The Express Newspaper 14th July 2021

Page 1


Delivering news across our region WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 2021

RODEO ROCKS BIG CROWD Thousands from across the region converged on the Mareeba Rodeo Grounds on Saturday as the town hosted a big one day rodeo. Declared a huge success, more than 6000 spectators and competitors alike packed into Kerribee Park for an action packed day of non-stop fun and entertainment. RODEO COVERAGE PG 6-7, 40.




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MAN AG I N G D I REC TO R Carl Portella

P AP ER MAN AG ER Natasha Srhoj

JO URN ALI ST Michael Warren



O F F IC E MAN AG ER Natasha Wainwright



C I RC ULATI O N 1 3 ,0 0 0 The Express is pub lished b y P ortasea P ty Ltd, 141 Constance St, Mareeb a Q LD 48 8 0. A CN : 141 250 213 P rinted b y Townsville print centre, 6 23-6 45 Flinders St. Townsville Q LD 48 10

J IM McMurdo has dedicated his life to the fight against cancer. ow after more than years of de otion, the Ta lelands local has een recognised for his lifetime of ser ice to the Cancer Council ueensland CC . is dedication to olunteering for CC has earned him high praise and the ifetime Contri ution to olunteering ward. Both im and his wife in ha e een in ol ed with Cancer Council ueensland since after mo ing to the Ta lelands, howe er im’s life was impacted y cancer many years efore this. im lost oth his parents to cancer at a young age and sur i ed ha ing ladder cancer himself nearly years ago. in said that oth her and im ha e een inol ed with CC for nearly as long it has een around. “ hen im here he went straight into olunteering for Cancer Council ueensland,” she said. “The oth of us ha e een here together doing it all the time ut he was the one that got e erything ready. “ e were pushing ehind him, im was more out there he only started olunteering for a few weeks and they had him as the secretary.” im has also olunteered his time to other organisations such as otary and was a mem er for o er years, holding positions such as secretary and president. pon recei ing the award im felt ery proud and happy to e recognised for his many years of olunteering. “It makes me feel pretty good,” he said. ust ne t month im and in will cele rate their years of marriage, im’s th irthday and in’s st irthday.

D ED I C ATI O N : Jim Mc Murdo has b een rec ognised for his lifetime of serv ic e to the C anc er C ounc il Q ueensland.

Guilfoyle Funeral Service’s privately located funeral homes with purpose built chapels and the only crematorium in the area can ensure that your loved ones do not have to leave the Mareeba, Atherton and Tableland regions.

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Owned and Operated by the Chaffey Family since 1998. PAGE 2 The Express, Wednesday, July 14, 2021

e ushfire re ared

C H ARG ED : F our juv eniles hav e made rec ent c ourt appearanc es in re ation to a fire in areeba on June 2 9 that destoyed the P erformanc e Motors w orkshop.

ccused uveniles face court BY MI C H AEL W ARREN FOUR juvenile females arrested and charged with arson for allegedly causing a fire that destroyed a Maree a usiness ha e all faced arious court hearings over the past few days. Their appearances come after a de astating la e thought to e a deli erate act of andalism gutted the erformance Motors and amaha workshop in Maree a around . am on une . “ s it stands a -year-old girl has

already made appearances on une and uly ,” Maree a olice tation enior ergeant and cer-in-Charge Derek Garner told The E x pr ess. “ he was remanded in custody and was due to reappear efore the courts again on ugust . “Three other females that are on strict ail and curfew conditions from their original charge appeared on J uly and their ail and curfew conditions were extended. “They will each reappear again efore the courts on ugust th.” Mr Garner outlined the ne t natural

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process in the matter. “Going forward they’ll eventually ha e to answer a plea,” he ad ised. “Then the matter will e determined in a District Court y a udge. “For e ample, e en if they were to plead guilty it still needs to go efore a judge at that district level (most likely in Cairns , ust ecause of the seriousness of the offence.” Mr Garner said there has een a lot of collective support from the community for L ucy and Kevin Dunn since the alleged incident. “The Maree a community ha e re-

ally united and there has een a lot of sympathy towards the usiness owners,” the cer-in-Charge said. “It’s really good to see they’ve een a le to temporarily relocate and continue on with their usiness in some capacity. “There has een a lot of anger from the community that this could happen. “It was a senseless act that destroyed the usiness of hardworking and producti e mem ers of the community.”

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THE ld Fire and mergency ervices is preparing for the upcoming ushfire season across the region y participating in ha ard mitigation acti ities as part of peration Cool Burn . peration Cool Burn is a yearly acti ity run y local emergency services to ensure our communities are prepared and safe prior to the weather ecoming hot and dry. A slow onset of the dry season has allowed landowners to e a little complacent and the num er of ermit to L ight Fire Applications has een a little slow this year. This has een especially pre alent in the Maree a Fire arden s District according to Maree a tation cer, Darryl Chaplain. “ e are looking forward to all landowners including our key stakeholders such as Maree a hire Council, Department of atural esources, Mines and nergy, , working together to reduce the ushfire risk across the egion,” Mr Chaplain said. a ard mitigation can include preparing your properties y clearing your oundaries of fuel and egetation with fire reaks, slashing and mowing grass around infrastructure and risk areas. Carrying out controlled urns to reduce the fuel, e en cool mosaic type urns reduce some of the fuel can make all the difference when the weather turns nasty. Community safety is a oint responsi ility. ital preparations and eing igilant on the land should e a priority this year to pre ent a ushfire occurring and possi le loss of life.

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The Express, Wednesday, July 14, 2021 PAGE 3

TRC to hold information sessions following budget release BY MI C H AEL W ARREN TABL EL ANDS R egional Council Mayor R od Marti has provided a comprehensi e reakdown of recent changes to local ratepayers’ rates and water charges following the release of Council’s latest budget. Mr Marti said Council has tried to minimise water and rate increases as much as possi le. “R ate increases of up to 5% will reach across the entire Tablelands footprint,” Mr Marti admitted to The E x pr ess. “ ppro imately of ratepayers fall into this category. Even with the scope of change in property valuations, we have been able to retain almost of the rate charges to an increase of 3% or lower. “ lmost of this group will

ha e either no change or remain the same as their last general rate charge. “Valuation changes are not consistent to any area or type of property. We have seen increases and decreases in every town across every property type. “Council has used valuation averaging and amended the rate charges to ensure Council only collects the revenue required to support its operations. The increase in revenue since the last rate notice issued Fe is 3.5% . Growth and changes to properties accounts for . this includes su di isions, amalgamations, change in use e.g. vacant land to house etc). “Based on the updated land valuations, we would have received a increase in re enue. e worked ackward from our re uired re enue increase of . to e uita ly ad ust

rate charges across all categories.” Council will hold pu lic information sessions in therton on uly Coordination Centre, ernon treet , Malanda on uly atrick nglish a illion, Thomas treet and a enshoe on uly Mountain Institute, 24 Moore Street) between - pm for those interested in finding out how rates are calculated, the impacts of land aluations and how properties will e impacted ased on category of land. Council said the recent rate increases aren’t confirmed to ust one pocket of the region. “The precedent set y the most recent land valuations is two-fold,” Mr Marti advised. “L and valuations have gone up dramatically right across the region usually it’s confined to one or two

prime ag, mi ed-cropping areas ut not this time, and additionally the scale of the increases have been dramatic. “Properties with up to a 3% general rate increase are in every location of the Tablelands. “Properties with a general rate increase etween are in e ery location of the Tablelands. “Properties with a general rate increase greater than are not in every location of the Tablelands, but span across 33 locations.” Mr Marti further explained how Council recently determined recent rate charges. “We have reviewed the valuation mo ements and ad usted the rate charges to ensure Council only collects a 3.5% increase in total revenue, not per property,” Mr Marti said.

“ s many aluations ha e increased, we have actually reduced many rate charges to accommodate for this increase. “Depending on your property type and rating category, you may ha e a decrease in rates, your general rate may stay the same, or your general rate may increase.” Mr Marti also explained the region’s increased water charges. “The water access charge has increased from . to per year (half included in each rate notice . This is an increase of . per year or . . per rate notice),” he said. “ ater consumption charge has increased from . to . an increase of . .”

Katter calls for upgrades to Regional road network OOTANN R oad and the Kuranda Bypass R oad have een identified as ma or arteries in the road network of Far North Queensland by leader of Katter’s Australia Party (KAP) R obbie Katter after a recent visit to the Tablelands.

Mr Katter was invited to the Tablelands last week and got the chance to speak to some important local organisations including the Maree a Cham er of Commerce. During his conversation with Cham er president oe Moro

Leader for K atter’ s Australia P arty Rob b ie K atter c alled into Mareeb a last w eek speaking the regions c urrent road infrastruc ture.

Mr atter identified se eral issues that needed addressing including road infrastructure. “We felt that we needed to have better dialogue with the Katter party, we work a lot with Shane Knuth and we think he does a lot of great work,” Mr

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Moro said. “At the end of the day the Go ernment makes the decisions so we do most of our discussion with the mem er for Cook and the remier in particular. “If we want to push some policy agendas for the future it is also important to talk to the opposition and the Katter party. “We see the Katter party as being the strongest of all the minor parties and with the strongest connection to North Queensland.” While speaking to Mr Katter Mr Moro identified that the three biggest issues that the Cham er faces in any industry is, “roads, roads and roads.” “Whether it’s a council road, state road and in some cases a federal road,” Mr Moro said.

“ otann oad is ery important to the Cham er, it always has been. “It is pro a ly the most important piece infrastructure that will see northern Australia and of course Far North Queensland reach fuller potential.” Ootann R oad and the Kuranda Bypass R oad have een identified as ital parts of FNQ’s road infrastructure that cannot be ignored. “They all link, you can’t ust do one and forget about the others, if you don’t look at them from a holistic approach you don’t develop its full capacity,” Mr Moro said. This view is shared by Mr Katter who believes that these roads act as vital arteries for se eral industries from horticulture to cattle to tourism.


“If the go ernment comes back and says, ‘we do not have the money’ we ust can’t accept that, that’s ridiculous,” Mr Katter said. “They can’t provide the funding to have a vital artery between our highly productive areas, not ust through the Mareeba district but right through the Gulf. “ ou will see the e act same sort of num ers spent on the lympic Games down in the southeast corner for them to have a two-week party.” Out of the Queensland budgets recent $ 27 .5 billion, fouryear road and transport investment plan the Far orth only saw ust o er illion, all going towards Cairns upgrades.


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Rhodes awarded Meritorious Medal for momentous service During the aftermath of Cyclone Yasi R ussell was appointed to work with the Cassowary Coast R egional Council helping with relief efforts and disaster management. From 2011 to 2018 R ussell returned to the Townsville Police Academy as the inspector in charge where he oversaw 14 s uads, recruits go through the same process he did many years before. Despite his years of service and exceptional track record,

R ussell never moved above the position of Inspector, by his own choice. “I could of went higher but the commissioners wanted me to go down south as a superintendent or above,” Inspector R hodes said. “But I always wanted to stay here. “I was happy here just being the local inspector.” Inspector R hodes is currently on leave due to health issues, until his retirement later in the year.


I nspec tor Russell Rhodes started his polic ing c areer ov er 4 0 years ago, a serv ic e that he has b een rec ognised for w ith a v ery rare and highly c ov eted medal.

BY RH YS TH O MAS AFTER dedicating his life to protecting others, Inspector R ussell R hodes has been recognised for his years of service to the Police force and the communities he has served. Queensland Police Commissioner Katarina Carroll made a special trip to Cairns last week to present Inspector R hodes with the prestigious ‘Meritorious Service Medal’, recognising his career that started 40 years ago. After initially being recommended for the Australian Police Medal (APM), R ussell’s incredible service record pushed him higher, therefore receiving the Meritorious Service Medal. Inspector R hodes was recommended for the APM by dignitaries such retired superintendent R olf Straatemeier and past Tablelands R egional Council

Mayor J oe Paronella. “I’ve been told by other mates that this is a much better award for an individual compared to an APM,” Inspector R hodes said. “It is for people who have done exceptional service having never been in trouble. “I’ve had a lot of phone calls from mates saying how important it was and how happy they were for me to have received it.” As soon as R ussell graduated from St Augustine’s College in Cairns, he enrolled straight into the academy. Finishing his training in J uly 1982 R ussell started his long and eventful career on the force by returning to the north, working in the Mareeba district for an initial four years. With an extensive service record covering areas across the Far North, R ussell has always made a point to fully ingrain

himself in the community he serves. From Georgetown to the Cape he has developed community outreach and engagement programs that had profound impacts on the communities. “In Georgetown I used to teach all the kid’s athletes, sports and everything like that, I coached all the kids in Malanda as well,” Inspector R hodes said. “When you are at these oneman stations like Georgetown, Croydon and all those places you really get involved in the towns. “We raised over $ 200,000 with the charity golf days I used to organise, and it was all about giving the money to police officer mates, who had sick people in their lives.” During his stays in the many towns that he served R ussell often found himself as the acting inspector, a position he perma-

nently achieved when promoted to be the Cape York inspector. As the Cape York inspector R ussell was on the ground during the investigation for the L ockhart R iver crash in 2005, a crash that took the life of fellow o cer and friend, ally r uhart.

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COVID check in changes – who is affected in QLD? AS of Friday J uly 9, it became mandatory for several new businesses, venues and organisation to keep track of their visitors and customers through the check in QL D app. Hospitality venues across Queensland such as bars, clubs and restaurants all have had mandatory COVID check ins for their patrons for the past several months. Now under the new changes’ that took effect last Friday places like shopping centres and beauty salons have had to follow suit, making sure their customers sign in before entering. This applies to shopping centres and retail stores supplying goods and services to the public, such as supermarkets, pharmacies, bank branches, hardware stores, petrol stations and newsagents. Venues that attract large

crowds such as stadiums, convention centres, theme parks, concert venues and cinemas. Beauty and personal care services such as hairdressing, beauty therapy and nail services, Indoor events like cultural festival and expos. Outdoor events with dancing such as music or dance festivals, L eisure and recreation facilities gyms, health clubs, indoor sports facilities and indoor pools.

Short term residential facilities such as hotels, boarding houses and short-term holiday rentals, Outdoor recreation such as caravan parks, camping areas, oos and a uariums. Galleries, museums, libraries and community centres, public facing government services such as customer service counters providing licensing and registration services for members of the public. Indoor weddings, funerals and places of worship higher education institutions such as universities, TAFEs and registered training organisations and adult entertainment venues. Businesses effected will need to complete the registration form online to register their businesses, receiving a set up guide including their uni ue code.


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The Express, Wednesday, July 14, 2021 PAGE 5

Janine Boundy her team of Jenna Martel, C layre G irgenti and Aly Martin sold plenty of souv enirs throughout the day.

A large c row d gathered inside early to w atc h the ac tion inside the main arena.

ara en ies ro Mareeb a rodeo.

airns en oye

Large c row ds enjoyed the sideshow

er first

alley ac tion.

