will be housed and fed from US based supplies. And the fuel for the Subs? This, I understand, is some form of enriched uranium. And as Australia will never know what fuel it actually is – Highly enriched Uranium or Low enriched Uranium – as it will come from the supplier of the power plants. Obviously US has run up q uite a debt during the pandemic and can’t afford any more Nuclear subs to patrol the acific or the ndian ceans let

alone the crews to operate them, the Nuclear power plant suppliers are looking for a customer or two of reliable (easily convinced – conned) “allies”, to take over this function. I’m guessing that the biggest point of discussion from Scomo was how many we could get from the US – not any unpleasant discussion about cost, operational use, supply and nothing about the final cost of decommissioning the boats when their life is finally over around 2100. How long have we been running the Collins Class? Since 1993 I understand, and we are looking at bodgeying them up to continue to operate until we replace them with the new Scomo class. If that happens before 203 5 I’ll be very surprised. In 2019 the Government decided that there would be no move into Nuclear power, in any form, prior to in depth consultation and discussion. Obviously the public of Australia couldn’t possibly be consulted on something to hush hush. So the DAD principle now rules – Decide – Announce – Defend. Obviously big Daddy in the White House is a far more suitable person to decide what Australia should do rather than the rather mixed bag of local residents – the people for whom Australia is supposed to be governed. I guess we haven’t heard the end of this. D oug B urchill YU N G AB U R R A

No safety for pedestrians on b ridge REPLYING to the Hon Mr Craig Crawford’s announcement of $ 24 0,000 rehabilitation project on the Kennedy Highway between Cairns and Mareeba for the safety of motorist being his number one priority. Well,

why is there no prioritizing for pedestrian safety in his spending budget? There is an urgent need for a safety pedestrian walkway across the Barron River Bridge and Mr Crawford and TMR decline to do anything about this issue. TMR were made aware of this, when Lynn Clarke was State member for Barron back in the 70’ s. Where is their Duty of Care when it comes to pedestrian safety in Kuranda? and why has nothing been done? We, the community, are expected to traverse this bridge with 6 0tonne trucks passing us doing 8 0kms less than a metre apart with no safety barrier. once again, where is there Duty of Care? Mr Crawford has responded by saying, if there is a new Bridge there will be a walkway included, what do we do in the four years it takes to build? Concerned Resident. R B eahan K U R AN D A

Look further into the new w ind farm proposal MANY readers may not be aware of Epuron’s Chalumbin Wind Farm development proposal nor the enormous threats in poses. I would urge everyone to have a look at a new website set up as a community info hub on this pro ect https stopchalumbinwindfarm com This development borders the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area (WTWHA), 15 km SW of Ravenshoe. It directly threatens three Endangered and Vulnerable species to such a degree the companies own Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act referral states the development will lead to the clearing of habitat “critical to the survival of the species.” ed oshawk Magnificent rood

Frog). Jirrbal Elders with direct links to this land have made it very clear, at both the 0 2 information session’ and in a video since released, that they have not been consulted and do not approve of this project. The development involves 95 wind turbines and 14 6 km of access tracks. The total footprint of this development is a staggering 3 08 9.4 6 acres. All this on land which is habitat to over 200 species of animals and borders the WTWHA. Epuron has a history of gaining development approval then selling off pro ects in cases to a hinese multi-national. With $ 4 75 million in potential annual RET subsidies on offer, this pro ect would result in taxpayers literally paying the ultimate development owner to destroy the environment. Is this what we want? Please, have a good look at the website and decide for yourself if this project should be allowed to proceed. Matt L achlan MAL AN D A

Rights should b e respected THE way things are going we are heading for a total dictatorship worldwide which is far scarier than any fear laden virus. People listening to social media TV, radio are bombarded with fear laden information and believing they are doing a social service by being jabbed and protecting others when in fact it’s not the way it works. In a free country peoples rights should be respected to make their own choices about what goes into their bodies and not be dictated to by people demanding health passports which is taking peoples freedom away. What comes next boosters every year and all children jabbed when the virus is no threat to them.

Normal healthy people should be able to cope with any virus. As a matter of interest Bill Gates is not a scientist nor a doctor. His assets doubled last year with his vaccination. Any free-thinking person would wonder why natural cures like Ivermectin and hydroxychloroq uine are banned in favor of an experimental vaccine. Would this be I wonder because there’s huge amounts of money from this vaccine and with money comes world power. Fauci also admits to deceiving the public about herd immunity to get more people vaccinated again more money and power. Another q uestion why does anyone who disagrees with WHO or CDC get censored so heavily? If drug companies have put out harmful products like Vioxx, Bextra. Celebrex. Thalidomide and opioids for which they have been sued it’s a bit strange they are not liable for any vaccine damage. Is the science of public health a religion now or is science supposed to be about debate? Denmark has seen sense and all Corona measures are now abolished. US abandoned PCR testing as gold standard test can’t distinguish between the u and ovid ealth officials love scary predictions they have taken over the world taken away our freedom and almost cheering as infection rates go up and salivating waiting for any increase in deaths, they are pulling a fast one on the human race and getting away with it. If we want freedom, we have to stand together vaccinated and nonvaccinated with no judgement but doing what feels right for us and letting others do the same. Maureen D ow EV EL YN

PHOTO OF THE WEEK Winning photo by Lisa McGregor

The photo is called Toasting Thailand and the theme was Fruit and Veg. “I entered it a bit tongue in cheek as I didn’t have a great deal of pics with fruit or veg and thought it might get a bit of laugh. Must have had everyone wanting to be sitting poolside in Thailand. Taken whist staying at Pimalai Resort, at Koh Lanta Thailand for my sons wedding. Was a great drink and a great week.” Join and enter your photos at the Tab lelands and Surrounds P hotography Group F aceb ook page.


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PAGE 20 The Express, Wednesday, October 6, 2021

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Perfect for the growing family Your own riverfront lifestyle with total freedom for you and your family to enjoy ternoon picnic , fi hing and canoeing ith a pre tigiou location u t minute rom to n and proximity to ma roo edical, maroo har macy and athology. t all there at ot at undanoon on the arron. eaturing total pri acy, a e cluded building it o erloo ing the arron Ri er, to n


ater, underground po er, e erage, ide ealed road ith your o n pri ate acce . P op into Amaroo Land Sales Centre for any information or call Ryley on 0 4 0 9 3 2 1 0 0 0 to arrange an onsite inspection, anytime that suits. V isit w w w

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The Express, Wednesday, October 6, 2021 PAGE 21


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31 acre wilderness block only minutes from town ARE you looking for the perfect block to create your own paradise? Well we have the block for you. Located only 6 minutes from the Ravenshoe township this 31 acre property has so much potential. Create your own masterpiece in the already cleared section of the property that backs on to the landscapes that the Atherton Tablelands is known for. Dream away the cares of your life and starting relaxing with sounds of nature on

your back door. Special Features: • Road base driveway going to the house site • Only 6 minutes from the township of Ravenshoe. • Private, tranquil and surreal landscapes and views. • Telstra Mobile phone reA ddress: Price: A gent: Contact:

ception • Genuine Wilderness Lot W hy not call Michael from Town to Country Realty today on 0 4 1 7 1 1 8 6 1 8 or ( 0 7 ) 4 0 9 7 6 9 0 0 to organise your inspection today. ( TC 1 1 8 )

Gold Coast Road, RAVENSHOE $280,000 Michael English Town to Country Realty 0417 118 618

Sleek, solid and spacious SLEEK and modern with plenty of room for the whole family, this home is sure to tick all your boxes. Located in a prestigious estate in Atherton this stunning home features a wonderfully spacious kitchen with

all the bells and whistles you could ever need, open plan li ing and dining area o onto the patio area which creates the perfect indoor to outdoor living situation plus you can sit back and enjoy the glorious views to Bones


Knob. All 4 bedrooms are a good size and all house built-ins as well as the master suite showcasing an ensuite, walk-in robe and air-con. Established gardens and trees allow you to enjoy the pri acy ithout acrificing the views and the double remote garage has an ex-

tended area for storage or a workshop. For your inspection contact ex clusive agent Suzey W hitby at Ray W hite A therton today on 0 4 3 8 0 9 0 3 0 6 for your inspection. http: / / A TH2 3 2 0 4 3 1 2

A ddress: Price: A gent: Contact:

ATHERTON $549,000 EXCLUSIVE to Suzey Whitby Ray White Atherton 0438 090 306


22 Main Street, Atherton - Phone: 4091 7111 Margaret Black: Principal

WE ARE LOOKING FOR LISTINGS! SO MUCH TO SEE! Yungaburra • Dual occupancy living • 5 bedrooms with built-ins • Master with walk-in robe • 2 kitchens & 2 bathrooms • Shed with 3 phase power • Veggie gardens $638,000 L14800464 Suzey Whitby 0438 090 306

KURANDA PET RESORT Kuranda • Situated on 15.61 hectares • Great business opportunity • 42 double dog kennels • 8 grassed exercise areas • 2 bed, 2 bath home + large shed • SOLD on WIWO basis $P.O.A. ATH23077739 Morgan Brennan 0407 730 450

