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LETTERSto the edito r
Katter support for farm lacks thought
IT would seem that Tony Freeman and Louise Livingstone’s “Old Mates Farm” (OMF) development application (MCU22/0019) is not quite going to plan, and now in a desperate attempt, have had to resort to having Member for Kennedy Bob Katter provide a letter of support for the enterprise which has been operating in breach of its development approval of 30 October 2017.
Bob’s letter of support provided on 6 March 2023 can be viewed on OMF’s Facebook page.
Mr Katter and his “big hat” should have “cantered in, hitched up your horse, pulled up a stump and sat down for a yarn” with the residents of Hemmings Lane – that way you would have “hitched up” at our front gates? And we, the residents, could have had a “yarn” as to the extent of OMF’s breach and to other areas of concern and activities carried out by OMF.
Now, not wishing to break vogue as to tone and dialogue used during your “yarn” with OMF:
“Mister MP Bob (big hat) ya reckons thet this ere Hemmings Lane Cobb & Co track may jus needs a wee bit o ‘hard yakka’ tah bring er up ta scratch, jus for Tony an Louise’s big ‘horseless carriages’.
“Dog gorn, ya forgots bouts them there big ‘mega bucks’ ya gunna wants? N ah’s reckons thet, that there, itty bitty bridge is gunna need some of those ‘mega bucks’ yore keeps of forgoting? En than MP Bob (big hat) when yer lil’ole Cobb & Co track runs dang fair n square on ta thet big big wells fargo coach road.
“Hell’s bell, there’s then big ‘mega bucks’ ya keeps forgoting bout, an gunna wants? N’ ahs reckons when thems there ‘ratepayer’ and them there ‘taxpayers’ find out thet the KNP/OMF gang plans ta stick-up thems folks stage coach, well’s ah reckons them’s folks maybe a wee bit peed off!”
Now back to reality, TRC has required OMF to submit a Traffic Impact Assessment as part of their application to expand their operations.
The traffic impact assessment has to address concerns on Hemmings Lane, also, Hemmings Lane/Kennedy Highway intersection. Note – any traffic impact assessment needs to adequately consider and address the type of vehicles accessing the proposed development including standard vehicles towing large caravans (articulated vehicle) and tour buses (heavy rigid vehicles).
This, Mr Katter, would require a twolane sealed road for Hemmings Lane, a major upgrade to the single lane bridge, major upgrades, and work to the Hemmings Lane/ Kennedy Highway, to safely accommodate such traffic.
Both Tony Freeman and Louise Livingstone demand, and you, Mr Katter, suggest, that the funding cost for the required upgrades, which would be significant “mega bucks”, should be funded at the expense of the Tablelands Regional Council ratepayers and the Queensland taxpayer – for what? To line the purse of two self-indulgent individuals?
Do you Mr Katter believe that both the ratepayers and taxpayers are that gullible, naïve or stupid?
May I, be so rude as to suggest, Mr Katter, that you and your party, KNP, do something useful for a change?
The people of Upper Barron Road, Malanda have been, for years, trying to secure funding from Queensland for the completion of, to what is a disgrace, the last section of the Upper Barron Road, Malanda Highway.
This disgraceful section of highway, in your and your party’s (KNP) electorate, is used by tourists, heavy transport combinations, cattle trucks, a school bus run and locals. And if it were in my electorate, I would crawl back into my ‘big hat’ and hide in shame.
The completion of this section of a “highway” would benefit the whole of the Kennedy Electorate as opposed to the self-gratification of two people. So how about you, Mr Katter and your KNP Party get up and do something – secure the required funding from the Queensland Government and complete this section of highway?
R. Lynch
Another baseless tirade
RE: “Truth finally emerges…” (The Express 05/04/23) Mr Campion laments that he is amongst those who were “demonised as “conspiracy theorists” and banned from stating truth and facts…”
I seriously doubt Peter Campion would recognise the truth if he tripped over it, nor ever let the facts or statistics get in the way of his opinions and conjecture.
Unfortunately though, he is true to form here, latching on to the very sad story of a
APRIL brings much happiness particularly to small children as the Easter Bunny hops in bringing baskets of yummy chocolate eggs with him. It is a time for renewal as we in the Southern hemisphere begin our autumn or in the Far North our Dry.
April is also a time for reflection as Anzac Day is commemorated on the 25th of the month.
A time to give thanks to everyone who participated in the many conflicts to keep us very safe, secure and protected in our home land.
Thanks and with gratitude to those who made the supreme sacrifice and did not young life cut short and a grieving family looking for answers, and shamelessly using that as a springboard to launch another of his baseless tirades about something he clearly has very little actual knowledge of.
Although he claims to have spent thousands of hours doing “deep research dives”, it would appear that he’s simply spent too much time down one of the many internet rabbit holes that he and his ilk seem to favour.
His letter is full of questions and assumptions, what ifs, mights and maybes. And to top it off, (perhaps thinking his off-key ranting wasn’t already offensive enough) he invokes the potential of a “Covid Nuremberg” as revenge…
I, for one, am truly thankful that the electorate recognised him for what he is on both occasions.
Murray (surname withheld) Yungaburra
Clarity on climate talk
A COUPLE of weeks ago, in a live interview with George Christensen on tntradio.live (https://tntradiolive.podbean.com/e/petercampion-on-the-george-christensen-show2-april-2023/) , I observed that “climate change is coming”.
Some locals have taken that to mean I now “believe” in “catastrophic anthropogenic CO2-induced global warming” despite my qualifier that “it has nothing to do with CO2”.
As I’ve described for years in The Express, the laws of physics preclude CO2warming: it is purest political fiction.
As I said to George, the climate change that is coming, which includes both hotter and colder weather, is an artefact of Earth’s rapidly weakening magnetosphere, which, in turn, is the result of this planet entering the outer edge of a galactic-scale Parker instability in 1859, the year of the Carrington Event.
Between now and the mid-2040s, the climate will undergo incredible changes – all of them are expected by the predator-class globalists, all of them will be caused by the galactic electromagnetic sheet reversal, and all of them will be blamed on puny humans by globalist lackeys.
There has not been a worse time in 12,000 years to be building wind and solar electricity generators or to be over-reliant on reliable electricity.
Peter Campion TOLGA