LIV E MUSIC. FUNDRAISING. AWARENESS. 22nd August 20 21 11am - 2pm NuNu @ Palm Cove Email for booking link: celebratekarenbraes@ PAGE 6 The Express, Wednesday, July 14, 2021

One day rodeo thrills large crowd grounds a range of stallholders reported excellent business. R odeo souvenir store volunteer J anine Boundy said the shop had been “pretty busy” since the gates opened, with Mareeba R odeo shirts and stubby coolers proving popular amongst the patrons. Behind the bar, manager “Nipper” Brown said a “steady stream” of people had taken the opportunity to enjoy a cold beer on what proved a particularly hot Saturday afternoon. Meanwhile the main arena looked picture perfect with eager spectators treated to plenty of bull bucking fun and horse action throughout the day and into the night.

L ara Menzies, from Cairns, said it was the perfect way to spend the weekend. “This is my first Maree a rodeo, I had heard all about it, and thought I’d make the trip up to see it for myself,” she said. “I haven’t been disappointed, it’s been awesome.” Fellow Cairns residents, the Boyd Family, also had a ball, with children Genevieve, 4, Masen 10, Clarise 2, and Aleck, seven months, all enjoying the action inside the main arena. “We have friends that own properties and enjoy this sort of thing, so we thought we’d also have a look,” mum, R ebecca, told The E x p ress. “It’s such a great event for

the whole family, it’s great for the kids to see another way of life.” Mareeba Mayor Angela Toppin, who worked the gate putting wristbands on crowd members, was delighted with the day. “I want to commend the rodeo committee on putting on a magnificent community e ent,” Ms Toppin said. “What they’ve been able to do, with the restrictions of COVID and the like, is absolutely brilliant. “The Mareeba rodeo is an iconic event and one this town continues to embrace every year.”

Reb ec c a Boyd w ith c hildren G enev iev e, 4 , Masen 1 0 , C larise 2 , and Alec k, sev en months, w ho all enjoyed the ac tion inside the main arena.

BY MI C H AEL W ARREN IT wasn’t the full version we’ve come to love and expect but this year’s reduced one-day Mareeba rodeo super Saturday spectacular still impressed and delighted the masses as more than 6000 bull riding and loyal fans enjoyed the event’s thrills and spills both in and out of the main arena. By 11am, the event’s carni-

val atmosphere was in full force with sideshow alley packed with families, children and patrons eager to enjoy a range of rides and attractions, including the spinechilling “Freakout” which sent participants ying into the air upside down. Other patrons tried their luck at the shooting gallery and the alley’s other drawcards. Townsville’s Greg J ohnson of J ohnson’s amusements oper-

ated the lucky numbers, laughing clowns, Tornado ride and hot dog wagon at the rodeo. “A lot of us in the show and entertainment industry have been out of business for a while because of COVID so it’s sensational to be back and working at events like the awesome Mareeba rodeo,” he said. “We’ve been busy since the gates have opened.” R ight across the rodeo

Many volunteers make light work Comment with Michael Warren It’s well-known volunteers are the heartbeat of any community event. Whether it’s the R otary FNQ Field Days, or in this case the Mareeba R odeo, many hands, really do make light work. And so it was as I walked around the rodeo on Saturday that I felt a sense of warmth and pride as a I watched locals contribute to the success of this event. I watched as “Nipper” Brown and his team poured endless beers behind the bar while

Mayor Toppin tagged endless patrons with wristbands as they entered the grounds. I observed J anine Boundy and the girls around her provide countless smiles as they sold souvenirs throughout the day. As I entered and left the grounds I was left impressed, as always with those hardy volunteers, under the hot sun, directing motorists where to park and where to also leave the venue. Congrats to the Mareeba rodeo committee, who, under revised conditions, delivered another event to remember.


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The Express, Wednesday, July 14, 2021 PAGE 7

aintenance tea BY MI C H AEL W ARREN A DEDICATED quartet of volunteers that manage the upkeep of the busy and extremely popular Mareeba Heritage Museum and Visitor Information Centre have been gifted a number of brand-new items thanks to the generosity of the L ocal L ions Club and another fellow men’s group. In recent days Mareeba L ions Club handed over a $ 1200 donation which the centre duly used to purchase electrical tools, including drills, routers, grinders, sanders and other essential equipment. The purchased goods will be regularly used by the centre’s volunteer maintenance team to

maintain the premise. The acquired tools will be housed inside the centre’s newly constructed shed, or as it’s also known, the “J oinery Works” building. “J oinery Works” is a reference to well-known community member George Frederick Smith. The new shed will ensure a safe workspace for the team and recognises the ongoing and increased workload encountered by the maintenance team since the centre became a self-governing corporation back in 2016. In addition, the Mareeba Men’s L eisure group also contributed $ 800 to the project while the centre also paid thanks and welcomed the generosity of community member Gordon



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R edding, who after a spring clean of his shed, also personally offered a range of items to be donated, used and housed in the J oinery Works building. “Mareeba L ions was approached by a few volunteer maintenance workers at the Mareeba Heritage Centre in relation to purchasing some workshop tools for the new shed recently built for the maintenance section,” Mareeba L ions president R ico Cabassi explained to The E x p ress. “As such I mentioned that as a priority we invest as much locally raised funds as possible back into the community of Mareeba. “The Heritage Centre is a landmark for tourists and locals and a credit to Mareeba. “Mareeba L ions are proud to issue a donation of $ 1200 towards the tools which will assist with the ongoing upkeep and displays. “Prior to donating to the tools Maree a ions purchased a defibrillator for the Mareeba Heritage Centre.” Mareeba Heritage Centre President Tito Srhoj said he was exceptionally grateful for the donations from both local community groups. “I want to thank both groups for their extremely kind donation and make particular mention of how important they continue to be to the framework of the Centre,” Mr Srhoj said. “The Board along with the maintenance team are very appreciative of the much-needed funds donated by the Mareeba L ions Club and Men’s L eisure Group.”


ABO V E: The Mareeb a Lions’ C lub donated $ 1 2 0 0 w hic h the H eritage C entre used to b uy elec tric al tools for the upkeep of the premise. BELO W : The Mareeb a Men’ s Leisure G roup after made a generous donation of $ 8 0 0 .





Construction is complete at the Cedric avies Community ub site, providing the new areeba library, a community hall, bowls clubhouse and covered bowls green. he main building will cater for community events and recreational activities, and will house the multi faceted library service.

he library will feature ample off street par ing, a coffee station, a meeting room and i Fi access throughout. t will be accessible to people of all abilities and will include a scooter recharge facility near the front entrance. he e isting library will close on July 4, ahead of the opening of the new site in ugust. EARLY CLOSURE: Council advises that our customer service centres and libraries will close at 1pm on Friday, July 30, to enable a staff function to proceed. Council's after hours service (1300 308 461) will operate after closure and staff will be available to deal with critical and emergency issues.

URA A AL RA LS: Council has improved and enhanced the Jum um and Jungle al trails, maintaining the character of uranda and conserving the natural environment. he trails lin with the arron Falls rail, also recently completed, which provides wal ers with an immersive rainforest e perience along . m of moderate intensity trac and easy access to the arron Falls loo out.

C LLA OE A ER RESER O RS: Council has completed construction of a new 00 ilolitre concrete reservoir, removing the two 1 0 steel reservoirs which previously serviced the Chillagoe township and surrounds. he significant increase in holding capacity provides greater water security for the area. he new reservoir meets cyclone standards and provides ade uate storage for fire fighting purposes and potential drin ing water, boosting community resilience in a disaster situation.

6 5 Ra n k i n S t , M a r e e b a 4 8 8 0 | 1 8 - 2 2 Ar a r a S t r e e t , K u r a n d a 4 8 8 1 PAGE 8 The Express, Wednesday, July 14, 2021

1 3 0 0 3 0 8 4 6 1

ULA RE UR S E S: Council has completed refurbishments to refreshen the facilities at the imbulah town hall, swimming pool and caravan par for the en oyment of the community and visitors to the township. ld, crac ed linoleum has been replaced at the town hall while refurbishments at the caravan par office and swimming pool ios included the flooring and cabinetry. he caravan par office also received a new sliding door. SOLAR O ER RO EC S: ine Council owned facilities across the hire, including swimming pools, treatment plants, pump stations, and the Cedric avies Community ub will be connected to solar photovoltaic infrastructure in the near future. Council will cut its electricity costs by converting more than 30 per cent of the sites' combined energy usage to renewable energy. his will substantially reduce Council's carbon emissions by about 600 tonnes per year.

in fo @ m s c .q ld .g o v .a u

A YOU: Council than s the tate and Federal governments for providing the funding for all of these pro ects.

w w w .m s c .q ld .g o v .a u

r re o en

President’s vision with cards becomes a reality

a n rit an r i rit a e ei e an a ter years e i ate onser ation an iron enta or

ATHER ON Tablelands Chamber of Commerce President Bree Hargraves has expressed her satisfaction after the newly created Shop Tablelands cards were purchased and used as prizes at the recent Atherton Show. “Well done to the Atherton how for eing the first to jump on board and purchase $ 500 worth of Shop Tablelands Gift Cards as prizes of their competitions,” Ms Hargraves said. “Instead of making the hard choice of purchasing a voucher from one or two local businesses, they have

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Local conservationists recognised with OAM BY ELLI E F I N K

WHIL E studying the wonders of a remote island north west of Madagascar, Doctors Cliff and Dawn Frith immediately knew they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together. Now 50 years on and hand in hand, the Malanda locals have been awarded an Order Of Australia Medal (OAM). The couple have dedicated their lives together in conservation and will o cially recei e their OAM award in Brisbane for their outstanding contributions to conservation and the environment. Together they have published 150 peer reviewed journals and 15 illustrated books and have received seven prestigious awards thus far. Dr Cliff had a passion for the way the world works through Charles Darwin's “The Wonders of L ife on Earth” from the ripe age of 11, which led him to a lifetime of his own research. Dr Dawn became interested

in the frogs in her garden as a child and their behaviours, which led her to an interest in ecology and eventually a PhD study. “I became particularly interested in the chapters on Bowerbirds and wild Birds of Paradise and from a very young age I determined that I wanted to go further in studying them,” Dr Cliff said. “My family immigrated to Australia when I was 15 in 1965 and when I began schooling here it was all too hard so I ended up leaving school and working at Taronga Z oo, so I had no school ualifications at all.” Dr Cliff then mo ed ack to England at the age of 17 , which brought him the opportunity of a lifetime with the British Museum of Natural History. “They needed someone who knew about birds in Australia to go on an eight month Fifth Harold Hall Expedition,” he said. “It was the first time coming face to face with a bowerbird and it expanded my interest in

the bird so much more. “We were in a very remote area on an island near Madagascar and that's where I met Dawn, who was studying insects during the same exhibition.” This exhibition would become a turning point in both the Frith’s lives, becoming the starting point of their 50 years of research and discoveries together. “Very quickly we fell in love on this tropical island and spent a year afterwards writing our research together in our cottage in ngland,” Dr Cliff said. The couple then moved to Thailand to conduct more research on birds, snakes and frogs and then later found themselves settling in Paluma, Far North Queensland. Many years on, Dr Cliff said that he was humbled and shocked when he received a letter in the mail saying they had been nominated for an OAM. “A few months went past after that letter and we didn’t hear anything, but then we received another one to say we had re-

ceived one together for our contribution to conservation and the environment,” he said. “It is so thrilling that Dawn and I could receive this award together, it is almost unreal. “We spent 50 years of our lives making amazing life changing discoveries together, especially on bowerbirds and birds of paradise which previously no one had previous knowledge on.” Dr Cliff is currently writing a memoir of the last 50 years with Dr Dawn and the amazing discoveries they have made together. “She has never left my side over the last 50 years and I am particularly thrilled that we have had such a wonderful life together, it has been truly unbelievable for us to be in this together.” The OAM Association will welcome the couple down south in the coming months to except their medal.

grabbed Shop Tablelands Gift Cards, which means the winner can shop at any of the participating businesses across the Tablelands. “This is exactly how I saw these gift cards being used, and I am so excited to ha e made the first sale efore they have arrived. That’s $ 500 being invested back into local small business from sponsored prizes. “Thank you to Kylie L ang and the (Atherton) show committee for supporting the Shop Tablelands Gift Cards.”

159 Walsh Street, Mareeba Phone: 07 4092 5466 Email:



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The Express, Wednesday, July 14,23/06/2021 2021 1:29:25 PAGE PM 9

Ferns find favour with local florists BY SALLY TURLEY

areeba orists Tay or an enee u es s ent t eir un ay ar estin a o s to use in t eir ora arran e ents

ern ro

WHEN you imagine two orists out in a field gathering foliage, your might picture them in a erdant field of wild owers, la ender or sun owers, ut owner operators of Floral Magic Maree a, enee and Taylor ughes, were looking for something a little different last weekend. They took a unday dri e to the southern Ta lelands to collect unches of greenery in high demand in the ower usiness, foliage that dairy and eef producers spend a lot of time and money trying to eradicate from their pastures. enee and Taylor were collecting Bracken Fern, the new, chic, must ha e ingredient in ou uets destined for e erywhere from the side ta le to the hands of a eautiful ride doing the “ ig walk.” “The fern is used in many aspects of our work, ut mostly in our dried and preser ed oral arrangements, where the range of colours it turns during the drying process and its interesting te ture adds appeal to arrangements,” Ms ughes said.

i aa

“Dried and preser ed arrangements are completely on trend right now and we need a lot of dried plants and grasses to add structure to our unches. They are a great alternati e to fresh owers which only last a few days, and with some care, dried unches can look lo ely for up to two years. “They are a great option for rides needing ou uets, ackdrops and centre-pieces, who may ha e to reschedule weddings in these uncertain C ID times and they are ideal for decorating your home as they’re pollen-free for any allergy sufferers. “ t Floral Magic, we also send uite a lot of arrangements out to station people and people out of Maree a on uses and mail planes. Bunches can sometimes suffer a little rough treatment in transit, and the ferns are uite ro ust in those situations. “Generally we uy our unches of fern from our southern wholesalers, and it is uite an e pensi e component of our oral supplies, so once we ecame aware of its presence on many local farms, we thought

we would spend some of our weekend gathering a sample to try in the shop. “Farmers certainly seem happy to share their crop of fern with us, as I guess they don t really alue it and pro a ly intend to get rid of it from their paddocks e entually. “The fern will ha e to e put through a lengthy drying process o er se eral weeks to make it ou uet-ready and it if doesn t come up to the mark uality-wise after that, we will simply discard it. e won t know for a few weeks if it will e ust a one off,” Ms ughes said. Bracken fern is nati e to Britain where it has traditionally een used for animal edding, which later reaks down into a rich mulch that could e used as fertili er. It is still used this way in ales. It is also used as a winter mulch, which has een shown to reduce the loss of potassium and nitrogen in the soil, and to lower soil p . Generations of gardeners and nurserymen used racken as a surface mulch to retain moisture and suppress weed growth.