SO MUCH PRIVACY Herberton • Set on 1,931m2 • 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom • Steel framed Colorbond home • 2 living areas with 2 fireplaces • 6m x 5m shed with power • Landscaped gardens $339,000 L13909497 Suzey Whitby 0438 090 306

RESIDENCE + COMMERCIAL Tolga • Great commercial opportunity • 1x 2 bedroom self-contained flat • 1x 3 bedroom self-contained flat • 2x retails spaces containing a café & a newsagency • Great location $840,000 ATH23080385 Morgan Brennan 0407 730 450

If you are looking to list your property for sale OR rent, please ring our experienced team on:

4091 7111 PAGE 22 The Express, Wednesday, October 6, 2021


houses l land l units l investments l acreage l farms l rentals

Sensational investment

THIS stylish 4 bedroom plus study family home is very well presented and positioned on 1,107m2 in Sunbird Park Estate, only 5 minutes from Mareeba town centre. The generous, functional oorplan o er adaptable living and exceptional entertaining options. Incorporating four bedrooms, a study, two bathrooms, a sizeable central kitchen, living area and a media room there' s something to accommodate every member of the family. Quality features including: • Tiled throughout with a carpeted media room

• 4 bedrooms with built-in robes, master bedroom with ensuite and substantial WIR • Split system air-conditioning in the media room, master bedroom and third bedroom • Separate closable media room/ lounge • Study • Superb modern kitchen with substantial bench space & stainless steel appliances including a dishwasher enerou tiled patio o the living area • Laundry with built-in storage cupboards+ hallway storage cupboards • Security screens & tint-

ed windows throughout • Exposed aggregate driveway & pathways around • F ully fenced and landscaped 1,107m2 allotment with pop up irrigation, side access & no immediate rear neighbours • Currently rented for $420 per week to fantastic, long-term tenants until J anuAddress: P rice: Agent: Contact:


ary 2022 Why build when you can move right in, with everything you want and so much more. It’ s a must to inspect. F or further information or to arrange a private inspection please call ex clusive agent Joe Torrisi on 0 4 1 7 7 0 0 4 6 8 . 30 Ja cana Close, MAREEBA $445,000 NEG EXCLUSIVE to Jo e Torrisi Jo e Torrisi Real estate 0417 700 468



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The Express, Wednesday, October 6, 2021 PAGE 23


houses l land l units l investments l acreage l farms l rentals

Unique private Tablelands acreage – 24 acres

place, 5 generous bedrooms, freshly renovated bathroom and generous laundry. This home also features verandas on two sides to take advantage of the rural outlook and the shed space won' t disappoint. To add to the feature you ill find table , shelters and the 20m x 40m under cover sand arena as well as raised vegetable and herb gardens to compliment your tranquil country living. P ro p erty features: • Recently renovated 5-bedroom home with large double lockup garage • Open plan tiled living with tone fireplace • Q uality kitchen with soft

THIS unique acreage property is tucked away on 24 acres of prime land. This very private location is set on the Atherton tablelands and within a short 15 Minutes’ drive from Atherton CBD. The property has an immaculate 5-bedroom home that has just recently been renovated and designed with the Tablelands weather and lifestyle in mind and is surrounded by well-maintained lawns and gardens. The home is well suited to the largest of families with a large entertainer’ s kitchen and open plan living giving easy access to dining and li ing area ith tone fire

touch draws and doors • All 5 bedrooms have built-in robes • Built-in linen cupboard storage • F ully tiled full-length verandas on two sides • Laundry with extra storage space • Town water connected • 20m x 40m enclosed sand arena with 20m x 24m being under cover and sepaAddress: P rice: Agent: Contact:

rate lockable tack room ri e through oat trail er accommodation • Cattle yard, feed shed, separate stables and storage sheds • Well stablished pastures for horses with Rhodes and couch, with the property fenced into 9 paddocks with laneway access • Seasonal creek running through the property • Tropical gardens with established vegetable gardens, orchid/ green house Currently set up for horses / cattle and with access to state forest riding trails this property lends itself to the ultimate lifestyle in a soughtafter location on the Atherton tablelands and has the added benefit o being le than km away from the crystalclear Mosses swimming hole. o discover the bene ts o this truly uniq ue acreage property for yourself, contact Ex clusive Mark eting Agent Rino Gava on 0 4 2 7 7 7 9 0 8 6 . Ref 8 1 5 2 6 7

286 Plath Road, UPPER BARRON $1,450,000 EXCLUSIVE to Rino Gava Atherton Realty 0427 779 086

LISTINGS WANTED! WHAT IS YOUR PROPERTY WORTH? Give us a no obligation call to find out!

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45 James Street, Malanda: 4096 5446 13 Main Street, Millaa Millaa: 0408 733 149

4091 1611

24 Main St Atherton RURAL VIEWS MINS FROM TOWN Atherton - $579,000

3 generous bedrooms with built-ins Superbly appointed quality kitchen Generous laundry / utility room 6mx 6m Colorbond shed

Collette 0419 733 712

WEB ID: 804027

PRIVACY ASSURED 9 Elywn Philips Drive - $329,000

Wide timber deck overlooking bush 2 bedrooms, open plan living, raked ceilings Spacious timber kitchen / dining ingle loc p garage with office storeroom

Rino 0427 779 086

PAGE 24 The Express, Wednesday, October 6, 2021

WEB ID: 806714

WOW… a rare opportunity with this stunningly beautiful lifestyle property overlooking a permanent creek. Sit with a cuppa on the back veranda and be enveloped in the restful sounds of a rippling brook that attract abundant birds and wildlife, including platypus and tree kangaroo. The home built by a Master uilder o er bedroom all with built in wardrobes. The light and welcoming open plan kitchen dining area is the hub of the home where family can gather for meals, games, and precious family time all whilst enjoying stunning views over the water. The separate formal lounge is ornate at the front entry. An en-suite in the master bedroom; large bathroom, laundry and purpo e built o ce will provide even more space for the bigger or growing family. The quality home is optimally located on a spacious 3.3-acre block with privacy from neighbours. There is low maintenance established gardens including rainforest trees that attract vibrant blue ly e butter ie , a well as stunning J acarandas Address: P rice: Agent:

A place by the water – Ravenshoe



Call now for a FREE MARKET APPRAISAL ATHERTON TOWNHOUSE 6/35 Beatrice Street - $155,000

2 bedroom townhouse rented at $250pw Central Atherton & close to facilities Allocated undercover car space 4.5% net return

Collette 0419 733 712

WEB ID: 397755

with purple petal carpets in season. Animal pens, workshops and a lockable 4 bay shed with teenage retreat provide many hobby and lifestyle options. 2 garages and a 3-car carport ensure plenty of space for cars: storage or even a boat for nearby Koombaloomba Dam. ic ing boxe or o the grid’ infrastructure is a ( extralarge) rainwater tank; solar hot ater y tem ood fired combustion stove including working hot water system with alternative electric booster if required; as well as a 16-panel solar array. Motivated sellers, so enquire now to inspect this rare gem within a superb location. RR1694 F eatures: Block home, 4 Bedroom, En-suite in master bedroom, 2 Bathrooms, tudy ce, o n ater, Timber veranda 2 Garage, 3 Carports, Permanent creek, Sheds/ Workshop F or more information, or to b ook your private inspection, call Susanne 0 4 0 8 7 3 3 1 4 9 or D arren 0 4 2 9 9 7 7 6 7 5 @ Tab & Malanda Real Estate.

RAVENSHOE $575,000 Susanne Reynolds & Malanda Real Estate 0408 733 149

Rino Gava 0427 779 086 Collette Rowston 0419 733 712 CHARACTER HOME 24 Mazlin Street - $329,000

4 bedrooms + study 14m x 8m Colorbond shed with power 6kw solar system with battery back up Centrally located to schools and shops

Rino 0427 779 086

WEB ID: 820953


houses l land l units l investments l acreage l farms l rentals

A smart investment that will bene t or years to ome

s a e to t e ountry OVERLOOKING Gadgarra National Park, and Goldsborough Valley State Forest, this unique acreage in Lake Eacham could be the perfect place to escape to the country. The solid block home with security screens, tinted windows, Earth Wool insulation, and extensive patio taking advantage of amazing views of Mt's Bartle Frere and Bellenden Kerr, features a 6 burner gas stove and breakfast bar in the modern kitchen, a renovated bathroom and separate renovated toilet. A covered breezeway delivers you to the multipurpose building next door with 36 solar panels providing 8.2kw of power feeding back to the grid, wireless NBN, and 116m² approx. of extra room to live. Backing onto the multipurpose room, the huge garage has dual electronic roller

doors, room for a workshop, and strategic gaps left at the bottom of the walls for pipes where you could install a bathroom or kitchenette with a bit of imagination. Across the yard there is a 48m² approx shed with m high roller door an ed by two built in and covered containers, one of which has a kitchenette, shower, toilet and lounge room to relax in. The adjacent fruit orchard supplies fresh fruit year round (see the image above for a list of fruit trees). The 1.5 acre paddock, with 4 strand barbed wire and poultry fence includes a large chook house, cattle Address: P rice: Agent:

shelter shed, a cattle race, and an earth ramp. The property is surrounded by other hobby farm blocks (which are unable to be sub-divided) and is situated on a 'no through road' which leads to Gadgarra National Park. Centrally located the residence is 11km to Malanda, 13km to Yungaburra, 16km to Lake Tinaroo's Tinaburra Boat Ramp, 26km to the Atherton Post ce, m to the ruce Highway at Gordonvale and 79km to Cairns Airport

ASTUTE investors, check out this excellent opportunity to purchase three residential units. This triplex would make a great addition to any portfolio, or you have the option to live in one and receive an income from the other units. Each unit has two bedrooms with good sized living areas and spacious bedrooms. There are excellent tenants in place with a 100 percent occupancy rate, offering an attractive income stream with the potential to increase.

