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Know where the kids are these school holidays
WITH one more week of school holidays to go, parents, carers and guardians are reminded they need to know where your children are and to ensure they are provided with suitable supervision and activities over the school holidays.
Unfortunately, it is during the school holidays that many of the wilful damage and burglary offences occur within our local schools.
During the school holidays and after school hours, it is an offence to be on school property without the express permission from the school principal.
Any person on school grounds may be found to be trespassing and charged with this offence.
This includes school students, no one should be using the schools as a
“shortcut”, using recreational equipment on school grounds or playing sports on the ovals during the holidays.
Police will continue to perform extra patrols during the last week of holidays around our schools and will have a zero tolerance with respect to persons found to be trespassing on education facilities.
This type of offending costs the QLD community millions of dollars every year and impacts on our local school’s ability to provide quality resources for students for their learning.
Senior Constable Aleda Day is urging members of the community to report any suspicious activity within our schools either through School Watch 13 17 88 or via Policelink on 13 14 44.