Troublesome bees relocated M of ees that recently caused ha oc for motorists dri ing along therton’s main street ha e een relocated. therton resident icki McGlew was dri ing near the Bank when peculiarly, and from out of nowhere she suddenly noticed se eral ees u ing around her car. econds later her attention was drawn to a road works marker in which hundreds of ees had temporarily called home. “ here they are doing the work for the pedestrian crossing near the ank, watch out for swarming ees,” Ms. McGlew posted online ust moments after the encounter. “I was turning right and had to put my windows up as they were attacking my car. “I ha e tried reporting it to TM ut they still ha e not answered my call after eing on hold for o er minutes.” Ms. McGlew later confirmed that following her report, the ees were rounded up and relocated out of harm’s way.

Christmas in July

A sw arm of b ees that took a liking to a road marker rec ently in Atherton’ s main street w ere sw iftly remov ed and reloc ated out of harm’ s w ay.


Reef protection regulations

IMPORTANT INFORMATION for cropping and horticulture growers Are you looking to start or expand cropping or horticulture on five hectares or more in the Cape York region? Will you be selling that crop? If so, you might need a permit before any work takes place. Permits are required unless the land has already been cropped in three out of the last 10 years. Find out more For further information or to order an information pack:

visit | phone 13 QGOV (13 74 68) | email Authorised by the Queensland Government, William Street, Brisbane. PAGE 10 The Express, Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Nomads set for July fun

National award for mens health BY RH YS TH O MAS

The Atherton Men’ s Shed has b een rec ognised for their new health program b eing v oted the Best N ew Men’ s H ealth I nitiativ e at the 2 0 2 1 Men’ s H ealth Aw ards.

M therton fitness program has made national headlines after eing named as the Best ew Men’s ealth Initiati e at the Men’s ealth wards. tarting at the eginning of the year, the therton Men’s hed teamed up with therton Community ealth, F ealth and Fitness and Ta lelands egional Council to deli er a specialised, tailored program to its mem ers. The therton Men’s hed hysical cti ity rogram ran for weeks with an initial sur ey done at the eginning, seeing where each participant’s fitness was and what they wanted to get out of the program. The program was not ust restricted to the men’s shed mem ers howe er as o er the course of the program they had many different people and other groups coming along to participate. “ e had an o erall o ecti e for what the program would look like, ut we maintained a concept of e i ility to make sure the program de eloped to meet the needs of the guys participating,” Clinical nurse for therton Community ealth Malcolm Fraser said. “ ach of the sessions was super ised y a clinical nurse and an e ercise physiologist.” ow the program has won the Best ew Men’s ealth Initiati e at the Men’s ealth wards, where they also got second in the uity category for the same program. Mr Fraser felt that the program had a good alance of eing professional and structured, and rela ed and fun. “ e were a le to find a alance etween making it structured and yet eing not as structured, so the men felt free around coming and going as they like. “There was a lot of anter, a lot of

Exceptional service by usted, local pro essionals

laughter and pleasure a out the program ecause they weren’t under pressure.” Carla Barletta from F ealth and Fitness was the on-hand e ercise physiologist for the duration of the program and agreed with Mr Fraser’s comments a out the program. “ e wanted to make it a professional program too so all the measures that we took lood pressures for e ample,” she said. “From our ackground in health we wanted to make sure they were safe and felt really supported in the en ironment. “They felt safe and supported ecause of the professionalism.” resident of the therton Men’s hed aul ones said he was surprised a out the response and community support that the program recei ed. “ e feel uite good a out it ecause the more the fellas got into it the keener and keener they got,” he said. “ ome of them I’d ne er seen up so early.” ow with the program finishing its -week lifespan the therton Men’s hed mem ers now ha e the knowledge to keep the program running. “ art of the underlying philosophy of men’s shed’s in ustralia is not only the workshop type acti ities ut mental health as well and also the physical health,” therton Men’s hed secretary ohn hyte said. “It was designed to ha e an ongoing, self-perpetuating model process and that is working well as well. “ o, e ery new person that comes to the men’s shed is in ited to come to the program and oin in if they want.” Being a success, the program now has the potential to spread to other men’s shed’s across the country.

THE ow of cara ans and motorhomes dri ing into Maree a has steadily risen o er the past few weeks signaling the eginning of Christmas in uly much to the delight of tra elers and local usinesses alike. ince eing postponed last year the regular participants and nomads of the annual e ent are more e cited than e er to fill up Da ies ark come uly . unning from Thursday, uly until unday uly Christmas in uly pro ides a much-needed economic oost with all usiness in Maree a. Far orth omads Coordinator Maureen ane is e cited to e a le to ring the e ent ack to Maree a. “ e are full steam ahead e erything is on track,” she said. “ erything is ooked, the mar uee for Christmas and dinner under the stars and local ands lined up. “ eryone is ery appreciati e for it eing on and people are really happy to come ack and do it again this year.” The e ent will e opened to the pu lic on unday with a gold cold donation entry fee with market stalls, entertainment and more on offer. “It’s the money that is left in the town, we are non for profit and any money left o er gets donated to local charities and sporting groups,” Mrs ane said.

Eureka Creek



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Community Spirit

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For more information phone: 0488 927 333 Or email:

4092 4774 4091 1199

The Express, Wednesday, July 14, 2021 PAGE 11

Kathy Caswell Yungaburra QLD

Land valuations will be averaged over two years for general rates No new borrowings Organisation review of services Operational budget of $62.5M Capital works budget of $30.3M

This budget is a reflection of our commitment to improving facilities and services to our community, especially in the areas of water supply, quality and reliability, and our road network.

Find out how rates are calculated, the impacts of land valuations and more: 20 July 7-9pm Coordination Centre 15 Vernon Street, Atherton 21 July 7-9pm Patrick English Pavillion Thomas Street, Malanda 22 July 7-9pm Mountain Institute 24 Moore Street, Ravenshoe

Ascertain what services we want to deliver in the coming year. Calculate the cost of delivering those services and providing facilities. Take into account other revenue sources like grants. Calculate the remaining amount required from rates. Apply this to the different rating categories in a fair and equitable way.

This expenditure supports daily operations including running libraries and transfer stations, maintaining parks and gardens, facilitating community events, providing and maintaining facilities, and delivering essential services to homes and businesses.

Key areas include:

$45 Roads, bridges, footpaths & drains $20 Parks & gardens $15 Community & corporate facilities

$14.5M for roads, bridges, foothpaths & drains

$9.7M on water

$8.2M on water improvements

$8.4M on waste

$1.8M on parks & swimming pools

$7.5M on parks and gardens

$1.8M on waste, landfills & transfer station

$7.2M on wastewater

$1.2M on wastewater $547k on buildings

Community, events & tourism


Environment health & land protection

$5.6M on corporate & community buildings, showgrounds, halls, toilets, etc.



$2.6M on community, events & tourism


Town planning, building & plumbing

$233k on cemeteries

PAGE 12 The Express, Wednesday, July 14, 2021

$132k on libraries $30k on caravan parks

$2 Local laws, animal management & building applications

Disaster management

Key areas include:

$16.5M for roads, bridges, foothpaths &drains



Activity of investing in the business of Council to add/create additional assets like new roads, buildings, pipelines, etc.

** Includes up to $19M in state and federally funded projects.

58 years of art on show

P resident of the Mareeb a Arts Soc iety F aythe K eojh and Jan Bell at the 5 8 th annual art ex hib ition in Mareeb a last w eek. I N SET: Many aw ards w ere w on throughout the ex hib ition inc luding loc al artist Lorraine Amadio in the open c ategory.

BY ELLI E F I N K MAR EEBA Art Society opened the doors to the regions art fanatics at the Mareeba Sports Hall last week for its 58th annual art exhibition for 2021. President Faythe Keojh said that the MAS is proud to continue the annual tradition portraying the talent within the Mareeba and surrounding shires. “The exhibition started in the mid 1950’s with the tobacco crew who organised the tobacco

festival and they asked the people of the day if they'd do an exhibition,” she said. “The people who supported the tobacco industry supported us through the exhibition and we are keeping the tradition going.” She said that in the peak of COVID, many artists found themselves expanding their talents and using the shire’s unique landscapes. “We are trying to have something different each year and this year we chose the theme of

focusing on Australia because people are now looking at their local areas,” Ms Keojh said. “Our judge Angela Myers was very pleased we focussed on the ora, fauna and landscapes and portrayed the Australian way of life. “It took a whole team to create this exhibition, there is so much talent in the Mareeba Shire and the surrounding shires that participate and it’s brilliant seeing artists come together to show their talent.”

Product of Australia

28th June 2021 To Ravenshoe, Tablelands and Gulf-Country Communities RE: URG EN T F O RUM TO D I SC USS TH E F UTURE O F RAV EN SH O E BEN D I G O BAN K It is with regret that the Board of Ravenshoe-Gulf Country Community Enterprises Limited (“RGCCEL”) informs its shareholders and local community that the future of RGCCEL is at risk unless sufficient members of the local community volunteer to take on director roles on the RGCCEL Board. The RGCCEL board is in urgent need of new directors to take up positions on the Board and is holding an Urgent Community Forum at 5:30pm on 22 July 2021, in order to engage with the local community with a view to ensuring the future sustainability of the company. If new directors are not forthcoming, there are serious ramifications for the Ravenshoe Bendigo branch including closure and or the appointment of expensive professional directors. Despite the Board’s current situation, RGCCEL is in a strong financial and management position. The Board strongly believes that RGCCEL has an important and lasting value in the community, as long as community members become involved and support its sustainability. C ommunity F orum to disc uss solutions The RGCCEL board invites interested community members and shareholders to attend an Urgent Community Forum to discuss the matters raised above and seek interest from potential directors. The C ommunity F orum w ill take plac e in person as follow s: D ate: 22 July, 2021 Time: 5:30pm V enue: Ravenshoe Hotel, 34 Grigg Street, Ravenshoe. Rear dining room. A Microsoft Teams link can be made available to those who are unavailable to attend in person. If you wish to attend via video conference, please email us requesting a link. A board meeting will be held after the forum to welcome any new directors or alternatively decide on which of the above options the board is forced to take. The Board is hopeful that, with enough community and shareholder support, a new board of directors will be appointed to ensure the sustainability of RGCCEL in the community. Any questions or requests for online meeting links can be emailed to; sec retary@ rgc c el.c om Yours sincerely, The Board Ravenshoe Gulf-Country Community Enterprise Limited Stirling Tavener, Chair & Treasurer Melanie Wilson, Secretary Anne Vosoba, Marketing & Sponsorship

Product of Australia

Product of Australia

Ravenshoe-Gulf Country Community Enterprises Limited

Product of Australia

The Express, Wednesday, July 14, 2021 PAGE 13

PAGE 14 The Express, Wednesday, July 14, 2021

C O LO U R ‘ N ’ W A LK A N D R O LL- A- TH O N F U N D R A I SE R


yria an



0 Saturday, July 1 at the Atherton Show grounds.

Alissa Ab erc romb ie.

Slotted Spoon C afé team – Lillian, Lisa, D arc y, Jude.

D eb b ie Magnee and I ggy.

Marilyn Mc K ell.

Sean K ruger.

Mayo Lodge accepts new goods THE Soroptimists of the Tropical Tablelands have donated several items to the Marilyn Mayo L odge. These items included two frying pans, a set of carving knives, a knife sharpener, 10 knives and forks, 10 steak knives, kitchen utensils, tea towels and subscriptions to four magazines. These items were purchased with the $ 1000 raised at the preloved clothing sale at Stan Moses Hall recently in Atherton. Marilyn Mayo lodge staff gratefully received their new goods and intend to put the items to good use.

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4092 2605 SI TT P resident Barb ara W hyb ird ( right) hands ov er a set of kniv es to Marilyn Mayo Lodge C oordinator Annic k D ub ois.


The Express, Wednesday, July 14, 2021 PAGE 15

Celebrating 110 years of the big Malanda Pub SUNDAY wrapped up three big days of celebrations at the Malanda Pub over the weekend. The 110 year anniversary event of the largest wooden hotel in Australia saw locals and visitors enjoy three action packed days of fun and entertainment. Friday and Saturday night saw live music for all to enjoy, with Sunday featuring the annual woodchops and the Tom English Pool comp plus giveaways, live music and more.

P eter English, Brett W ieland and Marty C onole.

The Wooden Boat Association of Cairns is proud to present the 18th Tinaroo Raid. If you love Wooden Boats of all Kinds - Canoes, Rowboats, Steamboats, Putt Putt Inboard, Sailing Dinghies and Trailer Sailors Ben W ieland.

Blake F oster.

WHERE: Tinaroo Sailing Club, Black Gully Road WHEN: Friday 16th July through to Sunday 18th July. THEME: Christmas in July COME AND ENJOY THE FUN. • Camping is available: Fees will be collected on the day. • Sailing Club rules apply (N.B, No Dogs). • Numbers may be limited by COVID restrictions so booking is essential. • Racing Rules are available upon request from the WBAC. • New members are warmly welcomed

PROGRAMME FRIDAY AFTERNOON: Afternoon Pleasure cruise across the Lake. SATURDAY MORNING: Peculiar Propulsion Race Paddling / Rowing Race Cairns Motor Boat Club Seagull Outboard Motor Race

SATURDAY AFTERNOON: Concourse D’Elegance SATURDAY EVENING: Yuletide Campfire Conviviality SUNDAY MORNING: Informal Enjoyment of Natural Surroundings prior to Regretful Return to Reality.

Rob b o and K im.

Please email: Phone: 0407 757 949 (Chris); or 0431 354 616 (Tom) To register an expression of interest to attend.

check our website for details : F iona, D ale and C olin Bailey.



G reg Bax ter.

You’re Invited

TUESDAY 27TH JULY MAREEBA LEAGUES CLUB 12NOON - 2PM Guest speakers Renee Chilton &

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Working with businesses to help them to understand the funding and advisory assistance available to them to help grow their business

BOOKINGS & PAYMENT ESSENTIAL by JULY 23, 2021 $35 Members & $45 Non Members (two course lunch) E:


Locally owned and proudly independent

PAGE 16 The Express, Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Better together

Mareeb a pilates instruc tor K atrina K azi m has set out to get 1 0 0 men to do a P ilates c lass w ith her in July, all in support of men’ s mental health. K atrina is pic tured w ith Mareeb a G ladiators players w ho c ompleted a c lass last w eek.

J ust over a year ago, during a world pandemic, a small Tablelands business decided to provide a dedicated retail experience that supports local arts and craft creatives. L ocated in Yungaburra, Together Tablelands sought to showcase the goods of local arts and crafts, engaging with the community and visitors alike. Together Tablelands has around 30 local creatives selling their wares and supporting small local business and keeping the money spent, local. Their range includes unique handmade items like fashion, jewellery, crochet, handcrafted cards, candles, and a range of

Pilates puts men’s mental health in focus BY RH YS TH O MAS AFTER losing her father to suicide in 2017, a Mareeba local is on a mission to break the stigma and open up the conversation around men’s mental health using what she loves, Pilates. Katrina Kazim has set herself a goal of 100 men completing a Pilates class in the month of J uly – all for men’s mental health, an issue that she holds incredibly close to her heart. Combining her business and a passion to support men’s mental health, Katrina hopes that by men completing a pilates class it will prove that both feelings and Pilates is not just for women. “Fitness is great for health across the board, Pilates is good because it’s a group environment, it’s inclusive, anyone can do it and it’s good from the mental health side,” Katrina said.