Address: P rice: Agent: Contact:

brary, and the bowls club. F or more information, call Trisha Jack son at P rofessionals Atherton. P hone 4 0 9 1 3 9 5 5 or 0 4 1 9 1 8 3 3 1 4 5 anytime. To view more photos, visit ATHERTON $498,000 Trisha Jackson Professionals Atherton 0419 183 145

P lease contact Ex clusive Agent Brendan Williams for more information or to arrange your inspection on 0 4 4 7 8 0 9 8 0 8 .

189 Fuller Road, LAKE EACHAM , ll er on idered EXCLUSIVE to Brendan Williams First National Real Estate Atherton 0447 809 808


The complex is on one title so there are no Body Corporate fees. Enjoy an immediate income and a secure ca h o . The property is located at the end of a cul-de-sac, close to a council park, yet within walking distance to town, swimming pool, li-

4091 1177 21 Main St, Atherton 4091 1177 21 Main St, Atherton

N ion 0am PE ect m-1 O sp 9a n r I nd, Fo r 2 e ob ct O

4 5 3 H ER B ER T R I V ER R D , I N N O T H O T S PR I N G S




• Established homestead with 3 dwellings + 4 bay powered machinery shed • 55 acres of established tea tree oil plantation + 20-25 acres of additional land • 40 acres of established hay paddocks currently under Oaten hay • Irrigation including 11 surface hydrants & 192 meg water license • A full list of machinery & equipment is available upon request

ONSITE AUCTION: October 16th @ 11am - Call Greg 0437 332 912


D O O R !




• Extensively renovated family home, minutes from Atherton CBD • Impressive kitchen with open plan dining, lounge with fireplace • Master bedroom with a walk-in robe & recently renovated ensuite • Spacious patio with outdoor BBQ area & a spacious games room / bar • 12m x 6m 4 bay powered shed plus garden shed

Price: $725,000 - Call Kaydee on 0417 468 941





• Rendered block two 2 storey home with pool on 1.02 hectares • Modern kitchen with walk-in pantry, gas cooktop & electric wall oven • Large dining and lounge rooms with tiled floors and exposed beams • 80m² granny flat with kitchen, dining room and bathroom • Two sheds - 67.5m² approx. and a 120m² approx.

Price: $665,000 - Call Brendan on 0447 809 808

Zach 0427 683 023 | Kaydee 0417 468 941 | Greg 0437 332 912 | Brendan (Auctioneer - Rural Expert) 0447 809 808 |

The Express, Wednesday, October 6, 2021 PAGE 25


houses l land l units l investments l acreage l farms l rentals

Incredible views peace and serenity a ing n ide ie

ull ength atio anta tic ountry

ater an otaling re ure ump o ou e ore oncrete an ore ot uipped pen lan itchen ining rea e ench top n itchen omplete ith i h a her, antry rand e lectric to e en eparate ounge Room rea atio ood i ed edroom athroom omplete ith pa ath eparate ho er Rece

O NL Y . lm to the a landa o n hip the property eature

. ectare . cre enced addoc eparately enced ruit r


olid teel rame ome Recently Repainted n ide



Address: P rice: Agent:

o aintenance hroughout ome





oc able x m olour bond hed ith o er nd oc able arden hed ergola rea igh ence nimal n clo ure ruit ree nclude ar ango anana, ectarine, eache , range, lac a pote D aimin at Main St Real Estate is proud to present this Ex clusively Listed property to the mark et and invites you to arrange your private inspection b y calling 0 4 4 8 9 1 6 2 4 6 . 141 H ogan Road, MA L A er er E X CL U SI V E to Daimin K ain treet Real


NDA , ochi tate

Spacious home in a great location What’s your proper ty wor th? Call Raquel today to find out!*

*Free No-obligation appraisal

Shop 1, 116 Main St, Atherton QLD, 4883

Phone: 0408 983 879

TH I S home i a rare find or any buyer earching or a modern home to accom modate a gro ing amily in maximum com ort. ell de igned oor plan ideal or am ily li ing, ith per ect big open pace or the large amily to pread out and all en oy their o n pace. he home i po i tioned to pro ide pri acy rom the treet and neighbour . erall, the home com pri e o built in bedroom , bathroom , media room, open plan li ing, outdoor en tertainment area and ecurity creen throughout. Features I n clud e; olid rendered bloc home carpeted bedroom all ith built in robe a ter bedroom eature an en uite a double et o built in robe

edia room or th bed u e a you plea e paciou air conditioned open plan li ing odern itchen ith elec tric appliance , pantry, brea a t bar, and plenty o bench pace. ain athroom lunge bath plu eparate ho er nternal laundry ecurity creen , ceiling an and plenty o torage pace throughout home nderco er entertain ment patio o erloo ing rear ie relax ith the amily room

and entertain in pri acy. ouble remote control garage x olar panel a e on tho e electricity bill enced bac yard ith plenty o room or a hed m allotment ith dual treet acce Address: P rice: Agent: Contact:

ocated in a uiet treet ithin al ing di tance to therton o n entre. F or further information or to arrange an inspection, call sole mark eting agent Raq uel at Sommerset Realty on 0 4 0 8 9 8 3 8 7 9 . ol


Road, A TH E RTO N , to Ra uel un olo ommer et Realty

DAIMIN KOCHI 0448 916 246


MODERN FAMILY HOME IN CUL-DE-SAC • Solid block home, family friendly layout • Central lounge room & 2nd family room • Well appointed kitchen with dishwasher • 4 large carpeted built-in bedrooms, ensuite • Security screens, large private tiled patio • Fenced 841m2 block, tenanted till Sept. $384,000

TOLGA HAVEN • Timber cottage on 2,981m2 allotment • Polished timber floors & exposed beams • Well appointed kitchen, pantry & dishwasher • 3 bdrms, 2 with built-ins + sunroom & office • 20ft container with lean-to, small shed • 2 rainwater tanks, closed in vege garden $450,000

INCREDIBLE VIEWS, PEACE & SERENITY • Tiled, steel framed home on 5.06 acres • Open plan kitchen/dining, separate lounge • 3 large bedrooms, carport, pergola & BBQ • Full length patio with fantastic views • 4 water tanks (38, 400lt), pressure pump • Fenced orchard, lockable 6x6 powered shed Offers Over $400,000

HIDDEN GEM IN HERBERTON • Quaint 2 bedroom weatherboard cottage • Enclosed wraparound front verandah • Silky oak French Doors to the lounge • Spacious eat-in kitchen/dining area • Living room, laundry, back porch • Fenced 420m2 block right in town $215,000

Atherton’s Best Investment Very Good Condition & Location Top Rent – Never Been Vacant Rent Paid Monthly In Advance


Phone 4091 6246 • PAGE 26 The Express, Wednesday, October 6, 2021


houses l land l units l investments l acreage l farms l rentals

It's more than meets the eye

THIS property is constructed of solid concrete block and ha been reno ated to ha e the appearance o a olor bond cladded home. Reno ated ith tropical li ing in mind thi beauti ul family home is set in a quiet, leafy street close to shopping centres, schools and within walking distance to Granite Creek. Regardless of this properties close proximity to Mareeba' s CBD you' ll always feel miles away in this tranquil pri ate oa i . Inside is light and airy ith beauti ul poli hed tim ber ooring throughout. en tral to the home i the ery generous open plan kitchen complete with a long island bench, tainle teel appli ances and plenty of cupboard space. hi home i ho t to fi e bedrooms, two bathrooms and o ce pace. ll bed room ho ca ing built in

and air conditioning unit , the master with stunning modern en uite. ach bedroom i ac companied by large windows allowing for ample amounts of natural sunlight, making each room feel extremely open while simultaneously bringing the beautiful tropical outdoor feel in. ut ide you ill find the ma i e underco er and pa ed rear patio a ell a the in ground alt ater im ming pool which will be the focal point of the home come summer. F urthermore a large 2 bay shed with kitchenette, toilet and shower, and the recent addition of 2 garden hed mean you on t e er Address: P rice: Agent:

be short for storage space. All of this surrounded by luscious trees and plants and with only one neighbour this spacious 2565m2 allotment has your pri acy a ured. • New kitchen with stone bench tops • New bathrooms . olar po er y tem with battery n ground alt ater swimming pool • 9m x 7.2m shed ( with shower, toilet and kitchenette) F or more information or to arrange an inspection please V ince Costas at Central Realty Mareeb a today.

