1 minute read
Fundraising Event
at Bosca’s Burger Bar (in the old RSL building)
Sunday 16th April, 2023
Doors open 11.30am for Buffet at 12 noon
Come along for food, drink, dance, raffles and fun!
Brush up on your limbo moves and your knowledge of early Australia.
$30 Per Person - RSVP by 12th April
To book contact Bosca`s on 07 3110 0933 or Rena 0412 840 107 ber of, she hopes to make it big in the breeding and showing world.
“I like working with the dogs and I think it’s a good challenge because every dog is different whether it be their temperament or the way they stack (the way a dog stands in show),” she said.
Dr Shepherd now consulting at Atherton Health Hub (25 Louise Street) every four weeks on a Thursday.
Dates: 20th April, 18th May, 15th June and 13th July
For appointments contact us. Patients can contact us directly (with or without a GP referral) to make an appointment for a consultation.
Phone: 07 4031 8400
Fax: 07 4031 8418
Email: admin@orthoshep.com.au
For more information on Dr Shepherd’s services scan:

“I exercise the dogs every day because they are also judged on their muscles and I run them around the front yard.” orthopaedic
The Ginn’s hope to expand on their breeding business, with Emily determined to convince her mother to look into Dobermans next.
THE Tablelands is an area steeped in history and the towns within the region all boast their own unique story and footprint that has left a mark on the land.
From Mareeba being the biggest tobacco growing area in the country to the famous tin mines in Herberton, buildings in each town have a story to tell.
With the help of both the Mareeba Historical Society and the Eacham Historical Society, Express journalist RHYS THOMAS wanted to learn about and share the history of some of the oldest buildings still standing today.
In part one of the series we look at the old mining town of Herberton which is steeped in history...