“My dad was very much concerned about the stigma around him having depression and didn’t want anyone to know, it was a sensitive subject. “If I can get 100 guys in J uly to do a Pilates class with me, your breaking down two stigmas – one that Pilates is for just for women and two to bring more light on men’s mental health.” Proceeds from the $ 15 class fee will be donated directly to one of the leaders in men’s mental health, such as the Black Dog Institute or Headspace. Already just over 30 men have taken up the J uly challenge. Three men completed one in the first week and last Thursday, the Mareeba Gladiators showed their support by inviting Katrina to their training session to complete a pilates class with 25 burly footballers all getting down for some intense core work. “I’ve been through it and a lot of the

Located in Atherton’s Platypus Park historic railway station building. Sample delectable food and specialty coffee and let the kids play on the Model Railway. The premises are dog friendly and invites patrons to dine in railway carriages.

Bookings and walk-in’s welcome!

boys have been through it, it’s a big thing for men’s mental health which is close to our hearts, we’ve all lost mates to suicide,” Gladiators A grade captain/ coach Trent Barnard said. “ eryone is rought up different and e eryone has different stuff going on in their personal lives. “It’s really good for blokes to be able to speak up otherwise they end up doing something stupid, hurting themselves and their families.” The Mareeba Gladiators did not just foot the cost for the class, but have also decided to donate a lump sum of $ 500 to Katrina to go towards the men’s mental health organisation of her choice. To get involved in Katrina’s push for men’s mental health awareness, book in your session using the Fitii App and search for Katrina Kazim as a trainer.

homemade sweet treats and rainforest teas. Owner of Together Tablelands Samantha Banks is proud to have opened her store and realised her dream. “It is an amazing feeling to ha e achie ed my first year, this is my absolute dream of a business,” she said. “Visitors often walk out with a locally handcrafted, unique item that was made with love. “I am descended from a long line of fi re artists e they knitters, crocheters, seamstresses, silk weavers, lace-makers and glo ers and I ha e een attending markets for many years with my various bits and bobs.”

Computer donated to local SES THE Inner Wheel Club of FNQ Tablelands recently presented the Malanda SES with a computer to replace an ageing one, ensuring a continued quick and responsive disaster relief team. The Malanda SES were in dire need of a new computer in order to keep up with the latest information and setting up Z oom meetings. The SES provides the community with a valuable service in times of emergencies and disasters including cyclones, landslides, oods and others. They are constantly seeking volunteers who would be interested in helping with not only search and rescue, but other areas such as ying drones or helping co-ordinate teams in the command centre.

Atherton SES Loc al C ontroller John W hyte, Malanda SES ea in ie er o een James and Malanda SES rou ea er rai u e G roup Leader w ith I nner W heel C lub of F N Q Tab lelands P resident Julie Brzo zo w ski.

Meet you at ! n o i t a t S e Th For All Bookings 0448 235 409

74-78 Herberton Road Atherton Find us on Facebook @thestationcafeatherton The Express, Wednesday, July 14, 2021 PAGE 17

Mo H O D I S n t M PL o F E S AY ri 1 O P 0a E N m -2 p


Stay connected

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Enrich your retirement doing more of the things you love. 67 Kowinka Street, White Rock Call 1300 367 155 PAGE 18 The Express, Wednesday, July 14, 2021


Winter beauty tips to keep you glowing Dry skin, straw like hair and chapped lips. Every woman's worst nightmare during the winter months. As the dry season continues to affect everyone, looking after your body should become an essential – Here are some tips on how to keep your skin glowing while there is a nip in the air.

Therapeutic Massage can be an important part of your health maintenance plan which involves: • Swedish Massage • Deep Tissue • Trigger Point Therapy • Cupping • Myofascial Release • Lymphatic and Hot/Cold Stone Massage • Fruit Massage

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D rinking w ater Drinking three to four litres has been proven to maintain moisture for your skin as well as keeping skin disorders to a minimum. A higher level of hydration also minimises the amount of pores on your face, meaning less chances of blackheads and other kinds of pimples. Moisturising If moisturising was not already in your daily routine, it should be now. The constant exposure to cold air can cause your skin to dry out easily and can ultimately lead to peeling, redness and itching. Homemade moisturisers for hydrated skin can include sun ower seed oil, coconut oil, honey, aloe vera and/ or petroleum j elly. If dry skin is left untreated, it can ultimately lead to red

patches and bacterial infections. Lip c are We have all been there with crac ed lips and the un attering look and feeling. Avoid licking or biting the skin on the surface of the lips, especially when already cracked to give the area a chance to heal. Applying lip balm several times a day can ensure they stay moisturised and prevent any further splitting. Ensure that the lip balm being used contains an SPF 15 or 20 vitamin E and shea butter. H air C are Dry hair is common during the winter months and it is important to keep it glowing. Using hot oils such as coconut oil, almond oil and castor oil every now and then

can ensure that hydration is held in the cuticles of your hand and repairing and heat damage. Avoiding excessive amounts of heat products on your hair can also minimise the amount of damage and keep the moisture sealed on the outer layer of hair. D iet Of course, keeping warm is essential when the coolness hits and keeping a balanced diet of warm healthy meals is important to surviving winter. Hearty soups made with bone broth can ensure you are warm in the coldest of hours and support j oint health, may reduce in ammation, are good for your digestive health and can help you get a good night' s rest. Ensuring that your body is filled with the right amount of nutrients is crucial in keeping

yourself happy all year round.

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Qld’s Largest Lingerie Shop Outside Brisbane.

WINTER CLEARANCE SALE!! 14th to the 28th of July

20% OFF ALL WINTER SLEEPWEAR Phone 4091 3839 | 13c Herberton Road, Atherton The Express, Wednesday, July 14, 2021 PAGE 19

ENTERTAINMENT Laughter and action on the big screen THERE is a great weekend of laughter, action and fun at the Maj estic Theatre in Malanda with the new action crime comedy THE HITMAN' S WIFE' S BODY GUARD which will keep you glued to your seats. The wonderful true story comedy drama DREAM HORSE is based on Dream


Alliance which is an unlikely race horse bred by smalltown Welsh bartender Jan V okes. With no experience, Jan convinces her neighbours to chip in their meager earnings to help raise Dream Alliance in the hopes he can compete with the racing elites. This is a great movie, which shows for the last time

this weekend. The incredible new blockbuster from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the action adventure sci-fi B WIDOW starring one of this world' s leading actors Scarlett Johansson, in the lead role as atasha omano in her uests between the films ivil ar and nfinity ar,

continues this weekend. TH E H I TMAN 'S W I F E'S BO D YG UARD The world' s most lethal odd couple - bodyguard Michael Bryce and hitman arius incaid - are back on another life-threatening mission. Still unlicensed and under scrutiny, Bryce is forced into ac-


tion by Darius' s even more volatile wife, the infamous international con artist Sonia incaid. s Bryce is driven over the edge by his two most dangerous protectees, the trio get in over their heads in a global plot and soon find that they are all that stand between Europe and a vengeful and powerful madman. Joining in the fun and deadly mayhem is Morgan Freeman as - well, you' ll have to see. BLAC K W I D O W At birth the Black Widow " aka Natasha Romanova" is given to the B, which grooms her to become its ultimate operative. When the U.S.S.R. breaks up, the government tries to kill her as the action moves to present-day New

Y ork, where she is a freelance operative. D REAM H O RSE The film tells the inspiring true story of Dream Alliance, an unlikely race horse bred by small town Welsh bartender Jan V okes (Academy Award® nominee Toni Collette). With very little money and no experience, Jan convinces her neighbors to chip in their meager earnings to help raise Dream in the hopes he can compete with the racing elites. The group' s investment pays o as ream rises through the ranks with grit and determination and goes on to race in the Welsh Grand National, showing the heart of a true champion.

PHOTO OF THE WEEK Winning photo by Kathy Caswell

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PAGE 20 The Express, Wednesday, July 14, 2021

ENTERTAINMENT Fletcher to put lessons into practice BY MI C H AEL W ARREN RISING Far North Queensland singer Jeremy Fletcher will now put key lessons into practice gained from a recent once in a lifetime experience in Tamworth. Just days ago the 18 year-old returned to the Far North, after he spent a week at the spiritual home of Australian country music as a selected participant in the Junior Academy of Country Music. There, over the course

of five days Fletcher and 13 other invitees aged between 12-18 received lessons from key mentors about how to become a successful country music performer. “One of the biggest things I learnt was how to increase my vocal range, I didn’t realise I could go up another semi-tone but I managed to do it, which was really rewarding,” the humble performer told The Express. “We also learnt about developing our stage presence, how to write songs

and received tips on how to be an entertaining and engaging performer. “Overall, it was definitely one of the best weeks of my life.” Fletcher is already booked to perform at the upcoming Savannah in the Round country music festival in October in Mareeba and said big things are still to come before that event. “It was so good to meet and be around like-minded people who share a passion for music. I now have friends

across the country, so that is really cool,” he said. “I’m due to head to Newcastle soon, I’m going to record an EP, which will include five self-written songs, so that should be a really good experience. “Also, next January I’m looking at heading back to Tamworth; myself and the others I met recently want to all get together and put on a show at the Tamworth country music festival.”

Mareeb a’ s Jeremy F letc her rec ently spent time in Tamw orth as part of the Junior Ac ademy of C ountry Music . H e’ s pic tured nex t to Ac ademy mentor Ashleigh D allas.

Tony Q Band to rock Mareeba Brisbane outfit Tony Q Band w ill roc k Sav annah in the Round in Mareeb a this O c tob er.

WELL-KNOWN Brisbane outfit Tony Q Band is one of many emerging groups slated to play the Savannah in the Round country music festival later this year in Mareeba. The Johnny Ringo’s house band is headed by Anthony Quinsee who served 13 years in the Australian army and fellow members Ben Morine (lead

guitar) and Matthew Breslin (bass). Over the past few years the band has gained a loyal following and is known for regularly rocking famed Brisbane honky tonk, Johnny Ringo’s. The band’s look and sound has been described as a mix between US country band Brothers Osborne and legendary duo Brooks

and Dunn. “A lot of people struggle when leaving the defence force looking for that feeling of mateship you have when you are in it, so I’m lucky the band provides that for me,” Mr Quinsee told The Express. “We’re very excited about playing Savannah in October – it’s definitely the country music event of the

year and we cannot wait to rock the stage.” Tony Q Band will play Savannah in the Round on Thursday, September 30 at 11.30pm, Friday, October 1 at 12.30am (Bull Bar), Saturday, October 2 from 11.30pm (Big Top Music Hall) and Sunday, October 3 from 11.30pm (Bull Bar).

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The Express, Wednesday, July 14, 2021 PAGE 21


Lime imports threaten local growers THE region’s horticultural advocacy group has formally opposed moves by the Australian Government to allow the import of Mexican limes. FNQ Growers formally documented concerns of Tableland lime growers in a submission into the draft report for the review for biosecurity import requirements for fresh Persian lime fruit from Mexico. Chair J oe Moro said limes was one of the fastest growing horticultural commodities in Far North Queensland, valued at more than $ 48 million. “The risk of Mexican lime imports is very real to our industry,” Mr Moro said. “Far North Queensland grows more limes than that produced by either the Queensland and Australian industries rofile of the therton Tablelands Citrus Industry, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, 2018).” Mr Moro said growers were concerned about the biosecurity threat posed by the potential import. “Our growers take their biosecurity responsibility very seriously,” Mr Moro said. “Understandably, growers need assurances from the Government that the lime imports will be subjected to stringent conditions that will protect Australian-grown limes. “We urge the Australian Government to protect Australian lime growers from potential biosecurity risks.”

Katter calls for return of overseas backpackers

Rock chutes put through paces as solutions to gully erosion R OCK chutes have been put through their paces on cattle stations on the Tablelands – and they’ve been given the ‘thumbs-up’ as solutions to gully erosion and topsoil losses. The first a ina wet season sent oodwaters down chutes and through other rock structures that were built over the last three years on properties in the Mt Garnet and Innot Hot Springs area, and monitoring work was recently completed. Terrain NR M project manager J en Macken ie said rainfall o er the past fi e months had given the engineered structures a solid testing period. Four rock chutes have been constructed on cattle stations, along with bund walls, and different rock structures were installed at tailings dams from historical mining ventures on cattle properties. The annual monitoring also includes inspections of native grasses, planted at these sites as part of the projects. “It’s all about improving the land for graiers, as well as the uality of water owing through the Herbert catchment and out to

P rotec ting top soil and the G reat Barrier Reef: A 1 0 0 m- long roc k c hute that is div erting w ater from an eroded gully system on grazi ng land near I nnot H ot Springs, in the H erb ert Riv er c atc hment.

the Great Barrier R eef lagoon,’’ Ms Mackenzie said. Together, the four rock chutes will each year prevent an estimated 1,200 tonnes of sediment – the equivalent to 50 semi-trailer loads – from reaching the Great Barrier R eef. Chutes range from 20 metres to 100 metres long. “R ock chutes are robust engineering structures that dissipate the energy from large water ows and pre ent erosion from continuing upstream,’’ Ms Mackenzie said. “They are part of a solution that also includes fencing to manage erosion and cattle mo ements, the installation of off-stream watering points, and changes to grazing management practices.”

KENNEDY MP Bob Katter has called on the State and Federal Governments to clear the way for the return of international backpackers coming into North Queensland, as they are desperately needed to fill worker shortages in key industries such as tourism, hospitality and fruit and vegetable farming. Mr Katter has been in discussions with several of the key Far North Qld growers and tourism operators about establishing quarantine facilities. “Growers and hospitality bosses want to get things moving as they are having to scale back their operations due to a shortage of workers,” Mr Katter said. “These backpackers will be coming from countries that have high Covid vaccination rates. At some point in time we need to accept that we are not going to get rid of this virus, we must live with it. “ nlike the acific Island workers, the backpackers spend their pay straight back into the North Qld community at pubs and on tourism attractions. Towns like Mission Beach thri e off the ackpacker dollar, so we are really missing their presence. The first step is to put in

a quarantine station in North Queensland and we're hoping by next week we'll have a more detailed proposal. Using the closed Agricultural Colleges in merald and ongreach has also been proposed as quarantine sites, and I think the State Government should seriously look at that.” Banana grower Dennis Howe has met with Mr Katter and is looking at a site for quarantine near Mareeba where a 160-room facility could be built to meet Covid-19 protocols. The site could be used as accommodation for future workers once quarantining was no longer required. " There is plenty of work around but high unemployment in the area, so that's not going to change if it hasn't by now,” Mr Howe said. " Backpackers are keen, they want to come here, and work ut we need to find a way to facilitate that (during the pandemic)." Mr Howe also suggested offering permanent residency for international workers willing to commit to three years of employment.