10 Robins Street, MAREEBA $485,000 Vince Costas Central Realty Mareeba 0419 926 691


Simply gorgeous Call today for a confidential PROPERTY CONSULTATION.

LOCATED less than 10 minutes from Atherton CBD ith ie to ard the er berton Range, this 9,711 sqm property feels so much larger due to the expan i e rural etting and no immedi ate neighbours. Picturesque landscaped gardens compliment the property and create pri acy rom the main high ay, in cluding a bu er o exotic and rare plant species. he architecturally de igned three bedroom ma onry bloc home a con structed by a renowned local

builder, featuring high raked ceiling and oor to ceiling tinted indo on the e t ern side. The natural light makes the open plan itchen, din ing and lounge room eel in iting and paciou . F eatures o f th e p ro p erty include: • Master suite with large al in ardrobe and en uite ith a ie • Two bedrooms with built in wardrobes paciou main bath room ith ho er o er bath tub, toilet and anity

• Huge laundry with a full wall of built in cupboards • Modern kitchen with new appliances, including a dishwasher • Tiled through out for ea y care li ing o bay garage ith at tached storeroom. he outdoor li ing pace Address: P rice: Agent:

P hone Shellie Nightingale on 0 4 2 9 9 6 6 0 3 8 for more information.

8756 Kennedy Highway, ATHERTON er o er $700,000 Shellie Nightingale Elders Real Estate Malanda 0429 966 038


Jeanette Suffield 0407 745 748

Malanda ,

allo you to en oy your ur round , admire the mag nificent irrigated garden di play hich gi e you peace and tranquility.


Shellie Nightingale 0429 966 038

4092 2232


e Vince put “From the tim market to e th on e my hous tract signed having a Con all within was with buyers couldn’t ...” 24 hours. It


“Can’t fault. Grea t customer service. Made yo u feel you were a friend. W ill definitely recommend him ...” KH - 12.07.21

21 JS - 25.06.20



2 • A perfect opportunity to build your own abode in the heart of Millaa Millaa • 1,012 sqm block in one street back from the Main CBD • Conveniently located to all facilities, including the local supermarket, co ee sho s, school, ost office, illaa illaa otel & ol course 4 Wattle Street, Millaa Millaa

$ 0,000


Insurance starts with a chat


• Property presents itself as a great opportunity as a starter to break into the market or as an investment property • Two bedroom home currently tenanted at $230 per week • 1,012 sqm with rural surrounds and rear patio Minbun


0,000 e


A: 21 James Street, Malanda | P: 4096 5666 | W:

Contact Dee Cuda on 4095 6677 today Elders Insurance Tablelands Zoners Pty Ltd ABN 59097345474 trading as Elders Insurance Tablelands AR No. 254599 is an Authorised Representative of Elders Insurance (Underwriting Agency) Pty Limited ABN 56 138 879 026, AFSL 340965. Insurance is underwritten by QBE Insurance (Australia) Limited ABN 78 003 191 035 AFSL 239545. Contact us for a Product Disclosure Statement to decide if a product is right for you.

The Express, Wednesday, October 6, 2021 PAGE 27


houses l land l units l investments l acreage l farms l rentals

Fantastic views close to town IF you’ve been looking for a perfect balance between country living and the convenience of town then this property is for you. Located right in between Atherton and Malanda you are less than a 10-minute drive from both. The stately home sits on a 2.4 -acre block and looks out over cattle grazi ng in green pastures with mountains as a backdrop. The front patio welcomes you home and is a great place to relax, with rainforest trees at the front for privacy and beautiful views on both sides. The two-story home is double brick construction ith o ing poli hed timber oor under oot. pen plan

li ing area are filled ith natural light and combine rustic charm and a modern country theme. The new kitchen follows this trend with stone benches and large windows to enj oy more of the wonderful views. lo combu tion fire place o er the eeling o warmth for those cooler inter e ening and air o keeps the home cool during the summer months. The home features 4 bedrooms plus a study and a newly renovated two-way bathroom with a walk-in shower and subway tiles to the ceiling. One of the bedrooms boasts a private balcony and the master has a built-in wardrobe.

At the rear of the property are two large rainwater tanks, the main water source is from a bore. Fruit trees include oranges, persimmons, limes, avocado, macadamia, cumquats, peaches and guavas.

If you w ant to live close to tow n b ut have no neighb ours then call sole agent Alex P ayne on 0 4 0 9 3 2 8 1 5 3 today at LK Hook er Atherton today for a private inspection.

Address: P rice: Agent:

7 K nowles Road, ATHE RTON Contact Agent E X CLU SIV E to Alex P ayne LJ HOOK E R Atherton 04 09 3 28 153


‘HARVEY’ Bellenden Ker, QLD | 83.59 HA* / 206.5 AC* Premium cattle block Known for its natural spring waters flowing direct from pristine national parklands, ‘Harvey’ is nestled against the Dividing Range only forty minutes drive from Cairns. This block has been in the one family for many years and during that time has been proven for growing cane and recently as a great little cattle block. Only 40 kilometres from the selling centre of Innisfail. This property is one not to be missed. • • • • •

Bitumen to front of block Steel yards Granite soils Pristine springs ensuring permanent water 3 titles.


Auction Thursday 21st October, 11:00am Venue Innisfail Leagues Club Inspection by appointment Chris Atkinson 0429 342 944 Elders Mareeba

‘MUNDEBAH’ Innisfail, QLD | 182.41 HA / 451 AC* | 2 titles

Premium Innisfail fattening country. The jewel in the crown. It is not often that a block of this higher quality hits the market. • Large 3 bedroom, double-block home in expansive well-kept garden • Large commercially built machinery shed and workshop with an array of near-new equipment • 3-phase power. Wireless NBN • Bitumen access. Aggregate covered creek crossings • Only 13 km from major centre with school bus runs

PAGE 28 The Express, Wednesday, October 6, 2021

• • • • •

Rich red chocolate soils Fully improved pastures, Brachiaria, Hammel Area divided into 12 paddocks, fences excellent order Permanent water and springs Steel yards.

Without a doubt, the best fattening block on the market today.

Expression of Interest

Inspection by appointment Chris Atkinson 0429 342 944 Elders Mareeba



houses l land l units l investments l acreage l farms l rentals

Mediterranean inspired acreage, complete with shed and bore

SITTING proud on a large m corner allotment in Wylandra Estate, is this impre i e, ell built bric veneer home. Its Mediterranean tyling and cle er de ign element contribute to home commanding treet appeal. a ing ull ad antage o the corner allotment, thi meticulou ly cared or bed room, 2 bathroom home is

ull o eature and certain to appeal to those that appreciate olid con truction, paciou li ing, pri acy and room to move. ocated at the e tern end o the home i the ma ter bedroom ith al through robe and ensuite. The open plan itchen i the hub o the home and the adjoining living one eature high ra ed ceiling ith expo ed timber

ra ter . ogether ith the abundance o indo and doors, the home' s design attract load o natural light and in iting cool bree e all year round. he econd li ing enter taining pace compliment the fir t, and o erloo the established gardens. With an open plan layout and a ree ree o ing eeling, thi pace lead through to the

ea tern ing o the home here you ill find bed rooms, plus a separate toilet, bathroom and laundry area. ll bedroom o erloo the manicured garden and la n , eature plit y tem air conditioner , celling an and built-in robes. he home i completed by the bay po ered colour bond hed, and ull concrete driveway. Outside there is an array o e tabli hed garden ith a multitude o colour that can be ea ily ept ith the ully e uipped ground a ter bore. I m p ro v em ents include: • 4 bedroom plus 2 bathroom home ith command ing street appeal • Generously sized multiple li ing pace ad oin the carport entertaining pace ell appointed itchen ith i land bench i the hub o the home ully enced m and air conditioned through out, ra ed ceiling ith ex po ed ra ter • 4 bay powered Colorbond shed with 3 roller doors and concrete oor • Water supply to this property i plenti ul to n ater ully e uipped ground ater bore ith electric pump • Established gardens with an array o tropical plant

This property provides all the element or li e tyle li ing and plenty o pace i a ured or e eryone, both inside and out. Address: P rice: Agent: Contact:

Contact Mareeb a P roperty ffice on or ore in or ation and a rivate ins ection o this areeba ho e.

2 Wylandra Drive, MAREEBA $595,000 Mareeba Property ce 4092 1355

18 STRATTMANN STREET, MAREEBA AUCTION ON-SITE @ 10AM ON SATURDAY 23.10.2021 (IF NOT SOLD PRIOR) Neatly presented home on fenced 607m2 lot, walking distance to Mareeba town, side access to the backyard.