NOW OPEN Charlie Nastasi


OF THE YEAR AWARD This Annual Award Recognises Outstanding Innovation and/or Exceptional Leadership in the FNQ Horticultural Industry FNQ Growers is now inviting 2021 award nominations which will be presented at the FNQ Growers Gala Dinner in Mareeba Friday, September 3, 2021 NOMINATIONS CLOSE FRIDAY, JULY 30, 2021 Post: PO Box 989, Mareeba QLD 4880 Emial: or Phone: 4092 6099

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PAGE 22 The Express, Wednesday, July 14, 2021

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Millaa duo Malanda champions BY SALLY TURLEY

YOUNG people are far from lining up to milk cows these days, but the dairy industry has a new disciple in Terese Daley of Millaa Millaa. She is putting a new spin on “Millaa View” Dairy, the business her ancestors have been operating for the last 94 years. Terese’s first calf heifer won her class in the recent Malanda show, before going on to win Champion Holstein cow and later, Supreme Champion Cow of the show, making 16 year old Terese, the youngest exhibitor to win that title in the show's long history. “Winning at that level was just incredible, there was a lot of competition and I honestly did not imagine a win like that was possible. I was asking myself “is this even real” and all I could think was, I am going to have to walk out there and accept that trophy. There were even a few tears,” Ms Daley said. Tonia and David Daley gave their daughter “Millaa View Diamond Pansy” to prepare for the 2018 Dairy Youth Camp and Terese set to work teaching her to lead and parade well. The work paid off when judge Paul Newland noticed Diamond Pansy and her handler on the first day commenting that Terese had the calf “dancing off the end of the halter.” They took out second place that weekend and it was the beginning of a long and fruitful relationship between the two. “When Dad asked me after the youth camp if I would like

to start my own stud, the answer was a definite yes,” Ms Daley said. A mere three years down the track, Terese has registered online with Holstein Australia and created her own dairy stud, “Glengarriff.” “Dad said I could pick a few cows out of the main herd to start the stud off with. I chose a few that I liked that had good personalities and Diamond Pansy was one of those,” Ms Daley said. “I entered her in the Holstein Dairy section of the 2019 Malanda Show, but she didn't do that well, coming second in her class to my sister Kimberley's heifer. But she calved at the end of 2019 and was looking really good, so I put her into the Semex On-Farm challenge.” The Semex-Holstein Australia On-Farm Competition is the largest dairy livestock judging competition in the southern hemisphere. Each year, more than 2,500 entries across the country compete for a range of local, regional, state and zone titles. The competition is open to all Holstein females, but unlike conventional livestock judging events, cattle are assessed for their structural correctness on their home property so all breeders can compete against the best in their region or state on an equal basis. The judges were impressed with “Diamond Pansy, awarding her a 1st in the “two year old in Milk” category, a first for Far North Queensland and an 'honourable mention' in the area, all

of which placed her 4th in her class in the ‘Best of State.’ Handing this outstanding cow over to his daughter has prompted David Daley to make a bet with Terese. “Dad said if the Cowboys and the Broncos get into the final this year, I will have to give Diamond Pansy back, but I will keep her and get another up and coming heifer if they don't. I am feeling pretty confident at this stage,” she grinned. But Terese's involvement goes beyond preparing and presenting cattle. She is the chief calf raiser at home with 38 healthy, happy babies in her care, she has put together a herd of 11 (soon to be 12) cows in her stud, most of which are in calf and, under instruction from her father, has started artificially inseminating them herself. Terese works two days a week as a school-based receptionist at Malanda firm, Carey Group Accounting, but even though she enjoys the work there, she believes dairying is the ultimate and only career choice for her. “It makes me feel good knowing I have helped feed people with the dairy products I have helped my family produce. Farming is such honest work and I just love the animals and being responsible for something other than myself,” Ms Daley said. The dairy industry has not been very lucrative for a long time, but for Terese, it about more than money. “It worries me that some of the more radical people out

Just as Terese represents the future of the dairying industry, she enjoys raising the future milking heifers on her parent's Millaa dairy farm.

there believe farming is a bad thing,” she said. “I would like to educate people around how much we care

about and look after our animals and it would be great to show them farming is a good thing. I would love to be able to work

on my parent's place and even eventually take the business on one day,” a glowing Ms Daley said.

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The Express, Wednesday, July 14, 2021 PAGE 23


2021 Oak Park Races a triumph BY SALLY TURLEY

THE 117t h annual Oak Park R ace weekend has come and gone in a spectacular blaze of colour and celebration. The dedicated committee worked hard to deli er a awless weekend and the crowds responded in kind, turning up, dressing up and li ing it up from start to finish. Numbers at the sell-out event were capped at 1500 to comply with COVID conditions, relegating many to the wait list, but for the ticketed, distance was no obstacle with people travelling from Tasmania, Canberra and all over Queensland to attend the weekend that has become a northern institution. icking off with the Meet and Greet and bingo night on Wednesday, the kids fancy dress

and the Oak Park Ball on Thursday night, patrons were ready to open their wallets at the Country Casual R ace day and Great Gatsby spectacular on Friday. Saturday was all glamour with another fi e race program at the Fashions on the Field R aces and for the racing fraternity, Presentation Night at the hall on Saturday, followed by music and dancing til the wee hours. Throw in a couple of calcuttas and auctions, some foot races and all the socialising going on in the camps and it was a pretty full weekend. And barring another world war or pandemic, a cattle recession, a ood or a great depression, the committee met Sunday morning to begin work on organising it all over again for 2022.

Louise and Matt Steine and friends Stephanie K imb er and O rlando Q uintero glimmered on the night.

K ate C rema from Bagstow e c amp w on the female div ision of the Year 1 1 's and 1 2 's fashions ahead of Runner Up, Jessic a W hitehead of W inton.

Tai W illiams and C harlie Bloc h w ere runner up and w inner in the Year 1 1 and 1 2 F ashions c ontest.

N ev ille Brunton of C airns and K ate Murphy of G regory Springs w ere named the 2 0 2 1 Stallion and Matron of the Ball.

Most C ontemporary c ategory w ent to loc al girl Emma Terry and Susan G andini w on the Ladies O v er 3 0 ’ s c ategory.

Sally D ix on, Louise Reid and Maree Lallenb ac h ooze d glamour.

These enterprising group of young Australians w ere hard at w ork ov er the O ak P ark w eekend. Rub y Murphy, I sla and Meg Tomley from C airns and C laire Murphy set up a b oot c leaning b usiness at the Murphy C amp and w ere c leaning up in more w ays than one. Busily making money, w hile ev eryone w as spending theirs, the girls had already turned ov er more than $ 2 0 0 b y F riday morning and w ere still doing a roaring trade. Aided b y a patc h of inc lement w eather on W ednesday and Thursday, their b usiness w as soon fac ing that age- old selfemployed dilemma - the 'w ork/ life b alanc e.' Thankfully, it w as soon resolv ed that a leisure sc hedule should b e inc orporated into their w orking days and they did not spend their entire w eekend hunc hed ov er dirty pairs of b oots. The girls enab led many rac e patrons to 'turn a c lean pair of heels' during the ev ent and hopefully they had as muc h fun spending the money as they did making it.

Jac k Ryan and Brooke Mac Lean w ere c row ned C olt and Belle of the O ak P ark Ball.

Miranda Ryan of Murphy c amp w as o to t e reat atsby ni t it er daughter Amy and Mia H umphrey.

C harters Tow ers v isitors Mic k O 'G rady and Troy Trev or enjoyed the w eekend.

W ill N ic holas of C harters Tow ers took out his 4 th c onsec utiv e Best D ressed Under 3 0 aw ard this year.

Suav e looking Matt Steine rec eiv es the Best D ressed man ov er 3 0 aw ard from presenter, June Shepherd.

C ompere H udson F ox interv iew s fashionab le c ouple Bub D ix on and D av e N ic holas at the Rac es.

T ey ay not be sa in i es out on t e batt efie any ore b ut the men and w omen from the D isab led Ex Serv ic e P ersons sso iation To ns i e ere efinite y i e sa ers at t e a P ark Rac es last w eekend. A team of 2 0 memb ers spent 1 2 days on site preparing the grounds, w orking the gate, looking after the toilets and show ers an ost isib y o eratin t eir ery e su orte o ee V an. After another b ig night partying, it w as only the promise o a i in ot barista bre e o ee t at ou enti e so e O akparkers to leav e their b eds in the morning! Assoc iation P resident P op D usc ha said it w as their 6 th year at the ev ent.

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PAGE 24 The Express, Wednesday, July 14, 2021

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houses l land l units l investments l acreage l farms l rentals

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House and land package at Amaroo Estate DON’T miss your chance to own a beautifully designed home surrounded by bushland for a sense of peace and serenity o ering a ordable value. Amaroo Estate and Ashley Jones Homes bring you a

house and land package that is breath-taking. This stylish 4 -bedroom home will make it easy for you to move right in with a peaceful landscape that the whole family can admire. Ashley Jones Homes

package, Madisyn Design 23 2, features 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, including an ensuite in the master bedroom and built- ins throughout. A large living plus dining area with a modern kitchen and media.

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Beautiful Home Right In Town

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• Established trees and fences • Walk-in pantry • Enclosed patio • Fruit trees • 1,012m2 allotment

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The Express, Wednesday, July 14, 2021 PAGE 25


houses l land l units l investments l acreage l farms l rentals

Make the most of low interest rates RENTAL vacancy rates have remained historically low for the past several months. So now could be your opportunity to expand your investment portfolio by using the eq uity in your current property. This 2-bedroom duplex unit is currently rented, the tenant can help pay your mortgage. There are vinyl oor coverings throughout for easy care and for year round comfort the living area and the main bedroom are air conditioned.

Address: P ric e: Agent: C ontac t:

The bathroom has an easy access shower. For your peace of mind, the unit is security screened and there is a large lock-up garage. The unit has an exclusive use rear yard and is located close to a park. F or more information, c all Trisha Jac kson at P rofessionals Atherton. P hone 4 0 9 1 3 9 5 5 or 0 4 1 9 1 8 3 3 1 4 5 anytime. To v iew more photos, v isit athertonrealestate.c

ATHERTON $ 26 5 ,0 0 0 Trisha Jackson Professionals Atherton 0 4 19 183 14 5

Good value small acreage 10 KMS from Ravenshoe in a semi-rural area, a level 1.19 Ha fenced block with established trees and the back bone of a lovely old garden. The garden has become too much for the elderly owner but it wouldn’t take long to whip this once lovely garden into shape. The three-bedroom masonry block home with a separate craft wing, full length front and rear verandahs, triple carport and shed, all council approved. All the bedrooms are built in, the bathroom has a separate bath, separate shower and separate toilet. The internal laundry has a linen cupboard. Address: P ric e: Agent: C ontac t:

The area o the itchen is an undercover entertainment area with overhead vines and j ust the right spot for doze ns of pot plants.t It will become your “go to” place for a morning co ee, prolific birdlife and kangaroos in the back paddock will hold your interest. Thoughtful garden planning in the beginning shields the home from the street and side neighbours, it really is a peaceful and very private slice of rural paradise. C all K aren at Area Real Estate for more information and to arrange a priv ate inspec tion. P hone 0 4 5 8 4 0 8 5 4 0 .

5 0 4 Millstream Parade, MILLSTREAM $ 29 5 ,0 0 0 Karen Ranie Area Real Estate 0 4 5 84 0 85 4 0


1.19 hectares (2.9 acres) with town water. Level fenced block with established trees in a peaceful location 10 minutes from Ravenshoe. School bus and corner shop service the suburb. 3 built-in bedrooms, open plan living that �lows out to full length verandahs either side of the house. The bathroom has a separate shower and separate bath. A big craft room accessed off the verandah keeps the hobbies tidy and contained. The back verandah opens to a lovely pergola and garden views. Very private from the street, 3 bay carport and big lockable shed, established enclosed vegie gardens.

Call Karen at Area Real Estate 0458 408 540 PAGE 26 The Express, Wednesday, July 14, 2021


houses l land l units l investments l acreage l farms l rentals

Family home in great location

WELCOMING to the market a lovely family home within 5 minutes' drive of the main street of Mareeba and j ust down the road from the new Amaroo Medical Centre. The entry way leads into the large living area which in turn opens into the kitchen

and dining area. The home is great for entertaining with an extended undercover patio complete with outdoor blinds to protect from the weather. At the rear of the block is a slab which would be ideal for a container, caravan or shed to be built.

The home features four spacious bedrooms with built ins, the master has double built ins as well as an ensuite. The ooring in the bedrooms is open to the imagination and allows a buyer to put their own stamp on the property. The main bathroom

o ers stand alone shower and separate bath – another great feature for families. D on’ t miss out on this opportunity, c all ex c lusiv e marketing agent Alex P ayne today on 0 4 0 9 3 2 8 1 5 3 .

Address: P ric e: Agent: C ontac t:

17 Ceola Dr, MAREEBA $ 3 6 0 ,0 0 0 EX CLUSIV E to Alex Payne LJ HOOKER Atherton 0 4 0 9 3 28 15 3


Are you looking for w ork?

W hat b etter time to b e your ow n b oss! The H umpy Tolga is a retail groc ery and nut store, w ith a reputation se on to none T is business o ers farm fresh fruit and v eg, nuts, a large range of gluten free, w heat free produc ts, loc ally produc ed jams, utneys sau es teas an o ee c onfec tionery, gifts, and muc h more!

• Well estab lished Coffee Lounge in Mareeb a • Situated in Main Street surrounded b y anchor tenants • Excellent local customer b ase, seating up to 7 4 people • O utstanding reputation specializ ing in home made products

• Corporate catering, parties, and popular hub for b usiness meetings • A ir-conditioned, wheelchair access, parking, security • Fully equipped kitchen, cold room, new desert display cab inet • Being sold as walk in, walk out for $ 9 0,000

After 15 years Annette and Kevin are retiring and are ready to hand over this successful business to someone who is interested in walking in their shoes and maybe, would like to add their own personal touch. Vincenzo’s Coffee Lounge has been consistent in trade.

Take out a new opportunity and secure your future now – it’s being handed to you on a plate. Start making money on your first day.

Contact exclusive agent: Deborah Godfrey P: 0 4 0 8 4 4 9 80 8 E: deborah.godfrey@

• Estab lished over 40 years enj oyed b y locals & tourists • Trades 7 days per week with loyal staff • Strong social media following • Excellent location on main road in and out of A therton • The property itself is well suited for expansion and/ or sub -division (STCA ). A lternatively, consideration to b uild accommodation • 2.13 ha (21300m2) of prime land • Good infrastructure - commercial b uilding with refrigerated cold rooms, preparation room, storeroom, office and amenities • 9 m X 9 m x 3m industrial machinery shed, enclosed b y two roller doors, and has 3 phase power A large br, double storey home with granny at underneath, two carports, and two b athrooms

ner is se in on a a in a out basis i fittin s e ui ent an sto

in u es a fi tures

For further information contact Deborah Godfrey P: 0 4 0 8 4 4 9 80 8 E: deborah.godfrey@ The Express, Wednesday, July 14, 2021 PAGE 27


houses l land l units l investments l acreage l farms l rentals

Relaxed easy living THIS stylish renovated home will be sure to impress from the moment you walk through the door, you instantly feel at home in this light and bright space with the modern neutral tones. On o er are three bedrooms complete with master bedroom & ensuite. The large open plan kitchen features loads of bench space, adj oining the family and dining area. Step outside to the outdoor entertaining area, the perfect spot for the weekend barbecue, leading out on to the low maintenance lawns and gardens. F ea t u res i n cl u d e:

PAGE 28 The Express, Wednesday, July 14, 2021

• Renovated laundry area • Renovated main bathroom epolished Timber oors • Modern kitchen with plenty of bench space, and dishwasher space • Large timber deck outdoor entertaining area • 6 27 m2 allotment with side access This property has it all on Address: P ric e: Agent: C ontac t:

an established and fenced 6 27 m2 block, with side access.