John Falvo | Damon Falvo | 4092 1355 Connecting People and Property

The Express, Wednesday, October 6, 2021 PAGE 29

EXPRESSO Wednesday 6th

F riday 8th

Thursday 7th

take a break...

Saturday 9th

Sunday 10th

Monday 11th

Tuesday 12th

Max 33o Min 19o

Max 32o Min 19o

Max 29o Min 21o

Max 33o Min 18o

Max 33o Min 17o

Max 32o Min 17o

Max 33o Min 18o

T ide T 0 2 3 4 0 0 8 4 0 2 1 4 4 3 0 2 0 5 6 2

T ide T 0 3 0 8 0 0 9 1 8 2 1 5 2 2 0 2 1 2 6 2

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imes .5 9 .1 1 .5 3 .2 1



1 6 . ind o firm mooth yello chee e. 1 8 . A straight line passing from side to ide through the centre o a body or figure. 1 9 . Used to show recognition of a mistake or minor accident ( informal) . 2 1 . Having a broken, rocky, and uneven surface. 2 2 . A husband or wife.












Hammock Valet













Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, as must every 3x3 square.

ACROSS 7 . Short sighted. 8 . The body of work of a painter, composer, or author. 9 . Great enthusiasm and energy. 1 0 . Not moving; motionless. 1 1 . A plane section of a right circular cone that is a closed curve. 1 3 . A trace of a bad or undesirable substance or quality. 1 5 . The action of using something.

DOWN 1 . Girl’ s name is of Greek origin meaning “ goddess” . 2 . The exact double of another person or thing. 3 . An obscuring of the light from one celestial body by the passage of another between it and the observer. 4 . British. ( informal) 5 . A motor with a propeller, designed to be attached to the back of a small boat. 6 . An island republic in the Indian Ocean, south of India. 1 2 . Having a pleasingly rich, sweet taste. 1 4 . Protect and care for ( someone) lovingly. 1 7 . The devotion of time and attention to gaining knowledge of an academic subject. 2 0 . A long, sturdy piece of timber or metal set upright in the ground and used as a support or marker.

Weekly Horoscopes Aries

March 21 to April 20

Puzzle lutions

Don’ t neglect these problems; deal with them once and for all, then move on to more pleasurable tasks. Try not to jump to conclusions. Romantic encounters will develop through colleagues.

April 21 to May 21 Y ou may have problems with children. Y ou’ re undergoing changes. Y our high energy, original ideas, and excellent memory will aid your accomplishments. Pleasure trips will promote new romantic encounters.



June 22 to July 22

Romance will develop if you get involved in social events that deal with children. Be diplomatic and honest, and that person will only be made to look bad. Lowered vitality could a ect your or .

Prawn and snow pea stir fry Ingredients

▶ 225g rice linguini noodles ▶ 225g raw prawns peeled and deveined ▶ Kosher salt ▶ Freshly ground black pepper ▶ 1/4 cup plus 1 tbsp sweet chilli sauce ▶ 225g snow peas, sliced on the diagonal ▶ 2 tbsp Canola oil


1. Place rice linguine noodles in a large bowl and cover in hot water for 25 minutes, stirring with a fork frequently to break up any noodle clumps. 2. Rinse prawns and place on a paper towel lined plate. Pat dry and season with salt and pepper on both sides. Add prawns and 1 tablespoon sweet chilli sauce to a container with a lid. Refrigerate for at least 15 minutes and up to overnight. 3. Drain and rinse noodles and return to the bowl. Gather your ingredients (noodles, prawns, remaining 1/4 cup sweet chilli sauce, and snow peas) in bowls and place on a sheet tray next to the stove. 4. Heat a large skillet or wok over high heat. Add 1 tablespoon oil and swirl in pan to coat. When you see the first wisp of smoke, add prawns and cook until they begin to turn pink, 1 minute each side. 5. Make space in the middle of the pan, add remaining 1 tablespoon oil and sliced snow peas and cook 2 minutes. Add prepared noodles and ¼ cup of sweet chilli sauce. Continue to cook until noodles are coated and heated through, about 4 to 6 minutes. Serve immediately.

PAGE 30 The Express, Wednesday, October 6, 2021

T aurus

Libra Sept 24 to Oct 23 If you’ re looking to do something worthwhile, consider volunteer work. Y our passionate mood will be well received by your mate. Y ou will be able to borrow money in order to invest.


Dec 22 to Jan 20 Rest and relaxation will be more favourable than you think. Y ou’ ll stay out of trouble if you pick projects that ill benefit the hole amily. Y ou can have an enjoyable time if you socialise with friends.

G emini

May 22 to June 21

Y ou will enjoy travel and getting together with peers. Someone you work with could try to undermine you. Y ounger relatives may seek your advice. Deal with the needs of children.


Aug 23 to Sept 23 Don’ t let someone talk you into parting with your cash unless you can truly see the benefit o doing o. Work at home if at all possible. Try to channel your energy into professional endeavours.

July 23 to Aug 22 Art investment will pay big dividends in the long term. Y our ability to be practical in business will help. Y our ability to communicate with ease will win the hearts of those you are in touch with this week.

S corpio

S agittarius

Oct 24 to Nov 22 Y our boss won’ t be too thrilled if you leave things unfini hed. on t bother retaliating, just walk away. Y our need to be in a leadership position will help you surpass any rivals you might encounter.

Nov 23 to Dec 21 Throw yourself into your work. Y ou may have the day o but your thought will be on your work and your cash situation. Don’ t confide in anyone or the time being. Don’ t let your emotions take over.

P isces

Aq uarius

Jan 21 to Feb 19

Watch your tendency to live for the day and to spend too much on entertainment and children; it could set you back. F or best results get out o the o ce and do your job en route.

Feb 20 to March 20 Take your time. It might be best not to spend your money on luxuries this week. Y our diplomatic approach and rather outgoing nature will enhance your reputation and bring you the support you need.

DIRECTORY Shop 4, 276 Byrnes St, Mareeba PO Box 1034, Mareeba Q.4880

Authorised Fujitsu Service Agent

P: 4092 3019 M: 0409 648 403 F: 4092 1629 ABN 80 179 825 363 QBSA 59712 ARC License AU24014 Electrical License No: 78958

Call Ross Malfitana Mobile: 0429 898 657




Lic. No. LO21176


Servicing the Tablelands, Cooktown, Mossman, Dimbulah and everywhere in-between.

• Full and Partial Dentures • Relines and Repairs • Mouthguards Private Health Fund Rebates Apply Veteran Affairs Provider

Paul Johnstone


4 Warren Street, Mareeba Q.4880 PH/FAX: 4092 2464 • MOB: 0402 809 556 • Email:

Phone DAVID AVOLIO on 0409 924 006


• Bond Cleans • Mould & Mildew Treatments • Pressure Cleaning, Roofs & Exteriors • Gutter Cleaning • Contract Cleaning



All Brands Prompt Service We also install Aircons!

ir a n c oo l a Breath cle comes first! ne here hygie

r For all you rior e xt interior & e g! cleanin


Phone: David or Julie 0428 993 205 | Email:

ABN: 61 788 170 092 LIC. NO: L012565 ARTIC LIC: AU21630 QBSA: 1220582


es c i v r e S g n i n Clea



• Airconditioning Installations • Cold Rooms • Fridge Seals • Gasing • Servicing and Maintenance • Authorised Artic Licence

Natasha Wainwright




4092 3464



O’Brien Electrical Mareeba (07) 4092 4146

Shed 3, 9 Wallace Drive, Mareeba | LIC. 55472 | ARC. AU31673 ed! rante y Gua ll u F ork All W BUILDING SERVICES

ROOFS: • Repairs Re Roofing • New Roofs Awnings Gu ers Painting


DOUG ROLFE 0418 760 644

E: do ocobuilding services W: Facebook do ocobuildingservices



BUILDING: xtensions Patios • Carports Renovations • Decks Call Doug anytime, Fencing he’s a friendly bloke!

Come and see Daniel and the team at B&C Cabinets for all your cabinetry needs!



Lic. No. 77513

T E S!

Serving Mareeba & Tablelands Areas • Residential & Commercial • Kitchens • Vanities & Wardrobes • Offices & Retail



QBCC: 1109288

PHONE: 0408 764 850


DO YOU NEED A RELIABLE ELECTRICIAN? Do you need a RELIABLE Electrician who shows up on time, CLEANS up after himself, and completes your work CHEERFULLY, without charging the earth? Call TODAY! F arms Sheds Shops H ouses Maintenance Renov ations I nstallations New H omes Repairs

Call DANIEL 0433 158 941

L ic No 69788

• Ravenshoe • Herberton • Millaa Millaa • Tarzali • Topaz • Malanda • Yungaburra • Atherton • Tolga • Walkamin • Mareeba • Croydon • Georgetown • Einasleigh • Forsayth • Mount Surprise • Mount Garnet




LICENCED CCTV INSTALLERS Electrical Licence: 86387 Security Licence: 4162579

284 Byrnes St, Mareeba | 4092 1659 | |

The Express, Wednesday, October 6, 2021 PAGE 31



4092 3464

• Airconditioning Installations • Shed Wiring • Underground Power • Renovations & New Houses ARC Lic # L166416 • All Electrical & Repairs

Lic # 81562

Efficient and friendly service - Servicing all areas!