C all Ex c lusiv e marketing agent Aurelia Rogato for more information or drop into The P ink Building - Roato ea state o e on Byrnes St. P hone 0 4 1 8 1 8 3 5 5 5 .

5 Purcell St, MAREEBA $ 24 9 ,0 0 0 NEG EX CLUSIV E to Aurelia Rogato Rogato Real Estate 0 4 18 183 5 5 5


houses l land l units l investments l acreage l farms l rentals

Downsize in style – gated community living

THIS gated community offers a stylish low maintenance V illa that is designed to provide an easy care property if you are ready to ease down on work and focus more on active living. Freehold ownership gives you your own home with a courtyard located in this secure complex which makes this the ideal to set-n-forget property if you love to travel. The position of Highland V illas is very convenient and close to all facilities including the Atherton hospital, Carinya Home for the aged and the shops. V ery well designed, this V illa has two bedrooms, the master bedroom features an en-suite, open plan living area, a study nook and a private courtyard. Every comfort has been

considered including a remote control garage and a low body corporate scheme that takes care of the grounds, road and secure electrically operated gated entry. Having entered the stage of your life when you want to be free to travel, you can lock and leave your property knowing that there is more than one person to keep an eye on your home. This modern complex of Lifestyle V illas has won two awards with the Housing Industry of Australia for best Specializ ed Housing Development in North Queensland and also for the whole state! F ea t u res i n c l u d e: • 13 5 m2 under roof (approx) • Open plan living area

• A computer nook • 2 Bedrooms - master with walk-in-robe & sliding robe to 2nd Bed • 2 Bathrooms - Ensuite to the large master bedroom • Spacious kitchen with q uality appliances & corner pantry • Laundry is located in the garage • Remote controlled lock up garage • Private courtyard • Tiled entertaining patio with direct access to living • Air Conditioning in the main living area Address: P ric e: Agent: C ontac t:

• Ceiling fans • Gas hot water system • Landscaping • Safe & secure gated entrance • Intercom system in each villa allowing access for visitors • Elevated position. To sec ure this rare opportunity, arrange for a personal tour b y c ontac ting C ollette Row ston 0 4 1 9 7 3 3 7 1 2 . 4 Mazl in St, ATHERTON $ 3 29 ,0 0 0 Collette Rowston Atherton Realty 0 4 19 7 3 3 7 12

4091 1611

24 Main St Atherton FAMILY PLEASER 2 Tardent Street - $465,000

4 bedrooms all with built-in cupboards Insulated 7.5m x 5m Colorbond shed Tiled outdoor entertaining Fully fenced

Collette 0419 733 712

WEB ID: 730856

BUILD YOUR RURAL RETREAT! 930 Wooroora Road - $130,000

Approx 5.5 acres of open bushland 10 minute drive from Ravenshoe No covenants and fully fenced Town water and power both available

Rino 0427 779 086

WEB ID: 312400

Contact Rino for all your Real Estate needs! M: 0427 779 086 E: W:


Call now for a FREE MARKET APPRAISAL NEW LISTING 13 Turnbull Drive - $199,000

1 acre block – Rangeview Town water + school bus Flat land with fruit trees Quiet cul-de-sac

Collette 0419 733 712

Rino Gava 0427 779 086 Collette Rowston 0419 733 712 GREAT ENTERTAINER 15 Cuda Close - $399,000

Split level 3 bedroom home on a 987m2 lot Open plan li ing polis ed timber oors Modern kitchen, large outdoor entertaining Huge enclosed downstairs area

WEB ID: 761758

Rino 0427 779 086

WEB ID: 781069

The Express, Wednesday, July 14, 2021 PAGE 29

PR OPER TY are find

houses l land l units l investments l acreage l farms l rentals

ar ali cattle ro ert IF you’re looking for your next cattle property then look no further. Rarely do large acreage blocks of this q uality come on the market in such a close proximity to Malanda. Set on 5 titles, this 89 4 .5 5 acre* gently undulating property is well pastured with predominantly Brachi, Setaria and a mixture of legumes. Well fenced and watered with troughs, creeks and a dam allows for easy setup of rotational grazi ng. Permanent running water is connected to 11 paddocks with an additional 3 holding paddocks. For ease of movement, all back paddocks lead to a laneway which additionally connects to the front of the property. Good access to the allweather cattle yards, which are constructed of both timber and steel with a full roof

over the main drafting and crush area. Additional sheds are located close to the yards with one currently being used as a horse stable. Completely move in ready, the modern home showcases 3 bedrooms plus o ce with the master housing an ensuite and walk-in robe. Featuring nice open plan spaces, the kitchen, lounge and dining room allow you to take in the beautiful views without venturing outside. On the Northern side of the home is an all-weather verandah with views of the property and a dam, the perfect place to relax after a long

• Neat kitchen with overhead cupboards & a new freestanding oven • Tiled bathroom with a shower & basin. Separate toilet • Security screens throughout • Internal laundry • Entertainment patio at the front of home • Garden shed • Fully fenced 89 4 m2 allotment with side access to the backyard

• Established fruit trees & gardens • Currently tenanted for $ 3 4 0 / week • Ideally located in a q uiet street within a short distance to schools, day care, shop-

Address: P ric e: Agent: C ontac t:

day. Adj acent to the home is the self-contained, 2 bedroom granny at, which is attached to the large machinery shed/ workshop, making it ideal to use as workers q uarters. Please Note: Property can be sold as 2 separate parcels. C ontac t ex c lusiv e agent Morgan Brennan at Ray W hite Atherton today on 0 4 0 7 7 3 0 4 5 0 for further information. w w w .rayw hiteruralatherton.c ATH 2 3 1 6 9 5 6 8

TARZ ALI Price Upon Application EX CLUSIV E to Morgan Brennan Ray White Atherton 0 4 0 7 7 3 0 4 5 0

Looking for a good investment opportunity... What’s your proper ty wor th? Call Raquel today to find out!*

*Free No-obligation appraisal

Shop 1, 116 Main St, Atherton QLD, 4883

Phone: 0408 983 879

A LOV ELY home for first home buyers or someone wanting to downsize ! Alternatively, for those who are looking at entering the market for an investment property, there are currently tenants paying $ 3 4 0 per week. Features Include; • Solid masonry block home • 3 carpeted bedrooms • Open plan living • Air-conditioned rumpus room

Expressions of Interest close 29th July, 12pm. All offers must be submitted in writing by date & time of closure. ATH23137846

C ontac t:

F or further information or to arrange an inspec tion, c all sole marketing agent Raq uel at Sommerset Realty on 0 4 0 8 9 8 3 8 7 9 .

4 Rita Circuit, ATHERTON $ 25 9 ,0 0 0 EX CLUSIV E to Raq uel Cunzo lo Sommerset Realty 0 4 0 8 9 83 87 9


22 Main Street, Atherton - Phone: 4091 7111 Margaret Black: Principal

HIGH CALIBRE, RED SOIL GRAZING Upper Barron • Set on 70.34 hectares / 173.8 acres* • 2 dams + creek • Cattle yards – easy access • 3 bedroom home with views • 2 bedroom guest cottage • Northerly & southerly views • Only 14 kilometres from Atherton Morgan Brennan 0407 730 450

Address: P ric e: Agent:

ping & medical facilities.

JANSA CRT – PRIME LOCATION Atherton bedrooms o ce • Open plan living & dining • Neat kitchen • Enclosed patio • Low maintenance fenced yard • Ceiling fans + security screens $368,000 ATH22923931 Suzey Whitby 0438 090 306

67-79 TATE ROAD, TOLGA • Set on 2.33 hectares / 5.7 acres* CLOSES • 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms TOMORROW! • Sunroom + large kitchen • 5 bay machinery shed, 1 bay lockable • Possible subdivision, subject to council approval Expressions of Interest close 15th July at 12PM. All offers must be submitted in writing by date & time of closure to Ray White Atherton. Suzey Whitby 0438 090 306 ATH23121395 PAGE 30 The Express, Wednesday, July 14, 2021


houses l land l units l investments l acreage l farms l rentals

Solid home and shed on spacious quarter acre allotment CENTRAL in the Tolga Township and handy to all amenities is this solid masonry block home sitting on a large & fully fenced allotment and complete with a lockable & powered shed. • Solid Masonry Block Construction • Large Open Plan Living/ Dining & Kitchen Area • Well Appointed Kitchen Complete With Electric Appliances & Large Pantry • 3 Good Size d Carpeted Bedrooms Include Built-In Cupboards & Fans • Master & 2nd Bedrooms Include A/ C Units • Updated & Modernised Bathroom • Large Private Side Patio & Separate Semi Enclosed Front Patio Area • 2 Bay Lockable Shed With Power • Fully Fenced 10 4 2sq m Allotment

• Security Screened Throughout • Handy Walking Distance To Primary School & Tolga Shopping V illage • 3 .4 klms To Atherton – 13 .5 klms To Lake Tinaroo – 83 klms To Cairns With a solid construction style and being in close proximity to services this home Address: P ric e: Agent: C ontac t:

would make a perfect live-in option or an awesome investment prospect. F or more information or a priv ate inspec tion, please c ontac t Ex c lusiv e Marketing Agent D aimin K oc hi at Main St Real Estate Atherton on 0 4 4 8 9 1 6 2 4 6 .

4 9 Kennedy Hwy, TOLGA $ 3 25 ,0 0 0 EX CLUSIV E to Daimin Kochi Main Street Real Estate 0 4 4 8 9 16 24 6

Park it up in Mareeba


We work for SITUATED on a large 180 2m2 fully fenced allotment, 6 Gibbins Lane provides a great opportunity for those seeking an abundance of storage space to securely park caravans, buses, boats, vehicles, and personal belongings whilst resting between travelling plans. This property has an 8m x 14 m x 3 m high securely enclosed shed with two roller doors and a partition wall separating the workshop space from the kitchenette, shower, and toilet. The shed has an energy e cient 3 solar power system plus solar hot water and is currently

receiving electricity credits. A semi-enclosed 7 m x 14 m carport structure is attached to the shed which provides undercover parking and storage. An additional 4 0 ft insulated shipping container with vinyl oor covering, toilet/ shower room and an aluminium sliding door provides extra storage. The property boasts a small mature fruit orchard consisting of mangoes, avocados, bananas, stone fruit and various citrus trees. The property is connected to town water, sewerage and NBN and is conveniently located 5 mins to the Mareeba

CBD and one hour from the Cairns Airport. • 180 2m2 securely fenced allotment • 8m x 14 m enclosed shed with 2 roller doors • 7 m x 14 m semi-enclosed attached carport structure • Shower, toilet & kitchenette in shed oncrete oors • 3 kW solar panel system • Solar hot water Address: P ric e: Agent: C ontac t:

• 4 0 ft Insulated shipping container with toilet/ shower room • Town water & sewerage NBN connected • V ery close to town To arrange a priv ate inspec tion c all ex c lusiv e agent V inc e C ostas today on 0 4 1 9 9 2 6 6 9 1


ry happy “We were ve went above e H o. m with Re help us to nd and beyo erty. op sell our pr ended.” m m co re y hl Hig 21

TR - 19.04.20


“Vince was very helpful. He went out of his way obtain any informa to tion I required. He re sponded quickly when returning my calls .” BG - 17.05.21

6 Gibbins Lane, MAREEBA $ 24 9 ,0 0 0 EX CLUSIV E to V ince Costas Central Realty Mareeba 0 4 19 9 26 6 9 1

Call today to discuss your property needs.

4092 2232

159 Byrnes St, Mareeba |

DAIMIN KOCHI 0448 916 246

MODERN FAMILY HOME IN CUL-DE-SAC • Solid block home, family friendly layout • Central lounge room & 2nd family room • Well appointed kitchen with dishwasher • 4 large carpeted built-in bedrooms, ensuite • Security screens, large private tiled patio • Fenced 841m2 block, tenanted till Sept. $395,000

QUEENSLANDER STYLE HOME • Timber floors, tongue & groove walls • Casement windows, 860m2 allotment • Separate lounge & dining areas • Modern kitchen complete with pantry • 4 bedrooms, 1 with built-in cupboards • Fully concreted under house area $329,000

YOUR OWN OLD MCDONALD’S FARM • Solid clay brick home, verandahs on 3 sides • Open living area, 2nd large rumpus room • Timber kitchen, pantry, dishwasher, BBQ area • 3 good sized built-in bedrooms, private ensuite • 20 x 9 machinery shed, 12 x 6 storage shed • Bore, tank & pressure pump, 10.47 acres $649,000

QUAINT TIMBER COTTAGE • ½ acre with possible development potential • Open plan living/dining & kitchen areas • Well appointed kitchen with pantry • 3 carpeted bedrooms, 2 with built-ins • Full length back patio, front timber deck • 5x5m lockable shed with 7x7m extension $329,000

A GOOD PLACE TO START • 1980’s steel framed kit home • Perfect step onto the property ladder • Plenty of room to renovate and grow • Functional kitchen, carpeted lounge • 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, garden shed • Huge backyard, 800m2 allotment $248,000

Phone 4091 6246 •

The Express, Wednesday, July 14, 2021 PAGE 31


houses l land l units l investments l acreage l farms l rentals

What about living in a church? THIS home must be seen to be believed. Featuring an old church, converted into a modern, elegant home. The tongue and groove walls and high ceilings let the mind wonder back in time, imagining the tales of the past within those 4 walls. The magnificent, polished ash oor brings additional style to this house. A spacious itchen o ers class and functionality with an integrated dishwasher, walk in pantry and beautiful the colour pallet. An exceptionally large office could be converted into two rooms, o ering a second bedroom and o ce. The roomy bathroom is tastefully presented with a claw foot bathtub, shower, lots of natural light and a separate laundry.

Overlooking the front yard is a veranda at the entrance inviting to sit and ponder or keep an eye on the adj acent two bay, concrete oor shed, that can be used as a garage or workshop/ man cave. This property is even prepared for the traveller, with the perfect undercover spot for a caravan. A fenced back yard has been created for a dog or two. The immaculate condition of this place inside and out is a credit to the owner. • 113 8m² Address: P ric e: Agent: C ontac t:

• Split system air conditioners • Spacious kitchen • Beautifully renovated • Modern • 2 bay lockable shed with power • Caravan bay • Fenced backyard • Walking distance to school and shops F or more information, or to b ook your priv ate inspec tion, c all Susanne Reynolds 0 4 0 8 7 3 3 1 4 9 @ Tab lelands.c om & Malanda Real Estate.

MILLAA MILLAA $ 3 9 9 ,0 0 0 Susanne Reynolds & Malanda Real Estate 0 4 0 8 7 3 3 14 9

Modern oasis LISTINGS WANTED! WHAT IS YOUR PROPERTY WORTH? Give us a no obligation call to find out! 45 James Street, Malanda: 4096 5446 13 Main Street, Millaa Millaa: 0408 733 149

LOCATED less than 2.5 km' s from Malanda on a corner block with elevation sits this well built rendered home on 10 ,0 0 0 sq m. Being a low maintenance property with established native gardens, fruit trees and on a no through road this property boasts privacy and features the following… A modern gally kitchen with a gas cooktop, electric oven and stone bench tops. Jeanette Suffield 0407 745 748






Address: P ric e: Agent: C ontac t:

C ome and inspec t this delightful property w ith Ex c lusiv ely listed Elders agent Shellie N ightingale on 0 4 2 9 9 6 6 0 3 8 .

Glaspy Rd, MALANDA O ers over 0,000 EX CLUSIV E to Shellie Nightingale Elders Real Estate Malanda 0 4 29 9 6 6 0 3 8

Shellie Nightingale 0429 966 038


Insurance starts with a chat


• Great location within walking distance to both Atherton Primary and High schools • Massive downstairs area with rumpus room, laundry & 2nd bathroom • Open plan kitchen, lounge and dining 15 Cuda Close, Atherton

New Price - $399,000

A: 21 James Street, Malanda | P: 4096 5666 | W: PAGE 32 The Express, Wednesday, July 14, 2021

insulated self-contained unit with bathroom and kitchenette, alongside a workshop; giving the opportunity of dual living.



• Close proximity to Malanda schools and town conveniences, and is currently tenanted • Open plan living and dining, home has been re-roofed and re-stumped • Lounge, sunroom and two closed in verandahs 36 Patrick Street, Malanda

Open plan living and dining with glass sliding doors leading out onto the tiled deck with property views. Three bedrooms with built in wardrobes, a two-way bathroom with separate toilet and porcelain tiles throughout the home. Along side newly installed LED lights, this home boasts a wood heater and fans throughout. An 18m x 9 m shed with an

Contact Kirby Harrop on 4095 6677 today Elders Insurance Tablelands Zoners Pty Ltd ABN 59097345474 trading as Elders Insurance Tablelands AR No. 254599 is an Authorised Representative of Elders Insurance (Underwriting Agency) Pty Limited ABN 56 138 879 026, AFSL 340965. Insurance is underwritten by QBE Insurance (Australia) Limited ABN 78 003 191 035 AFSL 239545. Contact us for a Product Disclosure Statement to decide if a product is right for you.


houses l land l units l investments l acreage l farms l rentals

Wake up waterfront

Stunning location at Tinaroo Resort DIRECT views of the shores of Lake Tinaroo at the renowned Tinaroo Lakes Resort – This spectacular apartment is a must see. Built to an excellent calibre with top uality fi tures and fittings, including stunning hillagoe marble bathrooms – q uality is evident throughout. There are two spacious bedrooms, both located on the upper level with their own bathrooms, as well as a third toilet separate on the lower level in the laundry. The open plan lounge and dining area ows to the outdoor entertaining patio combining the outdoor indoor living and you can see the water from the kitchen sink.

ir conditioning is in the living area and both bedrooms however there is a nice bree e that ows through. The apartment is being offered for sale fully furnished. The current owners have kept this for themselves as a holiday apartment, options for a permanent residence, irBnb, holiday pool let or a long term tenant. For car accommodation there is a single garage and Address: P ric e: Agent:


plenty of visitor car par ing. Location is second to none – with arguably the best waterfrontage of all those at the resort and Tinaroo Lakes esort is selling hot. C all Ex c lusiv e Marketing ent ay ee atfie 0 4 1 7 4 6 8 9 4 1 at F irst N ational Atherton today to arrange your must see inspec tion.

Tinaroo a es First

C ontac t:

esort, T OO O 3 0,000 S to aydee hatfield ational eal state therton 0 1 1

Position is everything

UPDATED QUEENSLANDER AS well as o ering uality and features this modern family home o ers a sought after location, surrounded by other uality homes, on the airns side of Mareeba ust minutes from Town centre. A t t ri b u t es i n cl u d e: • Fully tiled with q uality porcelain tiles enerous proportions throughout welcoming entryway with feature niches bedrooms, 3 with with mirrored built-in robes, master with air-conditioning, en-


wal -in robe ir-conditioned lounge Separate o ce Main bathroom with his hers shower • Stylish central kitchen with stainless steel appliances including dishwasher Si eable patio ad acent to the living, dining lounge areas enerous laundry with built-in cabinetry storage cupboards ouble garage with painted concrete oor

• 2 bay colourbond shed • 85 5 m2 fully fenced allotment with low maintenance gardens and side access to the shed • Only a short stroll to Amaroo Medical entre This stylish property o ers Address: P ric e: Agent: C ontac t:

a low maintenance lifestyle and plenty of space for all the family. F or further information or to arrange an inspec tion c ontac t ex c lusiv e agent Joe Torrisi on 0 4 1 7 7 0 0 4 6 8 . 3


r, M B ,000 EX CLUSIV E to Joe Torrisi Joe Torrisi Real estate 0 1 00


4091 1177 21 Main St, Atherton 4091 1177 21 Main St, Atherton

4.8 4 A C R E S, SO U G H T A FT E R PE E R A MO N



• Spring fed creek to the rear of the property • Open plan living with access to undercover entertainment area • Timber kitchen, walk-in pantry, electric modern appliances • 3 bay shed with one bay enclosed with roller door • 3.5Kw solar system

Price: REDUCED!!! - Call Greg on 0437 332 912





• 3.46 acre allotment close to Lake Eacham • 3 built-in bedrooms, one bathroom, timber kitchen, breakfast bar • Timber entertainment deck overlooking manicured lawns and gardens • Second living area/games room, second timber deck Open Home: 118 McLean Rd, Lake Barrine, Saturday 17th 11:30am-12:15pm

Price: $529,000 - Call Kaydee on 0417 468 941

17 L O U ISE ST R E E T , A T H E R T O N



• Beautifully renovated Queenslander on two titles • Marble bench tops, walk-in pantry & island bench in the kitchen • Lounge and dining rooms open to covered timber deck • Formal lounge with wood heater set into original fireplace • 2016m² block, fully fenced with electric gate


Price: $P.O.A. - Call Brendan on 0447 809 808

Zach 0427 683 023 | Kaydee 0417 468 941 | Greg 0437 332 912 | Brendan (Auctioneer - Rural Expert) 0447 809 808 |

The Express, Wednesday, July 14, 2021 PAGE 33

EXPRESSO Wednesday 14 th o Min 18o

Thursday 15 th o Min 18o

Friday 16 th

Max 26

Max 26

Max 28o Min 14

Tide Times 0 6 0 2 1 .3 4 1 1 2 7 1 .8 6 1 7 3 8 0 .9 7

Tide Times 0 0 3 0 2 .5 7 0 7 0 0 1 .3 2 1 2 3 9 1 .8 1 1 8 3 0 1 .1 5

Tide Times 0 1 2 8 2 .4 6 0 8 2 3 1 .2 4 1 4 1 7 1 .8 3 1 9 3 7 1 .3 4


take a break...

Saturday 17 th o Min 14

Max 27

Tide Times 0 2 3 8 2 .3 7 0 9 4 1 1 .0 9 1 5 5 6 2 .0 0 2 1 3 6 1 .4 4

Sunday 18th o

Max 26


Min 14

Tide Times 0 3 4 7 2 .3 1 1 0 3 4 0 .9 1 1 7 1 5 2 .2 5 2 3 0 4 1 .3 9


Monday 19 th o Min 15

Max 25


Tuesday 20 th o Min 12o

Max 23

Tide Times 0 0 0 7 1 .2 7 0 5 4 9 2 .2 6 1 2 0 9 0 .5 4 1 9 1 1 2 .8 0

Tide Times 0 4 5 1 2 .2 7 1 1 2 3 0 .7 2 1 8 1 6 2 .5 3












Assistant Dentist



















Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, as must every 3x3 square.

1 3 . A strip of leather used to fasten or secure something. 1 5 . A movable part of a helmet that can be pulled down to cover the face. 1 6 . Pickeled cucumber. 1 8 . The chemical element of atomic number 6 3 . 1 9 . A competition between runners to see who is the fastest. 2 1 . Any of a group of spore-producing organisms feeding on organic matter. 2 2 . The body of work of a painter, composer, or author.

ACROSS 7 . A natural electrical phenomenon characterised by the appearance of streamers of reddish or greenish light in the sky. 8 . A match in a competition for which the priz e is a cup. 9 . A tube or passageway in a building or machine for air, liq uid, cables, etc. 1 0 . A person who demands complete obedience. 1 1 . The o cial residence of a dean.

DOWN 1 . A Hindu spiritual teacher. 2 . A borough that was able to elect an MP despite having very few voters. 3 . A characteristic or identifying feature. 4 . A length or sq uare of fabric worn around the neck or head. 5 . A small group, typically a political party, that has broken away from a larger one. 6 . Well-educated people who are interested in literature. 1 2 . V ery small in siz e or amount. 1 4 . A liq uid preparation for washing the hair. 1 7 . A small open fronted hut or cubicle from which newspapers, refreshments, tickets, etc. are sold. 2 0 . A plant that grows long ears of kernels on tall, grass-like stalks.

Weekly Horoscopes Aries


Y our energetic nature and ability to initiate proj ects will add to your popularity. Keep your cash in your pocket and o er them sound advice rather than your financial assistance. Put your thoughts on paper.

New interests are preoccupying your time. Don’t be too eager to spend money that you really don’t have. Romance is likely if you participate in unusual forms of entertainment.

C anc er

V irgo

Y our determination and sheer desire to do your own thing will be successful. Home improvement proj ects will run smoothly. Sudden romantic infatuations could lead to a significant connection.

Y our determination may make you a little overbearing when dealing with others. Y ou can stabilise your personal relationship if you’re willing to communicate honestly.

March 21 to April 20

Puzzle lutions

June 22 to July 22

Apple, cranberry and almond slaw Ingredients

Dressing 3/4 cup Greek Yogurt 1/4 cup mayonnaise 1/4 cup honey 2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Coleslaw 1 small cabbage, shredded 1 1/2 cups matchstick carrots 2 large apples, sliced into matchsticks 1/2 cup sliced green onions 1 cup slivered almonds 3/4 cup dried cranberries


1. In a mixing bowl whisk together Greek yogurt, mayonnaise, honey and apple cider vinegar until smooth, while seasoning with salt and pepper to taste. 2. In a large bowl toss together cabbage, carrots, apples, green onions, almonds and cranberries. 3. Pour dressing over cabbage mixture and toss to evenly coat. 4. Serve immediately for best results.

PAGE 34 The Express, Wednesday, July 14, 2021

LibSept ra 24 to Oct 23 ut your e orts into ma ing constructive improvements to your environment and to your state of mind. Y ou’ll find love and you’ll get into tiptop shape at the same time.

C apric orn

Dec 22 to Jan 20 is y financial ventures may result in unrecoverable losses. Find out all the facts before you j ump to conclusions. Encourage the youngsters in your family. Moneymaking ventures may j ust turn your life around.

April 21 to May 21

Aug 23 to Sept 23

Sc orpio Oct 24 to Nov 22

Romantic opportunities will be plentiful if you go out with friends. Most partner problems are a result of both people not living up to their promises. Limitations will set in if you haven’t followed the rules.

G emini

May 22 to June 21

Try to spend time with those having similar interests. Restrictions may be di cult for you to live with. Y ou need to be careful not to make promises that you can’t fulfill.


July 23 to Aug 22

Y ou are best to keep your money tied up in a safe and secure place. Opportunities to get involved in investment groups will payo . Try not to get backed into corners.


Nov 23 to Dec 21 Y ou are able to make changes in your home that will be favourable to all involved. Y ou will be erratic and q uite likely to make personal mistakes. Try not to take everything so seriously.

P isc es

Aq uarius

Feb 20 to March 20

Jan 21 to Feb 19

Y ou must consider yourself for a change. Y ou will be in a high cycle regarding work. Don’t let children or elders put demands on your time. Don’t reveal information that is personal or confidential.

Plan physical activities that will help burn o some of their excess energy. Try to put your money away for a rainy day. Y ou will be best suited to doing things around the house or inviting friends over for a visit.


Authorised Fujitsu Service Agent

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ir a n c oo l a Breath cle comes first! ne here hygie

Servicing the Tablelands, Cooktown, Mossman, Dimbulah and everywhere in-between.

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All Brands Prompt Service We also install Aircons! 3 CENTRES IN MAREEBA: Constance, Dunlop & Hastie Streets

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Shop 4, 276 Byrnes St, Mareeba PO Box 1034, Mareeba Q.4880





4 0 9 23 4 6 4

O’Brien Electrical Mareeba (07) 4092 4146

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E: do ocobuilding services W : F a c e b o o k do ocobuildingservices


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Come and see Daniel and the team at B&C Cabinets for all your cabinetry needs! P: 4092 2671 • E: • QBCC 1209087 Certain work defined as “building work” in the QBCC legislation may only be undertaken by licensed contractors, or if undertaken by unlicensed contractors, only to the value of $3,300. However, work falling outside that definition may be performed by unlicensed contractors and is not subject to any value limit. To check whether a Contractor holds a QBCC Licence visit: Or call the QBCC on 1300 272 272

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The Express, Wednesday, July 14, 2021 PAGE 35


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Natasha Wainwright

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Call Natasha Burton today on 4092 3464 or email pr ce ncl des an onl ne l s n on www PAGE 36 The Express, Wednesday, July 14, 2021

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ry, Farm Machine rs, ile a Ute Trays, Tr el, Structural Ste . Rims and more

Natasha Wainwright

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Bookings & Info Phone (07) 4092 1167 The Express, Wednesday, July 14, 2021 PAGE 37

CLASSIFIEDS 4 0 9 23 4 6 4


assifie iN MeMoriaM Albert Noel BLANEY

ea ine


e ery ri ay aNNiversary

Nadine & Daniel On your Wedding Day Saturday 17th July, 2021 Love Dad, Mum, Brendan and Liam.


Beverly June Johnston 23.06.41 ~ 15.07.20 Your light and love lives on forever in our hearts. Sadly, missed by your family, Stephen, Allan, Richard and Sally and Shaun.



To our wonderful Mum & Dad

John & Jeanette Collins

Married 14th July, 1956 Congratulations on your Wedding Anniversary… Celebrating 65 Years! 780 months together, 3,391 weeks of happiness. 23,742 days of friendship, 569,808 hours of joy. 32,188,480 minutes of love, 2,051,308,800 seconds of wonderful memories. 1 AMAZING COUPLE! Our Love & Best Wishes Always, Neil & Joanne & Family, Wayne & Cherie & Family, Leanne & John & Family, Jennifer & Steven & Family


Mawn Young

CARMELA SENNA Missing you so much Ma.

Would like to thank everyone for their phone calls, cards and messages of condolence and support we have received. Special thank you to Dr Cheryl Harnischfeger, Mareeba Garden Settlement and Guilfoyles.