CALL ADRIAN 0429 265 082

Natasha Wainwright

Landscaping Specialists in Detail & Creativity!

• Retaining Walls • Landscape Design • Truck Hire • Excavator Hire • Drainage • General Earthworks Evan Rohde | 0428 766 004 |








87 O:

Phone Ash: 0497 240 240

Servicing Atherton Tablelands and Beyond

124 Mason Street, Mareeba  (07) 4092 2433

QBCC No. 1275266



LOCALLY All types of ork OWNED AND welding, lathe w OPERATED and milling.

19 Wormboo Street



• Hardware • Plumbing • Flat Pack Kitchens • Paint • Nursery • Giftware • Jaycar • Building Materials • White Goods


4097 6208


P: 4092 1176 M: 0418 184 147 E:

PO BOX 1414, MAREEBA QBCC 1115490

100% Locally Owned & Operated! DOMESTIC W: MAREEBA OFFICE: COMMERCIAL P: 4092 1999 1 Vaughan Street OFFICE: TERMITES M: 0418 150 759 ATHERTON 30 Main Street

Pre-Construction | Pre-Purchase Inspections









Max & Jodie Turner

PROFESSIONAL DOG BOARDING • On the Tablelands at Kuranda • Dedicated Staff • Great Facilities • Highest Quality Diet • Lots of Play Time in Big Yards • Long or Short Stays 131 Boyles Road, Kuranda | Phone: 40938239 Email:


• Pumps Sales & Repairs • Filtration • Water Treatment • Water Tanks & Troughs • Pool Treatments • Solar Pumping Systems • Reinke Centre Pivot and Lateral Move Irrigators


Shop 3, 203-215 Byrnes St, Mareeba P: 4092 7038


• Laptops, Tablets & Towers • Phone & Tablet Repairs • Custom Systems • Networking Solutions PAGE 32 The Express, Wednesday, October 6, 2021








P: 4092 1443 or 0413 013 297



4092 3464

All your fencing, poly lining and repair needs covered!

• Poly tank repairs • Tank liners • Custom built water tanks on site

0437 802 248




124 Mason Street, Mareeba  (07) 4092 2433

Come fly with us!

30 MINUTES - �250 + GST PP 60 MINUTES - �400 + GST PP Minimum Booking 2 people

Trevor 0400 750 330


• Tree Removal • Wood Chipping • Stump Grinding • Firewood Lukas Portelli 0427 189 227


As a local born and bred, I am invested in the success of the community and how it is developed. Enquire today for a free consultation. • Pre-purchase property search reports / due diligence - Understand your future or current property rights • Specialise in Development Approvals • Reconfiguring a Lot / Subdivisions • Material Change of Use



P: 0411 344 110 | E: | W:



Call Jon Lambert | P: 4091 5008 | M: 0407 575 916

CONTACT DETAILS: Blake Daniel 0439 988 227 Email:


• Treelopping • Bobcat Hire • Wood Chipping • Pensioner Discounts • Stump Grinding • Fully Insured

• Slashing and Mulching • Orchard / Tree Trimming • Earthworks • Machinery Haulage • Accident Towing / Tilt Tray Hire

Phone: 0421 839 353 |


W: | E:

Wally Amory - Mareeba Depot Manager

P: 4095 4595 | E:

• Patrols • Cash in Transit • Alarm Response and Installation • Alarm Monitoring • CCTV Installation For all security needs call... DRU THURSTON 0408 913 063 and Service

Excellence Through Perseverance and Diligence






PTaxi&TrucksM- Tail-Lifters Carriers 4035 2034 Express Couriers




Freight Distribution Warehouse Storage 247 Hartley Street, Portsmith


QBCC No. 1275266


ry, Farm Machine rs, ile Ute Trays, Tra el, Structural Ste . Rims and more

Natasha Wainwright

HAVING A PARTY OR FUNCTION? We have the perfect venue! Spacious open venue, beautiful gardens and all facilities – the perfect setting for all occasions! Race Day Parties, Weddings, Birthdays, Engagements, Business Functions, Christenings, Christmas Parties & more!

Bookings & Info Phone (07) 4092 1167 The Express, Wednesday, October 6, 2021 PAGE 33



lassi ed Deadline

every riday

death NotiCe

ChurCh NotiCe

For Sale


Elsie Susan FOGARTY (nee Richardson)

Presbyterians continue to meet in Mareeba for worship each Sunday 10am, QCWA Hall, Wilkes Street (behind Meals on Wheels) ~ All Welcome!

Fully Self Contained Apartments

2 Persons - 1 Night $119.00 2 Persons - 2 Nights $218.00

Late of Mareeba, formerly of Coffs Harbour. Slipped away peacefully on the 26th of September, 2021 at Mareeba Garden Settlement. Aged 90 years. Loved Wife of Kevin (dec.). Loving Mother of Paul and Brenda, John and Janice, Anne and Alan, Dennis and Jacqui, Margaret (dec.) and Alex, Carol (dec.) and Robert, Chris and June. Loved Nana to all her extended family. Privately cremated, no flowers or cards by request. Enjoy a cuppa in her memory.

1300 781 084

PEDERSEN, David Godfred “Gordon”

Late of Atherton, formerly of Hughenden and Charters Towers. Passed away peacefully on the 27th of September, 2021. Aged 83 years. Beloved Husband of Patricia. Loved Father and Father-in-Law of Dennis & Angela, and Terry & Rhonda. Loving Grandfather to his six grandchildren. “Gone Detecting.” A private cremation has taken place.

Guilfoyle Funeral Services Chapels, Crematorium & Memorial Gardens

Atherton: 4091 2147 Mareeba: 4092 1013 Local Family Owned & “Entrusted for over 70 years”


FuNeral NotiCe CHAPMAN, Mary Louise

27th June, 1924 ~ 23rd August, 2021 It is with great sadness that the family announce the death of Mary Chapman. Beloved Wife of Alexander Chapman (dec.). Mother of William Ross Chapman and Robyn Mary Hardy (nee Chapman) and Grandmother of Grant Hardy. Relatives and friends of Mary are respectfully invited to attend her funeral which is appointed to move from St. Mary’s Anglican Church, 5 Brown Street, Malanda on Saturday the 16th of October, 2021 after a service commencing at 10.00am for interment in the Malanda Cemetery. Due to COVID restrictions, a maximum of 200 people may attend this service. If you wish to attend the funeral service, please register with Robyn on 0402 760 014.

Guilfoyle Funeral Services Chapels, Crematorium & Memorial Gardens




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PubliC NotiCe

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NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Better Together Community Support Inc. 11am, Wednesday October 20, 2021 Better Together Community Hub 38 Mabel Street, Atherton ll financial members are invited to attend lease note that to have voting rights members m st be financial as at ednesda ctober 13th 2 21 ominations for vacant oard of anagement positions are welcome and m st be received at etter ogether b no later than 3 pm on ednesda ctober 13th 2 21 At the completion of the AGM, please join us for light refreshments. For catering purposes, please phone in your RSVP to 4091 3850 by Friday October 15th, 2021. Joe Paronella, Secretary


INDOOR MARKETS Fresh fruit and vegetables, plants, arts and crafts, clothing, bric-a-brac, coins, bank notes, stamps, jewellery, gemstones, working hot air engine display, Lions foodstuffs and much more! Merriland Hall, Atherton Show Grounds Sunday 10th October, 7am to 12noon Sites Only $10.00 - New Stall Holders Welcome! Contact: 0448 336 035 E:


Funeral Celebrant Final farewells with respect. Phone 0410 328 357



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DEVELOPMENTS Notification of Construction FGF Developments advise that works will be commencing from Monday 11th October, 2021 for Barang Street Water Main Upgrade, Kuranda. Principal: Mareeba Shire Council Consulting Engineer: GHD Contractor: FGF Developments Pty Ltd Phone: (07) 4041 4350 FGF Project Engineer: Jarryd Londino

Mt Garnet Amateur Turf Club Inc.


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Saturday 30 October 2021 @ 10.30am Racetrack Main Hall

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To be followed by a General Meeting.

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Sunday 31st October, 10.30am At the Turf Club Hall, Mt Garnet General Meeting to follow. GOT a Public Notice you need to advertise? Call Tash at your friendly locally owned Newspaper on 4092 3464. Classie deadline is 4pm every Friday.