I hope you’re dancing in the sky And I hope you’re singing in the angel’s choir And I hope the angels know what they have I’ll bet it’s so nice up in Heaven since you arrived.

Love Enna, James & Samuel Tyler, Charlie & Eileen Senna and family.

In Loving Memory Of My Beautiful Daughter

MEGHAN REBECCA GODFREY 3.1.1992 ~ 16.7.2019 If roses grow in Heaven, Lord, Please pick a bunch for me. Place them in my daughter’s arms, And tell her they’re from me. Remembering her is easy, I do it every day. But there is an ache within my heart, That will never go away.

Always missed, never forgotten. From your loving family. xoxo


LIKE US TODAY AND JOIN THE EXPRESS FACEBOOK FAMILY! WANT to wish someone in your life Happy Birthday? Call Tash at your friendly locally owned Newspaper on 4092 3464. Classie deadline is 4pm every Friday.


The family of Daniel would like to sincerely thank the many family, friends and the Tablelands community who have supported us through our loss. Thank you for all the flowers, cards, phone calls, messages and visits. A special thank you to Ghis & Adrian Gallo of Crystal Caves, The Carrington Hotel, Guilfoyles, Marion Reid, Marc of Harvey Norman, Jim & Yoko of Silo Sushi, Jody of Hair Organix, Furious Fitness, Jonah Williams of Gym Packs and Cross Custom Meats.

“Bless you all.” ~ The Mitchell Family ~

WANT to place a thank you notice? Call Tash at your friendly locally owned Newspaper on 4092 3464 or email au for a proof and quote. Classie deadline is 4pm every Friday.

ChurCh NotiCe Presbyterians continue to meet in Mareeba for worship each Sunday 10am, QCWA Hall, Wilkes Street (behind Meals on Wheels) ~ All Welcome! Bahá’í Faith “Say: o brethren! Let deeds, not words, be your adorning.” ~ Bahá’u’lláh Devotions and Discussion in the park. All are welcome! 12 noon, Saturday 17th July, Centenary Park, Mareeba 0409 815 526 -

PAGE 38 The Express, Wednesday, July 14, 2021



24.04.40 ~ 13.07.17 Always in our thoughts, Forever in our hearts. LOVE YOU ALWAYS. Dearly loved and immensely missed by your loving wife ‘mate’ Glenda and family.

Natasha Wainwright

Regrettably, The Feast Of Our Lady Of The Chain will not be held this year. This was not an easy decision to make and many options were discussed however, due to building works on the school grounds and the limited access from that together with the continuous problems with COVID 19, we were forced to make this decision. We will however be having our normal Celebration Mass at 2.30pm on Sunday 12th September. At this stage and depending on the Covid restrictions at the time, we hope to invite any interested Parishioners to attend the Mass. To register your interest in attending the Mass, please email us on: Including your name, address and telephone number. Alternatively, you may call or text Rena Ceola on 0417 073 145 with the details to register or contact us through our Facebook page.

Payment SyStem

The Express would like to inform it’s valued clients that we do not issue 7 day accounts, however we can extend to you the establishment of a regular 30 day account or the below methods of payment. eFtPOS, Direct Payment Facilities and Credit Card Option

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Based on the Tablelands. Former Yamaha/Suzuki/Mercury/Honda Dealer.

Call Karl 0447 725 465 The delivers over 13 ,0 0 0 newspapers to: Mareeba, Dimbulah, Kuranda, Walkamin, Tolga, Atherton, Kairi, Malanda, Millaa Millaa, Y ungaburra, Ravenshoe, Herberton, Koah, Speewah, Mutchilba, Almaden, Chillagoe, Biboohra, Mt Molloy, Julatten, Mt Carbine, Cooktown, Lakeland, Normonton, Mt Surprise, Mt Garnet, Croydon, Forsayth, Einsleigh, Karumba, Georgetown, Cairns, Trinity Beach, Clifton Beach, Innisfail, Mossman, Port Douglas and many more in b etween!


Funeral Celebrant Final farewells with respect. Phone 0410 328 357

Massage MASSEURS MASSEUR Experienced, Certified, Deep Tissue. Guaranteed to float away with excellent results that last for days. ~ Tom-Paul ~

0417 412 347

MeetiNg AL-ANON FAMILY GROUPS For friends and family of Alcoholics.

Meetings in Yungaburra P: 0413 346 957

For reNt SERVICED OFFICES FOR RENT 1 Jack Street, Atherton P: 0414 700 081

For lease

ButCher MOBILE farm butcher. Ph John Hales 0409 638 882.

Classified deadlines

LOCAL Mobile Farm Butcher - will travel. Ph Bryan 0407 691 752.

prior to the next week’s publication

BILL Black Mobile Butcher. Hang up to 7 days. 0408 922 812.

4pm Friday


MaChiNery hire

For sale


PLUMBER • High regard for WH&S • Good communication skills and willing to guide an Apprentice • Construction Induction Card and Drivers Licence • Machinery Tickets an advantage

Please send resumes to:

GOT a position vacant you need to fill? Call Tash at your friendly locally owned Newspaper on 4092 3464. Classie deadline is 4pm every Friday.

Spare Parts Interpreter/ Parts Manager

Transpares Trailer - Truck are seeking a Spare Parts Interpreter/Parts Manager with the necessary skills to join the team. This is a full-time position based on the Atherton Tablelands with an attractive remuneration package. To secure this role you will need the following skills, experience, and personal attributes: • Experience in Semi-trailer and/or heavy truck parts • Previous experience as a parts interpreter or similar role in a retail parts operation • Demonstrate strong customer service and communication skills • Be self-motivated and team orientated Our ideal applicant will be able to demonstrate: • Sound Mechanical knowledge • High standard of both written and oral communication skills • Good administration and organisational skills and intermediate ability on a computer • The ability to work in a fast-paced team environment, where you will be able to multitask and priorities Key responsibilities will include: • Providing our customers with helpful and efficient interpreting of parts required • Respond efficiently and effectively to all front counter and phone enquiries • Processing customer orders, invoices, and documentation • Various parts & warehousing tasks including packing, sorting and stocktaking • Keeping the work environment in a safe and clean condition

Please email your resume to: Or phone 07 4095 4447


­ ­ ­

• Kubota SSV75 Skid Steer + 6-in-1 Bucket • Other Attachments Available for Hire • Hedger, Auger, Trencher • Short & Long Term Hire Options • Competitive Rates

Phone Louise 07 4062 6267

Tools, spanners, grease drum/pump, poly pipe, pressure unit pump, hoses, Makita chainsaw, high chair, porta cot, stroller, clothes, ironing board, 2 screen doors + LOTS more!

BUYING or selling? Do it in The Express. Phone 4092 3464.

COLDROOM panels, door + motors. Call Sam on 0413 524 502.

Sales, Hire & Transport. Self-Pack Removals Australia Wide. MODIFICATIONS

S A T U R D A Y 1 7 th & S U N D A Y 1 8 th J U L Y 7 am- 5 :3 0 pm, 1 1 P alm C lose, Mar eeb a

Saturday 17th 7.30am - 5.00pm 31 Paine Street, Atherton Tools, arc welder, gerni, mulcher, collectables, china, glass good clothing, jewellery, shoes, bags, cheap books + much more!


garage sale

Combined Garage Sale

WANT to place a Garage Sale notice? Email Tash today admin@ theexpressnewspaper. for a proof and quote or call 4092 3464. ADVERTISING works. Call us on 4092 3464.


P: 4091 7242


Work WaNted

2 or 4 wheels. Will pay cash! Pick up in most areas.

0400 079 544


WaNted to Buy COWBOY gear of all sorts. Saddles, boots, hats & clothes. 0418 897 945.





A new place to find all of our great Local Businesses! We have a new brand new Online Directory to support our great Local Businesses that works hand in hand with our existing Business Directory. The Express newspaper is locally operated and proudly independent. We provide comprehensive coverage of news and events across our region, and are passionate advocates for the local stories of each town in our region, and cover the issues affecting us all. In addition we also play an important role in promoting local businesses and organisations. The Express Directory in conjunction with our existing print Business Directory will further help connect our local residents with our great local businesses ensuring we reach as many potential clients as possible whether they search for trades and services online or in print.

Take out an advertisement in the Business Directory your business will automatically get an online listing on The Express Directory all for a total cost of only $40 per week.

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You can read every edition online and that all our local stories are FREE to read and always will be? Visit us at for your FREE local news! The Express, Wednesday, July 14, 2021 PAGE 39


Thrills and spills of the Mareeba Rodeo

The 71st annual Mareeba Rodeo was hailed as a massive success with competitors flocking from across the region itching to get into the ring for the one-day event. DESPITE being restricted to just one day the Mareeba R odeo saw thousands of people ock to erri ee ark, including riders oth young and old, all for the chance to ride some of the rankest and wildest ulls around. Mareeba R odeo President Peter Brown said the committee was pleased with the results and how everyone behaved. “It was a huge success and we are very happy with the num ers and e erything else,” he said. “Everyone was very smart when it came to COVID following the rules. “We still had some great competition the bull ride came down to a final that anyone could win.” The crowd was well into the rodeo action starting from the morning and running into the night, all waiting for the main e ent, the open ull ride.

In a close contest the riders were up against some good competition both between each other and ulls trying to uck them off. In the end it was Cody Teece who came out on top coming first in the open ull ride with some impressive performances throughout the day and into the finals. Travis Heeb showed he was not here to muck a out, taking out first for the open are ack bronc riding while Clayton Brayden got first for the open saddle bronc. Ben Terry managed to wrestle away with first after winning the open steer wrestling competition much to the delight of the crowd. “At some stages during the day we were ahead of our schedule so when we came down to the finals we were within the time allocated,” Mr Brown said. “The open ull ride final

All Round C ow b oy C ampb ell H odson.

went ery well it was a final anyone could have won. “ atrick art who came second was actually leading the open bull ride right down until the last ull.” In a special treat e ent, the Mareeba R odeo Association organised two e ents to take place after the open finals. The super bronc and super bull events were held for the first time with the infamous ull, andemonium pro ing too much for the chosen rider. Campbell Hodson proved to be outstanding during the rodeo where he ended up winning the All-R ound Cowboy award alongside o yn Mc eller who won the All-R ound Cowgirl award. The Mareeba R odeo is excited to ring ack the two-day format as they begin to plan the 2022 Mareeba R odeo.

Rodeo ac tion photos b y P eter Roy.

All Round C ow girl Rob yn Mc K eller.

PAGE 40 The Express, Wednesday, July 14, 2021


The Mareeb a Speedw ay w ill b e b ringing sprint c ars onto the trac k for t e first ti e in t eir season t is o in atur ay

Sprint cars run into Mareeba looking forward to seeing how the cars perform on their new surface track. “These sprint cars we have a feeling are going to be fast,” he said. “With this new clay surface and the way the tracks done we are going to see some very fast driving. “A fair few drivers have got something to prove and they are

going to be driving like it.” One of the drivers who will be behind the wheel of one of these small speed machines in Wes J enkins. Wes has been racing for six years with two of those behind the wheel of the 600hp 600kg sprint cars. “It’s always been a bucket list thing for me to drive a sprint car,” he said.

“Mareeba is my favourite track with the kind of speeds you get up to.

“I cannot wait for the meet on the weekend.” Gates open at 3pm with food

54 Main Street, Atherton | 4091 1006 Shop 14, Atherton Square, Cook Street, Atherton | 4091 2590 PAGE 41 The Express, Wednesday, July 14, 2021

VS Fine Jewellery, Watches & Giftware All Jewellery, Watch & Clock Repairs

and drinks on sale. Visit the Mareeba Speedway Facebook for page for more information.

Come and support the Gators in 2021!

THE Mareeba Speedway will kickstart their second race of their season this Saturday by introducing sprint cars for the first time in the 2021 season. With a newly redesigned, recut and resurfaced track both the drivers and spectators alike can expect a hot contest like no other. Mareeba Speedway President Z ack Howell said that he is


Improved second half not enough to save Roosters from Sharks

­ ­

oosters un er on atur ay


PAGE 42 The Express, Wednesday, July 14, 2021




AN improved second half wasn’t enough to save the points for the Atherton R oosters against the Mossman Sharks in their Cairns District R ugby L eague premiership match played at Mossman on Saturday night. Mossman, who are the defending first grade premiers, won 34-10 after rolling out a four try blitz in the opening 20 minutes to lead 20-0 and booking the R oosters for a hard night out. Ned Blackman’s try at the 32nd minute gave the R oosters a lift ahead of the halftime break. To their credit, the R oosters held Mossman scoreless for thirty minutes of the second half before two late tries gave the homeside a comfortable win.

s in o en s a e at

oss an

A second try to Ned Blackman wrapped up the nights scoring. In the under 18 match, the R oosters lifted the pace on the local competition following a commanding 74- 10 win over Mossman. The young R oosters were full of stars as they crossed the line for twelve tries in their victory. Mossman won the reserve grade game 34-14 over the R oosters. This weekend the Atherton R oosters host a rare Sunday match and play the Tableland Cup local der y first grade decider with the Mareeba Gladiators.


riffin u

ed for ho eco in

P ow erhouse N orthern P ride forw ard o ri n is oo in or ar to ta in on unters in t erton on Saturday afternoon.

BY MI C H AEL W ARREN A FAVOUR ITE local son and one of the region’s most successful Intrust Super Cup players will make a homecoming of sorts on Saturday when he lines up for the Northern Pride in a Country week blockbuster against PNG Hunters in Atherton. owerhouse forward od Gri n played his junior footy in Atherton before eventually linking up with ISC en-

tertainers Ipswich J ets. There in 2015, under former J ets gun coaches Ben and Shane Walker he enjoyed stunning success which included winning a Queensland Cup ISC premiership against Townsville Blackhawks 32-20 followed by an historic NR L state title over the Newcastle Knights 26-12. Gri n’s effort from the front row in the win over the Knights that day was particularly notable with the workhorse

setting up an early try to speedster Marmin Barba, while also crossing the line himself during a near man of the match performance. This week though, he returns to where it all started. “It’s going to be a real circle moment for me; I’m sure I’ll be a bit more nervous than usual particularly lining up against my fellow countrymen in therton,” an e cited Gri n told The E x pr ess.

“As you say I grew up playing footy in Atherton and the place is very special to me so this match will definitely ha e some extra meaning. “As I come towards the end of my career these are the matches that really mean a lot to you. “I’m sure it will be quite an emotional night. It’s a game I’m very much looking forward to.” On the same day a range of lead-up matches is sure to keep the crowd en-

tertained with junior games to kickstart festivities from 9am. The Pride match gets underway at the Atherton J R L Ground on Saturday from 5.30pm. Meanwhile, the following day therton oosters face off at home against Mareeba Gladiators in the local derby from 3pm. As it stands, Mareeba sits 9th on the CDR L A-grade ladder with Atherton just behind in 10th position.




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Chano Trentin’s A L L W H E E L D R IV E C E N T R E Vernon St, Atherton • 4030 5400 PAGE 44 The Express, Wednesday, July 14, 2021


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