CLASSIFIEDS MINING LEASE NOTICE AND ENVIRONMENTAL AUTHORITY Mineral Resources Act 1989 – Section 252 Environmental Protection Act 1994 – Section 152 Proposed Mining Operation, Infrastructure & Camp Mining Lease Application Number 100270 - For a term of 10 years It is advised that an application has been made for a mining lease and environmental authority under the provisions of the above-mentioned Acts, for the mining/purpose of Environmental Dam, Living quarters / camp, Tailings / settling dam, Treatment plant / mill site, Water management, Water supply, Workshop / machinery / storage and Bismuth, Copper, Gold, Lead, Molybdenum, Silver & Zinc ore on the following land parcels within the Mareeba Shire Council. Lot 2 on SP196221. The application is located at approximately 20 kilometres NW of Chillagoe. The applicant is: Riverside Exploration (QLD) Pty Ltd (100%) Date and time application lodged: 30 October 2020, 3.40pm Mining activities to be carried out include: Mining Operations, Infrastructure & Camp Mining Lease Application Documents The application documents consist of the Application for Mining Lease, copies of or extracts from the application documents, and the endorsed Mining Lease Notice detailing the location and description of the land applied for (including surface area and access), may be downloaded from the Departments website: or may be inspected at the Department of Resources office – Verde Tower, Level 9, 445 Flinders Street, Townsville Qld 4810 or may be obtained by contacting the local mines assessment hub on (07) 4447 9230 or Environmental Authority Documents The application documents for the proposal consist of the following: EA Standard Application. Copies of, or extracts from, the application documents may be inspected at the Department of Environment and Science 5B Sheridan Street, Cairns or may be obtained by contacting Permit and Licence Management by phone on 1300 130 372 or by email on Copies of the standard conditions and eligibility criteria for a resource activity can be obtained by accessing the Department of Environment and Science website: or by contacting Permit and Licence Management by phone on 1300 130 372 (select option 4) or by email on: palm@ Making A Properly Made Objection/Submission It is advised that any person/entity may make an objection to the grant of the mining lease, and/or a submission about the application for the environmental authority. The objection/submission period, during which objections/ submissions can be given, concludes on 29th October, 2021 at 4.30pm (AEST). A properly made objection and/or submission must be received on or before 4.30pm (AEST) on the last day of the objection/submission period. It must be lodged with the chief executive in writing in the approved form, addressed to the relevant Assessment Hub: Mineral Assessment Hub Level 9, 445 Flinders Street, Townsville QLD 4810 PO Box 1752, Townsville QLD 4810 Email: Objections To The Mining Lease Application: A properly made objection in respect to the grant of the mining lease is one that: • Is lodged, on or before the last objection day for the application with the chief executive in writing in the approved form; • States the grounds of the objection and the facts and circumstances relied on in support of the grounds • Is signed and dated by each person/entity (i.e. signatory) making the objection; and • States the name and address of each signatory. Intending objectors should either contact the relevant assessment hub on (07) 4447 9230 and obtain the approved objection form (MRA-20) or obtain the approved objection form from the department’s website: https://www. applications-compliance/forms-fees. A copy of the objection must also be served upon the applicant/s on or before the last day of the objection period at the following address: Riverside Exploration (QLD) Pty Ltd c/- Australian Mining & Exploration Title Services Pty Ltd PO Box 913, Mareeba QLD 4880 In accordance with section 11(2) of the Electronic Transactions (Queensland) Act 2001, an objector may only serve an objection to the applicant by email if the applicant has specified an email address in the prescribed form for the application for a mining lease. To effect service, the objector must only use this email address and not another email address (for example, not an email address found by searching the internet). If an email address is not specified in the application form, it is taken that the applicant has not consented to service of an objection by email. Submissions for the Environmental Authority Application: A properly made submission must meet all of the following requirements: • Be written or made electronically • State the name and address of each submitter • Be made to the administering authority stated above • Be received on or before the last day of the submission period • State the grounds of the submission and the facts and circumstances relied on in support of the grounds. Intending submitters may contact the Department of Environment and Science on 07 4222 5308 to obtain a submission form or obtain a copy from the departments website:

position Vacant

MINING LEASE NOTICE AND ENVIRONMENTAL AUTHORITY Mineral Resources Act 1989 – Section 252 Environmental Protection Act 1994 – Section 152 Proposed Mining Operation, Infrastructure & Camp Mining Lease Application Number 100271 - For a term of 10 years It is advised that an application has been made for a mining lease and environmental authority under the provisions of the above-mentioned Acts, for the mining/purpose of Environmental Dam, Living quarters / camp, Stock pile ore / overburden, Tailings / settling dam, Water management, Waterway diversion, Workshop / machinery / storage and Copper, Gold, Lead, Silver & Zinc ore on the following land parcels within the Mareeba Shire Council. Lot 2 on SP196221. The application is located at approximately 25 kilometres NW of Chillagoe. The applicant is: Riverside Exploration (QLD) Pty Ltd (100%) Date and time application lodged: 30 October 2020, 3.47pm Mining activities to be carried out include: Mining Operations, Infrastructure & Camp Mining Lease Application Documents The application documents consist of the Application for Mining Lease, copies of or extracts from the application documents, and the endorsed Mining Lease Notice detailing the location and description of the land applied for (including surface area and access), may be downloaded from the Departments website: or may be inspected at the Department of Resources office – Verde Tower, Level 9, 445 Flinders Street, Townsville Qld 4810 or may be obtained by contacting the local mines assessment hub on (07) 4447 9230 or Environmental Authority Documents The application documents for the proposal consist of the following: EA Standard Application. Copies of, or extracts from, the application documents may be inspected at the Department of Environment and Science 5B Sheridan Street, Cairns or may be obtained by contacting Permit and Licence Management by phone on 1300 130 372 or by email on Copies of the standard conditions and eligibility criteria for a resource activity can be obtained by accessing the Department of Environment and Science website: or by contacting Permit and Licence Management by phone on 1300 130 372 (select option 4) or by email on: palm@ Making A Properly Made Objection/Submission It is advised that any person/entity may make an objection to the grant of the mining lease, and/or a submission about the application for the environmental authority. The objection/submission period, during which objections/ submissions can be given, concludes on 29th October, 2021 at 4.30pm (AEST). A properly made objection and/or submission must be received on or before 4.30pm (AEST) on the last day of the objection/submission period. It must be lodged with the chief executive in writing in the approved form, addressed to the relevant Assessment Hub: Mineral Assessment Hub Level 9, 445 Flinders Street, Townsville QLD 4810 PO Box 1752, Townsville QLD 4810 Email: Objections To The Mining Lease Application: A properly made objection in respect to the grant of the mining lease is one that: • Is lodged, on or before the last objection day for the application with the chief executive in writing in the approved form; • States the grounds of the objection and the facts and circumstances relied on in support of the grounds • Is signed and dated by each person/entity (i.e. signatory) making the objection; and • States the name and address of each signatory. Intending objectors should either contact the relevant assessment hub on (07) 4447 9230 and obtain the approved objection form (MRA-20) or obtain the approved objection form from the department’s website: https://www. applications-compliance/forms-fees. A copy of the objection must also be served upon the applicant/s on or before the last day of the objection period at the following address: Riverside Exploration (QLD) Pty Ltd c/- Australian Mining & Exploration Title Services Pty Ltd PO Box 913, Mareeba QLD 4880 In accordance with section 11(2) of the Electronic Transactions (Queensland) Act 2001, an objector may only serve an objection to the applicant by email if the applicant has specified an email address in the prescribed form for the application for a mining lease. To effect service, the objector must only use this email address and not another email address (for example, not an email address found by searching the internet). If an email address is not specified in the application form, it is taken that the applicant has not consented to service of an objection by email. Submissions for the Environmental Authority Application: A properly made submission must meet all of the following requirements: • Be written or made electronically • State the name and address of each submitter • Be made to the administering authority stated above • Be received on or before the last day of the submission period • State the grounds of the submission and the facts and circumstances relied on in support of the grounds. Intending submitters may contact the Department of Environment and Science on 07 4222 5308 to obtain a submission form or obtain a copy from the departments website:

YOUR LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS PROPOSAL TO UPGRADE TELSTRA MOBILE PHONE BASE STATION AT Theile Street, Hope Vale QLD 4895 ( The proposed upgrade to the existing steel monopole facility consists of the Installation of one (1) new 4G panel antenna and one (1) remote radio unit (RRU) as well as ancillary items such as hybrid cabling, and in-shelter works. Telstra regards the proposed installation as a Low-impact Facility under the Telecommunications (Low-impact Facilities) Determination 2018 based on the description above. In accordance with Section 7 of C564:2018 Mobile Phone Base Station Deployment Code, we invite you to provide feedback about the proposal. Further information and/or comments should be directed to: Patrick Armstrong, Town Planner for Ventia (on behalf of Telstra), 1300 836 842, by 22 October 2021.

LOCAL Mobile Farm Butcher - will travel. Ph Bryan 0407 691 752.

Etheridge Shire Council is seeking applications for the following position. Road Crew Labourer/Plant Operator is responsible for assisting with the maintenance and construction of roads and the operation of associated plant and equipment. This position will require the successful applicants to work a nine day on five day off roster and camp at various locations within the Etheridge Shire.

BILL Black Mobile Butcher. Hang up to 7 days. 0408 922 812.

Applicants must be in possession of a current drivers licence and have or be willing to obtain a Construction Industry White Card. Applicants with a truck licence and plant operator tickets will be highly regarded.

For rent

Applicants that identify as indigenous Australians are encouraged to apply. Applications are to include a covering letter, resume and at least 2 references. Applications can be posted, delivered to the Administration Office, faxed or emailed to:


Position Vacant – Road Crew Labourers/Plant Operators The Chief Executive Officer Etheridge Shire Council PO Box 12 GEORGETOWN QLD 4871

1 Jack Street, Atherton P: 0414 700 081

Fax: 07 4062 1285 Email: Further information can be obtained by contacting Council’s HR Department on Ph: 07 40799090 or Councils website Applications close at 4pm Friday 8th October 2021 Ken Timms CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER

Pizza Maker / Baker Required Excellent hours and conditions fulltime or partime available. 0451 340 585


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MOBILE farm butcher. Ph John Hales 0409 638 882.


Machinery hire The Express would li e to inform it’s valued clients that we do not issue day accounts, however we can extend to you the establishment of a regular day account or the below methods of payment. EFTPos, Direct Payment Facilities and credit card option


Phone 07 4092 6267


puBlic notice


expression oF interest Mareeba Community Housing Company 212 Walsh Street, Mareeba QLD 4880 EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) Mareeba Community Housing Company invites Expression of Interest (EOI) from Contractors interested in competitive tender for the construction of a single unit dwelling on 96 Mason Street, Mareeba. Tenderers must hold a minimum PQC rating Level 2. Please forward details of your EOI to Davison Development Solutions P/L by COB 14/10/2021 c/o Project Manager:

The deliv ers ov er 13,5 00 newspapers to: Mareeba, Dimbulah, K uranda, Walk amin, Tolga, A therton, K airi, Malanda, Millaa Millaa, Y ungaburra, Rav enshoe, H erberton, K oah, Speewah, Mutchilba, A lmaden, Chillagoe, Biboohra, Mt Molloy, J ulatten, Mt Carbine, Cook town, L ak eland, Normonton, Mt Surprise, Mt G arnet, Croydon, F orsayth, E insleigh, K arumba, G eorgetown, Cairns, Trinity Beach, Clif ton Beach, I nnisf ail, Mossman, Port Douglas and many more in between!


The Express, Wednesday, October 6, 2021 PAGE 35

S POR T Sahara K ennedy for Mareeb a.

Rub y Mills from Atherton.

Big wins for local Gymnastics clubs at State Championships ATHERTON Momentum Gymnastics Club recently travelled to the Gold Coast to participate in the Junior State Champion-

ship, with nine girls taking over on the oor Highlighting the event Level 6, Under 10 Gymnast Ruby

Mills also took out 5t h place overall on Vault. Mareeba Gymnastics Club also participated in the cham-



pionships, with all competitors hitting their personal goals and taking home a win. Club member Sahara Kenne-

dy highlighted Mareeba Gymnastics time down south taking out the Level 4 Open State Champion on Floor.

Both local clubs came home with the pride that they smashed their personal goals and made their clubs proud.

Boxers at War returns

BOX ING will once again make its way to Mareeba with ‘ Boxers at War 8 ’ hitting the Mareeba Workers Club this coming Saturday. There will be a whole range of boxing events on show from current Queensland Champion Matthew (The Cobra) Carroll to an year old first time boxer and even some masters matches on the cards.

Coach of Brydes Boxing Gym Wayne Bryde said it takes pure guts and determination to step in the ring. “These youngsters make it look like nothing, they are so hungry, fit and disciplined and that' s what the sport can do,” he said. “I think we need a lot more of these events for our region to encourage youth and adults to take up the sport

and go for it. “I encourage everyone to come support the event as it' s the last one for the year and the first time held at the workers club.” The event will be family friends with foods and drinks for sale plus ra es going around on the night, it is a cash only event.





Event Sponsors: Cynthia Lui M.P., Mareeba Workers Club, Cairns Aerial Outpost (Q.C.W.A.).

PAGE 36 The Express, Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Fine Jewellery, Watches & Giftware All Jewellery, Watch & Clock Repairs 54 Main Street, Atherton | 4091 1006 Shop 14, Atherton Square, Cook Street, Atherton | 4091 2590


Atherton local listed for Australian hockey squad

1 4 year old P atrick Stevens from Atherton has b een one of few young rising hock ey stars selected for the U 1 5 Australian Hock ey sq uad.

A young Atherton based hockey player has taken a massive leap forward in his representative career being named part of a special squa d in contention for the 2022 Australian U15 Championships team. Patrick Stevens from Ather-

ton competed in the U15 State Championships held in Bundaberg in recent weeks and due to his performance over the championship, he was selected to go one step further. Out of the hundreds of kids that played at the State Champi-

onships only a select few were named for the next squa d, four of which were from the Cairns region, Patrick was the only one from the Tablelands is interest in hockey first shone through during school with a small inter-school com-

petition and from there his passion and love for the game only grew. Since then, Patrick has played a total of nine seasons of hockey, seven in Atherton and two in Cairns. “I enjoy playing hockey be-

cause I can play with friends and develop social and mental skills,” he said. “It feels pretty exciting to be named in the squa d, it’s something that I’ve really strived to get to. or the first couple of hours

I didn’t know what to say to people when they congratulated me.” In February of next year Patrick will join some of the best hockey players in Queensland in contention for the Australian team.



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The Express, Wednesday, October 6, 2021 PAGE 37

S POR T National level play for Mareeba local

areeba local ieran urner has ust returned ro his rst ever ustralian Junior Bask etb all Championships that w ere held in D arw in.

RISING local basketball star Kieran Turner has just returned from Darwin playing in the Australian Junior Championships as a Queensland representative. The 15 -year-old was meant to play in the original championships scheduled for Perth earlier in the year, but it was rescheduled to Darwin due to lockdowns and COVID restrictions.

Sporting his no.11 jersey Kieran was able to get out onto the court and face off against some fierce competition over the seven days. his was ieran s first time in a competition of this caliber and he absolutely loved it, soaking up any and all information he could. Gold medals, good experiences and good training were the top three things on

Kieran’s mind during this time “I thought I’d have a shot at this competition, and it’s been really exciting to possibly be the number one team in the country,” he said. “It was great, the competition was tough but it was good fun playing and hanging out.”

Roosters Clayton D algety meets the K angaroos defence at Barlow P ark on Saturday.

2021 season over for young Roosters SEASON 2021 has ended for the Atherton Senior Roosters under 18 side after they went down 24 -10 to Kangaroos in Saturday’s Cairns District ugby eague preliminary final played at Barlow Park. After a solid start which gave them a 10-4 lead at the

break, the young Roosters fell away in the second stanza to allow Kangaroos to cross for four unanswered and claim the points Atherton s first half tries came through Tom Cuda and Ryan Gallagher. Kangaroos have now advanced trough to meet Edmon-

­ PAGE 38 The Express, Wednesday, October 6, 2021


torm in the grand final grand finals for this aturday, October 9 at Barlow Park in Cairns. Game times: 3 pm Under 18 Kangaroos vs Edmonton Storm, 5 pm reserve grade Innisfail vs vanhoes, pm first grade nnisfail vs Yarrabah.


Pat Bailey: The mother of local rugby league P at Bailey from Cairns D istrict ugby eague has nally decided to call it a day on year long career.

BY RHYS THO MAS DUBBED the mother of Cairns rugby league, long-time member Pat Bailey has decided to hang up her hat and call it a day on a rewarding 3 6 -year long career with the Cairns District Rugby League (CDRL). Pat started her long career with the CDRL making the transition from basketball after being asked to be the secretary

for the Ivanhoes football club. From then Pat cemented herself as a key figure in the scene with many major decisions and developments over the last 3 6 years, having some of her input. After John Moore was elected as the president of the CDRL he contacted Pat personally to ask her to come on as the registrar the next Monday and by Friday she was the secretary, a

position she holds to this day. “They say you can’t teach and old dog new tricks but I’ve had to learn over the years,” Pat said. “I have spoilt and nursed the teams something shocking over the years and one of them said me retiring is like taking their security blanket away. “I’ve seen clubs come in and clubs drop out, we didn’t have Tully we had Babinda, we had

two teams from Innisfail which is now just one.” Despite managing having teams from as far as Mossman to Tully involved in the CDRL, Pat admitted that she has a soft spot for the two Tableland teams. “I love the Tablelands teams and I’ve had a close relationship with both Mareeba and Atherton over the years,” she said. “We’ve had some great peo-

ple in both Atherton and Mareeba. “I’ve got a special place in my heart for the Tablelands teams, same with the Cassowary Coast teams.” Pat was even part of the original committee that founded the North Queensland Cowboys as we know them today. he first meeting we had they were going to be called the crocodiles,” she said.

n the first board of the Cowboys the presidents of Townsville, Mackay, Cairns and Mount Isa competitions were all board members.” Even the NRL was no stranger to Pat with her having the chance to help organise some of their games over the years. Now Pat is planning to retire at the end of the current CDRL season after the finals that are due to be played this weekend.

The Express, Wednesday, October 6, 2021 PAGE 39


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PAGE 40 The Express, Wednesday, October 6, 2021

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